Sentence using the word headache

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word headache, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use headache in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «headache».

Headache in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word headache in a sentence.

  1. His biggest headache would be George’s pet player.

  2. It is also associated with about 20% increased risk of headache.

  3. The most common symptoms are fever, headache, and neck stiffness.

  4. This headache often pulsates towards the occiput (the back of the head).

  5. Before the stroke, he had a headache and a feeling of weakness through his body.

  6. Some of the ash may be set aside to be taken with water as a remedy for headache.

  7. In some people, the headache resolves by itself, and no other symptoms are present.

  8. Common side effects with short-term use include headache, diarrhea, rash, and nausea.

  9. Xanthochromia remains a reliable ways to detect SAH several days after the onset of headache.

  10. Roberts said, «it [was] less of a headache for artists» who wanted to tweak lighting effects.

  11. Delay in diagnosis of minor SAH (mistaking the sudden headache for migraine) contributes to poor outcome.

  12. Signs and symptoms include fever, malaise, headache, and enlargement of the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes.

  13. She spent the evening after their wedding lying down with a headache, but wrote ecstatically in her diary:.

  14. These may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash.

  15. Some forms of migraine headache may also produce temporary dysfunction of the cerebellum, of variable severity.

  16. Generalised symptoms of nausea, vomiting, headache, and agitation may also occur and indicate severe envenomation.

  17. Symptoms may include headache, decreased level of consciousness and hemiparesis (weakness of one side of the body).

  18. By nightfall, he was suffering from a sore throat and chills, followed by a severe headache and a high fever the next day.

  19. A person is asked to rapidly rotate the head horizontally; if this does not make the headache worse, meningitis is unlikely.

  20. Symptoms typically include nausea, vomiting, abdominal or chest pain, agitation, headache, generalised sweating and hypertension.

  21. Symptoms may include a severe headache of rapid onset, vomiting, decreased level of consciousness, fever, and sometimes seizures.

  22. Symptoms range from mild to severe and often include fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, coughing, and fatigue.

  23. Symptoms of poisoning involve vomiting and diarrhea several hours after consumption, followed by dizziness, lethargy and headache.

  24. As of 2017, depression is the third most common worldwide cause of disability among both sexes, following low back pain and headache.

  25. She said that over the past six weeks her husband had suffered instances of severe headache, double vision, chest pain and heartburn.

  26. It is not unusual for SAH to be initially misdiagnosed as a migraine or tension headache, which can lead to a delay in obtaining a CT scan.

  27. Another test, known as the «jolt accentuation maneuver» helps determine whether meningitis is present in those reporting fever and headache.

  28. However, by midday on 29 July, Gloucester was breathing more easily and his headache had diminished, leading to hopes that he would recover.

  29. The former prime minister remained in bed and rapidly weakened over the next several days as his fever worsened and he developed a headache.

  30. The most common side effects of benznidazole are skin rash, digestive problems, decreased appetite, weakness, headache, and sleeping problems.

  31. The characteristic symptoms of dengue are sudden-onset fever, headache (typically located behind the eyes), muscle and joint pains, and a rash.

  32. Despite the pain, he continued with the piece and refused to seek medical treatment for the resulting bump and intense headache which followed.

  33. A sentinel headache still warrants investigations with CT scan and lumbar puncture, as further bleeding may occur in the subsequent three weeks.

  34. This type of headache is referred to as «sentinel headache», because it is presumed to result from a small leak (a «warning leak») from an aneurysm.

  35. The color and morphology of the flowers of this species is extremely variable, a source of delight to the horticulturist and headache to the taxonomist.

  36. Nonspecific symptoms of poisoning are common and include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, generalized sweating (diaphoresis), and headache.

  37. An atypical form of encephalitis called encephalitis lethargica, characterized by headache, drowsiness, and coma, may rarely occur sometime after infection.

  38. While thunderclap headache is the characteristic symptom of subarachnoid hemorrhage, less than 10% of those with concerning symptoms have SAH on investigations.

  39. Another 25 percent of people have minor symptoms such as fever and a sore throat, and up to 5 percent have headache, neck stiffness, and pains in the arms and legs.

  40. The febrile phase involves high fever, potentially over 40 °C (104 °F), and is associated with generalized pain and a headache; this usually lasts two to seven days.

  41. Poisoning is said to be mainly gastrointestinal in nature; symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and headache occur 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption and last for up to 48 hours.

