Sentence of word more welcome



important, and more welcome still, will be determined action on Iran’s part to fulfil its undertakings.


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Но было бы еще важнее, и еще более желанно, если бы Иран предпринял решительные действия с целью выполнения своих обязательств.


When a person suffering from Tourette’s blurts something out when their hand jerks or their foot,

it’s no


voluntary than a heart attack and no more welcome.

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Когда человек страдает от синдрома Туретта, выпаливает что-то когда их руки дергаются или ноги,

это не


умышленно, чем сердечный приступ и не более желанно.

Such a development would be all the more welcome because an FMCT can contribute to both nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.


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Такое развитие событий было бы тем более отрадным, что заключение ДЗПРМ может способствовать как ядерному разоружению, так и нераспространению.


All yet seems well and if it end so meet,

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кажется хорошо и если это конец так что встречайте,

Michael Mascari distills the event’s ideological essence:»In a time when specialization increasingly threatens to isolate one field from another,

deliberate efforts to promote interdisciplinary study are more welcome than ever.


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В официальном письме приору Западной доминиканской провинции, обнародованном перед открытием коллоквиума, ассистент фра Бруно фра Майкл Маскари выражает идейную суть мероприятия:« В эпоху, когда специализация все больше угрожает изолировать одну область мысли от другой,

целенаправленные усилия для содействия междисциплинарному исследованию являются более желанными, чем когда-либо.


On the contrary, the strengthening of production sector and

services in the UK has become a more welcome event, as was evident from the pound sterling’s reaction,

which strengthened against the US currency.


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Напротив, усиление производственной активности и

сфере услуг в Великобритании стало более долгожданным событием, как стало видно из реакции фунта стерлинга, который

укрепился против американской валюты.


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He would have gone for something a bit more welcoming, I think bright blue can be so unforgiving.

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Ему подошло бы что-то более приветливое, думаю, ярко-синий может быть таким… неумолимым.

This campaign is aimed at reducing discriminatory and prejudicial attitudes and

to facilitate the creation of more welcoming communities in New Brunswick.


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Цель этой кампании- снизить уровень дискриминации и предвзятости среди населения

и способствовать построению в Нью- Брансуике более радушного общества.


Take pictures with natural light and

avoid using the flash to achieve a much more welcoming result.


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Фотосъемка с естественным освещением и

избегает использования вспышки для достижения гораздо более гостеприимного результата.


Canada has an array of programs aimed at promoting multiculturalism and supporting the integration of newcomers,

and fostering social cohesion and more welcoming communities.


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В Канаде действует ряд программ по поощрению культурного многообразия и интеграции иммигрантов,


The work and

culture domains need the»genius» of women to make them more welcoming, more»livable», more»enjoyable.


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Мир труда и

мир культуры нуждаются в женском» гении», чтобы стать более радушными, более» обжитыми», приносящими больше удовлетворения.


White colors, off White,

pastel shades have the ability to calm down and makes even more welcoming environment energy and the feeling of refuge.

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Белого цвета, кремовый,

пастельные оттенки имеют возможность успокоиться и делает еще более уютной окружающей среды энергии и чувство убежище.

The lightly slipshod-looking down filling makes

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Подушки с наполнителем из перьев слегка небрежной формы делают эту модель,

которая имеет достаточно строгие очертания, более уютной.

I’m better with Emma, and besides, who’s gonna be more welcoming to Joe— me or Luke?

For the performance professional athlete, claim an off-season baseball or football player or other professional athlete you

can think about, Anavar results could be a little more welcomed throughout their off-season strategy.

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Для выполнения профессионального спортсмена, сформулируем межсезонье бейсбол или футбол геймер или другой профессиональный спортсмен вы могли бы рассмотреть,

Анавар результаты могут быть немного намного больше приглашали на протяжении всей их стратегии в межсезонье.

For the performance professional athlete, state an off-season baseball or football player or any other professional athlete you can think about,

Anavar outcomes could be a little bit more welcomed during their off-season technique.

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Для работоспособности спортсмена, скажем, межсезонье бейсбол или футбол игрок или любой другой профессиональный спортсмен вы могли бы думать,

Анавар результаты могут быть немного намного больше приветствовали во время их стратегии в межсезонье.

For the efficiency athlete, say an off-season baseball or football gamer or other professional athlete you can think about,

Anavar outcomes might be a bit a lot more welcomed throughout their off-season method.

