Sentence for the word violation

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word violation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use violation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «violation».

Violation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word violation in a sentence.

  1. Harrison, a «flagrant violation of House rules».

  2. In 1990, he was arrested on a violation of his probation.

  3. He was tried for violation of the prohibition law; the prosecutor was former U.S.

  4. He was incarcerated in Chico State Prison following a parole violation until 1973.

  5. Any violation of the HOS will automatically be recorded and reported to the company.

  6. If there is a costume or prop violation, the judges can deduct one point per program.

  7. Those who make such threats can face penalties in violation of Presidential Decree No.

  8. Cheating was a violation of the Cadet Honor Code, and cheaters were subject to expulsion.

  9. Under the amended statute, proof of intent is no longer required to prove a § 2 violation.

  10. Accordingly, there was no constitutional violation in using race as one of several factors.

  11. The city issued a notice of violation in July 2015, demanding the bench be put back in place.

  12. Opponents called it a violation of the unofficial two-term rule in use since George Washington.

  13. For Article 7 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol 1, the Commission found no violation.

  14. Thus, the court decided there had been a violation of Article 2 in the control of the operation.

  15. Invigorated anew by this violation of freedom of assembly, he declared, «My resurrection has come!

  16. Dealing with the Dutch there constituted a violation of the British East India Company’s monopoly.

  17. This action disturbed the Tejano leaders, who saw it as a violation of their agreement with Austin.

  18. Canada claimed fishing and sealing rights around many of the Aleutian Islands, in violation of U.S.

  19. He alleged the second prosecution in violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

  20. It thus combined the 1933 beta decay theory of Enrico Fermi with an explanation of parity violation.

  21. These actions were in direct violation of a restraining order issued by circuit court judge James M.

  22. This was a violation of the international agreement that had established the Southwest Pacific Area.

  23. This was done in violation of a constitutional mandate that the post be held by a native Kentuckian.

  24. These were dated 1903, a violation of normal Mint practice to have the date of striking on the coin.

  25. If enough players determined that the messages were a violation, an automated system would punish them.

  26. The FBI conducted an investigation but did not find evidence of a violation of Kissinger’s civil rights.

  27. Similarly, it is not enough for Heffernan to have shown injury but violation of an actual right as well.

  28. LaRouche supporters insisted that LaRouche was jailed, not for any violation of the law, but for his beliefs.

  29. They arrested Blackburn on May 19, 1865, charging him with violation of Canada’s neutrality in the Civil War.

  30. The 2/2nd Independent Company was also sent to Dili in Portuguese Timor in violation of Portugal’s neutrality.

  31. Al-Ashdaq viewed Abd al-Malik’s accession as a violation of the caliphal succession agreement reached in Jabiya.

  32. The district court ruled against her because the women’s suffrage act was in violation of the state constitution.

  33. Copyright infringement, a violation of the Copyright Act of 1976, was added a month later to the list of charges.

  34. The Kentucky Court of Appeals struck down the law, claiming it was in violation of the Contract Clause of the U.S.

  35. Cabral also ordered his ships to bombard Calicut for an entire day in reprisal for the violation of the agreement.

  36. The destruction of the royal graves aroused public indignation, and Henry regarded it as a violation of the treaty.

  37. The students sued the university for violation of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech in February 1977.

  38. The decision was not close, it was 7–2 on the principal issue of whether there had been a constitutional violation ..

  39. Such a violation of causality has never been recorded, and would lead to paradoxes such as the tachyonic antitelephone.

  40. Phan protested against the violation of Tự Đức’s will of succession and refused to sanction anyone other than Kien Phuc.

  41. The indictment, issued on June 29, 1948, asserted that the CPUSA had been in violation of the Smith Act since July 1945.

  42. During the final flight, Holland performed a series of 60° bank turns and a 68° pitch climb in violation of Brooks’s orders.

  43. Later that night, Tritter pulls House over for a traffic violation and arrests him after finding Vicodin pills in his pocket.

  44. Until the twentieth century, courts would admit evidence at trial even if it was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment.

  45. It was a violation of baseball rules at the time, and Meusel and Ruth had previously been warned about playing with the tour.

  46. Because DUI in New Jersey is a non-criminal traffic violation, state DUI laws are not subject to the Assimilative Crimes Act.

  47. Another delegate appealed Redwine’s decision, and, in violation of parliamentary rule, Redwine ruled the appeal out of order.

