Sentence using the word attribute

Synonym: apply, ascribe, assign, characteristic, feature, give, nature, place, quality, trait. Similar words: contribute, distribute, contribute to, contributor, distribution, contribution, attract, attractive. Meaning: [ə’trɪbjuːt]  n. 1. a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished 2. an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity. v. 1. attribute or credit to 2. decide as to where something belongs in a scheme. 

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1. Archaeologists attribute the ruin to a flourishing prehistoric kingdom.

2. Patience is an essential attribute for a teacher.

3. Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman.

4. I attribute our success to him.

5. The committee refused to attribute blame without further information.

5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck.

7. To what do you attribute this delay?

8. The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power.

9. The crown is an attribute of kingship.

10. To what do you attribute your longevity?

11. Her greatest attribute was her kindness.

12. The most basic attribute of all animals is consciousness.

13. Cruelty is a normal attribute of human behaviour.

14. One should not attribute human motives to animals.

15. Some scientists attribute intelligence to ants.

16. People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.

17. to attribute a painting to an artist.

18. She said she was not going to attribute blame or seek revenge for what had happened.

19. We attribute courage to the lion and cunning to the fox.

20. Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager.

21. ‘What do you attribute your long life to?’ ‘Oh that’s a difficult one’.

22. The attribute data are held in a separate database.

23. I attribute Guruji’s healing success to two main factors.

24. Q: To what do you attribute this success?

25. Portrayals of computers in popular culture attribute individuality.

26. The authors attribute the structure to a major basement fault.

27. Thus far Plato and Aristotle attribute similar statements to the Orphics: body and soul are separable.

28. It is facile to attribute all childhood problems to poor parenting or social circumstances.

29. In addition to this attribute database a cartographic database is also being developed.

30. Childhood had less freedom and joy than we sentimentally attribute to it.

More similar words: contribute, distribute, contribute to, contributor, distribution, contribution, attract, attractive, attraction, tribe, tribal, at that time, cute, outer, route, rib, minute, execute, computer, dispute, statute, ribbon, horrible, terribly, describe, constitute, subscriber, trim, trick, trial. 

Определение (Attribute) – второстепенный член предложения, обозначающий признак предмета (как правило, существительного и редко местоимения), дополняет или уточняет его значение.

Определение является самым неоднозначным членом предложения в английском языке. Оно не имеет определённого места в предложении – может находиться перед определяемым словом (левое определение), так и после него (правое определение).

Как правило, определяемым словом является существительное и иногда местоимение. Само же определение чаще всего выражено прилагательным, реже причастием, местоимением, числительным и существительным.

Место определения в английском предложении

Как уже было сказано в самом начале, определение не имеет постоянное место в предложении. Однако если определение выражено прилагательным, то оно ставится перед существительным (определяемым словом).
Определение выделено зелёным цветом, определяемое слово – синим:

Важно. Если определяемое слово имеет артикль — определение ставится после артикля..

A short version of the fairy tale
Короткая версия сказки

A large cat ate all cheese
Огромный кот съел весь сыр

Если же определение выражено прилагательным к существительному (определяемому слову) двумя и более прилагательными, то, как и в русском языке – ближе к существительному то определение, которое более тесно связано с ним по смыслу:

It will be a hot(1) summer(2) month
Будет жаркий летний месяц

She has a new(1) white(2) woolen(3) coat
У неё новое белое шерстяное пальто

Если же определяемое слово является местоимением (что очень редко), то определение (выраженное прилагательным) ставится после данного местоимения:

I want to see something unusual
Я хочу увидеть нечто необычное

В целом, всё, что вы сейчас узнали об определениях, более чем достаточно. Дальше читать особого смысла не имеет (просто теория), так как всё остальное для Вас и так станет ясно с течением времени во время практики, если только начинаете изучать английский язык.

Однако если Вам хочется узнать про определения больше или это Вам необходимо знать по как-либо причинам – дальше статья для Вас.

