Sentence using the word intelligence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word intelligence, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use intelligence in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «intelligence». In addition, we also show how different variations of intelligence can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are intelligence’, intelligence’s, intelligencer, intelligences and intelligence—including. If you click on the variation of intelligence that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Intelligence in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word intelligence in a sentence.

  1. Acting on signals intelligence, the U.S.

  2. His whole intelligence was a war machine.

  3. Bob’s intelligence serves him in many ways.

  4. Based on this intelligence, on 22 April, U.S.

  5. Japanese intelligence was predicting that U.S.

  6. The RAAF’s other intelligence assets include No.

  7. Krueger’s intelligence officer, Colonel Horton V.

  8. Whether it had intelligence or not, no one can say.

  9. Toute son intelligence était une machine de guerre.

  10. The intelligence analysis turned out to be correct.

  11. The Partisans had an effective intelligence network.

  12. Gerald also praised his intelligence and cleverness.

  13. Australia is also a member of the UKUSA signals intelligence gathering agreement.

  14. He reported this intelligence to Allen, following which they planned a dawn raid.

  15. Biases in belief interpretation are persistent, regardless of intelligence level.

  16. CIA head Leon Panetta reported this intelligence to President Obama in March 2011.

  17. Challis, developed a grasp of monetary affairs that indicated a high intelligence.

  18. Marshall persuaded a number of villagers, most of whom were single males, to take intelligence tests.

  19. The intelligence gathered there indicated that Cortina’s facilities were not up to Olympic standards.

  20. Once satisfied with the department’s structure, he pursued intelligence contacts in Turkey and Spain.

  21. DeWine later worked on the intelligence committee with Glenn and watched his second launch into space.

  22. There are no stories of animal intelligence and cunning on record, that I am aware of, that match his.

  23. Engineering Research Associates was formed in 1946 to develop computers for the intelligence community.

  24. COIC primarily handled naval intelligence, so Army and Air Force participation was part-time initially.

  25. His men built up a network of base camps, food caches, intelligence agents and peasant supply contacts.

  26. The ADF is also seeking to improve its intelligence capabilities and co-operation between the services.

  27. XXI Bomber Command’s intelligence officers predicted that 70 percent of the bombers could be destroyed.

  28. The boy’s intelligence was noted by others in Charleston, one of whom offered to finance his education.

  29. Zero III, an artificial intelligence who appears in the form of a CGI rabbit, controls the Nonary Game.

  30. The gameplay was praised for the challenging artificial intelligence of enemies and varied level design.

  31. His intelligence on enemy dispositions was considerably better thanks to the work of the aviators of No.

  32. Visitors were impressed by his intelligence and personality, and visiting him became highly fashionable.

  33. The Allies learned from intelligence gained by decrypting Japanese radio signals that the battleship-carriers had sailed.

  34. In March 1944 Fleming oversaw the distribution of intelligence to Royal Navy units in preparation for Operation Overlord.

  35. Intihar described Otto and Peter as parallels of each other in many ways, particularly their intelligence and compassion.

  36. Clarke also had a good appreciation of the complex interplay between Operations and intelligence in deception operations.

  37. One, under Pennsylvania Lieutenant Archibald Steele, was ordered to scout as far as Lake Mégantic to gather intelligence.

  38. Eric Bush of TeamXbox complimented the computer opponents’s artificial intelligence and said that they put up a challenge.

  39. As the intelligence available to them was not conclusive, the Allies believed that Tirpitz still posed a potential threat.

  40. While Paul is shown as old and frail, he is given a broad chest and cunning eyes that indicate his intelligence and guile.

  41. In fact, there was no convoy sailing on 24 April; German naval intelligence had miscalculated the sailing date by one day.

  42. The artificial intelligence (AI) used in the Age of Empires series has been developed and improved regularly by designers.

  43. North Korean casualties could not be estimated because of lack of communications between units during the battle, which limited the value of American signals intelligence.

  44. British signals intelligence decrypted German wireless transmissions, allowing Jellicoe enough time to deploy the Grand Fleet in an attempt to engage in a decisive battle.

  45. Catherine saw little of her husband in their first year of marriage, but the ladies of the court, impressed with her intelligence and keenness to please, treated her well.

  46. The faster processor allowed for more realistic blood effects, lighting effects, and shadows as well as improved enemy intelligence, but noticeably decreased battery life.

  47. At the War Office, Ismay served as an intelligence officer with responsibility for the Middle East, Far East, the Americas, the Soviet Union, Poland and the Baltic States.

