Sentence for the word sprang

пружинить, возникать, прыгать, бить, бросаться, появляться, скакать, бить ключом

неправильный глагол

- past от spring
- past от spring
- past от spring

Мои примеры


hope sprang up within him — у него появилась надежда  
fire sprang into a blaze — огонь вспыхнул  
the fire sprang into a blaze — огонь вспыхнул  
blood sprang from his wound — кровь хлынула у него из раны  
breeze sprang up — поднялся лёгкий ветерок  
an industry sprang up in — отрасль возникла в  

Примеры с переводом

He sprang from the bed.

Он вскочил с постели.

The lion roared and sprang.

Лев зарычал и прыгнул.

They sprang to her defence.

Они бросились её защищать.

New houses sprang up all over the town.

По всему городу выросли новые дома.

Red, violet, and yellow flowers sprang up from the moist ground.

Из этой влажной земли появились красные, фиолетовые и жёлтые цветы.

Cities sprang up overnight.

Города возникли очень быстро.

Tears sprang from his eyes.

Из его глаз брызнули слёзы.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Charlene sprang immediately to her son’s defence.

The teacher sprang a surprise on us and gave a pop quiz.

Two men sprang out at me as I was walking through the park.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

весна, пружина, источник, пружинить, возникать, весенний, яровой, упругий


- прыжок, скачок; разбег

to take /to make/ a spring — прыгнуть
to rise with a spring — подскочить

- шотл. плясовая мелодия в быстром темпе
- энергия, живость

his mind has lost its spring — он стал туго соображать

- спорт. прыгучесть
- родник, ключ, источник

hot [mineral, sulphur] springs — горячие [минеральные, серные] источники
spring water — ключевая вода

ещё 8 вариантов


- скакать, прыгать

to spring over smth. — перепрыгивать через что-л.
to spring through a gap — проскочить через дыру в изгороди
to spring up into the air — подскочить в воздух
to spring out of the doorway — выскочить из подъезда
where do you spring from? — разг. откуда ты взялся?

- бросаться

to spring on /upon/ smb. — наскакивать /нападать, обрушиваться/ на кого-л.
to spring forward — броситься /ринуться, кинуться/ вперёд

- вскакивать

to spring to one’s feet — вскочить на ноги
to spring (up) from one’s seat — вскочить с места
to spring to attention — воен. а) встать по стойке «смирно»; б) принять строевую стойку

- заставить вскочить
- сниматься с места, вспархивать (о дичи)

ещё 22 варианта


- весенний

spring flowers [coats, hats, rainfall] — весенние цветы [пальто, шляпки, осадки]

- с.-х. яровой

spring wheat [culture, sowing] — яровая пшеница [культура, -ой сев]

- молодой

spring lamb — молодой барашек
spring onion — зелёный лук

Мои примеры


a beautiful day in early spring — прекрасный день в начале весны  
these trees gum in the Spring — эти деревья весной выделяют смолу  
to coil a spring — навивать пружину  
spring compliance — податливость пружины  
the eldest flower of spring — первый весенний цветок  
spring fastening — пружинное скрепление  
helical spring — винтовая пружина  
to detonate / set off / spring a mine — взорвать мину  
spring recess — весенние каникулы  
bright apparel of spring — яркое весеннее убранство  
the spring semester — весенний семестр  
signs of an early spring — приметы ранней весны  

Примеры с переводом

He sprang from the bed.

Он вскочил с постели.

His daughter sprang to his embrace.

Дочь бросилась ему в объятья.

I made a spring towards a boat.

Я прыгнул к лодке.

Tears sprang from his eyes.

Из его глаз брызнули слёзы.

Wind sprang the mast.

Ветер сломал мачту.

Spring is here at last.

Наконец-то пришла весна.

The boat sprung a leak.

Лодка дала течь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Tom sprung out of bed and ran downstairs.

The first spring bulbs are just coming up.

There’s always a lot to do when spring arrives.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

springer  — прыгун, цыпленок, пятовый камень арки, собака из породы спаниелей
springy  — упругий, пружинистый, эластичный, богатый источниками
springiness  — упругость, эластичность
springing  — пята арки или свода, перепрыгивать, прыгать, пружинящий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: spring
he/she/it: springs
ing ф. (present participle): springing
2-я ф. (past tense): sprang
3-я ф. (past participle): sprung

ед. ч.(singular): spring
мн. ч.(plural): springs

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sprang, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sprang in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sprang».

Sprang in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sprang in a sentence.

  1. Tents sprang up like strange plants.

  2. The vaulting sprang directly from the top of the arcade.

  3. Everyone seemed quite pleased and I got a reputation that really sprang out of nothing.».

  4. Gold rush–related boomtowns sprang up near Mono Basin in the 19th century to exploit bonanzas.

  5. He added that Harris thought the tree killed Thomson, «but he sprang up and continued painting».

  6. On command, the landing legs sprang into the position they would assume for landing on the Moon.

  7. This was ineffective, as many political parties with only a handful of members sprang up and squabbled.

  8. Indeed, Pinafore was so successful that over a hundred unauthorised productions sprang up in America alone.

  9. Several short-lived boom towns sprang up during the late 19th and early 20th centuries to mine gold and silver.

  10. Dreadnought races sprang up around the world, including in South America, lasting up to the beginning of World War I.

  11. Settlements of the Gold Rush era, such as Portuguese Flat on the Sacramento River, sprang into existence and then faded.

