Sentence using the word atmosphere

Here is the lower atmosphere.
Это нижний слой атмосферы.

We could work in a family atmosphere.
Поработали бы «в семейной» обстановке.

The breaking load shall be determined within 5 minutes after removal of the strap from the conditioning atmosphere or from the receptacle.
Разрывная нагрузка должна определяться в течение 5 минут после изъятия образца из указанной среды или из сосуда «.

It is ionising our atmosphere.
Он ионизирует нашу атмосферу.

The atmosphere in the chancery was threatening.
В канцелярии сложилась угрожающая обстановка.

The breaking load shall be determined within five minutes after removal of the strap from the conditioning atmosphere or from the receptacle.
Разрывная нагрузка должна определяться не позже чем через пять минут после того, как образец вынут из кондиционирующей среды или из сосуда.

Atmosphere is great for us;
Атмосфера очень полезна для нас;

The discussions took place in a frank and cordial atmosphere.
Встречи с этими деятелями проходили в искренней и сердечной обстановке.

Projects aimed at reinforcing regulatory cooperation in the sectors of earth-moving machinery and equipment for use in environments with an explosive atmosphere.
проекты по укреплению сотрудничества в области нормативного регулирования в секторах техники для земляных работ и оборудования, предназначенного для использования во взрывоопасных средах.

And they changed the atmosphere.
Они изменили атмосферу —

After saying the words I held in for two decades, the atmosphere at Antique seemed much lighter.
После того, как я высказал то, что держал в себе два десятилетия, обстановка в «Антик» стала светлее.

A sample of the liquid mixture is vaporized and diluted with air to create a test atmosphere of 1000 ml/m3 vaporized mixture in air.
образец жидкой смеси доводится до парообразного состояния и рассеивается в воздухе таким образом, чтобы создать испытательную среду с концентрацией пара этой смеси в воздухе 1000 мл/м3.

The atmosphere was certainly favorable.
Атмосфера, без сомнения, была благоприятной.

Norway calls for a renewed effort to foster an international atmosphere conducive to moving the disarmament agenda forward.
Норвегия призывает активизировать усилия по содействию формированию международной обстановки, способствующей продвижению повестки дня в области разоружения.

A sample of the liquid mixture is vaporized and diluted with air to create a test atmosphere of 5000 ml/m3 vaporized mixture in air.
образец жидкой смеси доводится до парообразного состояния и рассеивается в воздухе таким образом, чтобы создать испытательную среду с концентрацией пара этой смеси в воздухе 5000 мл/м3.

Specifically our atmosphere and our magnetosphere.
В особенности на нашу атмосферу и нашу магнитосферу.

Various generals, tycoons and crooks wheel and deal on their own in an atmosphere akin to the Wild West.
Генералы, магнаты и мошенники всех мастей без помех обделывают собственные делишки в обстановке, напоминающей ‘дикий Запад’.

A sample of the liquid mixture is vaporized and diluted with air to create a test atmosphere of 3000 ml/m3 vaporized mixture in air.
образец жидкой смеси доводится до парообразного состояния и рассеивается в воздухе таким образом, чтобы создать испытательную среду с концентрацией пара этой смеси в воздухе 3000 мл/м3.

It’s a very extensive atmosphere.
Это очень обширная атмосфера.

A Syrian-Lebanese-Israeli peace agreement would radically improve the atmosphere in the region in favour of peace and security.
Мирное соглашение, заключенное между Сирией, Ливаном и Израилем, значительно оздоровит обстановку в регионе в пользу мира и безопасности.


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atmosphere — перевод на русский


We stop and we look, and there’s nothing there. It’s just this whole atmosphere that everything just feels like you’re being watched, you know.

Мы остановились и осмотрелись но вокруг ничего не было просто вся атмосфера вокруг ты как будто чувствовал что за тобой постоянно следят, понимаешь.

It’s so empty here, and it also lacks atmosphere.