Intelligence’ in a sentence

Intelligence’ is a variation of intelligence, below you can find example sentences for intelligence’.

  1. Not to exist like brutes, but made were ye To follow virtue and intelligence’.

Intelligence’s in a sentence

Intelligence’s is a variation of intelligence, below you can find example sentences for intelligence’s.

  1. Cortana agrees to answer the Flood intelligence’s questions.

Intelligencer in a sentence

Intelligencer is a variation of intelligence, below you can find example sentences for intelligencer.

  1. When former intelligencer Sir Anthony Standen was discovered bringing Anne a rosary from Pope Clement VIII in 1603, James imprisoned him in the Tower for ten months.

Intelligences in a sentence

Intelligences is a variation of intelligence, below you can find example sentences for intelligences.

  1. Bransford and in theories of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg.

  2. The series’ creators loosely based it on an underlying educational structure influenced by Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.

  3. Other alien races seen in the game include the reptilian krogan and drell, the environmental-suited quarians, and a hostile race of networked artificial intelligences called geth.

Intelligence—including in a sentence

Intelligence—including is a variation of intelligence, below you can find example sentences for intelligence—including.

  1. Trapnell made a highly revealing statement: ‘The general impression of the airplane is exactly as originally created by intelligence—including the performance’.

Synonyms for intelligence

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word intelligence has the following synonyms: intelligence activity, intelligence operation, intelligence information, intelligence service, intelligence agency, news, tidings and word.

General information about «intelligence» example sentences

The example sentences for the word intelligence that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «intelligence» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «intelligence».

1. This essay shows considerable intelligence.

2. The children were given an intelligence test.

3. You insult my intelligence !

4. Nature has endowed her with beauty and intelligence.

5. The measurement of individual intelligence is very difficult.

6. Apart from his intelligence, he was tirelessly industrious.

7. He’s obviously a man of very high intelligence.

8. Is a large head indicative of high intelligence?

9. Creativity is intelligence having fun.

10. She’s endowed with intelligence as well as beauty.

11. It’s the intelligence of her writing that impresses me.

12. Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.

13. Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

14. Intelligence seems to run in that family.

15. Action is the real measure of intelligence. Napoleon Hill 

16. Nobody can equal him in intelligence.

17. She seemed to have everything-looks, money, intelligence.sentencedict .com

18. The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.

19. The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.

20. He didn’t even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance.

21. When the water pipe burst, she had the intelligence to turn off the water at the main.

22. I can’t believe that someone of his intelligence can read such trash!

23. Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as «foolish». 

24. There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. 

25. be endowed with sth to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc: She was endowed with intelligence and wit.

26. They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence.

27. There is no general agreement on a standard definition of intelligence.

28. Childhood is the most wonderful period in one’s life, the child then is a flower, a fruit, dim intelligence, an endless activity and a burst of strong desire.

29. To be good at the game you need a reasonable level of intelligence.

30. This is an age when we boast of our emotional intelligence and we claim to feel each other’s pain.

intelligence — перевод на русский


This deck of cards is often employed by a professional magician to simplify his problem of guessing the card picked by the little old lady also employed by army intelligence officers who…

Такую колоду часто используют профессиональные фокусники, чтобы облегчить себе проблему угадывания карты, которую вытянула старушка из третьего ряда, а также сотрудники разведки, которые…

Intelligence reports that Orion smugglers have been raiding the Coridan system.

По данным разведки орионские контрабандисты грабили Кориданскую систему.

Resident of Russian intelligence.

–езидент русской разведки.

A Russian intelligence officer defects, and someone in Moscow rushes over to the phone and calls someone in Paris. Who?

Сотрудник русской разведки сбегает, и кто-то в Москве бежит звонить в Париж

Everybody in Washington knows that the chief of Russian intelligence is the chauffeur who drives a car for…

Все в Вашингтоне знают, что глава русской разведки — шофер посла

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I think you overestimate this dog’s intelligence.

Я думаю, ты переоцениваешь интеллект этой собаки.

Rely on my intelligence, it definitely exists.

Положитесь на мой интеллект,.. он, безусловно, присутствует.

John, these people seem to have a high order of intelligence.

Джон, у этих людей высоко развит интеллект.

It is our intelligence that has created this whole city.

Наш интеллект создал весь этот город.

The intelligence, the logic—

Интеллект, логика—

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But it’s your duty to stay awake. And try and follow the evidence with as much intelligence as you’ve got.

Но вы обязаны бодрствовать и следить за доказательствами насколько вам позволяет разум!

Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence.

Ничто не приносит людям столько неприятностей, как разум.

I didn’t mean to imply a human intelligence.

Я не имел в виду, человеческий разум.

Oh, perhaps… it’s not an intelligence on Earth.

О, этот разум может быть и вовсе не с Земли.

Madness is like intelligence.

Сумасшествие — оно как и разум.

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=Can money really buy you dignity and intelligence?

=Можно ли купить чувство собственного достоинства и ум?

Perhaps I have underestimated your intelligence.

Быть может, я недооценил твой ум.

It has an immoderate ambition. But with remarkable intelligence on weapons of plan.

Его амбиции не знают предела, но военные отмечают в нем необыкновенный ум.

confidence, intelligence, and enthusiasm.

уверенность в себе, ум и энтузиазм.

intelligence, enthusiasm, and an air of confidence.

Ум, энтузиазм, и уверенный вид.

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Well, then, I would say that a man of intelligence wouldn’t be led to believe anything on so little evidence.

Тогда я скажу, что… разумный человек не придет к такому выводу на основании столь ничтожной информации.

Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence, but nothing that will compromise homeland security…

Я могу предоставить вам большой объём информации, но не скажу ничего, что поставит под угрозу национальную безопасность.

Even the Romulan Tal Shiar can’t compete with their intelligence gathering and covert operations.

Даже ромуланский Тал Шиар им в подметки не годится, когда речь идет о сборе информации и операциях под прикрытием.

Very reliable. In his punctuality at seance, or the accuracy of his intelligence?

В смысле пунктуальности или точности информации?

I suppose it makes sense to get as much intelligence as possible.

Полагаю, нам действительно стоит собрать как можно больше информации.

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Разведывательное управление

Central Intelligence Agency. C.I.A.

Центральное разведывательное управление.

I work for the Central Intelligence Agency. I throw shapes.

Я работаю на Центральное разведывательное управление.

One could even argue that the Central Intelligence Agency is more transparent than the Federal Reserve.

Можно даже утверждать, что Центральное разведывательное управление является более открытым, чем Федеральный резерв.

We prefer the term «Central Intelligence Agency.»

Мы предпочитаем термин «Центральное РАзведывательное Управление»

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Your last intelligence was very valuable.

Ваши последние сведения оказались очень ценными.

And the computer could be set and programmed… to accept factors from youth, health… sexual fertility, intelligence… and a cross-section of necessary skills.

И компьютер мог быть установлен и запрограммирован принимать факторы от молодежи, здоровья сексуальное изобилие, сведения и наличие необходимых навыков.

Say from whence you owe this intelligence.

Откуда ваши сведения?

Nothing but rumors and random intelligence… mostly from captured VC.

Недостоверная информация и редкие сведения, полученные от пленных вьетнамцев — вот все, что они знали о тогдашней деятельности Курца.

I bring grave intelligence of your former favourite Lord Blackadder.

Мадам, у меня есть сведения о вашем бывшем любимце, лорде Блекэддере. — Хорошо.

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HQ at Langley said there’s nothing from any other intelligence source to support your theory.

В Лэнгли считают, что другие разведданные из сторонних источников не подкрепляют вашу теорию. — Посторонитесь, господа.

Headquarters at Langley says there’s nothing… from anyother intelligence source to support your theory.

Лэнгли считает, что разведданные из сторонних источников не подтверждают твою теорию.

Headquarters at Langley says there’s nothing… from any other intelligence source to support your theory.

Лэнгли считает, что разведданные из сторонних источников не подтверждают твою теорию.

Started feeding us bad intelligence.

Сливала нам левые разведданные.

Our intelligence reports indicate there’s been a coup d’etat on the Tzenkethi homeworld

Наши разведданные указывают, что на родной планете тзенкети произошел государственный переворот.

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You’re a man of intelligence, so I invite you… to examine your own story in the light of those two facts.

Вы умный человек и я предлагаю Вам… взглянуть на историю в свете этих двух фактов.

He’s got intelligence!

А он умный.

I see signs of intelligence in those eyes of yours, Hachi Do you understand me?

Я вижу ты очень умный, Хачи ты меня понимаешь?

Someone with much intelligence, Hastings.

Кто-то очень умный, Гастингс.

You that have a superior intelligence.

Ты умный человек.

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You wanna tell me why the director of National intelligence is calling?

Агент Малик, не хотите мне сообщить, почему мне звонит директор ЦРУ?

I’m going to recommend setting up a joint intelligence CIA/FBI unit, based out of New York.

