Sentence for word endangered

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1. The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.

2. Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.

3. This island is maintained as a sanctuary for endangered species.

3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

4. 14 per cent of primate species are highly endangered.

5. Populations of endangered animals have been decimated.

6. Pandas are an endangered species.

7. The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

8. They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.

9. The koala is listed among Australia’s endangered animals.

10. The lizards are classed as an endangered species .

11. Endangered species need to be kept secure from poachers.

12. Many endangered species now face extinction.

13. The sea turtle is an endangered species .

14. That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.

15. The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.

16. The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes.

17. Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons.

18. Send for free Endangered Desserts of the World poster!

19. The fewer sent, the fewer would be endangered.

20. Another example is breeding endangered species in zoos.

21. There were salamanders and orchids of endangered varieties.

22. Only some endangered animals can be bred in zoos.

23. It gives a detailed list of endangered areas and species.

24. Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect endangered animals.

25. For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.

26. New legislation still does not offer adequate protection for many endangered species.

27. The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.

28. It’s full of great colour photographs and is all about endangered animals.

29. The acreage set aside is one of the largest for species protected by the federal Endangered Species Act.

30. The most chilling exhibit space is a room that holds species that are extinct or endangered.

More similar words: endanger, in danger, out of danger, anger, defendant, attendant, attendance, mundane, abundance, range, angel, finger, singer, orange, change, arrange, no longer, any longer, exchange, passenger, agenda, changeable, tangential, arrangement, calendar, unchangeable, in exchange for, engender, mendacious, dependable. 

подвергать опасности


- угрожаемый; находящийся в опасности, под ударом
- исчезающий, вымирающий

endangered species — вид, находящийся под угрозой вымирания
the rhino is an endangered mammal — носорог — млекопитающее, находящееся под угрозой вымирания

Мои примеры


the last stronghold of the endangered deer — последнее пристанище этих оленей, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения  
pandas and other endangered species (=ones that may soon no longer exist) — панда и другие вымирающие виды животных (т.е. те, которые скоро могут перестать существовать)  
endangered fauna — фауна, находящаяся под угрозой исчезновения  
endangered flora — флора, находящаяся под угрозой исчезновения  
endangered species versus human health benefits — исчезающие виды и здоровье человека  
rhino is an endangered mammal — носорог — млекопитающее, находящееся под угрозой вымирания  
endangered animal species — виды животных, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения  
endangered plant species — исчезающие виды растений  
how species become endangered — почему виды исчезают  
endangered ecosystem — экосистема, находящаяся в опасности; находящаяся в опасности экосистема  
critically endangered species — виды, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения; краснокнижные виды  
endangered plant — угрожаемый растительный вид  

Примеры с переводом

Many endangered species now face extinction.

Многие виды, которые находились под угрозой исчезновения, сейчас вымирают.

The endangered turtles were translocated to a safe environment

Черепах, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения / вымирания, переместили в безопасную среду обитания.

The severe drought has endangered crops throughout the area.

Сильная засуха поставила под угрозу урожай на территории всей области.

Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect endangered animals.

Большинство людей согласно с утверждением о том, что мы обязаны защищать находящихся под угрозой исчезновения животных.

The spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one.

Пятнистая сова находится под угрозой исчезновения, но ещё не относится к вымирающим видам.

The lizards are classed as an endangered species (=one that soon may no longer exist).

Ящерицы классифицируются как находящийся под угрозой исчезновения вид. (=тот, который скоро может исчезнуть).

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the wildlife refuge raises endangered species in captivity and then releases them into the wild…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Vulnerable ecosystems and species are affected, among them several endangered species.

Этот процесс затрагивает уязвимые экосистемы и виды, в том числе ряд исчезающих видов.

Some people say that smart and attractive ladies are like endangered species.

These plans should specify individual environmental protection targets, including endangered species and restoration of damaged ecosystems.

В этих планах необходимо указывать конкретные природоохранные цели, включая охрану видов, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, и восстановление поврежденных экосистем.

