Sentence using the word attract

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They do this to attract a mate.

Делают они это для того, чтобы привлечь самок.

This will attract large investments in the sector leading to strong growth.

Одно это позволит привлечь в отрасль большой объем дополнительных инвестиций, даст серьезный импульс к развитию.

Content should contain key words that attract the target audience.

В тексте необходимо использовать ключевые слова, которые будут привлекать целевую аудиторию.

Everything we do should attract and involve.

Все, что мы делаем, должно привлекать и вовлекать.

Often born March 8 charismatically attract other people.

Часто родившиеся 8 марта харизматически притягивают к себе других людей.

And neighborhoods with good schools typically attract more buyers.

Районы с учебными заведениями, имеющими хорошую репутацию, обычно привлекают больше покупателей.

But they can also attract more vulnerable people.

Вы также можете привлечь к себе людей, которые более чувствительны.

Forward contracts tend to attract more hedgers than speculators.

Форвардные контракты, как правило, привлекают больше хеджеров, чем спекулянтов.

Unfinished construction projects attract the most attention.

Отдаленные неосвоенные территории привлекали к себе самое пристальное внимание.

These styles however, attract certain people.

Но эти показательные выступления, тем не менее, привлекают много людей.

He said renewable energy projects would be likely to attract investors.

Он сказал, что проекты в области возобновляемых источников энергии, вероятно, привлекут инвесторов.

I think our global challenge is how to attract the next generation.

«Я считаю, что наша глобальная проблема заключается в том, как привлечь следующее поколение.

Find some good products which can attract demand locally.

Найдите хорошие товары, которые могут привлекать спрос на местном уровне.

Currently, credit cards are highly acceptable because they attract customers.

В настоящее время кредитные карты являются очень приемлемыми, поскольку они привлекают клиентов.

We have very serious prospects that attract potential foreign partners.

«У нас очень серьезные перспективы, которые привлекают потенциальных зарубежных партнеров.

This port could employ thousands people and attract investments .

Этот порт мог бы трудоустроить тысячи людей и привлечь инвестиции».

Fighting games attract many gamers who love suspense and action.

Игры с драками привлекают многих геймеров, которые любят интригу и действия.

Remember, pets and their food may also attract bears.

Помните, что домашние животные и их еда также могут привлекать медведей.

The attention you attract may be dangerous.

Внимание, которое вы привлекаете, может быть опасным для вас.

You will attract people with your polite speech.

Вы будете привлекать к себе людей благодаря своей приятной речи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат attract

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word attract, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use attract in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «attract».

Attract in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word attract in a sentence.

  1. Males sing to attract females.

  2. Its flowers attract birds to gardens.

  3. The leaf nectaries also attract ants.

  4. He then began to attract press attention.

  5. Waratah blooms attract birds to the garden.

  6. The flower spikes attract birds to the garden.

  7. The flowers attract butterflies to the garden.

  8. Many people put up bat houses to attract bats.

  9. These release volatile chemicals that attract males.

  10. However, the incident continued to attract attention.

  11. Crowding lettuce tends to attract pests and diseases.

  12. A long, high yelp may function to attract other fossas.

  13. His powerful preaching began to attract a small following.

  14. Once they were too old or too ill to attract customers, she would throw them out.

  15. Alligator holes also attract other animals who congregate to feed on smaller prey.

  16. However, the 747X family was unable to attract enough interest to enter production.

  17. Adult males communicate with loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates.

  18. Colton Point State Park continued to attract national attention in the post-war era.

  19. Display of the large tusks of males could have been used to attract females and to intimidate rivals.

  20. He also failed to attract Roman Catholic voters, which limited his chances in the south of the state.

  21. Furthermore, the male plants emit a foul-smelling odor while flowering to attract pollinating insects.

  22. The duke wanted to attract professors like Immanuel Kant and Johan Gottfried Herder, but they refused.

  23. In March 1953 Gold announced a novel-writing contest, but it failed to attract any usable submissions.

  24. Titchwell Marsh RSPB, Cley Marshes NWT and Holkham NNR each attract 100,000 or more visitors annually.

  25. Images of Norman have been used to attract attention by some outside of the Unarius Academy of Science.

  26. The new city lobbied for causeway access and formed a negotiating bloc to attract potential developers.

  27. While an Australian Cattle Dog generally works silently, it will bark in alarm or to attract attention.

  28. When this Mup was made in bacteria and used in behavioural testing, it was found to attract female mice.

  29. To attract mates, some teleosts produce sounds, either by stridulation or by vibrating the swim bladder.

  30. Howe urged increased salaries and building improvements to attract first-rate scholars to the university.

  31. The flowers attract nectar- and insect-feeding birds, particularly honeyeaters, and a variety of insects.

  32. Sexually active males are an exception, establishing and defending territories where they attract females.

  33. During an infection, chemical signals attract phagocytes to places where the pathogen has invaded the body.

  34. An audience of millions saw Green Day’s performance at Woodstock ’94 on Pay-per-view, helping the band attract more fans.

