Sentence using the word chance

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word chance, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use chance in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «chance».

Chance in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word chance in a sentence.

  1. It was a chance in a million.

  2. Burns, encounters him by chance.

  3. We’re willing to take a chance on it.

  4. By chance, Kentucky governor James F.

  5. All they needed was one more chance.».

  6. Although she had a chance to return to No.

  7. Let’s take a chance now that we have the ball.

  8. Once again, Liverpool had a chance at the double.

  9. It was a chance to gain a psychological advantage.

  10. They claimed they had met by chance on the flight.

  11. We’ll play both in the same set if we get a chance.

  12. Nimoy turned down the chance to direct the feature.

  13. Fitts, a man who «gave up his chance to be himself».

  14. Weaponry skills affect the character’s chance to hit.

  15. I see little chance of the situation changing at all.

  16. Ghana made their first chance a minute later when Jordan Ayew came on for Appiah.

  17. In the decider, Trump secured the first chance, but his break ended at 50 points.

  18. Santomero later said that they «were young, and Nickelodeon took a chance on us».

  19. According to this research, mixing the devils may increase the chance of disease.

  20. The Robins were a mediocre team, on which Berg would have a better chance to play.

  21. Now there are two photons, doubling the chance that they will cause the same reaction in other atoms.

  22. Weaver planned to campaign on behalf of Democratic candidates that year, but did not have the chance.

  23. Play said the game «gives bedroom air guitarists a chance to live out their rock ‘n’ roll fantasies».

  24. I could not stop and my only chance was to ride furiously along the two feet of earth which remained.

  25. Studies show that the more social media accounts an individual has, the higher chance they have FoMO.

  26. The staggered setup minimizes the chance of spores colliding with neighboring basidia during release.

  27. The federal election in the summer of 1930 gave the 40-year-old Macdonald a chance to run for office.

  28. Is there any chance that this young man could send me the symphony so that I might take a look at it?

  29. It was a chance for all players to gain a psychological advantage over their opponents for the Tests.

  30. Lucas then saved a Dean Holdsworth chance before a Bergsson header at the far post went over the goal.

  31. In the 56th minute Guðjohnsen had another chance after breaking free but the ball was cleared by Page.

  32. As a result, Mustaine stated that there would be no chance for Ellefson to rejoin the band ever again.

  33. The section is filled with mountains and deserts, and there was little chance of supplementing stores.

  34. For example, sutra 1.4.96 of Panini’s Astadhyayi explains it as signifying «a chance, maybe, probable».

  35. However, Harvey did not get another chance with the bat as Australia recovered to win by eight wickets.

  36. Shortly after Monti missed a chance to make the score 3–1, Uruguay attacked in numbers and Pedro Cea scored an equaliser.

  37. Duncan’s first chance at playing for the national team came in 1999 when he was called up to the Olympic Qualifying Team.

  38. The review concluded, «Stripped-down and defying its old formulas, U2 has given itself a fighting chance for the 1990s.».

  39. Klotter opined that, with Holley’s departure, «perhaps the state’s best chance for a world-class university had passed.».

  40. Gillingham’s first goal-scoring chance came from Mick Galloway, who had a shot from close range saved by a diving Weaver.

  41. The genesis of Nineteen-E was unexpected, having occurred after the NHC had downgraded the 5-day formation chance to low.

  42. Around that time, the National Hurricane Center gave the system a medium chance of tropical cyclogenesis within 48 hours.

  43. Dave Bennett missed a late chance for Coventry and Roffey made a save from a Coventry header with five seconds remaining.

  44. Tammar wallabies are known to live in stable groups, which lessens the chance of an individual being taken by a predator.

  45. Mars is located closer to the asteroid belt, so it has an increased chance of being struck by materials from that source.

  46. All other defeated contestants, including those displaced from Winners’ Row by being out-scored, may try out again for a chance to win their way back into the Money Chair.

