Sentence using pleasant word

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Delicate chocolate and pleasant words, just do not leave indifferent neither woman.


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Нежный шоколад и приятные слова, точно не оставят равнодушной ни одну представительницу прекрасного пола.


Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

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Приятные слова— сотовый мед, сладость для души и исцеление для костей.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

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Приятная речь— сотовый мед, сладка для души и целебна для костей.

As you can see, pleasant words are beneficial to us not only to make us feel well but also to heal us.

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Как видите, эти приятные слова любви полезны для каждого не только, чтобы мы хорошо себя чувствовали, но чтобы дать здоровье.

Mister Minister, I would like to specifically thank you for the pleasant words you said here about my activity and Azerbaijan.

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Господин министр, выражаю Вам особую признательность за добрые слова о моей деятельности, об Азербайджане.

Max Baev, representative of One Bett, also said lots of pleasant words about Georgia Gaming Congress,»We are grateful

organizers for excellent event.


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Приятные слова в адрес Georgia Gaming Congress также сказал представитель компании ПБК Макс Баев:« Спасибо организаторам

за прекрасное мероприятие.


Max Baev, representative of One Bett, also said lots of pleasant words about Georgia Gaming Congress,»We are grateful

organizers for excellent event in hospitable Tbilisi.


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Приятные слова в адрес Georgia Gaming Congress также сказал представитель компании ПБК Макс Баев:« Спасибо организаторам

за прекрасное мероприятие в гостеприимном Тбилиси.


Today the most pleasant words and wishes are addressed to those,

who help to make our life warmer and brighter- to the workers of Russian energy industry.


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Сегодня все самые приятные слова и пожелания отправляются в адрес тех,

кто помогает делать нашу жизнь теплее и светлее- в адрес работников энергетической промышленности России.


And then we heard such a lot of pleasant words and enthusiastic reviews from our relatives,

friends, from people whom we merely knew and even from people whom we didn’t know at all.


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Столько приятных слов и восторженных отзывов было услышано от нашей родни,

друзей, мало знакомых и совершенно не знакомых людей.


We can send decorated small bottle with a heart or something else to the chosen addressee through mail, that would serve as a symbol of your love, attention,

and the papyrus enclosed in a bottle with the written by you warm and pleasant words.


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К выбранному адресату через почту мы можем выслать декоративно украшенную бутылочку с сердечком или чем-нибудь еще, что послужило бы символом Вашей любви, внимания,

и вложенным в бутылку папирусом с написанными Вами теплыми и приятными словами.


The most


thing was that many of those who were interested in our

proposals already knew about us and said many pleasant words.


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было то, что многие из тех, кто интересовались нашими предложениями,


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She had a strong, pleasant voice, and the word‘mother’ was expressed sadly and movingly.

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У нее был сильный приятный голос, и слово» мать» печально и трогательно выделялось голосом.

Peter appeared in a white straitjacket with a»dirty» make-up and

brought with himself the same crazy in the pleasant sense of the word musicians.


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Сам Питер явился в белой смирительной рубашке с« грязным» макияжем,

и с собой привел таких же сумасшедших в приятном смысле слова музыкантов.


Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word:

For every Ukrainian the word«bath» is a native and pleasant.


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Для каждого жителя Украины слово« баня» является родным и приятным.


Flash game of word association, made in bright and very pleasant manner.


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Флэш игра ассоциация слов, выполнена в яркой и очень приятной манере.


Write down the answers for as long until every word in the formulation does not satisfy you and you do not start feeling certain strange but pleasant emotions.


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Записывайте ответы до тех пор, пока каждое слово в формулировке не будет удовлетворять и не будете ощущать от нее особые, непонятные и приятные эмоции.


Learn English with speaking24. com- word of the day- PLEASANT.

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Поначалу Елена, окруженная приятным дурманом, просто приняла эти слова.

Probably, today the Voice sounds a little

bit differently than the Elder described it:»Her pleasant, quiet, gentle words….


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Возможно, в наши дни этот голос звучит немного не так,

как описал его старец:« И слова Ее приятные, тихие, кроткие….


Hence uneasiness frequently arises through my


with mankind rebelliously seeking to defend themselves against It, because they only wish to hear soothing and


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А посему


мое возбуждает безпокойство повсюду, человечество подымается на Него в атаку, ибо желает слышать лишь убаюкивающие и успокаивающие его слова,


Will be so much more pleasant to experience than when just reading the words!

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Будут настолько приятными, чтобы их переживать, чем просто читать слова!

