Sentence for the word syllable

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word syllable, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use syllable in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «syllable».

Syllable in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word syllable in a sentence.

  1. Every syllable breathes power and emotion.».

  2. Sometimes a short syllable like ‘a’ might not be transmitted.

  3. Caesurae are never placed before the fourth syllable in a line.

  4. By reduplicating the first syllable of a root a new word is formed.

  5. Most Nahuatl dialects have stress on the penultimate syllable of a word.

  6. The Nafaanra syllable comprises a vowel and a maximum of three consonants.

  7. The velar nasal is similarly constrained, and also exclusive to the coda of a syllable.

  8. Others have contracted syllable sequences, causing accents to shift or vowels to become long.

  9. Stress falls on the ultimate or penultimate syllable, which can be open (CV) or closed (CVC).

  10. An Irish word normally has only one stressed syllable, namely the first syllable of the word.

  11. Finally, the community was named «Elcor», combining the first syllable of each of the two names.

  12. The basic syllable structure can be rendered as (C1)(C2)V(C3), with a preference for CV and CVV.

  13. A nasal consonant may occur as a syllable on its own, in which case it is called a syllabic nasal.

  14. However, certain words, especially adverbs and loanwords, have stress on a noninitial syllable, e.g.

  15. Position C3 may contain only nasals (/m n ɲ ŋ/), in which case the syllable as a whole is nasalized.

  16. In IPA transcription, a stressed syllable is marked with the symbol [ ˈ ] to the left of the syllable.

  17. In Munster, stress is attracted to a long vowel or diphthong in the second or third syllable of a word, e.g.

  18. The counteroffensive was called «Operation Ka», from the first syllable in the Japanese name for Guadalcanal.

  19. These spellings, which follow specific rules, indicate the tones while retaining the pronunciation of the syllable ai.

  20. Chao claimed that, because GR embeds the tone of each syllable in its spelling, it may help students to master Chinese tones.

  21. To convey the dignified, unaffected naturalness of his subject, Wordsworth uses simple language, mostly words of one syllable.

  22. In every stanza, the «B» lines rhyme with the word «nevermore» and are catalectic, placing extra emphasis on the final syllable.

  23. Also in Munster, an unstressed short vowel is not reduced to schwa if the following syllable contains a stressed /iː/ or /uː/, e.g.

  24. Bat songs are highly stereotypical but with variation in syllable number, phrase order, and phrase repetitions between individuals.

  25. Hmong), all such systems indicate different tones in a simple and consistent fashion by adding letters to the end of a syllable (e.g.

  26. Eliot’s use of lamentation, desolation and consolation—a repetition of the two-syllable -ation ending—is an example of syllable rhyme.

  27. Barbauld’s texts were designed for the developing reader, beginning with words of one syllable and progressing to multi-syllabic words.

  28. In measure 130, a reprise of the first section leads to a close of the movement in a unison «alle Welt», with a fermata on every syllable.

  29. In Mexicanero from Durango, many unstressed syllables have disappeared from words, and the placement of syllable stress has become phonemic.

  30. The most distinctive sound is the alarm KEE-yah, stressed on the first syllable, in contrast to the second-syllable stress of the Arctic tern.

  31. It was around this time he added the accent to his surname, with the aim of moving the stress onto the second syllable, rather than the first.

  32. In practice, this meant that his verse was usually unrhymed and consisted of ten syllables to a line, spoken with a stress on every second syllable.

  33. Generally, the meter is trochaic octameter eight trochaic feet per line, each foot having one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable.

  34. They allow only syllables with maximally one initial and one final consonant.Consonant clusters occur only word-medially and over syllable boundaries.

  35. The other challenge was to make sure that everything in the track sounded clear and that you could hear every instrument, every syllable, every breath.

  36. As a culmination, the first syllable of «seligste Zeiten» (most blessed times) is held on a seventh chord (first in measure 53), during which the instruments play their motifs.

  37. However, if the first or third syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong, stress is attracted to that syllable instead, and the /a/ before /x/ is reduced to /ə/ as normal, e.g.

  38. He cited linguist John Colarusso, who suggested there might be a link between their names based on the initial syllable, with the shift in phoneme caused by translation into Circassian.

  39. The town was originally known as Elba, between the present-day cities of McKinley and Gilbert; the name «Elcor» was chosen later, by combining the first syllable of the name of each mine.