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Для выполнения профессионального спортсмена, претендовать на межсезонье бейсбол или футбол геймер или другой спортсмен вы можете рассмотреть,

Анавар результаты могут быть немного более приглашены на протяжении всего их метода межсезонье.

For the efficiency professional athlete, say an off-season baseball or football player or other professional athlete you could think about,

Anavar outcomes could be a bit more welcomed during their off-season strategy.

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Для эффективности профессионального спортсмена, скажем, межсезонье бейсбол или футбол игрок или другой профессиональный спортсмен вы могли бы рассмотреть,

Анавар результаты могут быть немного более приветствовался по всей их межсезонье подход.

For the efficiency professional athlete, state an off-season baseball or football gamer or other professional athlete you could think of,

Anavar results could be a little bit more welcomed during their off-season strategy.

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Для эффективности профессионального спортсмена, сформулируем межсезонье бейсбол или футболиста или другого профессионального спортсмена, вы могли бы рассмотреть,

Анавар результаты могли бы быть немного более приветствовали во время их межсезонье подход.

Robert Loss states that while the grunge scene was more welcoming to women than the glam metal world,

and while grunge»… endeavoured to be


accepting of ethnic and cultural difference, it was overwhelmingly white»; he states that hip hop music artists such as Jay-Z had way more»crossover» appeal to listeners of different races.

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Роберт Лосс также утверждал, что в то время как гранж- сцена была более гостеприимной для женщин, нежели глэм-

металлическое сообщество, и хотя гранж«… стремился быть


восприимчивым к этническим и культурным различиям, он был в высшей степени белым»; журналист подчеркивал, что в творчестве музыкантов хип-хопа, таких как Jay- Z, гораздо больше« кроссоверности» для слушателей различных рас.

Along these lines, the settlement of the debt crisis, just remuneration for commodities, the lifting of trade barriers and an increase in official development assistance are indispensable

prerequisites if we are to build a world that is more welcoming to everyone, so that our global village can be strengthened,

in a spirit of solidarity, in a lasting way.


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В этой связи урегулирование кризиса задолженности, справедливая компенсация за сырьевые товары, снятие торговых барьеров и увеличение официальной помощи в целях развития являются необходимыми предпосылками для того, чтобы создать мир,

который был бы более гостеприимным для каждого, с тем чтобы можно было бы укрепить нашу глобальную деревню в духе солидарности

и на прочной основе.


So, whilst some governments apparently see digital currencies as constituting an immediate, existential threat to their financial and monetary systems(even their national sovereignty)

6 others are for the time being more welcoming, at least as regards the potential for blockchain

technology to confer a competitive advantage on their economies.


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Итак, в то время как некоторые правительства видят в цифровых валютах непосредственную угрозу их финансовой и денежно-кредитной системе( и даже их национальному суверенитету)

6 другие более приветливы, по крайней мере, что касается потенциала

блокчейн технологии для придания конкурентоспособности их экономике.


Recent years have witnessed considerable advances in women’s attainment of political and civil rights, but the implementation of full gender equality requires a profound shift in individual values, outlook and conduct, which will ultimately transform the underlying ethos of social institutions,


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В недавние годы были достигнуты значительные успехи в деле обретения женщинами политических и гражданских прав, однако для реализации на практике в полной мере гендерного равенства необходимо существенное изменение индивидуальных ценностей, взглядов и поведения, благодаря чему в конечном счете будут трансформированы моральные цели социальных институтов,


The initiative focused on three critical areas:(a) expanding use of assistive technology to improve access to curricula materials;(b)

creating more welcoming university environments for all disabled students through programmes of awareness

and training for faculty and non-disabled students; and(c) working with universities and ministries of education to create policies that expand the number of inclusive universities in the four countries.


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Инициатива охватывала три важнейшие тематические области: a расширение использования вспомогательных технологий для улучшения доступа к образовательным материалам;

b создание более дружелюбной среды в университетах для всех студентов с ограниченными возможностями

при помощи программ повышения осведомленности и обучения преподавателей и остальных студентов; и c сотрудничество с университетами и министерствами образования в целях разработки политики, способствующей увеличению числа инклюзивных университетов в этих четырех странах.


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Реклама игрушечных розовых медведей здесь будет гораздо более уместна.


What is the sentence of more welcome?

It’s used in “You couldn’t be more welcome.” which may be used in response to thanks for a gift, e.g. A: “Thank you so much for (whatever). I’m just thrilled!” B: “Well, you couldn’t be more welcome. I hope you enjoy it.” As Ms. Fung points out, “You are more than welcome” can be used in the same situation.

