Sentence using the word affect

Using affect in a sentence: An early frost in Florida can affect the orange crop negatively. One employee’s negativity can affect all the workers. Colorado was affected by severe flooding last summer.

  1. What is an example of affect?
  2. How do you use affect and effect in a sentence?
  3. How do you use its in a sentence?
  4. How do you use it and it’s in a sentence?
  5. Is affect good or bad?
  6. Is effected a word?
  7. Who used in a sentence?
  8. How can I write a good sentence in English?
  9. How do you know if a sentence is correct?
  10. What is a simple sentence?

What is an example of affect?

Use “affect” as the verb in a sentence when you’re talking about producing change or making a difference. For example, a new discovery can affect a scientific theory, and failing a test can affect someone’s mood. Here are some synonyms of affect: alter, change, influence, modify, and impact (the verb version).

How do you use affect and effect in a sentence?

Affect vs Effect

Simply put, affect means to impact on or influence. For example, “The snow affected the traffic.” Effect is usually a noun. Simply put, effect means a result or outcome.

How do you use its in a sentence?

Some sentence examples of «its» used as a possessive include:

  1. This cheese is past its expiration date.
  2. Its front door will open when you’re nearby.
  3. This book is better than its cover would suggest.
  4. In its most basic form, this plan will work.
  5. This frog is too small for its aquarium.

How do you use it and it’s in a sentence?

It’s is a contraction and should be used where a sentence would normally read «it is.» the apostrophe indicates that part of a word has been removed. Its with no apostrophe, on the other hand, is the possessive word, like «his» and «her,» for nouns without gender.

Is affect good or bad?

First of all, affect is always a verb. It means to bring on or cause a change, or to cause emotion, to provoke feelings (good or bad). It can also mean to adopt a false characteristic. … (Affect means there is no effect to the cause — no relation between the bad drivers and myself).

Is effected a word?

Effected means brought about, brought into being when used as a verb. A good way to remember the difference is Effected means Emerged.. Out of the two words, ‘affected’ is the most common. It appears about four times more frequently than ‘effected’.

Who used in a sentence?

Who sentence example. The boy who sat beside him was his son. Who had handed it to her? Are you going to tell me who he is?

How can I write a good sentence in English?

There are many writing tips available for those looking to craft better sentences:

  1. Keep it simple. Long sentences or overly complex sentences don’t necessarily make sophisticated sentence writing. …
  2. Use concrete rhetoric. …
  3. Employ parallelism. …
  4. Mind your grammar. …
  5. Properly punctuate. …
  6. Practice writing.

How do you know if a sentence is correct?

Grammarly’s online grammar checker scans your text for all types of mistakes, from typos to sentence structure problems and beyond.

  1. Eliminate grammar errors. …
  2. Fix tricky spelling errors. …
  3. Say goodbye to punctuation errors. …
  4. Enhance your writing.

What is a simple sentence?

A simple sentence is a sentence containing only one clause, or more specifically, an independent clause, with a subject and a predicate.

About 34828 results found using ‘AFFECT’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Students will move on to ocean currents and how they affect weather and climate.  (open, save, copy)

  • Does her religious or political affiliation affect her schedule, and thus yours?  (open, save, copy)

  • There is no word yet on how this incident will affect his multiple endorsements.  (open, save, copy)

  • Truly important issues that can affect your everyday lives are at stake Tuesday.  (open, save, copy)

  • The rules will affect some 30 million lunches served in America each school day.  (open, save, copy)

  • Mr. Mubarak acknowledged irregularities but said they didn’t affect the outcome.  (open, save, copy)

  • In Crohn’s disease, the inflammation can affect any part of the digestive tract.  (open, save, copy)

  • The team also found that IL28B genotypes did not seem to affect median fibrosis.  (open, save, copy)

  • Gates isn’t optimistic that restoring hearing can affect the course of dementia.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘affect’:

  1. The conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion [source]
  2. Have an effect upon; «Will the new rules affect me?» [source]
  3. Involve: connect closely and often incriminatingly; «This new ruling affects your business» [source]
  4. Feign: make believe with the intent to deceive; «He feigned that he was ill»; «He shammed a headache» [source]
  5. Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; «This child impressed me as unusually mature»; «This behavior struck me as odd» [source]
  6. (affected) acted upon; influenced [source]
  7. In linguistics, speaker affect is attitude or emotion that a speaker brings to an utterance. Affects such as sarcasm, contempt, dismissal, distaste, disgust, disbelief, exasperation, boredom, anger, joy, respect or disrespect, sympathy, pity, gratitude, wonder, admiration, humility, and awe are … [source]
  8. «Affect» (latin affectus or adfectus) is a concept used in philosophy by Spinoza, Deleuze and Guattari. According to Spinoza’s Ethics III, 3, Definition 3, an affect is an empowerment, and not a simple change or modification. … [source]
  9. Affect refers to the experience of feeling or emotion. Affect is a key part of the process of an organism’s interaction with stimuli. The word also refers sometimes to affect display, which is «a facial, vocal, or gestural behavior that serves as an indicator of affect» (APA 2006). [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘affect’:

with in your life because those associations are going to affect your life

Of course if your nutrition is better and you’re losing weight and you start to feel healthier, that is going to have a drastic affect on your self-confidence

