Sentence for the word truth

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word truth, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use truth in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «truth».

Truth in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word truth in a sentence.

  1. Laurent was telling the truth.

  2. By God, I told them the truth.

  3. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  4. The truth, however, will never be known.

  5. I propose to wring the truth out of you.

  6. Mercy and truth shall go before His face!

  7. Their spoken words were always the truth.

  8. But the truth is, you can never leave home.

  9. In obscuring reality, truth becomes unclear.

  10. But the truth is, home is between your teeth.

  11. Is the truth, then, without value for its own sake?

  12. The truth is it is a privilege to watch new Arsenal.

  13. Only history itself can convince you of such a truth.

  14. It depends when it needs it; it’ll invent a new truth.

  15. In truth, it leads to D’ni, where Atrus is imprisoned.

  16. From truth, according to Māhavira, language returns and not the other way around.

  17. There are three main conditions of epistemology: truth, belief and justification.

  18. According to Wood, the truth was revealed after the sixth or seventh performance.

  19. It states that the ultimate truth and reality is complex and has multiple aspects.

  20. At this point it appeared certain to Gascoyne that Canning had not told the truth.

  21. Horrified, she confronted Day in a series of letters; he admitted the truth but refused to apologise.

  22. Pragmatists believe «the truth is out there»—the motto of the series—in a manner similar to Mulder’s.

  23. Berlioz, in truth, never did contrive to express what he aimed at in the impeccable manner he desired.

  24. In truth, both chains feared that customers would be offended by the artwork on the album’s back cover.

  25. In Michael Wood’s view, the poem confirms the truth of William of Malmesbury’s account of the ceremony.

  26. In 1783, Bicknell sought out Sidney and proposed marriage, telling her the truth about Day’s experiment.

  27. The Puritans sincerely believed that, in banishing Hutchinson, they were protecting God’s eternal truth.

  28. Anything I could write about them would seem exaggeration but would in reality be miles below the truth.

  29. Sorkin is known for writing memorable lines and fast-paced dialogue, such as «You can’t handle the truth!

  30. Ross Franklin stated that Herbert «was incapable of telling the truth, even on inconsequential matters ..

  31. The expression «elephant in the room» refers to an obvious truth that is ignored or otherwise unaddressed.

  32. The Minister of Fortitude realizes that the truth must never be revealed, lest the Covenant be torn apart.

  33. Would you attach any truth to their statements had they been Americans and had turned against your country?

  34. In truth it needed but to look at their complexion to see that they were people of another world than ours.

  35. This would not be fair to the complexity of the problem of truth in art nor fair to Keats’s little parable.

  36. This movement tried to employ a systemic approach to truth and reason and culminated in the thought of Thomas Aquinas (d.

  37. As I stand out here in the wonders of the unknown at Hadley, I sort of realize there’s a fundamental truth to our nature.

  38. In the end, Celine states, any hierarchy acts more to conceal the truth from its leaders than it serves to find the truth.

  39. Markham hinted that Amundsen’s claim might be fraudulent: «We must wait for the truth until the return of the Terra Nova».

  40. The work ends, slowing down majestically, with the text «und seine Wahrheit für und für» (and his truth forever and ever).

  41. Because the truth is, I blew up the Murrah Building, and isn’t it kind of scary that one man could wreak this kind of hell?

  42. A report, issued in Philosophical Transactions for the year 1770, confirms the truth of Wolfgang’s exceptional capabilities.

  43. Paget’s apt summary of the case read: «in truth, perhaps, the most complete and most inexplicable Judicial Puzzle on record».

  44. Unknown to Lansbury, the allegations had some truth which, when exposed, caused him and the paper considerable embarrassment.

  45. Goya abandons colour in the series, believing that light, shade and shadow provide for a more direct expression of the truth.

  46. Jack and Barbossa discuss the fact that Carina is in truth Barbossa’s long-lost daughter, whom he had left at an orphanage in order to give her a chance for a better life.

  47. Time has now sufficiently dispersed the mists of criticism for us to be able to see the truth, to enjoy all his music, and to rejoice in the rich diversity of its panoply.

  48. A Falun Gong spokesperson clarified that the new scripture simply meant it was time to «bring truth to light» about human rights abuses committed by the Chinese government.

  49. Using ideas from evolutionary psychology, James Friedrich suggests that people do not primarily aim at truth in testing hypotheses, but try to avoid the most costly errors.

  50. The novel suggests that this focus on positives leads to the Orgota being not entirely honest, and that a balance between enlightenment and darkness is necessary for truth.

Synonyms for truth

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word truth has the following synonyms: accuracy, the true, verity, trueness, true statement, Truth and Sojourner Truth.

