Sentence using the word curriculum

Synonym: course of study, program, programme, syllabus. Similar words: hurricane, agriculture, agricultural, current, currency, currently, difficult, particular. Meaning: [kə’rɪkjʊləm]  n. an integrated course of academic studies. 

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1. Teachers feel that the present curriculum is too narrow.

2. The curriculum is rigidly prescribed from an early age.

3. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.

4. Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.

5. He questioned whether the school curriculum was broad enough in scope.

6. Have you brought your curriculum vitae and certificates with you?

7. Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.

8. We have to build computers into the school curriculum.

8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. IT is now on the curriculum in most schools.

10. The curriculum needs breadth and balance.

11. Is German on your school’s curriculum?

12. The curriculum makes great demands on the teacher.

13. The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole.

14. They all fulminated against the new curriculum.

15. The course curriculum is geared to span three years.

16. Spanish is in the curriculum.

17. All schools must follow the prescribed curriculum.

18. We cover all areas of the curriculum.

19. Pupils use computers across the curriculum .

20. The curriculum must be preplanned.

21. The subjects on the curriculum encourage intellectual enquiry.

22. Many pupils follow an imbalanced curriculum.

23. Music is an integral part of the school’s curriculum.

24. The curriculum includes courses in computing.

25. Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.

26. Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your letter of application.

27. All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum.

28. The staff should work together to revise the school curriculum.

29. Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.

30. There’s a strong sense of coherence in the school curriculum.

More similar words: hurricane, agriculture, agricultural, current, currency, currently, difficult, particular, articulate, blackcurrant, particularly, in particular, stimulus, column, volume, aluminum, columnist, hurry up, curve, occur, in a hurry, surround, barrier, warrior, carrier, arrival, curious, curtain, corridor, horrible. 

In education, a curriculum (; plural: curricula or curriculums) is broadly defined as the totality of student experiences that occur in the educational process. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Since then, the social studies standards have been widely and successfully used as a framework for teachers, schools, districts, states, and other nations as a tool for curriculum alignment and development.


The plan is aimed at year 2 and gives details of the year 2 curriculum objectives covered…


Those schools have also been slow to implement a plan to adopt an International Baccalaureate curriculum that could draw neighborhood students.


Critics charge that school-to-work programs displace basic skills and academic instruction, are impractical and wasteful, invade family privacy, narrow student options, promote societal change (by reducing ability grouping, integrating reshaping traditional gender roles, etc.), and allow the national government to shape school curricula and children’s futures.


WBT is learning curriculum that is delivered through the web, either via the Internet or a corporate intranet.


I spent an entire year teaching a curriculum centered on three core values: grit, ownership, and teamwork.


One of these ways is in their approach to curriculum.


The new Family Involvement Network of Educators — or FINE — will work to make parent-involvement materials and curricula more widely available to schools of education.


«The digital library will provide a repository of contents which include 2,000 study aids on core subjects from primary to senior secondary school curriculum, over 1,600 tutorials, instructional videos and selected e-books for primary to SS3 approved texts, brief history of Lagos State, online forum, podcasts and exam-mate (A Test Resource).


The Ministry of Education is to introduce coding in the basic school curriculum to promote software and website development.


The challenge for all schools is to use the new Subject of Computing as a driver for excellence for all pupils: the challenge for our nation is to realise the vision of curriculum reform in a new generation of innovative, creative young entrepreneurs.


In part because of its unusual media coverage, the study is influencing national and local policy decisions about reading instruction, teacher preparation, and even the curriculum materials and staff development on which state money may be spent, as the «back to basics» movement gathers momentum (Manzo, 1997, 1998b).


We are looking for a dynamic and creative Senior Technical Instructor to join the team and help us… Reviews training curriculum and provides feedback to instructional designers.


We loosely follow a Waldorf-inspired curriculum (Oak Meadow) with storytelling and art as a basis of learning.


Grade Bands: K-5, 6-8 Grades K-5 Session Agenda Grades 6-8 Session Agenda The purpose of this full-day session is threefold: to empower teachers to discern the decisions inherent in each Eureka Math lesson, to study the curriculum‘s teaching sequences, and to prepare teachers to customize lessons to meet the needs of their students.


NCLB has led to a narrowing of curriculum, demoralization of teachers, explosion of cheating scandals, reduction of teaching to test-preparation, weakening of public education, and deprivation of the disadvantaged children of a meaningful education experience.


