Sentence using the word even if

1. Justice must be done even if the sky falls. 

2. Truth will out, even if buried in a golden coffin. 

3. We shouldn’t slight anybody even if he’s a nobody.

4. I will always be, even if love pale.

5. I will always love, even if you are not.

6. Try your best, even if the task seems difficult.

7. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.

8. Even if someone breaks your heart, there is always someone willing to mend it.

9. Even if you did see someone, you can’t be sure it was him.

10. I will make this radio work even if I have to stay up all night.

11. You’ll have to lump it even if you don’t like it.

12. Even if you get no applause, you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own efforts.

13. Do not deceive me, you knew even if your lie I all can believe.

14. Oil and water don’t mix. Even if you shake them together they separate into two layers.

15. Even if one person is hurt that is one too many.

16. I love you even if you fall in love with another of her.

17. Walkers should stick to obvious paths, even if they are badly eroded.

18. Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.

18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

19. Miss forever looking at you even if you never found me.

20. Stand up for something, even if it means standing alone sometimes.

21. Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory.

22. Even if the road is not flat also should make oneself of the sun.

23. Even if we can’t be together in the end, I’m glad you were a part of my life.

24. Even if there is no end, I still love you.

25. Even if the future situat I will always be at your.

26. If you love someone, you will know everything about her without asking her; if you don’t love someone, you will forget everything even if she told you everything.

27. Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing.

28. No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it’s enough to light up the whole future life.

29. If u love someone, u will know everything about her without asking her; if u don’t love someone, u will forget everything even if she told u everything.

30. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.

During conversation practice with one of my students, I asked her, “If you won the lottery, would you still do your job?”

She’s a yoga teacher and incredibly passionate about her work, so she answered,

“Of course I’d continue teaching even I didn’t have to work.”

If while reading her answer, you felt like something is wrong with the sentence, you’re right. But why is it incorrect? Let’s find out.


We use even when we want to express a surprising extreme or when we want to say that something is more than we expect. For example,

“She’s rude to everyone. She’s even rude to me.“

“He gets up early even on Sundays.“

The problem with the sentence I shared at the beginning of this post is that even is being used as a conjunction. A conjunction is a word that connects two sentences together, such as, ‘and’, ‘because’, and ‘but’. Even alone cannot be used as a conjunction. It needs to be combined with if or though to connect two clauses. So the correction would be:

“Of course I’d continue teaching even if I didn’t have to work.”

Now, do you know why we used even if and not even though here?

Even if and even though are not equivalent. So what’s the difference between them?

Even If

We use even if when we’re talking about an unreal situation. We use it when we’re speculating or when we don’t consider something as a fact. 

To understand this better, let’s look at an example:

“I’m going out tomorrow even if it’s raining.”

In this situation, I don’t know if it’s going to rain tomorrow or not, but I’m still going out.

Here are some other examples,

“She’s leaving the company, even if they give her a promotion.”

Even if we had the money, we wouldn’t live in a big house.”  

Even Though

We use even though when we’re talking about a real situation. We use it to express a fact or when we think something is true. 

Let’s look at how the meaning changes when we use even though instead of even if in the examples I used above:

“I’m going out right now, even though it’s raining.”

In this case, I know it’s raining and I don’t care. I’m going out anyway. 

Here are some other examples,

“She’s still leaving the company, even though they offered her a promotion yesterday.”

Even though we have the money, we don’t want to live in a big house.”

Even So

Even so follows a fact and it means however or in spite of that. So we can say,

“The weather wasn’t great. Even so, we enjoyed our trip.”

“Everyone likes him. Even so, I don’t trust him.”

I hope you found this helpful! If you have any questions, share them with me in the comments. And if you found this useful, please share it with your friends.

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About the writer

Sama is the founder of In English With Love and an online English educator from Canada with over ten years of experience in the industry. Her mission is to make quality English learning materials accessible to English learners and teachers everywhere.

how to use even“Even” is an interesting word. It can be used for a variety of specific meanings that may be hard to generalise, and can raise particular confusion when it comes to its place in a sentence. It can add emphasis to examples (“I don’t like ducks – not even small ones.”) or verbs (“I didn’t even know the man!”). It can show unavoidable results (“Even when we tried our hardest, we failed.”). It can even show contrasts (“I like them, even though I hate their dog.”). So, how can you use it in sentences?

The meaning of “even”

As an adverb, on its own, even gives the idea of a surprising extreme. It describes verbs, other adverbs or adjectives. Even says something is ‘more than expected’.

  • She can even speak Chinese.
  • That dog is fast. But the cat is even faster.

Not even is used for extreme negatives, suggesting ‘less than expected’.

  • He is not even nice to children.

Where to place “even” in a sentence

When used with a verb, even usually comes with a verb, in the middle position. This means it comes after auxiliary verbs such as have, do, and be (important for the perfect and continuous tenses and question, negative or modal forms); or it comes before a main verb on its own.

I have heard every genre of music. I have even heard gypsy swing music. (After auxiliary verb, before main verb.)

  • He broke all the plates. He even broke her favourite plate. (Before main verb.)

When even refers to a subject, it usually goes before the subject, for instance at the start of clause.

  • Even the young boy was disappointed with the clown’s performance.

It can also before other words or phrases that you want to emphasise.

  • Peter collects many types of coins, even plastic ones.
  • I swim in the sea every day, even when it is raining.

With negatives, even comes after not.

“even if”, “even though” and “even when”

You should not use even as a conjunction, on its own, but with if, when or though it can be used as a conjunction. These emphasise contrasting clauses, as something that is surprising or unexpected.