  47. Combined with the delayed loss in Iowa, Romney’s poor week represented a lost chance to end the race early, and he quickly decided to release two years of his tax returns.

  48. In about a third of cases involving the common bile duct and less commonly with other locations the tumor can be completely removed by surgery offering a chance of a cure.

  49. It was the opportunity for early command and a chance to distinguish himself, rather than any predilection for polar exploration which motivated Scott, according to Crane.

  50. Although Vera was able to care for the new cubs without assistance from zoo keepers, Director Dag Encke initially stated that the cubs had a 50 percent chance of survival.

Synonyms for chance

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word chance has the following synonyms: accidental, casual, unplanned, luck, fortune, hazard, opportunity, probability, prospect, , find, happen, bump, encounter, gamble, risk, take chances, adventure, run a risk and take a chance.

General information about «chance» example sentences

The example sentences for the word chance that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «chance» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «chance».

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  1. Marked two modes of causation: proper (prior) causation and accidental (,


    ,) causation. All causes, proper and incidental, can be spoken as potential or
  2. Chasing 263 to win, they slumped to 48–5 before Jessop’s 104 gave them a,


    , He reached his hundred in just 75 minutes. The last wicket pair of George
  3. Back, his treatment was of course utterly unfair, and I am pleased to have the,


    ,to say how deeply sorry I, and we all are for what happened to him … So on
  4. By determining what sample size would be required in order to have a reasonable,


    ,of rejecting the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true.
  5. Experiments, nor the ability to create a working model of his ideas. However,a,


    ,meeting in 1874 between Bell and Thomas A. Watson, an experienced electrical
  6. As he wanted to fly the Lunar Module. Borman, on the other hand, jumped at the,


    ,: his original mission would have largely been a repeat of the previous flight
  7. 6. Of probability This short chapter begins with the notions of probability and,


    , For him,» probability» means a higher


    of occurring, and brings about
  8. Where indications are that the child will have a significantly increased,


    ,of premature morbidity or mortality or be otherwise disabled; or to selectively
  9. By stepping down as one of two consuls, this allowed aspiring senators a better,


    ,to fill that position, while at the same time Augustus could» exercise wider
  10. Of druids, but he finds he is beginning to outgrow his taste for violence. A,


    ,encounter with Pete, now married and settled down, inspires Alex to seek a wife
  11. Struggled in Hollywood and took odd jobs to pay her basic living expenses. A,


    ,meeting with famed director Cecil B. Demise led to a job as an extra in his
  12. What is spontaneous» ( but note that what is spontaneous does not come from,


    ,). For a better understanding of Aristotle’s conception of»


    » it might
  13. Occurs underwater where pollen may form elongated strands, increasing,


    , of success. Most species have a totally submerged juvenile phase. Flowers are
  14. Ground had shown that the Service Propulsion System (SPS) engine had a small,


    ,of exploding when burned for long periods unless its combustion chamber was »
  15. Being deposited in a relatively small volume of material. This increases the,


    ,of cellular damage in cases of internal contamination. In general, external
  16. The notions of probability and


    . For him,» probability» means a higher,


    ,of occurring, and brings about a higher degree of subjective expectation in the
  17. For Carotid, in Gregory’s words she died on the journey home» by some ill,


    ,». Childbirth had her body brought to Paris where she was buried alongside her
  18. The international contest. Winning the Eurovision Song Contest gave ABBA the,


    ,to tour Europe and perform on major television shows; thus the band saw the »
  19. A mission that even the crew themselves had rated as only having a fifty-fifty,


    ,of fully succeeding. The effect of Apollo 8 can be summed up by a telegram from
  20. Were for the most part borrowings and that the rest could be attributed to,


    ,resemblances. They noted that there was little vocabulary shared by Turkic and
  21. It might be better to think of» coincidence «: Something takes place by,


    ,if a person sets out with the intent of having one thing take place, but with
  22. Call the collecting of the donation by that particular donator a result of,


