Sentence for the word survey

Synonym: appraise, assess, contemplate, estimate, examine, gauge, inspect, measure, observe, peruse, rate, review, scan, scrutinize, study, view. Similar words: surveillance, curve, survivor, survival, convey, carve, serve, nerve. Meaning: [sər’veɪ /sə’]  n. 1. a detailed critical inspection 2. short descriptive summary (of events) 3. the act of looking or seeing or observing. v. 1. consider in a comprehensive way 2. look over in a comprehensively, inspect 3. keep under surveillance 4. hold a review (of troops) 5. make a survey of; for statistical purposes 6. plot a map of (land). 

1, The survey revealed that the house was damp.

2, ‘Nature’ was the highest-ranked journal in the survey.

3, We conducted a survey of parents in the village.

4, The survey found / revealed that …

5, The current survey will have a wider geographical spread.

6, The survey covers a representative sample of schools.

7, The survey covers a wide range of industry sectors.

8, The survey proved most informative.

9, I have an analytical approach to every survey.

10, The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them.

11, An Ordnance Survey grid reference gives the position of a place to within 100 metres.

12, A recent survey found/revealed/showed that 58% of people did not know where their heart is.

13, The fishermen said the company’s seismic survey was frightening away fish.

14, A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.

15, The survey showed that 32% of respondents approve, 54% disapprove and the rest are undecided.

16, The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales.

17, The council undertook a sample survey of primary schools in the county.

18, The findings of the survey puzzle me — they’re not at all what I would have expected.

19, The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children.

20, We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.

21, According to one survey, one woman in eight is infertile.

22, We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.

23, A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements.

24, The survey revealed that top earners in the country tended to be men.

25, Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.

26, Our survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school.

27, A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life.

28, From the top of the hill you can survey the whole city.

29, A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.

30, The mines had been closed down following a geological survey.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word survey, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use survey in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «survey».

Survey in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word survey in a sentence.

  1. A survey conducted by Donald E.

  2. A four-man survey party from No.

  3. Another survey found 68% support.

  4. Long conducted a survey expedition.

  5. An online survey consisting of 1,024 U.S.

  6. A survey by primatologist Anna Nekaris et al.

  7. At the same time a survey was carried out by A.

  8. The survey continued to the south in Patagonia.

  9. George to survey the situation in Port Moresby.

  10. In 2013, a YouGov energy survey concluded that:.

  11. A report of the survey was published in April 2018.

  12. In a survey of readers, Snodgrass found mixed opinions.

  13. A recent survey has found far fewer females than males.

  14. It also ranked highest in the 2013–14 Venuescore survey.

  15. The three-man survey party, headed by Air Vice Marshal E.

  16. This allowed COMIGAL to send expeditions to survey the rural land for settlement.

  17. The nine-minute video of this survey is being shown at the Yamato Museum in Kure.

  18. After examining several sites, the survey team selected one near Elza, Tennessee.

  19. A 2008 survey of secondary books read by students between grades 9–12 in the U.S.

  20. The captain traveled to Virginia and conducted his own survey of the ship’s needs.

  21. The region between the Harris and Fulton survey lines formed what is now known as the «Toledo Strip».

  22. The most recent survey (2007) shows the island’s maximum elevation at 155 m (509 ft) above sea level.

  23. A survey of historians conducted by C-SPAN in 2021 ranked Tyler as 39th of 44 men to hold the office.

  24. Additionally, officials required a land survey to determine where structures were safe to be rebuilt.

  25. On February 6, the survey ship Sumner began blasting channels through the Bikini reef into the lagoon.

  26. Excavations undertaken by Kalayan revealed an elevated podium that was not noted in Krencker’s survey.

  27. One survey in August showed that of the midwestern states, only Wisconsin was safe for the Republicans.

  28. The 1915 survey was delineated by 71 granite markers, 12 inches (30 cm) wide by 18 inches (46 cm) high.

  29. A similar result was found when these two surveys were combined with a survey by Trujillo and Sheppard.

  30. A 2015 survey revealed a greater number of Heathens subscribed to universalist ideas than folkish ones.

  31. Arnold also dispatched the survey team again, this time to mark the trail all the way to Lake Mégantic.

  32. The survey revealed that the shoal ran about 1 mile (1.6 km) farther east than shown on Canadian charts.

  33. They survey flocks of sheep by sniffing them from 10–15 m (33–49 ft) away and attack if the prey is ill.

  34. The survey was part of a monograph on the castle detailing its history and the phasing of the structure.

  35. Fourteen Scouts, made up of two teams, would leave 24 hours ahead of the main force, to survey the camp.

  36. German naval officials observed and reported on this Chinese activity during a formal survey of Jiaozhou Bay in May 1897.

  37. According to a popularity survey, 3.2 billion people around the world know Shah Rukh Khan, more than who know Tom Cruise.

  38. Another resistivity survey and an evaluation of the site was undertaken in 2010, by Chris Butler Archaeological Services.

  39. This survey was apparently lost until 1415, when the Italian Cristoforo Buondelmonti acquired it at the island of Andros.

  40. The area west of Green River was so remote that survey crews followed wild horses with jeeps to survey parts of the route.

  41. Cope’s flair for dramatic writing suited Hayden, who needed to make a popular impression with the official survey reports.

  42. The first redshift survey was the CfA Redshift Survey, started in 1977 with the initial data collection completed in 1982.

  43. The Domesday survey was an administrative catalogue of the landholdings of the kingdom, and was unique to medieval Europe.

  44. A 2018 survey of historians by the American Political Science Association ranked Obama the 8th-greatest American President.

  45. In his survey of the letters of the Godwins and the Shelleys, Pollin comes to the conclusion that Fanny was not depressive.

  46. The 2011 survey noted that the firm had established a non-discrimination policy and had introduced diversity training that included training related to sexual orientation.

  47. An investigation into the matter discovered that Thompson had used those streets as the baseline of his survey, and revealed Thompson’s historical significance to Chicago.

  48. This support has remained constant since then—according to a 2018 survey, a majority of the British public across all age groups still support the monarchy’s continuation.

  49. In the United States, a federal survey of food consumption determined that for women and men over the age of 19, average consumption was 9.7 and 14.2 mg/day, respectively.

  50. The group also works with the park staff to maintain the park lands, serve as campground hosts, survey the eastern bluebird population, and organize conservation projects.

Synonyms for survey

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word survey has the following synonyms: sketch, resume, study, view, sight, appraise, review, go over, surveil and follow.

General information about «survey» example sentences

The example sentences for the word survey that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «survey» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «survey».