Your decisions don’t really affect your life

We are here to affect and influence the

If a child has not been given correct information, relevant to our perception, about questions he may have asked about God, birth, death, gender difference and so on, then the incorrect or insufficient impressions could affect his life all the time

Planting during the wrong time of year also exposes plants to insects that would not normally affect your plants, if they planted at the right time

Medfly spraying of Malathion or any other chemical is wasted effort and will not affect the real cause of the Medfly spreading in southern Calif

Remember that it can affect the soil health as well as the plants health if over used

Ricci watches Ali Ben Ali out of the corner of his eye to see what affect his words are having on him

But, maybe, there is a way out: Conscious dream control and intervention in the astral plains may affect the flow or reality

personal decisions that will affect their future ability to qualify for either area of service

We were half afraid that coming across might affect your mind … you’d been very young when your mother ran away with you and you had spent your formative years on Earth

The grace and character that we achieve in Christ now will actually affect who we are then

“If they get Ethereead then it will affect the whole of Jodechi”

One of the factors that will affect the efficiency of the skin creams is its ability to penetrate quickly into the skin

For those interested in how free-radicals affect the skin, let it be said

As I have said, Yoga will affect your way of life, even against your will; it will alter your attitude towards many things and one of these things is the food you eat

I went onto the grass and did a cartwheel and started to walk away, the idea of what I had done starting to affect me, not fully knowing if it was right or wrong

I smile at her trying not to allow the shadow of Berndt’s mission to affect me too much

I would much rather go through this than a life time of struggling with the direct afflictions of an imbalance taking affect daily and maybe that’s why it did

Engaging in adventurous activity can have the affect of

Alcohol can ease your inhibitions and affect

He wished she wouldn’t affect any styles from that world, much less bring the narcotics here

different characteristics of love based and lust based relationships, and how they affect you as a person

What is an assembly binding redirect? Where are the places an administrator or developer can affect

“We could not, however, have imagined how this would affect them,” continued Tarak

The best thing about these audio programs is that they can affect impressive changes in very little time

Simply grab your journal and a pen and start writing your thoughts about the experience(s), how they made you feel when they happened, and how they still affect you now

trapped emotions can affect us physically, and how

worsening, it was beginning to affect her gait

within us, they may adversely affect us

you’re using the energy of your thoughts to affect the

was exerting a very strong subconscious affect and was

Trapped emotions affect you in two distinct ways,

Trapped emotions affect the

The same beneficial affect occurs in your own

conscious control over all of the events that affect your

How Your Thoughts Affect Others, 92

It began to affect the production and morale of the entire shop

That could affect the move

The uniqueness of a green bear didn’t affect me as much as the fact he was shot and killed

War affect the dragons?”

Although he tried to keep an open mind and never let his personal views affect his profession integrity, what he had heard about Chas Middlesex had not attracted him to the man

‘And the consequences of your actions will also affect

the wine took its inevitable affect

Instead it took this dire situation to affect their pocketbooks and bank accounts to impinge upon their own attentions

” She was looping thru all of the ways this was going to affect her trip

This could affect substrate production, but could also mean deaths of specimens in the biology labs

«You can’t us it then –» she insisted, «I refuse to let it affect Jim’s property

«It’ll also affect Mr

It alerts aircraft pilots of potential hazards along a flight route or at a location that could affect the safety of the flight

As we become dwelling places for the Most High we allow him to affect our cities and the people we encounter

Being in his presence will at time affect your anything else

Sometimes it is hard to trust when we have been hurt, and that lack of trust can affect our relationship with the heavenly Father

What we know for sure is that it will affect everyone when it happens

As it becomes more real, it will affect our life more, and the world and its ideas will become weak

Such fluctuations affect both the value and the rate, either of wages or of profit, according as the market happens to be either overstocked or understocked with commodities or with labour, with work done, or with work to be done

ability to affect the lost because they have rejected the

The rise and fall in the profits of stock depend upon the same causes with the rise and fall in the wages of labour, the increasing or declining state of the wealth of the society ; but those causes affect the one and the other very differently

through you to affect the earth with what is going on in Heaven

This creativity will affect every part

Disagreeableness and disgrace affect the profits of stock in the same manner as the wages of

The constancy or inconstancy of employment cannot affect the ordinary profits of stock in any

Of the five circumstances, therefore, which vary the wages of labour, two only affect the

though they affect the general rates both of wages and profit, must, in the end, affect them

‘Move it into the laundry on the window shelf so it does not affect any of your prize plants

«So it is Flitter, Grandpa obviously had a good affect on him, seems to have turned over a new leaf or two

The price, therefore, of the coarse, and still more that of the precious metals, at the most fertile mines in the world, must necessarily more or less affect their price at every other in it

What affect did the Plague have on their life-force? He knew it really didn’t matter though, for when the time for answers arrived his only concern would be feasting on flesh