Предлагаю сформировать сводную опергруппу с участием ЦРУ и ФБР с базированием в Нью-Йорке.

The letter contained a coded message, which was sent to the Central Intelligence Agency, headquartered in the city of lights.

Письмо содержало закодированное сообщение которое было направлено в ЦРУ штаб-квартиру в городе огней.

Central Intelligence Agency.

Связаться с ЦРУ.

Neither would the NSA or Central Intelligence.

Ни они, не АНБ, ни ЦРУ.

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Отправить комментарий

интеллект, разведка, ум, сведения, разведывательный, умственный


- ум, интеллект; умственные способности

a person of great [of ordinary] intelligence — человек с незаурядными [со средними] умственными способностями
a man of no small intelligence — очень неглупый человек
a high order of intelligence — высокий интеллект
artificial intelligence — вчт. искусственный интеллект

- сообразительность, понятливость (тж. животных)

use your intelligence — подумай
intelligence test — проверка умственных способностей
intelligence quotient — коэффициент умственного развития (применяется в армии и школах США)

- сведения, информация, известия, сообщения
- воен. разведывательные данные

technical intelligence — научно-технические разведывательные данные

- разведка

intelligence officer — воен. офицер разведки; начальник разведывательного отдела
Intelligence division — амер. воен. разведывательный отдел /-ое управление/
intelligence service — (государственная) разведывательная служба
Intelligence Service — Интеллидженс Сервис (разведывательная служба в Великобритании)
intelligence branch — разведывательная служба
intelligence police — контрразведка

Мои примеры


a normal level of intelligence — нормальный уровень интеллекта  
a one-page brief of the intelligence report — одностраничное резюме доклада разведки  
brain size as a correlate of intelligence — размер мозга как коррелят интеллекта  
the dazzle of her intelligence — блеск её ума  
intelligence department — разведывательная служба, разведка  
outstanding / remarkable intelligence — замечательный ум  
to demonstrate / show intelligence — обнаруживать интеллект  
person of considerable intelligence — человек большого ума  
to collect / gather intelligence — собирать секретную информацию  
limited intelligence — ограниченный интеллект  
low intelligence — низкий интеллект  
outstanding intelligence — выдающийся ум  

Примеры с переводом

It is difficult to quantify intelligence.

Трудно измерить уровень интеллекта.

Central Intelligence Agency

Центральное разведывательное управление США

She impressed us with her superior intelligence.

Она поразила нас своим высоким / превосходным интеллектом.

Dolphins show a high level of intelligence.

Дельфины демонстрируют высокий уровень интеллекта.

Intelligence Service

Интеллидженс Сервис (разведывательная служба в Великобритании)

Information from various intelligence sources

Информация из различных разведывательных источников.

US Military Intelligence

Военная разведка США

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They have no monopoly on intelligence

She wasn’t his equal in intelligence.

Intelligence sources denied the reports.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

intelligencer  — информатор, тайный агент, шпион, осведомитель
intelligenced  — осведомленный, понятливый, понимающий
misintelligence  — неправильное понимание, неправильное впечатление, разногласие, несовпадение

Definition of Intelligence

knowledge typically gained through research or studying

Examples of Intelligence in a sentence

Intelligence isn’t born, but learned through years of heavy studying.


The government sent in undercover soldiers to gain intelligence on the enemy.


No amount of intelligence gained through books or experience is enough if you don’t use it.


Many scientists used to believe that intelligence should be measured by I.Q. tests, but in recent years they have discovered other methods.


Albert Einstein’s intelligence left behind a legacy of knowledge that changed physics and how we understand gravity.


Other words in the Intelligent category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Examples of how to use the word “intelligence” in a sentence. How to connect “intelligence” with other words to make correct English sentences.

intelligence (n): the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments or have opinions that are based on reason

Use “intelligence” in a sentence

I admire your intelligence.
His intelligence and experience enabled him to deal with the trouble.
He passed the intelligence test.

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Sentences with the word Intelligence?



