Sentence using the word imagination

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Talk of pirates has captured my imagination.

Рассказы о пиратах до сих пор будоражат наше воображение.

It has certainly caught people’s imagination.

«Я думаю, что они захватили воображение людей.

Kitchen comfort depends not only on your good taste and productive imagination.

Увы, уют на кухне зависит не только от вашего хорошего вкуса и бурной фантазии.

Charlie wondered if that was real or his imagination.

Майкл совершенно запутался, было ли это на самом деле, или это его фантазии.

Right now, events are happening that are beyond our imagination.

Есть нечто, что происходит сейчас и что находится за рамками нашего воображения.

Angular ecosystem has grown beyond imagination.

С момента выхода этого фреймворка экосистема вышла за рамки воображения.

Sometimes she almost decided it was all in her imagination.

А иногда им кажется, что все это было в их воображении.

Actually, it was not like in my imagination.

Но в реальности всё оказалось не таким, как в моем воображении.

But anything that influences your imagination is under your control.

Но, всё, что влияет на ваше воображение, находится под вашим контролем.

Actually, it has moved far beyond your imagination and perception.

На самом деле, это вышло далеко за пределы вашего воображения и восприятия.

I think a very undervalued and powerful tool is the imagination.

«Я думаю, что очень недооцененный и мощный инструмент — это воображение.

Every detail that you add will exercise your imagination more.

Каждая деталь, которую вы добавляете, будет проявлять свое воображение более.

Sometimes we just see where our imagination takes us and create something completely unexpected.

Иногда мы просто видим, куда ведет нас наше воображение и как оно создает нечто совершенно неожиданное.

Those who lack imagination just copy the dictionary.

Те же, кто лишен воображения, попросту копируют словарь.

Your imagination would always work better if you channelized it toward something you like doing.

Ваше воображение всегда будет лучше работать, если вы канализировать ее в сторону то, что вам нравится делать.

But making tools requires imagination, and this is a human privilege.

Но для того, чтобы делать орудия, требуется воображение, а это человеческая привилегия.

Whoever watches this will admire the writer’s imagination.

Тот, кто наблюдает за этим, будет восхищаться воображением писателя.

Success depends on what you can do with your imagination.

Успех зависит от того, что вы можете сделать с вашим воображением.

Even those with the most limited imagination conceal something horrifying.

Даже те, у кого самое ограниченное воображение, скрывают нечто ужасающее.

Choose toys that improve their imagination.

Отдавайте предпочтение тем игрушкам, которые направлены на развитие воображения.

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imagination — перевод на русский


And I have a very active imagination.

А у меня очень развитое воображение.

I’m just in your imagination.

Я просто твоё воображение.

— Oh, it’s just your imagination.

— Это просто твоё воображение.

Then the music begins to suggest other things to your imagination.

Затем под действием музыки ваше воображение представит что-то другое.

If you think so, you have a great imagination.

Если вы думаете, что может быть хуже, у вас большое воображение.

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Sherlock Holmes is a child of my imagination.

Он — дитя моей фантазии.

He was able to transfer his soaring imagination to print.

≈му удавалось переносить на бумагу все свои самые смелые фантазии.

I wish he had just a little more imagination.

Как бы я хотела, чтобы он имел побольше фантазии.

Are you quite happy now, and realize it was all in your imagination?

Ты убедилась? Теперь ты понимаешь, что это были только твои фантазии?

It’s just my imagination.

Это просто мои фантазии.

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It’s your imagination.

Это тебе кажется.

Please, don’t get upset, Princess. It’s just your imagination, because, I assure you…

Успокойтесь княгиня, вам зто так кажется, потому что, я вас уверяю…

Was it my imagination or are you just going through the motions?

Мне кажется или ты двигаешься как робот?

Is it my imagination or is the gravity increasing all the time?

Мне кажется, или сила тяжести постоянно увеличивается?

Some say that the eye deceives, that there’s nothing there… that it’s just imagination.

Некоторые говорят, что глаз нас обманывает, и ничего нет, и только кажется.

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Then it’s just by imagination.

Просто, у меня разыгралось воображение.

You have too much imagination, Cotolay.

У тебя слишком разыгралось воображение, Котолай.

Ah, Jamie, you mustn’t let your imagination run away with you.

Джейми, у тебя опять разыгралось воображение. Я должен признать, это немного странно.

Your imagination is running wild.

У вас разыгралось воображение.

I’m afraid, like Mr Wells, the Doctor has a vivid imagination.

Я боюсь, как у мистера Вэллса, у Доктора разыгралось воображение.