But now, would her actions affect the survival of the whole world? She really wasn’t ready for that much additional responsibility when she agreed to teach this youngster to read

«Will it affect Mr

was trying to affect a reconciliation with his disgruntled

Any rise in the money price of goods which proceeded altogether from the degradation of the value of silver, would affect all sorts of goods equally, and raise their price universally, a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part higher, according as silver happened to lose a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part of its former value

But the rise in the price of provisions, which has been the subject of so much reasoning and conversation, does not affect all sorts of provisions equally

When the real price of butcher’s meat has once got to its height (which, with regard to every sort, except perhaps that of hogs flesh, it seems to have done through a great part of England more than a century ago), any rise which can afterwards happen in that of any other sort of animal food, cannot much affect the circumstances of the inferior ranks of people

affect the functionality of the system

The fixed capital, and that part of the circulating capital which consists in money, so far as they affect the revenue of the society, bear a very great resemblance to one another

If they believe it, then it is TRUE for THEM, and it doesn’t affect

this in itself will affect your spouse; and you may

Looking at your plan of action, how may these things affect your

In the case of someone who isn’t a witch, they can affect the elements a bit

The public taxes, to which they were subject, were as irregular and oppressive as the services The ancient lords, though extremely unwilling to grant, themselves, any pecuniary aid to their sovereign, easily allowed him to tallage, as they called it, their tenants, and had not knowledge enough to foresee how much this must, in the end, affect their own revenue

Those different habits naturally affect their temper and disposition in every sort of business

Now… Were you putting yourself in those shoes and thinking seriously about how this would affect you? Once again, please play along with me on this

Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?

To see an earwig in your dream signifies unpleasant news that will affect both your professional and family spheres

To dream that you are at an election represents a choice that you need to make which may affect others

He’d tried talking Maileena out of tagging along with him one more time while they were on their way here, but her stubbornness made him realize that she was one of those types with a will of iron that no amount of convincing will probably affect

Even the free importation of foreign corn could very little affect the interest of the farmers of Great Britain

When our neighbours prohibit some manufacture of ours, we generally prohibit, not only the same, for that alone would seldom affect them considerably, but some other manufacture of theirs

They would have to get used to these conditions and the change might adversely affect the elderly among them; some might even die out here

Her poor father; why had he had to die such a cruel death? What about this poor man who might still lose his life for having tried to save her father? How would his death affect her and Zarko’s relationship? She opened her eyes and looked over at Zarko where he stood with his back towards her

These changes affect what you care about in the world

Beliefs Should Not Affect the Experience

Because you may not be able to predict how your choices will affect your life, it makes little sense to spend time trying to judge the inherent value of your purposes

The second advantage is that in the morning we can plan for the whole day without letting the exercise routine affect the rest of our activities

When we remember that we are powerful beings of light, who emanate vibrations of energies, we will then believe that our collective consciousness does affect Gaia

The storm’s pelting rains and winds did not seem to affect the craft or the area underneath it

Corrosion of the second type is caused by chemical reactions between the products of hydration of cement and acids or salts which affect concrete

Since everything in this world is made up of energy including thought forms, mediums have explained that lightning during thunderstorms affect their spirit communication, as this constitutes a form of energy disruption

Memory is the worst affected by hunger as the brain requires a minute-to-minute supply of glucose for its normal functioning

All of those parts of the picture are affected by aging

Description of Disease: Canes turn brown from tips, plants most affected in colder climates, right after winter protection is removed, not a disease itself but can led to disease attack

If the body movements are shaky with trepidation, physical aging has affected the person

main part of kidneys was already affected in the womb”… We were

not to be affected by people’s reactions; call things that are not as though

this is very simple: the life of God comes back to the very affected

garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them

been affected by this flu!” Yes, many people may have, but this flu will not

The rest 98% is affected by the unconscious, which is genes, as well as other external imponderable factors

We will be affected but we will survive it

After an excruciatingly difficult fifteen minutes in which she tied herself in several knots, she gave up trying to explain stone technology only to get horribly bogged down virtually immediately in the various historical differences that had affected modern day cultures … comparative history had not been her strong point

niece’s arrest and realizing how it must have affected her

affected by the flash

Michael was hovering protectively near her, but she wasn’t affected like the others

The production of collagen is affected when the skin is exposed to reactive oxygen

Ash was only a dog, yes, but his death had affected everyone

Andrew was deeply affected by the tale of Ash and his heroic death

That small act so affected him that he quickly turned around

Her red hair was stunning, framing her face in such a way that he was affected deeply

The hole has been fixed and your studies will not be affected

“Such a terrible, terrible waste; you can understand how deeply this affected us all

It epicentred in Bhuj, though it affected many parts of

Based on the principle that everything is energy and that our energy is affected by everything that we come into contact with, Krystalya Marie‘ has developed an entirely new method of

