Sentence using the word alone

Sentences with the word Alone?



  • «She agreed to all my conditions»; «He agreed to leave her alone«
  • «could be alone in a crowded room»; «was alone with her thoughts»; «I want to be alone«
  • «he was alone when we met him»; «she is alone much of the time»; «the lone skier on the mountain»; «a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel»; «a lonely soul»; «a solitary traveler»
  • «she alone believed him»; «cannot live by bread alone«; «I’ll have this car and this car only»
  • «he is alone in the field of microbiology»; «this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem»; «Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint»; «craftsmen whose skill is unequaled»; «unparalleled athletic ability»; «a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history»
  • «was entirely to blame»; «a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children»; «he works for Mr. Smith exclusively»; «did it solely for money»; «the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone«; «a privilege granted only to him»
  • «the child stayed home alone«; «the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing»; «he flew solo»
  • «the grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone«
  • «The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze»
  • «the common man»; «a common sailor»; «the common cold»; «a common nuisance»; «followed common procedure»; «it is common knowledge that she lives alone«; «the common housefly»; «a common brand of soap»
  • «friends considerate enough to leave us alone«
  • «he had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone«
  • «she felt detached from the group»; «could not remain the isolated figure he had been»- Sherwood Anderson; «thought of herself as alone and separated from the others»; «had a set-apart feeling»
  • «the hell of battle»; «the inferno of the engine room»; «when you’re alone Christmas is the pits»
  • «igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma»; «igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone«; «pyrogenic strata»
  • «slightly improper to dine alone with a married man»; «improper medication»; «improper attire for the golf course»
  • «She alone sustained her family»; «The money will sustain our good cause»; «There’s little to earn and many to keep»
  • «leave it as is»; «leave the young fawn alone«; «leave the flowers that you see in the park behind»
  • «she can’t boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal»
  • «the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith alone«
  • «his fear of being alone verges on morbidity»
  • «you’re quite right»; «she was quite alone«; «was quite mistaken»; «quite the opposite»; «not quite finished»; «did not quite make it»
  • «The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it»; «rest assured»; «stay alone«; «He remained unmoved by her tears»; «The bad weather continued for another week»
  • «We sailed the Atlantic»; «He sailed the Pacific all alone«
  • «Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal; he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his Portuguese embassy alone«
  • «went alone and unarmed»; «unarmed peasants were shot down»; «unarmed vehicles»

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Study Vocabulary Words alone
without anyone else

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Used with verbs:

«Please leave me alone.«

«She feels alone at school.«
(feel, be: is/am/are)

«I like to sit alone.«
(sit, be, sleep)

Used with adverbs:

«I feel completely alone.«
(completely, very much, all, entirely, quite)

Used with prepositions:

«I would like to be alone with my family.«

«She will be all alone for her birthday.«
(for, on)

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alone — перевод на русский


If you are not only Lord Kim Eung Boo’s son, there is no way he will leave you alone…

он не оставит Вас в покое…

You leave him alone.

Ты оставляешь его в покое.

You let that little boy alone.

— ќставьте малыша в покое.

Let the poor devil alone.

Оставьте шалуна в покое.

If they’d let us alone, we’d be all right.

Если бы нас оставили в покое, всё было бы замечательно.

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I am just trying to snap you back into reality, because now that Josh and Valencia are living together, you are not gonna have any more alone time with him.

Забудь о подарке. Я пытаюсь вернуть тебя назад в реальность, потому что теперь, когда Джош и Валенсия живут вместе, ты больше не сможешь быть с ним наедине.

Do you need me to call Valencia from a burner phone and tell her there’s been a murder at the yoga studio so you and Josh can have more alone time?

Мне позвонить Валенсии с анонимного телефона и сказать, что в студии йоги произошло убийство, чтобы вы с Джошем провели немного времени наедине?

«When can I speak to you -— alone?»

«Когда я смогу поговорить с вами наедине?»

Turn out the lights, them guys wanna be alone.

Вырубите свет, мальчики хотят побыть наедине.

I want to talk to my father alone.

Я хочу поговорить со своим отцом наедине.