How do you make a welcome sentence?

  1. [S] [T] My colleagues warmly welcomed me. (
  2. [S] [T] They were given a hearty welcome. (
  3. [S] [T] Please help me welcome Mr.
  4. [S] [T] He held out his hand to welcome us. (
  5. [S] [T] This family gave me a warm welcome. (
  6. [S] [T] Any amount of money will be welcome. (
  7. [S] [T] He was welcomed by the people there. (

How do you use the word more in a sentence?

Examples of ‘more so’ in a sentence more so

  1. What you dismiss as flirty fun could be so much more so give it time.
  2. It is physically hard work and mentally much more so.
  3. How much more so spending a day in prayer!
  4. How much more so for millions of people over a number of years?
  5. Much more so than most others.

What type of word is welcome?

interjection. (a word of kindly greeting, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure): Welcome, stranger!

What should I say when someone says welcome?

When someone says welcome to you, you can say following, depending upon situation:

  1. Thanks. (Casually)
  2. I’m much obliged (when someone welcoming you is higher in status)
  3. I appreciate your welcome (In relations)
  4. I feel honoured, thanks (Public Speaking)

How do you say your welcome formally?

Formal ways to say ‘you’re welcome’ They include: “you’re very welcome” and “my pleasure.”

How do you say welcome for thanks?


  1. you’re welcome. phrase. used in reply to someone who has thanked you.
  2. no problem. phrase.
  3. not at all. phrase.
  4. don’t mention it. phrase.
  5. it’s no bother. phrase.
  6. (it’s) my pleasure. phrase.
  7. it’s/that’s all right. phrase.
  8. it’s nothing/think nothing of it. phrase.

What are different ways to say welcome back?

Casual Alternatives to You’re Welcome

  • absolutely.
  • anytime.
  • don’t give it a second thought.
  • don’t mention it.
  • it’s never a chore.
  • I’ve got your back.
  • just returning the favor.
  • no problem.

How do you welcome someone to the team?

Examples of welcome messages

  1. “We are so excited to have you on our team!
  2. “Your skills and talents will be a great addition to our project.
  3. “On behalf of the whole department, welcome onboard!
  4. “Congratulations on joining our team!
  5. “I welcome you on behalf of management and hope you will enjoy working with us.”

Can we say welcome back?

To greet or receive someone cordially or hospitably upon returning to some place or situation. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “welcome” and “back.” I’d like you all to join me in welcoming back Sarah as she rejoins our company as the new VP of sales!

How do you start a welcome speech example?

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us today. We are very pleased to be able to welcome those of you that have been with us for a long time now as well as those who are new to the (group/community/association etc.)

How do you say thank you different ways?

Other ways to say thank you in any occasion

  1. I appreciate what you did.
  2. Thank you for thinking of me.
  3. Thank you for your time today.
  4. I value and respect your opinion.
  5. I am so thankful for what you did.
  6. I wanted to take the time to thank you.
  7. I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  8. Your kind words warmed my heart.

What to say in thank you note?

Here are some examples:

  1. Thank you for the lovely candlesticks.
  2. I am grateful for your warm hospitality.
  3. I am thankful for your friendship and willingness to listen when I need to talk.
  4. Thank you for watching my children during my dental appointment.
  5. I appreciate the gift card to my favorite restaurant.

Предложения с «more welcome»

Scarlett thought despairingly that a plague of locusts would be more welcome .

Скарлетт в отчаянии говорила себе, что даже нашествие саранчи было бы не столь страшно.

At which words Sophia, who never received a more welcome command, hastily withdrew.

Получив это приятное приказание, Софья поспешила удалиться.

But now you consider him the proximate heir to the estate, you’ve made him more welcome .

А теперь, когда он, по твоему мнению, ближайший наследник Хэмли — холла, ты его привечаешь.

Conversely, you are welcome to stay, still more welcome to become citizens.

Если же вы надумаете остаться и стать нашими согражданами — добро пожаловать!

He lived about a mile from Highbury, was a frequent visitor, and always welcome , and at this time more welcome than usual, as coming directly from their mutual connexions in London.

Жил он в миле от Хайбери и был у них частым гостем, неизменно желанным, а тем более желанным сегодня, когда он приехал прямо от общей их родни в Лондоне.

For others up here, the sunrise is even more welcome .

Для других местных обитателей восход еще более желанен.

No contrast could be at once more sudden and more welcome than that offered by these softer landscapes to the eye fresh from the rugged granite of the Adamello chain.