атмосфера не та…

The atmosphere is…


The ventilation is great, my room has a southern exposure, the rates are cheap, but somehow or other, the atmosphere is too confining.

В номерах кондиционеры, комнаты с видом на юг низкие цены но, так или иначе — атмосфера очень гнетущая.

— Charming atmosphere !

— Прекрасная атмосфера!

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You know, few people come here to eat anymore. Too much atmosphere. We’ve been thinking of closing down the joint to redecorate.

Здесь пообедала большая компания, поэтому тут такой воздух мы собиральсь закрыть и все прибрать

But soon the atmosphere will go.

Скоро кончится воздух. Мы умрем!

Activated the force wall, and generated an atmosphere inside the force wall so the repair team could work in a vacuum without spacesuits, ’cause it wasn’t a vacuum any more, if you see what I mean.

Поставили силовое поле и загнали внутрь воздух. Так что ремонтники смогли работать в вакууме без скафандров. Потому что там больше не было вакуума, понимаешь?

We brought the atmosphere back down to freezing, to control the development, which is like nothing we’ve ever seen.

Мы заморозили воздух, чтобы проследить за процессом, которого раньше не встречали.

We must keep the atmosphere electrified!

Воздух должен оставаться наэлектризованным.

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Captain, the impact of the blast is pushing us into the upper atmosphere.

Взрыв столкнул нас в верхние слои атмосферы.

The Tamarians are projecting a particle sustaining beam into the upper atmosphere.

Тамариане излучают поддерживающий луч в верхние слои атмосферы.

Fighters, target guns on lower atmosphere, wide-angle fire.

Истребители, цельтесь в нижние слои атмосферы.

The probe is entering the giant’s upper atmosphere and the Malon vessel is following it in.

Зонд входит в верхние слои атмосферы гиганта. И мейлонское судно следует за ним.

While Kelowna will bear the brunt of the explosion — in fact, almost half the country’s landmass will be destroyed — you’re not taking into account the debris in the upper atmosphere.

И хотя это правда, Келоуна примет на себя начальный взрыв. Фактически по нашим расчетам, почти половина суши страны будет уничтожена. Вы не принимаете расчет количество пыли выброшенной в верхние слои атмосферы.

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Oh, I tell you, Ruth, it just makes my blood boil every time I go up there and see that poor little youngster in such an atmosphere.

Говорю тебе, Рут, у меня кровь стынет в жилах каждый раз, когда я туда прихожу и вижу этого бедного маленького мальчика в такой обстановке.

Well, I’ve tried to create a pleasant atmosphere in which to work.

В приятной обстановке легче работать.

I would also like to inform you that our deployment goes on smoothly, in the atmosphere of fraternal unity and harmony.

≈ще хочу сообщить вам -дислокаци€ наша протекает гладко, в обстановке братской общности и согласи€. «дем себе по пескам и ни о чем не вздыхаем,

You can participate in conversations in a relaxed atmosphere.

Вы можете поговорить в непринужденной обстановке.

It’s real Hawaiian food served in an authentic medieval-English-dungeon atmosphere.

Настоящая гавайская еда а подают ее в обстановке настоящей средневековой английской темницы.

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Do you know, Zosya, every man is subject to the pressure of a column of atmosphere that weights 214 kilos.

Вызнаете,Зося, на каждого человека давит атмосферный столб весом 214кило? — Печальный влюбленный.

Consider the column of atmosphere!

Примите во внимание атмосферный столб.

Which we do not have. Once each orbit the Lexx passes through the thin atmosphere that joins the two planets and is slowed down.

Которого у нас нет… с каждым витком Лексс проходит через атмосферный мостик между планетами и теряет скорость.

Your atmosphere gauge is at the wrist.

Атмосферный прибор.

They grew their shells by tapping into carbon from the atmosphere… dissolved in the ocean.

Они вырастили свои раковины, используя атмосферный углекислый газ, который был растворён в океане.

