Sentence of word sacrifice

Synonym: forego, forfeit, give up, lose, release, relinquish, surrender, waive, yield. Similar words: terrific, clarification, esterification, magnificent, sacred, acrimony, alacrity, horrified. Meaning: [‘sækrɪfaɪs]  n. 1. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc. 2. personnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective) 3. a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value 4. the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity 5. (sacrifice) an out that advances the base runners. v. 1. endure the loss of 2. kill or destroy 3. sell at a loss 4. make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals. 

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1. The sacrifice of time is the costliest of all sacrifices. 

2. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.

3. touch the soul of the heart not sacrifice.

4. Getting rich isn’t worth the sacrifice of your principles.

5. A lamb was offered in sacrifice.

6. The minister stressed the need for economic sacrifice.

7. A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.

8. Touch the soul of the heart not sacrifice.

9. In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.

10. Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it.

11. You don’t have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.

12. It’s wrong to sacrifice quality to quantity.

13. A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.

13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

14. They killed a sheep as a sacrifice.

15. Should motherhood necessarily mean sacrifice and self-denial?

16. Many women sacrifice interesting careers for their family.

17. propitiate the gods with a sacrifice.

18. He had to sacrifice another pawn.

19. If it came to the point, would you sacrifice your job for your principles?

20. He decided to sacrifice a trip for a new house.

21. He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.

22. A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.

23. He would rather sacrifice his life than see damage done to state property.

24. Soldiers who die for their country have made the supreme sacrifice.

25. The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality.

26. The people offered a lamb on the altar as a sacrifice for their sins.

27. You are the patron saint of life, your wisdom and sincerity to hold up the sun life, your selfless sacrifice life, heal the wounded bear bitter hardships, pain.

28. In those days, an animal was offered as a sacrifice to God.

29. They cared for their disabled son for 27 years, at great personal sacrifice.

30. He said the task of reconstruction would demand much patience, hard work and sacrifice.

More similar words: terrific, clarification, esterification, magnificent, sacred, acrimony, alacrity, horrified, terrified, office, specific, officer, suffice, significant, artificial, scientific, specifically, significance, head office, significantly, nullification, justification, qualification, certification, identification, personification, scientific method, ratification, gratification, sack. 

sacrifice — перевод на русский


And the real cost of having any peaceful enjoyment of the world is that one maintains institutions from makes a sacrifice in order to preserve one’s inheritance.

ќднако, истинна€ плата за получение любого из удовольствий, предоставл€емых нашим миром в том, чтобы поддерживать систему, котора€ заставл€ет теб€ приносить что-либо в жертву, с целью сохранени€ достижений прошлых поколений.

I’m the one who must make the sacrifice.

Жертву приносить должен я.

I can’t accept your sacrifice, it’s too much.

Я не могу принять вашу жертву, она слишком велика.

«Well, what was the greatest sacrifice that he could offer?»

Ну, какую великую жертву он мог предложить?

Tadamori is ready to sacrifice himself for Your Majesty.

Тадамори готов принести себя в жертву Вашему Величеству.

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You were willing to sacrifice a hundred thousand francs for her.

Ты хотел пожертвовать сотней тысяч франков ради нее.

Why, I’d sacrifice anything I have in the world for her.

Я готов пожертвовать для нее всем в мире.

So therefore, all your life… are you going to sacrifice yourself for Oyu?

Но ведь всю свою жизнь… не хочешь же вы пожертвовать собой ради Ою?

— It had to be sacrificed or something.

Им пришлось пожертвовать.

-Yes, I finessed my queen of hearts… and forced Finch-Tattersall to sacrifice his ace.

«о есть? я вышел в королеву червей и вынудил ‘инча «аттерсола пожертвовать тузом.

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I can’t sacrifice myself, or be brought down.

Я не могу больше жертвовать собой.

In other words, you believe the individual must sacrifice his personal feelings… and work with somebody else for the benefit of the whole enterprise?

Другими словами,… Вы считаете, что люди должны жертвовать своими чувствами… и работать с кем-нибудь в интересах предприятия в целом?

to sacrifice one’s own sense of justice to the authoritative legal order, to ask only what the law is, and not to ask whether or not it is also justice.