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Max had imagination.

У Макса было богатое воображение.

But I have no such a imagination.

Но у меня не такое богатое воображение.

You know Lenny’s got a vivid imagination.

Ты же знаешь, у Ленни богатое воображение.

Some have too many ideas, they have projects and imagination, they deserve respect.

У других слишком много идей насчёт этого мира, много проектов,.. …богатое воображение, и они заслуживают нашего уважения.

Little boys do have wild imaginations, don’t they?

У мальчишек очень богатое воображение, да?

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— Possibly your imagination.

— Возможно, вам показалось?

Perhaps this is my imagination.

Возможно, мне показалось.

Imagination, come on.

Показалось, идемте.

Oh, must be my imagination.

Значит, мне показалось.

I thought it had to be my imagination. I mean, please!

Я думала, что мне показалось.

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At half the size it would excite their imagination.

В два раза больше, чем вы можете представить.

But this trial has shown that under a national crisis ordinary, even able and extraordinary men, can delude themselves into the commission of crimes so vast and heinous that they beggar the imagination.

Однако этот суд показал, что в ситуации национального кризиса равно и обыкновенные люди, и выдающиеся личности способны обмануться и заставить себя пойти на такие масштабные и ужасные преступления, которые они прежде не могли себе даже представить.

Organize the most interesting erotic games that the imagination can come up with.

Можно организовать занятные эротические игры такие, какие только можно себе представить.

My power is greater than your imagination can encompass — you just remember that.

Моя сила больше, чем ты можешь себе представить — просто помни это.

Mental projection of that force is beyond imagination, — yet it might explain the stabiliser failure. — No, Doctor, don’t!

Ментальную проекцию такой силы сложно представить, и все же это могло бы объяснить отказ стабилизатора.

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Using our imagination, rebelling?

Что мы дали волю воображению? Восстали?

Let us not allow our imaginations to turn a snake in the grass into a serpent from hell.

Не давайте волю воображению и не превращайте обычную змею в адского змея.

Imagination getting the better of you, Castle?

Дал волю воображению, Касл?

I write for a living, believe me… when you write, you give life to fantasies, imagination, lies…

Альфредо, писать — моя работа. И поверь мне, когда ты пишешь — ты даёшь волю воображению, фантазиям, неправде.

We’ve allowed our imaginations to get the better of us.

Мы, пожалуй, дали волю воображению.

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Is not this an excess of your imagination?

Это не плод твоего воображения?

The cruel slow-motion laughter is just your imagination.

Весь это жестокий смех в замедленном воспроизведении это всего лишь плод твоего воображения.

Did you get your inspiration from photographs or your imagination?

Ты вдохновлялся фотографиями — или это все плод твоего воображения?

It is a work of the imagination.

Многое — плод воображения.

Erotic fantasies are figments of the imagination and generally they aren’t played out… at the level of what we view as sexuality.

Эротические фантазии — это плод воображения, и, в основном, они разыгрываются на уровне того, что мы понимаем под сексуальностью.

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— Use your imagination!

Придумай что-нибудь!

Use your imagination!

Придумай что-нибудь.

Some imagination, to climb the peak.

Это же нужно придумать, залезть на вершину.

Yeah, well, imagination doesn’t cost anything, but whatever.

Придумать что— нибудь оригинальное не стоит денег, ну да ладно, проехали.

That came from my imagination.

Я сама это придумала.

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  • воображение
  • фантазии
  • кажется
  • разыгралось воображение
  • богатое воображение
  • показалось
  • представить
  • волю воображению
  • плод твоего воображения
  • придумай что-нибудь

Imagination is the capacity to produce images, ideas and sensations in the mind without any immediate input of the senses (such as seeing or hearing). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Floor sitting also helps promote mental calmness, soothes frazzled nerves and is said to aid one’s creative imagination.


The shared scenes with Ms. Schumer and Ms. Williams are the film’s best, but unfortunately are too few — leaving some unexplored humor to our imaginations.


I think it is awesome that Hiaasen just lets his imagination loose when setting up the plot for his books.


Until proven to exist, they are ALL nothing more than superstitions and/or figments of human imagination.


Enduro was the first game where you actually felt like you were driving a cool exotic car; no longer did the imagination need to compensate for what reality lacked.


Gravity Rush 2 takes the strange, quirky style and gameplay of the original and lets it loose on a larger canvas, dishing up its gravity-twisting action with real imagination and verve.


The only limit to our product line exists in the imagination!


Thank you for using your imagination to bless other people.


Whimsical decorations will delight your little one’s imagination, while a sizable basket area encourages him or her to tote around favorite toys while on the move.