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The atmosphere is impenetrable by ship.

Корабль не сможет войти в атмосферу планеты.

Entering atmosphere now!

Входим в атмосферу планеты!

It’s a device that my brother invented to keep humans safe while radiating the atmosphere with Kryptonite.

Это устройство разработал мой брат, чтобы защитить людей, заразив атмосферу планеты криптонитом.

We could lose them in the atmosphere.

Возможно, вы смогли бы оторваться от них в атмосфере планеты.

Which would enable the re-oxygenating of your poisoned atmosphere.

Что способствовало бы возвращению кислорода в атмосферу вашей планеты.

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They won’t follow you out of the atmosphere.

Они не будут преследовать вас за пределами атмосферы.

And it should remind us that our environment doesn’t just stop at the top of our atmosphere. Our environment stretches out into the solar system to the very edges of the solar system to wherever this rock came from.

Он ещё раз напоминает нам о том, что наша окружающая среда не ограничена пределами атмосферы, она простирается до самых дальних уголков Солнечной системы, откуда и прилетела эта глыба.

The Quinjet will disconnect from the Zephyr and then fly straight up until it leaves the atmosphere.

Квинджет отсоединится от Зефира, и затем улетит прямиком за пределы атмосферы.

As soon as it breaches atmosphere, it’s gonna jump to light speed and go to Takron-Galtos.

Как только он выйдет за пределы атмосферы, он достигнет скорости света и отправится на Таркон-Галтос.

They came from outside the atmosphere.

Естественно, казалось, что они поступают из-за пределов атмосферы.

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Atmosphere report, Captain.

Состав атмосферы, капитан.

This vast forest circling the globe contains a third of all the trees on Earth and produces so much oxygen, it changes the composition of the atmosphere.

Этот обширный лес, окружающий земной шар содержит одну треть всех деревьев на Земле и производит много кислорода что изменяет состав атмосферы.

What is the atmosphere?

Какой состав атмосферы?

Now, as well as emitting light when heated, elements also absorb light of exactly the same colour if they’re present in the atmosphere of a star or a planet.

Наряду с излучаемым при нагревании светом, элементы также поглощают свет в точности такого же цвета, если они входят в состав атмосферы звезды или планеты.

Now, a spectrum can be used in a simple and elegant way to determine the chemical composition of the atmosphere of a planet or star.

Спектр можно просто и изящно использовать для определения химического состава атмосферы планет или звёзд.

I mean, changed as a man. The whole atmosphere is changing!

Изменил настроение, изменил жизнь!

The atmosphere, bright and cheerful.

Настроение было прекрасное.

It’s funny how decorating the Christmas tree can induce the Christmas atmosphere.

Только украшение ёлки может доставить новогоднее настроение.

I’m not. But you’re going to spoil the atmosphere.

Ты всем испортишь настроение.

What’s the atmosphere?

Ну что? Как настроение?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word atmosphere, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use atmosphere in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «atmosphere». In addition, we also show how different variations of atmosphere can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are atmosphere’s, atmosphereat, atmosphereric, atmospheres, atmosphere—the, atmosphere—was and atmosphere—which. If you click on the variation of atmosphere that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Atmosphere in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word atmosphere in a sentence.