обзор, обследование, обзорный, обследовать, обозревать


- обозрение, осмотр

a moment’s survey of her face — быстрый взгляд, брошенный на её лицо

- обзор

historical [political] survey — исторический [международный] обзор
a survey of modern literature — обзор современной литературы
to make a general survey of the situation — сделать общий обзор положения, в общих чертах описать /обрисовать/ положение
a survey course in literature — обзорный курс литературы

- инспектирование, обследование

annual survey — ежегодное освидетельствование
quality survey — контроль качества

- отчёт об обследовании
- амер. (таможенный) осмотр
- (геологическое) изыскание
- топ. съёмка; межевание; привязка к местности

aerial survey — аэросъёмка
survey sheet — карта съёмки; карта изысканий
survey stake — веха (мерная)
survey group — топографическая группа

- воен. инструментальная разведка
- топографическая служба


- обозревать, осматривать; просматривать

he carefully surveyed the valley stretching before him — он внимательно осмотрел простирающуюся перед ним долину
I surveyed him from head to foot — я окинул его взглядом с головы до ног

- рассматривать; исследовать, изучать

to survey the situation — изучить создавшееся /сложившееся/ положение; ознакомиться с положением
to survey bygone ages — изучать прошлое

- инспектировать, обследовать, проверять

to survey a railway — инспектировать железную дорогу
the committee surveyed our school — комиссия обследовала нашу школу

- амер. досматривать (на таможне)
- делать обзор

in his speech he surveyed the international situation [modern art] — в своей речи он сделал обзор международного положения [современного искусства]

- топ. производить съёмку; межевать

Мои примеры


a survey on American drinking habits — исследование застольных обычаев американцев  
a comprehensive survey of world affairs — всестороннее исследование международной обстановки  
according to the survey — по данным опроса  
to carry out a survey — проводить опрос  
survey of events — обзор событий  
market survey — обзор состояния рынка / обзор рыночной конъюнктуры  
a brief survey of the most important books on this problem — краткий обзор важнейших книг по этой проблеме  
a brief survey of some important books on economics — краткий обзор некоторых важных книг по экономике  
readership survey — опрос читателей  
mass survey — массовый опрос, массовое обследование  
survey plan — план обследования  
magazine audience survey — опрос читательской аудитории журнала  

Примеры с переводом

I’d like to survey the house before buying it.

Я хотел бы осмотреть дом перед его покупкой.

He sat down in the armchair and surveyed the room.

Он сел в кресло и внимательно осмотрел комнату.

Seventeen couples participated in the survey.

В опросе приняли участие семнадцать пар.

The magazine conducted a survey.

Журнал провёл опрос.

The teacher surveyed the room.

Учитель оглядел комнату.

Our company came out well from the recent survey.

Наша компания получила хорошую оценку в недавнем обзоре.

He surveyed his new classmates.

Он внимательно оглядел своих новых одноклассников.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

surveyor  — инспектор, землемер, геодезист, топограф, маркшейдер, контролер
surveying  — геодезия
surveyed  — обследовать, обозревать, осматривать, производить съемку, инспектировать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: survey
he/she/it: surveys
ing ф. (present participle): surveying
2-я ф. (past tense): surveyed
3-я ф. (past participle): surveyed

ед. ч.(singular): survey
мн. ч.(plural): surveys

Sentences with the word Survey?



  • «a bird’s-eye survey«; «a panoramic view»
  • «comprehensive coverage»; «a comprehensive history of the revolution»; «a comprehensive survey«; «a comprehensive education»
  • «a comprehensive survey of world affairs»
  • «she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street»
  • «he tried to get a better view of it»; «his survey of the battlefield was limited»
  • «a topographical engineer»; «a topographical survey«; «topographic maps»
  • «from that vantage point he could survey the whole valley»

survey — перевод на русский


And the usual women’s magazine, doing a survey of women in the lives of famous men, questionnaire attached.

Очередной женский журнал, проводящий опрос о роли женщин в жизни знаменитых мужчин. Прилагается опросник:

I’m doing a survey.

Я провожу опрос.

Pending result of the count … projecting uncertain outcome … given the substantial balance forces which oppose … now we will brief survey of views.

В ожидании результатов, которые пока не вносят никакой ясности, учитывая равное распределение сил, проведем краткий опрос мнений.

I introduced myself as a TV employee doing a survey on our programming, but I should have stuck to the old trick of home appliance salesman.

Положительные результаты по всем позициям. Я представился ей работником телевидения,.. …которому поручили провести опрос общественного мнения.

We’re conducting a… a consumer survey and we were wondering… what kind of medicine…

Ты проводим.. потребительский опрос, хотим у вас спросить..

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This is a scientific survey; purely scientific.

Это научное исследование, исключительно научное.

«A Survey on Cygnian Respiratory Diseases»?

«Исследование сигнианских респираторных болезней»?

Patrol will leave immediately to enter city and make scientific survey

Патруль немедленно отправляется, чтобы войти в город и сделать научное исследование.

I’m not taking a survey.

Я не веду исследование.

Got an offer from Universal Terraform to survey and I’m seeing them today.

Получила предложение от компании провести исследование, и сегодня встреча.

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I am positive my survey is more important… than finding out whether three of our comrades have been… drinking some extra glasses of champagne.

Закончить обзор — важнее, чем выяснять… сколько лишних бокалов шампанского… выпили трое наших товарищей.

Consumer Price Survey.

Обзор потребительских цен.

I want a complete survey of our stock of nuclear materials.

Мне нужен полный обзор наших ядерных запасов.

It’s come to survey life.

Он прибыл, чтобы сделать обзор жизни.

— Meanwhile, the survey got out of control.

— Тем временем, обзор вышел из под контроля.

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This is Catherine Sakai of the Earth survey ship Sky…

Это Кэтрин Сакай, исследовательское судно Земли—

We’re a survey vessel.

Мы исследовательское судно.

It’s a survey vessel.

Исследовательское судно.

We’ve commandeered a civilian survey vessel and are refitting it with our best sensors and probes.

Мы реквизировали частное исследовательское судно и сейчас оборудуем его новейшими датчиками и зондами.

Their call letters check with a survey expedition:

Это позывные исследовательской экспедиции:

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Um, it’ll be dark soon, I won’t be able to survey the ground until morning if I don’t do it right away.

Скоро стемнеет, я не смогу исследовать землю до утра, если не сделаю этого сейчас.

You want the surveys, we want the money.

Вы хотите исследовать, мы хотим деньги.

And then I left, because I still had to survey the northern end of the lake to ascertain if any of the outlets might be the source of the Nile.

А потом я ушел, потому что мне надо было исследовать северную часть озера, чтобы выяснить, может ли одно из русел быть источником Нила.

I’ve got to survey our water supply and find another source of power.

Я должна исследовать наши запасы воды, найти другой источник электроэнергии.

Maybe Professor Stein and I should survey the wreckage, analyze some soil samples, determine what kind of weaponry Savage is using.

Может быть, нам с профессором Штайном стоит исследовать обломки, провести тесты на образцах почвы, выяснить, каким оружием воспользовался Сэвидж.

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We’ll have to survey each planet. Not to mention…

Нам придётся осмотреть все планеты поочерёдно.

We’re to survey the generational ship from Astrometrics.

Мы должны осмотреть корабль поколений из астрометрической.

Michael made the trip to survey the land.

Майкл отправился осмотреть землю.

They sent down cameras in these little robots to survey the wreck.

Они запустили камеры и этих маленьких роботов, чтобы осмотреть обломки

Team captain, survey the area in advance and thoroughly.

Командиры групп должны заранее тщательно осмотреть территорию.

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A systematic survey of the moon from a polar orbit might be more practical.

Систематическое обследование спутника с полярной орбите может оказаться более эффективным.