  • Even if I won the lottery, I would live in this house.
  • I had a good time, even though I spilt my drink.
  • He was unhappy, even when they bought him a new car.

The three expressions cannot always be used in the same way. Certain rules can help separate them:

Even though should be used for general rules or facts. It is particularly common for states.

  • I like chocolate even though it is unhealthy.
  • We met at the park even though it was raining.

Even if is used with imagined or rare ideas.

  • I would not kiss him even if he was the last man on Earth.

Even when is used for events, which can be occasional, regular or one-off. It often shows an unavoidable result.

  • He sits in the park, even when it rains.

“even so”

Even so is usually used at the start of a clause, meaning ‘however’, ‘in spite of that’, but particularly focusing on surprising or unexpected results. It is used to present a contrast to an idea that has already been given (unlike ‘even though’, which joins two ideas with a contrast).

  • It is sunny now. Even so, I am staying at home.
  • Even though it is sunny now, I am staying at home.

“Even so” is very much like the word “but” or “however.” “Even so” is different in that it is used with surprising or unexpected results.

Other uses of “even”

Even can also be used to mean something is flat, equal or neutral. For example an even surface is flat.

When a debt is paid, or something has been settled (such as a dispute), the involved subjects may be considered even.

  • He owed me two pounds, but he paid, so we are even.

Even is also used to describe numbers that can be divided by 2 (2, 4, 6, 8 etc.). These even numbers are alternate numbers starting at 2. Alternate numbers starting at 1 (1, 3, 5, etc.) are called odd numbers.

Даже если / хотя = even though, even if

Уровень грамматики – C1 (Advanced level, CAE, IELTS, TOEFL)

Image result for even thoughЯ столкнулась с тем, что не понимаю разницу между even though и even if. Не понимаю до конца и делаю ошибки в тестах. А если делаю ошибки на уровне пассивных действий, то активно точно не смогу использовать этот оборот. А мне надо! Разобралась и делюсь с вами.

Ниже я привожу 3 объяснения, первые два из разных форумов, где эта тема обсуждалась.
Кому интересно сразу прочитать чёткое объяснение, ищете его под номером 3.

Разница между even though и even if – Объяснение №1

even if” usually is used before a situation occurs
ex: “even if it rains, I’ll still go to the park”

even though” is used in the middle of a situation
ex: “even though its raining, I’ll still go to the park”

Even if – ситуация еще НЕ случилась
Even thoufh – ситуация УЖЕ происходит

Разница между even though и even if – Объяснение №2

even if” is more like if something happened it would not change the outcome or results.
“Even if he apologizes she will not forgive him”
even though” is for when something has happened and it didnt change the outcome or results. “Even though she added sugar to the drink it is still sour”

Even if – ситуация еще не случилась, но если случится, то все равно не поможет
Even though – ситуация свершилась, но не помогло. Печаль.

Прочитали и не очень поняли разницу? Или ещё хуже – запутались и всё показалось ещё более сложным, чем могло бы быть?  Читаем ниже мои объяснения. Я “переварила” много источников и грамматических объяснений и вывела более легко запоминающуюся формулу.

Разница между even though и even if – Объяснение №3

Even though = but / despite the fact = это как факт, я это точно знаю
1 – I know you don’t like musicals but you may enjoy this one”.
The word “but” was substituted for “even though” (Even though I don’t usually like musicals, I loved this one.)

2 – I’m going to apply for the job, even though it pays very little.
Я собираюсь устраиваться на эту работу, хоть они (=пусть они) и мало платят.
Я знаю, что они мало платят, но все равно соглашаюсь, другого выхода нет.

3 – The necklace, even though (it was) staggeringly expensive, would match the dress perfectly.
Ожерелье, пусть и ошеломительно дорогое, идеально подошло бы к этому платью.
(=я знаю, что оно дорогое, и допускаю, что его можно купить/Взять/примерить).

Even if = whether or not
1 – “Even if you don’t like musicals, you might enjoy this one.” OR, “Whether or not you like musicals, you might enjoy this one.”

2 – I’m going to apply for the job, even if it pays very little.
Я собираюсь устраиваться на эту работу, даже если мне мало заплатят.
Я еще НЕ знаю, мало заплатят или много, но мне нужна работа, а не деньги.


Even if – я ничего не знаю, ситуация не случилась еще, ничего не ясно
я ПРЕДПОЛАГАЮ, рисую картины/догадки в своем воображении
even though – я знаю и допускаю эту ситуацию
я ДЕЛАЮ ВЫБОР, принимаю решение

Ещё короче (формула):

  • Even if – моя догадка
  • Even though – факт

Ещё больше примеров:

Even if I knew where John is, I wouldn’t tell you
даже если бы я знал, где был Джон, я бы тебе не сказал
(=я не имел ни малейшего представления, где был Джон, но я мог бы представить)

Even though I know where John is, I won’t tell you –
Хотя (=пусть) я знаю, где сейчас Джон, я не расскажу тебе этого.
(=я знаю его местоположение точно)

P.S. Even so означает примерно то же самое, что и even though, но используется в ситуациях, где нужно выразить больше контраста и удивления.

She is loud and unfriendly. Even so, I like her. (=это странно, что она мне нравится).

Разница между even though и even if – Видео ресурсы + тесты/квизы

  • – even though / even if / even when – Adam  (там же под видео шикарный тест с 9 вопросами)
  • – Niharika (ссылка на youtube)
  • Тест с 12 вопросами на even though / even if / even when / even so

Если вы знаете другие ресурсы и тесты на эту тему, буду благодарна каждому, кто оставит ссылку в комментариях к этому посту и внесёт тем самым небольшой вклад в изучении языков для всех нас:)

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