General information about «truth» example sentences

The example sentences for the word truth that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «truth» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «truth».

truth — перевод на русский


I didn’t want to believe her, but deep down I knew she was telling the truth.

Я не хотел ей верить, но в глубине души я знал, что она говорит правду.

Go and find your truth as much as you want!

Иди и ищи свою правду!

To find out the truth about your death by yourself?

Чтобы ты могла узнать правду о своей смерти?

So, Magistrate, let’s find the truth about my death in earnest…

давай узнаем правду о моей смерти…

If you find the truth… this bell will ring.

Если найдёшь правду… этот колокольчик зазвенит.

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Truth is the foundation… on which the power of the press stands in the world.

Истина является фундаментом… на котором основывается мощь прессы в всем мире.

— That’s the holy truth!

— Это непреложная истина!

A mob which can believe that a big enough lie is not a lie at all but truth.

Толпу, которая может поверить, что ложь достаточно больших размеров — это вовсе не ложь, а истина.

Well, maybe it’s the one scientific truth we’ve forgotten.

Может, это единственная научная истина, которую мы забыли?

If you’re right, truth will com eout.

В любом случае, если вы правы, истина обнаружится.

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To tell you the truth, I’m a little tired and I would like to rest.

По правде говоря, я немного устала, хотела бы отдохнуть.

Ma’am, the truth is, I gave them to Amy herself to post.

Но, мэм, по правде говоря, я дал их Эми, чтобы она сама выслала.

The truth is, he doesn’t understand me. He’s a man.

По правде говоря, Морис меня не понимает.

You see the truth is…

По правде говоря…

— To tell you the truth, I’m not a mechanic.

По правде говоря, я не механик.

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Tell the truth You go to see those beautiful dames Yes, sir

Скажем честно, посмотреть на прекрасных девушек.

Well, to tell the truth,

Ну, признаться честно,

tell us the truth and we’II let you go home quickly.

Скажу тебе честно, тебя скоро освободят.

The plain truth is I was scared stiff.

Если честно, я чуть не умер со страху.

An American woman, and I’m a little disappointed, to tell you the truth.

С американкой. И если честно, я слегка разочарована.

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The truth is, this man got you a novice’s robe in which you escaped from the palace.

на самом деле, это он дал вам наряд послушника.

But The truth is that you only ate six.

Но на самом деле, ты съел только шесть.

The truth is, her heart was worn out.

На самом деле все куда проще. Сердце износилось, выработало свой ресурс.

Will you tell me the truth?

На самом деле.

I mean, the truth is…

То есть, на самом деле…

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To tell the truth, Baron, tonight we’re a little bit nervous.

Честно говоря, сегодня мы немного нервничаем.

To tell you the truth, I must get some money somehow right away.

Честно говоря, Крингеляйн, мне срочно нужны деньги.

-To tell you the truth, I’m starved.

Честно говоря, умираю с голоду.

To tell the truth, since I heard you moved to Edo I’ve visited your house often, but you were never in.

Честно говоря, когда я узнал, что вы переехали в Эдо Я часто заходил к вам, но вас никогда не было дома.

Tell you the truth, I’m frightened too.

Честно говоря, я тоже напуган.

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You know that I can arrest you, if you don’t tell me the truth.

Вы знаете, что я могу Вас арестовать, если Вы говорите неправду.

Perhaps you haven’t been telling the truth.

Может быть, ты говоришь неправду?

You’re not telling me the truth, Missus Birling.

— Вы говорите неправду, миссис Берлинг.

Martha didn’t tell the truth about her sister leaving, she is still here.

Марта сказала неправду об отъезде своей сестры, она всё ещё здесь.

You are not telling the truth.

Вьi говорите… неправду.

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In truth, it took some time for my reason to recover.

Сказать по правде, мой разум долго не мог проснуться.

If you really wanna know the truth, I’m in exile.

Сказать по правде, я здесь в изгнании

I was glad to see Mrs. Talmann… and in all truth, put as much a possibility as I could… to see that a meeting with yourself might occur.

Я был рад повидать миссис Тэлманн и, сказать по правде, приложил все старания, дабы встретиться с вами.

— I never can keep the truth to myself.

— Никогда не могла удержаться, чтобы не сказать правду

You want the truth?

Сказать правду?

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Dear cousin, your loyalty to Clifford has overshadowed your adherence to truth.

Милая кузина, боюсь, что твоя верность Клиффорду вынуждает тебя врать.

Why don’t you make him tell the truth?

Почему вы позволяете ему врать вам?

If these sources tell the truth, and my calculations are not faulty… he now swims the waters off Good Hope… and all the Indian Ocean lies before him.

