Sentence using the word attitude

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word attitude, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use attitude in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «attitude».

Attitude in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word attitude in a sentence.

  1. The entire attitude is dead.».

  2. That was the attitude of the band.

  3. With Courtney, there was no attitude.

  4. I’m proud of his attitude and effort.

  5. It’s too cool: all attitude, no sizzle».

  6. But ultimately, it’s all about attitude.

  7. This limit-based attitude towards 0.999..

  8. But it hasn’t changed my attitude to music.

  9. In contrast to Tremaine’s attitude, John W.

  10. His attitude towards her just isn’t correct.

  11. His critics saw his attitude as a failure of vision.

  12. Larkin’s own attitude to these poems appears equivocal.

  13. He carried this attitude into his conservatory classes.

  14. The victory changed the attitude of Frederick’s enemies.

  15. His attitude made him popular with Australian spectators.

  16. He was notorious for his public surliness and judgmental attitude towards others.

  17. She displays much attitude in her voice, as stated by Nick Levine of Digital Spy.

  18. The contemporary Spanish attitude toward paintings of nudes was unique in Europe.

  19. Law enforcement’s corrupt attitude generally was not at the expense of the people.

  20. Her relationship and attitude toward Steinbock, moreover, hint at her masculinity.

  21. After the underwhelming election results, Quisling’s attitude to negotiation and compromise hardened.

  22. It is as important as casting the characters getting the right voice and right attitude for the song.

  23. In Nectoux’s words, Fauré’s generally sober orchestral style reflects «a definite aesthetic attitude ..

  24. Despite his attitude, Bart is sometimes willing to experience humiliation if it means pleasing his mom.

  25. There are high expectations regarding the behaviour and attitude of everyone associated with the group.

  26. The crew were also warned they would not be in a full-lift (heads-down) attitude when they entered P67.

  27. This, along with his enthusiasm and positive attitude, made him liked and respected by many co-workers.

  28. The film was endorsed by Fox’s family, and portrayed his attitude more positively than the first movie.

  29. Moscheles preserved this conservative attitude at the Leipzig Conservatory until his own death in 1870.

  30. It was noted that Bradman, the Australian captain, took a more competitive attitude towards the series.

  31. The history of George Washington and slavery reflects Washington’s changing attitude toward enslavement.

  32. Barney, as the salon hostess Valérie Seymour, appears in the novel as the symbol of a different attitude.

  33. Lennon later said that until he met Ono, he had never questioned his chauvinistic attitude towards women.

  34. At the end of the war Boult «found a changed attitude to the orchestra in the upper echelons of the BBC».

  35. Her constancy toward fulfilling her duty, along with the birth of children, softened Pedro II’s attitude.

  36. The songs on 1989 express lighthearted perspectives, departing from her previous hostile attitude towards failed romance.

  37. In the late 1930s, his attitude shifted and he imposed restrictions on performance of his works, which he lifted in 1976.

  38. Angered by the Company’s attitude towards his authority, Lobengula made war on the new arrivals and the Mashonas in 1893.

  39. Over time the central government hardened its attitude against Katanga, and Belgium gradually withdrew its support for it.

  40. This attitude was heavily informed by the corporatist system that had been introduced in Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Italy.

  41. Asked if he could have achieved the effect more easily using a wah-wah pedal, Shields said, «In attitude toward sound, yes.

  42. Rabbi Myron Berman, in his history of Jews in Richmond, describes the attitude of antebellum white Southerners toward Jews:.

  43. He considered the arresting policemen to have been rude, and «their attitude made me extremely angry and when I get angry ..

  44. Mrs Noye and her Gossips enter to an F sharp minor distortion of the children’s tune, which reflects their mocking attitude.

  45. Unlike Gagarin, whose flight was strictly automatic, Shepard had some control of Freedom 7, spacecraft attitude in particular.

  46. Despite Governor Catts’ change of attitude, white mob action frequently occurred in towns throughout north and central Florida and went unchecked by local law enforcement.

  47. No mention was ever made by non-Malay politicians of the almost closed-door attitude to the Malays by non-Malays in large sections of the private sector in this country.».

  48. Holst later described her as the best girl pupil he ever had: «From the first she showed an individual attitude of mind and an eagerness to absorb all that was beautiful».

