Sentence using the word difficult

Examples of how to use the word “difficult” in a sentence. How to connect “difficult” with other words to make correct English sentences.

difficult (adj): needing skill or effort

Use “difficult” in a sentence

This question is difficult to answer.
He finds it difficult to stop drinking.
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  • Use the word Difficult in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I admit, it is difficult to even think encased in this rotting piece of meat. The stink of it filling every breath, a suffocating cloud you can’t escape.

Now, the interactivity on this side is difficult to access.

Is looking at my face difficult for you?

Actually it’s quite difficult to talk about William Eggleston’s work, and he can’t tell you the answer either. Actually not a lot of people are gonna make sense talking about it. I don’t know quite what you mean by that.

Let’s not make this more difficult.

Jerome began gardening in the lowlands of the Basalt area with the understand that it would be too difficult to grow near his home on Basalt Mountain due to the arid soils and difficulty in harnessing water but once I learned about permaculture

But according to the specialist, the permaculture is difficult to apply into the intensive agriculture, in which the fruits have to be aligned and harvested with machines.

Wey the African man Wey the African woman Find it very difficult to succeed

As we ought to know the reason why The African man and the African woman find it difficult to su… Su…

And it’s difficult to really trust yourself.

Do you understand how difficult this is gonna be?

But it can be difficult to bring that goodness out of them.

I’ve seen something that makes it difficult for me to trust him.

It’s difficult for me to comprehend. Make it easy for me, and be the candy girl.

My decision to leave was an extremely difficult decision for me to make.

I know this is difficult for you.

I’m sorry it put you in a difficult position.

The arrival after a difficult journey

Very difficult to summarize the 60’s world, you will…

It’s strait difficult sincerely to interpret this is a visitation of the divine spirit or is a revelation of a transcendental world. It simply is an act of self deception to put that kind of religious interpretation on out of thought.

«It will be difficult for her this fall when she is sitting at home.

«This is a difficult question, Ingmar,

It wasn’t difficult to see what kind of job he had.

She understood that he had wanted to make everything genuinely nice, but that it then had gotten too difficult for him.

«How can it be that I sometimes worry and think it’s difficult to be alive?

«just as I used to ask him for advice in all difficult matters.»

I’ve been given a secret and a difficult mission:

I will cure him, however difficult it will be!

Yet he did not consider how difficult it is to control passion, once it is unbridled.

It is a difficult to imagine how young Hutter, his energies sadly dectimated, managed to surmoung the difficulties of his homeward journey.

This version also corrected misspellings and incorrect translations from recognizable titles in the Swiss version when the meaning was difficult to understand.

You know, it’s terribly difficult to reconcile the creative abilities of the writer with the trivialities of the balance sheet.

A difficult exercise is to mark the rhythm according to the rule:

But for the worker it is just as … just as … difficult

We want to study something more difficult.

difficult days followed for old Lord Bellamont.

Now, mind you a knife is a difficult thing to handle.

Se’ that for you is difficult to be single and in addition Machiko wanted to come.

You see, it’s rather difficult.

You tell me it’s difficult to find a husband for me?

Today we have an especially difficult case.

They’re rare. difficult to find

At certain moments the big rush of hasty travellers made recordings very difficult.

Ouessant, which is separated from Bannec by the difficult Fromveur passage… is the biggest and mildest of the islands of the archipelago.

It might be difficult to get that many volunteers.

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Sentences starting with difficult

  • Difficult as it will be for her to part from you, she has still begged me to return with her to Persia. [10]
  • Difficult as it had then been for her to understand the future abbess, now, after watching many a similar contest in others, it was easy to follow every emotion in Eva’s soul. [10]

Sentences ending with difficult

  • How surprised they were, then, to see nothing of the sort happen—how they marvelled to hear him answer up promptly, in a confident and untroubled voice, and say— «There is nought in this riddle that is difficult. [5]
  • The Abbe’s pertinacity was too difficult. [11]
  • And speech became very difficult. [9]
  • To miss my ugly old face really can not be so difficult! [10]
  • When the carriage turned towards the left and approached the Paneum, progress for the first time became difficult. [10]
  • The United States tried to rectify all that by appointing territorial officers from New England and other anti-Mormon localities, but Brigham prepared to make their entrance into his dominions difficult. [5]
  • It was found too difficult. [5]
  • I had things to say to her, things that every moment of this sort of intercourse was making more difficult. [9]
  • I know that the problems here will be more complicated, more modern,—more difficult. [9]
  • I have thought the matter over, and see clearly that escape will be difficult. [10]