Если источники не врут и мои расчеты верны, он на широте мыса Доброй Надежды в водах Индийского океана.

She’s telling the truth.

Да, она не врет.

He could be telling the truth, Steven.

Может, он и не врёт, Стивен.

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That is the one and only truth about it.

Это единственное, что можно сказать наверняка.

To tell you the truth, it’s unknown where this story took place, and whether it took place at all.

Надо сказать, что неизвестно, где происходила эта история и происходила ли она вообще.

Yes, the senior chief guide can only tell the truth, my dear ladies.

Да, это всё правильно, что старший главный гид сказал, милые дамы.

So I decided to ignore the truth.

Я ничего не сказал.

If I told him only half the truth, he would come in no time, and now that I met you, … I would … hate to see that.

Скажи я ему даже полуправду, он тут же примчался бы сюда, а этого сейчас, когда я узнал тебя получше, мне бы очень… не хотелось… видеть.

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The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. You. If I do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for,


    ,is loyalty and disregard for


    is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be
  2. From ignorance to enlightenment, and the stone represented a hidden spiritual,


    ,or power that would lead to that goal. In texts that are written according to
  3. Judged worthy in a trial, in which the heart was weighed against a» feather of,


    ,». If deemed worthy, the deceased could continue their existence on earth in
  4. Be used interchangeably. In general, a non-logical axiom is not a self-evident,


    , but rather a formal logical expression used in deduction to build a
  5. Nor even the right of art to exist. » Relativism was accepted as an unavoidable,


    , which led to the period of contemporary art and postmodern criticism, where
  6. Jealous of her sister because she wanted Apollo for herself, told Orchards the,


    , betraying her sister’s trust and confidence in her. Enraged, Orchamus ordered
  7. The diagrammatic answer to Pilate’s question,» Quid est merits? » (What is,


    , ), namely,» Est VIR quit adept» ( It is the man who is here). The origins of
  8. Be true in any model of Carmelo–Frankel set theory (ZF),regardless of the,


    ,or falsity of the axiom of choice in that particular model. The restriction to
  9. A complete philosophy of the Unknowable, but at excluding special kinds of,


    , notably religious, from the domain of knowledge. » However, the Church is
  10. Numbered as mandated by law, each one making a separate claim; * a statement of,


    ,generally stating that everything is true, under penalty of perjury, fine,or
  11. M. W. Turner, saw art’s role as the communication by artifice of an essential,


    ,that could only be found in nature. The definition and evaluation of art has
  12. Laplace and Bit never gave me so much pleasure as the discovery of a theoretic,


    , or the confirmation of a calculation by experiment «. His name is one of the
  13. Christian, and Origin the Pagan. He was the first who had a godly zeal for the,


    ,in philosophy and despised the views of the majority, which were a disgrace to
  14. I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for


    is loyalty and disregard for,


    ,is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be strong with me until I have secured
  15. As King of England; in fact he would never adopt the title for himself. In,


    ,the power which Alfred wielded over the English peoples at this time seemed to
  16. A powerful influence on artistic styles. Modernism, the idealistic search for,


    , gave way in the latter half of the 20th century to a realization of its
  17. Dubiously that,» the master presupposes his little pupils possessed of all,


    ,; and that his business is to bring it out into expression «. Even so, his ideas
  18. The Romans over the Latins at the battle of Lake Reg illus, and,to confirm the,


    ,of what they had just said, they stroked his black hair and beard, which
  19. To be loved for something you are not» *»Believe those who are seeking the,


    , Doubt those who find it. » *“Everything that needs to be said has already been
  20. The lectern without difficulty:» Then suddenly he faltered—and the disturbing,


    ,became obvious. He wasn’t reading his address at all. He had learned it by
  21. Alarmed Muhammad Shah, who travelled to Delian near Mallet to determine the,


    ,of the reports about Hasan Ali Shah. Hasan Ali Shah was on a hunting trip at
  22. Set of axioms (Peano’s axioms, for example) to construct a statement whose,


    ,is independent of that set of axioms. As a corollary, Gödel proved that the
  23. Found a Rome of bricks; I leave to you one of marble «. Although there is some,


    ,in the literal meaning of this, Cassius Did asserts that it was a metaphor for
  24. Of Two Truths, the deceased’s heart was weighed against the SHU feather of,


    ,and justice taken from the headdress of the goddess Ma’at. If the heart was
  25. An axiom is a logical statement that is assumed to be true. Therefore, its,


    , is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring
  26. No other remedy did He turn His face away, in order to force people to face the,


