Sentence using same word five times

I’m sorry if this topic has been raised before, but I did a search and couldn’t find anything.

My question is, is it ever OK to use the same word twice in a sentence? I’ve just done it in the previous sentence :redface2:! For effect of course! :smug:

I realise you shoud probably try to find an alternative, but when you’ve done that and can’t come up with anything, is it OK then? Is it ever acceptable?

The word I’m referring to is the word and. I suppose I could just cut the sentence down, but then the meaning may be lost, if you see what I mean.

Here’s the sentence I’m referring to here, where and is used twice:

[FONT=»]We sped past a stonewalled house in a thickly frosted field and I thought how peaceful it looked and so far removed from Belfast town centre [/FONT]

The sentence doesn’t seem to work half as well when I take out the and, instead using a comma.

Thanks by the way.

  • #1

I would like to ask, if this sentence is a kind of any idiom? «Say that five times fast».
If it is an idiom, when is it used?
thanks a lot

    • #2

    I don’t think it’s an idiom. The only time I’ve heard it is when it literally means to say something fast 5 times. It’s usually used for children with sentences that have tricky pronunciation fast when combined. They are often called «tongue twisters». I guess, it can be a sneaky way to teach kids how to pronounce better through a game.

    For example:
    «Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.»

    or (a longer one)

    «Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
    A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
    Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?»

    That is really the only situation I have come across it in… It could possibly be used in other way’s, but not around me.


    • #3

    In addition to the known, established tongue twisters, it is also used when someone has said something that is difficult to say without making a mistake, especially if they themselves made an error in pronunciation. :) A phrase that is already difficult to say becomes almost impossible if you try to quickly repeat it five times.


    • #5

    In addition to the known, established tongue twisters, it is also used when someone has said something that is difficult to say without making a mistake, especially if they themselves made an error in pronunciation. :) A phrase that is already difficult to say becomes almost impossible if you try to quickly repeat it five times.

    That’s true. I think it may be an idiom, as I use it frequently in situations like this: if I happen to say something in everyday speech that sounds like it should be a tongue twister, I will comment on it by laughing and saying «try to say that ten times fast!» (I use ten times, not five times. Who knows why.)
    For example:
    «Oh, that store doesn’t have any nice paintings for sale today. Just a poorly-painted picture of a pitcher. …Try to say that ten times fast!»

    • #6

    Or a series of unconnected or tenuously connected words takes on a new meaning when rapidly repeated, like



    • #7

    I see.. It seems to me interesting. Thanks for help!

    C Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.

    19 Peter and his friends hate having football practice on Sundays. (Питер и его друзья ненавидят практику по футболу по воскресеньям)

    Peter hates having football practice on Sundays, and so do his friends. (Питер ненавидит практику по футболу по воскресеньям, так же как и его друзья)

    20 After checking her work, Jessica handed it to her teacher. (После проверки своей работы, Джессика отдала ее учителю)

    Not until she had checked it did Jessica hand her work to her teacher. (Джессика не отдала свою работу учителю, пока не проверила ее)

    21 She shows such friendliness that no-one has anything bad to say about her. (Она показывает такое дружелюбие, что никто не может сказать о ней ничего плохого)

    So friendly is she that everyone has something good to say about her. (Она так дружелюбна, что каждый может сказать о ней что-то хорошее)

    22 If it were me, I wouldn’t leave so late tomorrow. (На твоем месте я бы не остался бы так поздно завтра)

    Were I you, I would set out earlier tomorrow. (На твоем месте я бы выехал завтра пораньше)

    23 Both Jane and George missed their flights. (Джейн и Джордж пропустили свои рейсы)

    Jane didn’t catch her flight, and neither did George. (Джейн пропустила свой рейс, и Джордж тоже)

    24 It’s not very often that I see such a lot of people at this small airport. (Нечасто я вижу так много людей в этом маленьком аэропорту)

    Rarely do I see so many people at this small airport. (Редко я вижу так много людей в этом маленьком аэропорту)

    19 and so do

    20 she had checked it did

    21 friendly is she

    22 you, I would set

    23 her flight, and neither did

    24 do I see so

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    • Sentences where you can use the same word 3 times in a row

    1. 2013-12-26, 04:34 PM


      Sentences where you can use the same word 3 times in a row

      Hey all,

      Funny thing I do when I’m bored that I figured I would share (and see if anyone can contribute!). Can anyone think of sentences where you can use the same word 3 times in a row and still have it make sense? For example:

      Will Will will his team to victory?
      Don’t let Rob rob Rob of his dignity.
      Chase, chase Chase around the school yard.
      I bet Bette bet on black.