Governments have a duty to preserve endangered languages.

Правительство предпринимает попытки для сохранения языков, которые находятся в опасности.

Even people who weren’t overweight were endangered.

Даже люди, которые не имели избыточного веса, подвергались опасности.

Scientists say it will kill hundreds of endangered eagles.

Macroalgae — known as seaweeds — pose a major threat to endangered coral reefs.

Макроводоросли — известные как морские водоросли — представляют собой серьезную проблему для находящихся под угрозой исчезновения коралловых рифов.

Let us pray for animals, especially endangered species.

Most importantly, they are endangered.

И, самое главное, они находятся в опасности.

The site also mentions endangered animals.

Orangutans are among those endangered species.

The Zoo participates in 30 European programs for breeding endangered species.

An endangered anthropomorphic three in Skopje, looking scared.

Находящееся в опасности антропоморфное дерево в Скопье; оно кажется напуганным.

This species is threatened and endangered worldwide.

Этот вид растений объявлен подвергаемым опасности и находится под защитой во всем мире.

This species is stable and not endangered.

It was established to protect the endangered Bengal tiger.

The illegal trade in endangered species is a billion dollar business.

It’s a dangerous yet necessary journey for these endangered animals.

Это очень сложный и опасный период для этих и без того уязвимых животных.

We all know how human activities have endangered the environment.

Всем известно, какую опасность хозяйственная деятельность человека представляет для окружающей среды.

Many are endangered or at risk.

Многие из них сейчас под угрозой или в опасности.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат endangered

Результатов: 9486. Точных совпадений: 9486. Затраченное время: 152 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

endangered — перевод на русский

And then I can’t endanger human lives any longer!

И поэтому я не могу больше подвергать опасности жизни людей.

We must not endanger our neighbours!

Мы не должны подвергать опасности своих ближних!

I cannot endanger my children.

Не могу подвергать опасности своих детей.

And I cannot allow a member of this crew to endanger himself or others.

А я не могу позволить членам этого экипажа подвергать опасности себя или других.

But nothing is going to be served by endangering your own life.

Но это не стоит того, чтобы подвергать опасности собственную жизнь.

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He doesn’t want to endanger the station.

Он не хочет подвергнуть опасности станцию.

I have no wish to endanger you or Stan by undertaking such a voyage.

— Я не хочу подвергнуть опасности тебя и Стэна, предприняв такое путешествие.

If it happens again, it could endanger all of you.

Если это случится снова, это может подвергнуть опасности всех вас.

Do you think that I would overlook such a thing and endanger the life of my own daughter?

Вы считаете, что я могу допустить такую оплошность и подвергнуть опасности жизнь дочери?

But this could have endangered

Но происшедшее могло бы подвергнуть опасности

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You take that man along, you endanger us all.

Возьмешь его с собой — поставишь под угрозу нас всех.

He is endangering our lives.

Он ставит под угрозу наши жизни.

Your refusal to comply with my orders has endangered the entire success of this mission!

Ваш отказ следовать моим приказам ставит под угрозу успех этой миссии!

I think violating fire codes… and endangering the lives of children would be unwise… at this juncture in your career, sir.

Я думаю, нарушение пожарных предписаний… и жизни детей, поставленные под угрозу… не самая благоразумная вещь для вашей карьеры.

Okay? You’re fighting now and it’s going to endanger your food production.

Вы ведете борьбу сейчас, и это поставит под угрозу производство продуктов.

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«Young maiden, you know quite well that what you’re accusing this woman of, endangers her life?»

«Известно ли тебе, девица, что, обвиняя,ты подвергаешь ту нищенку смертельной опасности?»

Insofar as the misdemeanours affect the son of the defendant, the court does not deny that in this case, a mother committed a wrong out of concern about the development of her endangered child.

Поскольку преступление имеет отношение к сыну обвиняемой, суд не отрицает, что мать пошла на это из-за беспокойства, по поводу развития её ребенка, и возможной опасности для его дальнейшей жизни.