Левое определение может быть выражено:

Как уже было сказано, левое определение ставится перед определяемым словом (существительным и местоимением). Левое определение может быть выражено прилагательным, причастием, местоимением и существительным.
Определение выделено зелёным цветом, определяемое слово – синим.

  • Левое определение – прилагательное:

A little child jumped down from the big bed
Маленький ребёнок (малыш) спрыгнул с большой кровати

I have a strong toothache for a week
У меня сильная зубная боль в течение недели

  • Левое определение – причастие:

The broken glass
Разбитое стекло

He threw boiling water into the air
Он бросил кипящую воду (кипяток) в воздух

  • Левое определение – местоимение:

It’s our Institute
Это наш институт

I don’t want any juice
Я не хочу сок

  • Левое определение – числительное:

Ten thousand tons
Десять тысяч тонн

She lives on the fourth floor
Она живёт на четвёртом этаже

  • Левое определение – существительное в общем падеже (без предлога):

The bus station
Автобусная остановка

An ocean current
Океаническое течение

Общий падеж – попросту говоря это первоначальная, простая словарная форма существительного. Например «book», «ocean» — всё это общий падеж существительного. Все падежи в английском языке (их всего два) употребляются только с существительными (лица и животные).

  • Левое определение – существительное в притяжательном падеже:

A boy’s dog
Собака мальчика

We are all in Jane’s room
Мы все в комнате у Джейн (в комнате Джейн)

Притяжательный падеж – это падеж, выражающий принадлежность и обладание чем-либо. Здесь всё просто, к первоначальной форме существительного единственного числа добавляют окончание «-’s«: Anna’s bag – сумка Анны.
А к существительному множественного числа и тем, что оканчиваются на «-s» — только апостроф: James’ bag – сумка Джеймса.

Правое определение может быть выражено:

Определение выделено зелёным цветом, определяемое слово – синим.

  • Правое определение – причастный оборот:

The film released last month was a great success
Фильм, выпущенный (на экраны) в прошлом месяце, имел большой успех

Where are the goods bought at the auction yesterday?
Где товары, купленные вчера на аукционе?

  • Правое определение – существительное с предлогом:

A book of poetry
Книга стихов

The car of my friends is around the corner
Машина моих друзей за углом

  • Правое определение – инфинитив:

It was the signal to stop
Это был сигнал остановиться

I have a dream to become an astronaut
У меня (есть) мечта стать космонавтом

  • Правое определение – герундий (с предлогом):

Ten ways of getting acquainted with men
Десять способов знакомства с мужчинами

I like the idea of writing to her
Мне нравится мысль написать ей

The capacity for doing work
Способность (мощность) производить работу

Definition of Attribute

a characteristic of something

Examples of Attribute in a sentence

If you want to be a nurse, being compassionate is one attribute you should have.


Carl is such a horrible person I can’t list one positive attribute that describes him.


In Bible study, we learned arrogance is a negative attribute.


The firm boasts diversity as its largest attribute since its workforce represents over sixty nationalities.


Although Jim is a slow worker, his obsession with perfection is an ideal attribute for a pharmacist.


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  • Use the word ATTRIBUTE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Yeah. Blackstone: I think your biggest attribute may be a downfall —

Among us, the greatest attribute

«IT» is that peculiar attribute that some people have, which attracts the opposite sex.

I attribute it to one cause:

To what do you attribute the death of Sir Charles?

She has every attribute of a modern, successful woman.

So, I must, therefore, attribute your refusal of me to your wish of increasing my love by suspense!

To what do you attribute your continued success, Mr. Cohan?

The fact they’re still in such good trim I attribute to well-developed lazybones.

I don’t like such attribute

His brain is his only weapon, but the mind is an attribute of the individual.

People are so quick to attribute such things to alcohol.

But I have been mild enough to attribute it to your foreign breeding.

May I ask to what you attribute this extraordinary, almost fabulous success?

It’s too sentimental to attribute it all to Watanabe-san’s dedication.

It’d the only attribute I dhare with the Almighty.

I attribute it to the mutation process.

And to whom do you attribute your success?