  49. Richard Bowdler Sharpe encapsulated that attitude when he wrote in 1903 «Pitohui is doubtless an older name than Rectes, but can surely be laid aside as a barbarous word».

  50. Since the evidence in a jury trial can be complex, and jurors often reach decisions about the verdict early on, it is reasonable to expect an attitude polarization effect.

Synonyms for attitude

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word attitude has the following synonyms: mental attitude, position and posture.

General information about «attitude» example sentences

The example sentences for the word attitude that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «attitude» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «attitude».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


That changed everything… climate, style, attitude.

Ведь тогда поменялось все: климат, образ жизни, отношение и т.д.

I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults too.

Я считаю, что мы можем сохранить это отношение и во взрослом возрасте.

Her attitude was shared by many we interviewed.

Ее позицию разделяли многие из тех, кого мы интервьюировали.

He developed a more political attitude from 1990.

«С 1990 года он в большей степени проявлял политическую позицию.

Any definition is controversial and already embodies a philosophic attitude.

Любое определение будет спорным и к тому же содержать в себе философский подход.

Know that people love you for your attitude and kindness, sometimes excessive.

Знайте, что люди любят вас за ваше отношение к ним и доброту, порой чрезмерную.

And she will not tolerate attitude below what it considers normal.

И она не потерпит к себе отношения ниже того, которое она считает нормальным.

But just as with other approaches, the attitude changes much less.

Но так же, как и в случаях других подходов, отношение меняется гораздо слабее.

This attitude arose after her former supervisor had humiliated her for years.

Это отношение возникло после того, как ее бывший руководитель в течение многих лет унижал ее.

Notice that this happens despite the previous bullish attitude in the price.

Обратите внимание на то, что это происходит, несмотря на предыдущее бычье отношение в цене.

That attitude would last long after the official celebrations were over.

Проявления этого подхода будут ощущаться еще в течение долгого периода после завершения официальных мероприятий.

You will feel very good attitude from other women.

Вы почувствуете очень хорошее отношение к себе со стороны других женщин.

I started thinking about my his attitude about weakness.

Я начал думать о своем отце… и о его отношении к слабости.

But this liberal attitude is really a way of earning money.

Но либеральное отношение — это не что иное, как способ заработать денег.

Well, your attitude changes pretty quickly when you start to lose your freedom.

Э.С.: Ну, ваше отношение довольно быстро изменится, когда вы начнете терять свою свободу.

Profits change your whole attitude, even if you start part-time.

Прибыль изменяет Ваше целое отношение, даже если Вы начинаете неполный рабочий день.

I hope you will change your attitude about the sacrament.

Я надеюсь, что этот игрок изменит своё отношение к «Шахтеру».

Multi-agency public awareness campaigns might challenge this attitude, which is addressed in the Riyadh Guidelines.

Проводимые различными учреждениями кампании по повышению осознания общественностью этой проблемы могут изменить подобное отношение, о котором говорится в Эр-Риядских руководящих принципах.

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Synonym: opinion, position, standpoint, viewpoint. Similar words: gratitude, magnitude, pulchritude, at that time, student, at times, destitute, constitute. Meaning: [‘ætɪtjuːd]  n. 1. a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways 2. the arrangement of the body and its limbs 3. a theatrical pose created for effect 4. position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion). 

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1. Indifferent attitude, made light of expression. Comfort.

2. You must have found my attitude annoying.

3. People’s attitude towards the president varies widely.

4. They have a casual attitude towards safety .

5. I find your attitude most offensive.

6. I fail to comprehend their attitude.

7. He has a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage.

8. Pete’s attitude towards women really scares me.

9. You have to change your attitude.

10. The attitude of the unions is a serious obstacle.

11. Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.

12. People’s attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.

13. Her attitude is imperious at times.

14. It’s your attitude I don’t like.

15. He maintained an attitude of high seriousness.

16. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. Zig Ziglar 

17. What is your attitude to abortion?

18. His attitude was shocking to her.

19. He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.

20. I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.

21. He’s very conservative in his attitude to women.

22. Youth is simply an attitude of mind.

23. You need to readjust your attitude.

24. His attitude made me extremely annoyed.

25. I just cannot comprehend your attitude.

26. I found her attitude totally unacceptable.

27. I find your attitude quite incomprehensible.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. As a modern parent, I know that it’s not how much you give children those counts, it’s the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 

29. Almost any situation—good or bad —is affected by the attitude we bring to. 

30. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances. 