‘Now, some people think that the national economy ‘is being endangered by the irresponsible…’

Так вот, некоторые думают, что национальная экономика находится в опасности из-за безответственных …

The success of all we stand for, everything aboard this spaceship is suddenly endangered by the strange fever, a fever brought by these strangers in our midst!

Успех всего, что мы поддерживаем, всего, что на борту этого космического корабля, был внезапно подвергнут опасности странной болезнью, которую нам принесли эти незнакомцы!

And we strongly recommend that you leave Organia before you yourselves are endangered.

И мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам покинуть Органию, прежде чем вы сами окажетесь в опасности.

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We’re transporting endangered animals from Corvan II.

Мы перевозим вымирающих животных с Корвана II.

May I say how brilliant it is to see so many people with an interest in the preservation of endangered species.

Мне очень приятно что ваши интересы направлены на сохранение вымирающих видов животных

The Aspen Preservation Society is the world’s foremost defender of 23 endangered species.

Общество защиты природы Аспена находится в первых рядах мирового сообщества… взяв под защиту 23 вымирающих вида.

Well, no-— now she doesn’t, but how’s she going to feel in a couple years, when she’s supporting you on a kindergarten teacher’s salary while you’re off in court defending some… endangered… South American… flying beaver.

Нет, это сейчас ей не важно, но потом она поймет, через пару лет, когда она будет обеспечивать тебя на зарплату воспитательницы детского сада, когда ты сам где-то защищаешь каких-то… вымирающих… южноамериканских… летающих бобров.

Charity is for diseases and endangered species.

Благотворительность для заболевших и вымирающих видов.

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We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.

Мы не должны позволить подобному сотрудничеству поставить под угрозу наши свободы и демократические процессы.

Endanger the lives of dozens of people?

Поставить под угрозу жизни десятков людей?

Because some people feel interoffice relationships can alienate other members of staff, not to mention the increased risk of blackmail, which could potentially endanger the safety of the government, the monarchy and the entire British population?

Потому что некоторые люди думают, что служебные романы могут отвлекать других участников от дела, они могут не заметить возросшего риска шантажа, который может потенциально поставить под угрозу безопасность правительства, монархии и всего британского населения?

— If they lose their homes, It could endanger their whole species.

Если они потеряют свои дома, то это может поставить под угрозу весь вид.

I promise that I won’t let him near anything that could endanger the ship.

Обещаю, я его близко не подпущу к чему-то, что может поставить под угрозу корабль.

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Worried about saving endangered species.

Беспокоятся об исчезающих видах. Позвольте рассказать вам об исчезающих видах, ладно?

Endangered Species Act.

Закон об исчезающих животных.

Zoos have many breeding programs to preserve endangered species.

У зоопарков есть много програм по разведению и сохранению исчезающих видов.

This is my endangered species furniture room.

Это моя комната в которой мебель из исчезающих видов.

What -— see, in my book, uh, good people don’t kill endangered animals.

Как я это понимаю, хорошие люди не убивают исчезающих животных.

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It endangers our investigation.

Оно ставит под угрозу наше расследование.

But the tricky part is staying on top when you have a president with daddy issues, whose sophomoric behavior endangers the entire house.

Хотя самая коварная часть все еще в силе, особенно когда у вашего президента папочка, чье незрелое поведение ставит под угрозу весь дом.

you rushed ahead of your comrades and charged into the enemy ranks by yourself. That might work sometimes but your ego could end up endangering the entire Band!

ты бросил товарищей и атаковал строй врага в одиночку. но твоя самоуверенность ставит под угрозу всю банду.

It endangers my family, my children.

Это ставит под угрозу мою семью, моих детей.

A loss on this bill endangers his chance of winning, and we are fighting to keep our majority here.

Проигрыш законопроекта ставит под угрозу его шансы на победу и мы сражаемся, чтобы сохранить большинство

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«Those who endanger common welfare cannot expect consideration from the community.»

