Sentence for word rode

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rode, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rode in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rode».

Rode in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rode in a sentence.

  1. The Black Prince wrote «we rode ..

  2. In March he rode in the Paris–Nice.

  3. Dunn rode both horses to their wins.

  4. The cars rode on Creusot-Loire trucks.

  5. An older man named Hardkoop rode with them.

  6. The Australians primarily rode Waler horses.

  7. They rode into battle but dismounted to fight.

  8. He rode in the Grand Review in Washington, D.C.

  9. Croix, 309 people rode out the storm in shelters.

  10. He rode 18 races, with each earning him £300–£350.

  11. On 17 October, Simpson rode in the Giro di Lombardia.

  12. Stanton, and William Pike rode ahead to get Hastings.

  13. The two men even rode in the same carriage on July 4.

  14. Some residents rode out the hurricane in their homes.

  15. Charles, then 17, rode in the tourneys at the wedding.

  16. On 3 August 1553, Mary rode triumphantly into London, with Elizabeth at her side.

  17. Simpson rode a lap of honour after the race at the request of the emotional crowd.

  18. He rode in one edition of the Tour de France and one edition of the Vuelta a España.

  19. Anderson’s band then rode back to their camp, taking a large amount of looted goods.

  20. Rossi, rode the breeches buoy to the ship and toured it for 45 minutes on 19 October.

  21. Alexios and his men charged the escort, seized the horse, and rode away with it from the battlefield.

  22. A week later, Simpson rode in Paris–Roubaix in the hope of bettering his previous year’s ninth place.

  23. During his time with Peugeot, he rode bikes made by Italian manufacturer Masi that resembled Peugeots.

  24. About 1,000 residents on Hatteras Island and another 600 on Ocracoke rode out the storm in their homes.

  25. Comparisons are often drawn with Eddy Merckx, against whom Hinault rode at the beginning of his career.

  26. The Union militias sometimes rode slower horses and may have been intimidated by Anderson’s reputation.

  27. Following a week’s bed-rest, he rode in the road world championships at the Sachsenring in East Germany.

  28. The third car was damaged at both ends, more significantly at the leading end as it rode over the second.

  29. The journey took nine months, and Tiridates I rode on horseback, with his children and queen at his side.

  30. Then he climbed up, was given another bike, rode on, won the stage and went on to win the Dauphiné Libéré.

  31. She rode in a local presidential parade, but stayed home rather than travel to the inauguration in Austin.

  32. Lobengula, meanwhile, rode north towards the Shangani in his wagon, which left obvious tracks in its wake.

  33. Filmmaker Buster Keaton rode the back of a clay-animated dinosaur in homage to Gertie in Three Ages (1923).

  34. He dropped the other breakaway riders before the first summit and rode on a solo attack for 125 kilometers.

  35. His hand became infected, but he rode the next three stages before the Tour doctor stopped him from racing.

  36. Joseph Moyle Sherer, an officer serving under Abercrombie, recounts how a young Spanish officer rode up and «begged me ..

  37. Scott and Irwin rode it to explore the area around the landing site during three periods of extravehicular activity (EVA).

  38. Henry rode with the troops, though he did not lead them, and they were generally successful in suppressing the resistance.

  39. Fignon rode well in the mountains, including a strong performance at Alpe d’Huez which gave him the race lead on stage 17.

  40. The dining cars, the largest single-unit dining cars ever built, weighed 97 short tons (88 t) and rode on six-wheel trucks.

  41. The breed was used as a tool of diplomacy by the Spanish government, and kings across Europe rode and owned Spanish horses.

  42. He rode his horse to the rescue of a wounded soldier while under heavy fire and for this he was awarded the Victoria Cross.

  43. On August 13, the three astronauts rode in parades in their honor in New York and Chicago, with about six million attendees.

  44. Morgan surprised and captured the garrison of Lebanon, and then rode northward via Springfield, Bardstown and Garnettsville.