  48. Spiegelman’s French publisher, Flammarion, had the Belgian publisher destroy all copies under charges of copyright violation.

  49. By September Jackson (together with fellow art dealers Samuel Meyer and William Kuhl) had been found in violation of this law.

  50. If the violation of the second protection is intentional, then this violation is a also a violation of the Fifteenth Amendment.

Synonyms for violation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word violation has the following synonyms: infringement, irreverence, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, infraction, offence, offense, rape, assault, ravishment, trespass, encroachment, intrusion and usurpation.

General information about «violation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word violation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «violation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «violation».

Synonym: assault, encroachment, infraction, infringement, intrusion, irreverence, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, offence, offense, rape, ravishment, trespass, usurpation. Similar words: isolation, violate, relation, inflation, population, regulation, revelation, translation. Meaning: [‚vaɪə’leɪʃn]  n. 1. a crime less serious than a felony 2. an act that disregards an agreement or a right 3. entry to another’s property without right or permission 4. a disrespectful act 5. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will. 

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1) They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.

2) The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.

3) Refugee workers said such action was a violation of medical ethics.

4) The judge called the decision «a flagrant violation of international law».

5) No good will come of all these violation activities.

6) This action constitutes a violation of international law.

7) Troops crossed the border in violation of the agreement.

8) This is a technical violation of the treaty.

9) He was in violation of his contract.

10) He roared that was a violation of the rules.

11) They were in open violation of the treaty.

12) The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention.

13) Amnesty International opposes the death penalty as a violation of the right to life.

14) The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant/blatant violation of international law.

15) The policeman rapped the driver for his violation of traffic regulations.

16) The violation of the graves is not the first such incident.

17) The couple was found guilty of violation of child protection laws.

18) Police say he was stopped for a traffic violation.

19) No violation of moral duty is involved.

20) It was violation of the ability-to-pay principle that caused much of the public hostility to the poll tax.

21) Gibbs calls it a blatant violation of the federal Fair Housing Act, which forbids using federal money for gentrification.

22) She was in violation of some deal they had which dated from the moment they agreed to combine households.

23) The opposition parties have cried foul at the president’s act, seeing it as a violation of democracy.

24) His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations.

25) To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law.

26) There is plenty of evidence that her actions were in violation of an earlier contract.

27) She’s claiming that her detention by the police was a violation of her human rights.

28) It was clear that they had not acted in violation of the rules.

29) He claimed that the way he’d been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.

30) You tried to coerce her into marrying Liu Shengli in violation of the Marriage Law.

More similar words: isolation, violate, relation, inflation, population, regulation, revelation, translation, calculation, speculation, legislation, installation, correlation, in relation to, relationship, nation, donation, formation, equation, location, operation, education, national, zonation, sensation, radiation, migration, summation, variation, allegation. 

violation — перевод на русский


Any violation of neutrality would reflect on Captain Renault.

Любое нарушение нейтралитета отразится на капитане Рено.

Would Allah and Emir tolerate such an outrageous violation of the order.

Разве аллах и эмир потерпят такое возмутительное нарушение порядка.

Serving nine more years in the penitentiary for violation of parole.

Отбывала бы еще девять лет колонии за нарушение досрочного освобождения!

That’s in violation of the Labor Law.

Но это же нарушение трудового кодекса.

Rather, the charge is that of conscious participation in a nationwide, government-organised system of cruelty and injustice, in violation of every moral and legal principle known to all civilised nations.

Скорее состав преступления заключается в том, что обвиняемые сознательно участвовали в отлаженной государством системе беззакония и уничтожения, созданной в нарушение любых моральных и правовых принципов цивилизованных стран.

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You’re in violation of secure communication procedures, Condor.

Нарушаете протокол безопасности переговоров, Кондор.

— You’re in violation of federal statutes.

— Вы нарушаете федеральные законы.

You are in violation of the Proxima Treaty.

Вы нарушаете соглашение с Проксимой.

Oh, and incidentally, by not answering you’re in violation of your contract.

Да, кстати, не отвечая на вопрос, вы нарушаете условия контракта.

Right there you’re in official violation of the Eighth Amendment.

В данный момент вы нарушаете Восьмую поправку.

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Ensign, you are in direct violation of the Captain’s orders.

Энсин, вы нарушили прямой приказ капитана.

You’re in violation of federal code, attempting to bribe a government official.