«Те, кто угрожает здоровью общества, не могут рассчитывать на снисхождение с его стороны.»

that it endangers our future.

И что это угрожает нашему будущему.

It enables the Government to intern anyone whose conduct endangers national safety.

Оно позволяет взять под стражу любого человека, чье поведение угрожает национальной безопасности.

I’m asking you to leave because your presence in the capital endangers him.

Я прошу вас уйти потому что ваше присутствие в столице угрожает ему.

She endangered national security.

Она угрожает национальной безопасности.

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I never wanted to endanger, not even minimally, the theory, which is why I was never, never interested in any kind of political career, because it simply takes time.

я никогда не хотел подвергать даже минимальной опасности теорию. я никогда не интересовалс€ какого-либо рода политической карьерой, просто потому, что она отнимает врем€.

You know, Peter, I did expect this kind of behavior from you but you have no business endangering Brian like that. — Thank you.

Знаешь, Питер, я ожидала чего-то подобного от тебя, но у тебя не было права подвергать Брайана такой опасности.

We can’t let some stupid hippie endanger her baby just ’cause she doesn’t want to leave the house.

Мы не можем позволить какой-то тупой хиппи подвергать ребенка опасности лишь потому, что она не хочет выходить из дома.

And I don’t want to endanger your life, so you drive, buddy.

И я не желаю подвергать твою жизнь опасности, поэтому поведешь ты, приятель.

I don’t want to endanger your life.

Не желаю подвергать твою жизнь опасности.

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  • подвергать опасности
  • подвергнуть опасности
  • под угрозу
  • опасности
  • вымирающих
  • поставить под угрозу
  • исчезающих
  • ставит под угрозу
  • угрожает
  • подвергать

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word endangered, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use endangered in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «endangered». In addition, we also show how different variations of endangered can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are endangered’. If you click on the variation of endangered that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Endangered in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word endangered in a sentence.

  1. All four species are endangered.

  2. Some new species are highly endangered.

  3. As a result, it is an endangered species.

  4. The species is listed as endangered by the U.S.

  5. The Nubian subspecies is critically endangered.

  6. In Turkey, it is considered critically endangered.

  7. Several of the surviving species are seriously endangered.

  8. The blue iguana is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.

  9. The bald eagle was declared an endangered species in the U.S.

  10. Of these, 23 species were classified as critically endangered.

  11. It is one of the rarest and most critically endangered lemurs.

  12. The woodland habitat they prefer is considered an endangered ecological community.

  13. It has been classified as critically endangered there pending further information.

  14. Hay’s stance endangered his hitherto sterling credentials in the Republican Party.

  15. Fiji has another Erythrura species, the rare and endangered pink-billed parrotfinch.

  16. Despite their obtaining funding and grants, the structure was critically endangered.

  17. The species was listed as endangered in 1999 and wild population estimates are typically below 5,000.

  18. It was also the first time that school students had been involved with endangered species monitoring.

  19. The Masai and reticulated subspecies are endangered, and the Rothschild subspecies is near threatened.

  20. Given the fragility of succession, it furthermore endangered the very survival of the Fatimid dynasty.

  21. The Chinese crested tern is in a critical situation and three other species are classed as endangered.

  22. The lemurs in the photographs included the endangered golden-crowned sifaka, as well as crowned lemurs.

  23. The station may lie within the range of the critically endangered night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis).

  24. This number still keeps them on track for removal from the endangered species list, although just barely.

  25. In 2020, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed all four species as endangered.

  26. The species is listed as endangered overall in Canada, due to loss of habitat and a lack of nesting sites.

  27. Protection allowed the species to recuperate, and in 1987 it was removed from the endangered species list.

  28. The monument is endangered by the climate (which has caused damage by frost and rain) and by air pollution.

  29. Cave gates are sometimes installed to limit human entry into caves with sensitive or endangered bat species.

  30. As of 2013, the breed was listed as critically endangered in the United States by The Livestock Conservancy.

  31. The historical presence of endangered steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Aliso Creek has been debated.