Once the platform is anchored over the vent… the heat emanating from the smoker is transformed into energy… powering the platform’s survey systems:

После того, платформа закреплена на вентиляционные… Жар, исходящий от курильщика превращается в энергию… Питания платформы ‘ с обследование систем:

Mineral and biological survey — to see if 884 is a viable site for a research colony.

Минеральное и биологическое обследование, чтобы узнать, пригодна ли 884 для исследовательской колонии.

You’ll submit to a full… Body survey?

Вы готовы пройти полное… обследование?

Survey says ding, ding, ding.

Обследование говорит динь, динь, динь.

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A complete survey of the planet using all ship’s available instruments.

Полную разведку планеты со всем корабельным оборудованием.

I am Academician Gerren, doing geological survey work for the Planetary Resources Commission.

Я научный сотрудник Геррен, провожу геологическую разведку для комиссариата планетарных ресурсов.

I don’t know. I… I could do a planetary survey.

Я не знаю. Я… Я мог бы сделать разведку планеты.

These worlds we were able to contact, including Alaris, where SG-12 was doing its survey.

С этими планетами мы смогли соединиться, включая Аларис, куда SG-12 отправлялись на разведку.

Captain Rex! Have your men survey the area.

Капитан Рекс, проведите разведку местности.

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An away team, led by Commander Riker, has conducted a thorough survey of the alien ship Kallisko and has returned to the Enterprise to report.

Команда высадки во главе с коммандером Райкером провела тщательный осмотр инопланетного корабля «Каллиско» и возвратилась на «Энтерпрайз» для отчета.

The surveying proved the lot is smaller.

Осмотр показал, что участок меньше.

I’d like to do a detailed survey of the Precipice World first.

Сначала я бы хотел устроить подробный осмотр Мира Пропасти.

We’ve got three casualties, one with minor cuts and burns… who’s gonna need secondary survey.

Три жертвы, один с незначительными порезами и ожогами… ему понадобится вторичный осмотр.

Well, we’re finishing our survey.

Мы заканчиваем осмотр.

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This is Survey 19.

Это Разведчик 19.

Survey 19, this is the major.

Разведчик 19, это майор.

Receiving you, Survey.

Мы на связи, Разведчик.

Survey 19, can you hear me?

Разведчик 19, вы меня слышите?

Hello, survey 19.

Привет, разведчик 19.

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), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Guitar. In collaboration with Guitar, Lavoisier worked on a geological,


    ,of Alsace-Lorraine in June 1767. At the age of 25,he was elected a member of
  2. Used acres today are the international acre and, in the United States,the,


    ,acre. The most common use of the acre is to measure tracts of land. The acre is
  3. Across all of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. The margin of sampling error in that,


    ,is 4.4 percent, at a 95 percent confidence interval. To questions about their
  4. And affects all races, ethnic groups and cultures. In the United States a CDC,


    ,based on data from 2007 to 2009 showed 22.2 % (49.9 million) of adults aged ≥18
  5. Known placebo treatments in order to achieve a placebo effect. However, a 2010,


    , of family physicians found that 56 % of respondents said they had used a
  6. View by the ADL. Other views indicating antisemitism, according to the,


    , include the view that Jews are more loyal to Israel than America, and that
  7. Images) and analyzing it. Many astronomers work entirely from astronomical,


    ,or space observatory data. Others work with radio telescopes like the Very
  8. Production provided an early basis for the South Australian economy. Light’s,


    ,was completed in this period, and land was promptly offered for sale to early
  9. To 800 people had died. Army troops from Fort Belvoir were the first teams to,


    ,the interior of the crash site and noted the presence of human remains. Federal
  10. Systems for the branches of complementary and alternative medicine. A 1997,


    , found that 13.7 % of respondents in the United States had sought the services
  11. From The Asia Foundation


    ; 1,534 respondents from the ABC, BBC,and ARD,


    ,) came as: Languages The two official languages of Afghanistan are Pashto (
  12. On a


    for a proposed railway in the Vale of Neath. Wallace’s work on the,


    ,involved spending a lot of time outdoors in the countryside, allowing him to
  13. Women at clinics answered a questionnaire yielded similar results. A 1998,


    , found risk to maternal health cited as the main reason by 5-10 % in seven
  14. David J. Thole, and was based on data collected from an eight-color asteroid,


    ,performed in the 1980s. This resulted in 14 asteroid categories. In 2002,the
  15. Of Jews with perceived ethnic and cultural differences. United States A 2007,


    , by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) concluded that 15 % of Americans hold
  16. The broadcasting companies ABC News, the BBC, and ARD. The 2010 Asia Foundation,


    ,involved 6,467 randomly selected Afghan citizens from across all of Afghanistan
  17. It is usually not important which one is being discussed. United States,


    ,acre The United States


    acre is approximately 4,046.872 609 874 252
  18. Are used clinically. Research work is underway at several faculties. A 2006,


    , showed that 40 % of the responding European universities were offering some
  19. Or fourth-most-spoken language in the United States. These figures misquote a,


    ,that actually concluded that ASL speakers constituted the fourth-largest
  20. The first purpose built radio telescope and conducted the first sky,


    ,in the radio frequency. Prizes recognizing amateur astronomers * Amateur
  21. Of both a medical doctor and an alternative medicine practitioner. The same,


    ,found that 96 % of respondents who sought the services of an alternative
  22. The form of crop seeds, farm animals, medical care and education. Health A 2007,


    , concluded that low and deficient niacin status was common in Angola. Epidemics
  23. Which one is being discussed. United States


    acre The United States,


    ,acre is approximately 4,046.872 609 874 252 square meters; its exact value (m2
  24. Objects. To find such objects asymmetrically, astronomers use telescopes to,


    ,the sky and large-area cameras to take pictures at various determined intervals
  25. That took the place of stamps bear the names of Sargon and his son. A cadastral,


    ,seems also to have been instituted, and one of the documents relating to it
  26. Trillion worth untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan. Another US geological,


    ,estimate from 2011 shows that the Shanahan carbonates in the Helm and
  27. Hectare (A square with 100 m sides has an area of 1 hectare. ) 1 United States,


    ,acre is equal to: 1 acre (both variants) is equal to the following customary
  28. Of the total 8,001 Afghan citizens (6,467 respondents from The Asia Foundation,


    ,; 1,534 respondents from the ABC, BBC,and ARD


    ) came as: Languages The
  29. And the USA. (See Naturopathic medical school in North America). A 2001,


    , of European universities found that unconventional medicine courses are widely
  30. The previous ten years, but a decline from the 29 % of the early sixties. The,


    ,concluded that education was a strong predictor,“ with most educated Americans
  31. The common phrase monarch of all I


    via the verse: I am monarch of all I,


    , My right there is none to dispute; From the center all round to
  32. 1 Valerian Uryvayev class


    vessel (AG) and one Vadim Poor class,


    ,vessel (AG). The U. S. Navy has helped train the Azeris Navy. There is also an
  33. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine indicated: A 2008,


    , of US hospitals by Health Forum, a subsidiary of the American Hospital
  34. The Afghan population was 28,150,000 but a 2009–2010 nationwide statistical,


    ,conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Afghanistan has put it at
  35. Followed by cancerous illnesses. Demographic and Health Surveys completed a,


    ,in April 2009,detailing various health statistics in Albania, including Male
  36. Ayurvedic medicine, Nutritional medicine, and Yoga. United States A 2002,