  40. He later said he «would hope that history would grant me leeway for dropping the syllable and understand that it was certainly intended, even if it was not said—although it might actually have been».

  41. Like the other odes, «To Autumn» is written in iambic pentameter (but greatly modified from the very beginning) with five stressed syllables to a line, each usually preceded by an unstressed syllable.

  42. Ornithologist David Sibley describes the perching song as a pit pit pit pidddrrrreedrr, whereas the Cornell Lab of Ornithology describes it as a ching-tink-a-le-tink, with an emphasis on the last syllable.

  43. Proto-Mayan (the common ancestor of the Mayan languages as reconstructed using the comparative method) has a predominant CVC syllable structure, only allowing consonant clusters across syllable boundaries.

  44. The script has a complete syllabary (although not all possible syllables have yet been identified), and a Maya scribe would have been able to write anything phonetically, syllable by syllable, using these symbols.

General information about «syllable» example sentences

The example sentences for the word syllable that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «syllable» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «syllable».

Sentences using the word syllable. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use syllable in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for syllable.

  • No syllable. (10)
  • Not a syllable, not a breath! (9)
  • She remembers every syllable. (10)
  • Clara did not utter a syllable. (10)
  • Still he groaned, answering no syllable. (10)
  • His amazement breathed without a syllable. (10)
  • So she said not a syllable of it to her brother. (10)
  • She has not said a syllable in depreciation of you. (10)
  • The politicians uttered barely a syllable of politics. (10)
  • Not a syllable was exchanged by the couple in the hall. (10)
  • She had to mark whether the Count had understood a syllable. (10)
  • I never spoke a syllable about it to Sir Thomas, nor he to me. (4)
  • Not one syllable of personal consolation did he vouchsafe to Beauchamp. (10)
  • She could not catch a syllable, yet she would have sworn to the context. (10)
  • Found her at the big hotel: spoke not a syllable; stole away, stole away. (10)
  • Not a look or an offer of help had Fanny given; not a syllable for or against. (4)
  • Aminta had barely uttered a syllable since the start of the flight from Ashead. (10)
  • I ventured on it, and it was repeated; and I heard that I had missed a syllable. (10)
  • If he had eased his heart in stressing the first syllable, it was only temporary relief. (10)
  • Spur and fleeter steeds carried them out of hearing ere Guy could throw in another syllable. (10)
  • We have not yet exchanged a syllable: she was snapped up, of course, the moment she entered the room. (10)
  • And, as I ever wish to be believed, I solemnly protest that no syllable of such a nature ever passed between us. (4)
  • Mr. Knightley soon saw that he had lost his moment, and that not another syllable of communication could rest with him. (4)
  • Its effect was most extraordinary; for on first hearing it, Mrs. Bennet sat quite still, and unable to utter a syllable. (4)
  • Emma amused herself by protesting that it was very extraordinary, indeed, and that she had not a syllable to say for him. (4)
  • I think I have told it simply enough, and was surprised to find how easy it was to write in words mostly of one syllable. (14)
  • If he did not breathe Sir Willoughby, like the ladies Eleanor and Isabel, he would either acquiesce in a syllable or be silent. (10)
  • It was known that they were a little acquainted; but not a syllable of real information could Emma procure as to what he truly was. (4)
  • He interrupted himself, and felt how the whole being of his invisible neighbour had become a breathless listening, a rapt absorption of every syllable he spoke. (12)

Also see sentences for: monosyllable, monosyllables, syllables.

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Another voice, the first syllable uttered in my hearing by one of my compatriots

in the mess of syllable and teacup clutter

As his last syllable lifted the tent flaps and squirmed away from us,

‘ all names of numbers shortened to one syllable whenever possible

menace in that one, cold, hard syllable

It took awhile before she understood that he was mistaking a syllable for a letter

She had to explain how syllables were put together and explain the rules for the order of letters in a syllable

He did so, sounding out each letter, getting the syllable together, seeing if it meant anything, then moving along to the next

Alan thought it was pretty clear that she wouldn’t have believed one syllable of this narration if that phone wasn’t still sitting there on the mattress

pronounced A – U – M, accenting each syllable

’ There should be another syllable to make it

Her voice wavered with sorrow amid that solemn oath, but nothing in her was less than sincere in every syllable

