Sentence using the word in addition to

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Previously, scientists found that this optical illusion in addition to people.

Ранее ученые выяснили, что на эту оптическую иллюзию помимо людей реагируют и обезьяны.

Businesses have costs to cover in addition to your salary.

У каждой компании есть расходы, которые она оплачивает помимо вашей зарплаты.

Note that I mentioned giving your time in addition to money.

Обратите внимание, что я упомянул давать свое время в дополнение к деньгам.

As his empire expanded throughout this period, he emphasized cultural development in addition to unification.

Поскольку его империя расширялась в течение всего этого периода, он делал упор на культурное развитие в дополнение к объединению.

It contained seven articles in addition to the preamble.

На момент своей ратификации, она содержала кроме преамбулы, всего семь статей.

Our company in addition to traditional parsers offers writing ones desktop versions.

Наша фирма, кроме традиционных парсеров, предлагает написание так же десктопных версий под Windows.

These were in addition to changes necessary to meet the contract specifications.

Это было сделано в дополнение к изменениям, которые потребовалось внести для соблюдения оговоренных в контракте спецификаций.

Those so-called overload posts had been in addition to regular budget backstopping posts.

Эти так называемые «сверхштатные должности» предусматривались в дополнение к должностям, включенным в целях поддержки в регулярный бюджет.

These should be sought in addition to already existing agreements on nuclear-weapon-free zones.

И добиваться их следует в дополнение к уже существующим соглашениям о зонах, свободных от ядерного оружия.

Banking that includes investment services in addition to services related to savings and loans.

Банковское, что включает в себя инвестиционные услуги в дополнение к услугам, связанным с сбережений и займов.

It includes over 3,800 coastal islands in addition to its mainland.

Эта провинция включает в себя более 3800 прибрежных островов в дополнение к материковой территории.

You can use these in addition to most other treatments.

Вы можете использовать эти средства в дополнение к большинству других методов лечения.

Therefore people sometimes use mouth rinses containing chlorhexidine in addition to conventional tooth cleaning.

Поэтому иногда они используют средства для полоскания рта, содержащие хлоргексидин, в дополнение к обычной чистке зубов.

Forfeiture of rights can be applied in addition to other sanctions.

В дополнение к другим санкциям может применяться мера, связанная с лишением прав.

It also seeks to strengthen remedies through damages in addition to nullifying awards.

Она также направлена на то, чтобы усилить средства правовой защиты посредством использования, в дополнение к аннулированию договоров, компенсации убытков.

Cigarettes contain over 19 known cancer-causing chemicals in addition to nicotine.

Каждая сигарета содержит в себе более 19 известных канцерогенных химических веществ в дополнение к никотину.

This in addition to your other tasks.

This is in addition to other liquids you drink that contain water.

Это в дополнение к другим, содержащим воду, жидкостям, которые вы пьёте.

What this does indicate is tumor burden in addition to disease activity.

На что действительно указывает результат анализа, так это на наличие опухоли в дополнение к активности заболевания.

Maybe you use it on mobile in addition to desktop.

Может быть, вы используете его на мобильный телефон в дополнение к рабочему столу.

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in addition to — перевод на русский

/ɪn əˈdɪʃ(ə)n tuː/

In addition to the arguments above enumerated for lifting this injunction… we wish to cite the decision of the High Court of Paris rendered in the case… of Princess Marishka against the Government of Montenegro… on the fifth day of August, 1897.

В дополнение к вышеперечисленным доводам… в пользу отмены судебного запрета… хотелось бы упомянуть о решении Верховного суда Парижа… по делу принцессы Маришки против правительства Черногории… объявленном 5 августа 1897 года.

In addition to this, I have known Neff intimately for 11 years… and I personally vouch for him without reservation.

В дополнение к этому, я близко знаю Неффа 11 лет,.. …и лично безоговорочно за него ручаюсь.

Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating the water… there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour… fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream?

Мандрейк, ты понимаешь что в дополнение к фторированию воды ведутся работы по фторированию соли, муки фруктовых соков, супа, сахара, молока, мороженого?

in addition to six marks, plus some clothes, and many other imposts, from who’ll be his master, and lord.

в дополнение к шести маркам и одежде, и многие другие льготы и привилегии, будут предоставлены его хозяином, и повелителем.

In addition to the products and endorsements… there are the endless exhibitions.

В дополнение к выпуску товаров и продаже имени… проводятся бесконечные выставки.

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On these hills there were damned ones who, to see a piece of silver, loaded themselves with a bastard from the hospital, in addition to the children they had already.

На этих холмах жили проклятые, которые, чтобы увидеть серебряную монету, вешали себе на шею ублюдка из больницы, вдобавок к детям, которые у них уже были.

That is in addition to the radiation from the cliff face itself, which is at a level you would expect from a high energy research laboratory, or a test chamber for a new space drive.