    , of US adults 18 years and older conducted by the National Center for Health
  37. Giving land grants to all arrivals. Wakefield’s idea was for the Government to,


    ,and sell the land at a rate that would maintain land values high enough to be
  38. More people in Alabama of Scots-Irish origins than are self-reported. In a 2007,


    , nearly 70 % of respondents could name all four of the Christian Gospels. Of
  39. On border with» partly free» ) in Freedom House’s Freedom in the World 2009,


    , Foreign relations The short-lived Azerbaijan Democratic Republic succeeded in
  40. Preparation for designing the elaborate vaulting of Hagia Sophia. He compiled a,


    ,of mirror configurations in his work on remarkable mechanical devices which was
  41. Israel than America, and that they are responsible for the death of Christ. The,


    ,found that antisemitic Americans are likely to be intolerant generally, e. g.
  42. Wallace found work as a civil engineer for a nearby firm that was working on a,


    ,for a proposed railway in the Vale of Neath. Wallace’s work on the

  43. Is similar to the design-based inference that is standard in finite-population,


    ,sampling. Derived linear model Kempthorne uses the randomization-distribution
  44. With delegitimizing Israel from either ignorance or malice. » In a 2011,


    , by the Pew Research Center,all the Muslim-majority Middle Eastern countries
  45. Research ships,1 Project 10470,A 671,ex Saga,1 Valerian Uryvayev class,


    ,vessel (AG) and one Vadim Poor class


    vessel (AG). The U. S. Navy
  46. Thailand, and Asia overall in the Reader’s Digest» Trusted Brands of Asia «,


    , In 2008 Nutritive scientists, in partnership with Action subsidiary
  47. October 27, 2009 | access date=April 9,2011} } Popular interest In 1991,a,


    ,conducted for the Library of Congress and the Book-of-the-Month Club asked club
  48. Alone on the island. This poem gave rise to the common phrase monarch of all I,


    ,via the verse: I am monarch of all I


    , My right there is none to
  49. Variables in the data * Scale analysis (statistics) – methods to analyze,


    ,data by scoring responses on a numeric scale * Sensitivity analysis – the study
  50. 1999 study of the Prime Ministers of Canada, which included the results of a,


    ,of Canadian historians, J. L. Granatstein and Norman Hillier found that

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

  • Use the word SURVEY in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Fiona will do primary survey,

I’m pausing the primary survey till the patient gets something for the pain.

Resuming the primary survey.

I’m Major Hibbard, of the Brazilian geodetic survey.

US. survey Powder KEEP OUT

I’ve got to do a geological survey for the oil company.

I thought you were going to let that wait until that new survey engineer fellow… — You mean Willis?

There’s that 500 acres I want you to survey. Lay out a course for best drainage, then throw up a bridge over the creek and cut through a road leading back to the compound, for shortest and easiest hauling.

We’ll make a preliminary survey

I have already started a survey on our most urgent needs.

I am positive my survey is more important… than finding out whether three of our comrades have been… drinking some extra glasses of champagne.

And now Mr. Barrows proposes a new survey west of Laramie.

* Monarch of all I survey *

* Monarch… * * …of all I survey!

I suppose it’s legal for Rigby to run a new survey… and tell a man he don’t own his own farm.

According to our survey, your line ends on the other side of the road.

It’s a kind of a poll. It’s called the National Public survey.

Charlie, don’t be late back. The survey men are coming at 4:00.

Well, you see, on a survey, we usually… /He’s not interested /in a survey

survey or no survey, I’m not going to start by breaking an egg.

Why, you’re not on a survey at all. You lied to us. You lied to Mother.



We’re making a survey of everyone living on this block.

The survey I did was good, huh?

How did you find out about the survey?

Mr. Mason and Mr. Dixon, the London astronomers, have been running a survey to settle Pennsylvania’s boundary line and her claim to Pittsburgh and the Ohio country.

Nobody rules it until this survey is completed.

Why should Indians stop a survey?

It will probably survey somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 acres, more or less.»

I go to survey the terrain in advance of conquest.

No, not to reopen it, to survey it.

Why, because you plan to carry out this decree from the court and survey it yourself?

On the basis of the survey, it is clear that the main scaffolding shows serious signs of water damage…

My work here was done with a neutral stance, I only accepted to do the survey because… Because you’re a mining engineer, okay.

Well, I have made careful survey, Father, and from the little I know of your order… I feel very much attracted to it.

Joe was going to help me with the mineralogical survey!

Well, I’m beginning to think a survey of the discipline in this ward might be of value.

I put the Turkish survey and your journal, beside your bed.

We’re here to make a survey for a chain of lingerie stores.

I’m going out to survey the site.

He is absent from the assembly having been ordered by Her Majesty the Queen… to survey the royal partridge preserves at Trianon.

We were sent to survey the land.

Thirsty, without provisions, with little hope of survival, I set out to survey my fate.

I’ve made a complete survey of Wayne’s finances, and I…

I was sent from Washington to make a general survey of Army camps.

I’ll have the topographic survey tomorrow.

Instead, you need to survey the situation by listening with your eyes and ears (but never your hands!)

Logically, the tiny robot would have to build a ship and survey the entirety of the world’s oceans to get the correct calculations

Emma hesitates by a stall of home made cakes and we survey the scrumptious wares on offer

’ I said with satisfaction as we survey the pile of boxes just before ten in the evening

’ I said emphatically as we survey the effect

the fact that he was master of the little that he needed to survey, certain in the

With the codes he was able to retrieve under the guise of a security survey for the real world, he was able to access more and more of the code and schematics of the female side

The driver revelled in the fact that he could see virtually nothing, sure in the fact that he was master of the little that he needed to survey, certain in the knowledge that nothing in this world could alter the progress that he made towards his next destination

Joe and Fred survey the sitting room

They both went into the kitchen and survey the work surfaces

But I had better get down to some serious ablutions … as I survey my unshaven legs, I thank my stars that fashion here on Errd does not demand that women shave their legs and armpits

you survey the crowds that line this personal,

I survey the other occupants of the room

We stand and survey it

By ten, with a neat heap of boxes stacked against the wall in the lounge, we survey the empty bookcase with satisfaction

I carefully sort the Danvers House letters from the few other bits and survey the result

It was probably as Ava doing a survey, but I may remember that school

You see once when he was compelled to survey across a lake for the feasibility of a bridge or something or other some engineer had dreamt up, he filled these bladders with air, tied them to ropes with weights dangling from them and had me place them at intervals along the water to assist him in his solving distances or such

After several minutes, he stops to survey the results of his labours, cutting off the power to the mower

Stopping outside the house, I collect the post from the box on the wall and, as Sam wags her way round my legs, I finger through the half dozen letters … two offering me credit cards I don’t want, something addressed to ‘The occupier’, a bank statement, an electricity bill and a consumer survey

“I was thinking of going thru your old maps and architectural survey?” she answered Luray while asking Knume

‘The King has sent me to survey some of the

Now that I have no more flat to stay in during my off day so I guess I’ll have a lot of times to spend four to survey the beautiful city of Hong Kong once again with my friend

where you’re from for their survey

It was on the 15th of July that I began to take a more particular survey of the island itself

They didn’t even hesitate to survey their surroundings for survivors, but immediately tore into pursuit of Emily and the others

A couple of the rarest names in town, together in the same home? It’s such a miracle the architectural survey turns up few enough matches to actually be within reason to check

Dingle had been called away by Grandpa to survey some goings on in Frica but on his return some weeks later came face to face with one of the silver tubes, at the time it was streaking some thousands of meters above the plateau

So he had appropriated the largest house in the village and now he and his three VPs were poring over a large ordnance survey map that had been unrolled and placed on the dining room table

A quick survey of the

The marine pointed at the ordnance survey map

His senses tuned to danger, Adros continued to survey the land

‘Shall I survey the town? Would that satisfy you?’