It is not nearly so pleasant to experience as when simply reading the words.



are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

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Приятная речь— сотовый мед, сладка для души и целебна для костей.

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words words

are as an honeycomb honeycomb,

sweet to the soul soul, and health health to the bones bones.

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сладка для души и целебна для костей.

Definition of Pleasant

giving pleasure; pleasing in manner; nice

Examples of Pleasant in a sentence

Because Laura is such a pleasant person to be around she is always making new friends.


The pleasant weather was too much to resist so we spent the day at the beach.


I was excited to learn that Bob was dating my sister because he has a pleasant and agreeable nature.


I love to sit out on the porch that overlooks the bay because the atmosphere is so pleasant and relaxing.


As a salesman, Jerry makes use of his pleasant smile because it has a calming effect on people.


Other words in the Amazing, Lovely, Impressive category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Something pleasant may have associations with happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, or euphoria. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s all part of the company’s plan to wrap us in its big digital bear hug, making our lives more convenient, organized and pleasant.


It serves on the sky-high level of quality: always pleasant support team, great discounts, personalized approach, timely delivery and fantastic final results.


Please give me a call at 666-555-4444 or email me at [Email Address] so we can discuss this further in person, as for a position such as this, seeing is believing how I can make your customers» contact with your company an especially pleasant one.


But it’s the large and distinctive single-piece OLED rear light bar that really marks it out — for a company considered to be quite conservative it’s a pleasant surprise.


By placing the Mario characters in an unfamiliar setting (taking obvious inspiration from XCOM), crafting a surprisingly deep battle system, and finally giving the Rabbids the quality title they were so desperately in need of, and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle proved to be a most pleasant surprise.


While it is not necessarily a pleasant realization as to why the dog reacted the way he or she did, there is most probably a definite link to the behavior.


Cats scratch to (1) condition their claws by removing old nail sheaths, (2) scent mark objects with the glands on their paws, (3) visually mark objects by leaving shredded matter as evidence, (4) stretch and exercise their forelegs, and (5) enjoy a pleasant sensation.


The market «village» with shops restaurants and pavilions overlooking the beach and the sea make it a pleasant spot to stop and enjoy the view and do a little beach combing.


Living near Washington DC, I would have to say that fall is the one season here in which the weather is actually pleasant, so I look forward to it all year long!


Even learning to play well is not always pleasant.


This game sounds particularly impressive with headphones on, featuring booming bass and other pleasant sounds firing at you in full stereo.


Warm wood worktops and flooring ground the scheme, while dove grey walls are a pleasant and modern contrast against the white units and smart metro tiles.


Keep the wheels from slipping and you’ll have a pleasant time, thanks to the i3’s nimble feel.


And how pleasant to be able to transmute our fury over our fate into incoherent feelings of self-heroism against our present «enemies.»


The interior is a pleasant and comfortable place to sit in with high-quality materials, comfortable seats, and plenty of room for passengers.


Above all, I have an excellent temperament, exceptional customer care skills and a pleasant and friendly personality.


He was a pleasant and seasoned professional.


It’s also very quiet — except when its job is complete and the Smart Scoop plays one of three pleasant ice-cream-truck-inspired melodies.


The hunt this afternoon will be pleasant, for the section of the jungle he has chosen to roam today is shaded with several densely layered canopies creating a green, leafy ceiling upwards of five stories above his head.


At the carefully stage-managed Labour women’s training conference in mid-July, defence of the proposals by Baroness Hollis and new Labour MP and ex-NUS president Lorna Fitzsimons as not pleasant but «necessary» contrasted with a well attended and heated Labour Women’s Action Committee (LWAC) meeting addressed by Audrey Wise MP, which effectively launched the campaign within the Labour Party to save lone parent benefits.


I also just enjoy the texture that chia brings to this smoothie — a little bit like pudding and a little bit like boba tea, with a pleasant pop and crunch that occurs if you bite into it.


Thankfully, I have been fairly lucky with screening my tenants; most of them are very pleasant people who I have a great relationship with.


Not a pleasant experience for the dog, and a pretty shocking one for his owner.


In 2015 galleries surprised me with some pleasant turns of ingenuity — I discovered obscure pastel genius Liotard at the Royal Academy, and my hatred of Damien Hirst thawed with the opening of Newport Street gallery.


I’ve always had good buying experience with this dealership, no complaints there at all always an easy pleasant experience.


I’ll be riding with the top off and my leg resting on the side steps as I ride through the country gazing up at the stars with my girl by my side, while we make pleasant memories in my Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited.