After this opening, the approximately 400 attendees — including deans, career development professionals, graduate students, postdocs, and others who are invested in the biomedical workforce — got to work brainstorming and discussing how to improve five specific areas: diversity and inclusion, mentorship, interaction between academia and industry, data collection, and curriculum.


Perhaps you do not need to build that extra Science lab, instead just change your curriculum structures to improve occupancy rates on your existing labs and other resources, at no extra cost.


Until that system can be changed, I see the best way forwards as threefold: keep the demands of the national curriculum to a basic minimum; allow the teachers more freedom to use their professional expertise; and get students involved in real scientific projects.


NOTE: Teams of classroom teachers might include support from a school administrator, a curriculum specialist, and/or Special Education and ELL Specialists who attend the workshop as part of the team.


And yet, the emergence of the data-fueled, reflective curriculum — when done well — could potentially render the «stuck in a track» part of the fear completely innate.


System 3: An experience-oriented curriculum suitable for creative teaching and learning activity.


Specific limits within the district’s current sex education program, student exclusion, and delays in updating the curriculum, prompted the ACLUNV to create an opportunity for students to express themselves freely about their perspectives on sex education.


Second, I began clearly reporting things to parents and students, avoiding long explanations and curriculum documents; «Quiz 5» became «Student can solve logarithmic equations» and «Student can differentiate ln [g (x)-RSB-.»


Church bells ringing to remind the flock it’s time to pay homage and tithe, christian rules on public buildings, fundamentalist curriculum in schools (or home schooling on the public dollar), you’re all going to fry in hell, etc..


A 2013 white paper by Denise Pope and Madeline Levine, both co-founders of Challenge Success, a research-based organization at Stanford University that develops holistic curriculum, conferences and other programs for parents, schools and students, suggests that isn’t always the case.


(Usher & Kober, 2012) This includes teachers as resources; school curricula, assessments, technology, and learning materials; and other essential resources.


August 13, 2017 • After Arizona banned a Mexican-American studies curriculum in Tucson, Ariz., ethnic studies courses have taken root in districts across the country.


· Knowledge of a broad range of instructional strategies, resources, and practices in preschool curriculum areas.


The respondents were superintendents, principals, curriculum supervisors, and directors of federal programs, in mid — to large-size urban U.S. districts.


Click here for full curriculum and course descriptions.


It is not part of our approved curriculum.


Learn about those goals, and then try to complement the curriculum at home when you can.


Our schools send teams of educators, parents, and students to our annual conferences and work with our coaches to make positive changes in curriculum and assessment, homework policies, the daily school schedule, and health and wellness programs.


In most states, you can use whichever curriculum you choose.


About Blog Our blogs pertain to many aspects of martial arts thinking and application: from philosophy, styles, and training, to program and curriculum development.


Do you require the Bible study leaders and Sunday school teachers to get approval from you for their curriculum or lesson plans?


One of over 1,000 Waldorf schools in over 60 countries, and an additional 2,000 early childhood programs in 80 countries, we offer a program whose curriculum, pace of day, and extracurricular activities are all tailored to the specific needs of children at each unique stage of development.


«The Government has consistently sought to portray GCSEs as «broken» and «dumbed down» qualifications in order to push through its vision of an elitist, narrowly focused curriculum and qualifications system which risks failing to meet the needs of the majority of young people.


For the past five years, The Academy’s offered a curriculum — designed for anyone who identifies as a woman — to learn new paradigms for speaking, asking questions, and commanding as well as focusing attention in more powerful ways.


This relevant and engaging curriculum centres around a challenging Big Idea for life and a blend of individual and shared learning experiences


Require teachers who are trained to select, rearrange, and adapt the content of curriculum to the mental caliber of each student they teach.


Still others fear that the British educational system is ill-equipped to handle the rigor of a Chinese curriculum.


But the bulk of the city’s school reforms over the past decade have focused elsewhere, on building a pre-kindergarten system, creating new curriculum materials and instructional strategies and, above all, improving teacher quality — work that’s largely unrelated to high school attendance.


In other words, the uses of technology should be incorporated into courses throughout the curriculum in a meaningful way rather than being restricted to a single course.


Because each class must cover TEA required elements that are typically covered during an entire school year, students should give careful consideration to the time and curriculum before enrolling.


The usual question is: Where will it fit in the curriculum?


Every homeschooling parent wants to give his child the best possible education, but I think that schedules and curricula like the ones I see online are at once time-intensive and complicated for the parent, and at the same time don’t really help young kids reach all of their potential.