  42. The classic symptom of subarachnoid hemorrhage is thunderclap headache (a headache described as «like being kicked in the head», or the «worst ever», developing over seconds to minutes).

  43. Most patients with CNS involvement develop nonparalytic aseptic meningitis, with symptoms of headache, neck, back, abdominal and extremity pain, fever, vomiting, lethargy, and irritability.

  44. About one-third of people have no symptoms apart from the characteristic headache, and about one in ten people who seek medical care with this symptom are later diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

  45. Onset of symptoms can be rapid, with a headache developing in 15 minutes and clotting abnormalities within 30 minutes; collapse has been recorded as occurring as little as two minutes after being bitten.

  46. Symptoms of systemic envenomation—including nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or excessive sweating—were thought to be rare, but a 2010 review found they occurred in most bite victims.

Synonyms for headache

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word headache has the following synonyms: concern, worry, vexation, head ache and cephalalgia.

General information about «headache» example sentences

The example sentences for the word headache that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «headache» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «headache».

Synonym: cephalalgia, concern, head ache, vexation, worry. Similar words: head and shoulders above, ahead of schedule, dachshund, stand a chance, readable, ache, bread and butter, cache. Meaning: [ˈhedeɪk]  n. 1. something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness 2. pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs. 

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1) I have a terrific headache.

2) A crown is no cure for the headache

3) He has got a bad headache.

4) He’s got a headache and a slight fever.

5) Except for a small pang, her headache has gone.

6) I have a splitting headache.

7) This is another big headache for him.

8) He developed a severe migraine headache.

9) She was suffering from a headache.

10) She has a headache and is rather indisposed.

11) He was constantly tormented with headache.

12) His bad temper was aggravated by his headache.

13) I didn’t attend the meeting owing to the headache.

14) I’m going out to walk off this headache.

15) A headache usually denotes sickness.

16) She took a couple of headache tablets .

17) She has a headache and is indisposed.

18) He has a headache and isn’t feeling communicative today.

19) My headache has been relieved.

20) I woke up with a slight headache.

21) How long have you been suffering from a headache?

22) I’ve got a slight headache.

23) The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.

24) I was in considerable discomfort from the headache.

25) I had a headache this morning,( but I’m all right now.

26) I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.

27) I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert.

28) I have a headache.

29) For many years, experts in occupational health have puzzled over symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue.

30) A walk in the fresh air soon conjured her headache away.

More similar words: head and shoulders above, ahead of schedule, dachshund, stand a chance, readable, ache, bread and butter, cache, head, poacher, teacher, heady, heads, ahead, panache, poached, earache, preacher, machete, headway, head up, pithead, head-on, hothead, head for, head on, head off, cheap, cheat, toothache. 

Examples of how to use the word “headache” in a sentence. How to connect “headache” with other words to make correct English sentences.

headache (n): a pain you feel inside your head

Use “headache” in a sentence

You’d better see a doctor about your headache.
You’d better see a doctor about your headache.
I have a headache.
Here are some tips for headache relief.
I have a severe headache.
Headaches could be a sign of stress.
I woke up with a slight headache.
I am suffering from a headache.
Do you have a headache and a sore throat?

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headache — перевод на русский


I have such an awful headache.

У меня ужасная головная боль.

I myself have felt a nausea and a headache since we got on this ship.

С нашего отплытия у меня тошнота и головная боль.

Fresh air will take away that headache. Get on your feet.

Головная боль пройдёт на свежем воздухе.

A headache till they get married, if they get married…

Головная боль, пока они не выйдут замуж, если вообще выйдут …

It’s your railroad, and it’s your headache… but I still don’t like it. What do you mean, you don’t like it?

Это ваша железная дорога, ваша головная боль, но мне всё равно это не нравится.

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Только после шампанского потом болит голова.

You shouldn’t think about stuff. You’re not used to it. That’s why you have a headache.

А ты не думай, ты же не привык, вот у тебя и болит голова.


О, у меня сегодня болит голова.


Все ваше обаяние ушло, если у вас болит голова, а в глазах усталость.


И раз у мисс Фиби болит голова, мисс Сьюзан должна вас взять на бал.

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Poor kid. In the first place, it would give her a rotten headache.

У бедняжки потом заболит голова.

I wish my wife would get a sick headache and go home.