  35. Peter Knight, author of the 59th Divisional history, wrote «The aim of Pomegranate had been to attract enemy attention ..

  36. Beecham later acknowledged that in his early years the operas he chose to present were too obscure to attract the public.

  37. The first to attract attention was his veto of a bill to reduce the fares on New York City elevated trains to five cents.

  38. Developed areas around the visitor center and museum attract western tanagers, hermit warblers, house finches, and others.

  39. Even after the international contest’s closing, Splash Day was revived in various forms and continued to attract tourists.

  40. The film did not attract a wide audience in India but was the first Hindi film to enter the UK’s top 10 box-office charts.

  41. Above the eyes were short bony crests that may have been brightly coloured in life and used in courtship to attract a mate.

  42. The first Warlock compositions to attract critical attention were three of the Dublin songs which Rogers published in 1918.

  43. This is a vital part of the destruction of microbes because the cytokines attract more phagocytes to the site of infection.

  44. The Jurchens believed that this state, nominally ruled by someone of Han Chinese descent, would be able to attract the allegiance of disaffected members of the insurgency.

  45. Preschool television had become more competitive, and the CTW’s research showed the traditional magazine format was not the best way to attract young children’s attention.

  46. Around the turn of the 20th century, an attempt was made to attract younger boys into the school by reducing fees for those under the age of 12 from £2/20s to £2 per term.

  47. For those seeking to attract women and be handsome like the love-god Kamadeva, the Matsya Purana and the Kurma Purana prescribe the worship of Ahalya at the Ahalya-tirtha.

  48. Several commentators likened the main poster of Pride & Prejudice to that of 1995’s Sense and Sensibility, which was seen as an attempt to attract the same demographic.

Synonyms for attract

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word attract has the following synonyms: appeal, pull, pull in, draw and draw i.

General information about «attract» example sentences

The example sentences for the word attract that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «attract» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «attract».

attract — перевод на русский


finding what can attract gulls.

искать, что привлекает народ.

While many are attracted by riches… others are frightened off.

Некоторых привлекает богатство, других же оно отталкивает.

— Yes, she is. — Then she’d naturally attract the attention of most men.

— Она привлекает внимание многих мужчин.

But then you seem to attract that, Cary.

Что Говард слишком приземлённый человек. Тебя, Кэри, это, кажется, привлекает.

Perhaps he’s attracted to her.

Возможно, она его привлекает

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It might attract the police.

Это может привлечь полицию.

All this paraphernalia, police cars, codenames, can only attract his attention.

Все эти полицейские машины и кодовые имена могут лишь привлечь его внимание.

Irene’s a dear but she couldn’t attract a mosquito.

Ирен, конечно, милая, но не может привлечь и комара

At first I had no particular plan, just anything to attract attention.

Никакого конкретного плана у меня поначалу не было, но достаточно было просто привлечь внимание.

Now, first of all, when a lady wants to attract a gentleman’s attention… she must flip the fan so… and then walk so.

Прежде всего, когда дама хочет привлечь внимание джентльмена… она должна сделать веером вот так… и пройтись вот так.

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Just how strongly is she attracted to him?

Как сильно он ей нравится?

It’s not like I’m attracted to her, I —-

Дело не в том, что она мне нравится, я…

— What’d you do? — What you said. I let my hair down and sent signals that I might be attracted to him.

-Как ты сказала, распустила волосы, поиграла в жертву и намекнула, что он мне нравится.

How do you tell somebody that you’re attracted to them but you just can’t sleep with them?

А вот как сказать человеку, что он тебе нравится но переспать ты с ним не можешь?

You don’t think I’m attracted to that funny thing.

Ты же не думаешь, что мне нравится это чудо.

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You’re not quite sure whether they’re attracted to you or your money.

Но вы не знаете, что их влечет: вы или ваши деньги.

Terror attracts me.

— Страх влечет меня.