      Have at it!

      I run a satire / humor blog site very The Onion-esque. It’s like taking trolling to another level.

    2. 2013-12-26, 04:41 PM


      I mean, you’re using someone’s name as a word, which to mean makes the point kind of moot.

      All of the faith that he had had had had no effect on the outcome of the situation. Now that’s a fun one.

    3. 2013-12-26, 04:41 PM


      ScooterPerpetual is offline

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      No word begins with because, because, because is a conjunction

    4. 2013-12-26, 04:50 PM


      Quote Originally Posted by Uggorthaholy
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      I mean, you’re using someone’s name as a word, which to mean makes the point kind of moot.

      All of the faith that he had had had had no effect on the outcome of the situation. Now that’s a fun one.

      Took me a while, but I’m impressed haha

      I run a satire / humor blog site very The Onion-esque. It’s like taking trolling to another level.

    5. 2013-12-26, 04:53 PM


      Dilbon is offline


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    6. 2013-12-26, 04:54 PM


      Itisamuh is offline

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      Quote Originally Posted by Uggorthaholy
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      I mean, you’re using someone’s name as a word, which to mean makes the point kind of moot.

      All of the faith that he had had had had no effect on the outcome of the situation. Now that’s a fun one.

      I think you just won.

    7. 2013-12-26, 04:57 PM


      Why stop at 4 «had» when you can get to 11 I think it is.…nicus/advanced

      Quote Originally Posted by goblinpaladin
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      Also a vegetable is a person.

      Quote Originally Posted by Orlong
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      I dont care if they [gays] are allowed to donate [blood], but I think we should have an option to refuse gay blood if we need to receive blood.

    8. 2013-12-26, 05:03 PM


    9. 2013-12-26, 05:51 PM


      Because mine is at least still logical to break down. There’s a difference between «Yes, this is legible and able to be understood» and «holy shit let’s see how we can exploit and break the English language to make the single most ridiculous sentence in the history of man»

    10. 2013-12-26, 08:11 PM


      IronJohn is offline


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      The following sentence contains 7 identical words in a row and still makes sense:

      «It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to.»

      That particular sentence was stolen from this web site and it includes a break down of the different parts of grammar to which the words belong :…Thats_2948.htm

      If you are ever bored, there are other interesting things on the site that you can discover about English grammar.

      Last edited by IronJohn; 2013-12-26 at 08:14 PM.

    11. 2013-12-26, 08:19 PM


      Karasan is offline


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      You can make an entire correct sentence just by using the F word 5 times. F’ing F’ers F’ing F’ing F’ers

      I’m watching TV in my brain

    12. 2013-12-26, 08:22 PM


      Amaroq is offline

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      James, while John had had «had», had had «had had»; «had had» had had a better effect on the teacher.

    13. 2013-12-27, 12:25 AM


      Yunru is offline


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      Well pokemon is full of those:

      Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu (makes face) Pika Pika Pika (uses left arm) Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu

      Or the worst one:

      Staravia Star Star Star Star Staravia

      Don’t sweat the details!!!

    14. 2013-12-27, 06:36 AM


      Pendulous is offline

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      «If you were to second-guess your decision to book time to visit a Native American community, that would be a reservation reservation reservation»

      —Brian Regan

    15. 2013-12-27, 04:36 PM


      Skippy88 is offline

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      And Santa goes Ho Ho Ho.

    16. 2013-12-29, 06:33 AM


      Powerogue is offline

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      Can you believe that; that That attacked that bat!

      «That» is now a ferocious cave-dwelling mammal, a’la Dr. Suess.

      It’s cheating, but it’s all I could think of!

      Quote Originally Posted by DatToffer
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      Sylvanas will just give her own head to Tyrande.

      Quote Originally Posted by Aucald
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      And just like the thread before it, let’s back away from sexualizing Azshara and return to the original topic at hand.

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