The infected Elders took a moment to survey the battle, then, wasting no time they struck out against the ‘good’ Makii

Once on the platform he stopped to survey the area and the gathered throng

He walked up the wide steps to the landing before the entrance and turned to survey the city that lay sprawled before him

There was time for the Huntress and her two yachts to perform a most thorough survey of the Corona Zed system, as well as the neighboring system not two light-years—four days—away

Not too long after the last incident, I went to visit a show house, as part of a survey that related to my profession

They placed one of the stones over the loose flap and then stood up to survey the area

Before he got to the door, Amanda returned from her survey of the supplies in the cargo rooms

Sebastian had not seen the chapel since the start of the attack, and it was fortunate he was too busy surviving to fully survey the damage of their sacred gathering place

Some states, instead of the simple and obvious expedient of a register of leases, have had recourse to the laborious and expensive one of an actual survey and valuation of all the lands in the country

Doomsday-book seems to have been the result of a very accurate survey of this kind

In the ancient dominions of the king of Prussia, the land-tax is assessed according to an actual survey and valuation, which is reviewed and altered from time to time

The survey and valuation of Silesia was made by order of the present king, it is said, with great accuracy

The survey and valuation of Bohemia is said to have been the work of more than a hundred years

} The survey of the duchy of Milan, which was begun in the time of Charles VI

The survey of Savoy and Piedmont was executed under the orders of the late king of Sardinia

In 1666, the generality of Montauban was assessed to the real or predial taille, according, it is said, to a very exact survey and valuation

establishing a mint in California, the survey of the Pacific coast, and the establishment of a navy yard and station with large

The lands in America might be assessed either in the same manner, or acording to an equitable valuation, in consequence of an accurate survey, like that which was lately made in the Milanese, and in the dominions of Austria, Prussia, and Sardinia

According to a recent survey, 31

Survey after survey has found absolutely no correspondence between the racial/cultural makeup of a class, and the 43

When they stepped within Maldynado’s line of sight, he nodded toward Amaranthe and took in Sicarius with an unconcerned boot-to-head survey

to the United States Geological Survey, an average of sixteen earthquakes of magnitude

Instead the writing has been primarily from military historians asking the question: Was it an effective tactic? The first survey performed by the US military concluded bombing German civilians did not work

Claims that the media is mostly liberal are based on poorly done studies that only survey small parts of the media, such as the press corps that covers the White House

Survey after survey has found almost all media owners, managers, or editors were and are conservatives

ANIMAL LOVERS SURVEY: We want to know what you think and how we can help

“In a recent survey of homosexuals, ninety percent figured they were born that way and the other ten percent figured they got sucked in…”

He drove past the facility several times then returned riding a bicycle, again walking a dog and, for his final survey of several holes in the fence and a staircase that descended to something, he staggered the snaking path of a drunk

Yet the results of this survey were unknown to Hartle, and he tried to keep his own thoughts to himself as well

This made Colling survey their surroundings

“I see that the Survey Service has improved the looks of its crewmen,” said the officer, “Lieutenant Sobieskie, at your service

Colling had to agree that her performance had played a big part in their being taken at face value for a survey crew

The amount of barge traffic on the Vistula had increased steadily as they moved closer to the Baltic, and they were forced to move ever more slowly, pretending to be carrying out survey work, as they wended their way northward

Colling had been concerned that Sobieskie might ask his superiors about the presence of survey crews working the river, but apparently it had not entered the officer’s mind to do so, because their meeting was cordial

The General seemed to survey the assemblage of men, horses and machine laid out around the City of Pyr, but in truth his vision was blurry and out of focus; his mind was engrossed in thought

The compound was about half a kilometer from them, and Colling used the high-powered field glasses to survey the place

Colling convinced Janek to conduct a survey of the Syrena for damage, and he reported that there were some holes in the hull close to the waterline that were causing them to take on water, but none below, and if everyone would take turns on the pump, he believed they would stay afloat

Why was she so easily seen through? It was not easy to survey anymore

Have you completed your survey, Colonel Washington?”

At this point, his survey of imperialism acquainted Jason with some of the most vicious examples, ones that employed slavery beyond serfdom, death camps, genocide and

” A century later, Aristotle would survey the forms of government of the two hundred–plus city-states in his encyclopedic approach to all things

The world’s history was replete with the actions of empires, but his survey was enough for now

In a recent survey we asked our subscribers what they believed was the stopping them

A survey by the Sinclair Intimacy Institute revealed that over 40% of

confirmed by a survey carried out by handbag

“I will lead the first group to survey the condition of the vents,” said Kenichi

Vindale Research is one of the oldest and trusted paid online survey panels around

50-$3 a survey and takes me around 15-25 minutes each time to complete

They also have a great affiliate program which credits you $5 for every referral you send, who completes at least one survey

have just completed a survey of the Number Four reactor building, and the results indicate

This doesn’t have to be every single day but if you don’t take at least one survey a week, you will later find less of them to come by

You will receive a $5 credit for every referral you send us who completes at least one survey

Send a survey email invitation to friends and family, who you believe would be interested

Just keep in mind the legal age for teens to sign up with survey panels, as some can be young as 13 years old

Part 4 of this outline survey of the

Outline Historical Survey of the Bible

Outline Historical Survey of the

Survey of the Bible Part 3, as well as page 41 of Part 4 of this series

Wherever data exists that can be added to the causes to quantify that (even quick survey can help), so that we get clear idea, out of the few causes identified which one should be first resolved/corrective actions to be planned

Derek stepped out of the cave entrance to survey the

Ted looked around him to survey the scene

about themselves as they survey their congregations

service is their extensive archives of survey

worldwide conducted a survey

The survey was a HUGE failure

Yet the 2009 Gallup poll annual survey showed that when asked whether they considered themselves liberal or conservative, 40% said conservative, 35% said moderate, and only from 17-20% said liberal

He called the packers for Raw Sex Object, even though it wasn’t due to leave the gallery for a week or two, and contentedly surveyed the gallery

The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of

She had him virtually in-ear as she surveyed the control room like she was the starship captain from the propaganda films of her childhood

The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of perfectly stitched cow hide, walnut veneer and deathly totem

Kara poured tea into the cups and surveyed the triangular wedge of cake that had been placed before her

Joe and Fred surveyed the sitting room

As the last one fell Lord Tarak surveyed the area and looked to his men

After many years the prince surveyed his realm

She surveyed the area quickly and made a beeline towards Naria

Cold, hard, eyes surveyed, assessed, and

They surveyed the whole outside of the bottom of the barrel, the oldest tag that was visible to the outside was just about twelve decades in age