Now the wait is finally over and The Banner Saga is a shimmering example of how three people at Stoic with a «can-do» attitude can create a product that steals your imagination, toys with your soul, and gives you an unforgettable experience.


Gates gave a TED Talk this year about reviving neighborhoods with «imagination, beauty and art.»


An intoxicating blend of legend, myth, imagination and pure show business with a twist of history thrown in to make the final result even spicier, Phuket FantaSea is a heady brew that fascinates visitors to Phuket.


Keen observation, imagination, and ability to see beyond the obvious can cause a gifted child to appear shy, holding back in new situations in order to consider all the implications.


I love the freedom that fiction gives you, the opportunity to create a world of your own imagination.


Samsung’s hot new Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + were finally made official on Wednesday, following months of leaks and rumors that left precious little to the imagination.


Political opportunism is as much a lack of imagination as a lack of conviction: an unquestioning assumption that whoever holds power for the moment will hold power forever.


I DO N’T think it is my imagination, but there appears to be a rash of multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunities surfacing in Perth.


Until the end of February, retailers have the opportunity to dazzle judges with their imagination and creativity.


When we were little, we had these boundless imaginations.


The book is set in Baltimore, a city that already looms large in the public imagination as a model of postindustrial urban decay.


But still, you will ask, in what positive way does this theory help us to realize our immortality in imagination?


Curated by Dean Daderko, the museum website describes the exhibition as a stage for the artist’s ongoing research concerning Mars» future and, more broadly, for the consideration of its «colonial implications of settling the planet, how scientific and mythical beliefs can co-exist, and imagination as a source of power.»


Willy Wonka teaches lessons about behaving properly as well as dreaming big and using your imagination.


Machines will become far more than just tools; they will physically merge with us, seamlessly endowing powers that are currently beyond our imagination.


Selfishness and lack of imagination is rife especially those chosen to make things happen with the no. 10 jersey.


Let your child’s imagination run free, or build one of the suggested scenes included in the kit.


Flalmes and imagination to agree with the philosophy of the book is an important chapter on the companys social.


This highly creative story and firmly grounded landscape, combined with a familiar culture of bureaucratic red tape and politics-as-usual, creates a remarkable debut, one that speaks to — and about — our present state of affairs, as well as our wildest imaginations.


Q is only bound by the limits of imagination.


It isn’t about thrills and explosions, but about tenacity, and most of it takes place within our own imaginations.


The power of the imagination fuels this documentary road trip by French New Wave master Agnès Varda and photographer/muralist JR..


With the help of generous supporters, wish destinations can be as limitless as a wish kids» imaginations.


, he doesn’t have the required fantastical imagination that a movie like this needs to really work.


With some imagination you might even be able to make a FOIA request that reveals how much time NASA employees spent doing unauthorized activities during regular business hours.


It is a disjointed narrative, with multiple confusing plot choices; A joyless story, that has audiences watching a movie that would look better in their own imaginations.


This is an imagination exercise and the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.


This could be their new best friend which they can talk to on their imagination.


The types of smorrebrod are only limited by the chef’s imagination so there’s always something new to try.


The fear, the dreams, and the vivid imagination.


Its interior brings us zero innovation, creation, or forward-looking imagination.


In a movie generation where such oddities are oft doomed to be over-explained into oblivion, Miller made himself the anti-Joss Whedon by leaving it to our imagination.


The film’s narrative moves forward on straight and predictable lines, and first-time director O’Connor composes his shots with the emphasis on banality, rarely mustering up the imagination to find anything as visually interesting as


New figures — reported by James Ayre over at Cleantechnica — would suggest this is not a figment of my imagination:


Commonly known as one of the most ambitious game projects in history, Shenmue captured the imagination of players from around the world with its unique setting, intimate and cinematic character-focused story, realistic battles, and fun mini-games.


Monasteries have always been central to the Russian imagination.


When you thought of a paradise island as a child, this is exactly where your imagination took you.


The works appear painterly and abstract, graceful and swirling in the eddies of imagination.


My characters exist in multiple outdoor environments — from the rocky seashore to the undulating walls of limestone caverns and beyond — they activate a space to let your imagination takeover.»


Thanks to a donation from Cardale Asset Management LTD the jungle themed party was a huge success, filling the young carers with imagination and confidence!


Kohler writes: «With wry humor and a sense of the absurd [Coates] finds these mythic energies embedded in some of the most degraded and cast off of places: the toxic and synthetic chemistry of our fast and mass produced food… In articulating visual antecedents for the foods she paints, Coates isn’t seeking the empirically provable or scientific, but rather operates in the realm of poetic imagination, allusion and pleasure in the strangeness of reality.