What about the Brotherhood-” Even before the last syllable left his lips, Clodius was jolted by the sudden thunderous pound of the other’s fist upon on the table

“What is a ra-dio?” Jacob struggled with the word, pronouncing each syllable

Millicent spat the last syllable out just as Khan re-entered the room

syllable of the word should be emphasized?

have just one syllable that is stressed or emphasized

syllable should be stressed by looking at the ending of the word:

“I don’t have any problem, Caroline,” Sylvia shouted, her hair vibrating with each syllable

For where else could this man walking on the True Path be going, other than to the Holy Grounds themselves? It was their journey now, the Pilgrim thought and then he smiled, carefully pronouncing each syllable slowly before bowing and once again pointing upwards:

Words that end in -n, -s or a vowel have the stress on the next-to-last syllable

If the stresss in such words falls on a different syllable, the stress is shown by an accent mark

Words that end in consonants other than -n and -s have their stress on the last syllable

The plurals of some words create an additional syllable which necessitates putting an accent mark on the stressed syllable that does not have an accent mark in the singular

The last few things he said did not come through well, but she thought she heard the syllable “vis

Let’s awake the souls that syllable and style

the length of the one syllable

Mark sent a quick mental inquiry to Talia, and had the answer before Emeroth had spoken another syllable

A syllable is the smallest part of a word that has a vowel sound in it

Bannister, used to being approach�ed like this by masters of the art since his childhood in Hollywood, could spot those types at the drop of a syllable and the turn of an in�gratiating smile

‘understand’, he pounded his fist on the table with each syllable:

«And are you receiving this message in a secure place where no one else can listen?» Despite her youth, her voice carried a stunning amount of authority, yet it was still pleasant, smooth, and crisp, every syllable cleanly enunciated

The fisherman ambled through the dunes for weeks, yet he never tired, thirsted, or opened his mouth to utter a syllable of grief or privation

“Whether every spoken syllable is the same each time around—who can say? It does not matter if the boat is pink, only that it need not sink

Still, he had used at least one word of more than one syllable, so maybe he was smarter than he looked

Sometimes a single syllable only is used, as in the

It shows an i inthe unstressed root syllable

He continued his verbal assault towards me, every syllable of his tirade teeming with rage, and even though I couldn’t understand what he was saying I knew that he wasn’t inviting me for breakfast

but with 6-8 syllable verses, since they appear more

basically formed by one word, with one syllable that is

In His omniscience, God would be able to analyse this single syllable and the following prayer would be instantly encapsulated by it, thus making it redundant and saving everyone’s time

Using the syllable «ha», sing the upward arpeggio (do-mi-so-do) and then repeat the high do, staccato, five or six times

I could remember, in detail, all that happened during those three years of walking with Jesus, the tone of His voice, the waving of His hand, and every syllable that proceeded from his mouth

Looking at him, as he studied every spoken syllable, as he watched me, was like flashing back to the memories of me

Another damn four syllable word

You say one syllable in the word

A syllable may have a rising intonation, when the beginning of the syllable is pronounced

the only difference is that the beginning of a syllable has a higher pitch than its end

Each sound, each syllable is pronounced at some relative pace

“I wonder how many are left?” He laughed again, his eyeballs bulging a bit with every harsh syllable

It was a single long syllable that rang out and echoed through the caverns of the cave:

“Ooooooooohhhhhhh!” As he excreted the syllable, his eyes widened even more

«Hi,» said Viella in a slow drawn out syllable

“How did you know about this college?” “Pranjit told me,” I said half- syllable

” The man says with meaning, with the expectation each syllable has to be spoken in a careful way

» He said slowly, drawing out the syllable

Byrhythmic stress is meant the more important metrical accentthat falls (1) always upon the last accented syllable of a line,and (2) near the middle of a line of ten or more syllables

[*] A stressed syllable (as in Ascensión) at the end of a line counts as two syllables

The portly woman eased back into her recliner and absorbed every last syllable that the new arrival uttered

A reference, a word, a syllable having even a very loose connection to the interrogation and Locke’s mind raced to Hamilton

syllable which could not be interpreted as antagonistic: ‘Lunch?’

in the sun and the moon, the sacred syllable OM,4 the word’s echo

the recitation of the syllable “Ram” that signifies the omnipresent God

To begin with, the word ‘combining’ had a syllable more than his usual maximum preference of two