Никакой контраст не мог быть одновременно более неожиданным и более желанным, чем тот, который эти более мягкие ландшафты открывали взору, свежему от грубого гранита цепи Адамелло.

In such a fashion the city persisted as a religious community under an Arab Muslim domination more welcome and more tolerant than that of Byzantium.

Таким образом, город сохранился как религиозная община под арабским мусульманским господством, более желанным и более терпимым, чем Византия.

Server disclosure is only effective in inducing disclosure and positive feelings from unmarried patrons who are more welcome to have a conversation with the servers.

Раскрытие информации о сервере эффективно только для того, чтобы вызвать раскрытие информации и положительные чувства у незамужних клиентов, которые более приветствуются для беседы с серверами.

Young editors with beginner English skills would be more welcome at that project, but I don’t see that pointed out in this essay.

Молодые редакторы с начальными навыками английского языка были бы более приветствуемы в этом проекте, но я не вижу, что указано в этом эссе.

I welcome the recommendation calling for more frequent use of fact-finding missions to areas of tension.

Я приветствую рекомендацию, касающуюся более частого использования миссий по установлению фактов в районах с напряженной обстановкой.

The new version of draft article 15 on aggression was welcome but could be still more rigorous.

Она приветствует новый вариант проекта статьи 15 об агрессии, однако считает, что ее формулировки могли бы быть более четкими.

There was some welcome progress at the summit; but where we have fallen short we must acknowledge it and be ambitious in pursuing more meaningful reform.

Саммит достиг определенных похвальных успехов, но мы должны признать и наши неудачи и проявить отвагу для обеспечения более значимой реформы.

We welcome once more Timor-Leste to the United Nations family, and applaud the persistent struggle for independence of its people.

Мы еще раз приветствуем Тимор — Лешти в семье Организации Объединенных Наций и воздаем должное упорной борьбе его народа за независимость.

And you’re welcome for not twisting any more facts.

И пожалуйста тебе за дальнейшее неизвращение фактов.

You are more than welcome to join us to discuss our reasons.

В личной беседе мы готовы сообщить Вам причины нашего решения.

If someone wants to speak out against Putin, or cancel a performance in Russia, they are more than welcome to do so.

Если кто — то хочет выступить против Путина или отменить концерт в России – милости просим.

More than half of Iraqis surveyed said that they would not welcome Turks, Jordanians, Iranians, or Kuwaitis as neighbors.

Более половины опрошенных иракцев ответили, что не рады тому факту, что турки, иорданцы, иранцы и кувейтцы — их соседи.

The invitation to meet the President was a grand and more than welcome surprise.

И приглашение на встречу с президентом стало для нас грандиозной и весьма приятной неожиданностью.

While improved relations and diminished prospects for conflict are welcome , relations between India and China are more complex than they appear at first.

Хотя улучшение отношений и уменьшение вероятности конфликта можно только приветствовать , отношения между Индией и Китаем сложнее, чем они кажутся на первый взгляд.

Add a welcome screen to your lead ad to give more details, such as to describe your product or service or to tell people what they’ll receive for submitting their info.

Добавьте экран «Добро пожаловать» в рекламу для лидов, чтобы предоставить дополнительную информацию, например, подробно описать продукт или услугу или сообщить людям, что они получат, если отправят информацию о себе.

Indeed, we welcome the setting up of the Board of Inquiry, but we would have expected it to expand its mandate to include more than just United Nations premises and staff.

Более того, хотя мы приветствуем создание Комиссии по расследованию, мы бы хотели, чтобы ее мандат распространялся не только на помещения и персонал Организации Объединенных Наций.

Well, hello and welcome to QI, the quiz show where the answers are more interesting than the questions but the questions are completely impossible.

Здравствуйте и добро пожаловать на КьюАй, телевикторину, где ответы намного интереснее вопросов но и вопросы у нас нереальные.

You’re more than welcome to resume slinging drinks at whatever backwater berg will have you.

Для тебя было лучше и дальше резюмировать спиртные напитки, чем лезть в болото, которое тебя ожидает.

Mrs Meagles and I would welcome a renewal of your friendship for more reasons than one.

Миссис Миглз и я будем рады возобновлению нашей дружбы по многим причинам.


Еще раз с возвращением к родному очагу.

If Nurse Gilbert wants my All Bran when she arrives, she is more than welcome to it.

Если сестра Гильберт хочет отрубей, когда приезжает, то пожалуйста.

It had been simple and almost painless, like drowsiness carrying one down to nothing more sinister than a welcome sleep.