Sentences with the word Imagination?



  • «I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring»; «I look forward to seeing you»
  • «These paintings exalt the imagination«
  • «a creative imagination«
  • «the glory of his envisioned future»; «the snow-covered Alps pictured in her imagination«; «the visualized scene lacked the ugly details of real life»
  • «The book stimulated her imagination«; «This play stimulates»
  • «a prolific writer»; «a fecund imagination«
  • «The course fertilized her imagination«
  • «a fevered imagination«
  • «a figment of the imagination«
  • «a flight of fancy»; «flights of rhetoric»; «flights of imagination«
  • «This story will grab you»; «The movie seized my imagination«
  • «her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate»
  • «he could still hear her in his imagination«
  • «popular imagination created a world of demons»; «imagination reveals what the world could be»
  • «a supple mind»; «a limber imagination«
  • «nimbleness of wit and imagination«
  • «lack of imagination is an obstacle to one’s advancement»; «the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education»; «the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan»
  • «it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works»; «the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work»; «he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey»; «the work of an active imagination«; «erosion is the work of wind or water over time»
  • «the play of the imagination«
  • «Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality»
  • «running at full stretch»; «by no stretch of the imagination«; «beyond any stretch of his understanding»
  • «Stretch the limits»; «stretch my patience»; «stretch the imagination«

Examples of how to use the word “imagination” in a sentence. How to connect “imagination” with other words to make correct English sentences.

imagination (n): the ability to form pictures in the mind

Use “imagination” in a sentence

You have a great imagination.
This book will awaken your imagination.
Use your imagination to create a fairytale character.

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About 9188 results found using ‘IMAGINATION’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Auerbach says it enhances imagination, geography, math and communication skills.  (open, save, copy)

  • The only ambiguity is in how far they take it, which is left to our imagination.  (open, save, copy)

  • The balance is good and the texture to the canvas strings along the imagination.  (open, save, copy)

  • Still other islands reside in the thin line between the imagination and reality.  (open, save, copy)

  • If only the Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, had shown the same imagination.  (open, save, copy)

  • It is funny, showed imagination and really demonstrates how the Handy Mat works.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s a place of the imagination, Shakespeare’s, Quantum’s and gradually our own.  (open, save, copy)

  • With next year’s Windows 8, Microsoft is letting its imagination run wild again.  (open, save, copy)

  • Say what you like about Zara’s dad, he demonstrably lacks little in imagination.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘imagination’:

    1. The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses
    2. The ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful
    3. The part of the mind that imagines things

Web Definitions for ‘imagination’:

  1. The formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses; «popular imagination created a world of demons»; «imagination reveals what the world could be» [source]
  2. The ability to form mental images of things or events; «he could still hear her in his imagination» [source]
  3. Resource: the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems; «a man of resource» [source]
  4. (imaginative) (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action; «an imaginative use of material»; «the invention of the knitting frame by another ingenious English clergyman»- Lewis Mumford; «an ingenious device»; «had an inventive turn of mind»; » … [source]
  5. Imagination were a three piece British soul and dance band, who came to prominence in the early 1980s. They had chart hits in twenty eight countries, earning four platinum discs, nine gold discs and over a dozen silver discs around the world between 1981 and 1983. [source]
  6. «Imagination» is a 1985 single by British New Wave artist Belouis Some, from his 1985 debut album Some People. The song reached #17 on the UK Singles Chart in early 1986, and remains his biggest hit to date. [source]
  7. Imagination is the second studio album released by Bethany Dillon. It was released on August 16, 2005. [source]
  8. Imagination is Brian Wilson’s fourth solo album, and his second release of new original studio material. It was issued in 1998 on Giant Records and distributed by Warner Music. [source]
  9. Imagination is a compilation album from Dick Haymes released in 1982. [source]

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Definition of Imagination

the creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind

Examples of Imagination in a sentence

The creative writing teacher expected her students to use their imagination when writing their poems so that it would showcase their artistic talent.


When we watch a play at our son’s school, we must use our imagination in regard to the layout and background of the story’s setting due to a limited budget.


Due to her quick imagination, Elizabeth could quickly tell a story using elaborate details, unusual characters and interesting events.


“That idea of you getting twice the amount of money for your allowance,” said my mom, “must have been your imagination since that will never happen.”


It took a strong imagination to sell the worthless junk the salesman was peddling by explaining how it was once owned by a famous person.


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