Cautiously she surveyed this man – he looked okay, expensively dressed … and his accent was educated

He quickly hid himself in the forest and surveyed it from under cover

By the last rays of the setting moon, he surveyed the terrain … it wasn’t as boggy as the land nearer the barracks, looked pretty much like the moors he’d seen down in Devon

Was the crime rate round here so very high? Andy wondered cynically as he surveyed the large, modern layout of the vestibule inside the building

Bloodshot eyes peered back at him as he surveyed the wreckage, reflecting that he really needed a shave but, in the same thought, dismissing it as superfluous the way things were

Once seated, Harry surveyed with some admiration the dining hall and their accommodations

time he’d surveyed the cafeteria, it was evident that every smile was for him

He surveyed the decaying bridge, mulling it over with

as they surveyed the neglect

He briefly surveyed the rest of his surroundings, quickly realizing that he had managed to safely return to his cramped quarters above the Wayward Inn

and surveyed the scene before him

Soaring through the shadows and night on wings of black leather the imp Galimoto surveyed the city below with a pair of eyes that glowed yellow in the light of the brother moons

official surveyed the Bailli, then the Cure, and, finally, the

Their manners noted, and their states surveyed,

Ashpenaz looked up from his tablet and surveyed the crowd

He surveyed the crowd and saw Helez and Darniil at the far end along with some other folk, all keenly anticipating the arrival of their kin

The coordinates are for the nearest star cluster to the Illian system we surveyed after leaving Balos

She went to her bedroom and surveyed herself in a mirror

He surveyed a farmhouse-style building looming over the grounds in which Roidon’s commandeered craft was parked

The group scaled the remaining ladder and surveyed the area around them with their torches

Rosemary surveyed the ward

She surveyed her face in the mirror, trying to look behind the mask of her expression

she went to lower herself into bed Jack grimaced as he surveyed

Gerrid surveyed the bank of monitors

A tall lean figure stepped into the room and cool gray eyes surveyed her

Jhordel surveyed her table with a lazy eye, taking in the faces of the other command officers

’ He surveyed the room and everyone there as though to gather their attention

entered, surveyed the scene and asked, “Where’s Jocko?”

She surveyed the array of weapons in front of him

More often he surveyed the crowd, but even then he appeared bored, yawning and picking at his fingernails

Standing at the very edge of a deep precipice, eyes glazed with excitement, he surveyed his imagined forces gathered on the plain below

Uncle Hobart surveyed the mess the crowd had made of his prized tractor, now covered with all sorts of rubbish and disgusting slime

Ten minutes later, Marcos’ boss was forced to re-evaluate that statement as he surveyed the damaged settee

She coolly surveyed the room

He surveyed me

Feet up on the desk, I surveyed the big boards

Bradfield and Aquino (1999) surveyed 237 employees in a

She surveyed the shambles of the road ahead

Before the waiter returned, I surveyed the pristine beauty

Klaus surveyed the damage, making his usual notes, and when he was finished, they drove to the orderly rows of squad tents housing the Third Battalion

She surveyed the path ahead; she stopped for a brief moment

Reilly»s home and surveyed the damage Terry Bullock, the police and I had done to it

He rested his hands on his waist and surveyed the landscape around him

The two of them quickly surveyed the rest of the room, noting that some of their personal articles seemed to not be in the same positions in which they had been left

Elizabeth surveyed the people in the room, then stepping forward, she cried out, “Uncle Karol!” to a white-haired man seated with the rest

an old man that surveyed all the action with a keen

Ethan knelt beside her and surveyed the river bank for a moment

Alone in the foyer, I surveyed the scores of young women competing for the prize in the soprano section, accompanied by their mothers fussing over them

As she surveyed it, Bruce caught her attention

She surveyed the fare

He surveyed her shapely body and his eyes rested on her mouth

Bruce studied the chart and briefly surveyed the other information tacked on the walls and ceiling of the boy’s bedroom

Bruce surveyed the camp quickly and doused the waning fire

There’s probably no subject that’s been as well surveyed as sex

Cloud pulled the manhole cover closed as he surveyed the remote

Together, they surveyed the

town, Cloud had surveyed the thick chains of iron that secured

his expression melancholy as he surveyed the scenery

Kenichi surveyed the room

Kubo shone the flashlight around and surveyed the situation

gathered together to the river called Theras, where we pitched our tents three days, and then I surveyed them

He stepped out into the street and surveyed the crowd with a look of high disdain

Jack surveyed the crowd and continued his speech, “… and furthermore, we would like to allay any fears our investors may have regarding the strength of this bank moving forward

At least 98% of surveyed NDErs came to believe that there is life after death following

I quickly surveyed the mood; it was very awkward, like I just interrupted something

“I did,” he said chuckling as everyone else surveyed the tattoo, George and everyone else was in total awe of it

I quickly surveyed the mood, it was very dark and tense, and it sent a wave of uneasiness through my whole body

have surveyed the web and the predictions of BIG thinkers so you don’t have to

Eke surveyed the compound

She turned and surveyed the small folk around her

“Well, what do you think? It is The Living Palace! “ Yazadril asked with a grin as he turned and surveyed their creation

” Sheramiv announced as she surveyed the gathering

41 And these I gathered together to the river called Theras where we pitched our tents three days and then I surveyed them

They ride so low in the water! Moshe worried, frowning as he surveyed the flotilla

Moshe surveyed the assembled leaders, becoming aware that the head servant had fixed a haughty stare upon him

They quickly surveyed

He surveyed the scene in a circle about him and spent long moments studying the overhead structure

She stood in the middle of her work-area in the former Council of Meditation building and surveyed the scene of near-devastation around her

Moshe surveyed the assembled leaders, becoming aware that the head servant had fixed a

surveyed those before him

The significant contributions of the Coast Guard as part of the Navy in World Wars One and Two were surveyed in previous chapters

surveyed the overturned boxes the kids had emptied and

I surveyed the table

A few stood back and surveyed the scene with a jaundiced eyes

Nation’s Economy, leaned back and surveyed the members of the groups

doostEr thought about surveying the situation before bringing the rockosaur out and if he knew he was going this far south along the city front he probably would have

‘Have to risk it then, can’t leave her here …’ The engineer said, surveying the track again

’ He said standing and surveying the view with a wistful sadness

’ He said, surveying the sky

She tore off its head and threw it over the side of the mountain and then stood there surveying the damage

surveying a world in negative,

Quickly surveying the scene, Rayne chose her targets, and then leaped into action

The older man stood back, hands on hips, surveying the three

Pretending to savour it, she stood sipping the water, her back to the sink, surveying the room

’ Billy said, surveying the room as though seeing it freshly, measuring it in terms of pots of paint and man hours wielding a paintbrush

” she offered and then silently made a show of surveying the room’s appointments

stood with his hands on his hips, surveying the odd scene in front of him

He stood with his hands in his pockets surveying the tiny little back plot of land behind their rented house

I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale, surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure, though mixed with my other afflicting thoughts, to think that this was all my own; that I was king and lord of all this country indefensibly, and had a right of possession; and if I could convey it, I might have it in inheritance as completely as any lord of a manor in England

surveying their three stout travelling companions with

Fred kept his portable radio switched on the Saturday as he walked around his property surveying any possible problem points