Всё было просто и почти безболезненно, как дремота, увлекающая в сон — желанный сон, и не более того.

You’re more than welcome to borrow anything so we could set up a communal area.

И ты, конечно же, можешь брать у меня всё, что захочешь, создадим свой собственный общак.

Now this from a woman who fired my son to save her company, whom you’re more than welcome to reinstate once I’ve moved into the LeMarchal Manhattan headquarters.

Это говорит женщина, которая уволила моего сына, что бы спасти свою компанию, и кто более чем приветствуется , как только я переехал в головной офисе Лемаршаля на Манхэттене.

A toast to welcome back two more Rosewood graduates.

Тост за возвращение двух выпускниц Роузвуда.

But you’re more than welcome to enjoy the many amenities of the Silver Level.

Но вы всегда желанный гость в многочисленных комнатах наслаждения серебряного уровня.

The council, for its part, has acted honourably in bringing this action, though a few more hard facts to support their case might have been welcome .

Совет, со своей стороны, действовал честно, выйдя с этим иском, хотя несколько более веских фактов в поддержку этого дела приветствовались бы.

I saw her other red carpet, more like a welcome mat.

А я видал другую её рыжую дорожку, она больше похожа на дверной коврик.

You are both more than welcome .

Мы очень рады вам обоим

She on her part has promised to welcome no more addresses from you; and I trust, therefore, you will not attempt to force them upon her.

Она, со своей стороны, обещала больше не принимать Вашего ухаживания, и я поэтому надеюсь, что Вы не будете навязываться ей.

Zhenya was helped down respectfully, he was led into a room and offered food, which was more than welcome , since he found that even in his sleep he was hungry.

Женю с почётом сняли со слона, с почётом ввели под навес и первым делом накормили, что было более чем кстати. Оказывается, что и во сне ему хотелось кушать.

Brother, I thank you a million times for your more than brotherly welcome , and a million times more to that for your more than brotherly intentions.

Брат, миллион раз благодарю тебя за более чем братский прием и миллион раз благодарю за более чем братские предложения.

And if you ever feel the need of a bit of company you’d be more than welcome to join Mr Booth and I in our kitchen.

Если вам понадобится компания, Я и мистер Бут будем рады отужинать с вами на кухне

Tell him if he wants to join us again… he’s more than welcome .

Скажи ему, если он захочет снова присоединиться к нам… мы будем очень — очень, чем рады.

You want to head inside and watch TV or something, you’re more than welcome .

Если вы хотите зайти внутрь и посмотреть телевизор или что — то еще, чувствуйте себя как дома.

All the more reason for making them welcome .

Тем больше причин для гостеприимства.

All the more reason to make her feel welcome .

Тем больше причин показать, что мы ей рады.

And not more than a year or so ago, Jonny was telling me that child killers are not particularly welcome .

И не более чем год назад Джонни рассказывал мне, что убийц детей там не очень — то жалуют.

And you’re welcome to bring personal items from home to make you feel more comfortable.

И вы всегда можете принести личные вещи из дому, чтобы чувствовать себя комфортнее.

But more to the point, he’s a welcome guest, and I am a good host.

Но, что более важно, он желанный гость, а я — хороший хозяин.

If either of y’all want to swap outfits with me, you’re more than welcome .

Если один из вас захочет поменяться нарядом со мной , я ЗА.

Ladies, I could not be more pleased than I am right now to join you here today and welcome you as meaningful partners in our great democracy.

Дамы, я счастлив как никогда быть сегодня вместе с вами и приветствовать вас как полноправных союзников нашей великой демократии.

I have proposed a combined copyright/free content criterion and am willing to suggest more detailed wording, but welcome discussion.

Я предложил комбинированный критерий авторского права / свободного контента и готов предложить более подробную формулировку, но приветствую обсуждение.

Dipterists welcome to enter any more specific caption.

Диптеристы могут ввести любую более конкретную подпись.

When she arrived on Shanghai in mid-May 2007 for filming, more than 300 fans arrived at the airport to welcome her, and at the same time showering her with many gifts.

Когда она прибыла в Шанхай в середине мая 2007 года для съемок, более 300 поклонников прибыли в аэропорт, чтобы приветствовать ее, и в то же время осыпать ее многими подарками.

The review there has stalled; it was also the reviewer’s first review, and a more experienced second opinion would be welcome .

Обзор там застопорился; это был также первый обзор рецензента, и более Опытное второе мнение было бы приветствовано .

Please take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to this encyclopedia.