  45. Two days later the King and his magnates rode through London with up to 10,000 men; Mowbray rode ahead with a force of 3,000.

  46. When the two brothers-in-law rode together, accompanied by soldiers, the heretic suddenly struck Jovan with a sword at a mountain pass named Derven, but could not cut him.

  47. Hazen rode to Montreal to report the action to the local military commander, and then continued on to Quebec City, where he reported the news to General Carleton on May 20.

  48. After the riders rode a lap of the course, they decided instead not to contest the stage at all, riding the first six circuits 20 km/h (12 mph) slower than previous stages.

  49. Not a single UFA member won re-election as Aberhart’s movement and its promises of innovative solutions to the western world’s economic problems rode to a decisive victory.

  50. Finally, he claimed that not only did he retrieve the weapons from New Orleans under Jackson’s orders, but he rode Jackson’s horse to New Orleans to effect the transaction.

General information about «rode» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rode that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rode» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rode».

rode — перевод на русский

Bury the bone tomb? No, we just followed his order to get rid of the bone remains and stuffs.

избавиться от останков и прочих улик.

I will bring Arang to get rid of my pain and suffering.

чтобы избавиться от своей боли и страданий.

She was five months pregnant when she got married, so she decided to get rid of all of her disgusting fat clothes.

Она была на пятом месяце, когда выходила замуж, и поэтому решила избавиться от всей мерзкой одежды для толстых.

but nobody else will and I’m delighted to have a man of your standing help me get rid of my wife.»

И я рад, что человек с вашим положением в обществе поможет мне избавиться от жены.

And now I will try and get rid of Bob Adams for you.

Теперь я попытаюсь избавиться от Боба Адамса — ради тебя.

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— You won’t have to ride the stage all the way to Tucson.

— Вам нет нужды ехать в Тусон.

You’ve got a long ride ahead of you.

Вам долго ехать.

I don’t want to ride a horse anyway.

Я не хочу ехать на лошади.

— She’ll want to ride with her father.

— Она захочет ехать с отцом.

You don’t mean to ride in this rain.

Вы собираетесь ехать под таким дождем.

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And then forever you must ride.

И будешь отныне ты ездить с ним вовеки веков.

But he can’t ride!

Но он не может ездить!

Or can’t you ride bareback?

А ты не можешь ездить без седла?

Look here, though, I shan’t be able to save anything if we always ride in gondolas.

Вот что, однако, я не смогу ничего накопить, если мы всегда будем ездить в гондолах.

Then I’ll tell you a little story about how I learned to ride.

Могу рассказать, как я научился ездить.

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You don’t mind my riding with you in my own cab,do you?

Вы же не будете возражать, если я поеду с вами в своём кэбе?

I’ll ride on and see to Lady Julia, Sal.

Я поеду, посмотрю на леди Джулию, Сэл.

— All right, Mother, I’ll ride with you.

— Ладно, мама, Я поеду с тобой.

Any time you wanna go to town, I’ll ride along with you.

В любой момент, когда захочешь поехать в город, Шипстед, я поеду с тобой.

I’m riding with you.

Я поеду с вами!

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Can I get a ride tomorrow, too?

Я могу прокатиться завтра опять?

I have asked Señorita Glenda to ride back to the city with me.

Я попросил сеньориту Гленду прокатиться до города со мной.

We’re going out for a ride in the country.

Мы собираемся прокатиться за город.

How about coming for a ride out in the country?

Как насчет того, чтобы прокатиться за город?

We’ll make believe we’re going for a ride.

Мы лишь сделаем вид что собрались прокатиться.

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Ride through every village and town, wake every citizen.

Скачи по городам и селам. Разбуди всех до одного.

Ride right now!

Скачи сейчас же!

Ride faster!

Быстрей скачи!

Ride thou unto the horsemen on yon hill:

Скачи к тем всадникам, что на холме;

Don’t ride so fast!

