Sentence for word accord

соответствие, согласие, соглашение, предоставлять, соответствовать


- согласие, единство; гармония

true accord of hearts — подлинный союз сердец
to be in accord, to be of one accord — сходиться во взглядах, придерживаться одного мнения
to bring into accord — согласовывать, приводить к согласию

- гармоничное сочетание, гармония (красок и т. п.)
- муз. аккорд
- соглашение; договор; договорённость

of its own accord — само по себе, самотёком
of one’s own accord — добровольно, по собственной воле, по собственному почину
with one accord — единодушно, единогласно
in accord with smth. — в соответствии с чем-л., согласно чему-л.
out of accord with smth. — вразрез с чем-л., в противоречии с чем-л.


- предоставлять, жаловать

to accord a warm [hearty] welcome — оказать тёплый [радушный /сердечный/] приём
to accord smb. permission — дать разрешение кому-л.
to be accorded permission to do smth. — получить разрешение сделать что-л.
to be accorded wide recognition — получить широкое признание

- (обыкн. with) согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать

his conduct and his principles do not accord — его поведение плохо согласуется с его принципами
to accord with smb.’s hopes [wishes] — отвечать чьим-л. надеждам [желаниям]

Мои примеры


to come to accord, to reach an accord — достичь договорённости  
to accord with what has gone before — согласовываться, совпадать с тем, что было прежде  
to accord with smb.’s wishes — отвечать чьим-л. желаниям  
to accord a hearty welcome — оказать радушный прием  
to accord smb.’s request — выполнить чью-л. просьбу  
to accord / give (smb.) a reception — встретить кого-л., оказать кому-л. приём  
of one’s own accord with — быть в согласии  
the accord between smb and smb — соглашение между кем-л. и кем-л.  
in accord with smth — в соответствии с чем-л.  
international accord — международное соглашение  

Примеры с переводом

We are in accord with your proposal.

Мы согласны с вашим предложением.

It doesn’t accord with what you said yesterday.

Это не соответствует тому, что вы говорили вчера.

He decided to go of his own accord.

Он решил идти по своему усмотрению.

Our information does not accord with his report.

Наша информация не совпадает с его отчётом.

They came to an accord that profits would be shared equally.

Они договорились разделить доходы поровну.

We accorded him a hero’s welcome.

Мы встретили его как героя.

In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.

Во многих случаях болезнь проходит сама по себе.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…claims that the newspaper’s quote does not accord with what he actually said…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disaccord  — разногласие, расхождение, расходиться во взглядах
accordance  — соответствие, согласие, предоставление, гармония
accordant  — созвучный, соответственный, согласный
according  — следовательно
accordion  — аккордеон, баян, гармоника

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: accord
he/she/it: accords
ing ф. (present participle): according
2-я ф. (past tense): accorded
3-я ф. (past participle): accorded

ед. ч.(singular): accord
мн. ч.(plural): accords

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word accord, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use accord in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «accord».

Accord in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word accord in a sentence.

