Sentence for word according

according — перевод на русский

And that, according to Mother.

И это, по словам Матери.

That first night, according to Charlie all she had was a toothache.

В их первую ночь, по словам Чарли, у нее была зубная боль.

According to Mrs. Quimp, young Ted Haines comes early and stays so late that…

И, по словам миссис Квимп, молодой Тед Хэйнс приходит к ней рано и остается допоздна, так что…

According to Captain John Voight of the San Francisco Homicide Squad the startling disclosure of Mrs. Lannington’s mental illness has thrown a new light in a murder which, until now, has been…

По словам капитана Джона Войта из отдела убийств полиции Сан-Франциско предоставленная информация о психических заболеваниях миссис Леннингтон пролила новый свет на убийство, которое до сих пор было…

According to those witnesses.

Да, по словам тех свидетелей.

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For these reasons I request the death sentence According to the Article 2 of the Act of March 10, 1792.

… Поэтому я требую смертной казни, в соответствии со статьей 2 Закона от 10 Марта 1792 г.

Traffic between levels is limited according to rank.

Передвижение между уровнями ограничено в соответствии с рангом.

It’s gonna be played according to house rules.

И играть мы будем в соответствии с правилами заведения.

Then, according to laws of Nevada and authority vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.

Тогда, в соответствии с законами штата Невада и властью, которой я наделен, я провозглашаю вас мужем и женой.

Nevertheless, we will proceed with our operations according to plan.

Тем не менее, мы будем продолжать нашу операцию в соответствии с планом.

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— Not according to my ferret.

Если верить хорьку, то нет.

Not according to the afternoon papers.

Нет, если верить дневным газетам.

But that you were a pretty solid type, according to Washington — with whom they’d checked.

Но ты и сам весьма корпулентный гражданин, если верить Вашингтону, которому тут же об этом сообщили.

That’s their plan according to reports. No reason to believe they’ve changed it.

Если верить слухам, то это и есть их план.

According to the papers, they print all sorts of glums on…

Да, если верить газетам. В них пишут черт знает что…

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According to his family, a high fever and excruciating pain in all his joints.

Его семья говорит, что у него жар и мучительные боли в суставах.

According to Grohmann, there isn’t.

Громэн говорит, что нет.

According to him, there’s a creature of some sort down here, a humanoid.

Он говорит, что есть существо — гуманоид.

To be like Frankenstein, according to my mother!

«тобы быть как др. ‘ранкенштейн, как говорит мо€ мама!

But according to your life line You should died a long time ago!

Но, линия жизни говорит… что ты давно уже не должен жить!

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…but you know, Harry’s clothes, the ones we found by the pool, he didn’t wear them that night according to the inspector.

Одежда Гарри, та, которую нашли у бассейна… Инспектор сказал, что он ее в тот день не одевал.

One calls Joe Rogers, according to him.

— Его зовут Джо Роджерс, так он сказал.

According to Elliot, poetry is untranslatable

Элиот сказал, что поэзия есть то, что не поддаётся переводу.

According to the doctor, it was a second personality conjured up in order to save the one that had broke-down.

Как сказал врач, его второе Я проявилось с целью спасти то, что уже было потеряно.

Claim according to you, it is a hour of that she have staied only However last night, I pat the scene of your home

Ты сказал, что она пробыла у тебя только час утром, а у меня есть съемка, где видно, что она была у тебя всю ночь, до моего звонка.

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According to the tapes, this young Lieutenant Kirk insisted upon blaming himself.

Согласно записям молодой лейтенант Керк настаивал на своей полной вине.

He did nod his head when was asked if he had ever been in this hospital before this time, he has been quiet and cooperative on the ward and was never according to the nurses’ notes returned his book and answered all the questions.

Когда его спросили, был ли он в этой больнице раньше, он кивнул. Он вел себя тихо и послушно, и, согласно записям дежурных, не отвечал на вопросы.

We know the murder weapon was a Davis .32 according to the files.

Согласно записям, убийство было совершено из «Дэвиса .32»

According to the station registry, your mother was a real doctor.

Согласно записям станции ваша мать была настоящим врачом.

According to our sensor logs, the Flaxian ship exploded the moment its warp drive was engaged.

Согласно записям наших сенсоров, флаксианский корабль взорвался в момент включения варп двигателей.

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According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being. OK!

Согласно сведениям, нашей целью является последний выживший член семьи Сливинов, криминальной группы с планеты Раксакорикофаллапаториус, маскирующейся под людей с помощью костюма из человеческой кожи.

According to Dominion lntelligence, the Jem’Hadar have established a base camp here.

Согласно сведениям разведки Доминиона, джем’хадар разбили базовый лагерь здесь.

According to the Tok’ra intelligence, the gate on that planet is heavily guarded.

Согласно сведениям ТокРа, врата той планеты хорошо охраняются.

According to Intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family. A criminal sect from the planet Rexicoricophalvitorius masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit.

Согласно сведениям, нашей целью является последний выживший член семьи Сливинов, криминальной группы с планеты Раксакорикофаллапаториус, маскирующейся под людей с помощью костюма из человеческой кожи.