The first of three sounds constituting the sacred syllable OM

Arjun was told to recite the sacred syllable and visualize

Worshippers were counselled to recite this sacred syllable and concen-

The syllable OM, symbol of the Supreme Spirit, has been explained before, too

This sacred syllable is also called pranav, the word or sound

The syllable OM is to Hindus the symbol of the one God that the

‘ The syllable represents the

the devotees of Ved with a resonant utterance of the syllable OM

” behind her left ear, a hardened callus throbbed in time with every syllable, as the stick flashed its binary message

In Arabic, the last letter of this word is ‘n’ and is coupled with the vowel sound ‘a’, giving the final syllable ‘na’

Again, the final syllable of this word in Arabic, ‘na’, denotes the Supreme Merits of Almighty Al’lah

Pay close attention to the intonation, the weight given to each syllable and where the pauses come

“Mother,” Haven said slowly, authority dripping from every syllable

each syllable into every blackhole pause as if it had not been uttered, as if the

” Except for the extra letter, syllable and direction added by NuLuv’s TG

tow-nay, with an emphasis on the last syllable

kah-say and with a strong emphasis on its last syllable

When a verse is stressed on the final syllable, it is calleda verso agudo or masculine verse

When a verse is stressed on the next to the last syllable, itis called a verso llano or feminine

syllable verse of this typethe final stress always falls on the seventh syllable, in a six-syllable

verse on the fifth syllable, etc

the final stress fallson the final syllable, a verse having actually seven syllableswould

In English poetry the foot, rather than the syllable, is theunit

To readthis verse correctly the second syllable, and not the first, must bear thestress

llegue: I have emended llegué (which I believe Esproncedadid not intend on account of the «obstructing syllable» which thataccentuation would give to the verse) to llegue

“O-kay,” she replied, drawing out the second syllable as a means of registering her disapproval

“Chris?” I asked, my voice cracking on that one syllable

They talked almost in whispers for several moments while I strained my ears to catch a syllable, but without success

Harris had disappeared, there was no clue to Marie Margot, no trace of the new blonde woman, not a syllable yet about Betty Blackwell

equal intensity on both the first and third syllable

The second syllable

her eyelids flitted open and she mouthed an indistinct syllable

After long repetition he chanted the sacred syllable aloud and altogether extinguished these pyres

Leaving natural breaths, sounds of rain and winds, calls as of birds and animals in the woods, syllabled to us for names,

It emphasized both syllables with an exaggerated change of pitch going from really high to really low

No recognisable syllables

She had to explain how syllables were put together and explain the rules for the order of letters in a syllable

silence between the syllables is the state of perfect bliss

“Astron-omi-con” he said, stressing the syllables for clarity, “It’s

During the next 50 years, Panin would devote up to 18 hours a day painstakingly counting letters, numbers, sentences and syllables and performing calculations to mathematical problems and then recording his findings in hand-written notes

Not only did Panin have to focus on the words of the original Greek texts, but also on their arrangements, positions, numeric values, the syllables they contained and the letters that they consisted of

These would include order number, numeric value, place value, number of occurrences, syllables, letters, writers, books, number of forms etc

If you were required to write a paragraph consisting of letters, syllables, words and sentences and were requested to make use of a number of words that are evenly divisible by 7, most people would not see this as an issue and would agree that this can easily be achieved

Seraphia’s last words to Raven cut him like a knife, the cruelty, the brutal honesty of those simple syllables

studied his notes and charts, muttering arcane syllables

letters and vocalized as syllables ( man, to think + agential suffix tra)

New words are being invented all the time but their syllables must have one of those patterns

It can be easy to hear the syllables when you say the words

«You know where to go,» he whispered in tonal syllables

» Thereupon I took it and going away into a certain part of the country I transcribed the whole of it letter by letter; but the syllables of it I did not catch

«Four syllables? You ain’t that drunk

«No, no, that’s six syllables

It is the same voice that whispered dark meaningless syllables at midnight

-Heeereetiiics, Get Out! – So she was saying lengthening the syllables in ancient English that no one has heard of and the peasants who constituted her only public acclaimed with effusiveness her sardonic declamations