  1. Adams then left France of his own accord.

  2. A peace accord was reached on 26 May 1834.

  3. Many in Canada opposed an accord, fearing the U.S.

  4. Contemporaries varied in their views of the accord.

  5. Wolffe as «a formal accord on the limited issue of atonement and compensation».

  6. Despite the Israel-PLO accord, Netanyahu opposed the idea of Palestinian statehood.

  7. Neither John nor the rebel barons seriously attempted to implement the peace accord.

  8. Last accord of the congress was adoption of republican program «Self-governing Republic».

  9. La Follette, who urged Taft to say that the bill was not in accord with the party platform.

  10. In it, Professor Tucker does not always accord with the illustrious subject of his biography.

  11. The final round of diplomatic notes, reaffirming the 1962 accord, were exchanged in November.

  12. To make aluk accord with the law, it had to be accepted as part of one of the official religions.

  13. He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles.».

  14. Knox, however, modified its use to accord with the doctrinal emphases of the Continental reformers.

  15. Soon after taking office as president, Johnson reached an accord with Secretary of State William H.

  16. The 47th Congress spent a great deal of time on immigration, and at times was in accord with Arthur.

  17. Gladstone, reached an accord with Pistrucci and the medal matrices were eventually submitted in 1849.

  18. In Taft’s annual message sent to Congress in December 1910, he urged a free trade accord with Canada.

  19. They were warned that the ghost was sensitive to disbelief and told that they should accord it due respect.

  20. One was the personal nature of his accord with Henry II, which meant that it did not survive Henry’s death.

  21. The size and weight of the modern wolf increases proportionally with latitude in accord with Bergmann’s rule.

  22. This accord led in 1032 to the joint suppression of a Druze revolt in the Jabal al-Summaq by Niketas and Nasr.

  23. The earl returned in 1052 with a substantial armed force but eventually reached a peaceful accord with the king.

  24. The newly raised Viscount of Tamandaré and Mena Barreto (now Baron of São Gabriel) had supported the peace accord.

  25. In most cases the patients recovered of their own accord but some cases of shigellosis became seriously ill and died.

  26. They believed a responsible woman should never accord a man sexual favors without the assurance that went with marriage.

  27. He attempted to reach an accord with the state, meeting General Jaruzelski and Catholic Primate Józef Glemp on 4 November.

  28. After the rebel leader was caught, Greeley initially advocated that «punishment be meted out in accord with a just verdict».

  29. They quickly became the leaders of the IOC members from behind the Iron Curtain, who voted in accord with the Soviet members.

  30. Wolffe has argued that Henry’s decision was no more than «a formal accord on the limited issue of atonement and compensation».

  31. In March 1796, before President’s keel could be laid down, a peace accord was announced between the United States and Algiers.

  32. These vacations were intended to placate families by demonstrating that the disciples remained with the group of their own accord.

  33. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian forced a peace accord on both leaders so that equilibrium in the Pannonian Basin could be sustained.

  34. Flores and Manuel Herrera y Obes (representing Villalba’s government) signed a peace accord on 20 February at the Villa de la Unión.

  35. Nogueira replied that his government was not going to accord official diplomatic recognition to Reedman, and that Dupont understood this.

  36. Martin instead argues for «mid-level principles of justification that are in accord with our ordinary and scientific rational practice.».

  37. This brought Justinian to search for an accord with Thurisind to stop the trans-Danubian raids, and the latter was more than happy to accept.

  38. He tacitly supported a failed attempt by Obote to overthrow Amin in 1972, and after a brief border conflict he and Amin signed a peace accord.

  39. In their view the crime was «so gross that nothing less of a very severe sentence would accord with the general moral sense of the community».

  40. As with approval, this power has never been used but it was threatened to the Santer Commission, who subsequently resigned of their own accord.

  41. Politicians from both parties opined on the propriety of the Fund and on what Nixon should do, most in accord with their political affiliation.

  42. Following the approval of the Commission President, the members of the Commission are proposed by the President in accord with the member states.

  43. Bastos told a reporter that he was at the airport on Nogueira’s behalf to accord Reedman «the classic welcome for the arrival of heads of mission».

  44. Paranhos had to create a provisional government which could sign a peace accord and recognize the border claimed by Brazil between the two nations.

  45. In carrying out his principles of strict construction he was most in accord with Southerners, who generally had the letter of the law on their side.

  46. Edited by Henry Binder, this version is questioned by those who believe Crane made the original edits for the 1895 Appleton edition on his own accord.

  47. Would he accept as a daughter-in-law a Chinese, a Malay, an Indian, or a negro in accord to the doctrine laid down in his message which I have quoted?

  48. A peace accord was announced between the United States and Algiers in March 1796, and construction was halted in accordance with the Naval Act of 1794.

  49. Blaine’s precise involvement is undocumented, but the results of Stevens’ diplomacy were in accord with his ambitions for American power in the region.

  50. He complained about the dissolution of the HNC and said it did not accord with the values of the alliance and the loyalty Washington expected of Saigon.

Synonyms for accord

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word accord has the following synonyms: agreement, conformity, accordance, treaty, pact, allot, grant, harmonize, harmonise, consort, concord, fit in and agree.

General information about «accord» example sentences

The example sentences for the word accord that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «accord» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «accord».