More similar words: gratitude, magnitude, pulchritude, at that time, student, at times, destitute, constitute, institution, constitution, institutional, constitutional, unconstitutional, constitutional convention, study, studio, fitting, pettish, setting, blotting, forgetting, include, sit up, exclude, impudent, conclude, cum laude, ritual, impudence, for the first time. 

Attitude is Japanese Pop singer and actress Meisa Kuroki’s first EP. It was released on January 1, 2010, by her record label Studioseven Recordings. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The common attitude was: if this helps other people in their work, I want to share it.


Is the real problem that pediatricians attitudes about breastfeeding are deteriorating?


When I started I averaged more than 7 posts a week for almost the first half year but it was taking it’s toll on my body and especially my attitude.


The combination of enabling technologies, societal attitudes, increased mobility, high workforce dissatisfaction, and the war for talent is disrupting the classical employer-employee model.


What’s the prevailing attitude about science in Egypt?


«My attitude to this letter is quite reserved,» says Mikhail Gelfand, deputy director of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems.


We have to stop having that conversation and that attitude.


He has a great attitude and deserves a good run in the first team and probably also deserves a new contract.


I understand that my participation in this project will involve questions about my experiences, attitudes and feelings regarding the use of corporal punishment and other discipline techniques.


The report instead favoured a long-term strategy at the grass-roots, encouraging first more ethnic minority members to remove prejudiced attitudes from parties» base, so more candidates will be willing to put themselves forward.


Its blue laws were so strict that Sunday picnics were illegal until 1959, and antigambling laws were severe in both attitude and punishment.


Stana Katic is not returning to the hit ABC series Castle after eight seasons amid reports that there was no love lost between her and co-star Nathan Stana Katic on travel, love and her nonconformist attitude.


You can tell from the attitude I am giving in the shots above that this incredible leopard faux fur coat made me feel like a million bucks!


What they are saying is really about them and their fears and our silly attitudes about birth and attachment in our country.


This is at odds with the conventional view that attitude alignment is an automatism that is triggered by the need to experience (partly deluded) feelings of social conformity.


The script can be dismissed as frippery but I reckon it says something more fundamental about the change in our attitude to democracy and in turn the rise of populism and it’s cheerleading bampots like Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.


Alan became distraught, and his good attitude quickly became frustration.


«Our political attitudes are influenced by so many things,» he explains.


Today, I write from a place that’s not a matter-of-fact authority or a been-there-done-that attitude.


In Greco-Roman biography, the hero’s attitude to his death and his final acts or words are crucial, normally taking up 15 to 25 percent of the narrative.


The Hammers did play out a 1-1 draw against Chelsea at Upton Park last season and the main reason for their success then was the attitude of their midfielders, who were ever willing to run their socks off and give Chelsea as little time on the ball as possible.


Podolski has even been accused of having a poor attitude at training.


The other principle from GKGW that we took to heart is that negative consequences (namely chastizement — GFI’s term for spanking — for young children) must follow disobedience, i.e. acts and attitudes of rebellion.


Help her adjust her attitude by being patient, and by letting her know it’s alright to have days when you just don’t feel 100 percent.


There’s some debate on this matter (mainly between die-hard Tony supporters and facts), though no one can argue the bottom line: Tony Avella’s attitude is not conducive to political efficacy.


Research shows that overindulgent parenting has a tendency to produce self-centered adults with unhealthy attitudes about how they relate to the world.


The filmmakers remark on the unsympathetic attitude of the Union-mandated Hollywood crew.


Stacie’s common sense approach stems from her Master’s in child development, as well as her experience developing an organic family food brand, but her popularity might have more to do with her cheesy sense of humor and non-judgy attitude.


Critics Consensus: Rebel Without a Cause is a searing melodrama featuring keen insight into»50s juvenile attitude and James Dean’s cool, iconic performance.


This «you’re with me or against me» attitude is a cancer on all of us.


Remix, Remake, Ripoff: About Copy Culture And Turkish Pop Cinema (Cem Kaya, 2014) At last the mysteries of the Turkish film industry and their cavalier attitudes to copyright conventions are revealed in this eye-opening documentary.


