Sentence using the word descending

1. The plane started descending at a steep angle.

2. The results are expressed in descending numerical order .

3. My sister’s family is descending on us this weekend.

4. I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.

5. Practise your scales ascending and descending.

6. The country was descending into chaos.

7. The moon is descending down.

8. The hotels are listed in descending order of price.

9. There were fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war.

10. The plane’s nose dipped as it started descending towards the runway.

11. If you hit him back, you’ll only be descending to his level.

12. The jet was descending steeply, but its pilot was able to pull it out just in time.

13. My sister and her family are descending on us this weekend.

14. The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake.

15. He talked about all those points in descending order of importance.

16. A large woman in a hat was descending on them.

17. The path continues for some way before descending to Garsdale Head.

18. The climbers stopped to orient themselves before descending the mountain.

19. Several climbers were descending the mountain.

20. They heard his heavy footsteps descending the stairs.

21. The floors were connected by a descending spiral.

22. The Dark Times were again descending over the universe.

23. These must be listed in descending order of weight.

24. Other vampires were descending through the mist.

24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. The bridge spans the watercourse descending from Coire Mhic Nobuil in a very attractive setting[], well seen from the parapet.

26. The leaflet gives details of all the hotels in the area in descending order of price.

27. All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.

28. However, it was also shown that this gate mechanism was controlled by impulses descending from the brain.

29. You will see it as a great mound becoming visible at the bottom of a steep slope that you are descending.

30. There was a horseshoe put-down and pick-up point between an ascending and descending ramp but parking there was prohibited.

Sentence with word descending. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use descending in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for descending.

  • Steps were heard descending. (9)
  • Descending the stairs, she felt for the bannister. (8)
  • Aunt Lisbeth dressed, and met Margarita descending. (10)
  • He nodded to the draughtsman and hailed a descending car. (13)
  • In descending the steps he noticed that they wanted painting. (8)
  • Descending on the deep green valley in Summer is like a change of climes. (10)
  • The friends embraced before descending to step into the fateful carriage. (10)
  • Her placid observation was directed on the pair then descending the steps. (10)
  • It was about ten minutes before the time for descending to the breakfast-table. (10)
  • Descending the stairs, he beheld his companion issuing from the chamber of death. (10)
  • Mr. Rippenger gazed at me in descending from his desk; Julia, too, looking grieved. (10)
  • They all seemed silly, and in a sudden languor he began descending the steps one by one. (8)
  • Hearing the clatter of a horse at the porch, he stopped as he was descending the stairs. (10)
  • As the young man turned away from her, he met Helen Spellman descending the long flight of steps. (13)
  • The bird flew, and circled, and hung poised a moment, presently descending on the roof of the palace. (10)
  • Descending from it, and purely to breathe common air (thus in her mind), they are scourged and outcast. (10)
  • Is the inner casing so well insulated that it prevents premature heating of the descending air-currents? (17)
  • He crossed the wooded neck above the valley, and began descending, peering into gulfs of the twilight dusk. (10)
  • She gave him her arm to help her in descending the steep bank of the ravine, and she leaned heavily on him. (13)
  • Braintop looked at the paper, which now appeared to recede from his eyes, and flourish like a descending kite. (10)
  • Descending to the hall, he came on Mr. Dennant crossing to his study, with a handful of official-looking papers. (8)
  • Then she saw her husband descending the stairs, saw him greet the English party, heard the intoning of their drawl. (8)
  • At length, descending by a very steep road, I reached a beautiful little stream, over which a rustic bridge was thrown. (6)
  • Jenna smoked triumphantly and blew great clouds, with an eye aloft for the stools, basins, chairs, and water descending. (10)
  • She shut her eyes from the sight of the Demerara supple-jack descending right and left upon the skulls of a couple of bully lads. (10)
  • He walked and talked much more airily along the descending pathway, as if he had suddenly become more intimately acquainted with her. (10)
  • A rumour had spread that a mighty army of Hurons were descending upon them, and they resolved, in spite of their chiefs, to retreat at once. (19)
  • My curse of introspection left me, and descending through the town to the pier, amid the breezy blue skirts and bonnet-strings, we watched the packet-boat approaching. (10)

Also see sentences for: down, downward, sloping.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for descending. Now that you’ve seen how to use descending in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Johnny’s yell reverberated off the walls of the quickly descending elevator

We don’t know what to expect down there,” Johnny said as he held out his hand protectively while peering into the darkness of the descending stairs

descending into the dimpled earth,

There were some reports he should go over instead of staring down between his feet at Sol and the trouble they were descending into