These changes had affected her more than he had thought

Create an Energy Shield — a flexible, protective force that allows you to remain in a space filled with fear and negativity without being affected by it

is affected by it

her tears flowed, she said, “Oh, yes, that affected me

to one instantly affected the other, with no regard to

you are dehydrated the testing will be affected in the

affected by his trapped emotion of hatred

The musicians are in a holding pen above the dance floor, the music flows about the room and all are affected by it

Turning she looked up at Kai and for the first time he could see how deeply she had been affected by the attack

‘I reckon that tummy bug has affected your brain, Sarah

“We have adepts that have learned their own minds so well that they can tell which neuron is affected by a state change,” Daedelus told her

’ Ann said, her face reflecting how much this fact has affected her

’ I said, equally affected by the concept of having to go home but loathe to show it

How it had affected my view of God

Only Andy was affected by Chas’s death and not attempting to hide it in any way; his face was paler than usual, his eyes flicked from face to face as he tried to emulate his fellows in their insouciance

Despite the usually rather relaxed attitude affected by the

affected not to have heard the sound

‘Mr Simthwaite left the hostel during the night after you left, Mr Hust, it appears that this affected Mr Hartley-Jones’ sanity …’

Making a show of speaking to the constable sitting by the door, Jarvis affected not to be concerned that the other man was ignoring his arrival

‘Yes, from what we can piece together, it seems that the failure of the project affected his mind, it appears that he dug up the body of your brother and hauled it into the hostel to the bedroom he shared with his wife

His common sense said that was a very foolish thing to do, considering how her physical presence affected him

game that for the past hundred years no matter who you were affected you in some

Rubbing her forehead, she wondered if the bump had affected her more then she’d thought

At times our bodies cannot contain all of God and we are physically affected by his presence

Mil ions of people were affected here by the winds blown in from Chernobyl

I was with a YWAM team on a mission trip in Haiti, which is a country heavily affected by voodoo

Roman had affected each of them for the

Party spirit- people affected by this spirit will feel compelled to live a life of excess

That part which resolves itself into rent is less affected by them

A rent certain in money is not in the least affected by them, either in its rate or in its value

A rent which consists either in a certain proportion, or in a certain quantity, of the rude produce, is no doubt affected in its yearly value by all the occasional and temporary fluctuations in the market price of that rude produce; but it is seldom affected by them in its yearly rate

Whatever part of it was paid below the natural rate, the persons whose interest it affected would immediately feel the loss, and would immediately withdraw either so much land or no much labour, or so much stock, from being employed about it, that the quantity brought to market would soon be no more than sufficient to supply the effectual demand

First, I shall endeavour to explain what are the circumstances which naturally determine the rate of wages, and in what manner those circumstances are affected by the riches or poverty, by the advancing, stationary, or declining state of the society

Secondly, I shall endeavour to shew what are the circumstances which naturally determine the rate of profit ; and in what manner, too, those circumstances are affected by the like variations in the state of the society

But though in many respects dependent upon the laws and policy, this proportion seems to be little affected by the riches or poverty of that society, by its advancing, stationary, or declining condition, but to remain the same, or very nearly the same, in all those different states

It is affected, not only by every variation of price in the commodities which he deals in, but by the good or bad fortune both of his rivals and of his customers, and by a thousand other accidents, to which goods, when carried either by sea or by land, or even when stored in a warehouse, are liable

The profits of stock seem to be very little affected by the easiness or difficulty of learning the

The affected anxiety of the lawgiver, lest

seems not to be much affected, as has already been observed, by the riches or poverty, the

The vine is more affected by the difference of soils than any other fruit-tree

But the proportion between the different masses of iron which may be in use in two different years, will be very little affected by any accidental difference in the produce of the iron mines of those two years ; and the proportion between the masses of gold will be still less affected by any such difference in the produce of the gold mines

Though, in the progress of improvement and population, the price of the whole beast necessarily rises, yet the price of the carcase is likely to be much more affected by this rise than that of the wool and the hide

The state of the whole commercial world can seldom be much affected by the improvement of any particular country; and the market for such commodities may remain the same, or very nearly the same, after such improvements, as before

than a wife who was affected here

In an improved and cultivated country, therefore, their interest as landlords and farmers cannot be much affected by such regulations, though their interest as consumers may, by the rise in the price of provisions

Their interest as landlords and farmers would in this case be very deeply affected by such regulations, and their interest as consumers very little

The value of the greater part of the lands in the southern counties of Scotland, which are chiefly a sheep country, would have been very deeply affected by this event, had not the rise in the price of butcher’s meat fully compensated the fall in the price of wool

The quantity of those metals in the countries most remote from the mines, must be more or less affected by this fertility or barrenness, on account of the easy and cheap transportation of those metals, of their small bulk and great value

Their quantity in China and Indostan must have been more or less affected by the abundance of the mines of America

Lawyers defending such people will argue that their clients are totally innocent of the consequences of a disease that have affected their brain

If it affected them, they’d sure think twice, and

It can seldom happen, indeed, that the circumstances of a great nation can be much affected either by the prodigality or misconduct of individuals; the profusion or imprudence of some being always more than compensated by the frugality and good conduct of others

Women are particularly affected, because they

After finally turning around to face her, he was affected by her obvious strength of spirit, by the aching depth in her eyes