According to intelligence, Bastet and Olokun are dead, Morrigan’s capitulated,

Согласно сведениям ТокРа, Бастет и Oлокан мертвы, Moрриган сдался,

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According to the housekeeper, nothing was missing.

Согласно показаниям экономки, ничего не пропало.

According to the mass spectrometer, elements in the residue have been broken down into simpler molecular structures.

Согласно показаниям масс-спектрометра, элементы состава распались на более простые молекулярные структуры.

According to Pinkus’ wife Gendason had been involved in a dispute with the cleaner over a stain on a pair of gray Sansabelt slacks.

Согласно показаниям жены Пинкуса Гендассон был вовлечен в спор с работником химчистки по поводу пятна на его серых брюках.

According to our long-range sensors the Klingon task force has withdrawn to just outside Bajoran territory.

Согласно показаниям сенсоров дальнего действия, клингонская оперативная группа проникла вглубь баджорского пространства.

— Not according to these readings.

Согласно показаниям — нет.

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Commander, according to the Federation, this area is free space.

Коммандер, Федерация считает этот район свободным.

Yes, according to Commissioner Grimaud.

Да, считает главный комиссар Гримо. Куда катится мир, дорогой Ахил?

According to a doctor… everyone is trying to get… what they thought they needed from their mothers… but they didn’t get it.

Доктор считает, что люди всю жизнь пытаются получить то что, по их мнению, они хотели получить от своих матерей, но так и не получили.

Not according to Dr. Bashir.

Доктор Башир так не считает.

According to some people, I look fat in ski clothes.

А кто-то считает меня жирной в этом костюме.

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Yes, but according to my observations, I didn’t think you capable of such voyages.

Да, но, исходя из моих наблюдений, я не думал, что вы способны на подобные путешествия.

Well, according to my calculations… based on time spent getting to and from the planet…

Значит, так: исходя из моих расчётов… учитывающих время, которое мы потеряли на этой планете…

In the time between the scans, you should have aged 23 minutes but according to decay levels, you aged 20.

За время, прошедшее между двумя сканированиями Вы должны были состарится на 23 минуты, но исходя их степени клеточного распада, Вы постарели только на 20 минут.

According to this, the Romulans were trying to shut down the transfer.

Исходя из этого, ромуланцы на самом деле пытались отключить энергопередачу.

According to this… there are four places where he could harbor the boat.

Исходя из этого… есть всего 4 места, где он может прятать лодку.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word according, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use according in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «according». In addition, we also show how different variations of according can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are accordingly and accordingly—for. If you click on the variation of according that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

According in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word according in a sentence.

  1. But of these, according to G.A.

  2. The idea, according to Henry B.

  3. It was enough, according to Mrs.

  4. Cast according to the song book.

  5. Norman’s therapy, according to R.

  6. This disturbance, according to J.

  7. In addition, according to David O.

  8. He is to come according to Luke 17:30.

  9. However, according to the historians K.

  10. The decision, according to McGrory was.

  11. Succession was also guaranteed according to custom.

  12. However, according to the Copland scholar Quincy C.

  13. The overall plumage varies according to subspecies.

  14. Bush because, according to Groening, «in two years ..

  15. By 1968, according to music critic Greil Marcus, Sgt.

  16. Such statements, according to Wilkinson, made members «distinctly uncomfortable».

  17. Red Grant was Fleming’s first «psychotic opponent» for Bond, according to Benson.

  18. While the film contains elements of horror, according to film historian Dennis L.

  19. The Microsoft Windows version has sold over 746,000 copies according to SteamSpy.

  20. Ashburn’s, a China Shop, the corner of Fleet-Ditch», according to the title page.

  21. Finally, according to Egyptian afterlife beliefs, human souls pass into the divine realm after death.

  22. Nick Levine of Digital Spy particularly praised its beats, which according to him, «just don’t quit».

  23. Cooper delivered a performance of surprising range and depth, according to biographer Larry Swindell.

  24. Within the novel Fleming uses elements that are «pure Gothic», according to the essayist Umberto Eco.

  25. The arrows fell on the Scots «as thick as motes in a sun beam», according to an unnamed contemporary.

  26. The cladograms below shows the placement of the bluebuck according to the 1996 and 2017 DNA studies:.

  27. The Edinburgh, according to Butler, «plainly set out to break the mould of existing journal culture».

  28. Whatever his incapacity, he led a counterattack on horseback, «in his nightshirt» according to Brooks.

  29. It was the ninth best-selling album of 2015 worldwide, with 1.8 million copies sold according to IFPI.

  30. Kan Ekʼ informed them that according to ancient Itza prophecy it was not yet time for them to convert.

  31. In this process, methanol and carbon monoxide react to produce acetic acid according to the equation:.

  32. When the ground was finally cleared Gregory insisted, according to Harris, that Coulthard be replaced.

  33. The people, according to the account, had clearly spoken, and with these cries, the election was over.

  34. Nevertheless, Chad’s people may be classified according to the geographical region in which they live.

  35. The theme of «Bam Thwok» is, according to Deal, «about loving everyone, showing goodwill to everyone».

  36. The show is listener-supported and, according to Edwards, receives more donations from Florida than from any other state.

