Sentence using the word careful

Synonym: cautious, prudent, watchful. Antonym: careless, reckless. Similar words: carefully, refuse, refute, refund, refuge, refugee, care for, forceful. Meaning: [‘keəfʊl]  adj. 1. exercising caution or showing care or attention 2. cautiously attentive 3. with care and dignity 4. full of cares or anxiety 5. mindful of the future in spending money. 

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(1) If you can’t be good, be careful

(2) Be careful what you wish for. 

(3) Be careful you don’t stain the carpet.

(4) The term ‘partner’ requires careful definition.

(5) Please be more careful next time.

(6) He phrased his criticisms in careful terms.

(7) The trip calls for careful advance planning.

(8) Be careful not to overstay your visa.

(9) Careful preparation for the exam is essential.

(10) Be careful not to overload the washing machine.

(11) You can’t be too careful.

(12) Could you be more careful in future?

(13) Be careful with those plates.

(14) The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.

(15) Be careful with that sharp axe.

(16) We’d better be more careful in the future.

(17) Careful or you’ll knacker the gears!

(18) Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence.

(19) Please give the matter your careful consideration.

(20) A little careful planning is important in gardening.

(21) Be careful not to capsize the boat.

(22) Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet.

(23) He was careful to keep out of sight.

(24) You should be more careful.

(25) She lived a careful and frugal life.

(26) Be careful where you walk.

(27) Be careful not to drop that plate.

(28) Be careful crossing that main road.

(29) Be careful of what you say.

(30) Car for sale: one careful owner[], low mileage.

More similar words: carefully, refuse, refute, refund, refuge, refugee, care for, forceful, hopeful, doleful, be full of, graceful, ruefully, grateful, to the full, irrefutable, hopefully, be useful to, purposeful, resourceful, make full use of, purposefully, gracefulness, refer, reform, prefer, refill, therefore, defuse, reflect.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word careful, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use careful in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «careful».

Careful in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word careful in a sentence.