At first, both those poll-taxes and those exemptions seem to have been altogether personal, and to have affected only particular individuals, during either their lives, or the pleasure of their protectors

It especially affected him at night when he had an empty space by his side

It had affected them both for long enough and it was time to set the record straight

Sally rushed through the door in a frenzy, apologizing profusely to her dear friend, explaining that she had taken longer than expected with some calls to her suppliers and that an accounting glitch also affected her timing to arrive at the luncheon punctually

I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good

Incredible! The fire had not hurt them at all – not a hair on their heads had been singed and neither had their clothing been affected

If the importation of foreign cattle, for example, were made ever so free, so few could be imported, that the grazing trade of Great Britain could be little affected by it

It does not appear that the price of butchet’s meat has ever been sensibly affected by it

They did not, perhaps, take time to consider how much less their interest could be affected by the freedom of trade, than that of the people whose example they followed

First, All those manufactures of which any part is commonly exported to other European countries without a bounty, could be very little affected by the freest importation of foreign goods

Lunarey felt the taste of blood taking over her mouth, while dizziness and disorientation affected her

No accusation could have affected more deeply the reputation and fortune of the disgraced party ; and if such an accusation could have been supported, we may be assured that it would have been brought

It is not the real, but the nominal price of corn, which can in any considerable degree be affected by the bounty

The unlimited freedom of exportation, however, would be much less dangerous in great states, in which the growth being much greater, the supply could seldom be much affected by any quantity or corn that was likely to he exported

It isn’t affected by simply grabbing

Compare the mercantile manners of Cadiz and Lisbon with those of Amsterdam, and you will be sensible how differently the conduct and character of merchants are affected by the high and by the low profits of stock

“lift your feet,” but those shapely thighs close to his eyes, bare and inviting, had affected his thinking

Whether in spring, mid-summer, fall, or the dead of winter, Fallingwater always affected him in such a gentle and calm way

I am, however, disposed to believe, that the quantity of the annual produce cannot have been much, though it may, perhaps, have been a little affected by these regulations

In an improved and cultivated country, therefore, their interest as landlords and farmers cannot be much affected by such

The violence of these regulations, therefore, seems to have affected neither the quantity nor the quality of the annual produce of wool, so much as it might have been expected to do (though I think it probable that it may have affected the latter a good deal more than the former); and the interest of the growers of wool, though it must have been hurt in some degree, seems upon the whole, to have been much less hurt than could well have been imagined

Defying the advice from the elders, Zorandi had taken a ship towards the affected zone

I assured him that I could undertake the role without affecting the

relationship is still affecting the world even today

affecting your ability to achieve your goals

affecting your ability to succeed

The congregation needs to be actively involved in input of decisions affecting the Lord’s work

to slowly dissipate, so negative things may still be affecting

affecting the foundations then

with suggestions and affecting passions;

Yoga, in affecting the glands, establishes a rhythm in the body so that you do not feel a desire for food that you do not need

Here too the malaise affecting the land is clear to see

feelings about it could be affecting her negatively in

was still affecting her, and in such a dramatic way

the creation of trapped emotions, often affecting the

It has severely reduced the male population and apparently is now affecting the females and the continuation of their species

picture on the back of your t-shirt is affecting you

trapped emotion is affecting the mindbody

but apparently they were still affecting him

was imbalancing his hind-quarters and affecting

Mechanism Affecting Release of Trapped Emotion, 140-141

It’s just as well that there was a great heap of dictation waiting for me … at least with that I didn’t have to think about what I was doing … not consciously … it’s odd how I can just transfer the words I hear through the headphones to my typing fingers without actually affecting the rest of my brain … meant that, while my fingers efficiently typed the words going into my ears, my mind was busy walking on the hills with Simon

The disciples of Jesus were accused of being drunk with wine because the Spirit of God was affecting them so deeply (Acts 2:13)

To dream that someone is in tears indicate that you need to rethink your actions and how your behavior may be affecting those around you

Approaching the Lyridian-7 region, this was the edge of where the phenomenon was known to be affecting space with its most intense sign-wave

“I think the mountains are affecting the beacon’s signal

After hundreds of years, the golden arrows lost power, affecting mortals no more than common drinking water would

Raiya didn’t know if it was the wine affecting her mind, but she knew then

With the layer of water above the atmosphere removed, a weaker magnetic field and new water to landmass ratio on the surface of the planet, affecting gas composition, air pressure and an altered level of protection against cosmic radiation, the previous conditions on Earth would be changed forever and forgotten over time

it was affecting his marriage

Those ones who had died had died slowly: some chemical deprivation through altered brain activity, or affecting the actual life support machinery through its connection

‘The nav says we’re heading towards town, but the distance reading keeps skipping and resetting itself – I first thought it was some effect of the storm affecting satellite com

It was an odd moment, like something had changed in the atmosphere, affecting the mood