  37. Antiochus IX had a son, Antiochus X; according to Josephus, he fled to the city of Aradus where he declared himself king.

  38. Birmingham, Alabama was, in 1963, «probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States», according to King.

  39. In the second act of Tosca, according to Newman, Puccini rises to his greatest height as a master of the musical macabre.

  40. Arsenal’s lead was now seven and it represented «a stronger position than any they held last season» according to Wenger.

  41. Matcham’s last design for the family, according to the historian Michael Sell, was the King’s Theatre, Southsea, in 1907.

  42. Altogether, Aaliyah’s music can be described as alternative R&B, progressive soul, and neo soul, according to Farley.

  43. A ritual burning on the wedding night of a woman who was remarrying had Christian origins as well, according to Veenstra.

  44. Cosima had considerable empathy with his theories; according to Carr «she came to love him as her son—perhaps even more».

  45. The King responded, according to his own account later: «I intend to marry Mrs Simpson as soon as she is free to marry ..

  46. For instance, none of his charters were dated according to the years of the reign of the contemporary emperors, which would have been the case if he had been their vassal.

  47. On September 3, 2002, an American bankruptcy judge blocked the sale of Napster to Bertelsmann and forced Napster to liquidate its assets according to Chapter 7 of the U.S.

  48. After the series, according to Gene Carney, who wrote a book about the scandal, «there was more than the usual complaining from those who had bet big on the Sox and lost».

  49. Officials were classified in nine hierarchic grades, each grade divided into two degrees, with ranging salaries (nominally paid in piculs of rice) according to their rank.

  50. Hemingway accompanied the troops to the Normandy Landings wearing a large head bandage, according to Meyers, but he was considered «precious cargo» and not allowed ashore.

Accordingly in a sentence

Accordingly is a variation of according, below you can find example sentences for accordingly.

  1. This it has done accordingly.

  2. Lisbon’s stance on Rhodesia altered accordingly.

  3. She absorbs the situation and performs accordingly.

  4. D’Onofrio agreed and modified his performance accordingly.

  5. She was accordingly stricken from the naval register on 31 March.

  6. Photographs were expensive to make and accordingly expensive to buy.

  7. Linnaeus distinguished them by their leaf shapes, and named them accordingly.

  8. Her crew was accordingly reduced to less than 1,000 officers and enlisted men.

  9. Likewise those who resume smoking may need their dosages adjusted accordingly.

  10. She favored the color red, calling it «a picker-upper», and wore it accordingly.

  11. Linnaeus distinguished the species by their leaf shapes and named them accordingly.

  12. As such, the episode and season number sequence is accordingly changed, as follows:.

  13. Linnaeus distinguished the species by their leaf shapes, and named them accordingly.

  14. The firm made over-optimistic assessments of future demand, and invested accordingly.

  15. However, Thi and Kỳ were aware of the motives for these moves and adjusted accordingly.

  16. Officials of the British Indian Department in Detroit had accordingly prepared for action.

  17. Barber modified his design accordingly, and the coin was ready for striking in early 1883.

  18. The difference in density between the two samples would cause the scale to tip accordingly.

  19. As Misson points out, the seating was divided by class, and tickets were priced accordingly.

  20. The bobcat hunts animals of different sizes, and adjusts its hunting techniques accordingly.

Accordingly—for in a sentence

Accordingly—for is a variation of according, below you can find example sentences for accordingly—for.

  1. Fan purposely gave all the plants and zombies names that matched their individual functions, designing them accordingly—for example, Peashooter shoots projectiles.

Synonyms for according

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word according has the following synonyms: accordant and reported.

General information about «according» example sentences

The example sentences for the word according that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «according» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «according».


noun существительное

















  1. соответствие

adverb наречие

















  1. в соответствии

  2. по словам

  3. соответственно

  4. как

  5. по утверждению

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений according на 1 миллион слов: 538.

Примеры предложений

It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.
Существует распространенное мнение, согласно общенациональным опросам в США, что мусульмане связаны с терроризмом.

Animals act according to their instincts.
Животные действуют согласно инстинктам.

The definition according to the dictionary is different.
Определение из словаря другое.

All answers must be written according to the instructions.
Все ответы должны быть написаны в соответствии с инструкциями.

We see things differently, according to whether we are rich or poor.
Мы смотрим на вещи по-разному, в зависимости от того, богаты мы или бедны.

We arranged the books according to size.
Мы расставили книжки по размеру.

He lives according to God’s laws.
Он живёт по Закону Божьему.

Bus fares vary according to the length of the trip.
Стоимость проезда в автобусе меняется в зависимости от длительности поездки.

You must act according to your principles.
Ты должен поступать в соответствии со своими принципами.

I’ll do it according to your instructions.
Я это сделаю согласно вашим инструкциям.

2016 is the year of the Red Monkey according to Chinese astrology.
По китайскому гороскопу 2016 – год Красной обезьяны.

She isn’t coming, according to him.
По его словам, она не придёт.

He isn’t coming, according to her.
По её словам, он не придёт.

Everything is going according to plan.
Всё идёт согласно плану.