To live not for what attracts you, but for a God that no one can understand or define.

Жить не для того, к чему нас влечет, а для Бога, которого никто понять и определить не может!

I mean, there’s this invisible line, and… and even if… even if you’re attracted to someone…

Есть, есть, невидимая линия, и … и если, даже если тебя к кому-то влечёт…

Did you ever wonder…why men and women are attracted to each other?

Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, почему мужчин и женщин влечет друг к другу?

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A girl like that attracts knives!

Такая девчонка притягивает ножи.

— Space attracts time.

— Пространство притягивает время.

— What it attracts is death.

— Смерть оно притягивает.

You are attracted by water, but also by stone;

Вода притягивает тебя так же, как и камни;

Anthropology seems to attract good-looking women.

Похоже, антропология притягивает привлекательных женщин.

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Why are our children, my God, attracted by those far lands and hard jobs?

Что за дети пошли, прости Господи. И что тянет их в дальние дали на тяжёлые дела?

if I’m not a bit attracted to you.

Может меня к тебе тянет.

Aren’t you physically attracted to me?

А тебя ко мне не тянет? — Нет.

You know, attracted to him sexually?

Тянет в сексуальном плане?

I wonder what attracts him to her.

Интересно, что его туда тянет.

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I don’t blame Jerry a bit for being attracted by you.

— Я не виню Джерри за то, что он нашел вас привлекательной.

I don’t know where l’ve met a girl who has attracted me more.

Я не встречал такой привлекательной девушки.

The reason is because you’re deeply attracted to me emotionally and sexually.

Причина в том, что ты находишь меня невероятно привлекательной эмоционально и сексуально.

I’m not comfortable with you being attracted to her.

Мне некомфортно из-за того, что она кажется тебе привлекательной, Ричард.

You seemed like you were very attracted to her, and I just thought it would, I don’t know… it would be interesting.

Мне кажется, ты находишь ее очень привлекательной, я просто подумала, это было бы… это было бы интересно.

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You see, Jamie, opposite poles attract and the same poles repel.

Смотри Джейми, противоположные полюса притягиваются и одинаковые полюса отталкиваются.

They’re attracted to the place.

Они притягиваются к месту.

— So opposites attract.

Противоположности притягиваются.

And very simply… when positively charged deuterons… are attracted to the palladium cathode… they cram together… and there are millions of them inside the cathode… getting closer and closer, and then they fuse… and they create energy in the form of helium.

Все очень просто. Когда положительно заряженные дейтроны.. притягиваются к палладиевому катоду… они скапливаются вместе… внутри катода, где их миллионы.

Ever heard of opposites attracting?

Говорят же, что противоположности притягиваются.

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I remember… when I was about five or six I was sexually attracted to Bugs Bunny.

Помню лет в пять или шесть… у меня было сексуальное влечение к Багзу Банни.

So you’re saying you’re attracted to your girlfriends.

— Так, Вы испытываете влечение к своим подругам?

I don’t claim to be an expert on homosexuality, Jimbo but I hear being attracted to men is only one part of the equation.

Я не утверждаю, что я — эксперт по гомосексуализму, Джимбо но я сльIшал, что испьIтьIвать влечение к мужчинам только часть уравнения.

And when was it that you first realized that you were attracted to other men?

— Ясно, Бенжамин. Когда Bы впервые осознали своё влечение к мужчинам?

I guess being attracted to a very beautiful woman, even one married to a urologist, is not only fine, but perfectly natural.

Я считаю влечение к очень красивой женщине, пусть даже она замужем за урологом, не только нормальным, но и абсолютно естественным.

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And I’m sorry I attracted his attention, but I’m a little fed up with this talk about the horse being crazy.

И мне жаль, что я привлек его внимание, и я сыт по горло этими разговорами о сумасшествии.

To receive you in my office would have attracted attention and, to tell the whole story, at 5:00 I have to be at the house of Mrs. de Mongerond who lives across the street.

Ваш визит ко мне привлек бы внимание и я нашёл причину, в 5 часов я должен быть у мадам де Монжерон, которая живёт через дорогу.

I think I’d attract less attention coming through the window than coming through that squeaking door.

Я думаю, я бы привлек меньше внимания, если б полез через окно чем пройдя в эту скрипящую дверь.

His Scandinavian tour has attracted a lot of attention.

Скандинавский тур Папы привлек пристальное внимание публики.

Some of the best and brightest students were attracted to this project.

Проект привлёк лучших студентов.