Or just L-Seven-Six affecting his mind

We pray Your Most Gracious Majesty to know that we have appointed our trusty and well beloved, grandson, Prince John Ossoo Ansah, son of the late Prince Ansah, of Ashanti, on our behalf to lay before your Majesty divers matters affecting the good estate of our kingdom and the well-being of our subjects, with full power for the said Prince Ansah as our ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to negotiate and conclude all such treaties relating to the furtherance of trade and all matters therewith connected as your Majesty shall be pleased to entertain

Corporations footing the bill should be allowed (some) input into areas directly affecting a company‘s performance; for example, suggested coursework compatible with a company‘s business requirements or communicating effectively

He mentioned also a buildup of barnacles that was affecting her maneuverability and slowing her considerably

Cooper must have sensed how this was affecting me

Bloggers highlighting habitat ruination affecting the survival of orang-utan populations in Borneo and Sumatra, state that millions of acres of rain forest habitat are cut down each year to make way for palm oil plantations

Since the observer has mass, and bodies attract mutually according to their mass, the mass of the observer must have bent the trajectory of the first object—hence affecting the outcome of the observation

attacking me in the spirit realm, severely affecting my emotional state

«She cries over every affecting thing the minister says

Changing your thoughts in a positive direction (love) can bring about spectacular results in your life, affecting both your physical life and that of your spiritual enlightenment as well

the machinery is becoming inefficient, and it’s badly affecting

and how that was affecting you now, by reflection

“Jupiter could be affecting the signal

Should they, as it were, rebel against their own rebellion, they are told they must not judge what is affecting them

thereby affecting the events?

a cloud obscures the sun without in any way affecting it, so does

cannot observe a phenomenon without changing or affecting it

enduring, generally affecting the NDEr for the remainder of their life

ocean, the ever-present, but not affecting its peaceful power

That phenomenon and the possibility of storms or tempests could somewhat complicate some tourists’ visit, negatively affecting their health, though such cases are rare

Affecting the physical world with the powers of the mind with the aid of herbs and other objects

wall affecting the fetus until it was too late

First of all, because I had already graduated, and owing to the fact that I was barely at the median of our class GPA, therefore not affecting my first job, he made no attempt to disguise his disgust that I was wasting his time by bitching about my middling C in Labor Law

be accepted if she had the understanding of the thing affecting her

Filburn was affecting interstate commerce

Affecting us all today

Affecting in a good way

There were also a lot of other factors affecting my mental and

Affecting a great truth

“The power that Alilia put into the curse was enormous! Enough to cast a Concussion spell that could reduce a small mountain to gravel and throw it all for a hundred and sixty kilometers in every direction! Look at that mountain there and think about that! And all of that power was passed into Talia with Alilia’s blow! And now it is affecting her, and it will do so increasingly, torturing her, and it may force her to do things that she does not wish to do, and it may affect reality in other ways until the curse is fulfilled! I dread this as much as you, but you must do it, or even more terrible things may happen until you do!”

“If you want to wear it without it affecting you, slide this little velvet envelope over the tines to damp their vibration

Skirting the truth to be sure, yet true enough to avoid compromising my honor, I think, because even before you passed the border I could tell that the Illusions and Force barriers of the Wards were not affecting you

but deep down it was affecting me

Having decided that she looked silly carrying a wand, she had carefully curved the staff she’d gotten from Talia with her power, affecting it’s shape while leaving it’s magical properties completely intact, and she now wore it as a bracelet on her right wrist

Still he ambled on the darkness not affecting him

It is a sentiment only, since we are restricted from affecting the affairs of mortals in almost every way, but it would be a kind gesture

I’ve been under a bit of stress lately, and I can only think it must be affecting my behavior in a detrimental manner

After you are washed, we will have you resume your full size before affecting the reminder of your treatment

“The power that Alilia put into the curse was enormous! Enough to cast a Concussion spell that could reduce a small mountain to gravel and throw it all for a hundred miles in every direction! Look at that mountain there and think about that! And all of that power was passed into Talia with Alilia’s blow! And now it is affecting her, and it will do so increasingly, torturing her, and it may force her to do things that she does not wish to do, and it may affect reality in other ways until the curse is fulfilled! I dread this as much as you, but you must do it, or even more terrible things may happen until you do!”

not hold that anymore, and it was affecting his credit on the USA

We did meet someone who could interpret our pictures when we took a journey to Canada that involved collecting some of Tanner’s stones along with other purposes affecting Nuke, Marjie and me

At that time it was widely feared that computer programs which had not been designed to work with dates having a prefix of 20 instead of 19 would not work properly at the turn of the century, which would create havoc with dated information and control systems around the world, affecting all types of financial transactions, commercial transportation, military deployments, etc

“How is this affecting you? You just got married and now your husband is depressed over Candace rejecting him

Every time you move a single spade of dirt, you are affecting the entire planet

Migraine with aura is relatively rare, affecting less than 20% of all

Administrative functions sometimes appeared unmanageable, exacerbated by the ebb and flow of politics and pubic opinion, and the difficulty of affecting the supply and demand equation (Fuss, pp

This happened because talk show hosts and the printed media (in spite of their bias) disseminated the truth of the matter well enough that the citizens had the message of what was really affecting their lives and estates (pocket books)