Вы нарушили федеральный закон пытались подкупить государственного чиновника.

You’re in violation of an important treaty.

…вы нарушили важнейшее соглашение.

That’s his prerogative, to say whatever he wants to. But it’s a violation of his privacy if you’re going to videotape him when he doesn’t think he’s being watched, and then have it put up on the world wide web.

И это его право говорить то, что он хочет, а Вы нарушили его право на личную жизнь, право на свободу выражения, когда тайно сняли его на видео, а затем разместили в интернете!

If you’ve done anything to my partner, Doctor, that is a violation of…

Если вы что-то сделали с моим напарником, — значит вы нарушили…

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I cuffed him to the bed and booked him for parole violations.

Я приковал его наручниками к койке и оформил нарушение правил досрочного освобождения.

Harry called. He said he’ll be arresting Hank for parole violation.

Звонил Гарри.Сказал,что арестует Хэнка за нарушение правил досрочного освобождения.

Parole violation: assault arising from a family dispute.

Нарушение правил досрочного освобождения из-за семейного спора.


Ты совершил вопиющее нарушение правил всей гомосексуальной социальной структуры.

That’s a serious violation… of health and safety codes.

Это серьезное нарушение правил здравоохранения и безопасности?

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So it’s a parole violation, pal.

— То, что это нарушение условий твоего освобождения, приятель.

So we book him on the parole violation for soliciting a prostitute.

Тогда мы оформим его за нарушение условий освобождения, услуги от проститутки.

I figured I ought to take that too, it being a parole violation and all.

Я решил и его забрать, это же нарушение условий освобождения.

Parole violation.

— За что? — Нарушение условий освобождения.

Possession of a handgun… possessing a concealed weapon, assault by pointing… robbery, deadly weapon, possession of a handgun again… followed by violation of parole on weapon charges… followed by one count of attempted murder… and use of a handgun in commission of a felony.

Обладание оружием… скрытое ношение оружия, угроза оружием… ограбление, угроза жизни с применением оружия, вновь обладание оружием… зачем нарушение условий досрочного освобождения, по оружейным обвинениям… затем один случай покушения на убийство… и наконец применение оружия при совершении преступления.

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The physical violation cannot be undone.

Физическое насилие не может быть аннулировано.

Perversion red, fascination red, violation, penetration.

Красное извращение, красное вожделение, красное насилие, красное проникновение.

Monstrous violation!

Чудовищное насилие!

Spooning with a stranger In the back seat oa van, that’s a violation!

Оказаться на заднем сиденье с незнакомцем вот это насилие!

-The perfect violation.

— Идеальное насилие.

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You’re under arrest for violation of the RICO Statute.

Вы арестованы за нарушение закона об организованной преступности!

— It’s a violation of due process.

— Это нарушение закона.

There’s been a 6th Day violation.

Это нарушение закона 6-го дня.

A dog without a license is in violation of the Dog Control Act, paragraph 6b…

собака без лицензии — нарушение Закона о контроле за животными…

Now, in good conscience, I have to inform you that using this software… is in violation of the Patriot Act, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the National Security Act of 1948, which created the CIA.

Теперь, с чистой совестью, я должен проинформировать тебя о том, что использование данного ПО — это нарушение закона о патриотизме, инициативы стратегической обороны и закона о национальной безопасности 1948 года, созданного ЦРУ.

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Any woman in violation of regulations can be detained in a clinic as long as necessary for extensive testing.

Тех, кто не соблюдает правила, принудительно отправляют на медосмотр, где они подвергаются весьма тщательному осмотру и сдают кучу анализов.

Wouldn’t want you to get an honour violation, Perryman.

Нехорошо нарушать правила, Перримэн.

Even if it weren’t a violation of every rule in the book, it would still be far too risky.

Даже если бы это не нарушало все известные правила, все равно это было бы слишком рискованно.

So either cure your stovepipe violation or prepare to get levied a fine.

Так что либо соблюдай правила по прокладке печных труб либо приготовься к штрафу.

-It’s giving Wintersgill something to do Apart from telling people to keep off the grass And the odd traffic violation.

— Это даёт Уинтесгиллу что-то, чтобы не говорить людям держаться тише травы и нарушать правила движения.

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It’s a health code violation.

Нарушение санитарных норм.

A hot dog on a stick is fine but when a hot dog is on the floor it’s a health violation?