Пожалуйста, загляните на страницу приветствия , чтобы узнать больше о вкладе в эту энциклопедию.

Comments welcome ; if there’s a few folk think it worthwhile, lets create a stub and discuss it more fully on it’s talk page?

Комментарии приветствуются ; если есть несколько людей, которые считают, что это стоит, давайте создадим заглушку и обсудим ее более полно на своей странице обсуждения?

Others are more than welcome to chime in too.

Другие являются более чем приветствуется , чтобы тоже поучаствовать в обсуждении.

I’ll be working on this section, and welcome discussion here about how to make it more representative of the academic literature.

Я буду работать над этим разделом, и приветствую обсуждение здесь о том, как сделать его более репрезентативным для академической литературы.

I am a non-specialist who merely has a private interest in medieval and early modern history and art and welcome someone more qualified to find the necessary citations.

Я не специалист, который просто имеет частный интерес к средневековой и ранней современной истории и искусству и приветствую кого — то более квалифицированного, чтобы найти необходимые цитаты.

I have advised her that our Arabic article states that Egyptian Arabic is more widely used but would welcome any assistance that you may be able to offer.

Я сообщил ей, что в нашей арабской статье говорится, что египетский арабский язык используется более широко, но мы будем рады любой помощи, которую вы можете предложить.

Any interested parties are more than welcome to add their names there, so we can see if there is enough interest to start such a project.

Любые заинтересованные стороны более чем приветствуются , чтобы добавить свои имена там, так что мы можем увидеть, если есть достаточный интерес, чтобы начать такой проект.

More sources are welcome , but we probably need to note both of them.

Приветствуются дополнительные источники, но нам, вероятно, следует отметить оба из них.

Which one of the following expressions is grammatical?

  1. Please donate $5. More is welcome!
  2. Please donate $5. More is welcomed!

Daniel's user avatar


57.1k75 gold badges256 silver badges377 bronze badges

asked Jul 17, 2012 at 20:21

Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar


They’re both grammatical:

  • Welcome is an adjective which means agreeable or gladly received.

  • Welcome is also a verb meaning to receive or accept with pleasure. Formed into a past participle, which functions as an adjective, it is welcomed.

More is welcome is definitely the one you want, since it implies to the viewer that they are being targeted by the statement. More is welcomed, on the other hand, sounds like a bare statement of fact that you currently accept more, without the same appeal to the individual viewer.

answered Jul 17, 2012 at 21:08

Daniel's user avatar

  • «More is welcomed» relates to the money being welcomed (greeted at the door), should it arrive.
  • «More is welcome» relates to the concept of «more» being welcome (door is always open), should it arrive or not.


  • the first implies that you intend to thank them when they give you money.
  • the second is more in spirit with the sentence: «Thanks, door’s open, just leave it on the table», thus not necessarily implying an immediate thank you.

answered Jul 18, 2012 at 1:27

Born2Smile's user avatar


1,65211 silver badges17 bronze badges

«Welcome» is correct as it is the standard adjective.

«Welcomed» is a past participle, which are often similar to the adjective form, but in this case a different adjective exists, i.e. «welcome».

Daniel's user avatar


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answered Jul 17, 2012 at 20:35

Lloyd's user avatar


512 bronze badges


Meaning of You are Most Welcome


Using polite and empathetic words plays a vital role in any professional environment. Especially when dealing with clients and customers, using professional and empathetic words is mandatory. Also, the way we respond when one thanks us for being helpful or of assistance makes them feel comfortable and at ease, this would help them to reach us again whenever they require any assistance. This can also be implied while having an informal conversation but it is optional and depends on one’s interest. Whereas, in a workplace, it is mandatory to use professional and polite words. Here, let’s know the Meaning of You are Most Welcome.

When someone genuinely thanks one for their assistance or help out of gratitude, the way we respond should also be genuine and full of empathy. “You’re most welcome” is one such phrase that indicates that the person is extremely gratified for assisting. The phrases “You’re welcome” and “You’re most welcome” convey the same meaning but the expression of the sentence varies because of using the adverb “most”. “Most” refers to a quality that someone or something in a huge quantity. It is the superlative form of much and many. So, in this context, “you’re most welcome” implies that the person is highly glad for being helpful to the other person.


You’re most welcome! Have a great day ahead.

You’re most welcome, I’m glad that I could assist you today

You’re most welcome, Anna.

You’re most welcome to join us at our party tonight.

You’re most welcome. I hope you like my gift.