Definition of Accord

agreement or concurrence of opinion

Examples of Accord in a sentence

The entire table was in accord that mozzarella sticks would be the appetizer.


Because all the members were already in accord, the council decided to cancel the meeting.


The parents were arguing because they were not in accord with how to discipline their teenager.


All the singers were in accord with one another during the performance.


To be in accord, the team wore the same color shirts to the rally.


Other words in the Agreement category:

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V6 Accord оснащен новой стабильной системой и улучшенной подвеской.

V6 Accords are equipped with a new stable system and improved suspension.

Читайте также: Honda реагирует на давление продаж, сокращает цены аренды accord

Honda Responds to Sales Pressure, Cuts Accord Lease Prices

Accord шестого поколения на момент своего выпуска отвечал самым строгим критериям безопасности.

The sixth generation Accord at the time of its release met the most stringent safety criteria.

В английском языке слово «accord» означает соглашение, гармонию, взаимопонимание.

In English, the word «accord» means agreement, harmony, mutual understanding.

Corda — игра английских слов «accord» (соглашение) и «cord» (прямая линия между двумя точками в круге).

Corda is a play on words incorporating ‘accord‘ (agreement) and ‘cord’ (the straightest line between two points in a circle).

В дипломатических кругах высказывают острое недовольство поведением России, не в меньшей мере потому, что она является одним из подписантов Дейтонских соглашений (Dayton accord), которые в декабре 1995 года положили конец боснийской войне.

There is acute frustration in diplomatic circles with Russia’s attitude, not least because it is a signatory to the Dayton accord, which ended the Bosnian war in December 1995.

В 1979 году истёк срок пребывания британского военно-морского флота на Мальте, и он был вынужден уйти в соответствии с соглашением Нейлсена (Neilsen accord).

In 1979 the British naval presence in Malta was ended and they were evicted under the Neilsen accord.

of one’s own accord добровольно, по собственному почину

Sua sponte — of one’s own accord; voluntarily

Данный вопрос вторит вопросам, заданным Махатмой Ганди в связи с его «политикой согласия» («politics of accord«) (ср. L. Gandhi 2011).

This question echoes those posed by Mahatma Gandhi regarding his «politics of accord» (cf. L. Gandhi 2011). ↩

Он должен использоваться с стенами Accord 22 дюйма.

It must be used with the Accord 22 in. walls.

Более длинная колесная база Accord предоставляет кабине дополнительные 2,4 кубических фута внутреннего пространства.

The Accord’s longer wheelbase lends the cabin an extra 2.4 cubic feet of interior space.

Благодаря оцинкованному кузову, Accord этого поколения хорошо сопротивляется коррозии.

Thanks to the galvanized bodywork, this generation Accord resists corrosion well.

За эти годы Accord приобрел репутацию пуленепробиваемой надежности, внимания к деталям и веселой динамики вождения.

Over the years, the Accord developed a reputation for bullet-proof reliability, attention to detail, and perky driving dynamics.

Седан Accord увидел свет только год спустя.

Accord sedan saw the light only a year later.

Впервые Accord будет доступен с двигателем с турбонаддувом.

For the first time, the Accord will be available with a turbocharged engine.

Honda предложила ряд стилей тела и различных вариантов модели Accord.

Since its beginning, Honda has offered several different body styles and versions of Accord.

Сегмент седанов среднего размера противоположный, поскольку Самгу превосходит Accord почти на 43000 единиц.

The mid-size sedan segment is the opposite as the Camry is outselling the Accord by nearly 43,000 units.

Модели CL и TL созданы на платформе Accord последнего поколения.

The CL and TL models are built on the Accord platform of the latest generation.

Модели CL и TL созданы на платформе Accord последнего поколения.

The CL and TL are created on the platform of the last generation Accord.

Поэтому в 2013 году LPP стала единственной польской компанией, подписавшей международное соглашение ACCORD.

Therefore, in 2013, LPP was the only Polish company to sign the international ACCORD agreement.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

accord — перевод на русский


And that, according to Mother.

И это, по словам Матери.

That first night, according to Charlie all she had was a toothache.