«The gravity pull is affecting our alteredspace stability so we’ve had the navcomputer map a new path, ETA

another flick of any telephone without affecting its normal operation

“Y’er late! Boy!” shouted Geffen in return, affecting a more northerly accent to cover his islander origins

negatively affecting my life with an attitude

She became rapidly dehydrated and needed to be hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute labyrinthitis (a viral inflammation of the inner ear affecting equilibrium)

Most problems will go away without affecting us when we are ready to face it

Correlation — a recognition that just because one thing seems to cause a change in another, there may be a third object affecting the first two

I remembered what Sadie had told me—that something was affecting

Gāndhiji’s life and his writings are affecting lives of many all over the world

Climate change is affecting all countries causing havoc by drought, floods, wild fires, and snow storms

Through all this I did not even realize how it was all affecting my family, my husband, the worries I have been causing and the dangers I

understanding of the issues and concerns affecting Coast Guard

Affecting nonchalance we sauntered out, congratulated them on finding the place in the dark, and told them to follow us

grows near that the decisions of mankind are affecting other beings, other planets

Other factors affecting the trading decision are the time lag between the rumor and the fact, the

Recent Memory Loss that Affects Job Performance

Only once, in a rare demonstration of sincerity, he admitted that the subconscious affects human behaviour only by 2%

It actually affects us when we are willing to give self over to that spirit

Our view of eternity and what comes after our life actually affects and puts in motion how we will live and what will govern our lives now in the present

What other deities are wise as our God is wise? What other deities have given and continue to give wisdom that affects time and eternity? Rocks do not speak

To have this view that we are headed toward a consummation, and that consummation has to do with the rule of God over creation, affects every other aspect of the faith

in the body, further complicating the adverse affects tobacco brings

This asana affects four of the most important endocrine glands —the pituitary, the pineal, the thyroid, and the parathyroids

It is because of its many benefits and because it affects the most important gland in the body, the pituitary, that the Headstand has been called ‘The King of Asanas’

Ardha-Matsendrasana primarily affects the adrenal glands which are situated above each kidney, thus sending them a richer supply of blood

Nerves and ligaments of the spine arc subjected to a healthy pull, and the spinal nerve roots and sympathetic system are toned so that this posture beneficially affects the entire organism

People judge mental illness through hearsay or the severity of the affects, however mental illness is only as dangerous as the individual behind the wheel

That stops me dead in my tracks, Alastair has never, but never, told me how my performance affects him – technically, yes, personally, never

I have experienced trauma in my life, and although I don’t suffer because of it, it still affects my life in some ways

When someone is dehydrated, it directly affects their

reality affects the systems of the body, just as our

To change the purpose of something in a way which affects an

function it is that you desire to discontinue and how that affects other

everything that happens to one of us affects everyone

’ He said firmly, the flush on his cheeks showing clearly just how strongly the concept affects him

There’s a headland there which affects the way the tides flow

voice in this matter – it affects us every bit as much as it

Our identity affects our actions

Your loss affects the prosperity of the entire town,’ said

When it reaches our sun, which, as we know is simply a massive ball of fire, it affects it in such a way as to distill the Life-Light into an energy that we can use

Rapists and serial killers will fall into the same medical category: they suffer from a disorder that affects behavior

Continually be aware of your state of thinking, which affects your speech and

Though, you should know that the water affects inhibitions

It affects every aspect of your life

He may no doubt buy too much of either, as he may of any other dealers in his neighbourhood; of the butcher, if he is a glutton ; or of the draper, if he affects to be a beau among his companions

Nobody affects the character of liberality and good fellowship, by being profuse of a liquor which is as cheap as small beer

The way we use our thoughts greatly affects our physical and mental health

Too often, however, we do work that negatively affects happiness, and then have to spend much of our leisure time undoing these effects

It watches everything, but nothing affects it

It also affects

That would be unfortunate, especially as it affects this area

Currently action may only be taken when corruption negatively affects overseer critical functions

So far as it affects stock, it is assessed, though not with great rigour, yet with much more exactness than that part of the land tax in England which is imposed upon the same fund

In France, the great easily submit to a considerable degree of inequality in a tax which, so far as it affects them, is not a very heavy one; but could not brook the arbitrary assessment of an intendant

be regarded as one of those pedantic pieces of hypocrisy which, instead of gaining credit with anybody, serve only to expose the person who affects to practise them to the suspicion of buing a greater knave than most of his neighbours

“There has never been anything like the taint in any of my memories though there may be information I hold that could help us find a way to avoid its affects

Some time passed before Carl said, “I cannot cure the infection, but I can alter its affects

when something happens to one member of our community, it affects us all

“It will be interesting to examine your cadaver and see if the disease affects women differently than men

It affects you every day whether you like it or not

News which affects each and every one of us

―unintended‖ results justified in every manner that oftentimes provides a convenient outlet for informed individuals who were (consciously) aware of the probable affects of their actions to begin with

No doubt it affects their thinking and general behaviour

The settlement also affects firefighters, whose contract is linked to that of the police