  1. The atmosphere is a fluid.

  2. It was a very creative atmosphere.

  3. The atmosphere was absolutely great ..

  4. The atmosphere had changed considerably.

  5. It re-entered the atmosphere in May 2002.

  6. HIStory creates an atmosphere of paranoia.

  7. This is much more of a theater atmosphere.».

  8. No atmosphere was revealed by the Voyager data.

  9. ODST’s visuals and atmosphere were praised.

  10. However, the atmosphere in the hall was peaceful.

  11. It was a great atmosphere and home field advantage.

  12. The overlying atmosphere is in radiative equilibrium.

  13. The atmosphere in Vukovar was said to be «murderous».

  14. Parliament met in February 1308 in a heated atmosphere.

  15. Seawater has only 30 ppb and the atmosphere, 0.1–4 µg/m.

  16. This allowed the chemical composition of the stellar atmosphere to be determined.

  17. However, oxygen has not yet been directly detected in the atmosphere of Callisto.

  18. Titan’s lower gravity means that its atmosphere is far more extended than Earth’s.

  19. The atmosphere of Jupiter is the largest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System.

  20. Yet, only the lower atmosphere has warmed, consistent with greenhouse gas forcing.

  21. Pluto and Charon will loose their diffuse water atmosphere into space, leaving an exposed rocky core.

  22. No craters are smaller than 3 km, because of the effects of the dense atmosphere on incoming objects.

  23. Galactic cosmic rays produce Be in the atmosphere at a rate that depends on the solar magnetic field.

  24. Thirdly, the elevated nitrogen dioxide levels in the atmosphere would wash out and produce acid rain.

  25. However, the nature of the Ganymedian ionosphere is as controversial as the nature of the atmosphere.

  26. The atmosphere was made more tense by unrest in Mexico City before the Games, which left dozens dead.

  27. His stage directions also create an atmosphere by their formatting and avoidance of the first person.

  28. Members of the team felt that he improved the atmosphere within the side and made the game enjoyable.

  29. Among their interests in Quaoar include its likely disappearing methane atmosphere and cryovolcanism.

  30. The refrain’s first half is built on D and G major chords that create a relatively radiant atmosphere.

  31. These observations indicated the presence of a denser atmosphere than was deduced from Voyager 2 data.

  32. Sulfides formed as the crust solidified under the reducing conditions of the early Earth’s atmosphere.

  33. The party was divided into two teams, and the journey began on 24 January, in an atmosphere of muddle.

  34. Quatermass and the Pit also used sound effects and electronic music to create a disturbing atmosphere.

  35. They planned to use the occultation of the star SAO 158687 by Uranus to study the planet’s atmosphere.

  36. The team designed venues that represented parts of the Beatles’ history in order to create an atmosphere of authenticity.

  37. Having failed to solve the underlying crisis in the long term, «the atmosphere of distrust and intrigue still continued».

  38. Other archaea use CO2 in the atmosphere as a source of carbon, in a process called carbon fixation (they are autotrophs).

  39. This paradox of imagery adds atmosphere to the moral dilemma facing the two lovers: loyalty to family or loyalty to love.

  40. More electrons collide with its atmosphere, producing the brightest aurora, where the field lines are tangent to Io (i.e.

  41. In 2007, the club launched the Back to the Shed campaign to improve the atmosphere at home matches, with notable success.

  42. Producer Nathan Burlow said the narrative and atmosphere of the 2007 game BioShock influenced Arkham Asylum’s design.

  43. RW Aurigae’s spectrum indicates a turbulent stellar atmosphere, and has prominent emission lines of calcium and hydrogen.

  44. In addition to the star’s diameter, questions have arisen about the complex dynamics of Betelgeuse’s extended atmosphere.

  45. And then he injects into the Yadava household a Telugu atmosphere, full with its simile, imagery, adage, sarcasm and wit.

  46. Over a decade or longer, sunlight would have been blocked from reaching the surface of the Earth by the dust particles in the atmosphere, cooling the surface dramatically.

  47. GLaDOS’s announcements serve as instructions to Chell and help the player progress through the game, but also develops the atmosphere and characterizes the AI as a person.

  48. The wide range in temperatures is due to the thin atmosphere which cannot store much solar heat, the low atmospheric pressure, and the low thermal inertia of Martian soil.

  49. The vast tephra fallout of the eruption fell in part over the sea; the fertilizing effect of the tephra may have induced a draw-down of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  50. The aerosols injected into the atmosphere reduced the solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, causing a volcanic winter and cooling the atmosphere for several years.