I attribute it to my own prowess

Don’t attribute feeling to him, gentlemen.

I’m pleading not for these two lives, but for life itself… for a time when we can overcome hatred with love… and we can learn that all life is worth saving… and that mercy is the highest attribute of men.

The trouble with most parents is that they attribute their own guilty memories to their young.

Only the eyes of an inexpert can attribute erroneously this fresco to Caparra.

I attribute your astuteness to your skill with the sword.

So when there’s a collapse due to these wretched natural causes, why attribute the responsibility to humans?

And to what do you attribute your success?

Ah, we could attribute it to a too efficient security system.

They attribute curious sights to alcoholic delusions.

However, it should not surprise because you have to admit, I bury a loved one, with their belongings they were, say … speaking hyperbolically, an extension his own person … in this case the card is a labor attribute sine qua non of a worker.

To what do you attribute your overachievements?

So you attribute it to someone who’s just walking in and out.

Even Liberace would be more appealing to anyone with the particular neurosis you so rudely attribute to me.

We are too ready to condescend and attribute superstition to these poor people when they are, in fact, subject to a natural and sensible fear.

And I would attribute it to the strength of his convictions.

others, who greatly overestimate the refinements of present-day social life, attribute to me a certain dandyism.

Yes, attribute to a genius.

They attribute them to your government, and I also felt stained by shame.

You attribute these things to a priest?

Government officials attribute the UFO sightings to commercial air traffic and clear atmospheric conditions.

However, officials now attribute the discrepancy to a simple clerical error.

Gentlemen, I think you attribute too much importance to certain things.

Another fine attribute to add to an already substantial list.

Our great conquerors attribute their victory to the power of their gods.

In your paper on multiple orgasms in geriatric women you attribute increased sexual appetite to a lactose-restricted diet.

It wouldn’t have been appropriate to attribute our success to a mental institution.

It’s certainly impossible to attribute to this nothingness, this phase before the big bang, a hypothetical structure. I think that, at this point, we enter the domain of philosophy.

They clepe us drunkards… and indeed, it soils the pith and marrow of our attribute.

What do you attribute it to? Our…


Which of the following sentences uses the word attributes correctly?

Explanation: “The appealing attributes (qualities) of the college…” is the only answer that uses the meaning of attribute correctly.

What is a sentence for attribute?

Examples of attribute in a Sentence Noun The interviewer asked me what I consider to be my best attribute. Both candidates possess the attributes we want in a leader.

What is an example of attribute?

An attribute is defined as a quality or characteristic of a person, place, or thing. Real life individuals and fictional characters possess various attributes. For example, someone might be labeled beautiful, charming, funny, or intelligent.

What is the use of an attribute?

In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file. It may also refer to or set the specific value for a given instance of such. For clarity, attributes should more correctly be considered metadata. An attribute is frequently and generally a property of a property.

What do attributes tell us?

Attributes define additional characteristics or properties of the element such as width and height of an image. Attributes are always specified in the start tag (or opening tag) and usually consists of name/value pairs like name=”value” . Attribute values should always be enclosed in quotation marks.

What are the two parts of an attribute?

Answer: Attributes define additional characteristics or properties of the element such as width and height of an image. Attributes are always specified in the start tag (or opening tag) and usually consists of name/value pairs like name=”value” . Attribute values should always be enclosed in quotation marks.

What is the difference between attribute and value?

Answer: An attribute is a characteristic. For example, Attributes in the invoice can be price, number, date etc. A value setspecifies the set of values that may be assigned to that attribute for each individual entry.

What are the types of attributes?

Types of Attributes-

  • Simple attributes.
  • Composite attributes.
  • Single valued attributes.
  • Multi valued attributes.
  • Derived attributes.
  • Key attributes.

What do you attribute to your success?

Successful people keep their focus on the positive, but they also see things rationally and objectively. They have realistic optimism, combining a positive outlook with a clear-eyed perspective of a situation. They believe they will succeed, but they don’t delude themselves into believing they will succeed easily.

What are skills and attributes?