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«I told you to leave the boy alone!»

«Я же сказал, оставь его!»

Leave her alone…

Оставь ее…

Just let me alone…

Оставь меня.

Leave me alone

Оставь меня

-O’Connor, leave him alone. I’ll manage him.

Оставь его, я сам разберусь.

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And yet, I am alone too.

Но я так же одинок.

Still alone.

Всё ещё одинок.

Now I know I am alone.

Я знаю что я одинок.

How alone you must have been.

— Насколько одинок ты был.

Then I am as alone as you are.

Значит, я так же одинок, как и вы.

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No, don’t go away and leave me here alone. You stay here and I’ll go away.

Не уходите, не оставляйте меня в одиночестве.

Oh, I can hardly believe it, not having to live alone anymore.

Ой, не могу поверить, что теперь не придется жить в одиночестве.

Even that’s better than staying home alone.

Даже это лучше, чем сидеть дома в одиночестве.

He died all alone.

— Он умер в одиночестве.

Not much of a Christmas for me all alone.

Не много Рождества достанется мне в одиночестве.

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Oh, you don’t want me to drink alone.

Ну ты же не хочешь, чтобы я напился в одиночку.

To keep you company, because deep down, you dislike drinking alone.

Составить вам компанию. Я уверен, что вы не любите пить в одиночку.

Why should I suffer alone?

Почему я должен страдать в одиночку?

Travelling alone, huh?

Путешествие в одиночку, да?

She’s left me to meet them alone.

Она пошла на встречу с ними в одиночку.

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— Well, I wanted to be alone with her-

— Хорошо, я хотел остаться с ней… — Значит, хотели?

Is it proper in America for a lady to remain alone with a gentleman in his bed chamber?

А разве в Америке считается приличным для дамы остаться с джентльменом в его спальне?

He thought it’d be better for me here than alone in Moscow. How do you feel about it?

Он считает, что мне лучше остаться здесь, — с его отцом и сестрой, чем ждать родов в Москве.

I want to be alone for the good of Toshoo.

Я хочу остаться здесь ради Тосио.

Tomorrow, I must be alone here. With Miles.

Завтра я должна остаться здесь… вместе с Майлсом.

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I just thought it might be nice, you know, stay home, alone, just you and me.

Мне показалось неплохой мыслью остаться дома вдвоём. Только ты и я.

We’ll always be alone.

Мы всегда будем вдвоём.

— Get out of here, leave us alone or I’ll tell them you’re backing the show.

— Уходите уже отсюда, оставьте нас вдвоем или я расскажу им, кто спонсирует шоу.

Well, she’s not the sort of person I’d care to see alone

Ну, она не тот человек, кого я хотела бы видеть вдвоем

God’s will, would you and I alone could fight this battle out!

Будь Божья воля, я вдвоём с тобою Принять хотел бы этот славный бой!

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Come on, Marie. – Leave me alone.

– Давай, Мари. – Отстань.

Hey, let her alone, will you, buddy?

Отстань от неё!

— Oh, leave me alone!

— Ой, отстань!

— Leave me alone.


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— Don’t leave me alone.

— Не оставляй меня.

I know how things are between you, but don’t leave him alone now.

Я знаю, как обстоят дела между вами, но не оставляй его сейчас.

Don’t leave me alone.

Не оставляй меня!

For God’s sake, don’t leave him alone here long.

Только не оставляй его надолго.

Don’t leave me alone! Take me home!

Не оставляй меня, давай лучше вернёмся в дом!

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Lonely vs. Alone – What’s the Gist?

These two modifiers have very similar definitions, and it’s likely that this similarity leads to some confusion.

  • Lonely is an adjective.
  • Alone functions as both an adjective and an adverb.

As with most synonymic words, seeking precision in communication will determine the better word choice.

lonely versus alone

How to Use Lonely in a Sentence

Lonely definition: As an adjective, lonely means being without company or to be cut off from others. It also has the denotation of sadness from experiencing isolation or having a feeling of desolation.