Хотел бы, я чтобы у моей жены заболела голова и она осталась дома.

-l’ve got an awful headache.

— У меня болит голова.

— But your headache?

— Но ваша голова?

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I have a terrible headache.

Жутко болит.

Don’t yell, you’re giving me a headache!

От вас голова болит.

Such a splitting headache. What did I eat?

Как же болит голова.

A big headache, hmm?

Голова сильно болит, да?

Splitting headache, but I’ll survive.

Ужасно болит голова, но я выживу.

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She has another headache.

У нее разболелась голова.

I’ve got an horrific headache.

у меня страшно разболелась голова.

I told him you’d gone to your room with a headache.

Я сказала ему, что у вас разболелась голова и вы ушли к себе.

Well, I must have— I’m afraid I have a terrible headache.

Простите, я должен уйти… У меня ужасно разболелась голова.

Nothing serious, I think I’ll live. Just a headache I couldn’t shake.

Просто разболелась голова и я решил прилечь.

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Pardon me, Mr. Graham, I have quite a bad headache!

Извините, мистер Грэм, у меня страшная мигрень.

— Now, let’s see. The boss said she’s got a headache.

Тише, девочки, у хозяйки мигрень.

I had a headache. I don’t know why.

У меня мигрень, не знаю, почему.

I’m going to have an awful headache if I stay any longer.

У меня будет страшная мигрень, если останусь дольше.

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We talked about that when you started. Some people get insomnia; others a stomach ache or headaches.

Мы говорили об этом в самом начале — у некоторых людей появляется бессонница, боли в желудке, головные боли.

Suffer from headaches, nausea?

Головные боли, тошнота, рвота?

She hasn’t been sleeping well, and the last few days she’s been complaining of headaches.

Она плохо спала, и последние несколько дней она жалуется на головные боли.

Several of us are experiencing headaches, not as severe as Dr. McKay or Colonel Sheppard, but if these whales get any closer…

У нескольких человек головные боли, не такие сильные, как у доктора МакКея или полковника Шеппарда, но если эти киты подплывут еще ближе…

No headaches or blurred vision?

Головные боли или нечеткость зрения?

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It gave me a headache.

У меня от него заболела голова.

My sister meant to come for you, but she has a headache.

Моя сестра не смогла приехать — у неё заболела голова.

First, I got a really fucked headache.

Сначала у меня охуенно заболела голова.

That day I had my first headache.

В тот день у меня впервые заболела голова.

Yesterday in the afternoon she complained of a terrible headache and then the shivering started and, do something doctor,

Вчера днем у нее сильно заболела голова, потом началась дрожь. Сделайте что-нибудь, доктор, это невыносимо!

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That bird’s giving me a headache.

От этой птицы у меня голова раскалывается.

This is giving me a headache.

У меня от этого голова раскалывается.

I’ve got a splitting headache already.

А у меня уже голова раскалывается.

Headache. I took a fistful of aspirin, but nothin’ helps.

Голова раскалывается, принял кучу аспирина, но не помогает.

I’ve got a terrible headache.

Голова раскалывается.

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I’ve got a splitting headache.

Голова у меня просто раскалывается.

I have a strong headache.

— А то башка раскалывается.

This whole thing is like one big fucking headache.

От этих хлопот башка просто раскалывается.

I have a hard headache.

А то башка раскалывается.

I have a terrible headache.

— Голова раскалывается.

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Sentences with the word Headache?



  • «He feigned that he was ill»; «He shammed a headache«
  • «the altitude gave her a headache«
  • «various aural effects that precede a migraine headache«
  • «a bad headache«; «in a big rage»; «had a big (or bad) shock»; «a bad earthquake»; «a bad storm»
  • «had a dizzy spell»; «a dizzy pinnacle»; «had a headache and felt giddy»; «a giddy precipice»; «feeling woozy from the blow on his head»; «a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff»
  • «a headache unaccompanied by other symptoms»

  • Use the word Headache in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Say you have a headache, somebody will be able to just touch your head, you’ll feel a kind of ease because of the true love.

You take the energy: «You have a headache? Where?»

Come up upstairs and see if Florence still has a headache.

Florence, claiming to have a headache, had withdrawn, and her father and I, anxious about her state, went up to her room …

Excuse me, Madame… a slight headache

I’ve got an awful headache.

I have a terrible headache.

Oh, I’ve got an awful headache.

Went out with a headache.