Short sentences using difficult

  • It is difficult to say. [9]
  • They’re a difficult lot. [11]
  • That won’t be difficult. [9]
  • That is a difficult thing. [5]
  • It is a difficult question. [5]
  • It was a difficult position. [11]
  • It will not be difficult. [10]
  • Is it difficult? [5]
  • Writing is difficult. [10]
  • Speech was difficult. [10]

Sentences containing difficult two or more times

  • It would be very difficult to find a really clever «situation» in Cooper’s books, and still more difficult to find one of any kind which he has failed to render absurd by his handling of it. [5]
  • Dates are difficult things to acquire; and after they are acquired it is difficult to keep them in the head. [5]
  • He was conscious of an attempt at self-deception when he replied: «Not difficult, not at all difficult, but I thought I would wait till I had something definite to say. [4]
  • Simple dresses are more difficult, far more difficult to make, and yet become a handsome woman better than rich and gaudy robes. [10]
  • And so it makes it so rotten difficult to get up a difficult plan. [5]
  • In truth, the law of prophecy doth contradict the likelihoods, most strangely making the difficult easy, and the easy difficult. [5]
  • The difficult thing is to put it into practice—the most difficult thing in the world. [9]
  • And yet it is difficult to imagine an historical character whose activity was so unswervingly directed to a single aim; and it would be difficult to imagine any aim more worthy or more consonant with the will of the whole people. [2]
  • A feeling of grateful, cheerful satisfaction, difficult to describe, stole over him when the reserved, quiet Helena addressed him so warmly and cordially; but the image of Cleopatra constantly thrust itself between them, and it was difficult for him to understand himself. [10]
  • I shall leave friends here, dear friends—it will be difficult, very difficult, to find new ones at my age. [10]