For example:

  • With her husband away on a business trip, the woman felt lonely. (Adjective)
  • The mountain cabin was in a lonely location. (Adjective)
  • Sitting in the large cafeteria at the new school, the transfer student experienced an overwhelmingly lonely moment. (Adjective)

By the way, you may have the idea that because lonely has an –ly ending that it is an adverb instead of an adjective. That’s not always the case.

While it is true that many modifiers ending in –ly are typically adverbs, they aren’t always. Lonely is one of these exceptions. As a descriptive adjective, lonely answers the question which one of the noun that it modifies.

In the above examples, you would ask: Which woman? The lonely woman. Which location? The lonely location. Which moment? The lonely moment.

How to Use Alone in a Sentence

Alone definition: As an adjective, alone means separated from others; exclusive of anyone/anything; or considered without any mention to others.

For example:

  • After the store closed, the manager found herself alone. (Adjective)
  • The executive officers alone knew about the possibility of a merger. (Adjective)
  • The mother realized too late that the boys alone would be able to eat all the pizza she had ordered. (Adjective)

The word alone also functions as an adverb, meaning solely or exclusively; or without aid or help.

For example:

  • After surveying the damage to the vehicles, the woman believed that the blame was hers alone. (Adverb)
  • The toddler asserted that he could feed himself alone. (Adverb)

As you can see by its definitions and usage, the word alone is definitely related to the word lonely. Alone, however, lacks the sadness as a result of isolation that the word lonely commonly implies.

By the way, the confusion between this word pairing may actually come between the words lone and alone. Functioning as another synonym for the word pairing, lone means having no company or preferring solitude.

For example:

  • There was a lone squirrel hopping in the yard.

On the other hand, you might be thinking it’s okay to write it the following:

  • There was alone squirrel hopping in the yard.

However, this is wrong. What may help to correct this perception is to know that the sentence placement matters with these two adjectives lone and alone.

As a general rule, when using the word lone, place it in front of the substantive. On the other hand, when using the word alone, put the modifier after the noun.

For example:

  • There was a lone squirrel hopping in the yard.
  • Squirrels are alone in their ability to figure out birdfeeder deterrents.

Outside Examples of Lonely vs. Alone

  • “New York is a lonely, lonely, lonely city,” Yossy Morales said one recent Saturday, a morning so frigid that a bicycle deliveryman outside Burger Heaven on Lexington Avenue at 62nd Street was forced to pour scalding water over his Kryptonite lock to key it open. –Chicago Tribune
  • Chloe Jakiela felt lonely after she moved to Salt Lake City from Pittsburgh. It was 2018, and she was adjusting to a new city and had just broken up with her boyfriend. –The Washington Post
  • Dallas-based Southwest said last week in a financial filing that it was expecting a $200 million to $300 million drop in revenue in the first quarter alone that ends March 31. Kelly also told CNBC that worries over the illness were having a “9-11-like” impact on the airline industry. –The Dallas Morning News
  • Nearly 50 years after Congress passed Title IX to give female athletes an equitable playing field, they’re still looking for a fair shot. In hockey, the U.S. and Canadian women’s teams are good as gold in the Olympics but would love to have a solid league of their own. And they are far from alone. In this special project from The Times, we profile female athletes who are champions of sports and justice, from the trailblazing Billie Jean King, who never takes no for an answer, to Michelle Kwan, who makes time for figure skating and U.S. diplomacy. –Los Angeles Times

Phrases That Use Lonely and Alone

There are several phrases that use either the word lonely or alone, including:

In a lonely place: A remote location (figuratively or literally) away from most people.

  • Taking a wrong turn, the family found itself in a lonely place.

It’s lonely at the top: An effective leader or a successful person often finds the experience to be an isolating one.

  • Despite the singer’s successful tour, he felt lonely at the top.

Leave me alone: A directive indicating the person giving it needs space or distance.

  • The woman heard one of her children say to the other one, “Leave me alone.”

Home alone: Someone is staying at home by himself or herself.

  • The young mother enjoyed the rare treat of being home alone by reading a book.

How to Remember These Words

Because these words are both adjectives, you need to decide what you are trying to communicate in order to pick the correct word. Admittedly, due to their similar denotations, this choice may be difficult.