The sun rose slowly and its rays flowed into the room through a large stained glass window high above sending colorful prisms of light dancing about the room in a descending pattern

The captain held his head in his hands, staring thru the invisible table at the yellow star they were descending back down to

that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

The sound of footsteps, hollow as though they are descending a staircase

An eighth becomes a quarter, becomes a half, becomes the whole, or in a descending pattern of whole to half, to quarter, to eighth

He said in a descending voice, “Let me tell you about love

They couldn’t have walked more than a few feet, after descending the deck steps

After descending the steps to the cobblestone walk, she asked

descending to the arch of her back until they found her bottom

The girl descending the steps, and passed only inches from her

It was at that moment, that Mandy, Jameson, and Titania came up behind the shouting couple, while at the top of the ramp, descending behind the Captain were Harold, Chloe, Hipolyta and little Hannah in her mother’s arms

two companions before descending towards the Abbey

She recognized Luray’s voice instinctively but took over a second to think that she might be in the starship descending over her

He seemed unconcerned with her corporeal state or his lack of bonds, but stood staring at the world’s sun — a hazy blue ball rapidly descending to the horizon

And though he still tied her far back in a descending tunnel when he went out alone, he’d leave a water skin close enough to reach with her mouth

Descending in an elevator suggests that you are being grounded or coming back down to reality

Just as the Elf was starting to wonder how deep they were descending, they reached an ancient ledge, an immense terrace or balcony, wrought from the living stone of the planet

A long finger of air from a funnel cloud started descending out of the sky as Mars was dragged upwards

Suddenly there was a dull thud and they were pressed into the partition momentarily as the car stopped descending

I could feel the black depression descending on me again and the almost tangible hate that I felt for those shirking bastards stood at the bar waving their money and drinking

frantically at the monsters descending from above

He stumbled onwards with a heavy heart, brooding just like his Battle Angel, the two of them descending into endless circles of flames

Carl had admitted hearing screams of men and women in the palace of Nordhel, late at night, which none of his immortal guards ever heard, so it must have been a sign that Carl too was descending into madness

Now he drove home in silence, the car cutting through the early evening darkness, a chill descending upon the air

alone that the scales descending on the counter made a merry sound, or

‘No, not yet,’ she said and burst into another round of hysteria, her tears rapidly descending down her cheeks

Galeron flew back into space, arced into the center of the pit, and with arms and legs flailing, he began descending into the darkness

sound of Cal’s horse descending the trail

She studied Truman’s face for a clue, but he was captivated totally by the broad shouldered man descending the ladder

They were descending deep down in the lower levels of the Disciplinarium, places that Ursempyre had always been loathe to visit for he was aware of the acts usually being performed in those chambers

Amonas found out Hilderich’s unorthodox way of descending the steps to be quite efficient and fast, so he copied it and they were both making good progress, rapidly going down the steps

It wasn’t night falling, but thousands of fruit bats descending on the law enforcement group

They turned sharply onto a rapidly descending gravel road, came around a bend and stopped

He snapped a couple of awesome photos of the sunset descending behind snow capped mountains

He looked up in awe at a mixture of white and turquoise colours, and saw climbers descending with picks in hand

Slowly descending in wide

“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God

The smallest of snippets of all these “sounds?” seemed to be endlessly descending upon my inner mind, as snowflakes on a windless winter, seeming to tell me of things beyond that of even the most vivid of any imaginary guesses

Every head in the room turned to see Libuse descending the staircase, her long blue dress trailing behind her

and could see through the tiny slits created between leaf joins as a large band of curiously hungry looking flora descending on the

was forward to sacrifice Isaac our progenitor, and shuddered not at the sight of his own paternal hand descending down with the

‘ And from there I went to another place, which was still more horrible than the former, and I saw a horrible thing, the great fire there which burnt and blazed, and the place was a chasm as far wide as the abyss, being full of great descending columns of fire, neither its extent or magnitude could I see, nor could I conjecture; Then I said: ‘How fearful is the place and how awful to look on!’ Then Uriel answered me, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said to me: ‘Enoch, why have you such fear and intimidation?’ And I answered: ‘Because of this fearful place, and because of the spectacle of the pain

but it does not prevent us from descending from the midst of it into the burden of Sheol