“I had lots of fun, thank you!” said Nadiya. Berlin replied, “You’re most welcome!”

You’re most welcome – When to use it?

The phrase “you’re most welcome” can be used in a casual or formal conversation. Whenever someone conveys their gratitude for any help received, it is good to use “you’re most welcome” as a response. For instance, in a support platform, the staff must treat their customers or clients with utmost respect and empathy. In such an environment, when support personnel solves a problem or query, the customers will convey their thanks for the support offered. So, as a response, the support team personnel could use “you’re most welcome” which makes those customers feel pleased to hear. It is in a way the support personnel has conveyed that they are glad to be of service in a heartfelt manner.

Let’s see few scenarios when “you’re most welcome” is used:

Scenario 1- Conversation between 2 neighbors

Neighbor 1: Hey the pasta you gave us yesterday was awesome. Could you please share the recipe?

Neighbor 2: Thank You! Sure, I will send you the reference link in what’s app.

Neighbor 1: That’s great! Thank you so much, dear

Neighbor 2: You’re most welcome

Scenario 2: Customer chat conversation with a support team personnel

Customer: Hi, I need to check on the query I raised for product return. 

Support Team: Good Day! Sure, let me help you with that. Could you please say the query Id you received?

Customer: I’m not sure. It was raised 3 days ago.

Support Team: Okay. Was it raised with the same contact number that you are responding to now?

Customer: Yes, it was.

Support Team: Please give me some time. Let me check.

Customer: Sure

Support Team: Okay, thank you for waiting. I could see that the return of the product is approved and it will be picked up by our delivery partner today or early tomorrow. I have sent you the contact details of the delivery person, please check with them if needed.

Customer: Okay, got it. Thank you so much for your assistance.

Support Team: You’re most welcome.

You’re most welcome – Where to use?

The phrase “you’re most welcome” can be used in business or any professional environment and also in real-life scenarios. There is no rule or restriction on where the phrase “You’re most welcome” should be used, it could be used anywhere anytime based on the context of the situation. Since no boundary sticks to this phrase, it is used by wider people when responding to a thanks message from another person. 

Let’s see few scenarios and relevant examples where “you’re most welcome” is used:

Scenario 1- Casual interaction between mother and daughter

Mother: Are you ready for the prom night?

Daughter: No, mom. I’m not interested to go. And I don’t even have the right dress.

Mother: I know you would say this. Did you check your cupboard today?

Daughter: Hmm, no. Why do you ask?

Mother: Come, let’s check.

Daughter: hmm okay. Let me open it.

Mother: Surprise!

Daughter: Wow, Mom. I love it. Thank you so much, Mom. You are the best!

Mother: You’re most welcome, sweetheart.

Scenario 2- Formal conversation between a business owner and a client

Owner: Hi! Welcome to our office.

Client: Thank you! It has a great interior. I like your office.

Owner: Thank you so much. I will ask my assistant to take you on a tour around the office.

Client: Sure. I’d appreciate that.

Owner: I’m really glad that you chose us over other companies. It is indeed a great honor to be associating with your firm.

Client: Oh, I’m pleased to hear that. We are glad too.

Owner: I have informed my assistant to arrange for your 1-week stay. There is a business class hotel near our office premises which is preferred by most clients for their stay. I hope you would like it as well. 

Client: That’s great. Thank you so much.

Owner: You’re most welcome. We are happy to have you with us.

You’re most welcome – Different ways to use?

The phrase “you’re most welcome” will be mostly used at the end of the conversation. Since there is no restriction to use this phrase in a casual or formal conversation, we just need to focus on which context it has to be used. Mostly, in a business or professional environment, there would be high chances for using this phrase. Whenever support personnel responds to the customer, “you’re most welcome” would probably be the highly used sentence. 

Let’s see few scenarios with an example that shows how to use “you’re most welcome”:

Scenario 1: Conversation among a couple

Husband: My love, what can I make for dinner tonight?

Wife: You know that I love your Chinese recipe, Egg fried rice, and chicken Manchurian. How about preparing that?

Husband: Anything for you dear. But you should help me with vegetable chopping.

Wife: Oh, sure. Yay! It’s going to be a yummy dinner. Thank you very much.

Husband: Ha Ha! You’re most welcome my dear.

Scenario 2: Conversation among colleagues in the workplace

Colleague 1: Hi, I’m working on the dump file you shared yesterday. I keep getting an error when running this macro formula. Can you please help me?

Colleague 2: Sure. Let me see. I guess there is some mistake with the macro formula you are using. Hold on, I will share the correct one.