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How to use in-sentence of “attract”:

+ Otherwise they live in a territory where males control territories with resources that attract females.

+ This sound may attract females, or may be used by the males to say what territory is theirs or their readiness for breeding.

+ The eel uses a long, whip-like tail for movement, and the end of the tail is bright enough to attract prey.

+ The basic law of magnetism told him what would happen: the north end of the electromagnet would repel the north end of the horseshoe-shaped magnet and would attract the south pole.

+ The most prestigious universities generally attract excellent scientists and have fine science programs.

+ One means that each of its member will attract audiences in 4 minutes and this is why all of their songs are shorter than 4 minutes.

+ Cenotes around the world attract cave divers.

How to use the word attract

How to use the word attract

Example sentences of “attract”:

+ Human intelligence, he suggests, is used primarily to attract mates through prodigious displays of wit, charm, inventiveness, and individuality.

+ P-type silicon has acceptors, also known as holes, which attract electrons towards them.

+ Human intelligence, he suggests, is used primarily to attract mates through prodigious displays of wit, charm, inventiveness, and individuality.

+ P-type silicon has acceptors, also known as holes, which attract electrons towards them.

+ This is often the final episode to be produced for a few months or longer, and, as such, will try to attract viewers to continue watching when the series begins again.

+ The organisation began to attract the support of many other influential figures, both male and female, such as the ornithologist Professor Alfred Newton.

+ The Ganges is popular for river rafting, which attract many adventurers in the summer months.

+ Blight is associated with condemned homes, empty lots and deserted areas that oftentimes attract criminal activity.

+ A popper has a colorful design in the front to attract fish.

+ The original idea was to continually sap the electricity out of the clouds and so actually “prevent” the lightning and the storms, only in case this failed, the machine should have also been able to directly attract the lighting and channel it to the ground.

+ The internships seek to attract into museum and visual arts organizations students from historically underrepresented groups: people of African American, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islander descent.

+ These include about 625 species that attract and trap prey, produce digestive enzymes, and use their nutrients.

+ Also, it might be used to attract a mate.

+ In an oxidation reduction reaction, the cation gives an electron to the anion because both ions will have a different charge to attract each other with.

More in-sentence examples of “attract”:

+ Some of them, such as Arbortext Editor and XMetaL Author, provide attractive WYSIWYG-ish interfaces with support for XML standards and Unicode to attract a wider spectrum of users.

+ This bower is filled with blue objects to help attract a female.

+ The holy towns like Haridwar, Allahabad, Kanpur, and Varanasi attract thousands of pilgrims.

+ Xiaomi operates on a vertically-integrated model that enables the company to sell hardware at cost or below in order to attract users and earn money by selling content.

+ The next step is to attract people to come live in the new city.

+ This is why a magnet must be close to an object to attract it.

+ Flowers, with their colour and their nectar, act to attract pollinators, which are mostly insects and birds.

+ Some bracts are brightly colored like petals, and attract pollinators like bees,.

+ Kelp forests also often attract mammalian visitors, including whales, sea lions, Ottersea otters, and SCUBA-diving humans.

+ The city hosts various summer festivals such as Provinssirock, Tango Festival and Race and Rock Festival, which attract tens of thousands of people to enjoy the city year after year.

+ In Australia, bushrangers often attract public sympathy.

+ Some of these, called “trap crops” attract pests away from the crop.

+ Often the female will utter a shrieked “trouble” call, a quickly repeated “cuk, cuk, cuk, cuk” when she leaves the nest, to attract predators away from it.

+ The flowers attract butterflies to the garden.

+ In addition, males and females in many vertebrate species spend resources to attract and compete for mates.

+ Electrons have a negative charge and the nucleus always has a positive charge, so they attract each other.

+ Boston continued to grow and attract immigrants from around the world.

+ Also, they have a duty to promote sporting activities which take place in Britain and help the government attract major sports events to Britain.

+ Traditional religious sights such as Meiji Shrine and Sensō-ji attract many tourists.

+ Finally, he shows the nest to females, in effort to attract a mate.

+ Although significant attempts have been made to halt this decline and attract new employers, Kilmarnock saw a continuing net loss of jobs in the five years to 2005.

+ They don’t know what this means and they try to become lesbians themselves to try and attract Ms.

+ The function of the smell is to attract insect pollinators.

+ To attract women and teenage girls the “Daily Star” has a horoscope column.

+ Some of them, such as Arbortext Editor and XMetaL Author, provide attractive WYSIWYG-ish interfaces with support for XML standards and Unicode to attract a wider spectrum of users.