  32. Ducks and geese winter at Titchwell in considerable numbers, and the reserve shelters the endangered European water vole.

  33. The Poitevin is an endangered breed; in 2011 there were just over 300 breeding animals, of which about 40 were stallions.

  34. The baby was in fact aborted, because the pregnancy would have endangered McCracken’s health as a result of her diabetes.

  35. The ponies are classified as endangered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, with only 390 breeding females left in the UK.

  36. In Tokyo, Japan, a young girl named Ichigo Momomiya attends an endangered species exhibit with her «crush» Masaya Aoyama.

  37. Of these, two species—the red-vented cockatoo and the yellow-crested cockatoo—are considered to be critically endangered.

  38. Among the birds killed were 262 threatened marbled murrelets and between four and eight endangered western snowy plovers.

  39. The American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is also native to the region and has been designated as endangered since 1975.

  40. The pervasive and ecologically devastating human encroachment of recent decades has critically endangered Indian wildlife.

  41. On March 11, 1967, the Puerto Rican amazon entered the United States Fish and Wildlife Service list of endangered species.

  42. The peregrine falcon became an endangered species over much of its range because of the use of organochlorine pesticides, especially DDT, during the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s.

  43. Though never believed to be common, pallid sturgeon populations rapidly declined during the late 20th century and the species was listed as endangered on September 6, 1990.

  44. Due to a lack of plans for its preservation and use, the Providence Preservation Society put the Bannister House on its 2001 list of most endangered buildings in Providence.

  45. In Ecuador, hunting jaguars is prohibited, and it is classified as threatened with extinction.In Guyana, it is protected as an endangered species, and hunting it is illegal.

  46. The resulting furore endangered his position, causing him to be excluded from further work on the coinage, and Pistrucci was instructed to concentrate on the Waterloo Medal.

Endangered’ in a sentence

Endangered’ is a variation of endangered, below you can find example sentences for endangered’.

  1. As of 2020 the Croatian population has been assessed as ‘critically endangered’ in Croatia.

Synonyms for endangered

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word endangered has the following synonyms: vulnerable.

General information about «endangered» example sentences

The example sentences for the word endangered that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «endangered» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «endangered».

«Endangered» is the 19th episode of season 2 of the supernatural drama television series Grimm and the 41st episode overall, which premiered on April 30, 2013, on NBC. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The zoo gets almost as many visitors as Edinburgh Castle, which is no surprise as it’s packed with rare and endangered species.


Many residents of Belize are proud of the nationÂ’s continued work to protect native and endangered creatures.


WWF blames the endangered state of these fish on ICCAT mismanagement.


Ranthambore National Park is a wildlife sanctuary in Rajasthan, widely known for housing the elusive and endangered Royal Bengal Tigers.


What they found was an especial proclivity for venomous and endangered species, as well as those with higher body mass or posing a threat to humans — big, rare, and scary for the win!


Kratie is a pleasant enough town and not overly touristy, but the thing we were looking forward to the most was kayaking with Sorya Kayaking as well as a chance to see the famous and endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins in their natural habitat.


A nursery manager has an important role in conserving the nature and as a nursery manager I aim to do my bit my growing and nurturing more plants of rare, endangered species of plants.


Enjoy the way nature comes to life in beautiful New Zealand in one of the most oldest and pristine forests filled with many of species of plant and wildlife including the rare and endangered kiwi bird.


they do not «go in for the kill,» which allows the use of the dogs to keep endangered species off patrolled properties;


This study provides a new approach to integrating archaeological, paleontological, and biological datasets to examine biogeographic patterns of wild animals and plants and the evolution of endemic and endangered species.


The Mason Elephant Park Lodge offers a world exclusive experience to interact, feed, ride, observe, learn, play and stay with 31 beautiful Sumatran elephants, one of the most rare and endangered species of elephants left in the world today.