  1. So you have to be very careful about that.

  2. We had to be careful not to kill our comrades.

  3. Clarke describes the supernatural with careful detail.

  4. We’re going to be really careful about what we do next».

  5. Christofferson still needed to be careful with mouth movements.

  6. Stopping for gas and to use the bathroom took careful planning.

  7. Semichastny was careful not to create the appearance of a coup:.

  8. Jewelers must be careful when molding the metal in a diamond ring.

  9. Joe for the soldier characters, being careful not to mix the brands.

  10. Any agent who knew the truth would be very careful to hide the fact.

  11. It was enough, but a careful design was called for to minimize losses.

  12. Materials for the building’s exterior were chosen with careful precision.

  13. Black should at least be the one who has to be careful to get the draw.».

  14. Jordan is a very good creature, very domestic and careful of her children.

  15. He told the King’s advisors to «be careful not to worry or irritate him …

  16. After «a careful reading of the entire book», they cleared it of all charges.

  17. And if you’re careful, you can look right back.» Jane asks: «And what do you see?

  18. His careful training and fine leading were responsible for the successes attained.

  19. Newson was known by his colleagues as a careful and conscientious motorman (driver).

  20. This extended to his off-field activities, where he was considered careful with money.

  21. So reasonably careful conductors worry only that if they make it fall, it will break ..

  22. They were careful not to be seen in public together and maintained separate residences.

  23. It is sometimes used for turning, but requires careful drying before use to avoid warping.

  24. Kennedy was careful to avoid overt favouritism during the 1962 Canadian election campaign.

  25. Despite Hooker’s careful planning, the Battle of Chancellorsville was another Union defeat.

  26. He was also careful to obscure «the idea of an organised programme of strategic deception ..

  27. For most work, careful handling in a fume hood is sufficient, and a glove box is not needed.

  28. But the tight schedule of the Apollo program did not allow for this slow and careful process.

  29. An Italian artist lived with the Meekers for a year, painting careful details on the ceilings.

  30. David emphasised the importance to cooks of careful and knowledgeable shopping for ingredients.

  31. If a piece did not fit, more careful measurements were made and a new piece was cut and tested.

  32. A careful examination for features of DLB is warranted in individuals with unexplained delirium.

  33. However, careful examination reveals that the material is some of the group’s most complicated».

  34. Conscious of changing times, Stengel was more careful in his choice of words while with the Mets.

  35. Dodos were easy to catch, but hunters had to be careful not to be bitten by their powerful beaks.

  36. They contained a lot of timber, which was often unseasoned and as a result needed careful upkeep.

  37. I really want to communicate my feelings directly and because I was so careful in writing that way.

  38. Fuller also warned women to be careful about marriage and not to become dependent on their husbands.

  39. His careful construction of an aesthetic and intellectual world is compared to The Great Gatsby by F.

  40. They were careful to point out that the results were very preliminary and further study was required.

  41. The observer there is a careful, reliable man and there is no reason to doubt that the light existed.

  42. Cranmer’s vision of reform through careful steps under the authority of the government was maintained.

  43. However, such policies were unpopular with his domestic supporters and he was careful not to go too far.

  44. One of the points of the movie is that we must be careful about the villain within us, not some other race.

  45. With their careful construction, these films are considered by Chaplin scholars to be among his finest work.

  46. It required the careful and timely coordination of multiple battle groups over hundreds of miles of open sea.

  47. This careful study was, however, rendered worthless by a sudden fog which obliterated all sight of the shore.

  48. Tillman opposed banning alcohol, but was careful to speak well of temperance advocates, many of whom were women.

  49. Slowly the antique-hunting attitude toward Egyptian monuments gave way to careful study and preservation efforts.

  50. This careful diction emphasised simple words as the basic unit and occasional uses of alliteration and assonance.

Synonyms for careful

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word careful has the following synonyms: blow-by-blow, cautious, certain, sure, close, conscientious, painstaking, scrupulous, detailed, elaborate, elaborated, minute, narrow, overcareful, too-careful, particular, protective, studious, thorough, diligent, prudent, deliberate, measured, unhurried, heedful, mindful, aware, thrifty, provident and troubled.

General information about «careful» example sentences

The example sentences for the word careful that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «careful» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «careful».

Careful is the second studio album by new wave band The Motels. It was recorded between March and May 1980, and released in June 1980. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Both kinds of relationships with the commercial sector — consulting and starting companies — require careful attention to legal matters.


Be careful when ironing, do not use a hot iron, you will leave a mark.


While the end product may not be entirely revolutionary, such as the «wham, pow, bang» type of fist-fighting showdowns between the villain and the hero which hearken back to that days of the comic strip, fans of this franchise are sure to applaud their careful work.


Aware of those concerns, and careful to avoid the perception of overconfidence, Clinton’s team has reached out to anxious local party officials.


But be very careful when applying this product because you don’t want to overdo it and look like walking around in 100 degree weather all day!


This will dye anything it touches so be careful.


There will always be someone willing to do things cheaper so be careful about competing on price.


Playing Thursday nights in Europe, IMO, will hurt our PL challenge more than a draw this weekend because we were careful by resting Sanchez.


Hale Mark II (Reynolds) is soon shagging his way around New Orleans though his sexploits are curtailed by flashbacks that alert him that his new surroundings have one old, not so careful owner.


He was more careful in buying his new house, which is owned by an LLC whose registered agent is Audrey Scott, a lawyer at Cooley LLP who specializes in counseling company founders on wealth management and estate planning.


Be careful that you don’t leave any kids out as you plan for dad-child events, and be ready to «fill in» for kids who need an adult male to support them.


«Entrepreneurs need to be very, very careful.


Some color can transfer to light color clothing, so be careful wearing white or light colors until lotion has fully absorbed in to skin.


Add just enough flour so you can knead it, but be careful not to dry out the dough.


We can never be careful enough with external sources of nutrition, which is what the manufacturers of this multivitamin seem to be perfectly aware of.


Add the egg, breadcrumbs, and ground meats and mix just to combine all the ingredients, being careful not to overmix.


The kind of person who really likes to be in control, she was careful to approach labor and -LSB-…]


You have to be careful with this one though; it is completely sheer at the top, which is the part that happens to be white!


Since these procedures typically require a transfer of tissue from one patient to another, physicians must be careful to choose well-matched donors to avoid rejection by the recipient’s immune system….


Blocked ducts are often quickly resolved by your baby breastfeeding well on the breast with the blockage, once careful attention is paid to positioning and latch.


It is a caution for us to be careful in the environment we are working in.


Nergigante is one of the most brutal bosses in Monster Hunter World, an absolutely devastating Elder Dragon beast that has abilities and attacks that can one-shot hunters if they’re not careful.


We actually recommend only 5 % of the robots we are going through in our reviews, we are really careful about what we recommend.


«While the PURE study is a major advance in terms of scope and the use of very careful and consistent methodology, it does not allow us to conclude that low sodium intake causes death and cardiovascular disease outcomes,» she said.


Several receipts on file detail careful attention to cosmetic and mechanical pieces.


Wilson is not a suds-soaked frat boy, but a careful home brewer with an eye for history and a hope for a spiritual breakthrough.


Stir several times while cooking to keep dumplings separated, but be careful not to break the dumplings when you stir.


They could learn all about combustion, exhaustion, and believe us or not, by the natural instinct of defense, they will learn to be careful with fire while still having to play with it.


However, if you’re an athlete and burning lots of calories during exercise, you have to be more careful.