Atmosphere’s in a sentence

Atmosphere’s is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmosphere’s.

  1. Three-quarters of the atmosphere’s mass is contained within the first 11 km (6.8 mi) of the surface; this lowest layer is called the troposphere.

Atmosphereat in a sentence

Atmosphereat is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmosphereat.

  1. When the series started, Hoshino drew a colored image of Allen being held by a limb of an Akuma, representing both the series’ calm and crotesque atmosphereat the same time.

Atmosphereric in a sentence

Atmosphereric is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmosphereric.

  1. Carolyn Gudmundson of GamesRadar praised the soundtrack’s varied style, a «moody, atmosphereric base punctuated with spikes of manic energy».

Atmospheres in a sentence

Atmospheres is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmospheres.

  1. Those classified as DB, DC, DO, DZ, and cool DQ have helium-dominated atmospheres.

  2. The hot, above 15,000 K, DQ class (roughly 0.1%) have carbon-dominated atmospheres.

  3. White dwarfs whose primary spectral classification is DA have hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.

  4. Molecular hydrogen (H2) has been detected in spectra of the atmospheres of some white dwarfs.

  5. Additionally, planets with hotter lower atmospheres could accelerate the loss rate of hydrogen.

  6. A Uranus entry probe could use Pioneer Venus Multiprobe heritage and descend to 1–5 atmospheres.

  7. The game world’s fusion of high technology and ethnic, tribal atmospheres proved challenging at first.

  8. Stars with cooler outer atmospheres, including the Sun, can form various diatomic and polyatomic molecules.

  9. Similar to the solar wind, the planetary wind is composed of light gases that escape planetary atmospheres.

  10. Over long periods of time, the planetary wind can radically change the composition of planetary atmospheres.

  11. Thus younger stars tend to have a higher portion of heavy elements in their atmospheres than do the older stars.

  12. The most-massive red supergiants shed their atmospheres and evolve to Wolf–Rayet stars before their cores collapse.

  13. The active atmospheres and closeness of these stars means that they are among the brightest X-ray sources in the sky.

  14. Both have similar overall compositions: hydrogen and helium, with trace levels of heavier elements in their atmospheres.

  15. Other major uses were pressurizing and purging systems, welding, maintenance of controlled atmospheres, and leak detection.

  16. Type Ib supernovae are the more common and result from Wolf–Rayet stars of type WC which still have helium in their atmospheres.

  17. This enables the composition and structure of their atmospheres to be studied by soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet observations.

  18. The boilers were composed of one steam drum and three water drums apiece, and produced steam at 16 standard atmospheres (240 psi).

  19. Over time, such clouds become increasingly enriched in heavier elements as older stars die and shed portions of their atmospheres.

  20. It did not use a shielding gas to protect the weld, as developments in welding atmospheres did not take place until later that decade.

Atmosphere—the in a sentence

Atmosphere—the is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmosphere—the.

  1. The band disliked the school’s strict atmosphere—the headmaster once charged them for using a rehearsal room on a Sunday—and found solace in the school’s music department.

  2. The first theme represents a poet’s reverie in the quietude of the monastery garden amidst beautiful surroundings—the calm serene atmosphere—the leafy trees and the singing birds.

Atmosphere—was in a sentence

Atmosphere—was is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmosphere—was.

  1. Sulfur dioxide levels rose and smoke shade—a measure of visibility interference in the atmosphere—was two to three times higher than usual.

Atmosphere—which in a sentence

Atmosphere—which is a variation of atmosphere, below you can find example sentences for atmosphere—which.

  1. Frustrated by England’s repressive atmosphere—which she called «more fascist than the fascists»—she returned to Canada in 1939.

Synonyms for atmosphere

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word atmosphere has the following synonyms: air, aura, ambiance, ambience, atmospheric state, standard atmosphere, atm and standard pressure.