With three sizes (petite, average and plus) and a pleasant array of colors, the Mommy Pillow is another option for stomach sleepers.


I can’t speak for the ocean temps (I only walk on the beach, I don’t go in), but August in Connecticut was very pleasant but not exceptionally warm.


Deluxe desktop replacements, whose large screen and goodies such as DVD-ROM qualify them to be your only computer, though less pleasant to carry around.


The 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport’s reasonable pricing might come as a pleasant surprise.


Still don’t like the game all that much but the big plastic ships were pleasant enough to push around.


Quito was a very pleasant surprise for us.


Bruce walks on water, pushes rush hour traffic out of the way, and aims just retribution at a gang that beat him up on his worst day ever by having a monkey come out of the most obvious bodily orifice (although that doesn’t mean it’s anywhere near the most pleasant).


The stretch of sand offers pleasant beach walks during the day and at sunset, and you can easily get here via the main Jalan Jungut Batu road that runs the length of Nusa Lembongan’s western coastline.


Their staff is always professional and pleasant to deal with.


However, the film was seriously pleasant to watch.


The bass from the v3 Prism was a pleasant hum that never got too intimate with my ears or stayed too far away.


This popular purpose-built guest house offers very safe, pleasant and affordable accommodation.


Although getting a traffic ticket in Virginia Beach is not a pleasant experience, we can help by taking the frustration out of going to traffic school.


Meanwhile, as you step into the cabin, you feel a refined air hit you from the pleasant layout of the interior.


It’s not a horrible experience or anything, but it’s not overly pleasant.


More pleasant and more polished, the new WRX is definitely less raw — but not at the expense of fun.


Consequently, Other People comes across as merely pleasant, the exceptions being two over-the-top sequences involving Justin (J.J. Totah)— the flamboyant young brother of David’s longtime friend, who puts on a showstopping drag routine for his father’s birthday celebration — and the astute recognition that true hell is soft-rock band Train’s «Drops of Jupiter.»


Guest accommodations at the Mawamba Lodge consist of 36 comfortable rooms with private bathrooms, hot water, ceiling fans and chairs for a pleasant, relaxing evening.


Ellen Trawton has a comfortable job at a posh London jewelry company, and her fiancé, William, is perfectly pleasant, but she still finds herself with a major case of pre-wedding cold feet.


So, it’s all about believing those things that are the most pleasant?


Sarayi Palm Cove was clean, affordable and a very pleasant place to stay.


21 Jump Street was one of the most pleasant surprises of 2012, but the biggest surprise was that 22 Jump Street was even better.


Actually moving from one place to another is not pleasant.


TTS uses IVONA and features a pleasant female voice, with adjustable speed settings.



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Synonym: agreeable, appealing, charming, cheerful, delightful, desirable, enchanting, enjoyable, genial, gratifying, happy, likable, pleasing, satisfying. Antonym: unpleasant. Similar words: peasant, please, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, displeased, displeasing, plea. Meaning: [‘pleznt]  adj. 1. affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings 2. pleasant in manner or behavior. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Pleasant hours fly past.

2. If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 

3. Pleasant hours fly fast.

4. Finished labours are pleasant.

5. Hoping you will have a pleasant trip!

6. All my good wishes for a pleasant journey!

7. The magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant.

8. I’ve got a pleasant little apartment.

9. The grass was cool and pleasant underfoot.

10. Wish you a pleasant journey!

11. Her voice has a pleasant tone.

12. It was pleasant to be alone again.

13. He is an extremely pleasant and obliging man.

13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. I wish you a pleasant journey.

15. We spent a very pleasant.

16. Provided it’s fine we will have a pleasant holiday.

17. We spend a very pleasant evening.

18. Her pleasant manner belied her true character.

19. He was a pleasant chap but didn’t talk much.

20. It is pleasant for me to see you.

21. The little beach hotel is pleasant.

22. With a pleasant mature attitude.

23. It had been a pleasant evening.

24. Her garden was a cool pleasant place to sit.

25. These trees afford a pleasant shade.

26. The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.

27. They spent a pleasant afternoon motoring through the countryside.

28. He spent a pleasant afternoon reading .

29. Floating can be a very pleasant sensation.

30. Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it. 

More similar words: peasant, please, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, displeased, displeasing, plea, plead, least, incessant, at least, release, by leaps and bounds, misanthropy, in the least, not in the least, as as, as a man, as a whole, sand, as a rule, sank, as a result, as a result of, tabula rasa, sand dune, sandwich, sanguine, sandstorm. 

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