Хот-дог на палке — это нормально, а хот-дог на полу — это нарушение санитарных норм?

No, I just mean Health Code violation to have the duck brought into a facility like that.

Не, я имел ввиду само нахождение утки в подобном заведении это нарушение санитарных норм.

Ron, it looks like they’re closed for some kind of health code violation.

Рон, кажется они закрыты за какое-то нарушение санитарных норм.

It’s, like, a health code violation, or…?

— Какое-то нарушение санитарных норм или..

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You’ve had 15 moving violations in the last three days.

За последние три дня вы нарушили правила 15 раз.

And you got traffic violations in 6 other states from here to Alaska.

И вы нарушили правила вождения еще в шести других штатах от сюда до Аляски.

Because, uh, y-you’re both in clear violation of penal code 8.14.

Потому что в-вы оба явно нарушили правила Уголовного Кодекса 8.14.

Traffic violation.

нарушил правила на дороге

You violation of bail agreement. I need you to come with me …

Ты нарушил правила залога, так что, поехали.

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Moscow also condemned the airstrikes as a violation of international law.

Путин также указал на то, что эти воздушные удары нанесены в нарушение международного права.

So check if there is a law that prohibits copyright violation.

Так что проверить, если есть закон, который запрещает нарушение авторских прав.

This violation is functional rather than organic.

Эти нарушения имеют функциональный, а не органический характер.

Private documents obtained in violation of this provision have no legal effect.

Частные документы, полученные с нарушением настоящего положения, не должны иметь никакой юридической силы.

It also lists all pages that exhibit that violation.

В нем также перечислены все страницы, которые показывают это нарушение.

The border violation was deliberate and premeditated.

Во-вторых, нарушения границы стали носить преднамеренный и демонстративный характер.

Lengthy pre-trial detention remained a widespread violation of the right to personal liberty.

Широко распространено такое нарушение права на личную свободу, как продолжительное содержание подозреваемых под стражей до суда.

Of these, the alleged violation was confirmed after verification in 26 cases.

Из них в 26 случаях после проведения проверки нарушения, о которых сообщалось, были подтверждены.

It became a violation when it landed en route.

Он превратился в нарушение, когда вертолет совершил посадку по дороге.

It was considered a violation and local authorities were notified accordingly.

Этот инцидент был сочтен нарушением, и местные власти были поставлены об этом в известность.

Such practices include deliberate violation of trade union privileges.

К ней относится, в частности, преднамеренное нарушение законных прав профсоюза.

Any violation of that right entailed disciplinary action.

Любое нарушение этого права влечет за собой применение дисциплинарных санкций.

Child labour laws should be enforced and penalties imposed in cases of violation.

Необходимо усилить законы в сфере детского труда и ужесточить наказания, применяемые в случае их нарушения.

The widespread violation is the campaigning in forbidden places.

Наиболее часто встречающиеся нарушения — распространение предвыборной агитации в запрещенных местах.

Reposting private e-mail is a violation of privacy.

Уведомление о рангах по электронной почте является нарушением частной жизни.

Those caught tonight in violation of curfew…

Те, кого сегодня поймают за нарушением комендантского часа…

Suspicion of violation of federal gold regulations.

Он подозревается в нарушении федерального закона об обороте золота.

Remember that violation of the law entails responsibility and punishment.

Помните, что нарушение закона влечет за собой установленную ответственность и наказание.

What happened is a violation of our rights.

«То, что здесь произошло, это нарушение человеческих прав.

The State could then demand compensation from the person directly responsible for the violation.

Впоследствии данное государство могло бы, в свою очередь, потребовать возмещения у стороны, непосредственно виновной в данном нарушении.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат violation

Результатов: 54460. Точных совпадений: 54460. Затраченное время: 88 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Violation is the second studio album by the late-1970s American hard rock band Starz, released in 1977. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Babachir is being investigated for alleged violations of law and due process in the award of contracts under the Presidential Initiative on the North-East; and Oke, over the $ 43.4 m hauled from a residential apartment at Osborne Towers, Ikoyi, Lagos.


Last night CPS representatives would only say: «We would have to review the material and assess the content to determine whether any violation of policy has taken place.»


Vernon Hills Illinois also employs a «three strikes law,» wherein your driver’s license can be revoked indefinitely if you receive three traffic violations in a single year.