    , It must be unusual that something happens by


    . In other words, if
  23. A girl, renouncing his old ways and even losing his former speech patterns. A,


    ,encounter with Pete in the final chapter influences Alex’s wishes to reform
  24. And brings about a higher degree of subjective expectation in the viewer. By «,


    ,», he means all those particular comprehensible events which the viewer
  25. Was magnified. Chance and spontaneity According to Aristotle, spontaneity and,


    ,are causes of some things, distinguishable from other types of course. Chance as
  26. Troops and a fire fight broke out. See Battles of Lexington and Concord. Any,


    ,of a compromise ended when the colonies declared independence and formed a new
  27. With his spontaneous visions, and continued with an early trip to India and a,


    ,encounter on a New York City street with Program Trunk Roche (they both
  28. Midnight Liner» during its trial flight takeoff on May 8,1921,ended his best,


    ,for commercial aviation success. Baseball career He made one start for the
  29. There has been some concern about this ice sheet, because there is a small,


    ,that it will collapse. If it does, ocean levels would rise by a few meters in a
  30. That other hand out from behind its back. I don’t think the South ever had a,


    ,to win that War. » Name «/IN»> ward»/> The Confederacy sought to win
  31. To stabilize the module and position rafts for astronaut extraction. Though the,


    ,of bringing back pathogens from the lunar surface was considered remote, it was
  32. Cherry Brooks is a dime store showgirl who marries James Haggard after a,


    ,encounter in her store the night the John Salt Line was falsely deemed his
  33. Lincoln’s Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico naval blockades, severely decreased any,


    ,that either the United Kingdom or France would enter the war. The more
  34. Equal in their entitlement to dignity and respect, and should have an equal,


    ,to achieve their potential. » For Labor,» government has a critical role in
  35. Then two groups. Doing multiple two-sample t-tests would result in an increased,


    ,of committing a type I error. For this reason, ANOVAs are useful in comparing
  36. Immediate; it also applies a layer over wounds that is said to reduce the,


    ,of any infection. There have been relatively few studies about possible
  37. Deliberation and choice. » What is not capable of action cannot do anything by,


    ,». Metaphysics Aristotle defines metaphysics as» the knowledge of immaterial
  38. And makes a note of each clue, so readers can analyze it and be allowed a fair,


    ,of solving the mystery themselves. Then, about halfway through, or sometimes
  39. Come from


    ). For a better understanding of Aristotle’s conception of «,


    ,» it might be better to think of» coincidence «: Something takes place by
  40. Collapses with plague symptoms during the performance. Lambert finally has a,


    ,to escape, but he decides to stay, saying that he would feel ashamed of himself
  41. Graves intact. The royal graves and many others were probably rediscovered by,


    ,in 1788 when a prison was being constructed by convicts on the site. Coffins
  42. And it gave citizens a unique form of political equality as all had an equal,


    ,of obtaining government office. The random assignment of responsibility to
  43. That her skill was greater than that of Athena herself. Athena gave Arachne a,


    ,to redeem herself by assuming the form of an old woman and warning Arachne not
  44. The time the assignment needed to be made. Slayton felt Cooper had a very small,


    ,of receiving the Apollo 13 command if he did an outstanding job with the
  45. If something happens all or most of the time, we cannot say that it is by,


    , There is also more specific kind of


    , which Aristotle names» luck »
  46. Games and music. Sent, a board game where pieces moved according to random,


    , was particularly popular from the earliest times; another similar game was
  47. Was in his sixties. He hoped to be free from court duties and was given the,


    ,upon the death of Abbot Inherits of Saint Martin at Tours, when Charlemagne put
  48. Time, we cannot say that it is by


    . There is also more specific kind of,


    , which Aristotle names» luck «, that can only apply to human beings, since it
  49. Males and females diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, aspirin reduces the,


    ,of a heart attack and ischemic stroke by about a fifth. This translates to an
  50. Donator a result of


    . It must be unusual that something happens by,


    , In other words, if something happens all or most of the time, we cannot say

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Synonym: fate, likelihood, lot, luck, occasion, opening, opportunity, possibility, probability, prospect. Similar words: by chance, take a chance, enhance, change, channel, exchange, mechanic, merchant. Meaning: [tʃɑːns]  n. 1. a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances 2. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another 3. a risk involving danger 4. a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur; a number expressing the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible 5. the possibility of future success. v. 1. be the case by chance 2. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome 3. come upon, as if by accident; meet with. adj. occurring or appearing or singled out by chance. 