The recommendation service that we offer allows for guidance in selecting curriculum for your student.


In this framework, accountability is defined as: the assurance that all education stakeholders accept responsibility and hold themselves and each other responsible for every learner having full access to quality education, qualified teachers, challenging curriculum, full opportunity to learn, and appropriate, sufficient support for learning so they can achieve at excellent levels in academic and other student outcomes.


Nothing, however, on her curriculum vitae included the term ‘industrialised’

Nothing, however, on her curriculum vitae included the term

introduce into the curriculum at the Grange was classes on dragons

They’ve had to research the subject; it’s formed a major part of their curriculum for this half term, they’ve been looking into the clothing and living conditions of people 2,000 years ago in Israel (history), calculating distances from various places to and from Jerusalem (numeracy), written about it (literacy), learned some Israeli dances (physical exercise) and goodness knows what else besides

) A provisional teacher has been arranged and initial textbooks ordered from and according to the curriculum established in successful suburban schools of San Francisco

When I was going to school, part of the curriculum of the school was being involved in a weekly home group meeting

part of the curriculum and thus a prerequisite for the B

CV stands for the Latin words «curriculum vitae», meaning «the course of one’s life»

In most countries he is no longer allowed to be part of any curriculum in schools and in some you could face execution, if you refer to him

As late as the 1990s, the curriculum included the use of torture

WHINSEC states today their curriculum includes human rights issues

He designed the curriculum and even the buildings

Again, philosophy and corporate relations seemed unrelated to each other, or to any other course on the curriculum

the education affairs of its member-countries and has sought to construct a UN based curriculum for

After the deposit, make your cadaster with brief curriculum in our Portal in Internet

This gave him more latitude with the curriculum

curriculum to that reality

Recently moved to Quebec province, I encountered a different curriculum

The teacher would teach an agreed-upon course, from texts and a curriculum previewed and

becomes a part of the curriculum at STS’

promise in a particular subject should be encouraged to further his studies on that particular subject under special supervision and a distinct curriculum as done in some western and developed nations

The additional question before the Court was whether such reimbursement could also be paid to parents who sent their children to Catholic schools, where religious instruction was part of the curriculum

of the AISD curriculum

In 2008 Ayers was elected vice president for curriculum of the American Education Research Association, the largest organization of education professors and researchers in the country

That would interfere with the inside politics of their own highly politicized curriculum

It was his opinion that the curriculum of the time stunted students’ capacity for

Below is the McGuffey six book curriculum:

On the third Tuesday of October 1986, the then Chair of the Foreign Languages and Humanities Department at Los Angeles City College asked him if he could go that afternoon to represent the department at the Curriculum Committee meeting

Although Roger had been teaching at the college for over twenty years, he had never attended any of the monthly curriculum meetings

Your services in the Curriculum Committee are no longer needed

In more than twenty years of teaching at LACC I never attended Curriculum Committee meetings

As he puts it into perspective, he says: “I struck out in my first and only participation at the LACC Curriculum Committee meeting of October 28, 1986, but scored a grand-slam homerun in post deliberations at Our Mother of Good Counsel church four months later

The 1996 NAEP results for science were disappointing, but highlighted the failures of curriculum and under trained teachers

static in the lower grades and moves downward as the curriculum

California, where it (along with a whole host of other stupid educational ideas) was born, has just jettisoned whole language from its curriculum

Another 12 percent only minored in the subject, meaning that the majority are not well trained enough for even our present weak curriculum in chemistry and physics

Bible and the writings of the Church fathers were immediately accepted as part of the curriculum

As in the case of Mann, the mastery of the curriculum was secondary to the building of character

“I am still a student and researcher, but I schedule my own curriculum

In June 1977, my youngest daughter Jeannie was graduated from Ithaca High school with a record fully as solid as was turned in by her sisters Susan, who was finishing a tough curriculum at Smith College, and Nancy, who was headed for a fine arts degree at Cornell

“I only took the basic fencing lessons that were a standard part of our curriculum at school

With the fundamentals of business as its foundation, the curriculum of EMBA Programs supply the necessary framework for better decision-making, says Dart

The core curriculum should cover core competencies, says Purg

EMBA curriculums frequently display high levels of curriculum integration

While the MBA foundation of core courses remains king of the curriculum, EMBA Programs throughout the world also are offering their students some freedom of choice