And not a headache in a tankful.

Got anything for a headache? Yeah. Okay.


Well, now let’s see, there’s Beatrice, Winnie Marie, when she whispers you get a headache from the noise.

In the first place, it would give her a rotten headache.

The whole atmosphere of this street gives me a highpowered headache.

Denny, have you got a headache?

I’m very brave generally, only today I happen to have a headache.

Please, Max, I’ve a terrible headache.

He’s got a headache or something.

You see, we missed the plane to Rio de Janeiro on account of Titia’s headache.

That comes from the headache.

Tell him you got a headache And want to go home.

She said something About a headache And gone To lie down.

This morning Yoshio had a headache.

He said he had a headache.

«Dearest, I have a headache, can’t we go up to my place ?»

With a sort of a headache and sore throat and queer feelings all over?

It’s just a headache, darling.

You’ve got a headache, haveya?

And sometimes, a headache. — Mm-hmm.

I get a headache when I try to read or look at pictures.

My headache‘s much better.

Her majesty the queen has a headache

You brought on my headache again.

He’s a failure and a headache.

If you’ll forgive me, I — I have a headache.

Use Headache in a sentence. How to use the word Headache in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Headache. Sentence for Headache.

Headache - Sentence for Headache - Use Headache in a Sentence

Examples of Headache in a sentence

  1. Headache, a pain or ache across the forehead or within the head; it is not a disease but a symptom.
  2. One of the most frequent sources of headache is tenseness in the muscles of the head and neck, sometimes because of local injury or a nervous disturbance, sometimes because of emotional tension.
  3. A seemingly general headache may actually come from a disorder in a small isolated part of the head, especially from the eyes.
  4. However, this kind of headache varies considerably from person to person and from time to time in the same person.
  5. This kind of headache produces as much acute pain as if it had a clearly defined physical origin.
  6. Frequently headache is the most acute symptom of some minor underlying condition, such as constipation, indigestion, fatigue, or menstruation.
  7. Headache remedies are as varied as the causes, and some are dangerous for a number of reasons.
  8. Although the majority of commercial headache remedies are mild analgesics or pain relievers, this is not true of all.
  9. A physician should be consulted when recurrent headache is a new experience.
  10. We present a 13-year-old patient with pituitary abscess, who suffered from vertigo, headache and left temporal hemianopsia.
  11. Conclusion: by providing intervention in body position and the use of an improved posture mat, headache, lumbodorsal pain and vomiting can be reduced or avoided in patients undergoing thyroid surgery.
  12. I had a little headache and from time to time I felt nausea rise in my throat.
  13. The most common adverse reactions of this medicine are dry mouth, headache, nausea and insomnia, etc.
  14. Results: symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and dysphagia were common in this group of patients, and headache and nuchal rigidity were found in 51.6% and 32.3% of patients, respectively.

Post Views: 439

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Headache | Headache Sentence

  • Was not the headache better?
  • Brown was sleeping off his headache in the shade.
  • How should headache be regarded and treated?
  • I get a headache from a carriage with springs.
  • A wretched headache kept me home.
  • A heartache was worse than a headache by a whole lot.
  • I had a headache afterwards for twenty-four hours.
  • Uneasiness and headache arise when less than one per cent.
  • And I have a headache myself.
  • The headache was receding, his body learning balance.
  • No, indeed; you do not make my headache worse.
  • Oh, true; she did speak of a headache before I went out.
  • Nearly all the things that cause headache do so by poisoning the blood.
  • These may be followed by headache and inflammation of the brain.
  • Help your doctor to help you when you have sick headache or migraine.
  • Lance knew he had a thumping headache and that his eyes were lumps of pain.
  • It’ll make your headache much worse if you stay here.
  • In the end I had a splitting headache and felt on the verge of hysteria.
  • The next evening, however, the President had a headache and he did not come.

How To Use Headache In A Sentence?