Brice ignored him, surveying the ground below instead

On arrival he reigned in his horse and just sat there for a while surveying the land before him, his hand shielding his eyes from the sunlight coming in low over the horizon

Yet it just stood still, calmly surveying

But you were captured by the Naud on that very planet—Tenrith—you won’t have remembered that was where you were at the time; so caught up in your surveying assignment and all

The four troopers quickly fanned out into a covering formation and crouched close to the ground, each of them intently surveying the area around them while holding their rifles ready

Standing there surveying us was Tommy Macy Elijah’s mate who had been seconded to the Second Battalion as an instructor and who was now a skater* his face broke into a big smile on seeing us

They would have eyes and ears surveying Adem’s movements to try to learn more

slowly patrolled the perimeter of the table, surveying the faces of her command officers, shrewdly

Grindel stood now on the ramparts of the giant earthworks he’d had built, surveying his new domain with a broadening smile, already savouring the absolute power that would soon be his

Having lost control of his mind, his psyche could do little now, other than crouch in a terrifying darkness, surveying the world from another badger’s eyes

A big man was standing on the threshold, hands behind his back, his deep blue eyes surveying the room

Sylvia was often a guest in Caroline’s Puriscal mansion where she often practiced her favorite hobby of surveying available real estate

Shorts were the practical attire of choice for women; I had one more reason to stay transfixed on Eileen’s behinds as she waded through the crowd, surveying the place and filling in the gaps in the details of our little plan

There was a small group of beings about halfway up, seated at another tableau, surveying the scene below impassively

He whipped his head from side to side surveying the hallway for intruders

The Patriarch stood in the middle of the tower with a magnifying glass to his eye, surveying the battle

As he sat surveying the scene of the accident, Colling tried to picture what must have happened, although he had difficulty understanding how a skid could have taken place on the rough macadam surface

The other, slimmer and a bit older and obviously in charge, was looking around as if surveying the place

Imagine the immense value that signifies when it does the statistical surveying of everything that is stored as example: products without use in the people’s houses and organizations (public and private)

To understand what we are affirming, see the following example: Make the surveying and valorize all the products that are allocated in million organizations and the residences, such as: computers, stationery, patrimonial goods, domestic utensils, vehicles, money and installations

The surveying is obtained through the on-line information by defined indicators in the projects of each agreed organization, under the responsibility of the Area of Activity STATISTICIAN in national and international level that gives the statistical treatment to the informed data

Buffo pushed his bulk into the room, surveying the crowd from a higher vantage

She knelt by the side of the patch, carefully surveying the

Surveying the three,

cautiously surveying the intruders rather than scavenging as they

surveying for the West Texas A&M University

name has been surveying in the Texas

nies and surveying records with the goal of

Surveying his choice, he moaned in a ‘this will have to do’ fashion and said

The werewolf growled maliciously, surveying Adrinius as he tried in vain to make an escape, using all his energy to run as far as he could and as fast as possible, but it was of no use

He was constantly surveying the gathering, watching for anything out of the ordinary

I sat there for a moment surveying it, so this was the ‘errand’ he had to run

I started surveying it, but found nothing physically wrong with it; she only had it on AV

We strolled around the city, surveying it from the Duomo Roof

While surveying the Alaskan coast, travelers must bear in mind, or have jotted in paper easily accessible, their exploration plans

really be as easy as this seemed to be? She locked the door firmly from the inside and leaned against it, surveying the contents of the room

For instance, we of Survey Team Three accomplish this task with greater speed and quality than has been previously achieved, due to the vast array of surveying techniques we have available

After they arrived by Translocation and were served, creating quite a stir among the elves, Hilsith reported the cavern cleared of all but the surveying crew

lowered with me as I crouched down into the shrubs, surveying

Toivo cowered, busy with the task of surveying his

Surveying the scene, you see that the

Brink is surveying his tray

” I looked to Dave who was surveying the mountain of boxes I had

As if he had nothing to do with it, Draco looked around, reading the potion bottle labels and surveying the shop

Modern marketing advocates surveying the market

„Anyway, Tony had been surveying this bit of coast; the rivers, drainage, land-forms, tidal bars, frequency and levels of storm surges — that sort of thing

Surveying all there was to note, I realized the only sounds were lovely bird calls and the breeze that rustled through the forest leaves

You were routinely surveying a planet—collecting living samples and such—before preparing to destroy it

Babsy looked up at the old man who was surveying his movements through

I stood for a few more seconds surveying the terrain, and then I hurled that head over arm through one of the lit windows downstairs, the one on the left, and I sat down to wait

“Can I wear some of these, do you think?” I asked him, surveying the collection of jeans and shirts and wondering how I was ever going to fit into them

Gordon stood in the doorway, complete with thick rubber gloves and lab coat, surveying his new domain

can continue to build relationships with your list of subscribers by surveying

Surveying the map, he saw that the field was only a little more

After a few moments spent in silently surveying the Master, he said: «You realize that something must be done about your teaching since you are disturbing the peace and order of our country

These are the concepts of surveying, scanning and skimming,

The determined Agnieska was coming down the stairs, surveying

“Oh I don’t know,” he began thoughtfully, surveying the length of the bar, reviewing in his mind the endless parade of characters who embroidered his premises, “You get all sorts in here, y’know

She lit the cigarette and inhaled hungrily, surveying the outskirts of her home town, remembering that when she had left two years ago it was reported as being the fastest growing city in the west of Ireland

Quickly surveying her surroundings to ensure her safety, Lady Jane’s nerves subsided, and the object that haunted her became apparent

“I could learn to like this, pretty quickly,” muttered Max, as he wallowed in the deliciously warm soapy water, surveying the immaculate and gleaming En-suite bathroom

“Where are our host and hostess?” asked Max, surveying the crowded area

Jed was so involved in surveying the area behind the desk that he didn’t

Andy blocked the doorway, surveying the scene with smug

haunches and yawned, surveying the parking lot with narrow-eyed contempt

against the meat counter and leaned in, surveying the wares

He resembled a general on a battlefield, surveying the

remained silent, surveying their surroundings and watching for the

Ariel took a break, hands on hips, surveying the cave

They disappeared into the stairwell after warily surveying and assessing any risks from within just before Wickland, Graisco, Dave, and the rest of the men crowded into one of the glass elevators

Fairmont looked around the lobby, carefully surveying the picturesque scene in an attempt to identify anything out of place, out of the ordinary, that would prompt an abortion of this meeting

Surveying the mahogany-paneled lockers adorned with brass nameplates engraved with the member’s name, he noticed a small keypad lock beneath the handle on each veneer

In surveying the damage this morning they looked at me straight-faced and said “Well, at least no one was hurt

Once again he checked the screen of the surveying system which said that contact was now less than nine minutes away

The Intelligence Officer, the helmsman, and the Tracking Officer sat around the table, surveying the map displayed on the table-top, and the Intelligence Officer pointed to a green spot on the map

The Frankish women were however markedly less interested in surveying the grounds and mostly stayed near the shuttlecraft

walked up to where Jil was standing and surveying the activities below

Three jeeps approached MacArthur’s command group as it was surveying visually the installations that were still intact in the port

According to recent surveys, the most popular therapies in the west are osteopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy, acupuncture and aromatherapy