“It’s good to have some wild cards in the curriculum,” says Dart

The first-year curriculum mirrors that of the full-time MBA program

The Yale SOM integrated curriculum crosses interdisciplinary boundaries and allows students to approach and solve the kind of messy, complicated problems that real organizations face

“There is certainly an increased emphasis on global business within the curriculum

curriculum in the past five years

Approximately one in three member EMBA Programs reported a curriculum revision within the last two years

Those revisions include adding electives, restructuring curriculum, adding an increased focus on leadership or global business, or adding courses

“As a result at that time, the curriculum of EMBA Programs did not recognize traditional career services,” she says

When Dart teaches, she plans for about one-third of the class as curriculum and about two-thirds for class discussion

Not only is curriculum knowledge and experience important for faculty, but so is self-awareness

This is a comprehensive all-in-one curriculum that shows you exactly how the

worked as the Director of Educational Curriculum Development in Aruba, was particularly

This is probably the curriculum vitae point here

It is more than unusual to send much money without any bill or even receipt! I don’t even know the name of the investigator! Michael proposed to give me a receipt from himself but the money was not sent to him! and when I read her judicial curriculum vitae

The quality of teachers and curriculum was excellent

Unfortunately, the elected governments of independent India have blindly followed the same British system of education, curriculum, and even laws that were enacted by the British

Gāndhiji wanted the schools, teachers, and the curriculum to be independent of the state

The Vidyāpith developed curriculum from nursery school to Doctorate level courses

My stepmother is a financial wonder and in eight years had increased my already large accidental inheritance tenfold, so Rex suggested I buy the school, set up a foundation to finance it, appoint him principal, and then we could choose the students that suited our curriculum

―Is there any information listed on the curriculum about settlements outside the Solar

The 4th R is an interactive classroom curriculum that aims to reduce youth dating violence by addressing youth violence and bullying, unsafe sexual behavior, and substance use

IN TOUCH WITH TEENS CURRICULUM Curriculum Summary In order to help youth develop and maintain healthy, violence-free relationships, Peace Over Violence has been implementing the In Touch With Teens Violence Prevention curriculum in junior high and high schools and other community based youth organizations

The eight-unit curriculum empowers youth to have healthy relationships by providing information about power and control, elements of healthy relationships and healthy sexuality, and media literacy as well as education on sexual harassment, sexual assault, and dating violence

The curriculum further addresses the development of pro-social skills such as empathy, impulse control, effective communication, problem solving, and bystander accountability

The In Touch With Teens curriculum was selected as one of five model youth-violence prevention programs in the United States (and the only such program from California) by the U

It was also selected as the relationship-violence curriculum for the ‗Life Skills for the 21st Century’ curriculum of the Los Angeles Unified School District

Part of the curriculum at the school was Physical Education, known, as P

Boy’s in the school who liked it had to join clubs outside of the curriculum there

One thing is certain: They had not all been put through the same rigid and stereotyped educational curriculum

The following stages have been adapted and abridged from “Communication, language and literacy”, (QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 2000, Department for Education and Employment, UK)

passed the curriculum, and on the night of her completion of his course, he

Home school curriculum materials developed by professional educators on Earth had been loaded on the machines

I move we accept the project and recommend that it be forwarded to the Academy’s curriculum committee for study

With the usual baby schedule of feeding and nursing, Ed now began Janice’s education program and continued to advance David through the home schooling curriculum

Gone are the days when children automatically started school at six years old and progressed through a planned curriculum without regard for their natural abilities and interests

Schools have changed a great deal since the Power Base and its mind-controlling curriculum has been exposed

educationally subnormal if the values and curriculum of the school were

added to the curriculum at the Wharton School of

There she was enrolled in the journalism curriculum, where she became the youngest writer for the Shaw University Journal, the campus paper

The curriculum vitae of the average boarding fisherman read more like a list of allegations levelled in a court of law than anything to be proud of

Unable to attend segregated evangelical colleges himself, Pastor Handy taught his students the Bible using the Scofield Reference Bible’s notes as their training curriculum

‘’I have just reviewed quickly the course schedule and the required curriculum from the Afghan Border Police program

What I propose to you is that we respect the present curriculum but also that we improve in depth various course training points, with our help

Problems are simply part of the curriculum that

curriculum placed before us by the heads of state consisted of a

would certainly see the importance of teaching fundamentals in any business curriculum