Try to remember this mnemonic device to help.

  • To be alone is to be all by yourself.

Alone and all by yourself both start with al.

  • To be lonely is to be lonesome.

Lonely carries with it the idea of sadness due to one’s isolation. Alone doesn’t have this implication, and that is the key difference between the two words.

Article Summary

Is lonely or alone correct? The word lonely is a modifier that reflects being without company and being sad about that fact. The term alone is also modifier that means to be separated from people, the connotation being a more voluntary action than its counterpart.

Being lonely doesn’t necessarily mean that you are alone. Interestingly, the converse is also true. Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean that you are lonely.

  • Lonely is an adjective.
  • Alone functions as both an adjective and an adverb.


  • 1 Lonely vs. Alone – What’s the Gist?
  • 2 How to Use Lonely in a Sentence
  • 3 How to Use Alone in a Sentence
  • 4 Phrases That Use Lonely and Alone
  • 5 How to Remember These Words
  • 6 Article Summary

один, одинокий, только, в одиночестве, сам


- один, одинокий; в одиночестве

all /quite/ alone — совсем один
I want to be alone — я хочу побыть один, мне нужно побыть одному

- один, единственный, отличный от других

he is not alone in his interests [conclusions] — он не одинок в своих интересах [выводах]
we are not alone in thinking that … — не только мы думаем, что …
is mankind alone in the Universe? — есть ли ещё разумные существа во Вселенной?

- уникальный, несравнимый (ни с кем, ни с чем)

he is alone among them in devotion to duty — по преданности долгу его нельзя сравнить ни с кем из них
he is alone in his ability to solve financial problems — он обладает уникальной способностью разрешать финансовые трудности


- в одиночестве, наедине, одиноко

to live [to sit, to die] alone — жить [сидеть, умирать] в одиночестве
does she live alone? — она что, одна живёт?
alone with smb. — наедине с кем-л.
alone with his thoughts — наедине /один на один/ со своими мыслями

- усил. только, исключительно, единственно

he alone is to blame — он единственный виновник
science alone can do it — только наука может это сделать
he alone could achieve this — никто кроме него не мог бы добиться /достичь/ этого
man shall not live by bread alone — библ. не хлебом единым жив человек

- в одиночку, без посторонней помощи

you can’t lift the trunk alone — ты не сможешь (при)поднять сундук сам
the widow raised her three children practically alone — вдова воспитала троих детей фактически без чьей-л. поддержки
to leave /to let/ smb., smth. alone — оставлять кого-л., что-л. в покое; не трогать кого-л., что-л.
leave /let/ me alone! — оставь меня в покое!; отстань!
leave that alone! — перестань об этом говорить!; оставь этот вопрос!; хватит об этом!
let alone (that) … — не говоря уже о …, не учитывая даже …
I have no time for this journey let alone the money needed — у меня нет времени на такое путешествие, не говоря уже о деньгах

Мои примеры


to let alone — оставить в покое  
to let / leave smb. alone — оставить кого-л. в покое, не тревожить кого-л.  
let alone — не говоря уже о  
let well (enough) alone — от добра добра не ищут  
to leave smb. / smth. alone — оставлять кого-л. / что-л. в покое  
let me be, let me alone — оставьте меня в покое, не трогайте меня  
to live alone — жить в одиночестве  
they alone can help us — только они могут помочь нам  
dog will never bite you provided you let it alone — эта собака никогда не укусит вас, если вы её не тронете  
he is not alone in his conclusions — он не одинок в своих выводах  

Примеры с переводом

I want to be alone

я хочу побыть один, мне нужно побыть одному

She lives alone.

Она живёт одна.

The boy can do it alone.

Мальчик может это сделать без посторонней помощи.

He was alone with his thoughts.

Он был наедине со своими мыслями.

He was alone when we met him.

Когда мы его встретили, он был один.

She lived alone for many years.

Она много лет прожила в одиночестве.

She is alone much of the time.

Большую часть времени она проводит одна.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I got him alone and asked him what had really happened.

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