More example sentences with the word difficult in them

  • The safety of your fortune would be less difficult to provide for if, as was formerly the case here, we could entrust it to the merchants of Alexandria. [10]
  • And you, with your clear eyes and your kind heart, would you find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong, and to feel for the sorrows of others—? [10]
  • I can give you only a brief abstract of my own opinions on this delicate and difficult subject. [6]
  • And when the writer is making a story and finds it necessary to report some of the talk of his characters observe how cautiously and anxiously he goes at that risky and difficult thing. [5]
  • A more jaded wretch than I looked, it would be difficult to conceive. [14]
  • I wish Europe would let Russia annihilate Turkey a little—not much, but enough to make it difficult to find the place again without a divining-rod or a diving-bell. [5]
  • Still more difficult would it be to find an instance in history of the aim of an historical personage being so completely accomplished as that to which all Kutuzov’s efforts were directed in 1812. [2]
  • A young Spanish woman who taught her dancing succeeded best with her, for she had a passion for that exercise, and had mastered some of the most difficult dances. [6]
  • I held the woman I hated in my grasp, and thanked the immortals for the boon; but you two—it is not difficult to guess the secret you are still trying to keep from me—you aided her to escape. [10]
  • But submission and withdrawal were especially difficult to the young «King of kings. [10]
  • He contented himself with the belief that the most vigorous natures are the most difficult to rouse. [11]
  • They will remember with gratitude every earnest effort, every encouraging word, which has helped them in their difficult and laborious career of study. [3]
  • Austen suddenly remembered, with an irresistible smile, that one of the reasons which he had assigned for his visit to the capital was to hear this very speech, to see how Mr. Crewe would carry off what appeared to be a somewhat difficult situation. [9]
  • I fear it will now be difficult to arrange, as it is so near the marriage-day. [14]
  • I think it will be difficult to return to the old regime. [2]
  • I think it will be difficult for you to find any thought of self in that impulse. [5]
  • To Ephraim Prescott, who, as the days went on, found it more and more difficult to sew harness on account of his rheumatism, Jethro was not only a great man but a hero. [9]
  • When the doctor who had been sent to me had finished his task of sewing up the wound and left us, an elderly woman entered, whose rank in life was somewhat difficult to determine. [10]
  • There’s one thing which makes it difficult for me to soberly realize that my ten year dream is actually dissolved; and that is, that it reveries my horoscope. [5]
  • But the reverence which is difficult, and which has personal merit in it, is the respect which you pay, without compulsion, to the political or religious attitude of a man whose beliefs are not yours. [5]
  • The crisis through which I passed at Cambridge, inaugurated by the events I have just related, I find very difficult to portray. [9]
  • The fundamental principles which have dominated this rare creature’s life and character to the present day are two ceaseless desires: first, to surpass every one, even in the most difficult achievements; and, secondly, to love and to be loved in return. [10]
  • Your husband’s forbears were difficult, my dear. [11]
  • And while they were at this work, which was difficult, their wives put in the night spending the money, which was easy. [5]
  • Both men, therefore, went down to the square, though the crowds seeking the temple and thronging the space before Didymus’s house made it more and more difficult to pace to and fro. [10]
  • You remember when we were in the depths of the woods last summer how difficult it was to get up any interest in the files of late papers that reached us, and how unreal all the struggle and turmoil of the world seemed. [4]
  • The huge round waves of ice were slippery and difficult to climb, and the chances of tripping and sliding down them and darting into a crevice were too many to be comfortable. [5]
  • Equally as difficult was the task of deceiving the Gentiles, for they were as proud as they were poor. [13]
  • His mental make-up was such that it was difficult for him to hold any position long. [5]
  • But, as I was saying, to change quarters here as late as November is a little difficult, for the wise ones seek to get housed for the winter by October: they select the sunny apartments, get on the double windows, and store up wood. [4]
  • No person, as was said long ago, could judge him, because his task was not merely difficult, but simply impracticable to human powers. [6]
  • Kutuzov’s general expression was one of concentrated quiet attention, and his face wore a strained look as if he found it difficult to master the fatigue of his old and feeble body. [2]
  • The north wind was now blowing so violently from the sea that it was difficult to keep the torches and lamps lighted. [10]
  • Indeed, Jean Jacques was not so old that she would have found it difficult to take a well-defined and warm interest in him, were circumstances propitious. [11]
  • The dinner itself was more like a ceremony than a meal, and as it proceeded, Honora found it increasingly difficult to rid herself of a curious feeling of being on probation. [9]
  • The fair-haired artist was ill, and it would be no difficult matter to take him alive, even if he should put himself on the defensive. [10]
  • Before the day was done, Headquarters had accepted Carnac, in part, as the solution of their own difficult problem. [11]
  • When the palace was completed to Dion’s satisfaction and became one of the most lauded ornaments of the city, the young men’s friendship assumed a new form, and it would have been difficult to say which received the most benefit. [10]
  • Another reporter, who was assigned to inform the public of the results of a difficult archeological investigation, frankly confessed his inability to understand what was going on; for his ordinary business, he said, was cattle. [4]
  • Behind our position was a steep and deep dip, making it difficult for artillery and cavalry to retire. [2]
  • In truth it was a difficult task, for he pressed me again and again, and when he saw me firm, turned away to wipe his eyes upon his sleeve. [9]
  • But Barbara was warned and, difficult as it often was for her to withstand the humble entreaties to which the old lady in waiting frequently condescended, persisted in her refusal. [10]
  • Blowing down the walls of Jericho with rams’ horns wa’n’t as difficult, in my opinion. [5]
  • From Schweinau the walk had become difficult, especially as it was contrary to the teaching of the saint to use a staff. [10]
  • You’ve selected the very most difficult piece of railroad in Australia for your experiment. [5]
  • But it was very difficult, Mr. Fay told me, to procure any kind of conveyance to Hagerstown; and, on the other hand, I had James Grayden and his wagon to carry me back to Frederick. [6]
  • It was undoubtedly very difficult to keep one’s temper under such treatment. [9]