They assumed that it was part of the curriculum for

The curriculum consisted of learning

material, the art and music components of the curriculum, and the

behind,” require a more rigid curriculum and more testing, and say that

A school curriculum, at that point, is nothing

учебный план, курс обучения


- курс обучения; учебный план (в школе, университете и т. п.)
- расписание

Мои примеры


plans to homogenize the science curriculum in public high schools throughout the state — планы по приведению к однообразию учебного плана в государственных средних школах на всей территории штата  
overhaul of the school curriculum — пересмотр школьного учебного плана  
planned curriculum — запланированный курс обучения  
training curriculum — курс тренировок  
head of the curriculum department — заведующий учебной частью  
enriched curriculum for brighter students — расширенная программа для способных студентов  
try to master a core curriculum — стараться овладеть основным курсом  
curriculum development — разработка учебного материала  
curriculum of lecture courses — программа курсов лекций  
curriculum vitae — сведения о прежних местах работы; биографическая справка; жизненный путь  
academical curriculum — курс обучения  

Примеры с переводом

Has computer studies been introduced into the school curriculum?

Изучение компьютера уже внесено в учебный план?

The college has a liberal arts curriculum.

В этом колледже есть курс гуманитарных дисциплин.

We have to build computers into the school curriculum.

Мы должны ввести в школьный курс компьютерное обучение.

The sciences are a vital part of the school curriculum.

Естественные науки являются важнейшей частью школьной программы.

Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.

Языки являются неотъемлемой частью школьной программы.

The curriculum includes courses in computing.

Учебная программа включает в себя курс по вычислительной технике.

The school board strongly endorsed a curriculum that reflected a multicultural education.

Правление школы строго порекомендовало учебный план, включающий мультикультуральное обучение.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…parental opinion was divided on the school’s moralistic curriculum…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): curriculum
мн. ч.(plural): curricula

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


At that point, the curriculum should change a bit.

В таком случае учебный план для него будет в какой-то степени изменен.

A training curriculum and handbook support these standards.

В дополнение к этим критериям подготовлены учебный план и справочник.

In 1997 a Sami curriculum was implemented for primary and lower secondary school.

В 1997 году для начальных школ и младших классов средней школы была предусмотрена специальная саамская учебная программа.

Ditshwanelo has developed an 8-part curriculum for junior secondary schools called Tsa Bana.

«Дитсванело» была разработана состоящая из восьми частей учебная программа для младших классов средних школ, которая называется Тса Бана.

Gender-sensitive reproductive health curriculum in primary and secondary schools.

Учебные программы по охране репродуктивного здоровья с учетом гендерной проблематики в начальных и средних школах.

The curriculum is flexible and it is full-time during 15 months.

Учебный план является гибкой и это полный рабочий день в течение 15 месяцев.

The curriculum includes disciplines intended to strengthen the subject.

Учебный план содержит дисциплины, направленные на расширение знаний в этой области.

We offer personal service and high-quality, student-oriented curriculum and instruction.

Мы предлагаем личный подход и высококачественный, ориентируемый на студента учебный план и способ преподавания.

The curriculum incorporates local, cross-cultural and transnational emphases.

Учебный план включает в себя местные, межкультурных и транснациональных акцентов.

The resulting curriculum would be expanded from the 2002-2003 school year onwards.

Подготовленный с учетом этого учебный план будет распространен с 2002 — 2003 учебного года на последующий период.

Academic readiness curriculum helps students improve English and university-level study skills.

Учебная программа по академической подготовке помогает студентам улучшить навыки изучения английского и университетского уровня.

The INSEAD MBA curriculum comprises required core courses and electives.

Учебный план МВА INSEAD включает диапазон необходимых основных курсов и факультативных программ.

The curriculum is Spanish although taught in English.

Учебная программа является испанской, хотя обучение ведётся на английском языке.

P.A.WORKS’ curriculum will soon take shape.

Учебный план от P.A.Works скоро примет свою конкретную форму.

I hope this continues throughout his curriculum.

Я думаю, что этот процесс еще будет продолжаться в течении всей учебы.

Meet teachers and ask questions about curriculum.

Есть возможность связаться с преподавателем и задать вопросы по учебному плану.

The second-year curriculum consists entirely of electives.

Второй учебный год полностью состоит из предметов по выбору.

99 percent of institutions report they have teachers regularly incorporating video into their curriculum.

99% учреждений сообщают, что у них есть учителя, регулярно включающие видео в свою учебную программу.

Jump start your career with our 13-month, skills-oriented curriculum.

Jump начните свою карьеру с нашей 13-месячной учебной программы, ориентированной на навыки.

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