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1 Where they saw chance, we see law. 

2 An evil chance seldom comes alone. 

3 It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 

4 I haven’t had a chance to unpack yet.

5 He stands a fair chance of going abroad.

6 Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.

7 Life gets better not by chance,( but by change.

8 They try their best to leave nothing to chance.

9 Are you Hungarian, by any chance?

10 What chance is there of anybody being found alive?

11 The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success.

12 ‘Give me one more chance,’ he begged.

13 I think it’s a fat chance.

14 Choice, not chance, determines human destiny.

15 Please give me one more chance.

16 Chance favors only the prepared mind.

17 Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight?

18 He went to Paris whenever the chance came along.

19 These dissipations make against your chance of success.

20 I haven’t had a chance to thank him yet.

21 Time and chance reveal all secrets.

22 There’s always the chance that something will go wrong.

23 Chance plays a big part in many board games.

24 Roulette is a game of chance.

25 Say your love today, the chance may come late.

26 This gave them a chance to yell.

27 Not a chance in the world.

28 I met her quite by chance.

29 A businessman should grab at any chance to make a profit.

30 If the opposition party can hang together over the next six months, they might just stand a chance of being elected.

More similar words: by chance, take a chance, enhance, change, channel, exchange, mechanic, merchant, mechanism, mechanical, changeable, cancel, cancer, stance, dancer, glance, unchangeable, in exchange for, romance, alliance, penance, finance, pittance, instance, advanced, entrance, balanced, substance, parlance, ancestor. 

Sentences with the word Chance?



  • «he behaved badly in school»; «he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister»; «behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room»
  • «his parting shot was `drop dead'»; «she threw shafts of sarcasm»; «she takes a dig at me every chance she gets»
  • «You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din»; «a better coat»; «a better type of car»; «a suit with a better fit»; «a better chance of success»; «produced a better mousetrap»; «she’s better in math than in history»
  • «if I had the chance I’d do it in a flash»
  • «seek help from casual passers-by»; «a casual meeting»; «a chance occurrence»
  • «you take a chance when you let her drive»
  • «bad luck caused his downfall»; «we ran into each other by pure chance«
  • «the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington»; «now is your chance«
  • «even amounts of butter and sugar»; «on even terms»; «it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split»; «had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance«; «an even fight»
  • «every person is mortal»; «every party is welcome»; «had every hope of success»; «every chance of winning»
  • «He gave the patient three months to live»; «I gave him a very good chance at success»
  • «he did not have a chance to grow up graciously»
  • «She never misses a chance to grandstand»
  • «little rain fell in May»; «gave it little thought»; «little time is left»; «we still have little money»; «a little hope remained»; «there’s slight chance that it will work»; «there’s a slight chance it will work»
  • «have a mathematical chance of making the playoffs»
  • «an outside chance«; «a remote possibility»; «a remote contingency»
  • «a timely warning»; «with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery»; «a seasonable time for discussion»; «the book’s publication was well timed»
  • «slender wages»; «a slim chance of winning»; «a small surplus»
  • «a sporting chance«; «sporting blood»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

В том же значении используется и слово chance.

It even uses the word Chance.

Из этого появилась строчка «take a chance on me», к которой и написали остальные слова.

This evolved into the line «Take a Chance on Me,» around which he wrote the rest of the words.

Должно одно управлять вне везением и chance как суть факторов производящ долгосрочное выживание предпринимательства?