Woe to you, you sinners, on account of the words of your mouth; And on account of the deeds of your hands which your godlessness has brought, in blazing flames burning worse than fire shall you burn; And now, know you that from the angels He will inquire as to your deeds in Heaven, from the sun and from the moon and from the stars in reference to your sins because on the Earth you execute judgement on the righteous, and He will summon to testify against you every cloud and mist and dew and rain; for they shall all be withheld because of you from descending on you, and they shall be mindful of your sins; And now give presents to the rain that it be not withheld from descending on you, nor yet the dew, when it has received gold and silver from you that it may descend; When the hoar-frost and snow with their chilliness, and all the snow-storms with all their plagues fall on you, in those days you shall not be able to stand before them

If He closes the windows of Heaven, and withholds the rain and the dew from descending on the Earth on your account, what will you do then? And if He sends His anger on you because of your deeds, you cannot petition Him; for you spoke proud and insolent words against His righteousness; therefore you shall have no peace; And see you not the sailors of the ships, how their ships are tossed to and fro by the waves, and are shaken by the winds, and are in sore trouble? And therefore do they fear because all their goodly possessions go on the sea with them, and they have evil forebodings of heart that the sea will swallow them and they will perish in it

26 And the rain was still descending on the Earth, and it descended forty days and forty nights, and the waters prevailed greatly on the Earth; and all flesh that was on the Earth or in the waters died, whether men, animals, beasts, creeping things or birds of the air, and there only remained Noah and those who were with him in the Ark

if I was descending into the waters of the Arctic Ocean

Above us, the stars and the moon were descending

I felt the car descending, and before I could ask more about William, we were landing in a forest

Descending very close into the mountains behind the school taking the road and entering University Street like a normal car

Descending from the royal court musician family, money was something they never spoke of

12 And he dreamed, and note a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and note the angels of God ascending and descending on it

Descending the stairs, Jesse smiled at the chattering group of women waiting at the bottom

‘ And from there I went to another place which was still more horrible than the former and I saw a horrible thing the great fire there which burnt and blazed and the place was a chasm as far wide as the abyss being full of great descending columns of fire neither its extent or magnitude could I see nor could I conjecture; Then I said: ‘How fearful is the place and how awful to look on!’ Then Uriel answered me one of the holy angels who was with me and said to me: ‘Enoch why have you such fear and intimidation?’ And I answered: ‘Because of this fearful place and because of the spectacle of the pain

reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on

There came a creaking from upstairs, and the sound of feet descending the

Woe to you you sinners on account of the words of your mouth; And on account of the deeds of your hands which your godlessness has brought in blazing flames burning worse than fire shall you burn; And now know you that from the angels He will inquire as to your deeds in Heaven from the sun and from the moon and from the stars in reference to your sins because on the Earth you execute judgement on the righteous and He will summon to testify against you every cloud and mist and dew and rain; for they shall all be withheld because of you from descending on you and they shall be mindful of your sins; And now give presents to the rain that it be not withheld from descending on you nor yet the dew when it has received gold and silver from you that it may descend; When the hoar-frost and snow with their chilliness and all the snow-storms with all their plagues fall on you in those days you shall not be able to stand before them

If He closes the windows of Heaven and withholds the rain and the dew from descending on the Earth on your account what will you do then? And if He sends His anger on you because of your deeds you cannot petition Him; for you spoke proud and insolent words against His righteousness; therefore you shall have no peace; And see you not the sailors of the ships how their ships are tossed to and fro by the waves and are shaken by the winds and are in sore trouble? And therefore do they fear because all their goodly possessions go on the sea with them and they have evil forebodings of heart that the sea will swallow them and they will perish in it

26 And the rain was still descending on the Earth and it descended forty days and forty nights and the waters prevailed greatly on the Earth; and all flesh that was on the Earth or in the waters died whether men animals beasts creeping things or birds of the air and there only remained Noah and those who were with him in the Ark

That are descending into

He chose a song, then plucked a descending series of chords, humming along as he did so, transposing until the lowest note in the song was the same as the lowest note of his voice

Very steep stairs appeared, descending into the darkness

“I’ll say it was, for this is First Valley, and that’s our home below!” Nemia agreed as they began descending, following Mark’s lead

He flinched a bit as the god-power started rushing into him, but maintained the contact, hummed a slow descending arpeggio to find the right note to bring himself in tune with the stone, and smiled as he succeeded

“What are they rebuilding, exactly?” Mark asked as they began flying around the palace and descending to thirty meters above it’s rooftops

The primary wave had dashed high into the air, most of which lapsed back with only a small remainder descending upon them like a monsoon spray of moisture

As the declining sun first kissed the top of the western hills, the land began to open up ahead of them revealing a quickly descending path into a wide flat valley