General information about «atmosphere» example sentences

The example sentences for the word atmosphere that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «atmosphere» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «atmosphere».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Kianna Legros DDS

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(44 votes)

Examples of atmosphere in a Sentence

Experts have noticed changes in the atmosphere. Meteoroids


1 : an atmospheric phenomenon (such as lightning or a snowfall) 2a : any of the small particles of matter in the solar system that are directly observable only by their incandescence from frictional heating on entry into the atmosphere. b : the streak of light produced by the passage of a meteor.

burn up as they pass through Earth’s atmosphere. The planets have different atmospheres. a country inn with lots of atmosphere The food was good but the restaurant has no atmosphere.

How do you use atmosphere in a sentence?

a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing.

  1. The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.
  2. They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere.
  3. I find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.
  4. We work best in a sympathetic atmosphere.

What is atmosphere and example?

Atmosphere is defined as the area of air and gas enveloping objects in space, like stars and planets, or the air around any location. An example of atmosphere is the ozone and other layers which make up the Earth’s sky as we see it. An example of atmosphere is the air and gases contained inside a greenhouse.

What is atmosphere one sentence answer?

Atmosphere is defined as the area of air and gas enveloping objects in space, like stars and planets, or the air around any location. An example of atmosphere is the ozone and other layers which make up the Earth’s sky as we see it. An example of atmosphere is the air and gases contained inside a greenhouse.

How do you use the word it in a sentence?

We use it in cleft sentences. It emphasises the subject or object of the main clause: It was his sister who ran the marathon in New York, wasn’t it? Was it the printer that caused the problem?

30 related questions found

Whats the difference between it’s and its?

This is a common question. Here’s the answer: It’s is a contraction, meaning a shorter or «contracted» form of «it is» or «it has.» (Example: It’s going to rain.) Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, «belonging to it,» or a «quality of it» (Example: The carrier lost its license) or (Example: Its color is red.)

What word is mine?

Mine is a possessive pronoun, being a possessive form of I. It can refer to a singular or plural noun, and it can be used as the subject, object, or complement of a verb or the object of a preposition: The glass on the left is mine.

What is the full meaning of atmosphere?

Full Definition of atmosphere

1a : the gaseous envelope of a celestial body (such as a planet) b : the whole mass of air surrounding the earth. 2 : the air of a locality the stuffy atmosphere of the waiting room. 3 : a surrounding influence or environment an atmosphere of hostility.

What are the important terms of atmosphere?

The atmosphere is comprised of layers based on temperature. These layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. A further region at about 500 km above the Earth’s surface is called the exosphere.

What is a atmosphere simple definition?

An atmosphere is the layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body. … These gases are found in layers (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere) defined by unique features such as temperature and pressure.

How do you describe atmosphere?

The atmosphere is the blanket of gases which surrounds Earth. It is held near the surface of the planet by Earth’s gravitational attraction. Without the atmosphere there could be no life on Earth.

What types of atmosphere are there in writing?

The mood of a piece of writing is its general atmosphere or emotional complexion—in short, the array of feelings the work evokes in the reader.

Here are some words that are commonly used to describe mood:

  • Cheerful.
  • Reflective.
  • Gloomy.
  • Humorous.
  • Melancholy.
  • Idyllic.
  • Whimsical.
  • Romantic.

How do you describe atmosphere in English?

If the atmosphere is tense, or there is a lot of disagreement or dislike, the atmosphere may be described as follows: You could cut the air with a knife. The adjective ‘palpable’, which means ‘easy to feel or understand’ is also often used with a noun of feeling.

How do you write an atmosphere in writing?

Five things: creating an atmosphere in your writing

  1. Use sensory detail. All five senses – sight, sound, touch, smell and taste – can be effective in creating a strong atmosphere. …
  2. Hold an image or word in your head as you write. …
  3. Inhabit your imaginary world in your daily life. …
  4. Limit your imagery. …
  5. Focus on the language.

What is an example of atmosphere in literature?