    ,about their life» In Paneloux’s view, even the terrible suffering caused by
  27. Handful her Geisteskrankheiten, Berlin,1930 Agnosticism is the view that the,


    ,value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence
  28. He is said to have abandoned himself to a life of debauchery. Whatever the,


    ,behind this, the young king was forced to depend heavily on his Ptolemaic
  29. The central importance of erotic experience, and the spiritual quest for the,


    ,of everyday existence. J. D. McClatchy, editor of the Yale Review called
  30. Russell’s quotation saying ‘Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only,


    , but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture. ‘ The
  31. Religions: If I wished to take the results of my philosophy as the standard of,


    , I should have to concede to Buddhism pre-eminence over the others. In any case
  32. Youth),Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light and the sun,


    ,and prophecy, medicine,healing, plague,music, poetry,arts, archery,and more
  33. The promise was,» to be true and faithful to the king and his heirs, and,


    , and faith to bear of life and limb and Terrence honor, and not to know or hear
  34. Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the,


    ,in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the
  35. Cannot be successfully communicated, if the learner is in doubt about the,


    ,of the postulates. The classical approach is well illustrated by Euclid’s
  36. Fooled by the criminal and for his tendency to unknowingly» stumble» onto the,


    , Hastings marries and has four children – two sons and two daughters. Hastings
  37. Can have no fear of having to suffer for the study of nature and the search for,


    , or believe that those will be better off in a future state who have lived in
  38. From Abu Bakr that Muhammad said,» Stick to speaking the




    ,is a companion of bird (righteousness) and both these are in Paradise; and
  39. He allowed the murderer to escape justice through suicide and then ensured the,


    ,was never known to spare the feelings of the murderer’s relatives. In The
  40. In the nineteenth century, artists were primarily concerned with ideas of,


    ,and beauty. The aesthetic theorist John Ruskin, who championed what he saw as
  41. It has been reported from Abu Bakr that Muhammad said,» Stick to speaking the,




    is a companion of bird (righteousness) and both these are in
  42. For personal advantage and had little to do with the search for philosophical,


    , Influence Schopenhauer has had a massive influence upon later thinkers, though
  43. That Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy,» one is not asserting an absolute,


    ,but a tentative belief based on interpretation of the assembled evidence. Even
  44. His principal target:» For in the long run, either through a lie, or through,


    , people were bound to give themselves away … » After solving a case Poirot has
  45. Explanation for Farouk: so the Saver was one who cut (separates) the,


    ,from falsehood. — unfair (hypocrite),a term borrowed from Ethiopian, where
  46. Sin, because every human act is then the act of God; A man who recognizes the,


    ,that God works through everything is already in Heaven and this is the only
  47. Therefore, whoso readers it, let him understand, for the spirit manifested,


    ,; And whoso is enlightened by the Spirit shall obtain benefit therefrom; And
  48. Motivated by saying that they lead to a great wealth of geometric facts. The,


    ,of these complicated facts rests on the acceptance of the basic hypotheses.
  49. He wants to live, and becomes horrified whenever his mind starts to grasp the,


    ,about himself. This contradiction leads to the recurring absurdity of his life:
  50. White) as a punishment for spreading un


    s. When he found out the,


    ,he sent his sister, Artemis,to kill Coronas (in other stories, Apollo himself

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

истина, правда, правдивость, точность, правильность установки


- правда

the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth — правда, вся правда и ничего кроме правды
the real /plain, unvarnished, unadulterated, honest/ truth — чистая правда, правда как она есть, правда без всяких прикрас
to get at the truth of the matter — понять, в чём дело; докопаться до правды
that’s the truth of it! — вот в чём дело!, вот где правда!
to tell /to speak/ the truth — а) говорить правду; б) по правде говоря
the truth is that … — дело в том, что …, по правде говоря …

- истина

- истинность

religion’s claims to truth — притязания религии на истинность
to doubt the truth of a statement — сомневаться в истинности утверждения
there’s some truth in what you say — в том, что вы говорите, есть кое-что верное; ваши слова не лишены справедливости

- факт

the present definition of insanity has little relation to the truths of mental life — существующее определение умопомешательства плохо согласуется с фактами психической жизни

- принцип

the basic truths of thermodynamics — основные принципы термодинамики

- правдивость; искренность

to doubt a person’s truth — сомневаться в чьей-л. правдивости

- точность, соответствие

truth to nature — точность воспроизведения, реализм, жизненная правда

- соосность, точность установки

out of truth — неправильно /неточно/ установленный, сбившийся с точной установки; плохо пригнанный