Just be careful when wearing it, you might have to fight off the boys


Whenever you have this amount of media coverage on a subject, laws get passed, and I think we’re going to get a lot of bad laws out of this if we’re not careful.


Be careful not to base your decisions on vanity metrics, but on real, actionable metrics.


This sounds reasonable, but one has to be careful where it leads.


You still should be careful when meeting a stranger for the first time.


Again, no matter how careful an apartment renter might be, their unit is at the mercy of whatever happens on the other side of a wall.


Cooper admits that she is now more careful about her movements, and how she publicises them.


But, be careful: buying and selling an ETF will incur commission charges as you would trading stocks, so you need to consider this cost when evaluating overall investment costs.


But be careful with the booze: Walking around a cruise ship is tricky enough when you’re sober.


Work the ice water into the dough until it just comes together, being careful not to over work.


Heat a large skillet over medium heat and toast the pepitas until they start to turn golden, being careful not to burn.


But that is why you should be careful, starting relationship with people from other countries.


There are many review sites that help people learn about which senior dating site is really helpful to you, review sites will get you a general idea among thousands of sites instead of checking by yourself, this will save you a lot of time and energy, also lots of money, by the way, considering there are so many scammers today, you can never be too careful when it comes to money both online and offline.


So that’s — you got ta be careful with that.


In a 1-quart heavy saucepan bring maple syrup to a boil over moderate heat and simmer until a candy thermometer registers 235 ° F. (be careful it doesn — t bubble over).


Read here to see some of the signs to be careful about.


Still, «after really careful examination, they said, «This is real!»»


During post-production, we were careful to make sure the sound-design would work for those audiences.


(But no matter how busy we are, we do always respond to those careful, targeted queries.)


On delivering its decision, the EC said: «After careful analysis of all relevant elements, we have come to the conclusion that the UK has provided sufficient clarification as regards its narrow interpretation of Sections 58 and 60 [the relevant law], which merely enables the faith-based education and is limited to ensure the maintenance of the religious character of the school.


Offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels said at Media Day that the Patriots will be careful with targeting the All-Pro cornerback, but won’t avoid him altogether:


All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«Be careful of what you say.«

«He is careful with the new baby.«
(be: is/am/are)

«Past experiences have made me careful when I’m alone at night.«
(have made)

Used with adverbs:

«When you drive in the rain, you must be extra careful.«
(extra, more, especially, particularly)

«She is being extremely careful with the newborn baby.«
(extremely, very, really, fairly)

«We need to be a little careful around her these days.«
(a little, a bit)

Used with prepositions:

«He’s careful about what he puts in his body.«
(about, of)

«Please be careful with that kitten.«
(with, around)

Used with nouns:

«We made this decision after careful analysis.«
(analysis, consideration, deliberation, examination, inspection, investigation)

«She’s a careful driver.«
(driver, person)

«This machine needs careful maintenance.«
(attention, handling, monitoring, supervision, guidance)

«The writer is using careful wording with her first book.«
(wording, thought, research, reflection, reasoning, preparation)

You need to be careful about your scalp.

We should be very careful about our health.

The Prime Minister has asked the people to be careful of the divisive forces.

You should be careful about your food.

We should be very careful about the choice of a profession.

We should be careful in our behaviour, action and speech, particularly in the presence of children.

You need to be very careful in choosing your words.

It is better to be careful to start a friendship with those who try to project themselves as your well wishers or friends.

Be careful in choosing your company.

Be careful while signing agreements.

People should be careful for taking selfies in dangerous situations.

We should be very careful while talking.

Be careful about appraisal and criticism.

We should be very careful about whom we trust, because our future depends on these relationships.

Be careful of selfish and ungrateful people.

Be careful of wicked people.

He a careful listener.

He advised me to be more careful in future.

I’m careful about eating.

He always writes carefully.

I always try to be careful.

They aren’t always careful about their work.

He wrote very careful reports.

I was not as careful as you were.

He is a careful worker.

Please be careful about the diet.

She ought to have been more careful.

He was not careful enough.

Be careful about your wealth.

He is not always careful.

Be careful while taking the advice of strangers.

One must be careful about one’s health.

You are advised to be careful.

Be careful of this man.

I made a careful study of facts.

If you are careful you’ll have less trouble.

She is careful this time lest she should fail again.

He is careful in his business dealings.

You should be careful about your dress.

Everyone should be careful of his heath.

When we go out at night, we have to be careful.

Everyone should be careful of his teeth.

Be careful, or you will hurt yourself.

Be careful what the people think of you.

You must be careful when you cross the street.

He is always careful.

Be careful in studies.

She is very careful about her dress.

You have to be careful.

Be careful not to do such things again.

Make careful study of this problem.

She is careful about her health.

You must be careful in choosing your friend.

Pay careful attention to what your teacher says.

She is very careful about her dress.