I did it according to your instructions.
Я действовал в соответствии с вашими предписаниями.

If all goes according to plan, I should be back home again tomorrow night.
Если всё пойдёт по плану, завтра вечером я уже снова должен быть дома.

If everything goes according to plan, I should be back home again tomorrow night.
Если всё пойдёт по плану, завтра вечером я уже снова должен быть дома.

This road should have already been completed according to the original plan.
Согласно первоначальному плану эта дорога должна быть уже завершена.

Things didn’t go according to plan.
Всё пошло не по плану.

I will do it according to your instructions.
Я сделаю согласно твоим указаниям.

Sentence changed according to the suggestion.
Предложение изменено согласно рекомендации.

It will snow tomorrow according to the weather forecast.
Если верить прогнозу погоды, завтра будет снег.

Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth.
По одёжке протягивай ножки.

Rank boys according to their height.
Расставьте мальчиков по росту.

I checked every part according to the instruction book, but it did not run.
Я проверил все части по инструкции, но он всё равно не заработал.

Your second child is a boy? Lucky you! Things are going according to the saying — Have a girl first and a boy next.
Ваш второй ребёнок — мальчик? Вам повезло! Всё как в изречении: сначала мальчик, потом девочка.

The Italian language is often praised for its phonetic orthography. Words are written according to their pronunciation, regardless of their etymology.
Итальянский язык часто хвалят за фонетическую орфографию. Слова пишутся в соответствии с произношением, вне зависимости от этимологии.

The product should be used according to the instructions for use.
Изделие должно использоваться согласно указаниям по применению.

Matter changes its form according to temperature.
Вещество меняет форму в зависимости от температуры.

The representatives of the elite continue to think according to the categories of the past.
Представители элиты продолжают думать устаревшими категориями.

1. Answer a fool according to his folly. 

2. Cut the coat according to the cloth. 

3. Judge not according to the appearance. 

4. Cut your coat according to your cloth. 

5. The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the man who borrows, and the man who lends. 

5. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

6. Everything is going according to schedule.

7. The students were regrouped according to height and weight.

8. According to John you were in Edinburgh last week.

9. He grouped students according to ability.

10. According to ancient legend, the river is a goddess.

11. According to Mick, it’s a great movie.

12. Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming.

13. You’ve been absent six times according to our records.

14. according to my watch, it is already 2 o’clock.

15. Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.

16. According to the forecast it will be sunny tomorrow.

17. According to the map we should turn left.

18. All rural settlements were classified according to their size.

19. According to my watch, it is already 2 o’clock.

20. Well — dressed women accessorize according to the occasion.

21. Potatoes are graded according to size and quality.

22. Books must be kept according to a prescribed form.

23. The funeral will be held according to church.

24. According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.

25. Install the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions .

26. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.

27. According to the rules, no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.

28. Students are all put in different groups according to their ability.

29. Quantities will vary according to how many servings of soup you want to prepare.

30. According to legend, he escaped by leaping from the cliffs into the sea.

Предложения со словом «according»

According to the UN, billions of people still live without an address.

Согласно данным ООН, в настоящее время миллиарды людей живут, не имея адреса.

This is according to a UK-based group called CMI.

Это данные британской группы CMI.

According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics, more than 80 percent of the US workforce would like to work from home.

Согласно исследованию агентства Global Workplace Analytics, более 80% трудоспособного населения США предпочло бы работать из дома.

According to a study made by comScore, online shoppers in the US last year did more than half of their retail purchases online, and the global market for e-commerce is estimated to be at two trillion dollars.

Согласно исследованию компании comScore, за прошлый год в США через интернет было куплено более половины товаров, проданных в розницу, а мировой рынок электронной торговли оценивается в два триллиона долларов.

And according to the research, what predicts this despair is not a lack of happiness.

Рано или поздно, я думаю, мы все задаёмся вопросом: и это всё?

According to Alexander Kluge: Human beings are not interested in reality.

Как говорит Александр Клуге: «Людей не интересует реальность, они её не выносят.

They were a little skeptical about letting me join it, because according to them, girls don’t know how to play.

Они с недоверием разрешили мне присоединиться, думая, что девчонки не умеют играть.

That was 130 things that we had to have go according to our plan.

По нашей задумке нам нужно было 130 предметов.

According to the US Treasury Department, the bottom 70 percent of Americans would receive more in dividends than they would pay in increased energy prices.

По данным Министерства финансов США, беднейшие 70% американцев получат больше дивидендов, чем они заплатят из — за роста цен на энергию.

According to the World Health Organization, mental health is about being able to cope with the normal stressors of life; to work productively and fruitfully; and to be able to make a contribution to your community.

Согласно Всемирной организации здравоохранения, психическое здоровье — это способность справляться со стрессовыми ситуациями в жизни; плодотворно и успешно работать и вносить свой вклад в жизнь общества.

Then I discovered that according to MarketWatch, over 60 percent of the American population has under 1,000 dollars in savings.

Вскоре я узнал, что по оценкам MarketWatch, более чем у 60% американцев накопления не превышают $1 000.