  • But the next day when they came he had a headache and did not want to eat them.
  • I shall no longer have a headache with the hatpins which pinch these hairs of mine.
  • The result was a blinding headache which prevented her going in to see her father.
  • Indeed, it is not too much to say that headache is the most useful pain in the world.
  • I have not had the first suggestion of a sick headache since I gave up my breakfast.
  • The next morning I woke without any headache from the intemperance of the previous night.
  • On the other hand I have never seen any lasting effect on the so-called sick headache or migraine.
  • A headache if you dhrink, an’ a belly-ache if you eat too much, an’ a heart-ache to kape all down.
  • Cecily had a headache or felt sick from this abominable heat and couldn’t come down.
  • For a million years the fish we call the sole had a headache because one of its eyes was slowly traveling through its head.
  • She knew from experience that these were the days when his nightmare headache was upon him, and that it was to spare her he called it laziness.
  • To avoid the sick headache eat slowly and temperately; and drink water frequently both at and between meals.
  • Ligi had the headache again, so he did not put the rice in the carabao sled, but went home in a hurry.
  • She found that when she tried to think connectedly on abstract subjects things slithered out of her mind and left a headache behind.
  • The thought of his rubbing her headache away, his hands against her brow, was alarming yet exhilarating.
  • Anne turned her face away, as if the sight pained her, and, pleading a headache and the desire to lie down, she left the two together.
  • She decided to wear her one decent tea gown when Beatrice called, pleading a bad headache as an excuse for its appearance.
  • Madame Kalitine rang for the page, and told him to ask Liza to come down if her headache was better.
  • Let a person remain, for a time, in a crowded, ill-ventilated, hall or church, and headache or faintness is generally produced.
  • But within the next half hour Willie came to her, saying his drefful headache was all gone, and would she let him go just this once.
  • The headache lasted all through the next forenoon to the great vexation of the Conte, who was, moreover, in extreme bad humour.

Definition of Headache

A pain or ache in the head. | (figurative) A nuisance or unpleasant problem.

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Headache sentence in english

What is called «_sick headache_,» or «nervous headache,» begins by a sense of blindness or blur, before the eyes, of green or purple colors, dazzling or swimming in the head, without, for some time at first, any positive aching or pain. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

a disordered stomach causes severe headache, known as _sick headache_. ❋ John Kirk (N/A)

God’s sake, the headache is the most common medical condition plaguing human beings! ❋ Unknown (2005)

Pat had elected to stay in bed, in consequence of what he called headache and his sisters translated as ❋ George De Horne Vaizey (1887)

(An alternative name for this kind of headache is ‘suicide headache‘ because sufferers have been known to resort to the ultimate headache cure.) ❋ Sharon Bakar (2005)

This kind of headache is generally only suffered by men, is typically suffered intensely over a period of weeks with a long period of remission in between, is extremely rare, and is off the Richter scale of painfulness. ❋ Sharon Bakar (2005)

In fact, Obama’s biggest headache is going to come from Senators McCain and Graham if they believe the White House is withholding vital military support from their favorite general. ❋ Amb. Marc Ginsberg (2010)

After searching the Internet, she discovered that one of the causes of a cough headache is a Chiari 1 malformation of the skull. ❋ Sandra G. Boodman (2010)

But since chronic headaches are mainly experienced by women of reproductive age, chronic daily headache is thought to happen to 10 percent of them. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The doctors ‘biggest headache is a 1997 law that will reduce doctors’ Medicare payments by 23 percent on Dec. 1 unless Congress postpones the cut, an action that most lawmakers believe is likely. ❋ Post (2010)

[HEADACHES] ❋ Bigbitch94 (2018)

I [abhor] [headaches]; they [suck]. ❋ Dr Fruitcake (2004)

I desparately wanted a blowjob from my girlfriend, but she said she had a headache, so I put [powdered] [aspirin] [on my dick] just to prove that I really needed her to release the building pressure in my balls. ❋ Urban Pervert (2003)

This is the biggest headache for [the company] since the [lawsuit] for [libel]. ❋ The Return Of Light Joker (2009)

[a brain] [freeze], u [get it] but u just keep drinking ❋ Crystal (2004)

The renovated [Soldier] Field is giving me a headache, does anyone have a [parcel] of [aspirin]? ❋ Saints (2003)

[Annie]: [How’s it going] with you and Rob? It’s been like 7 months already, yeah?
[Chelsea]: God, he is such a headache! ❋ Evil_gumball (2011)

That kid is such a [tron], he says he gets [headaches]. He should act like he has a [pair] and come to school! ❋ D2pr (2004)

[I would] call [all in] but i got [dealt] headache. ❋ Gravy (2004)

Ugh, that Science test yesterday gave me such a [HEADACHE]!
John, [could you please] shut up? You’re giving me a [headache]. ❋ The Oddly Moustached Cat (2010)

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