” Her words and syllables were broken, and the

But now they had a name for Satan, a few syllables that stand for all things evil

important to keep in mind, for the efficient speaker not only changes the pitch ofsuccessive syllables but gives adifferent pitch to different parts, or word-groups, of successive sentences

quite different results according to the notes upon which its syllables are

race, are all syllables of a great word which will be complete in the seventh

“Toby,” he said and there was a wealth of feeling in the short syllables

they replaced the repetitive syllables by repeating words and re-

tones evolved from additional syllables that got lost and re-

” Hint: the missing word has thirteen letters, four syllables and shouldn’t be uttered in church

“I guess ‘one-night stand’ has two many syllables for today’s generation

“Shirl, in words of very few syllables, very slowly, please explain to me what all this has to do with video camera’s

Did it have to have four syllables?

b) LONGER than other syllables in the word or even in a sentence

Some syllables may be

you speak slower, the RELATIVE pace of the syllables must not change

While the Greeks had little use for the sound called a glottal stop, that separates the syllables uh and oh in the English term uh-oh, represented by the Phoenician letter alef, they did need to represent the “a” sound in English father

Gasbag was sure that the twanging guitar on the jukebox uttered meaningful syllables, if he could but understand them

Byrhythmic stress is meant the more important metrical accentthat falls (1) always upon the last accented syllable of a line,and (2) near the middle of a line of ten or more syllables

In the following line there are eight syllables and one rhythmicstress:

[*] A stressed syllable (as in Ascensión) at the end of a line counts as two syllables

Make conscience of pins and syllables

A Vedic meter of twenty-four syllables and also name of a most sacred verse recited by pious Hindus at morning and evening devotion

Now you’ve digested that information see if you can count how many syllables there are in the following words

The chatter has increased, but, in a world of increasing complexity and shared frail immune systems, we are brief, succinct and to a point in one hundred and forty characters or ten or less human-microphoneable syllables

He uttered his part with a most corrupt indulgence, the syllables

Klocker pistol whipped his syllables across the contestants and co-panelists

Stedder could not help but recognize the tonal quality of the voice; the rounded vowels and the soft syllables

we mean a single line ofpoetry); (2) a rhythmical arrangement of the syllables withinthe verse

One syllableis always added in counting the syllables of

syllables in a verso esdrújulo

It actually has but four syllables,

considered a line of two syllables

Thus, aérea is normallya word of four syllables

(The numbers in parentheses indicate the syllables in the verse

In the following we have double syneresis, and the word hasbut two syllables:

In thefollowing example ahora has three syllables:

limitedonly by the number of syllables in that verse

The simplest case is where both vowels entering intosynalepha occur in unstressed syllables:

Hiatus is the breaking up into two syllables of vowel combinationsin adjacent words capable of

fixed, but the numberof syllables varies

consecutive syllables a and ver are both stressed

A short verse can easily be spoken without pause, but aboveten syllables it becomes necessary

His brow creased slightly, and he found himself leaning forward to better hear her lilting syllables over the unpleasant thundering of noise which was considered music

“Nice!” which he says as though the word has four or five syllables, is his answer

there is a correspondence of vowel soundsin the last two syllables,

Spanish meter depends upon the number of syllables inthe line and upon the rhythmical distribution of accents

The lines hereare of eight syllables

Ryan had an IQ level of a mentally deficient mouse so could only speak in words of one or two syllables, adding to the crassness of his demeanour

vowels, but not ofthe consonants, in the riming syllables

Ithas, regularly, eight syllables to the line, with a regular rhythmicaccent

seven oreight syllables; that all the even lines have seven metrical syllableseach, and have assonance in

In the first 148 lines of Act IV, allof the even lines have eight syllables each, for the reason that

Most of the lines have 11 or 12 syllables; note that verses 187,200, 215, etc

is usually composed of eleven-syllabled lines, intermingledwith lines of seven syllables

(1) There must be a harmonious flow of syllables, inwhich harsh combinations of sounds are

This xlivusually requires that stressed syllables be separated by oneor more unstressed

7 Phrases of a fixed number of syllables

8 That is, whether inSpanish verse, with the usual movement, (1) the alternation ofstressed and unstressed syllables is

The truth seems to be that symmetry of phrases (the balancingof large blocks of syllables) is an

is great irregularity in the number of syllables

The number of unstressed syllables at the end of a line is not fixed

In order to have the correct number of syllables, poets sometimes(1) shorten a word or (2) shift the accent:

Footnote 20: (return) Synalepha is usually to be avoided when it would bring togethertwo stressed syllables as in gigante ola, querido hijo, etc

syllables at the end of the line, only oneis counted

syllablelines although, in fact, one line has nine syllables andanother has only seven:

This system of counting syllables obtains in Spanish becausethere is one and only one unstressed

Footnote 23: (return) The romances viejos were originally in lines of approximatelysixteen syllables, and every line then had assonance

Footnote 27: (return) Verses of three or four syllables are best treated as half-lines, withinner rime ( versos leonínos)

Footnote 32: (return) These long lines are especially cantabile, as most are accented onthe third and sixth syllables

The 7-syllable line is commonly used in combination withthose of eleven syllables (see above)

Lines of five or six syllables usually have a mingled binaryand ternary movement:

5, one of nine,and one of ten syllables

only in lines of ten,eleven or twelve syllables

Many ternary lines of five andsix syllables are

Lines of fourteen and fifteen syllables with ternary movementare never popular, and in artistic

first three lines of a stanza are of seven syllables and thelast of eleven, the verse is called

(4) The seguidilla is usually a stanza of seven lines ofseven and five syllables in length, in this

redondilla menor has the same formexpressed in lines of less than eight syllables

117, 207) syllables, and with

Oceano: note the omission of the accent on e, that theword may rime with soberano and vano; but here oceanostill has four syllables

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Use syllable in a sentence

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for syllable.
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    Sentence frequency composition for this page:

  • 4 sentence examples for
    syllable from The New Yorker
  • 2 sentence examples for
    syllable from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • 12 sentence examples for
    syllable from Encyclopedia Britannica
  • 1 sentence examples for
    syllable from The Economist
  • 1 sentence examples for
    syllable from GutenbergBooks — Beowulf: An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem
  • Use the word SYLLABLE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Each new morn, new widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows strike heaven on the face, that it resounds as if it felt with Scotland and yell’d out like syllable of dolour.

Well, we’ve exhausted every syllable

I’m tired of talking words in one syllable.


Now, on the third syllable of the word «turn»… you smartly turn to the right… snapping your left heel against the right heel… with the toes at the angle of 45 degrees, approximately!

They will bring civilization drive away the slave traders. Spread word of brotherhood of man in the continent. Which never before in all its history has heard one single syllable of kindness or hope.


People here stress the first syllable.


HE HAS A 6-syllable FEVER.

You should always stress the first syllable, Evans.

You wouldn’t like to start again very slowly, in words of one syllable?

Johanna Augusta Franziska, Countess von Stolzenberg-Stolzenberg, disgracing every syllable ofher name.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time,

Not one syllable of what you have been blabbering here tonight…

I’ll give it to you in words of one syllable, my friend. When you buy something on the installment plan you sign what they call a conditional sales contract.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time.

I have forgotten every syllable.

In words of one syllable, Mr Merrick, you talk too much.

Now, it’s read a lot of books, Fence with a lot of four-syllable words, psychoanalyse each other Until you can’t tell the difference

All very edifying, complete to the last syllable, chapter and verse.

The last syllable, «love,» romantic, eternal and the first syllable

When I explained it to Mr. Breedlove, he became so confused between his first syllable and his last syllable… — … that he just gave up. Ha-ha-ha.

«Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace… from day to day… to the last syllable of recorded time.»

You can send me out into the cold, cold snow and let me get lost with the rest of the kids, or you can utter two one-syllable words and become a law-abiding citizen.

In this tumultuous madness that the very organization of the ship engendered, that one syllable spoke of reason.

«Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow… «creeps in this petty pace from day to day… «to the last syllable of recorded time.»

# Condemned by every syllable she utters #

I heard each syllable that breath made up between them.

To the last syllable of recorded time.

This is the last time … I can tell you about Colossus without analysis … every word, every syllable, every inflection.

Petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time.

I remember hearing an Arab say, pronouncing each syllable:

First syllable — sounds like…

Second syllable — little word.

Did you say anything to them? Not a syllable.

[Harry] Change «bullshit» to a 15-syllable word, and you got an idea what he had in mind.

I remember no syllable of them now but the other… more ancient love which I acquired that term will be with me in one shaper or another till my last hour.

I look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness.

I enjoy every syllable I say and every gesture I make.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time;

A careless syllable can betray us!