  • We call them vascular glands, and we believe that they elaborate colored and uncolored blood-cells; but just what changes they effect, and just how they effect them, it has proved a very difficult matter to determine. [3]
  • It was not usual for Mr. Crewe to find it difficult to begin a conversation, or to have a companion as self-sufficient as himself. [9]
  • When the insolent uproar went up from the «Greens,» whose color he himself wore, he had found it difficult to refrain from rushing on the cowardly crew and knocking some of them down. [10]
  • We’re all brought up, ain’t we, to honor the man that made his money, and look down—or try to look down; sometimes it’s difficult on the fellow that his father left it to? [8]
  • Thus, unwearied and unseen, he had followed them as far as the street of Hermes; there his task became more difficult, for the road was swarming with people. [10]
  • All the morning uneasiness possessed me, and I found it difficult to concentrate on the affairs I had in hand. [9]
  • It was not understood that everybody can learn to make poetry, just as they can learn the more difficult tricks of juggling. [6]
  • To tell the truth, she found it difficult to express the emotions which the event had summoned up. [9]
  • It was also true, as he explains in a letter to his mother, that his days were full of annoyances, making it difficult for him to work. [5]
  • It is quite true that it is difficult for me to write with the same feeling that inspires you, —that everything around the inkstand within a radius of a thousand miles is full of deepest interest to writer and reader. [6]
  • Frank Armour must tread a difficult road. [11]
  • Smith wrote his travels in London nearly thirty years after, and it is difficult to say how much is the result of his own observation and how much he appropriated from preceding romances. [4]
  • Unless it was training-day, or Fourth of July, or the circus was coming, it was a little difficult to find anything big enough to fill our anticipations of the fun we would have in the day or the two or three days we had earned. [4]
  • He had heard, too, that they shrunk from no lies, no fraud to escape their toil, and how difficult was the task of compelling them to obey and fulfil their duty. [10]
  • I would sail to-day if I had anybody to take charge of my family and help them through the difficult journeys commanded by the doctors. [5]
  • It is easy to write laws, but difficult to rule…. Just the same as now—I ask you, Count—who will be heads of the departments when everybody has to pass examinations? [2]
  • This leads me to what I chiefly wanted to say in this paper, to the cause of discontent which seems to me altogether the most serious, altogether the most difficult to deal with. [4]
  • It is difficult to understand how anybody who has ever kept a dog, or seen an elephant, can have any doubt as to an animal’s power of performing the essential processes of reasoning. [1]
  • It was difficult to thread the needle. [10]
  • Still he had to think, and he found it difficult to think clearly. [13]
  • A greater contrast to the Vicomte than Mr. Howard Spence would have been difficult to find. [9]
  • We sweep away to the left round the base of the hill, over a difficult and stony path. [4]
  • It was difficult to supply her wonderfully vigorous intellect with sufficient sustenance, and she really felt that to enrich it was the highest pleasure. [10]
  • It was difficult to separate here on the quay: they must all walk together to the hotel. [11]
  • It is difficult to see how our modern life would go on as well as it does if there were not in our homes a good many such faithful souls. [4]
  • I was about to say, my dear, that I expect to have a great deal of—well, of rather difficult company this summer. [9]
  • It was difficult to say, meantime, whether the road was laid out in the river, or the river in the road. [4]
  • It is difficult to say exactly what was the sin of stealing that kind of pie, especially if the one who stole it ate it. [4]
  • It is difficult to say exactly how culture can extend its influence into places uncongenial and to people indifferent to it, but I will try and illustrate what I mean by an example or two. [4]
  • It is difficult to rouse her to any sense of her duty as a standard of aspiration. [4]
  • It is difficult to restrain one’s pen in dealing with a hero, but it is not too much to say that Mr. Crewe impressed many of the country members favourably. [9]
  • It is difficult to record the fluctuations of my spirit. [9]
  • It is difficult to realize the situation. [5]
  • It was difficult to open up the subject. [11]
  • It was difficult to make one’s way. [5]
  • As Charmian went to Lochias with Archibius, it was difficult for her to find words, the events of the past few hours had agitated her so deeply. [10]
  • The generals seemed to listen reluctantly to the difficult dispositions. [2]
  • It is difficult to know whether most to admire their stately dimensions or the beauty of their forms. [10]
  • It is hard to keep from dwelling upon them, though; for it is difficult to get away from the surprise of it. [5]
  • It was difficult to influence her at all. [6]
  • This was difficult to imagine, since in that case the accused would have given himself the loss, and the Church the advantage. [10]
  • Besides, by appealing to his ambition, he could be induced to put forth all his powers, and, if his teachers aimed at what they studiously omitted, it would not be difficult to make a scholar of him. [10]
  • It was difficult to hide such a big pistol even under his wide coat. [2]
  • Your mother desired to have him moved to her house, but he is difficult to stir from his ways, and he would not leave his little room. [9]
  • It is difficult to go to any particular place here; impossible to write of it in a direct manner. [4]
  • It seemed difficult to go on without help of some sort. [4]
  • I try hard to give you credit, Jonathan, for not knowing the ways of the world—but it’s always been difficult to believe that Minnie Farrell had become well—a bad woman. [9]
  • It is difficult to get the train in motion. [4]
  • I soon began to find it difficult to put in the time. [5]
  • One soon learns to expect this bow and be on the lookout and ready to return it; but to learn to lead off and make the initial bow one’s self is a difficult matter for a diffident man. [5]
  • It was difficult to establish a practice in medicine without some capital, else I had remained in London; and, being in need of instant means, I gladly accepted the offer. [11]
  • It is difficult to enjoy well so much several languages. [5]
  • It was difficult to elude their attention; yet close by Ephraim’s couch, which his uncle, for greater comfort, had helped him make on the side of a gently sloping hill, a narrow ravine ran down to the valley. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word difficult in a sentence? How do you use difficult in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word difficult?
It contains example sentences with the word difficult, a sentence example for difficult, and difficult in sample sentence.

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