Nevertheless, the transformation that most affects tourists is one that has been imposed in that beautiful city, as well as in the capital of the country, as a result of September 11, 2001

I think it affects my judgment at times

It usually affects

How Feeling Guilty About Having Money Affects Your

How Hatred of Money Affects Your

according to Greek medicine affects the spleen and stops the

affective depression affects financial behavior on the stock

rage and affects the stomach area which leads to ulcers and

physiological impact on us and affects our breathing by

perpetuates the lack of money, because it affects the way they

of the third chakra, which affects our ability to focus, our will

How Feeling Ashamed About Money Affects Your

also affects your ability to save

which affects our ability to take action

It affects and stimulates the Nervous System the Head and the Brain then Calms it down it also Sharpens the Memory

Blood pressure in turn affects the kidneys and bladder

It only affects us and keeps us dependent on others for our oil

Whilst I don’t have any personal interest in transvestites or the Gay community I find it interesting that Thailand, which has a very liberal attitude towards that sector of society, would legislate against freedom of choice which only affects the person on whom the operation is performed

Joshua, as did the disciples of Jesus, the apostles, modeled how the Word affects those who implement it in their lives

“Combing the genome for genes that emerged just when language, art, culture and other products of higher intelligence did, researchers have found three with the right timing…The first, called FOXP2, plays a role in human speech and language…colleagues at the Max Plank Institute estimate that the human version…appeared less than 200,000 years ago…and maybe as recently as 50,000 [years ago]…Another gene with interesting timing is microcephalin, which affects brain size

“So you’re telling me this affects nothing,” I say

“The truth affects nothing

Our thoughts do have the power to create positive and/or negative affects in our physical lives

Memory and attention affects IQ, memory and attention are relatively 30% role in

Apply this teaching to your life and all that you create, realizing that every positive and negative action you put into motion affects the whole of life

Finally, not everything that happens in the present, or that affects us, is the result of karma

But, how we think of our unconscious affects how we work with it

51 My eye affects my heart because of all the daughters of my city

Whatever we think of another affects him and, ultimately, us

Paul’s theme in this part of the presentation of his theses now accents the affects

the overwhelming affects of the deliverance and salvation has for the true believer, all true believers!

affects of sin, then it is essential that there be another, more permanent sacrifice for this

affects of the law, and of sin with the affects of the Spiritual – of the spirit filled – life

that affects all of the first Adam’s descendants without exception

‘Jaden, remember what I was telling you about the gravity affects from the gravity tides? All the fish and animals in our oceans and on land adapted for the past million years around this daily event

M: His own being affects his mind and induces a response

each is caused by all and affects all

I was left to sleep off the affects of the alcohol and our romp, tucked safely within

One interacts with and affects the other! These ideas have been proven in the lab by quantum

have found definitively that at the sub-atomic level, the act of observation actually affects the

Q: The fuel affects the flame

affects your real being — this is the absolute truth

affects him, or, which comes to the same, the entire universe af-

single whole in which all depends on, and affects all

each thing affects all others

counteract some of the affects of the aging process

It is the vibration in this dimension that affects our bottom line choices by causing us egoic delusion

affects mind and action

M: All change affects the mind only

you will find that the mind’s surface-play affects you very little

1, Your opinion will not affect my decision.

2, How will these changes affect us?

3, This would materially affect US security.

4, Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.

5, The new property tax law won’t directly affect us.

6, Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people’s lives.

7, An unhappy home environment can affect a child’s behaviour.

8, Some drugs can affect your sight.

9, Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.

10, This latest cut in government spending will affect income support recipients and their families.

11, Smoking will affect health.

12, The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company.

13, Do whatever you want — it won’t affect me.

14, Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements.

15, You never allow personal problems to affect your performance.

16, Their opinion will not affect my decision.

17, These additional guarantees do not affect your statutory rights.

18, The new tax laws affect most people.

19, Will this affect the value of my shares?

20, Global warming will affect all of us.

21, The drug may affect your powers of concentration.

22, The treatment will not affect your sex drive .

23, Many external influences can affect your state of mind.

24, Frequent failures did not affect his morale.

25, These drugs may affect your sex drive .

26, Antenatal complications can affect a baby’s health.

27, Your decision will significantly affect your future.

28, He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.

29, MOVE ON doesn’t mean you’ll forget all the memories. You’ll still remember it,( but it doesn’t affect you anymore.

30, People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«The scandal will dramatically affect his election campaign.«
(dramatically, negatively, clearly, greatly, significantly, directly)

«Studying will positively affect your test scores.«
(positively, significantly, clearly, definitely, absolutely)

«Losing his dog deeply affected him.«
(deeply, profoundly, greatly)

Used with prepositions:

«I was deeply affected by his death.«

Used with nouns:

«His actions affected all of us.«
(actions, behavior, death, doings, scandal)

«Coffee will affect your sleep.«
(coffee, sleeping pills, noise, medication, stress)

«Stress affected his sleep.«
(sleep, job, marriage, relationships, friendships, behavior, life)

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