According to the California Department of Corrections, over 70 percent of those incarcerated have committed or have been charged with money-related crimes: robberies, burglaries, fraud, larceny, extortion — and the list goes on.

Согласно Исправительному департаменту Калифорнии, более 70% заключённых совершали или были осуждены за преступления, связанные с деньгами: кражи, взломы, мошенничество, присвоение имущества, погромы — и так до бесконечности.

I know an unmarried woman in Nigeria who, when she goes to conferences, wears a wedding ring because according to her, she wants the other participants in the conference to give her respect.

Я знаю одну незамужнюю женщину из Нигерии, которая перед посещением конференций надевает обручальное кольцо, потому что, по её словам, она хочет, чтобы остальные участники конференции проявляли к ней уважение.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a woman employee earns just 83 cents for every dollar a man earns.

Согласно данным Бюро трудовой статистики, за одну и ту же работу женщина получает 83 цента, а мужчина — 1 доллар.

There are roughly three million Muslims in this country, according to Pew Research Center.

По данным исследовательского центра Пью Ресёрч, в этой стране около трёх миллионов мусульман.

It was the etymological approach, the one that says we have to write words according to how they were written in their original language, in Latin, in Greek.

Это этимологический подход, согласно которому мы должны писать слова так, как они пишутся на языке, из которого они были заимствованы, из латыни или греческого.

When it comes to spelling, it’s either wrong or right, according to whether it conforms or not to the current rules.

В случае с правописанием может быть правильно или неправильно, соответствует написанное правилам или нет.

According to research, about three-quarters of college women remove their pubic hair — all of it — at least on occasion, and more than half do so regularly.

Согласно исследованию, примерно три четверти студенток удаляют лобковые волосы — полностью — по меньшей мере время от времени, а более половины делают это регулярно.

Shortened life span according to zip code is just one example of the ways that time and space cohere in an unjust manner in the lives of black people.

Меньшая продолжительность жизни в определённых районах — один из примеров того, что время и пространство несправедливо объединяются в жизни чёрных людей.

According to researchers at the University of New Hampshire seven percent of all child pornography possession arrests are teens, sexting consensually with other teens.

По данным исследователей из Университета Нью — Гэмпшира, 7% арестованных за детскую порнографию — подростки, практиковавшие секстинг с другими подростками.

According to the World Health Organization, 660 million people in our world lack access to a clean water source.

По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения, источники чистой воды недосягаемы для 660 миллионов человек.

I would still face discrimination, according to him.

И рано или поздно я столкнусь с дискриминацией.

One of the common characteristics of all of these animals I’ve been talking to you about is that they did not appear to have received the memo that they need to behave according to the rules that we have derived from a handful of randomly selected animals that currently populate the vast majority of biomedical laboratories across the world.

Одна из общих черт для всех этих существ, о которых я рассказываю, — это то, что они, по — видимому, не получили извещения о том, что должны вести себя соответственно правилам, которые мы вывели на примере горстки случайно выбранных животных, изучаемых в подавляющем большинстве биомедицинских лабораторий по всему миру.

This really should not be surprising, considering that according to Wikipedia, there are eight films, 14 songs, two albums and one novel with the title Crazy Love.

И в этом нет ничего удивительного, если заглянете в Википедию, то найдёте там 8 фильмов, 14 песен, два альбома и один роман, которые называются Безумная любовь.

We do train them, however, to adjust caution according to where they are.

Но мы их тренируем, чтобы осторожность соответствовала той ситуации, в которой они находятся.

According to 911 calls, the girls were heard screaming.

Согласно звонкам в 911 люди слышали крики девушек.

All procedures and tests according to the strictest guidelines.

Все процедуры и тесты в соответствии с самыми строгими рекомендациями.

Ground crews were shifted according to the flows of activity.

И наземные экипажи перебрасывались в соответствии с колебаниями активности.

Train services have now stopped according to curfew timetables.

Движение поездов останавливается в соответствии с расписанием комендантского часа.

According to these tests, your creatine levels are increasing.

По результатам теста уровень креатина у Вас в крови увеличивается.

I want to correct my actions according to their expectations.

Я хочу корректировать свои действия в соответствии с их ожиданиями.

The threads of existence tangle according to many unknown laws.

Нити существования переплетаются в соответствии со многими неизвестными законами.

The main facade of the building was erected in 1902 according to plans by the artist Victor Vasnetsov.

Главный фасад здания был воздвигнут в 1902 г. согласно планам художника Виктора Васнецова.

According to some legally binding documents, 3 months.

По некоторым юридически заверенным документам, на три месяца.

According to different declarations that we have heard

И информация соответствует другим заявлениям, которые мы выслушали.

According to a formula known only to its denizens.

В соответствии с формулой, известной только жителям равнины.

If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

Если вы выбрали хобби согласно вашему характеру и вкусу, вы удачливы, потому что ваша жизнь становится более интересной.

If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste — you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

Если вы выбрали хобби согласно вашему характеру, и вкус — вам повезло, потому ваша жизнь становится более интересной.

Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste.

Каждый выбирает хобби согласно его характеру и вкусу.

According to the popular legend the city is named after Cossack Kharko.

Согласно популярной легенде город назван в честь казака Харько.