В их первую ночь, по словам Чарли, у нее была зубная боль.

According to Mrs. Quimp, young Ted Haines comes early and stays so late that…

И, по словам миссис Квимп, молодой Тед Хэйнс приходит к ней рано и остается допоздна, так что…

According to Captain John Voight of the San Francisco Homicide Squad the startling disclosure of Mrs. Lannington’s mental illness has thrown a new light in a murder which, until now, has been…

По словам капитана Джона Войта из отдела убийств полиции Сан-Франциско предоставленная информация о психических заболеваниях миссис Леннингтон пролила новый свет на убийство, которое до сих пор было…

According to those witnesses.

Да, по словам тех свидетелей.

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For these reasons I request the death sentence According to the Article 2 of the Act of March 10, 1792.

… Поэтому я требую смертной казни, в соответствии со статьей 2 Закона от 10 Марта 1792 г.

Traffic between levels is limited according to rank.

Передвижение между уровнями ограничено в соответствии с рангом.

It’s gonna be played according to house rules.

И играть мы будем в соответствии с правилами заведения.

Then, according to laws of Nevada and authority vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.

Тогда, в соответствии с законами штата Невада и властью, которой я наделен, я провозглашаю вас мужем и женой.

Nevertheless, we will proceed with our operations according to plan.

Тем не менее, мы будем продолжать нашу операцию в соответствии с планом.

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— Not according to my ferret.

Если верить хорьку, то нет.

Not according to the afternoon papers.

Нет, если верить дневным газетам.

But that you were a pretty solid type, according to Washington — with whom they’d checked.

Но ты и сам весьма корпулентный гражданин, если верить Вашингтону, которому тут же об этом сообщили.

That’s their plan according to reports. No reason to believe they’ve changed it.

Если верить слухам, то это и есть их план.

According to the papers, they print all sorts of glums on…

Да, если верить газетам. В них пишут черт знает что…

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According to his family, a high fever and excruciating pain in all his joints.

Его семья говорит, что у него жар и мучительные боли в суставах.

According to Grohmann, there isn’t.

Громэн говорит, что нет.

According to him, there’s a creature of some sort down here, a humanoid.

Он говорит, что есть существо — гуманоид.

To be like Frankenstein, according to my mother!

«тобы быть как др. ‘ранкенштейн, как говорит мо€ мама!

But according to your life line You should died a long time ago!

Но, линия жизни говорит… что ты давно уже не должен жить!

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…but you know, Harry’s clothes, the ones we found by the pool, he didn’t wear them that night according to the inspector.

Одежда Гарри, та, которую нашли у бассейна… Инспектор сказал, что он ее в тот день не одевал.

One calls Joe Rogers, according to him.

— Его зовут Джо Роджерс, так он сказал.

According to Elliot, poetry is untranslatable

Элиот сказал, что поэзия есть то, что не поддаётся переводу.

According to the doctor, it was a second personality conjured up in order to save the one that had broke-down.

Как сказал врач, его второе Я проявилось с целью спасти то, что уже было потеряно.

Claim according to you, it is a hour of that she have staied only However last night, I pat the scene of your home

Ты сказал, что она пробыла у тебя только час утром, а у меня есть съемка, где видно, что она была у тебя всю ночь, до моего звонка.

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According to the tapes, this young Lieutenant Kirk insisted upon blaming himself.

Согласно записям молодой лейтенант Керк настаивал на своей полной вине.

He did nod his head when was asked if he had ever been in this hospital before this time, he has been quiet and cooperative on the ward and was never according to the nurses’ notes returned his book and answered all the questions.

Когда его спросили, был ли он в этой больнице раньше, он кивнул. Он вел себя тихо и послушно, и, согласно записям дежурных, не отвечал на вопросы.

We know the murder weapon was a Davis .32 according to the files.

Согласно записям, убийство было совершено из «Дэвиса .32»

According to the station registry, your mother was a real doctor.

Согласно записям станции ваша мать была настоящим врачом.

According to our sensor logs, the Flaxian ship exploded the moment its warp drive was engaged.

Согласно записям наших сенсоров, флаксианский корабль взорвался в момент включения варп двигателей.