жертвовать своим собственным чувством справедливости ради общего правопорядка, задаваться вопросом, отвечает ли это закону, а не только полагаться на свои представления о правосудии.

I can’t sacrifice everything for the sake of that one girl!

Я не могу жертвовать всем ради одной девушки!

I have no intention of sacrificing myself.

Я не собираюсь жертвовать собой.

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A human sacrifice, but a voluntary one.

«еловеческое жертвоприношение, но добровольное.

— Doctor… there is to be a human sacrifice today, at the Ceremony for the Rain God,

— Доктор… сегодня будет человеческое жертвоприношение, на церемонии бога дождя,

If human sacrifice is their tradition, let them get on with it.

Если человеческое жертвоприношение их традиция, пусть они сделают так.

There’s to be a human sacrifice at the rain ceremony.

На церемонии дождя пройдёт человеческое жертвоприношение.

— When is the next sacrifice?

— Когда следующее жертвоприношение?

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Look, I have a shrewd idea who it is that might be being sacrificed

Послушайте, я почти уверен, что знаю, кого они собираются принести в жертву,

I want to sacrifice your body to Mother Kali for my Nirvana lf you are willing, then come with me

Я хочу принести в жертву твое тело Матери Кали для моей нирваны Если желаешь, пойдем со мной?

Dear Mr. Vernon… We accept that we had to sacrifice… a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong.

Дорогой мистер Вернон… мы смирились с тем, что должны принести в жертву… целую субботу в наказание за свои неверные поступки.

We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice… a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong.

Мы смирились с фактом, что должны принести в жертву… целую субботу в наказание за свои неверные поступки.

Sacrificing so many people for personal power He is the true traitor.

Принести в жертву так много людей ради личной власти вот настоящее предательство.

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There is, there can be no point in sacrificing our lives.

Нет никакого смысла приносить в жертву наши жизни.

You mustn’t sacrifice everything to emotion. It’s all a question of balance.

Нельзя всё приносить в жертву эмоциям.

Why is it always virgin women who are sacrificed?

Почему всегда обязательно нужно приносить в жертву девственниц?

Sacrifice virgins and stuff.

Приносить в жертву девственниц.

I won’t sacrifice the integrity of this profession not to mention the process, in the name of expediency.

И я не собираюсь приносить в жертву целостность этой профессии не говоря уже о процессе, во имя выгоды.

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It meant sacrifice and devotion.

Это значит самопожертвование и преданность.

the greatest expedition of modern times, almost the greatest sacrifice ever made by human man.

Величайшая экспедиция нашего времени. Почти что величайшее самопожертвование, когда-либо сделанное человеком.

So what good was your noble sacrifice?

И для чего было нужно твоё благородное самопожертвование?

What I’m trying to say is that I had strong feelings about discipline and self sacrifice and all that sort of thing.

Просто пытаюсь сказать, что верю в дисциплину, самопожертвование и все в этом духе.

He hated the world that derided his sacrifices.

Он ненавидел мир, который превратил в шутку самопожертвование.

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If he is to be sacrificed before Kaili… why is he not painted red?

Извините меня. Но если этот человек должен быть принесён в жертву Каили, почему он не покрашен красным?

Until this moment, you were safe because my sister was chosen… and no other could be sacrificed to Kaili.

До этой минуты вы были в безопасности потому что моя сестра была избрана… и никто больше не мог быть принесён в жертву Каили.

That’s why I sacrificed a person who has already died when I was 13, or was it 14?

Вот почему был принесён в жертву человек, который умер давно, ещё когда мне было 13 лет.

But the guards have taken him and he’s going to be sacrificed to the Oracle.

Но охранники схватили его, и теперь он будет принесен в жертву Оракулу.

Our young and beloved friend has been sacrificed

Наш молодой и любимый друг был принесён в жертву.

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But they of course didn’t have the necessary transcendental belief, or a necessary ability to sacrifice themselves.