I also want to say that the profession should be chosen according to the character and hobbies of the person.

Я также хочу сказать, что профессия должна быть выбрана в зависимости от характера и увлечений человека.

It goes without saying that every person must choose his profession according his natural abilities and inclinations to it.

Само собой разумеется, что каждый человек должен выбирать свою профессию согласно своим природным способностям и склонностям к ней.

According to the tradition one should bathe before sunrise on this day.

По традиции следует купаться до восхода солнца в этот день.

Many people go to parties and masquerade balls, where, according to an old tradition, guests unmask at midnight.

Много людей идут на вечеринки и балы — маскарады, где, согласно старой традиции, гости в полночь снимают маски.

Many others, however, do celebrate it in one way or another, the type of celebration varying very much according to the local custom, family tradition and personal taste.

Многие другие, тем не менее, празднуют его в так или иначе, тип праздника варьируется и зависит от местных обычаев, семейных традиций и личного вкуса.

In the mid-4th century it was established by the Roman Catholic church as a separate feast and was celebrated on 25 December according to the Julian calendar.

В середине IV века оно было установлено римско — католической церковью как отдельный праздник, а по юлианскому календарю его отмечали 25 декабря.

Christian holidays and saints’ days are grouped in four cycles according to the seasons: in the spring cycle there are the celebrations of the Annunciation, Easter, and St. George, in the summer cycle, Pentecost, and St. Elijah, in the fall cycle, the first and second Blessed Virgin, the Holy Protectress, and in the winter cycle, Christmas, New Year, and Epiphany.

Христианские праздники объединены в четыре цикла, в соответствии с временами года: в весеннем цикле празднуют Благовещение, Пасху и Георгия Победоносца, в летнем — Троицу, Ивана Купала и Илью, в осеннем — первое и второе Благовещение Богородицы, Покрова, в зимнем цикле — Рождество, Новый год и Богоявление.

In Russia we have special attributes of Easter: Easter eggs, and Easter paska that are baked according to the special recipe.

В России есть специальные атрибуты Пасхи: пасхальные яйца и пасхальные куличи (пасхи).

The tradition of Halloween began in the fifth century B.C. by the Irish Celts, who organized their year according to the agricultural calendar and marked the transition from one year to the next on October 31.

Традиция празднования Хэллоуина появилась в пятом столетии до н.э. у ирландских кельтов, которые вели свое летосчисление по сельскохозяйственному календарю и отмечали конец одного года и начало другого 31 октября.

According to recent researches the number of small enterprises has exceeded 30 thousand.

Согласно недавним исследованиям число малых предприятий превысило 30 тысяч.

The celebration of New Year’s day varies according to the district.

Празднование Нового Года варьируется в зависимости от региона.

According to experts, body language accounts for 55% of the effect we have when communicating.

По мнению экспертов, язык тела составляет 55% от нашей эффективности при общении.

Organization of leisure activities for children is important too : сreating hobby groups, according to the interests of young people , groups of modern music fans , where teens can discuss new trends in music, video clips, share their impressions about some events andpossibly compose music themselves.

Организация досуга детей также важна: создание кружков, в соответствии с интересами молодых людей: кружки любителей современной музыки, где подростки могут обсуждать новые тенденции в музыке, видео клипы, поделиться своими впечатлениями о некоторых событиях и, возможно, сами сочинять музыку и другие формы развлечения.

Men are lazy in the home, according to an official survey published today.

Мужья ленивы дома, в соответствии с официальным обзором, опубликованном сегодня.

They have about six hours a week more free time than wives, but play very little part in cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing, according to the social trends survey by the central statistical office.

Они имеют примерно шесть часов в неделю больше свободного времени, чем их жены, но играют очень незначительную роль в приготовлении пищи, уборке, стирке и глажке белья, согласно социологическому опросу, проведенному Центральным статистическим управлением.

According to Paul G. Gressey`s investigations (Paul G. Gressey, Associate Director, Motion Picture Study, New York University) Though organized commercially to sell entertainment, the motion picture industry dispences a great deal of informal education, The fact remains that the youngest person, because of hi immaturity, is very often more receptive to screen stimuli than the adults are.

В соответствии с исследованиями Пола Гресси (Пол Гресси, помощник руководителя изучения кинокартин в университете Нью — Йорка) Несмотря на то, что кино организованно коммерчески чтобы продавать развлечение, оно даёт много неофициального образования, Бытует тот факт, что молодой человек по причине его незрелости зачастую более восприимчив к экранному раздражителю, чем взрослые.

Language also varies according to negotiating style adopted.

Язык переговоров изменяется в зависимости от их стиля.

After the first two years every student can select subjects according to his professional interest.

После первых двух лет каждый студент может выбрать предметы в соответствии с его профессиональными интересами.

According to space experts in the US and Europe Russian takes the lead in almost all space exploration.

Согласно космическим экспертам в США и Европе, россияне лидируют практически во всех космических исследованиях.

Companies choose an employee from hundreds of candidates according to special rules, that is why there are special typical factors, influencing on employers choice.