You should be careful in the selection of friends.

Be careful against bad habits.

Need I tell you to be careful ?

Be careful in my absence.

Be careful about your health in this rainy season.

We should be very careful in making the choice of a friend.

You must be very careful about your diet.

Although you are fully recovered, yet you will have to be very careful for sometime.

He promises to be careful in future.

One should be very careful while doing something.

He is very careful of their needs and comforts.

Be careful about your health.

We should he very careful in spending.

You have to be careful .

Be careful about hidden enemies.

You should be careful in choosing friends.

Be careful about what you eat.

He is a very careful driver.

He plans to be more careful in the future.

Be careful not to drop anything on your feet.

Be careful when you shop.

You must be more careful from now on.

These are the important items to which careful attention is to be paid.

The most careful man sometimes makes mistakes.

I assure you, sir, that I’ll be more careful in future.

We should, therefore, be very careful about our health.

It needs careful thinking and planning.

She is very careful about her dress.

But one must be careful about the selection of books.

Be careful how you offend him.

Be careful in studies.

She is always careful of her clothes.

We should be careful in the choice of books.

He has been much more careful since his accident.

Pay careful attention to what I am going to say.

Try to be more careful in future.

Be careful what the people think of you.

You should be careful while selecting your friends.

They aren’t always careful about their work.

She’s a careful listener.

Be careful to stitch the salwars in accordance with your body shape and the trend of the time.

One needs to be very careful about any kind of fungus and bacteria.

When you try to clean the wax from your ears be very careful with the pressure you apply .

You should be careful while making a decision of getting a plastic surgery done.

You must be careful not to make him angry.

I gave careful consideration to the problem.

You must be careful when you write answers in a test.

She is careful about her child’s nutrition.

You must be careful in choosing your friends.

You need to be more careful from now on.

I would be more careful if I were you.

One must be careful in doing anything.

The article deserves careful study.

Be careful crossing the street.

It is impossible for you to be too careful of your health.

You should be careful of the feelings of others.

Be more careful in your actions.

You must be careful of yourself.

We must be careful of our health.

He is a careful worker.

You must be careful when crossing a busy street.

You should have been more careful of your health.

You should have been more careful in money matters.

We must be careful to drink only pure water.

You should be careful of your money.

I have chosen my aim after a careful thinking.

She was more careful than we expected.

Be careful in your studies or you will fail this year.

If you are careful in your diet, you will keep healthy.

He is very careful of my needs and comforts.

I made a careful study of facts.

Why should we be careful in the choice of books ?

Be careful in studies.

Be careful while crossing a street.

I was careful not to touch it.

Be careful not to spill your coffee on the sofa.

Be very careful about spellings.

He is a careful worker.

They aren’t always careful about their work.

He wrote very careful reports.

You need to be careful in dealing with him.

Be careful not to do such things again.

If you bleach your face be extra careful around the brows.

After the birth of the child, parents become very careful about each and everything about the child.

Being a parent, you need to be careful about your actions.

Heart patients need to be more careful in cold weather.

The doctor’s careful examination of the patient brought about his speedy recovery.

You should be careful what you say.

Smart shopping requires careful planning.

You should always be careful in your speech.

You should be careful in crossing the busy street.

We have to be careful with expenses.

I was careful not to say anything to make him angry.

You must be careful not to waste time.

We should have made a careful plan in advance.

You must be careful in crossing the road.

His theory is based on careful research.

Let’s be careful not to catch a cold.

Please be careful not to break this vase.

You should be careful when you drive a car.

You’d better be careful what you say.

Be careful with me.

Be careful with fire in the woods.

You should have been more careful with your health.

We should always be careful of what we do.

Science is based on careful observation.

Each of us has to be careful when driving.

One must be careful in doing anything.

You should be careful what you say.

We’ll have to be careful not to play into his hands.

Don’t lump all these issues together. You need to give every single one careful consideration.

You’d better be careful about going to her house.

He promised me that he would be more careful in the future.

The baby took another careful step.

His theory is based on careful research.

The doctor’s careful treatment of the patient brought about her quick recovery.

The doctor’s careful examination of the patient brought about his speedy recovery.

I advise you to be careful in making notes for the lecture.

We will be pleased to give it careful consideration

For successful dialogue writing, a careful preparation is necessary.

Make careful study of this problem.

It definitely called for careful discussion.

After an abortion the woman needs to be very careful in her diet to recover back soon.

People must be careful and cautious when accepting media news.

As this world is full of bad people so you need to be careful before trusting anybody.

Consumers need to be more careful and not be fooled.

We should always be careful while taking a meal on our plates.

Self-confident people should always be careful not to become overconfident.

They have to be tackled in a careful manner.

That accident makes me extra careful whenever I climb a tree now.

A disciplined person is very careful with the use of his words when talking with others.

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