Ќо они, конечно, не обладали необходимой трансцендентной верой, либо же необходимой способность принести себ€ в жертву.

We must sacrifice them both.

Мы должны принести их обоих в жертву.

We have to make another sacrifice

Мы должны принести ещё одну жертву.

The priest wanted to sacrifice the goat to the gods.

Священник хотел принести козлёнка в жертву богам.

But still… More importantly, I wonder if Al isn’t upset over seeing you about to sacrifice someone even once, Ed.

Может, Ал злится на тебя за то, что ты едва не решился принести людей в жертву.

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Basically, that the woman should make sacrifices.

Ну, в основном, что женщина должна идти на жертвы.

I mean, we all have to make sacrifices for what we wish, don’t we?

Мы все должны идти на жертвы, чтобы получить то, что хотим, так?

You have kids, you make sacrifices.

Есть дети – приходится идти на жертвы.

Sometimes when you love somebody, you just gotta make sacrifices for them.

Порой, когда кого-то любишь, ты должен ради них идти на жертвы .

I also believe that sometimes women need to make sacrifices for their husbands.

Я также верю, что иногда женщины должны идти на жертвы ради своих мужей.

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  • приносить в жертву
  • самопожертвование
  • принесён в жертву
  • принести
  • идти на жертвы

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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This legend may be a reminiscence of human sacrifice.

В основе этой легенды, вероятно, лежит память о человеч. жертвоприношениях.

Some people say it is child sacrifice.

You still think sacrifice and commitment answer every problem.

Ты по-прежнему считаешь, что самопожертвование и преданность делу — решение всех проблем.

Love, sacrifice, deception and now betrayal.

He wanted nothing to do with prayer and sacrifice.

We honor and recognize their bravery and sacrifice.

И мы отдаем дань уважения и почтения их мужеству и самопожертвованию.

That sacrifice reflects the ongoing commitment of those peacekeeping soldiers in Africa and elsewhere.

В таком самопожертвовании проявляется неизменная самоотверженность этих солдат-миротворцев, развернутых как в Африке, так и в других местах.

The fact that tattoo called the Maltese cross represents courage, honor and sacrifice.

Дело в том, что татуировка под названием «Мальтийский крест» олицетворяет храбрость, честь и самопожертвование.

But you must feel sacrifice for them…

Но ты, наверное, уже чувствуешь это… пожертвовать ради них собой…

And I realized parenting is about sacrifice.

These actions needlessly sacrifice transparency without justification.

Эти действия без необходимости заставляют жертвовать прозрачностью без какого бы то ни было обоснования.

Too often people sacrifice security for convenience.

Тем не менее, далеко не всегда люди готовы жертвовать безопасностью в пользу удобства.

Many companies sacrifice safety for profits.

Многие предприниматели жертвуют своей безопасностью в целях экономии.

Remember that all service requires sacrifice.

Нужно помнить, что любая работа требует воздаяния.

They sacrifice themselves so we can enjoy this movie.

Все вместе они работают над тем, чтобы мы получили удовольствие от фильма.

Never sacrifice what is important to you.

Religious extremists go crazy and sacrifice human lives fighting for absurd ideas.

Религиозные экстремисты сошли с ума и не жалеют жизни в борьбе за свои абсурдные идеи.

You sacrifice part of your salary.

But no one ever explained what this sacrifice was about.

Однако никто и никогда не объяснил, в чем же эта поддержка заключалась.

In part this is because they can sacrifice themselves as fuel.

Отчасти это происходит в результате того, что они жертвуют собою в качестве топлива.