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According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being. OK!

Согласно сведениям, нашей целью является последний выживший член семьи Сливинов, криминальной группы с планеты Раксакорикофаллапаториус, маскирующейся под людей с помощью костюма из человеческой кожи.

According to Dominion lntelligence, the Jem’Hadar have established a base camp here.

Согласно сведениям разведки Доминиона, джем’хадар разбили базовый лагерь здесь.

According to the Tok’ra intelligence, the gate on that planet is heavily guarded.

Согласно сведениям ТокРа, врата той планеты хорошо охраняются.

According to Intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family. A criminal sect from the planet Rexicoricophalvitorius masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit.

Согласно сведениям, нашей целью является последний выживший член семьи Сливинов, криминальной группы с планеты Раксакорикофаллапаториус, маскирующейся под людей с помощью костюма из человеческой кожи.

According to intelligence, Bastet and Olokun are dead, Morrigan’s capitulated,

Согласно сведениям ТокРа, Бастет и Oлокан мертвы, Moрриган сдался,

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According to the housekeeper, nothing was missing.

Согласно показаниям экономки, ничего не пропало.

According to the mass spectrometer, elements in the residue have been broken down into simpler molecular structures.

Согласно показаниям масс-спектрометра, элементы состава распались на более простые молекулярные структуры.

According to Pinkus’ wife Gendason had been involved in a dispute with the cleaner over a stain on a pair of gray Sansabelt slacks.

Согласно показаниям жены Пинкуса Гендассон был вовлечен в спор с работником химчистки по поводу пятна на его серых брюках.

According to our long-range sensors the Klingon task force has withdrawn to just outside Bajoran territory.

Согласно показаниям сенсоров дальнего действия, клингонская оперативная группа проникла вглубь баджорского пространства.

— Not according to these readings.

Согласно показаниям — нет.

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Commander, according to the Federation, this area is free space.

Коммандер, Федерация считает этот район свободным.

Yes, according to Commissioner Grimaud.

Да, считает главный комиссар Гримо. Куда катится мир, дорогой Ахил?

According to a doctor… everyone is trying to get… what they thought they needed from their mothers… but they didn’t get it.

Доктор считает, что люди всю жизнь пытаются получить то что, по их мнению, они хотели получить от своих матерей, но так и не получили.

Not according to Dr. Bashir.

Доктор Башир так не считает.

According to some people, I look fat in ski clothes.

А кто-то считает меня жирной в этом костюме.

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Yes, but according to my observations, I didn’t think you capable of such voyages.

Да, но, исходя из моих наблюдений, я не думал, что вы способны на подобные путешествия.

Well, according to my calculations… based on time spent getting to and from the planet…

Значит, так: исходя из моих расчётов… учитывающих время, которое мы потеряли на этой планете…

In the time between the scans, you should have aged 23 minutes but according to decay levels, you aged 20.

За время, прошедшее между двумя сканированиями Вы должны были состарится на 23 минуты, но исходя их степени клеточного распада, Вы постарели только на 20 минут.

According to this, the Romulans were trying to shut down the transfer.

Исходя из этого, ромуланцы на самом деле пытались отключить энергопередачу.

According to this… there are four places where he could harbor the boat.

Исходя из этого… есть всего 4 места, где он может прятать лодку.

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Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. The historian Theodosius, this conquest came to be the object of a secret,


    ,between Athens and Philip II, who would return the city in exchange for the
  2. By outliers. Notably, for skewed distributions, the arithmetic mean may not,


    ,with one’s notion of» middle «, and robust statistics such as the median may
  3. And foreign aid. Cameroon has an investment guaranty agreement and a bilateral,


    ,with the United States. USA investment in Cameroon is about $1 million, most of
  4. Like a» bridge» between the two strains. Sacramental doctrine and practice In,


    ,with its prevailing self-identity as a via media or» middle path» of Western
  5. Studies are structured in cycles, awarding degrees based on ECTS credits in,


    ,with the Bologna process, which the Andalusian universities are adopting in
  6. In 895,when Bohemia broke away from Great Moravia and became his vassal. An,