ЭЙВОН: это вдобавок к излучению от самого хребта, как раз такого уровня, какой и следует ожидать от энергоемкой научно-исследовательской лаборатории, или испытательного стенда нового космического двигателя.

In addition to the loveseat, let’s see, your most recent acquisitions have been a French bedwarmer, a pair of toby jugs, the less said about that Civil War ramrod, the better.

Вдобавок к диванчику, ну-ка посмотрим ты совсем недавно приобрёл французскую постельную грелку парочку пивных кружек в форме людей и я уже молчу про шомпол времён Гражданской Войны.

In addition to our favorites, chocolate and vanilla… this week we are featuring six-gun strawberry… wild cherry roundup, and ten-gallon tangerine.

Вдобавок к нашим любимым, шоколадным и ванильным… на этой неделе у нас появились клубничные… вишневые и мандариновые.

In addition to stoning adulterers and banning anything written after the Gutenberg Bible they preach the overthrow of our government and violence against us.

Вдобавок к избиению камнями прелюбодеев и запрещение всего, написанного после Гутенбергской Библии они проповедуют свержение нашего правительства и насилие в отношении нас.

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We’d all have shotguns, in addition to side arms.

Мы все возьмём ружья, в добавок к пистолетам.

In addition to voting down our nominees there will be retribution for nominating them?

Ты хочешь сказать, что в добавок к голосованию против наших кандидатов, будет политическое наказание за то, что мы выдвинули их в первую очередь?

In addition to piloting the Flyer, I’m writing a paper on the physiological stresses of long-duration space flight and… taking holo-images of this Mutara-class nebula.

В добавок к пилотированию флаера, я пишу статью о психологических стрессах в результате длительного космического полёта и… принимаю голо-изображения туманности Мотаро-класса.

In addition to the c-4, I can get you military-grade 50-caliber machine guns.

А в добавок к Си-4, я могу достать Военные пулеметы 50-го калибра. 50-го калибра?

You see, in addition to his inestimable charm, Guy here has degrees from Cambridge university And the London school of economics.

Понимаете, в добавок к его бесценному обаянию, у Гая есть дипломы Кембриджского университета и Лондонской Школы Экономики.

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Bertier, in rue Saint Jacques, carries it, and in addition to the rose essences I use with roasts, he also sells amber and musk extracts, excellent with boiled meats.

Его привозит Бертье, с улицы Сен-Жак, и в добавление к розовой эссенции, которую я добавила к жаркому, он продает янтарь и мускусный экстракт. Превосходен с вареным мясом.

In addition to our summer and winter estate, he owned a valuable piece of land.

В добавление к нашим летним и зимним поместьям, он владел ценным куском земли.

In addition to the crimes he would have committed 40 years ago?

В добавление к преступлениям, которые он мог совершить 40 лет назад?

In addition to Nolcorp, my other acquisition today was your loyalty.

В добавление к Нолкорп, еще одним моим приобретением сегодня стало ваше доверие.

In addition to their responsibilities supporting you and David,

В добавление к их обязанностям поддерживать тебя и Дэвида.

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Not in addition to. Instead of.

Не вместе с. Вместо.

— Okay. So, in addition to the ashes,

Итак, вместе с пеплом,

In fact, the crime-lab report simply places another person, in addition to Mr. Thomas, at the scene.

На самом деле, доклад из криминалистической лаборатории просто доказывает что был еще и другой человек, вместе с мистером Томасом, на месте преступления.

In addition to passport templates, I found several e-mails to and from an IP address that traces back to a public library in Akron, Ohio.

Вместе с шаблонами паспортов нашла несколько электр. писем с IP-адреса, зарегистрированного на библиотеку в Акроне, Огайо.

In addition to this one.

Вместе с этим.

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Look at that. Ellie is making her 50th call to Awesome within the hour. In addition to the 20 she’s made to me already today.

Послушайте, Элли звонила Великолепному пятьдесят раз за час, в придачу к двадцати звонкам, которые она сделала мне сегодня.

In addition to boning up on my Cicero, I did some legal research last night.

Вчера вечером, в придачу к изучению истории Цицерона, я порылся в законах.

Oh, is it? Or is it in addition to restriction?

Или это в придачу к наказанию?

Whoever killed Walczak, in addition to finding creepy uses for clock parts, is very good at covering his tracks.

Кто бы ни убил Вальзака, он в придачу к умению находить пугающие применения для деталей часов, также очень хорош в заметании следов.

In addition to threatening Agent Bartowski’s life, your team managed to kill the man you were supposed to capture and accidentally arm a nuclear bomb.

В придачу к тому, что вы угрожали жизни агента Бартовски, вашей команде удалось убить человека, которого вы должны были захватить, и случайно запустить ядерную бомбу.

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They are used to introduce additional information joining two independent sentences.

1. We use «In addition or additionally» between two sentences.

Our new director can speak three languages. In addition, he has six years of experience.