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жертва, жертвоприношение, заклание, жертвовать, приносить жертву


- жертва

- жертвоприношение; пожертвование

the fire of sacrifice — жертвенный огонь
a sacrifice to the gods — жертвоприношение богам
to make a sacrifice of fruit [of an ox] — приносить в жертву плоды [быка]
to offer animals in sacrifice — приносить в жертву животных

- ком. убыток

sacrifice prices — убыточные цены; оценка себе в убыток
to sell goods at a (great) sacrifice — продавать товары по убыточной цене /себе в убыток/
goods are cleared off at a very considerable sacrifice — товары распродаются со значительной скидкой

- церк. месса (тж. Eucharistic Sacrifice)

the great /the last, the supreme/ sacrifice — смерть в бою за родину


- жертвовать, приносить жертвы

to sacrifice one’s life [oneself, everything] to save one’s child — пожертвовать жизнью [собой, всем], чтобы спасти ребёнка
he sacrificed his whole life to the cause of revolution — он отдал свою жизнь делу революции
to sacrifice accuracy for vividness — поступиться точностью ради живости (изложения)
to sacrifice a piece — пожертвовать фигуру (шахматы)

- совершать жертвоприношение

to sacrifice to the gods — совершать жертвоприношение богам
to sacrifice sheep [oxen, fruit] — приносить в жертву овец [быков, плоды]

- ком. продавать в убыток

Мои примеры


a place where people were sacrificed in ancient rituals — место, где по древним ритуалам приносили в жертву людей  
sold in haste and at a sacrifice — продано в спешке и себе в убыток  
to give / lay down / sacrifice one’s life — отдать жизнь, пожертвовать жизнью  
heroic sacrifice — героическая жертва  
personal sacrifice — личная жертва  
at the sacrifice of smth. — пожертвовав чем-л.  
sacrifice price — цена, убыточная для продавца, убыточная цена  
sacrifice market — рынок, на котором товары продаются по заниженным ценам  
to sell at a sacrifice — продавать себе в убыток, продавать по убыточной цене  
to sacrifice a lamb to the gods — принести в жертву богам ягнёнка  
to make the supreme sacrifice — пожертвовать жизнью  
make sacrifice — приносить жертвы  

Примеры с переводом

The goat was offered as a sacrifice.

Коза /козёл/ была принесена в жертву.

This sacrifice is a small price to pay.

Эта жертва — не слишком большая цена.

She’s had to sacrifice a lot for her family.

Ради семьи ей пришлось пожертвовать многим.

He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.

Он пожертвовал своей жизнью во имя родины.

He sacrificed his life to save the drowning child.

Он пожертвовал жизнью, спасая тонущего ребёнка.

This moved me to sacrifice my career.

Это сподвигло меня пожертвовать своей карьерой.

The war required everyone to make sacrifices.

Война потребовала от всех пойти на какие-то жертвы.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He sacrificed in his first at bat.

No sacrifice is too great when it comes to her children.

A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): sacrifice
мн. ч.(plural): sacrifices

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sacrifice, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sacrifice in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sacrifice». In addition, we also show how different variations of sacrifice can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are sacrifice’, sacrifice—the and sacrifice—was. If you click on the variation of sacrifice that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Sacrifice in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sacrifice in a sentence.