    ,was made between him and the Bohemian Duke Boris I (reigned 870-95);
  7. Victims of attacks. Germany agreed that future attacks would only take place in,


    ,with internationally agreed prize rules, which required an attacker to give a
  8. USD1.5 billion overseeing implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, a 1994 peace,


    ,that ultimately failed to end the civil war. The protocol prohibited UNITS from
  9. A melting pot of ideas. It accepts new concepts, while attempting also to,


    ,old beliefs their due. See also: Chinese nationalism, Maoism,Culture of the
  10. The regulatory position. For example, if a bank, operating under the Basel I,


    , has to hold 8 % capital against default risk, but the real risk of default is
  11. Provided to Armenia. In 2003,the two countries signed a military cooperation,


    , under which Greece will increase the number of Armenian servicemen trained at
  12. And in April 2004,the two sides signed a military-technical cooperation,


    , In late 2004,Armenia deployed a unit of 46 soldiers, which included
  13. A way of composing, a way of structuring works, which was at the same time in,


    ,with the governing aesthetic of the new style. However, a younger contemporary
  14. A house. Once it is built, the builder walks away, and it stands on its own,


    , (It may require occasional maintenance, but that is beyond the scope of the
  15. Reconciliation in the Comoros,» brokered by the Organization for African Unity The,


    ,called for the creation of a new Tripartite Commission for National
  16. That they simply transcribed the proverbs rather than writing them of their own,


    , In terms of the text itself there are at least eight specific instances where
  17. Targets to halt attacks on U. N. safe zones and to pressure them into a peace,


    , Clinton deployed U. S. peacekeepers to Bosnia in late 1995,to uphold the
  18. Exchange for the fortified town of Sydney, but the Macedonian king betrayed the,


    , refusing to cede Amphiboles and laying siege to Sydney. After the conquest by
  19. Is a straight line for allowed transitions and some forbidden transitions, in,


    , with the Fermi beta-decay theory. Linear regression of a Fermi-Kurie Plot can
  20. With the Bologna process, which the Andalusian universities are adopting in,


    ,with the other universities of the European Higher Education Area. Healthcare
  21. Has produced a Biodiversity Action Plan in response to the 1992 international,


    ,; the plan addresses conservation of endangered species and certain habitats.
  22. In particular. Sub-Saharan Africa Cape Verde signed a friendship,


    ,with Angola in December 1975,shortly after Angola gained its independence.
  23. And political issues. Bilateral relations Angola Cape Verde signed a friendship,


    ,with Angola in December 1975,shortly after Angola gained its independence.
  24. Reluctant to interfere in the affairs of other congregations, was in perfect,


    ,with Abbey Mari as to the danger of the new rationalistic systems, and advised
  25. The elements of the others. » #»Those readings must be maintained which,


    ,with New Testament Greek, or with the particular style of each individual
  26. From the Liberal Party, acceptance of an International Monetary Fund (IMF),


    , agreed to by the previous government and a line of discourse friendly to the
  27. Walls are painted with lime to minimize the heating effects of the sun. In,


    ,with the climate and tradition of each area, the roofs may be terraces or tiled
  28. The Naming Seen, disease is believed to be produced by a failure to live in,


    ,with the Day. Within the more systematized teachings of received Chinese
  29. Also signed cooperation agreements in the area of energy and electricity,an,


    ,between Venezuela’s oil company PSA and its Cuban counterpart Capet to buy
  30. Council, and other bodies. The Autonomous Community of Andalusia was formed in,


    ,with a referendum of February 28, 1980 and became an autonomous community under
  31. A secret agreement (the so-called» Kirribilli agreement» or» Kirribilli,


    ,») to resign in favor of Keating some time after winning the 1990 election.
  32. Duties he enhanced his reputation for humility by refusing to ride a horse—in,


    ,with the dictates of the Dominican order—instead walking back and forth across
  33. Wrought the miracle — a miracle which later I found to be in perfect scientific,


    ,with divine law. » She spent the next three years investigating the law of God
  34. Other urban environmental projects. Thus, the allocation of resources did not,


