Sentence using the word happy

Synonym: blissful, bright, cheerful, contented, glad, joyful, radiant. Antonym: unhappy. Similar words: happen, happily, happen to, chap., perhaps, chapter, in the shape of, apple. Meaning: [‘hæpɪ]  adj. 1. enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure or good fortune 2. marked by good fortune 3. eagerly disposed to act or to be of service 4. well expressed and to the point. 

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(1) He alone is happy who commands his passions. 

(2) Call no man happy till [until] he is dead. 

(3) Happy is he that is happy in his children. 

(4) Happy is he who owes nothing. 

(5) Call no man happy before he is dead. 

(6) Happy is he that is happy in childhood. 

(7) Happy is the man that owes nothing. 

(8) A blithe [happy] heart makes a blooming visage. 

(9) A happy heart makes a blooming visage. 

(10) Comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched. Thomas Fuller 

(11) Call no man happy until he dies. 

(12) He is truly happy who makes others happy. 

(13) It is comparison that makes men happy or miserable. 

(14) I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remem-bering my good friends. 

(15) Happy is the man who is living by his hobby. 

(16) Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. 

(17) Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. 

(18) Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection(, and obedience of the children the submission to love. 

(19) All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 

(20) The surest way to be happy is to be busy. 

(21) Call no man happy before his death [till he dies]. 

(22) Life’s too short to be anything but happy.

(23) The writer arranges a happy ending.

(24) I want to make you happy !

(25) The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 

(26) Oh, I am not going to die, am I? He will not separate us, we have been so happy

(27) If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 

(28) To be of use in the world is the only way to be happy

(29) Apply yourself to true riches; it is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life. 

(30) No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectlymoral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. 

More similar words: happen, happily, happen to, chap., perhaps, chapter, in the shape of, apple, apply, appeal, appear, apply for, appoint, apply to, apparent, approve, approach, appeal to, approval, disappear, approve of, apparently, appointment, application, appropriate, appreciation, approximately. 

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Used with verbs:

«He appears happy with the news.«
(appears, seems, looks, sounds, be: is/am/are)

«He feels really happy about this decision.«

«Can he make you happy?«
(make, keep)

«How can he become happy again?«

Used with adverbs:

«She is extremely happy with her choice.«
(extremely, fairly, very, truly, genuinely, clearly, obviously, quite)

«He is far from happy at his job.«
(far from, not entirely, not exactly)

«He seems perfectly happy with his life.«
(perfectly, completely)

«She is just happy to be here.«
(just, simply)

Used with prepositions:

«I am not happy about the new requirements.«

«I am trying to be happy for her.«

«She is happy with the way it turned out.«

Used with nouns:

«Well, that was a happy ending.«
(ending, outcome)

«This place has a happy atmosphere.«
(atmosphere, environment)

«She had a happy childhood.«
(childhood, life)

«They have a happy marriage.«
(marriage, relationship, family)

«They wished him a happy retirement.«

«She cried happy tears.«

«I have some happy news.«

  • Use the word Happy in a sentences

Sentence Examples

She is my forever idol…she is my rival whom I can never win against, she is the one who always makes me happy, and she is my mother.

The mother must feel so happy

When Meyerowitz first began photographing in the early 1960s, 5th Avenue was a happy hunting ground for some of the greatest names in contemporary photography.

I’ll be happy to double this if you’d tell Mr Sumal he’s at my regular table, and please ask him to move.

Is everyone happy about him seeing that girl?

He was very happy with it.

I thought you could be happy for me.

I get it… you’re happy.

It just really made me, like, really happy.

You say: «They talk too much for Sunday jump», we’re here to make you happy, give you the good vibes you deserve.

Everybody was happy, enjoying themselves, and jumping and everything, which is good.

Even me, I’m comfortable, but when you see so much poverty, how can you be happy?

So he’ll be pleased with me, and I’ll be happy he’s pleased.

Sometimes I look annoyed, it’s things around me, or things people said. I am a very happy man, very happy.

Nappy with a happy face, I am by your side

I can imagine what it must be like This perfect, happy place

The streets are clean, the people are happy

Look, let’s just be happy that Elder Cunningham has the people interested.

Elder Cunningham, I just wanted to say, we are very happy Heavenly Father brought you here.

I have never seen the people here so happy.

And I’m so happy you’re about to be my first!

I thought they were unreachable but then they were happy, and hopeful,

A happy ending on a platter day

I’m happy your dream’s come true, but this baby’s going to come out and when it comes out and I need you to be there.

I made a promise to keep my constituents happy.

All this should be making you happy, but you seem miserable.

I’ll show him who’s fucking happy.

A way to be happy, Richard!

Showing men my dirty pillows makes them happy.

And they were only too happy to put the last nail in the coffin of your pathetic dream.

Now you want to deprive yourself of the one thing that makes you happy?

You and Lulu seem very happy.

Look. I’m not happy about this either, and I know you two are going through some sort of weird time right now, but she needs us.

I remember that day… happy times.

But, it still makes me so happy to know that you believe me.

I hope that you’ll be very happy.

‘Congratulations’ and ‘Be happy‘?

I don’t like seeing you being happy with someone as successful as President Joo.

Because things need to get better for you, and you have to become safe and happy.

Because I was leaving so that I could be safe and happy.

I don’t want to see others having a happy ending.

Use happy in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use happy in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for happy.