  • «an absent stare»; «an absentminded professor»; «the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence«
  • «he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence«
  • «a bold asserter»; «a declarer of his intentions»; «affirmers of traditional doctrine»; «an asseverator of strong convictions»; «an avower of his own great intelligence«
  • «the Central intelligence Agency»; «the Census Bureau»; «Office of Management and Budget»; «Tennessee Valley Authority»
  • «workers in AI hope to imitate or duplicate intelligence in computers and robots»
  • «applaudable efforts to save the environment»; «a commendable sense of purpose»; «laudable motives of improving housing conditions»; «a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence«
  • «he had no awareness of his mistakes»; «his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced»; «their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive»
  • «black deeds»; «a black lie»; «his black heart has concocted yet another black deed»; «Darth Vader of the dark side»; «a dark purpose»; «dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility»; «the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him»-Thomas Hardy
  • «clandestine intelligence operations»; «cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines»; «hole-and-corner intrigue»; «secret missions»; «a secret agent»; «secret sales of arms»; «surreptitious mobilization of troops»; «an undercover investigation»; «underground resistance»
  • «a moderate grade of intelligence«; «a high level of care is required»; «it is all a matter of degree»
  • «The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts»
  • «these intelligence tests were used injudiciously for many years»
  • «we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage»
  • «they used to think that intelligence is what an intelligence test tests»
  • «let’s use these intelligence tests judiciously»
  • «manifold reasons»; «our manifold failings»; «manifold intelligence«; «the multiplex opportunities in high technology»
  • «They have no monopoly on intelligence«
  • «a nonverbal intelligence test»
  • «a perfectly normal child»; «of normal intelligence«; «the most normal person I’ve ever met»
  • «an overt lie»; «overt hostility»; «overt intelligence gathering»; «open ballots»
  • «a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence«
  • «great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence«

  • Use the word Intelligence in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The writer of these articles, a woman… whose intelligence and integrity in the newspaper world is unquestioned… held him in such contempt that she quite aptly named him the Cinderella Man.

We must take him to the outside world and let him move with other humans, after studying how to utilize his intelligence for the betterment of humans, and after correcting those things, we must take it to AIRD.

Call British intelligence and let them know about this.

You betrayed a glimmer of intelligence just now while talking to the policeman-

We’re takin’ intelligence tests.

You better take that intelligence test, boy.

Of course, if he had a great deal of intelligence .. He wouldn’t be an elevator boy .. would he?

It guides its sister, Human intelligence,

Now you insult my intelligence.

That Hanlon’s a bright young fella. At least he sees Hugo as a man of intelligence after all.

Few people have the intelligence to realize that.

My most urgent need, therefore, Monsieur Lecocq… is a man whose character is a little below… and whose intelligence is far below the average.

I’m Captain Seton, military intelligence.

A reasonable doubt is such a doubt as a man of reasonable intelligence can give some good reason for entertaining, if he is called upon to do so.

And what kind of work — is he putting his intelligence to?

Then, I must tell you. There is no talent here. Merely industry and intelligence.

Listen, get a spread set for tomorrow comparing the Princess unfavorably with our shop girls as to style, dress, bearing, beauty, intelligence and, oh, everything.

And, uh, ahem, without reporting this to the intelligence?

intelligence, those fools.

Never make fun of military intelligence.

So, the Army heckles the intelligence Department.

The intelligence Department heckles us.

The intelligence Department reports that it may be important.

In war, one must always credit the enemy with as much intelligence as oneself.

The whole intelligence Department, and they can’t find a paper.

I’m from the Army intelligence Department.

Yes, I- — I received a letter from the bank, sir, informing me that some intelligence, some discovery—

The ordinary secretary wouldn’t have intelligence enough to think of it.

The intelligence department, Warren.

It’s an insult to our intelligence to sit and listen to such childish ravings.

There. I knew you were a woman of intelligence the moment I set eyes on you.

But what a ninny I didn’t ask intelligence of her

You do the British intelligence an injustice.

As head of Section 8 of the German intelligence.

She is a French citizen, and a member of the French intelligence.

This should be examined by the chief of intelligence.

I am Commandant Dort, intelligence section of the general staff.

In May 1896, while I was chief of intelligence I received parts of a torn letter addressed to Esterhazy from the representative of a foreign power.

And the warning originated from a certain intelligence officer of the general staff.

The document came to my attention while I was chief of the intelligence service.

There’s something so simple and naive about all this that I suspect there’s been a shrewd guiding intelligence somewhere.

Walk around like a puppet or use my intelligence?

You have intelligence beyond that of the average criminal.

Directed on the right path, that intelligence can re-establish you.

I leave all to your intelligence, Master polo.

I’ve been in touch with intelligence and they’ve given me some—

You don’t credit me with much intelligence, do you?

To recognize one’s faults requires intelligence.

intelligence, merit, and health, yes, but not beauty.