    ,with the common belief that funding was influenced unduly by alarmist views on
  35. Form and dying on the cross, God limits divine action in the world to be in,


    ,with rational laws God has chosen. This enables us to understand the world on
  36. See Vulgate),the canon of which, at the insistence of the Pope, was in,


    ,with the earlier Synods. With the benefit of hindsight it can be said that this
  37. Dignity of labor. Issues including employment itself, privacy,compensation in,


    ,with comparable worth, collective bargaining (and/or its opposite) can be
  38. The celestial influences affecting us could help us to live our lives more in,


    ,with Christian precepts. The most comprehensive statement of his astrological
  39. A melting pot of ideas. It accepts new concepts, while attempting also to,


    ,old beliefs their due. Despite Western influence, modern Chinese philosophy has
  40. One of the twelve followers of Penthesilea. After Penthesilea’s death she, in,


    , with the former’s will, sailed off and eventually landed in Italy, founding
  41. Makes landfall just south of Miami as a Category 5 hurricane. *1994 – Initial,


    ,between Israel and the PLO about partial self-rule of the Palestinians on the
  42. Or by any anathema, as the independent spirit of the congregations refused to,


    ,to the rabbis the power possessed by the Church of dictating to the people what
  43. Those particular comprehensible events which the viewer considers possible in,


    ,with their experience. However, further experience takes these equal chances
  44. Commanders. He saw history as a complex check on abstractions that did not,


    ,with experience. In opposition to Antoine-Henri Jo mini he argued war could not
  45. Wrought the miracle—a miracle which later I found to be in perfect scientific,


    ,with divine law. (Retrospection and Introspection, page 24) She referred to
  46. In Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The attacks were conducted by al-Qaeda, acting in,


    ,with the 1998 fatwa issued against the U. S. and its allies by military forces
  47. Plan to conquer Italy failed, thus leaving Albion with an alternative open. The,


    ,also had the advantage of protecting Alboin’s rear, as an Avar-occupied
  48. In the Mike, or the boy was too old, then the child may choose of their own,


    ,to become Jewish at age 13 as a Bar Mitzvah, and complete the conversion then.
  49. It is awarded biennially to German-language writers, whose work,


    ,with Schubert’s“ liberal and enlightening reasoning” and is remunerated with
  50. Utility Helicopter-2 IN SERVICE International forces France A mutual defense,


    ,signed with France in April 1961 provides for the stationing of French forces

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Sentences for accord. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use accord in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for accord.

  • Damyer stopped of her own accord. (8)
  • In many respects accord with you. (10)
  • Of her own accord she had stepped into the cage! (8)
  • I do so believe in people doing things of their own accord. (8)
  • The two noblemen spoke in accord on the bubble revolution. (10)
  • The eye-glasses of the Beckley group were dropped with one accord. (10)
  • They then wheeled with one accord, and Emilia was left to herself. (10)
  • So his reasoning ran to an accord with his military instincts and ambition. (10)
  • A cement house in a flat, sandy country always seems in accord with the scene. (17)
  • Estranged, and soon to part, they retained the manner of accord up to the last. (8)
  • We are mortals attaining the celestial accord with effort, through a stage of pain. (10)
  • The horses, winded by the rise of a hill, now steadied to a trot, and finally stopped of their own accord. (8)
  • But Bellew recoiled of his own accord; his eyes were fixed again on the floor a little beyond her to the left. (8)
  • Modestine, suddenly beginning to smell mischief, bettered the pace of her own accord, and from that time forward gave me no trouble. (2)
  • The wheels rolled on, and Caroline tried other subjects, knowing possibly that they would lead Juliana back to this of her own accord. (10)
  • He was in complete accord with the Rector and the sanitary authorities, and not infrequently complained that his tenants did not stay on the land. (8)
  • He might accord to her her due position, and paint her fair: he might be shrewd, jocose, gentle, pathetic, wonderfully wise: he spoke to deaf ears. (10)
  • A public function quite in accord with his academic and literary tastes was the presidency, which he accepted, of the American Archæological Institute. (14)
  • Take it for not worse than accompanying choric flourishes, in accord with Mr. Victor Radnor and Mr. Simeon Fenellan at their sipping of the venerable wine. (10)