It also settled a class action in Missouri in 2012, agreeing to pay $ 1.9 million in attorneys» fees and to modify certain aspects of its business, and in 2010, it settled a lawsuit brought by the state of Washington alleging violations of that state’s consumer protection law.


Pecos Texas drivers who incur four violations in two years or 7 in four years are considered habitual offenders by the state of Texas and face suspension of their Texas driving privileges.


You shall be solely liable for any damages resulting from any violation of the foregoing restrictions, or any other harm resulting from your posting of content to this Site.


It says: «As referred to in UN Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465, Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.


Would the sum of the small differences in the way you can describe each theorem add up to a copyright violation?


While the compliance period for these rules was extended to 2022, virtually all of India’s existing coal plants are in violation of the new rules.


You agree to indemnify and hold us and (as applicable) our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys» fees, due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.


Kobo will exercise the right to refuse content that it deems in violation of its terms of service, just like any other website or platform.


The GameJournoPros emails appear to confirm widely-held suspicions that video game journalists operate with one voice and collude on major issues to distort coverage of ethics violations and to support figures to whom they are politically sympathetic.


The RCMP now has more than 30 ongoing investigations into violations of Canada’s Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act.


Drivers with traffic violations, accidents, or DUIs are usually considered to be a much greater risk by insurance companies.


One was of an enterprise risk assessment regarding FCPA violations on the client side.


A deviation from the principle of mutual trust in EU law is, however, typically only permitted in cases of extraordinary circumstances, which arguably requires a graver and more systematic violation of Convention rights.


HALL OF FAME: Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it can also be a violation of trademark law.


As such, it is a severe violation of the principles of One Country, Two Systems and Hong Kong’s Basic Law.


Please contact an experienced Collin County federal firearm violations lawyer as soon as possible.


Have you or any members of your family/household been cited for leash law violations or cruelty to animals in the past?


Human Rights Data Analysis Group: Nonprofit, nonpartisan group applying rigorous science to the analysis of human rights violations around the world.


Several workers at a South Beach restaurant were not paid overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.


«alleges the business is in violation of FDA regulations, prohibiting the business form misleading and incorrect marketing language without approval»


By responding to the commenter’s post, Kerr will forever link his name in the search engines to «copyright violations,» perhaps causing some residual (albeit superficial) damage to his reputation.


Also, if there’s a violation in his contract about meeting with other teams regarding employment I’m sure we wouldn’t be paying a buyout.


Reichberg and Rechnitz allegedly wooed more than a dozen NYPD officers with free food, cash and lavish international trips, which are departmental and possibly legal violations.


Ms. Grant represents employers in a wide variety of labor and employment matters, including wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, breach of contract, fraud, wage and hour, public policy violations, defamation, invasion of privacy, and trade secret/unfair competition.


(a) Any buyer suffering damages as a result of a violation of this chapter by any credit services organization may bring any action for recovery of damages.


These systematic violations can be used to identify whether an action or condition causes a certain effect (high lead-blood levels causing ADHD) from large enough sample sizes of observational data.


The latest action comes in Tennessee, where the state union filed a federal lawsuit March 21 calling the portion of the state’s teacher-evaluation system based on test scores arbitrary, flawed, and in violation of teachers» constitutional rights.


It’s undeniable that getting a traffic ticket is a stressful experience, and finding solutions to deal with that traffic violation can be equally difficult.


Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe has called for climate scientists associated with the IPCC to be investigated for criminal violations.


Even more, the delivery truck idles outside our window (an EPA violation) waking our daughter and spewing fumes into our apartment!


The National School Boards Association’s general counsel criticized that DCL for «creating an expectation that school officials are to respond to each and every offensive incident as if it were a civil rights violation,» thus «needlessly drain [ing] school resources and attention from the more crucial task of fostering an appropriate climate while minimizing the professional discretion of local educators to craft workable, individualized solutions.»


«Now that others, Republican or Democrat, plan to take the place of the previous two assembly members, I will hold their feet to the fire in addressing the protections that should be afforded to those who speak out against corruption and ethics violations.


If we detect any kinds of violation then you will be kicked out from the room.


I drive perhaps 3-5 miles a day regullarily, and count, on average, more than 25 violations each day, mostly failure to yield or failure to signal.


These flaws justify CRE’s request that USGCRP cease present and future National Assessment dissemination unless and until its violations of FDQA are corrected.


Advocacy should begin in the very first stages of an investigation and the careful drafting of responses should put violations in question and prepare for a line of defence.


Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the unanimous court, «once a use of force is deemed reasonable… it may not be found unreasonable by reference to some separate constitutional violation


Mr. de Blasio told reporters last month that he had been questioned in connection with the state inquiry, which is focused on possible violations of election law during the mayor’s unsuccessful effort to help Democrats retake control of the State Senate in 2014.


The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that searching another’s webmail is not considered a violation of the Stored Communications Act.


IRS scammers are known to threaten callers that they are being charged with a criminal violation, a grand jury indictment, immediate arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver’s license.


Government vs Brazilian Blowout The FDA sent a violation letter to GIB about Brazilian Blowout’s Acai Professional Smoothing Solution in 2011 after it found methylene glycol, the liquid form of formaldehyde, in samples at concentrations ranging from 8.7 to 10.4 percent.


In the end, there may be no need to extract a decision from the IRS: it may be sufficient to alert the likes of Christ Hospital that any facility that performs «live-birth abortions» is in violation of federal law.


We aggressively defend people who have been charged with a moving violation, handling cases involving


Harlem’s legendary Rep. Charles Rangel was censured by the House of Representatives for a series of ethics violations, including failing to pay taxes on rental revenue from a home he owned in the Dominican Republic.


«The next action… will be within the department for us to review if there are any violations of our administrative processes,» Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said.


Zuckerberg told senators he did not see the Cambridge Analytica episode as a violation.


It is a violation of one of the direct commandments at Sinai.


Definition of Violation

in breach of a rule, law, or agreement

Examples of Violation in a sentence

Kevin sold cocaine, in violation of Mexican law.


The police will ticket you for any parking violation.


Our coach is tough, calling out players for any violation.


If Isabel receives one more speeding violation, she will be arrested.


North Korea’s nuclear testing may be in violation of international law.


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Sentences with the word Violation?



  • «a crying shame»; «an egregious lie»; «flagrant violation of human rights»; «a glaring error»; «gross ineptitude»; «gross injustice»; «rank treachery»
  • «they took dismissive action after the third violation«
  • «he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment»
  • «a procedural violation«
  • «a word unacceptable in polite society»; «an unacceptable violation of personal freedom»

нарушение, насилие, изнасилование


- нарушение

the violation of a treaty — нарушение договора
a violation of military discipline — нарушение воинской дисциплины
violation of signals — нарушение правил движения
in violation of — нарушение чего-л.

- спорт. нарушение правил
- осквернение; оскорбление (чувств)

the violation of a sacred place — осквернение святого места /святыни/

- насилие, применение силы
- изнасилование

Мои примеры


a serious violation of the law — грубое нарушение закона  
a base and sneaky act that is a clear violation of international law — подлый и трусливый поступок, который является очевидным нарушением международного права  
to classify violation at law — давать (юридическую) квалификацию правонарушения  
contrary to the contract, in violation of the contract — в нарушение данного контракта  
violation of discipline — нарушение порядка  
to be against / in violation of the rules — нарушать правила  
minor violation — незначительное нарушение  
to commit a violation — нарушить что-л.  
moving violation — нарушение правил дорожного движения  
direct violation — прямое нарушение  
violation notice — уведомление о допущенном нарушении  
crude violation — грубое нарушение  

Примеры с переводом

He acted in violation of the law.

Он действовал, нарушая закон.

This violation of school rules is a grave matter.

Такое нарушение школьных правил — дело серьёзное.

They protested the government’s violation of human rights.

Они протестовали против нарушения правительством прав человека.

The group monitors human rights violations.

Данная группа осуществляет мониторинг нарушений прав человека.

Troops crossed the border in violation of the agreement.

Войска пересекли границу в нарушение данного соглашения.

They took dismissive action after the third violation.

После третьего нарушения они разорвали (с нарушителем) все отношения.

Technically speaking, it may not be a violation, but it is certainly repugnant to the spirit of the law.

Возможно, с формальной точки зрения это и не является нарушением, но безусловно противоречит духу закона.

He claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment.

Он заявил о нарушении своих прав в соответствии с Пятой поправкой к Конституции.

He was arrested for using a rod on his dogs in violation of the state’s animal cruelty laws.

Он был арестован за избиение своих собак палкой, что является нарушением государственных законов о жестоком обращении с животными.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was arrested for violation of his parole.

This is a technical violation of the treaty.

A second violation was called on the basketball player.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): violation
мн. ч.(plural): violations

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