Attributes are qualities which you might naturally have (perhaps you’re a naturally chatty person or have strong resilience, for example) and have used to benefit you in life and work. Skills, on the other hand, are things you’ve learnt through work, training or education, or general life experience.

What are the three most important attributes or skills?

These successful companies aren’t afraid to recruit the best candidates from other organizations or pull talented people from other industries. There are three attributes that are most important to an organization when hiring: attitude, competency and mindset. Attitude.

What are some positive attributes?

Examples of personal positive qualities: kind, gentle, strong, resilient, caring, assertive, hard-working, reliable, honest, practical, responsible, loyal, mature, creative, consistent, appreciative, capable, quick, sensitive, perceptive, patient, thoughtful, fit, trustworthy, shows initiative, motivated, versatile.

What are your strongest skills and abilities?

The top ten skills graduate recruiters want

  • Teamwork.
  • Negotiation and persuasion.
  • Problem solving.
  • Leadership.
  • Organisation.
  • Perseverance and motivation.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Confidence.

What skills and abilities do people most want to have today?

But, as evidence suggests, people want to learn skills like computer programming skills, good communication skills, project management skills, multi-tasking abilities, technical skills and good time management skills.

What is the most practical skill in this modern world?

Academic skills are also important. The most important practical skill in the modern society is being able to read and write the more skilled you are in reading as well as writing, you can gain more knowledge about the happenings around you.

What skills are important for jobs sector in your country?

8 job skills you should have

  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Problem solving.
  • Initiative and enterprise.
  • Planning and organising.
  • Self-management.
  • Learning.
  • Technology.

What is the most important practical skill in modern society?

What is the most important practical skill in modern society? Computer literacy is, hands down, the most important skill that everyone should know. There are a lot of older people that didn’t keep up with the times and as a result they were left behind.

What are practical skills examples?

With that in mind, I wanted to take a look at what practical skills are and which ones you can benefit the most from….Physical skills

  • Driving and Reading maps. Driving skill is as important as breathing in the first world.
  • Gardening and Basic Botany.
  • Sports.
  • Cooking.
  • Knots and Sewing.

What kind of skills are difficult to learn?

Here are 16 of the most difficult to learn but useful skills, originally posted by Kamia Taylor on Quora and shared on Business Insider.

  • Empathy.
  • Mastering your sleep.
  • Time management.
  • Asking for help.
  • Positive self-talk.
  • Consistency.
  • Minding your business.
  • Listening.

Why is practical skills important?

When you do something with your own hands you remember better. Practical work promotes experiential learning. Practical work encourages self-learning. Practical work familiarizes students with tools and equipment that he will be required to use.

What are practical skills?

For the purpose of this session, “practical skills” means skills performed by hand (as in tying a knot) or with human intervention using equipment, tools or technology requiring guidance, force or movement (as in utero blood transfusion).

Why practical work is done?

Practical learning Practical work can in fact facilitate learning in the classroom. Using a practical activity can help structure a lesson and improve engagement and knowledge retention: Many students learn more easily by actually “doing” activities. This is particularly relevant in practical science activities.

What is practical life skills?

Practical Life activities are the activities of everyday life and they are involved in all aspects of life. The child observes these activities in the environment and gains knowledge through the real experience of how to accomplish life skills in a purposeful way.

What are the four main groups of practical life?

The exercises of Practical Life fall into four major categories: Care of the Self, Care of the Environment, Grace and Courtesy, and Control of Movement. Many are fundamental exercises that the child needs to master to be able to live comfortably in the real world.

What are values in life skills?

Values are your personal measure of worth shaped by your beliefs, ideas and principles that are important to you. They shape your priorities and guide you in deciding what is right and wrong. Values reflect our attitudes and what we believe about everything.

“The appealing attributes (qualities) of the college…” is the only answer that uses the meaning of attribute correctly.

What is an attribute in a sentence?

His usual attribute is the bow. To attribute blame for some past disaster is rarely useful. Be sure to attribute authorship of the posting to the posting party. When using attribute value, each access point has a flag to indicate whether it is the master or a shadow reference.

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