20 For whom also our father Abraham was forward to sacrifice Isaac our progenitor and shuddered not at the sight of his own paternal hand descending down with the sword on him

He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and a voice came out of the sky saying:

32 John testified saying «I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of Heaven and it remained on Him

33 I didn’t recognise Him but He who sent me to baptise in water He said to me ‘On whomever you will see the Spirit descending and remaining on Him the same is He who baptises in the Holy Spirit

51 He said to him «Most certainly I tell you hereafter you will see Heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man

28 Then came Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan to John to be baptized of him; And Jesus was about thirty years old and it was supposed that he was the son of Joseph; And John saw Jesus coming to him and said This is the Lamb of God that takes on itself the burden of the sins of the world! This is he concerning whom I said There comes after me a man who was before me because he was before me; And I knew him not; but that he should be made manifest to Israel for this cause came I to baptize with water; And John was hindering him and saying I have need of being baptized by you and come you to me? Jesus answered him and said Suffer this now: so it is our duty to fulfill all righteousness 35; Then he suffered him; And when all the people were baptized Jesus also was baptized; And immediately he went up out of the water and heaven opened to him and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the similitude of the body of a dove; and note a voice from heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; And John bare witness and said I beheld the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove; and it abode on him; But I knew him not; but he who sent me to baptize with water he said to me on whom ever you shall see the Spirit descending and lighting on him the same is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit; And I have seen and borne witness that this is the Son of God

Jesus said to him Because I said to you I saw you under the fig tree have you believed? you shall see what is greater than this; And he said to him Truely truely I say to you from now on you shall see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man

of them revealing a quickly descending path into a wide flat valley

impaled by the combined force of the descending weapon and the sudden death grip of the

He thanked both of us for descending onto Earth to assist in its transformation, and that he knew this had been emotionally difficult for me

Beyond the doorframe the descending passage was seen to be a natural formation that had once been a lava tube, unaltered except for the wide steps expertly carved from the black, glasslike stone

“What are they rebuilding, exactly?” Mark asked as they began flying around the palace and descending to a hundred feet above it’s rooftops

John 1:50-51 Do you believe because I said to you I saw you under the fig tree? You shall see greater things than this; truly truly I say to you here after you shall see the sky open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man

because it was descending, as water would, hoping that I would

see the Dean in his robe and night clothes descending the stairs

Balloons were still descending from

foot and stepped onto the descending staircase

Click on the column heading titled «Searches» to sort the keywords in descending order, with the keyword being searched the most at the top

Lastly, we’ll click the column heading titled «Title» to sort it in descending order

“And He said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man

Joshua told Nathaniel that he would see angels ascending and descending

Other attacks were made by small groups of men descending from the mountains and raiding German troops when they least expected it

This full bladder obviously had prevented the baby’s head from descending down the birth canal

The ship was descending rapidly now, coming in for a landing just

  • Use the word DESCENDING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«Who is this insignificant Swiss descending on the Americans,


# The tired old moon is descending #

What? She jumped on the descending raft.

rises to the surface,.. while is descending the last shift diver,.. who goes to work at the tear with the flame.

The prince of carnival arrives in his splendor descending to us, the dust-born

There’s a stairwell descending into the ground.

Maxentius is waiting for you, and will grant life to decurion Rhual, who is descending this moment to fight. Look, he’ll have to face the most terrible gladiators.

Later, for services rendered to His Majesty… after his restoration by the duchess… the title was granted the unique privilege… of descending by the female as well as the male line.

We’re now descending in the elevator 528 feet.

I think we’d better rest up before descending the Alps.

That’s what I call descending.

Radar reports you’re descending.

You don’t want them to see me descending by your balcony, do you?

Need my descending footsteps on the stairs?

You hear my descending footsteps on the stairs?

For while I had no intention of descending to her level and bickering about anything as sordid as money, it was at that moment I made up my mind.


The forest has a bird whose song makes you blush a clock that can’t chime a bog with a nest of white chard a descending cathedral, a climbing arch an abandoned car in the brush that runs down the beribboned path

For more than two centuries the immense cascade of stone stairs descending from Trinità dei Monti to the Piazza di Spagna has been a favorite place of assignation.

The whole of Asia is descending upon us.

The Yangtse-kiang, mate, that’s millions of cubic meters of gold and flowers descending towards Nankin.

It’ll look like you’re descending directly from Theta.

The latest on that unknown space capsule, know edge o f whose ex stonce s den cd by everyono lt is now descending to Earth.

We’re in a descending orbit.