Компании выбирают сотрудника из сотен кандидатов в соответствии со специальными правилами, поэтому есть специальные типичные факторы, влияющие на выбор работодателя.



  1. в зависимости от
  2. в зависимости


  1. согласно

Синонимы: under, per, after.


According to Belarusian laws, not having a portrait of President Lukashenko in one’s apartment or house is punishable by the death penalty.
Согласно белорусскому законодательству, за отсутствие в квартире или доме портрета Президента Лукашенко полагается смертная казнь.

The mass of the planets is calculated according to the law of universal attraction.
Масса планет была рассчитана благодаря закону всемирного тяготения.

According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year.
Согласно ученым, температура атмосферы увеличивается от года к году.

According to her, he isn’t coming.
По её словам, он не идёт.

According to Vladimir Chizhov, the word «pussy» is indecent.
Если верить Владимиру Чижову, «киска» — неприличное слово.

According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is approaching Okinawa.
Согласно прогнозу погоды, к Окинаве приближается тайфун.

According to her, he will not go.
По её словам, он не пойдет.

According to today’s paper, there was a fire in the city.
В сегодняшней газете написано, что в городе был пожар.

According to the «Levada Center» organization, approximately 70% of Russians have never been outside of the former USSR.
Согласно данным организации «Левада-центр», около 70% россиян никогда не бывали за пределами бывшего СССР.

According to the police, no one was injured.
По сообщению полиции никто не пострадал.

Matter changes its form according to temperature.
Вещество меняет форму в зависимости от температуры.

Everything is going according to plan.
Всё идёт согласно плану.

The product should be used according to the instructions for use.
Изделие должно использоваться согласно указаниям по применению.

I did it according to your instructions.
Я действовал в соответствии с вашими предписаниями.

He lives according to God’s laws.
Он живёт по Закону Божьему.

Animals act according to their instincts.
Животные действуют согласно инстинктам.

According to the terms of the contract, your payment was due on May 31st.
Согласно условиям контракта, вы должны были внести оплату до 31 мая.

According to a survey, three in five people today are indifferent to foreign affairs.
В соответствии с проведенным исследованием, трое из пяти людей безразличны к международным делам.

It will snow tomorrow according to the weather forecast.
Если верить прогнозу погоды, завтра будет снег.

According to the paper, there was a big fire in Boston.
Согласно газете, в Бостоне случился большой пожар.

It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.
Существует распространенное мнение, согласно общенациональным опросам в США, что мусульмане связаны с терроризмом.

We see things differently, according to whether we are rich or poor.
Мы смотрим на вещи по-разному, в зависимости от того, богаты мы или бедны.

According to Tom, there was a misunderstanding.
Что касается Тома, здесь имело место недопонимание.

According to Leucippus and Democritus, the atom would be indivisible. Today we know that is not true.
По Левкиппу и Демокриту атом является неделимым. Сегодня мы знаем, что это неверно.

All men are equal according to the law.
В законе говорится, что все люди равны.

According to Tom, Mary killed herself.
По словам Тома, Мэри покончила с собой.

According to some sources, Noam Chomsky is the most cited living author.
Согласно иным источникам, Ноам Чомски — самый цитируемый из ныне живущих авторов.

According to your story, Tom left this bakery around 7 o’clock.
Согласно Вашей версии, Том покинул эту булочную около 7 часов.

According to 2014 data, the three countries with the most avid readers, by number of hours per week, are as follows: India, Thailand and China.
По данным на 2014 год, тройка самых читающих стран по количеству часов в неделю выглядит следующим образом: Индия, Таиланд, Китай.

I will do it according to your instructions.
Я сделаю согласно твоим указаниям.

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Examples of according sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use according in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for according.