Colleague 1: Okay.

Colleague 2: Look, this is the correct one. I have forwarded it to you. Try it now.

Colleague 1: Okay, let me try. Hey yes, this works. I have been struggling with it for more than an hour. Thank you so much.

Colleague 2: You’re most welcome. Today is the last day to submit the file, make sure to upload it before EOD.

Colleague 1: Sure, I will.

Scenario 3: Driver and customer interaction

Customer: Driver, could you please help to load the luggage?

Driver: Sure, Sir.

Customer: I was very much worried about loading them as they are really heavy. Thank you so much for your help.

Driver: You’re most welcome, Sir.

Scenario 4: Interaction between student and teacher

Student: Good morning, Mam.

Teacher: Good morning. What made you come to the staff room?

Student: Mam, I have few doubts. Could you please help me?

Teacher: Sure, please tell me.

Student: I have marked those questions for which I’m not able to find the answers. Please have a look.

Teacher: Okay. These questions do not have direct answers. You will have to understand the story to find the answers. Let me teach you the story again in class, I hope that will be helpful for all.

Student: That’s great, mam. Thank you very much. I was very much worried about how to ask this.

Teacher: You’re most welcome. Further queries, you can ask me during the class. It’s time now, get back to your class.

Student: Okay, Mam.

Scenario 5: Phone conversation between customer support personnel and customer

Customer: Hello! This is Mrinalini. Is this the “Happy Buy” online shopping store?

Support Personnel: Hi Mrinalini. Yes, it is. How can I help you?

Customer: I’m looking for a Libas brand dress, that is on my Wishlist but seems to be out of stock. I want the dress badly before next weekend. Could you please let me know when this will be back in stock?

Support Personnel: I regret the inconvenience caused. As per checking the schedule of product availability, it should be back in stock within 3 days. Post which it will be available for purchase.

Customer: That’s great. May I know how many days will it take for the product to be delivered?

Support Personnel: The product will be delivered in 2 working days from the date of order being placed.

Customer: Okay, I will check and place the order once the product is available. Thank you very much for your valuable assistance.

Support Personnel: You’re most welcome, Madam. We have similar products from the same brand, I have shared the details with you, please do check.

Customer: Sure, thanks!

Support Personnel: Thank You, have a great day.

Your most welcome VS You’re most welcome – Which one is correct?

There could be few confusions when writing this phrase as the sounds of “your” and “you’re” are the same.  Here, “you’re” is a contracted form of “you are” Whereas “your” is a possessive pronoun and it will not fit in the context of the phrase “most welcome”. Hence, “you’re most welcome” is the correct phrase to be used.

Similar Sentences:

Few sentences are used in a similar context of “you’re most welcome” like

My pleasure

You’re welcome 

The pleasure was mine

 Much obliged

Happy to help 

Glad to help

That’s so kind of you

pleased to assist you

I’m always here to help

Certainly; please feel free to reach me anytime

These phrases also have an empathetical tone, hence they are mostly similar to “you’re most welcome”.

Alternative Sentences:

Some of the most casual ways to say “you’re most welcome” could be using the following words: Nothing wrong 

No problem

No worries


Don’t mention it

No big deal


Just returning the favor

You would do the same for me


These phrases are more informal and will be preferred among friends or close colleagues. It is often not appreciated to sound too formal or polite with your close ones. In those situations, the usage of words that convey the context that they are happy or grateful to help in a much casual tone is highly preferred. It is good to use such casual phrases with closed ones. Even in a workplace, if there is a good relationship between colleagues, they could use such phrases. 

Few Examples

No problem, dude. I had great fun too.

Anytime, babe. Let’s catch up tomorrow.

No worries, guys. Please have fun.

Don’t mention it, brother.

Come on, dude. You would do the same for me.

I’m just returning you the favor, so don’t bother much. 

Other phrases that could be an alternative for “you’re most welcome” but without any empathy or emotional connection, they are

It was nothing

You don’t have to thank me

It was not a problem for me

These phrases could be used when they do not want the other person to feel uncomfortable or to make others feel they owe them something.

Certain alternative phrases that could be used in a business or work environment are as follows:


Customers are our priority

Happy to support my team

It’s my job

Customer satisfaction is our goal

That’s why I’m here

We aim to please


Be it in a workplace or a casual conversation, using polite and empathetic words creates a positive environment. So, let’s use and thereby encourage others to use the “you’re most welcome” phrase often when someone conveys thanks and shows their gratitude towards us.

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