1. Put the stress on the second syllable.

2. Accent the word «woman»on the first syllable.

3. He didn’t utter a syllable.

4. The stress on the last syllable is light.

5. The emphasis is on the final syllable.

6. The stress is on the last syllable.

7. Put the emphasis on the second syllable.

8. ‘Potato’ is stressed on the second syllable.

9. In ‘strategic’ the stress is/falls on the second syllable.

9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

10. You stress the first syllable in ‘happiness’.

11. The accent falls on the third syllable.

12. The emphasis should be on the first syllable.

13. Which syllable does the stress fall on?

14. There’s a stress on the second syllable.

15. In ‘today’ the accent is on the second syllable.

16. The accent falls on the final syllable.

17. The main stress in’photography’falls on the antepenultimate syllable.

18. The first syllable takes the stress.

19. The word ‘machine’ is stressed on the second syllable.

20. Please accent the first syllable.

21. Accentuate the word » accent » on the first syllable.

22. You always put too much emphasis on the last syllable.

23. In the word ‘dinner’ the accent is on the first syllable.

24. Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.

25. Could you say that again in words of one syllable ?

26. When ‘insert’ is a verb, the stress is on the second syllable, but when it is a noun, the stress is on the first syllable.

27. You’ll have to spell it out to him, using words of one syllable .

28. In the word ‘table’, the accent falls on the first syllable.

29. In the word ‘report’, the stress falls on the second syllable.

30. Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works?

слог, слово, звук, произносить по слогам


- слог

words of one syllable — односложные слова

- звук, слово

not a syllable — ни звука, ни слова
don’t mention a syllable of this — не упоминай ничего /ни звука/ об этом

- мельчайшая часть, деталь (сказанного, написанного)

I know every syllable of the matter — я знаю это дело до мельчайших подробностей
in words of one syllable — (выраженный) просто, ясно, недвусмысленно
in words of one syllable it means … — проще говоря, это значит …


- произносить по слогам

Мои примеры


the penultimate syllable of the word — предпоследний слог слова  
a weak stress on the second syllable — слабое ударение на втором слоге  
to place / put the stress on (a syllable) — ставить ударение (на слог)  
syllable code — слоговый код  
to put the accent on the first syllable — делать ударение на первом слоге  
open syllable — открытый слог  
to stress a syllable — сделать ударение (на том или ином слоге)  
stressed syllable — ударный слог  
unstressed syllable — безударный слог  
final syllable — последний слог  
internal syllable — внутренний слог  
left end syllable — левый концевой слог  

Примеры с переводом

The stress falls on the second syllable.

Ударение падает на второй слог.

“Doctor” is a two-syllable word.

«Доктор» — это слово из двух слогов.

I know every syllable of the matter.

Я знаю этот предмет в мельчайших деталях.

The emphasis should be on the first syllable.

Акцент должен быть на первом слоге.

Put the accent on the first syllable of the word.

Поставьте ударение на первый слог слова.

The word “doctor” has two syllables.

В слове «доктор» два слога.

He never uttered a syllable.

Он не произнёс ни звука.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You have to put everything in words of one syllable for her.

There is a falling tone on the first syllable and a rising tone on the other.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): syllable
мн. ч.(plural): syllables

Definition of Syllable

a unit of pronunciation with one vowel sound forming a part of a word or the whole word

Examples of Syllable in a sentence

If you don’t know how to say a word properly, try to say it syllable by syllable.


There is one syllable per vowel sound in a word.


If you ever look in a dictionary, the pronunciation of a word is divided by syllable just beneath it.


The ‘syl’ in syllable is one syllable because ‘syl’ makes an I sound.


You can use a syllable to break down words into smaller parts that are easier to pronounce.


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A syllable is a separately pronounced sound within a word.

Now that you know the secret, do not repeat a syllable of it to
anyone else.

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How to use diffuse in a sentence?

I will diffuse the wire.

What is the first stressed syllable in the word camera?

Camera is stressed on the first syllable. A simple way of
testing which syllable is stressed is by saying the word aloud.
Look for the syllable that you naturally emphasise more in your

How can you use the word electron in a sentence?

Hydrogen has one electron.

What do readers know if they also know the part of speech of word?

How to use the word in a sentence.

Which syllable of the word ‘company’ should be accented?

The accented syllable in company is the first syllable —
([CUM-pa-nee] — or /ˈkÊŒmpÉ™ni/ in IPA).

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