  1. You sacrifice things you love.

  2. Who are these coming to the sacrifice?

  3. However, their sacrifice is not permitted.

  4. It is to this that I will sacrifice myself.».

  5. Some paintings also depict the sacrifice of Aravan.

  6. Rodriguez scored on a sacrifice fly by Robinson Canó.

  7. I said I won’t do it, not at the sacrifice of the show.

  8. Conducted by a matador, animal sacrifice is called matanza.

  9. Morris decided to sacrifice his wicket for Craig’s in a run out.

  10. After Aravan requested and was granted his boons, he was ready for the sacrifice.

  11. Other themes for part two include «[…] sacrifice, love, family and patriotism».

  12. Sonic, his friends, and Eggman reflect on Shadow’s sacrifice and return to Earth.

  13. Robinson led the league in sacrifice hits, with 28, and in stolen bases, with 29.

  14. The stela was associated with the burial of a human sacrifice and other offerings.

  15. Later persecutory edicts, including the calls for universal sacrifice, were not applied in his domain.

  16. His new legislation called for another general sacrifice, coupled with a general offering of libations.

  17. I dread lest she should be forced to sacrifice her heart to her principles, or principles to her heart.

  18. In particular, they point to Travis’s asserted determination to sacrifice his own life for a lost cause.

  19. She is offered up a sacrifice to propitiate southern tyranny – to conciliate southern treason.

  20. Imhotep prepares to sacrifice Evelyn, but she is rescued after a battle with Imhotep’s mummified priests.

  21. Archaeological investigations indicate that heart sacrifice was practised as early as the Classic period.

  22. Cosmo sees a vision from her mother Earthia, telling her that she must sacrifice herself to save the rest.

  23. Guildenstern acquires the «key» from him and murders Samantha as his sacrifice for the powers of darkness.

  24. Jim Bottomley flied out to left field, and Les Bell followed with a sacrifice fly to center fielder Combs.

  25. Seven of the nine received the Congressional Space Medal of Honor for their service, valor, and sacrifice:.

  26. The two vehicles were made, and were first used that year at the great ceremony of the ancestral sacrifice.

  27. Chick Hafey dropped a sacrifice bunt straight to Ruether, who then threw it to second baseman Tony Lazzeri.

  28. In other accounts, Aravan is sacrificed in order to counteract the Kauravas’ sacrifice of a white elephant.

  29. The day of the full moon is the central day of the festival, when Aravan’s sacrifice is ritually re-enacted.

  30. At some time in 299, the emperors took part in a ceremony of sacrifice and divination in an attempt to predict the future.

  31. Athens was asked by Philip to sacrifice its freedom and its democracy, while Demosthenes longed for the city’s brilliance.

  32. But to re-enact the tragedy of Calvary for generations yet unborn, that is the last consummate sacrifice of the Militant».

  33. Similarly, the response of the narrator to the sacrifice is not compatible with the response of the narrator to the lovers.

  34. She leads an expedition to the portal from which the Manikins are emerging, and the group sacrifice their lives to close it.

  35. The Astros scored two runs in the second inning, with an RBI double by Alex Bregman and a sacrifice fly by Martín Maldonado.

  36. Carson fought hard to keep the shoot during budget trims, deciding to sacrifice other days in the schedule to keep the scene.

  37. Eisenstein himself would later say that the murder of Stepok by his father was «reminiscent of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac».

  38. As a celebrant, a priest is, for the fullness of the sacrifice of the Mass, absolutely required to receive under both species.

  39. He was brought before the governor on June 7, 303, and asked to sacrifice to the gods, and to pour a libation for the emperors.

  40. Traces of red pigment have been found on some of the monuments and most of the monuments were likely to have been painted red, the colour of birth, sacrifice, and renewal.

  41. In modern interpretations, Aravan’s head symbolizes not only self-sacrifice but also regeneration and continuity, because of his ability to see the war after his sacrifice.

  42. Janek and the remaining crew sacrifice themselves by ramming the Prometheus into the alien craft, ejecting the lifeboat in the process while Vickers flees in an escape pod.

  43. Non-lethal damage mitigation methods used include scaring, habitat manipulation and the provision of decoy food dumps or sacrifice crops to distract them from the main crop.

  44. The second Canticle was written in 1952, between Billy Budd and Gloriana, on the theme of Abraham’s obedience to Divine Authority in the proffered sacrifice of his son Isaac.

Sacrifice’ in a sentence

Sacrifice’ is a variation of sacrifice, below you can find example sentences for sacrifice’.

  1. English translators often render the word Ungeziefer as ‘insect’; in Middle German, however, Ungeziefer literally means ‘an animal unclean for sacrifice’;» in today’s German, it means ‘vermin’.

Sacrifice—the in a sentence

Sacrifice—the is a variation of sacrifice, below you can find example sentences for sacrifice—the.

  1. Fine writes that this is the central event in Night, a religious sacrifice—the binding of Isaac and crucifixion of Jesus—described by Alfred Kazin as the literal death of God.

Sacrifice—was in a sentence

Sacrifice—was is a variation of sacrifice, below you can find example sentences for sacrifice—was.

  1. The most distinctive trait of Christian communion—the belief that the god himself was the victim of the sacrifice—was not present in the cult, or in any other mystery cults.

Synonyms for sacrifice

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sacrifice has the following synonyms: forfeit, forfeiture, ritual killing and give.

General information about «sacrifice» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sacrifice that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sacrifice» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sacrifice».

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