She surveys me for a moment then, grinning broadly ignores my outstretched hand completely and envelopes me in a warm hug

He still hoped the architectural surveys would turn up something

The previous week had brought in most of the architectural surveys

” She nodded appreciatively scrolling through the lists of predators found after their surveys of Tenrith

His primary job was to do instant surveys on the populace by monitoring various broadcasts to get public reaction to the news

Van Vogt, one of the greats in the genre, prefaced one of his collections of short stories in the mid sixties with the statement that surveys showed that the typical reader of fantasy-science fiction had an IQ above 120, and included professionals such as engineers, doctors, and lawyers

Recent surveys show that as many as one third of fourth-graders in the typical public (Notice that I did not say Private, or Home-Schooled

Check the surveys that have been done, in the interim, to determine how many conservative professors this country has

Surveys have shown that 63% of the population prefer this system

Opinion Surveys, I have found, are of little or no consequence

Later surveys came from his son, Arthur Schlesinger Jr,, also quite the revered figure within the profession

Public opinion surveys are not far different from historians

The Computer Revolution, the promise of placing a heavenly mien upon Mankind, proclaiming that the arrogance of knowledge is sufficient to all things temporal and eternal, has arrived and is master of all that it surveys

I really experienced the underbelly of society, especially while interviewing council tenants for national crime surveys

She surveys me without feeling as two Dauntless soldiers pull me out of the room

” Bruce reckoned he knew more about electricity! His own field surveys had led to the discovery of enormous variation

Surveys reveal that sex is enjoyed well into the 80s and 90s

Description: Receipt Hog rewards you with coins for submitting photos of you grocery receipts and completing surveys

Surveys On The Go

Endless Ways to Earn Cash with Surveys, Cash Tasks, Paid Offers, Watching Videos, Phone Calls, Web Surfing, Games and Many More!

They are considered a leader in market research and really does a great job offering a higher payment per surveys

After you have joined and reached the main page, you’ll love how they provide you with a long profitable list of surveys with its payments and time limit next to it

They have everything a «gpt» site has including, 7 different offers, paid surveys, paid website visits, paid to click, paid tasks, games, paid listening to radio and more!

How to Increase Your Chances of Receiving More Surveys

You can greatly increase your chances of receiving more surveys, if you complete the profile section in the panel after registering

When you completely fill out your profile information, it will give the panel more specific information about yourself to better match surveys to you

By this I mean, don’t lie when you complete surveys, since this will conflict with what you’ve told in the profile about yourself

Many times they will not tell you about this but it will show up later, as you will notice less surveys being sent to your email

The referral signs up for free and begins making money with surveys and his or her own referrals

There are combinations of how many and what times of the day you can do surveys

For example, you could do either two or three surveys at the same time in a day, which only takes about 15-30 min

You may return to the earlier chapter on the «top list of surveys that pays money» area to find out!

66 Surveys in Australia and Germany suggested as high as 15% of a

It could be surveys, tests, special studies, etc

Use customer surveys and then contact your customers in

Many companies use surveys and then attempt to explain away why the survey response is not

Then there would have to be seismic surveys and federal air permits obtained before drilling could start

It has been shown in polls and surveys, that the American public,

Dave King ran A-1 Maps and Surveys in the unit Mike eventually occupied

Other manipulating method is the surveys:

— the results of the surveys in the newspapers (web or written), the polls are

of surveys which should be aimed in the general direction of assisting the subscribers

However, they failed, landing only on number four (with Channels 2, 7, and 5 consistently sharing the top 3 spots) according to the surveys

EMBA Programs use different tools to learn what students, alumni, and organizations think, such as conducting surveys and focus groups, keeping an open door, meeting with students on a regular basis, and responding quickly to their questions and requests

Earn by tel ing your friends, taking surveys and more during the startup phase

Surveys show that people are less intimidated to click on words that might have more

On the table we would have postcards that had people fill in customer satisfaction surveys and

The data is meaningful, however, because unlike surveys in which consumers self-report the types of distracted behaviors they engage in, the FARS data is based on actual police reports on fatal crashes

Find out what colors relay what emotions according years of research and surveys and more

He surveys the sea of high school demographics

surveys; compliance inspection and audit findings; strategic

Surveys such as the one below tend to be more effective if

and disadvantages associated with three techniques: Surveys,

You could also volunteer your time in one of the yearly population surveys (I did this when I lived in Vallejo, and it was fun!)

I’m really, really hoping that you’ve never done this… but if you’ve been spending lots of time working out from surveys in the media or from conversations with friends what the average number of times that you and your partner should be having sex per week is, and then you’ve actually presented that stat to your partner with the thought that it will actually make a difference, that she’ll suddenly see the light and think “oh goodness me, he’s quite right, we’re not having sex as often as the national average, quick, let’s go to bed and make up for all those times we’ve missed” – then STOP IT

You can use survey monkey to easily create online surveys

Corwin, Pire, Rouen and the General stared at the faint trail that Murphy had found on his aerial surveys

Using deep field equipment he surveys the composition of the artificial moon

Intrigued, Grailem brings the flagship into a tighter orbit and surveys the whole moon

We planned a questionnaire survey, but this has the serious limitation that most people who respond to such surveys do so because they have an axe to grind, and many who do respond will hide their true feelings if they suspect that responses may be traced back to them

surveys but haven’t done anything

I really don’t care to submit to participating in surveys because of the questions

Whether you’re concerned with surveys, studies or polls, they all come down to the same scenario

One may almost conclude that polls or surveys are worthless, since they prove nothing

Environmental Protection Agency puts out a study, you might feel that they have concern for the planet, and when the Department of Health surveys the people of a

Surveys have shown that more than half the population feels that the cell phone is one of the worst inventions ever

Perhaps he didn’t fill out the census because his home was never sent one or he never saw it or didn’t believe in surveys – I don’t either – so he just tossed it

Right now, the industry has a huge dependency on surveys as a means of gathering data

These telescopes carry out surveys of the universe with several Terabyte databases that need to be searched, indexed and analysed

Customer feedback: One can gather information about existing and potential customers by using online forms and surveys

surveys the room, but, if anything, my action brings attention to me

According to surveys conducted by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) spanning the years

took part in the inspections and surveys carried out by the

not so sure that surveys are still such a

The dolphins assisted in the surveys of plants and animals by taking tricorders to identify the new and the strange

surveys, special offers and so on

You can also use customer surveys to find out

if they should proceed! By using surveys and

I have taken many surveys with this company

$460 for surveys completed a Survey Savvy!

company and other surveys that are willing to pay for your opinions

listed at Maximum Paid Surveys

How are you doing with surveys?

only people registered with them will be invited to take surveys

companies you sign up with, the more surveys you will receive! It’s as simple as

I have registered with over 1000 companies since I started taking surveys three

Maximum Paid Surveys was set up to be the most authoritative collection of

legitimate paid surveys on the Internet

But to tell you the truth, my purpose wasn’t to take surveys! My purpose was to

You too are probably considering paid surveys as a way to make money but I

The purpose of this report was to educate you about paid surveys

informed decision and take it to the next level with Maximum Paid Surveys, the

far beyond paid surveys and that you will receive a full package to earn money

I fill out simple surveys online


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