Should one rule out luck and chance as the essence of the factors producing the long-term survival of the enterprise?

Bonne chance, — прибавил он, улыбаясь, и отошел от него.

Bonne chance, he added, smiling and he moved away from him.

Программа совместима с основными ОС, поддерживает более 300 файловых расширений и позволяет выполнять last chance recovery.

The program is compatible with the popular OS, supports more than 300 file extensions and allows for performing a last chance recovery.

Такё your chance, и может быть эти часы принесут тебе время счастья!

Take your chance, and maybe this watch will bring you happiness time!

В первом предложении мы видим 6 ярких образов, и только одна фраза («time and chance») остаётся не совсем ясной.

The first sentence contains six vivid images, and only one phrase («time and chance«) that could be called vague.

Более сложные программы, такие как «intelligent chance», практически невозможно уличить (не имея кода системы).

The more complicated programs like the «intelligent chance» are basically difficult to confirm(except having the system’s plan).

Все остальное вдруг кажется устаревшим: электронная музыка, сериализм, алеаторика [chance music] — все это уже приобрело затхлый запах академизма.

Everything else suddenly seems old-fashioned: electronic music, serialism, chance music — they have already acquired the musty odor of academicism.

Более сложные программы, такие как «intelligent chance», практически невозможно уличить (не имея кода системы).

The more complex programs like the «intelligent chance» are virtually impossible to prove(short of having the system’s blueprint).

Процентная вероятность (Percentage chance) — число от 1 до 100, определяющее вероятность какого-либо события.

Percentage (or percent) chance — a number between 1 and 100 used to represent the probability of something happening.

Процентный Шанс [Percentage (or percent) chance] — число между 1 и 100 обыкновенно представляет вероятность чего-либо.

Percentage (or percent) chance — a number between 1 and 100 used to represent the probability of something happening.

Ставки в букмекерских конторах, несмотря на то, что по этому поводу ведутся дискуссии, все равно — более чем на 90% — games of chance.

The odds in the bookmaker offices, despite the fact that discussions are held about this, are considered as games of chance still more than 90%.

Можно увидеть от иллюстрации Borel опасность в заключать что будут слишком много фирм с длинными жизнями в реальном мир для того чтобы впустить важную роль для того чтобы chance.

One can see from the Borel illustration the danger in concluding that there are too many firms with long lives in the real world to admit an important role to chance.

La chance de ma vie) — французская комедия, снятая режиссёром Николя Кушом.

La chance de ma vie is a 2011 French comedy film directed by Nicolas Cuche.

Конечно, виртуальная версия Yahtzee сама складывает очки за простые числа, full house, Yahtzee chance и другие комбинации, с которыми вы победите ваших соперников.

Logically, this virtual implementation of Yahtzee will take care of adding up all the simple points, full house, Yahtzee, chance or other combinations with which we will be able to defeat our opponents.

Часто слово «случайность» (‘chance‘) при этом понимается как синонимичное «вероятности», и таким образом эти философы утверждают, что в нашем мире не существует нетривиальной объективной вероятности наступления событий.

And often the word ‘chance‘ here is taken to be synonymous with ‘probability’, so these philosophers maintain that there are no non-trivial objective probabilities for events in our world.

Существуют games of chance, или, как их еще называют, games of luck — игры шанса (или удачи), а также games of skills — игры навыков.

There are games of chance, or as they are also called, games of luck, as well as games of skills.

Когда выдавалась такая возможность, Джеймс надевал кепку восточногерманской армии и бродил с гитарой по сербским деревням, напевая: «All we are saying is give peace a chance».

To break up the super attenuated monotony, James would sometimes stroll through Serb villages wearing an East German cap singing, «All we are saying is give peace a chance«.

Шеллинг называет такую ситуацию угрозой, которая «в чм-то полагается на случай» (threat, that leaves something to chance).

Schelling called this a «threat that leaves something to chance«.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 653. Точных совпадений: 653. Затраченное время: 76 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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