- отсутствие биения
- концентричность
- физ. «истина» (характеристика кварка)
- рел. Бог (в христианском вероучении)

in truth — а) действительно, в самом деле, в действительности; б) по правде говоря
to say /to speak, to tell/ the truth and shame the devil — говорить всю правду
truth is stranger than fiction — иногда правда диковиннее вымысла
truth lies at the bottom of a well — посл. ≅ ищи ветра в поле, а правду на дне морском
truth will out — посл. правда всегда выйдет наружу, правду не утаишь

Мои примеры


a claim that was wide of the truth — утверждение, которое было далеко от истины  
recoverable truth of a past event — истинный ход прошедшего события, который можно восстановить  
to diverge from the truth — отклоняться от истины  
a dollop of truth — крупица правды  
evangelical truth — евангельская истина  
to expose the truth — докопаться до истины  
to open smb.’s eyes (to the truth) — открыть кому-л. глаза (на правду)  
inkling of truth — крупица истины  
naked truth — голая истина  
pursuer of truth — борец за правду, искатель правды  
it’s a sad truth — это горькая правда  
the search for truth — поиск истины  

Примеры с переводом

Out with the truth!

Выкладывай правду!

I like people to tell me the truth.

Я люблю, когда мне говорят правду.

Truth will out.

Истина станет известной

The truth is that I am very tired.

По правде сказать, я очень устал.

Don’t bullshit me. Tell me the truth!

Не гони мне. Скажи мне правду!

How wide he is from truth.

Как же он далёк от истины!

Nothing pains like the truth.

Правда глаза колет.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A reporter soon discovered the truth.

Ain’t that the truth!

There isn’t an atom of truth in it.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): truth
мн. ч.(plural): truths

Definition of Truth

the facts and reality of a matter

Examples of Truth in a sentence

Anna begged her cheating husband to tell her the truth about his affair, but he continued to deny reality.


The police are working hard to figure out the truth about the crime and reveal the facts about the case.


The jury ruled that the accused was not telling the truth and that the charges against him were accurate.




Other words in the Real category:



Reality check


















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Sentence Examples

In truth I tell you, Peter … Tonight, before cockcrow, You have denied me three times.

And that their contempt of truth shall not go unpunished I shall ask their indictment for perjury on the same evidence that in one minute will prove the identity of these defendants with that of 22 active members of the mob that stormed and burned the jail and lynched Joseph Wilson!

The truth is, the chloride will «vinvectify» the entire tape.

Three months ago, you circulated a study criticizing what you called «resistance to truth«— once again, disputing Doctrine.

That’s what Namon told, and he told the truth before he went to the gloried Wayafter.

Listen here and lift your eyes and look on the God’s blessed and unflyblown truth:

And it’s a nice simple rule, tell the blunt, honest truth in the starkest, darkest way.

Lily and cherie give it their all. It is the moment of truth, christina. dthis is «the voice» d

It is the moment of truth, christina.

But the truth of the matter be say

They’ll have no proof I was telling the truth or not

You’re stretching the truth again and you know it

You’re making things up again, Arnold (We’re learning the truth)

You’re taking the Holy Word and adding fiction (The truth about God!

I guess that pile of shit with a pompadour was telling the truth.

You can’t lock away the truth, Richard.

If we want to find out the truth, we do.

The truth will come out though, won’t it?

We could neverNhave stopped them alone Listen to her She speaks the truth

The shoe that you lied about to keep the truth hidden… is right over there.

The truth is… this marriage is a fake.

The truth is… I saw a very scary looking lady ghost on my way up here.

More than ever I’m convinced the truth lies in the past.

And you just had to pursue the truth at all costs.

And the truth is that Jessup was nowhere near either house either night.

Did the establishment proscribe LSD because it revealed to the young a truth better concealed

Tell me the truth about you and him, Maria!»

Tell me the truth of my state.

«Marja, for the love of Christ, tell me the truth

Thirst for beauty and truth, united in a pure love … founders of humanity, new and happy.

The Master was a man of truth, and he said this would be so.

Shadows, light, that»s about the truth of it.

Here»s the truth of it: Why do you think he should lie about himself when it meant he would be killed?

-The truth. What happened?

-What is the truth of this morning?

There»s no truth in any of it.

Ask Barabbas here the truth of what I tell you.

The truth of the matter is, he»s never moved from your side.

«It must be the truth… just look at me.

I thank God that you still live and that I can still live so you know the truth.

Not by laws — our Statures are now overburdened by ignored laws — but within the heart of man, the truth must bloom that his greatest happiness lies in his purity and constancy.

Well… if you MUST know The truth

Why didn’t you find out the whole truth?

Eigil, I only like the truth between us.

She worries so about the situation between him and his wife, but she mustn’t know the truth.

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