+ This bower is filled with blue objects to help attract a female.
+ The holy towns like Haridwar, Allahabad, Kanpur, and Varanasi attract thousands of pilgrims.

+ W National ParkReserve du W du Niger and Pendjari National Park attract tourists who want to see elephants, lions, antelopes, hippos, and monkeys..

+ An important improvement on his machine was to have the needle running away from the point, starting from the eye. After a lengthy stay in England trying to attract interest in his machine, he returned to America to find various people infringing his patent, among them Isaac Merritt Singer. He eventually won a case for patent infringement in 1854, and was awarded the right to claim royalties from the manufacturers using ideas covered by his patent, including Singer.

+ Bees are extremely hairy, and carry tiny electric charges which attract the pollen onto their bodies.

+ If a north pole is put near a south pole, the magnets will attract each other until they stick to each other and can be hard to pull apart.

+ The spot gives out pheromonescents which attract females.

+ The varied scenery and historical monuments attract many tourists to Cornwall.

+ It only operates at short distances, so when the nuclei are close enough, they attract each other because of the strong nuclear force which is stronger than the electrostatic force.

+ Several people have warned that the number of ships with valuable cargo in such a small area may attract pirates.

+ Oscar’s Delmonico became distinguished in its own right, continuing to attract prominent politicians and celebrities..

+ Reads like a self-promotional blurb, to attract more foreign students.

+ They promote themselves using the Bavarian Illuminati to attract membership.

+ In flowers, bright-reds and purples attract pollinators.

+ He engineered a national recruitment revolution in the British police, running command courses and seeing through a fast-track entry scheme to attract graduates – and for many years he was director of extended interviews for the Senior Command Course that he had founded.

+ She could not attract big investors so she used $10,000 of her own money to start her school and factory in Indianapolis.

+ There are also alpine lakes which attract Swimmingswimmers, surfers.

+ List of water sportsWater sports, scuba diving and boating attract enough tourists to the beach.

+ Human sexual activity can also include things done to find new partners, or to attract their attention.

+ When placed on the board the pieces would attract a magnet attached to a string under their places on the board.

+ The Bahamas are a popular place for people to visit for holidays, the 700 islands and cays attract many visitors from nearby United StatesAmerica, as well as Europe and other countries.

+ Wing stridulation in a Jurassic katydid produced low-pitched musical calls to attract females.

+ Again, thank you to all who helped with DYK! I’m sure our new addition to the Main Page will attract more readers to come by and maybe even contribute more often.

привлекать, притягивать, влечь, манить, прельстить, пленять, прельщать, приваживать


- притягивать

magnet attracts steel — магнит притягивает сталь
salt attracts moisture — соль впитывает влагу

- прельщать, пленять, привлекать

to attract attention — привлекать внимание
this scheme does not attract me — этот план не прельщает меня
to attract admirers — пленять поклонников
he attracted a large number of followers — он увлёк за собой многочисленных последователей

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The museums attract a lot of tourists.

Музеи привлекают множество туристов.

He shouted to attract attention.

Он закричал, чтобы обратить на себя внимание.

Her bright blue eyes attracted me.

Её ярко-голубые глаза пленили /привлекли, манили, прельстили/ меня.

Leftover food attracts flies.

Остатки пищи привлекают мух.

They need to offer something extra to attract customers.

Им нужно предложить что-то особенное, чтобы привлечь клиентов.

Magnets can both repel and attract one another.

Магниты могут как притягиваться, так и отталкиваться друг от друга.

Our aim is not only to attract investment to the UK but to keep it here too.

Наша цель не только привлечь инвестиции в Великобританию, но и удержать и их в стране.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They upgraded the hotel to attract more business patrons.

The mayor is trying to attract new businesses to the inner city.

The show has all the ingredients needed to attract a large audience.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

attractable  — притягиваемый
attraction  — привлечение, притяжение, аттракцион, привлекательность, тяготение
attractive  — привлекательный, притягательный, заманчивый, привлекающий, располагающий
attracting  — привлекать, притягивать, влечь, манить, прельстить, пленять, прельщать, приваживать
attractor  — аттрактор, точка притяжения, «магнит», универмаг, привлекающий покупателей в…
attractant  — аттрактант, привлекающее средство

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: attract
he/she/it: attracts
ing ф. (present participle): attracting
2-я ф. (past tense): attracted
3-я ф. (past participle): attracted

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