Не скачи, не скачи шибко!

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To ride in his automobile.

Чтобы кататься на его автомобиле.

When anybody takes me for a buggy ride, I don’t like having to pay for the privilege.

Когда кто-то зовёт меня кататься по бездорожью, мне не нравится идея, что я должен платить лишь за удовольствие находиться в их обществе.

One day about two weeks from now, we’ll be riding in the hills, past waterfalls and mountain greenery, up and down ravines and around through vine-covered trails… till we come to a spot where the scenery will be so gorgeous,

Однажды, недели через две, мы будем кататься среди холмов,.. …мимо водопадов и небольших рощ,.. …по оврагам и заросшим плющом тропинкам, пока не окажемся в месте столь живописном,..

Because you really do like to ride, you know. You just won’t admit it.

Ты же хочешь кататься, я знаю, просто не признаешь этого.

Usually a guy like me goes for a ride in his father’s car.

Обычно такой, как я, берет машину отца и едет кататься.

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Then little Red Riding Hood said to the wolf, «Wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf.»

А потом Красная Шапочка сказала волку: «Волк, волк…»

I’m little red riding hood.

Я маленькая красная шапочка.



Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb.

Красная Шапочка и Мальчик Спальчик!

Look carefully, Red Riding Hood, if you want to find me.

Если хочешь меня найти , Красная Шапочка, тебе нужно быть внимательней.

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I had to drive in town today. I’ll give you a free ride out.

Я сейчас возвращаюсь домой на машине, могу подвезти тебя.

But I had to quit. Motorists insisted on giving me rides.

Автомобилисты настаивают на том, чтобы меня подвезти

Pongo, I’ve got a ride home for you.

Понго, я могу подвезти вас домой.

A ride home?

Подвезти домой?

— Dummi’, do you want a ride?

-Доме, подвезти тебя?

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We go in my car. Ride around.

Покататься немного.

Do you think he’ll let us ride on his horse too?

— Сампеи! Как думаешь, он разрешит покататься на лошади нам тоже?

Let’s trade masks. Then can I ride?

— Если я отдам свою маску, я смогу покататься?

— May I get my pony and ride?

можно мне покататься на пони?

All week I’ve been planning to ride the big goldfish.

Всю неделю я мечтала покататься на большой золотой рыбке. Или лучше на пекинесе?

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Отправить комментарий

ездить, ехать, кататься, катать, ехать верхом, плыть, скользить, качаться, качать

неправильный глагол

- past от ride

Мои примеры


he rode back of the cart — он ехал верхом позади телеги  
tide rode — положение судна на якоре носом против приливного течения  
wind rode — стоящий между ветром и течением  
wind-rode — стоящий на якоре носом к ветру  

Примеры с переводом

He rode his cycle into town.

Он поехал в город на своём велосипеде /мотоцикле/.

He always rode the bus to work

Он всегда ездил на работу на автобусе.

He mounted his horse and rode on.

Он сел на свою лошадь и поехал дальше.

They rode the lift up and skied down.

Они поднялись на подъёмнике и съехали вниз на лыжах.

We rode a crosstown bus.

Мы поехали на автобусе, идущем через весь город.

She rode off at a canter.

Она ускакала лёгким галопом.

They rode out the gale.

Они пережили бурю.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He rode in triumph to the Tsar.

As a jockey he rode 10 winners.

It’s years since I rode a bike.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

overrode  — отменять, замещать, отвергать, перевешивать, попирать, не принимать во внимание
rodent  — грызун, разъедающий

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Rostov, still looking round toward the fires and the shouts, rode with the sergeant to meet some mounted men who were riding along the line.

Finding that, in spite of his orders, the firing at the front continued increasing in intensity, Steinmetz at length rode to the front himself.

Some of the men rode on camels, some on horses.

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When the pope rode in procession to the station an acolyte, on foot, preceded him, bearing the holy chrism; and at the church seven regionary acolytes with candles went before him in the procession to the altar, while two others, bearing the vessel that contained a pre-consecrated Host, presented it for his adoration.