Arthur Arthurovich’ the dirigible is descending!

The descending arc is the past.

That it not be a descending parabola, but an ever growing diagram.

We remember descending for a landing with all conditions perfect.

-of a Viking invasion descending on us.

Increase power… conveyor descending.

Divers are descending to search for other vehicles.

7809 and descending. 780—

Level 78 1 1 and descending.

descending and armed. descending and armed.

Rocket descending and accelerating.

Altitude: 300 miles, descending and accelerating.

We passed through a range of low arches descended, passed on. And descending again, arrived at a deep crypt… in which the foulness of the air… caused our torches to glow rather than flame.

Oh how you demean yourself descending from your august throne into my lips.

Later, while descending from the mountain…

descending from the founding member…

Am approaching northbound freeway and descending to 1,OOO feet

Endlessly going aloft, setting sail dropping sails, reefing stowing, descending.

In h is dream he saw a ladder standing on the ground, it’s top reaching heaven and God’s angels ascending and descending it.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Descending | Descending Sentence

  • They were descending the hillside now.
  • O tired lark descending on the wheat!
  • The sun was rapidly descending in the west.
  • Ditson went out, and Frank heard him descending the stairs.
  • Presently Mr. Rimmon was heard descending the stair.
  • He offered his hand to help her in descending the portico steps.
  • Hours seemed to pass as they advanced, descending constantly.
  • He could tell from its motion, that it was descending the river.
  • He mounted a slope, was descending to mount another, when lo!

How To Use Descending In A Sentence?

  • Now she rose from her couch and descending off the dais, began to walk up and down the chamber.
  • I espied a number of squaws, in canoes, descending the river and landing at the village.
  • The Saintship or headship of the community was hereditary, descending from father to son.
  • With every step I took the awful fascination of the descending water increased upon me.
  • On descending the mountain, Moses found them worshipping the golden image of a calf.
  • Then I saw another glacier, descending from the eastern side into a small lake.
  • Here I sprained my ankle in descending a broken gully, and was obliged to return to the tent.
  • A very unsatisfactory stream of water, a crowd of Orientals, and our Saviour descending a hill.
  • They could hear his rapid footfalls descending the stairs, and John Mark was thoughtful indeed.
  • He was quite sure there could be no mistake in the identity of the man whom he beheld descending the portico.
  • They are prohibited by statute from descending the pit, and their names and ages are all exactly registered.
  • Two men were soon after seen descending from the woody height, where we had passed the preceding evening.
  • Then, as she heard some one descending the stairs, she rushed again into the room where she remembered the windows were open.
  • This is the liberty which water, impelled by the power of gravity, possesses in descending the channel of a river.
  • Jack, descending the hatch with his men, encountered opposition in the captain’s cabin.
  • But at school head and foot meant little girls bobbing up and down, descending and ascending the scale of excellency.
  • In 812 they drove off the invaders with great slaughter, only to find fresh hordes descending a year or two later.
  • There was another door, which opened on to a balcony, with a flight of steps descending into a walled garden of some size.
  • She turned and left him; he heard her steps descending the old winding stair which led from the top of the wall down into the street.
  • When we were descending a slight declivity one of the horses laid his weight on the pole and broke it, although the parts did not separate.
  • I observe the eager awkwardness with which he accomplishes the recognition, his carefulness in descending steps, and generally in his locomotion.
  • It consisted of a kind of white woollen wrapper, made close about the neck, and descending to the very ground.
  • We feared to excite remark or suspicion by descending and leaving our chamber, or else immediate escape was our strongest idea.
  • She dreamed that she was descending endless stairs and dark corridors, with a heavy, shapeless burden on her shoulders.
  • Turning as he was descending the steps, the young man looked into the Governor’s face.
  • In the silence they heard distinctly steps descending the staircase, and Katharine went straight to the door.
  • Her petticoats, descending but little below the calf of her leg, displayed its «ample round» to the utmost advantage.
  • In the woods and jagged mountain-tops, the crags, the forests, descending into the valleys, she heard some mysterious call.
  • Here the end of the glacier, descending an abrupt swell of resisting rock about five hundred feet high, leans forward and falls in ice cascades.
  • On descending from his car he exchanged his motor-cap for a feather-weight Panama, and smilingly confronted the group at the main entrance.
  • As I approached what was my surprise to see descending its terraces the same man who had accosted me near Magliana.

Definition of Descending

(of a sequence) Ordered such that each element is less than or equal to the previous element. | (computing) That causes a sequence to follow a descending order. | present participle of descend

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Descending sentence in english

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