Also see sentences for: accordance, acquiesce, agree, agreement, air, assent, bestow.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for accord. Now that you’ve seen how to use accord in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Accord | Accord Sentence

  • Cet accord ne me surprend point.
  • We are of one accord on one point.
  • Then with one accord they demanded lodgings of the vicar.
  • They are presences, and accord communion.
  • There, there, my thoughts accord to say tis so.
  • This attitude of humility is in accord with Eskimo ethics.
  • Then he petitioned that they act in accord with his petition.
  • He was unwilling to accord to others the right which he claimed for himself.
  • With one accord the other occupants of the room turned and looked at Keith.
  • She spoke sensibly, and I expressed my entire accord with her opinion.
  • This is My knowledge, and that is thy fancy; how can My way accord with thine?

How To Use Accord In A Sentence?

  • In all such things they must bring their thoughts and actions into accord with ours.
  • It contained my sentiments then: you will see how far they accord with my sentiments now.
  • For it took up a line of political theory which was little in accord with the temper of the age.
  • Kate nodded slightly, as though to accord as much acquiescence as consorted with great deference.
  • The measure was in accord with my policy, and it was in accord with the unbiased judgment of the commission.
  • This he did to bring his pictures in accord with those of the old masters whom he laboriously studied and deeply admired.
  • Here he seemed so thoroughly in accord with the air of masculine and cultivated refinement which dominated the atmosphere.
  • With his own hands he unlocked the gate, and it seemed to swing of its own accord wide open before us.
  • Love should be quiet and discreet or it is nothing worth, and without accord between the lovers love is but a bond and a constraint.
  • But the discovery was suspected from the first, because it was too closely in accord with speculation, and it was soon disproved.
  • Thus, through this perfectly natural accord of all, it comes to pass that they understand one another.
  • This, although in accord with modern conceptions of primitive culture, is not at all a mark of the popular ballad.
  • This did not accord with the popular idea of the perfection which should belong to the corporeal vehicle of Divinity.
  • Moreover, his conduct was fully in accord with his principles; otherwise his following could not have maintained their unparalleled loyalty to him.
  • But how could we solicit such things without a preceding sentence in accord with the suit depending upon the petitions, etc?
  • Should a boycotted man enter chapel, the whole congregation rose as with one accord and left him alone in the building.
  • The system, in fact, was at variance with the spirit which was now beginning to prevail, and could not be brought to accord with it.
  • And yet my brother don’t accord in this, Nor do these notions nor this conduct please him.
  • Menard left the boy to form a speech in accord with Iroquois tradition, and went on a tour of inspection about the camp.
  • The voice of the hen, of the redstart, the creaking of a wheel, were imitated by my child of his own accord long before he could speak a word.
  • He took her hand, but did not meet her eyes, and the credit she was beginning to accord him gave way, once more, to anger.
  • She herself was beginning to have that enthusiastic admiration for her which generous girls accord to others more beautiful and more gifted than themselves.
  • With one accord they try to get Baldur brought back from the under-world, but they are foiled by the same agency of evil which carried him off.
  • She acts of her own accord and free will, and is, I imagine, prepared to meet the consequences of her actions.
  • Military history will unquestionably accord the retreat of the British army from Mons a place among the finest achievements of all times.
  • Thereon hied Harald him to the Vaerings who with one accord rose to their feet when they beheld him, and acclaimed him welcome.
  • It was a body in the cell whose presence was unexplained and which did not fall into accord with the general view of protoplasm as the physical basis of life.
  • The conversation was of its own accord taking just the turn I wished it to take, and I resolved to get my advantage out of it.
  • In each case the nomination was due to an attempt to secure the support of a body of men who were not in accord in all essential particulars with the party making the nomination.

Definition of Accord

(transitive) To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust. | (transitive) To bring (people) to an agreement; to reconcile, settle, adjust or harmonize. | (intransitive) To agree or correspond; to be in harmony; to be concordant.

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Accord sentence

sentence with Accord

Accord used in a sentence

Accord make sentence

make sentence with Accord

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Accord sentence in english

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