My state of mind, which refers … he proceeds to argue that the whole _either_ to unseen he himself is outside its intelligence, _or something sacred pale because he refers which man has never had any all these strange phenomena to conception of_, proves me to _unseen spiritual be out of the pale of the intelligence_. ❋ Augustus De Morgan (1838)

When implemented with our training programme for managers and team leaders to use this intelligence, we guarantee improvements in operational results in short timescales. eg’s proprietary software package eg operational intelligence® including eg work manager® has been developed and refined over the last 18 years and form a comprehensive work, resource and performance reporting tool. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If so be, there is indeed no intelligence elsewhere; and we must be forced to confess, that this stupendous universe, with all the various bodies contained therein — equally amazing, whether we consider their magnitude or number, whatever their use, whatever their order — _all_ have been produced, not by _intelligence_, but _chance_! » ❋ Unknown (N/A)

We can invent tests for any sort of thing at all, and if we decide to call it «intelligence«, then by definition, «intelligence» is what we are testing. ❋ Unknown (2008)

By contrast, writing a private email concluding that one thinks that the science regarding racial differences in intelligence is uncertain istaboo. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Quoth Volokh: “Whether there are genetic differences among racial and ethnic groups in intelligence is a question of scientific fact. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Whether there are genetic differences among racial and ethnic groups in intelligence is a question of scientific fact. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Obsessing about alleged racial differences in intelligence is a really good way to move towards a more racist society. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Obviously, the question of differences in intelligence is extremely relevant in the law because of the current theory of disparate impact, first enunciated by the Supreme Court in Griggs in 1972 and encoded in legislation by Congress in1991. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Probably education and a rise in intelligence is to blame. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Wait, when I asked that last time, before you just now said that dolphin intelligence is not a scientific proposition you got indignant and said: ❋ Unknown (2008)

One of the reasons that many of the scientists never caught up with the average high school student in understanding human ability is that scientists never managed to agree on what the word intelligence means in the first place. ❋ Nicholas Lore (1998)

To the human soul it is, and always typifies, the unknown, invisible power which we term intelligence; that which knows, and gives unto each Deific atom of life that distinguishing, universal, yet deathless force which not only constitutes its spiritual identity and physical individuality, but enables it to pronounce, in the presence of its Creator, those mystic words: ` ` I am that I am. » ❋ Unknown (1900)

If the term intelligence be reserved for the subjective accompaniments of such regulation, then of course we have no direct knowledge of its existence in any of the fields of regulation outside of the self, and in the self perhaps only in behaviour. ❋ Samuel Butler (1868)

Within intelligence, which is about decision support, not about secrets, we will implement the various initiatives I have defined in my Human Intelligence Trilogy. ❋ Robert David Steele (2010)

February 19th, 2010 at 3: 58 pm smidget (presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield) says: his intelligence is a matter of point. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I find her quite fascinating for being so different from my messy self, and of course, her intelligence is a bit daunting, even though she is not waving it about. ❋ Kittenpie (2008)

An [avetard] has no intelligence. ❋ TurnM3Up (2019)

Man, I possess so much intelligence. I mean, [just look] [at that] [monsterly] definition. ❋ Amerikaner (2006)

I need more [mana] to cast [my level] 6 spells, but i dont [have enough] intelligence. ❋ MagicOnion (2006)

Democrat politicians tend to lack the ability to deal with ambiguous information, to make correct intuitive generalizations, and therefore seem to lack the basic intelligence needed to [adapt] and survive. This is why the [Democrat party] is slowly losing favor due in large part to a failure to deal effectively with changes taking place in the political landscape, and this failure to adapt is directly [correlated] to the general lack of intelligence demonstrated by Democrats. ❋ Dr. Rogers (2005)

[Intelligence] pales in comparrison to self-discipline and [determination]. ❋ Revy D. Bishop (2006)

Wow look at her [shes] got HUGE intelligence!!!
[Ya] shes ok but her intelligence isn’t [up to par]. ❋ MayorMcCheese (2006)

We will use a [Unnamed] Being ([Wei]) to emphasize the word intelligence.
1. Weis’ intelligence surpasses many of [those who know] him.
2. The Intelligence, Wei, guides the and rules over the inhibitants of the small territory, siscool. ❋ CompleteCell (2006)

[Tyler]: [I am] very intelligence! ❋ Anonymus (2003)

[i guess] i have no intelligence [if i’m] [insulted] ❋ Laughingidiot (2009)

I think that prick should be [beaten] with his own [shoe] for [the lack] of intelligence he shows with his ‘fluent’ definitions. ❋ Alistair Crowley (2003)

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