At the head of 150 mounted riflemen, accompanied by Colonel Mackinnon, he dashed out of the fort, and, through a heavy fire of the enemy, rode to King William’s Town — a distance of 12 m.

The day after the review, Boris, in his best uniform and with his comrade Berg’s best wishes for success, rode to Olmutz to see Bolkonski, wishing to profit by his friendliness and obtain for himself the best post he could—preferably that of adjutant to some important personage, a position in the army which seemed to him most attractive.

The determining episode of his life followed soon after his return to Assisi; as he was riding he met a leper who begged an alms; Francis had always had a special horror of lepers, and turning his face he rode on; but immediately an heroic act of self-conquest was wrought in him; returning he alighted, gave the leper all the money he had about him, and kissed his hand.

I rode shotgun in an ancient Ford with a flag of Nigeria painted on the dashboard while Howie hung over the seat amid a month’s supply of fast food wrappers and not a few empty beer cans.

The huntsman stood halfway up the knoll holding up his whip and the gentlefolk rode up to him at a footpace; the hounds that were far off on the horizon turned away from the hare, and the whips, but not the gentlefolk, also moved away.

Prince Andrew rode up and was just putting his question to a soldier when his attention was diverted by the desperate shrieks of the woman in the vehicle.

 Meanings and Examples of RODE


 v.  past tense and past participle of RIDE

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  The hussar cornet of Kutuzov’s suite who had mimicked the regimental commander, fell back from the carriage and rode up to Dolokhov.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER II

2  Denisov, who had been losing at cards all night, had not yet come home when Rostov rode back early in the morning from a foraging expedition.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER IV

3  The headquarters were situated two miles away from Salzeneck, and Rostov, without returning home, took a horse and rode there.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER IV

4  Rostov rode up to it and saw Telyanin’s horse at the porch.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER IV

5  «I’ll really call in on the nuns,» he said to the officers who watched him smilingly, and he rode off by the winding path down the hill.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VI

6  Beside the bridge Nesvitski found the colonel to whom he had to deliver the order, and having done this he rode back.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VII

7  The officers who had been standing together rode off to their places.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VIII

8  The high-shouldered figure of Zherkov, familiar to the Pavlograds as he had but recently left their regiment, rode up to the colonel.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VIII

9  Zherkov was followed by an officer of the suite who rode up to the colonel of hussars with the same order.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VIII

10  Denisov rode past him, leaning back and shouting something.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VIII

11  And Denisov rode up to a group that had stopped near Rostov, composed of the colonel, Nesvitski, Zherkov, and the officer from the suite.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VIII

12  Prince Andrew took a horse and a Cossack from a Cossack commander, and hungry and weary, making his way past the baggage wagons, rode in search of the commander-in-chief and of his own luggage.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER XIII

13  The officers directing the march rode backward and forward between the carts.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER XIII

14  Wishing to find out where the commander-in-chief was, he rode up to a convoy.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER XIII

15  Prince Andrew rode up and was just putting his question to a soldier when his attention was diverted by the desperate shrieks of the woman in the vehicle.

War and Peace(V1) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER XIII

Example Sentence:

1  They rode along narrow country lanes.

2  Brandishing their swords,they rode into battle.

3  A small boy rode on the elephant’s back.

4  The huntsmen rode fast, chasing after the fox.

5  He rued the day that he rode the motorcycle because he fell off and broke his leg.

6  He that never rode never fell.

7  More than 3,600 Filipinos rode out the typhoon in sturdy school buildings, town halls, and churches.

8  Boggs rode up before the biggest store in town, and bent his head down so he could see under the curtain of the awning.

9  Boggs rode up before the biggest store in town, and bent his head down so he could see under the curtain of the awning and yells: «Come out here, Sherburn! Come out and meet the man you’ve swindled.»

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