The prayer focuses on the negative attitudes and actions that were involved in each of the problems that were treated in the session, and it invites the Lord to occupy these places and be the Lord of them.


It shows a minister in an unmistakable attitude of praying, and that much is not obscure.


We thought it was important to poll Canadians about their views on China and a China free-trade agreement (FTA) after the U.S. inauguration to see if there were any changes in attitudes towards China.


How we handle it: No one is ever forced to eat if truly not hungry (see below) but everyone must sit and participate in meal times with a positive attitude.


«Wild Wing got its «devil-may-care» attitude from those days,» Crowley says.


Among people under 30, attitudes toward U.S. science tended to be even more positive.


Andreas Antonopoulos talking about Bitcoin phenomenon and the Blockchain expertise from the attitude of Bitcoin mining.


When Rose is offended by Connie’s attitude and bellows, «Who the hell do you think you are?


Learn how you talk with your children about adoption and help them to form healthy attitudes.


We both had pretty much sort of an independent attitude about things in the world.»


Even thougt I can not buy, or even find, the same things, you inspire with your colour combinations, bold jewellery and positive attitude.


Investors appear to be embracing the upsides of Trump’s presidency — the tax bill, promises of deregulation, a professed pro-business attitude — and ignoring the potential downsides and risks.


We often develop an attitude that says, «I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.»


These artisanal leather booties have a relaxed attitude with stitch detailing, an aged-metallic finish for subtle sheen, and a high-low partially unlined shaft.


The reasons are four-fold: structural changes in the American economy have triggered a long term downward trend in entrepreneurial activity; changes in the banking system have made small business credit more difficult to get; a post-recession shift in attitudes has made Americans less interested in striking out on their own; and a shift in government policies has made entrepreneurship more challenging to undertake.


Providing Remarkably Great Service requires teamwork, efficiency, communication and a positive attitude from each and every employee.


Geez, my front steps have a really bad attitude in the morning.


Sugar Daddies Respond to good ol’ poker style mystery I think having the right attitude can play a big role in how successful a Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy relationship will be.


Easy going and grounded, through mindfulness practices and having an upbeat attitude.


About 20348 results found using ‘ATTITUDE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • You have a great attitude and you’re right, you can’t control where they hit it.  (open, save, copy)

  • The all-or-nothing attitude that some people are showing is totally unrealistic.  (open, save, copy)

  • Judging by performance, Taylor seemed to adopt more of a never-say-die attitude.  (open, save, copy)

  • He was out of shape, and his lousy attitude rubbed off on some of his teammates.  (open, save, copy)

  • Of course, being lucky isn’t just about adopting a relaxed attitude toward life.  (open, save, copy)

  • Others grouse that Schaaff has demonstrated little of Jobs’take-charge attitude.  (open, save, copy)

  • Not only will it enhance your skills, it will speak volumes about your attitude.  (open, save, copy)

  • Much of it sprang from an irreverent attitude toward ancient Roman architecture.  (open, save, copy)

  • Perhaps resistance to bilingual education is a vestige of that earlier attitude.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘attitude’:

  1. A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways; «he had the attitude that work was fun» [source]
  2. Position: the arrangement of the body and its limbs; «he assumed an attitude of surrender» [source]
  3. A theatrical pose created for effect; «the actor struck just the right attitude» [source]
  4. Position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion) [source]
  5. The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the orientation of a rigid body. To describe such an orientation in 3-dimensional Euclidean space three parameters are required. They can be given in several ways, Euler angles being one of them; see charts on SO(3) for others… [source]
  6. Attitude is the thirteenth studio album by the Canadian rock band April Wine, released in 1993 (see 1993 in music). [source]
  7. Attitude as a term of fine art refers to the posture or gesture given to a figure by a painter or sculptor. It applies to the body and not to a mental state, but the arrangement of the body is presumed to serve a communicative or expressive purpose. … [source]
  8. Attitude is Japanese Pop singer and actress Meisa Kuroki’s first EP. It was released on January 1, 2010, by her record label Studioseven Recordings. [source]
  9. In geometry the orientation or attitude of a body is a description of how it is aligned to the space it is in. … [source]

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