Flaming candles, the ‘set’ of the skeletons dining, and so on all conjures a specific atmosphere. We’re usually going for spooky around Halloween, but in literature, atmosphere refers to the feeling, emotion, or mood a writer conveys to a reader through the description of setting and objects.

What is atmosphere in writing?

Atmosphere is the overall mood of a story or poem. It’s usually something readers can’t quite put their finger on – not a motif or a theme, but a “feel” that readers get as they read.

What are the 5 types of atmosphere?

Earth’s atmosphere has five major and several secondary layers. From lowest to highest, the major layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. Troposphere.

What is the hottest layer of the atmosphere?

The thermosphere is often considered the «hot layer» because it contains the warmest temperatures in the atmosphere. Temperature increases with height until the estimated top of the thermosphere at 500 km. Temperatures can reach as high as 2000 K or 1727 ºC in this layer (Wallace and Hobbs 24).

Why is it called atmosphere?

An atmosphere (from Ancient Greek ἀτμός (atmós) ‘vapour, steam’, and σφαῖρα (sphaîra) ‘sphere’) is a layer of gas or layers of gases that envelope a planet, and is held in place by the gravity of the planetary body.

Why do we need an atmosphere?

The atmosphere protects us from UV and other short wavelength light that would otherwise do a lot of damage to the DNA of living organisms. … The atmosphere is also important because it contains oxygen, which we and other living organisms breathe.

What is the root word of atmosphere?

atmospheric Add to list Share. … The adjective atmospheric comes from atmosphere, which stems from the Greek root words atmos, «steam or vapor,» and spharia, «sphere or globe.»

What is the function of the atmosphere?

Atmosphere is essential for life on Earth as it supplies oxygen, water, CO2 and some nutrients (N) to living organisms, and protects living organisms from temperature extremes and excessive UV radiation.

Where is mine used?

What does mine mean? Mine is a pronoun, too, but it is a possessive pronoun. Possessive pronouns indicate property or ownership. Since mine is a first person singular possessive pronoun, it is used when a speaker is referring to something that belongs to himself.

What is the full meaning of mine?

Management In The Network Economy. Networking. MINE.

Synonym: air, ambiance, ambience, atm, atmospheric state, aura, standard atmosphere, standard pressure. Similar words: at most, sphere, here and there, most, not more than, treatment, almost, mostly. Meaning: [‘ætmə‚sfɪə]  n. 1. a particular environment or surrounding influence 2. a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade 3. the mass of air surrounding the Earth 4. the weather or climate at some place 5. the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body 6. a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing. 

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1 The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

2 They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere.

3 I find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.

4 We work best in a sympathetic atmosphere.

5 These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities.

6 Before the parade, the atmosphere was electric.

7 The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.

8 We walked around the city,[] lapping up the atmosphere.

9 The hotel had a lovely relaxed atmosphere .

10 These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.

11 Nitrogen forms four-fifths of the atmosphere.

12 The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.

13 The atmosphere at work is fairly informal.

14 The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.

15 The atmosphere was festive and jolly.

16 The talk was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.

17 The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.

18 The atmosphere borders on the surreal.

19 There was a highly charged atmosphere.

20 The club has a cosmopolitan atmosphere.

21 The atmosphere crackled with tension.

22 Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.

23 The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.

24 The film really recaptures the atmosphere of those days.

25 A clear atmosphere intensifies the blue of the sky.

26 The town has a festive holiday atmosphere.

27 There’s a rather frigid atmosphere in the school.

28 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.

29 I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech.

30 The mansion had an atmosphere of genteel elegance and decay.

More similar words: at most, sphere, here and there, most, not more than, treatment, almost, mostly, at midnight, euphemism, prospect, hospital, photographer, so to speak, to speak of, introspect, first and foremost, introspection, phenomenon, here, there, where, thereby, severe, whereas, wherein, here and now, inherent, over there, for the rest. 

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