All countries prohibit the export (just as home countries prohibit the import) of archaeological items and goods made from rare or endangered animals.


Cooloola’s 56,600 hectare park is a refuge for plants, animals and birds including many endemic and endangered species and offers a diversity of natural landscapes.


On March 28, 2008, the northern Rocky Mountain gray wolf was taken off the federal endangered species list.


The eDNA technique could allow researchers to identify endangered species sold in markets and restaurants, said Jesse Ausubel, another Rockefeller University researcher and study co-author.


In the run-up to last week’s election, activists in Orthodox communities that rely heavily on an endangered city subsidy program for child care seem to have been concerned that Mayor Michael Bloomberg might not renew the program if Orthodox voters didn’t back his pick for attorney general.


As elephant populations throughout Asia continue to decline, Tuy’s program has brought hope to local communities and bettered the prospects of endangered Asian elephants in Cambodia.


It was not the first time Robert L. Brownell Jr. had seen a dead vaquita, the rare and endangered porpoise that was lying on the stainless-steel necropsy table inside the Tijuana Zoo on Monday.


The monkey is an endangered species found in Belize, southern Mexico, and isolated areas of Guatemala.


At the risk of pointing out the obvious, endangered species are — by definition — at risk due to the proliferation of all sorts of threats.


Selective breeding programs, particularly those aimed at conserving rare and endangered species, may need to include and maintain large populations to minimize the inadvertent enrichment of harmful genetic changes, he said.


The one which is among the endangered few who still have a headphone jack!


Otterhounds are currently the most endangered British dog breed.


Thus, we interpret an «endangered species» to be one that is presently in danger of extinction.


It sprawls over 100-acres (40-hectares) and looks after 3,500 rare and endangered animals representing more than 650 species and subspecies.


Now, through their Great Plains Conservation and Great Plains Foundation arms, the Jouberts have launched Rhinos Without Borders, an attempt to save endangered Rhinos by translocating 100 of them from South Africa to Botswana in order to protect them from the tragic rise in poaching.


The Baltimore Checkerspot, Regal Fritillary, Silver-bordered Fritillary, and Swamp Metalmark are just a few of the species that have benefited from the Nature Museum’s pioneering work to bolster populations of rare and endangered butterflies native to the region.


This 900-acre, free-roaming conservation center is home to more than 4,000 exotic and endangered animals.


Four species of penguin are on the international endangered species list.


Last year, the Page garden was named to the Cultural Landscape Foundation’s list of the most endangered art landscapes in the United States.


I use natural and endangered landscapes as metaphors for our fragile, yet beautiful, ever-changing existence.


Gaining a better understanding of how females pick their mates might, in turn, help zoos breed the notoriously picky and endangered animals.


Right whales are among the most endangered species in the world, and are highly vulnerable to ship collisions.


Wildlife includes elephant, kudu, sable antelope, zebra, wildebeest, gemsbok, the rare and endangered roan antelope, buffalo, giraffe, white rhino, lion, leopard and hyena amongst others.


Whenever a population of birds, insects, rodents etc… becomes endangered, city officials always choose to make the feral cats the scapegoat, in spite of the fact that it is usually human encroachment, various predatory species other than cats, hunters, climate change, disease or various other non — cat related causes that are to blame.


This is a perfect way to see the one horned rhino and the famed Royal Bengal Tiger.The park is home to some of the most endangered animals on earth.


In the short term, such gene banks allow scientists to study endangered species and learn how best to sustain them in the future.


And gray whales were recently removed from the federal endangered species list.


If you can please donate to the Snow Leopard Trust, a team of dedicated and passionate conservationists who are gamechangers for these rare and endangered cats, helping ensure they have a future.


«Her experience will serve our Southeast, Cape and Islands Region well, particularly in addressing land conservation, environmental education, and the preservation of rare and endangered species.»


I don’t really give a damn whether there are endangered species in those places or not.