  • And in time he would be happy! (8)
  • Was she happy? (10)
  • Happy for them! (10)
  • And he felt happy. (8)
  • I am quite happy. (10)
  • So many memories, nearly all happy! (8)
  • I am extremely happy. (4)
  • Very happy to hear it. (4)
  • O happy my bridesmaids! (10)
  • She went home very happy. (4)
  • I am only happy with him! (10)
  • She is only happy in drudging. (10)
  • Do I not give her to a husband, and say, Be happy! (10)
  • To whose happy lot was it to fall? (4)
  • She looked happy, pale though she was. (10)
  • Happy the friend who knows him for one! (10)
  • Leave them, O Muse, in that so happy sleep! (10)
  • Happy for mankind if they were monuments only! (10)
  • Nesta was happy to stay; and Victor set forth. (10)
  • I am too happy, I am too happy. (10)
  • Happy the glance that first distinguished Catherine! (4)
  • Fainting points the sign To happy things in wedlock. (10)
  • I came here hoping to meet you; I am extremely happy. (8)
  • He looked unpardonably serene and happy sitting there. (8)
  • But this was not all which they had to make them happy. (4)
  • I shall be happy to sell it you then with out reservation. (8)
  • Her delight in treading English ground was her happy theme. (10)
  • And he had felt so happy; he had not felt like it for months. (8)
  • He found himself very happy in his present relations with her. (9)
  • Happy when a faithful fool is the main sufferer in a household! (10)
  • Happy Lady Scudamore to live within a mile of the divine Henrietta! (4)
  • As if she had not made him perfectly happy when she danced with him! (8)
  • For them our religion is a happy retreat; we are glad they have it. (10)
  • It was a happy circumstance, and animated Mr. Woodhouse for some time. (4)
  • When they saw her, they would see that she was happy, safe in her love. (8)
  • This made me very happy, and I was excessively pleased with my conquest. (4)
  • She declared her incapacity to die happy until the two had buried Mattock. (10)
  • Pericles accompanied him into a caffe, the picture of an enamoured happy man. (10)
  • She, however, yielded one of her bags, and he, though doubly laden, was happy. (10)
  • That is, happy as a horse is happy who never leaves his stall. (8)
  • The affair which has given us so much anxiety is drawing to a happy conclusion. (4)
  • Happy the lady of the place, if happy she can be in her choice! (10)
  • If you love Mr. Darcy half as well as I do my dear Wickham, you must be very happy. (4)
  • Even if it hurt my vanity, I should be happy to confess my error: I was utterly out. (10)
  • The ladies of Brookfield held no more their happy, energetic midnight consultations. (10)
  • I did this because I was unwilling to have that happy hour become a source of pain to any one. (5)
  • What was it that had taken away from him all his restless feeling, made him happy and content? (8)
  • The figures on the summit of Parnassus were seen bobbing in happy placidity against the twilight sky. (10)
  • No man can tell us yet, neither the happy man nor the wretched, neither the learned nor the unlettered one. (12)
  • He can distinguish nothing that should offend her in a proposal to make his cousin happy if she will not him. (10)
  • Opening it with his usual calm and happy curiosity, he perceived that it was composed of pen-and-ink drawings. (10)
  • The farmer must be a happy man, indeed, working so nobly for his country, without thought of his own prosperity. (8)
  • I could go under and be happy; go to old Triton, and wait for you; teach him to speak your proper Christian name. (10)
  • Stevenson, I think, was almost always happy when he was writing, when the instrument of his art was in his fingers. (2)
  • Every day of our life together looks happy to me, looking back, though I know that every day had the same troubles. (10)
  • My Fanny, indeed, at this very time, I have the satisfaction of knowing, must have been happy in spite of everything. (4)
  • If I had to begin over again, I should not expect anything at all, and then I should be sure of being radiantly happy. (9)
  • But he signified pleasure, and in pleasing him she was happy: in the knowledge that she dazzled, was her sense of safety. (10)
  • After certain scattered attempts to bring them upon Besworth, he shrugged, and resigned himself, but without looking happy. (10)
  • They were cheered by the joy of the servants on their arrival, and each for the sake of the others resolved to appear happy. (4)
  • She must have been a happy creature in spite of all that she felt, or thought she felt, for the distress of those around her. (4)
  • The flush of tan is beginning to tint ears and cheeks under her helmet and her two mounted knights are very happy and proud. (21)
  • But no one in his power and out of his favor would have drawn any happy augury from that outward and visible sign of approval. (1)
  • A fellow-feeling had made Derek and Nedda stand to watch an old man who walked, tortuous, extremely happy, bidding them all come. (8)
  • She had received ideas which disposed her to be courteous and kind to all, and to pity every one, as being less happy than herself. (4)
  • The cast of it being such, sometimes in speaking of a happy play of artillery upon congregated masses, an odd effect was produced. (22)
  • He felt curiously happy, all the same; happy and triumphant, with shivers running through his limbs, and a vague alarm. (8)
  • He was happy in pleasing young friends with verses, sometimes inserting them in books which he gave them, or writing them in their albums. (14)
  • While well, and happy, and properly attended to, she had great good humour and excellent spirits; but any indisposition sunk her completely. (4)
  • The friendliness of his disposition made him happy in accommodating those, whose situation might be considered, in comparison with the past, as unfortunate. (4)

Also see sentences for: auspicious, blissful, delighted, elated, exhilarating, fortunate, glad.

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To be happy is to have a positive emotional condition and

Example : «The mother was happy that all of her daughters came
to visit at Christmas.»

Example : «The new bike made the boy very happy.»

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