  • According to our English notions I know my name. (10)
  • Mr. Pempton appeared, according to anticipation. (10)
  • They must cut their coat according to their cloth. (8)
  • The wind according to its whim Is in and out of haven. (10)
  • According to the explanation, Clotilde was hardly engaged. (10)
  • My faults, according to this calculation, are heavy indeed! (4)
  • She had a smile of very pleasant humour according to Vernon. (10)
  • The men stopped and according to rule turned to face the enemy. (1)
  • The Ironeist is one thing or another, according to his caprice. (10)
  • According to what people say, he must have been just like the emperor. (12)
  • For, as in all human tragedies, both were right according to their natures. (8)
  • According to June, it was foolish and even cowardly to hide the past from Jon. (8)
  • Shall cases be decided on their individual merits, or according to formal codes? (8)
  • The next step in advance was, according to a German theory, invented by a woman. (17)
  • According to the rumour, Morsfield and the woman Pagnell were very thick together. (10)
  • Some people, according to an authority on circus matters, are born with a balance. (21)
  • Action continuous, though the curtain is momentarily lowered according to that action. (8)
  • Clelia Guidascarpi, according to his statement, had first been slain by her brothers. (10)
  • They were the trousers of a man who, according to her experience, was not a gentleman. (13)
  • According to degree of exposure, their faces were bloated and black or yellow and shrunken. (7)
  • Our earliest Colonial houses were built according to traditions brought over from England. (17)
  • Everything occurred according to his predictions, and he was entirely devoid of astonishment. (10)
  • It appears according to Bob, that the squire had promised to see his son, and settle matters. (10)
  • It appears according to Bob, that the squire had promised to see his son, and settle matters. (22)
  • According to him, they wanted it both ways, and, so far as he could see, they meant to have it! (8)
  • According to one informant she accompanied a Danish painter to Wassigny in the North of France. (12)
  • Have you anything to say for yourself, why the Court should not give you judgment according to law? (8)
  • My man has four names according to the tongue I address him in, Giacomo, Santiago, Jacques, James. (14)
  • When he had finished one egg, behold, two fresh ones came in, boiled according to his prescription. (10)
  • Interrupts business, especially when you have to ask them to fry themselves, according to the rules . (10)
  • Ladies, according to their rank and privileges, saluted her on the cheek or in some graceful fashion. (10)
  • The number of characters in use, according to manuscripts still preserved, varied from seven to forty. (3)
  • According to the rumours, Mr. Radnor had not shown the symptoms before the appearance of his daughter. (10)
  • He was, according to those who knew him, the bravest and most intelligent chief on the whole Continent. (19)
  • The squire bade her to speak out, for she had his sanction to act according to her judgement and liking. (10)
  • A woman, according to him, can have no ideal of life, except as a ball to toss in the air and catch in a cup. (10)
  • According to the quantity of steam poured over the water, the latter could be heated to various temperatures. (17)
  • According to their theory, there are eight sound-giving bodies: Stone, Metal, Silk, Bamboo, Wood, Skin, Gourd and Clay. (3)
  • Coarse food, but then Harry was a youthful Englishman; and the Countess dieted the vanity according to the nationality. (10)
  • Clara had been prepared, according to his directions, by Mrs. Mountstuart Jenkinson, as Vernon had been prepared by him. (10)
  • Yet, according to the tale, it was the surviving servant, by whom he, or whoever it may have been, was accidentally shot. (10)
  • According to Strabo, the Danube ended here and the Ister began, for the lower river was known to the Greeks as the Ιστρος. (20)
  • A poor, brave, besotted, hateful man, who had done his duty resolutely according to his light both in the Cevennes and China. (2)
  • And as we look at them, according to the state of our temper, we think: Poor creatures, I wish I could do something for them! (8)
  • It is financed on a basis of weekly assessments levied, according to their size and custom, upon newspapers which are members. (16)
  • After all, more than a Queen was going to her rest, a woman who had braved sorrow, lived well and wisely according to her lights. (8)
  • The carpenter who builds in wood to-day builds according to certain customs which come down to him from centuries of carpenters. (17)
  • According to them, an officer of that name had perished there in battle at some indistinct period before the beginning of history. (2)
  • They were streaming with perspiration, and, according to their different temperaments, had faces of deep crimson or deadly pallor. (9)
  • Pippin drove his long-tailed horses furiously; his eyes brimmed with subtle kindness, as if according Scorrier a continual welcome. (8)
  • The boast will not be thought an empty one by those who have choice friends that have stocked themselves according to his directions. (10)
  • According to Rose Mackrell, he, this Old Buccaneer, it was, who, by strange adventures, brought the great Welsh mines into the family! (10)
  • She was dealing with an evil thing, and had chosen to act according to her light, and by the counsel of her combative and forceful temper. (22)
  • Where any other couple would have seen danger, they saw safety; and they contrived to accomplish it, according to those horrid talebearers. (10)
  • The Captain seized the book without wincing, and displayed a remarkable equanimity of countenance as he held it out, according to direction. (10)
  • The point of her wit is in this fashion supplemented by the rattle of her tongue, and effectively, according to the testimony of her admirers. (10)
  • At Pembina they passed the winter in tents, according to the Indian fashion, subsisting on the products of the chase, in common with the natives. (19)
  • There dwelt an old man in Monastier, of rather unsound intellect according to some, much followed by street-boys, and known to fame as Father Adam. (2)
  • Perceiving that she was sincerely acting according to her sense of principle, he fumed, and departed to his privacy, unable to stand it any longer. (10)
  • This commission differs, according to the locality, ranging from 1 to 4 per cent on first mortgages, and from 5 per cent upward on second mortgages. (17)
  • His name was printed, but merely in a fashionable notification that carriages took up and set down for his costume Ball, according to certain regulations. (10)
  • About the beginning of the nineteenth century according to my archæthermograph, the summers began to grow shorter and hotter, the winters longer and colder. (7)
  • Nevertheless, he hung aloft, feeding where he could, impatient of the solitudes, till night, when, according to his guess, the ladies were at their robing. (10)
  • Certain species of woods are, therefore, selected for particular parts of the house according to the needs of durability, strength, appearance, and local supply. (17)
  • These two had become very friendly, according to her hopes; and Miss Paynham was extremely solicitous to draw suggestions from Mr. Redworth and win his approval. (10)
  • He was no doubt a rackety, irresponsible young fellow according to old standards, yet somehow likeable, with his extraordinarily cheerful way of blurting out his opinions. (8)
  • No voice was more important than another, all progressed according to canonic law, their complex intertwining practically destroying the essentially secular elements of accent and rhythm. (3)

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