Our new house is so close to the city center. In addition, it has four large bedrooms.

Players in Ac Milan are all good footballers. In addition, many of them have years of experience playing together.

2. We use «In addition to» followed by a noun / pronoun or V ing.

In addition to basketball, I’m good at volleyball.

Fernando can speak English and French in addition to Spanish.

Our music teacher is such a talented musician that she can play the guitar, the violin in addition to Saxophone.


We use «also» in the same way as «in addition», but it is used less formally.

While you were sleeping, I did shopping and laundry. Also I washed the car and fed the cat.


In fact, if I got or could but get £50 a year only, in addition to what I have, I should live in affluence.

In addition to the stories told by Lamb in his letters and essays, there are amusing characteristics of Dyer in Crabb Robinson‘s diary, in Leigh Hunt, in Hazlitt, in Talfourd, and in other places.

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« The amount of the emergency grant in addition to the refund of onesixth already payable will be either onethird or onesixth of the expenditure on outofwork pay, depending on the amount of the trade union levy.

The third, or albuminous group, includes all substances closely allied to albumen, and hence containing a large proportion of nitrogen in addition to the other three elements.

A number of other cities, while not admitted to the Italian military confederacy, yet received in addition to other favours immunity from tribute and tenths, so that their position in a financial point of view was even more favourable than that of the Italian communities.

In addition to these, we saved the circle; and these, with a few blankets, constituted every thing that had been rescued from the waters.

But in addition to this freedom for research, I needed animals and equipment.

To the United States the proposed arrangement offers many important advantages in addition to those which have been already enumerated.

What to her is the forgoing of one sprig of laurel more in addition to the accumulated honours of her victorious career?

In addition to the exertions of Mr. Porter, who was our pastor, the winter had enclosed, at that point, a zealous missionary of the American Board, destined for a more northerly position, in the person of Mr. Boutwell, who with the person, Mr. Bingham, in charge of the Indian mission at the same point, maintained by the Baptist Convention, constituted a moral force that was not likely to be without its results.

Not long ago he was in Germany again, I believe to purchase books; for in addition to his classical scholarship, and his other languages, he is a reader of German.

The first requirement is that airships, in addition to simplicity of handling and independence of weather, should possess a superior fighting strength, for it is impossible effectively to screen the movements of the army and to open the road for reconnaissances without attacking successfully the hostile flyingmachines and air cruisers.

The Ming, however, reverted to copper as basic unit, in addition to the use of paper money.

In addition to these four, who were officers of the assemblychamber, there were an old man and a young woman, who seemed to be priest and priestess.

In addition to the hotels, you may dance at innumerable cafes.

« Marie listened and believed; and in addition to the scarlet hat, and the dignity of Minister of State which it involved, the deceived Princess in the short space of a few months bestowed upon her future enemy the enormous sum of nine hundred thousand crowns, besides sacerdotal plate to an almost incredible amount.

Caesar advanced with his immense army to Brundusium, on the opposite shore, in December, so that, in addition to the formidable resistance prepared for him by his enemy on the coast, he had to encounter the wild surges of the Adriatic, rolling perpetually in the dark and gloomy commotion always raised in such wide seas by wintery storms.

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Every year, in addition to earning money to keep his wife and children alive, the poor man had to be ready for a visitor, and this visitor never received a very hearty welcome.

The Clara Bell, in addition to her cargo of brackets and insulators, brought a foreman and three or four men as passengers, and these Major Abaza determined to send under command of Lieutenant Arnold to Yamsk, with orders to hire as many native labourers as possible and begin at once the work of cutting poles and preparing stationhouses.

She noticed for the first time that, in addition to his rifle, he carried a revolver and huntingknife in his belt.

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Definition of In Addition

along with, plus, or furthermore

Examples of In Addition in a sentence

We are going to have to pick up Jordan in addition to my little brother, since her Dad was unable to pick her up.


In addition to picking up milk from the grocery store, we also need to get some bread, because my cousin ate all of it this past week.


I am going to write an extra page in addition to the required five pages that our professor assigned for our essay.


I despise spiders because I have a great fear of them, in addition to the fact that they are kind of ugly and scary.


In addition to the fact that math is very complicated, I’ve never been very good at studying it without the aid of a tutor.


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  • #1

Hi all, the phrase «other than» seems to pose a particular problem as it has a dual meaning: «except» or «in addition to». I think context will usually help us determine which meaning is the intended one; however, there are times when its real meaning can be ambiguous. For example, if someone said:

«Other than chemistry, I like biology and physics.»

Would you interpret that as:

1) The person likes biology and physics, but he doesn’t like chemistry.
2) The person likes all three subjects: chemistry, biology, and physics.

  • #3

So if instead someone said: Other than chemistry, I like all science subjects.

Will this then be interpreted to mean the speaker likes all science subjects except chemistry?

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