[14] The islands also house many rare and endangered species of plants, including the island barberry, the island rushrose, and the Santa Cruz Island lace pod.


You can stay in beautiful seaside cities and witness rare and endangered wildlife all along the way.


The DRM is just a vain attempt of the established and archaic content companies to protect their old and endangered business models, but the good news is that, thanks to the quick evolution of digital technologies, something new is appearing on the horizon.


Chitwan National Park is home to many endangered animals such as the one-horned rhino, royal Bengal tiger, gharial crocodile and fresh water gangetic dolphin.


When I was in high school, it was fashionable for adults to refer to the boys of my generation as an «endangered species.»


Gus will remain in situ throughout the London Design Festival until the 24 September, before being gifted to leading animal conservation charity, The Aspinall Foundation, which is committed to returning rare and endangered animals back to their natural habitats.


The plight has earned Hawaii the unwanted title of «endangered species capital of the world.»


Our first stop was the Santuario Animal de Cochahuasi, a facility that’s been open since 2007 and where they rehabilitate distressed and endangered endemic species.


Religious conservatives, however much (dis) credit Posner may give them, comprise but a small and endangered minority in the legal academy.


No species of wild flora or fauna endangered by international trade.


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Международная торговля не угрожает никаким видам дикой флоры или фауны.


At the international level, it jeopardized global security and endangered relations between peoples.


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На международном уровне он создает угрозу безопасности во всем мире и угрожает отношениям между народами.


A religion could be banned only if it endangered public order.


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Религия может быть запрещена только в том случае, если она угрожает общественному порядку.


Unless we do this,

the favourable prospects we currently see may be endangered.


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Если мы этого не сделаем,


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It has been

included on a list of the World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates.

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Вид входит в список 25 наиболее угрожаемых приматов.

It was Q who endangered the boy’s life in the first place.

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I mean, the only person he endangered was himself.

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Because of another endangered species, the whale, as in Glen Kingman.

Keywords: endangered languages, North Caucasus, Minority Languages, language policy, language development.


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Ключевые слова: исчезающие языки, Северный Кавказ, языковая политика, развитие языка.


Endangered fish stocks and long-lasting challenges of fisheries management 123.


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They are under law protection as an endangered species.


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Горбатые дельфины считаются исчезающим видом и находятся под защитой закона.


Abundant wildlife including the endangered cassowary can be seen on the property.


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Обилие диких животных, включая исчезающие казуар можно увидеть на имущество.


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It endangered the democratic process and impeded the country’s efforts for economic recovery.


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Она создала угрозу для демократического процесса и затормозила усилия по оздоровлению экономики страны.


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You endangered yourself and the lives of many others.

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Tukey Chub sightings(endangered species)10 mins from the hotel.


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Тьюки Чуб наблюдения( вымирающий вид) 10 минут от отеля.


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Какую опасность представляет СВ- 113 для этих 57 человек?

The terrorist act endangered the lives of the Yugoslav diplomat and his family.


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Этот террористический акт создал угрозу для жизни югославского дипломата и членов его семьи.


Double agent… endangered a vice president and revealed state secrets to the Pakistanis.

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Двойной агент, подвергла опасности вице-президента и раскрыла государственные секреты пакистанцам.

Shaba is home to the endangered Grevy’s zebra and the rare Williams’s lark.

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Шаба является местом обитания исчезающей зебры Греви и редкого жаворонка Уильмса Williams’ s Lark.

An endangered species is usually a taxonomic species,

but may be another evolutionary significant unit.

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Вымирающий вид- обычно таксономический вид, но может

быть и другой эволюционно значимой единицей,

It is now classified as endangered and its population continues to decline.

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Air transportation in this region may be endangered,” RIA Novosti quotes.

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Now it remains 145 languages, of which 110 are considered endangered.


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Сейчас осталось 145 языков из которых 110 считаются вымирающими.


A hundred acres of pristine wildlands razed, An entire ecosystem endangered.

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Results: 1220,
Time: 0.0534





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