  12. Jaeger came up with a set of cables that sprang from the Borg’s knuckles and buried themselves in the crewmember’s neck.

  13. The officer walked over to aid him, and as he did the Jap sprang to life and hurled a grenade which wounded him in the face.

  14. Other ships suffered too, as the French Résolue sprang a severe leak and HMS Anson lost her mizzenmast and several topmasts.

  15. Her writing was unplanned and sprang largely from her unconscious mind: she typed her stories as events unfolded before her.

  16. Prisoners would often take their families with them, which meant that entire communities sprang up inside the debtors’ jails.

  17. He sprang back and exclaimed in a tone of horror and despair, «Great God it is him,» and as he said that he fell on his knees.

  18. The society was highly successful in raising public awareness and support, and local chapters sprang up throughout Great Britain.

  19. The town began in early 1905 as one of several mining camps that sprang up after a prospecting discovery in the surrounding hills.

  20. During the ensuing 15 years, many countercultural and New Left enterprises sprang up and developed large constituencies within the city.

  21. The libraries left by Philip and Edward IV formed the nucleus from which sprang the Royal Library of Belgium and the English Royal Library.

  22. Addressing his ’68 Comeback Special audience, he said, «Rock ‘n’ roll music is basically gospel or rhythm and blues, or it sprang from that.

  23. The boom towns which sprang up around these mines flourished during the first decade of the 1900s, but soon declined after the Panic of 1907.

  24. Possibly he was trying to reconcile fundamental human urges with the inhuman, Buck Rogers type of innovations that sprang from his test tubes.

  25. I felt the universe suddenly quake, and that a golden spirit sprang up from the ground, veiled my body, and changed my body into a golden one.

  26. Unauthorised «pirate» productions quickly sprang up in America, taking advantage of the fact that American courts did not enforce foreign copyrights.

  27. Many other temples of Isis sprang up in Ptolemaic times, ranging from Alexandria and Canopus on the Mediterranean coast to Egypt’s frontier with Nubia.

  28. Approximately 150 unauthorised productions of Pinafore sprang up in the United States in 1878 and 1879, and none of these paid royalties to the authors.

  29. A shanty town sprang up on the site of the old Spanish fortifications just across the border, which became the workers’ town of La Línea de la Concepción.

  30. The foam was spring-loaded so that when the wire passed through, the set sprang back into place quickly; the effect was hidden behind a composite of Nunzio.

  31. Similarly, many unlucky merchants set up in settlements that disappeared, or which succumbed to one of the calamitous fires that swept the towns that sprang up.

  32. The stabilizing and actuator fins, which helped to guide the missile to its target, were stored folded in the canister and sprang into position after launching.

  33. They cut roads through the growing forest to aid in fighting the wildfires that sprang up, and planted many acres of red pines as part of the reforestation effort.

  34. Grass-root organizations sprang up in every state to help Perot achieve ballot access following his announcement on the February 20, 1992 edition of Larry King Live.

  35. When she ran for Senate in 2000, several fundraising groups such as Save Our Senate and the Emergency Committee to Stop Hillary Rodham Clinton sprang up to oppose her.

  36. The diverse imagery sprang from her varied roles; as Robert Steven Bianchi says, «Isis could represent anything to anyone and could be represented in any way imaginable.».

  37. New and distinctive painterly cultures sprang up; Ulm, Nuremberg, Vienna and Munich were the most important artistic centres in the Holy Roman Empire at the start of the 16th century.

  38. Within months after Stonewall, radical gay liberation groups and newsletters sprang up in cities and on college campuses across America and then across all of northern Europe as well.

  39. When the interior wall fell, the men, true to their promise, sprang from the ruins and fought with great courage, forcing Philip to send his troops forward in relays to the front line.

  40. It sprang up near the most promising discovery, the Montgomery Shoshone Mine, which in February 1905 produced ores assayed as high as $16,000 a ton, equivalent to $461,000 a ton in 2020.

  41. When an insect touched an «antenna» projecting from the back of the flower, this released the bent pedicel which sprang straight and fired the pollinium, sticky disc first, at the insect.

  42. Pierrepoint’s job as assistant was to follow the prisoner onto the scaffold, bind the prisoner’s legs together, then step back off the trapdoor before the lead executioner sprang the mechanism.

  43. From this belief sprang a Renaissance artistic tradition of using obscure symbolism loosely based on the imagery described in Horapollo, pioneered by Francesco Colonna’s 1499 book Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.

General information about «sprang» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sprang that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sprang» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sprang».

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1) Touching something soft, I sprang quickly back.

2) He sprang up from the sofa.

3) He sprang up and rushed to the door.

4) Suddenly a rabbit sprang out of its cave.

5) He always sprang to Rose’s defence when Ed tried to criticize her.

6) The tiger humped his back before he sprang on the game.

7) In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.

8) She sprang out of her chair to greet her father.

9) He sprang out of the room all of a sudden.

10) He sprang to his feet and rushed after her.

11) A fungus of ugly little houses sprang up.

12) The door sprang open and he came in.

13) He sprang to his feet and ran outside.

14) He sprang the lock open.

15) I sprang 400 pounds for her overcoat.

16) He sprang forward to help me.

17) My dog sprang at the game.

18) She lowered her eyelids, then sprang them open.

19) I sprang my cue yesterday.

20) He sprang up from his seat.

21) Tears sprang to her eyes.

22) The sentry sprang to attention.

23) I sprang to my feet.

24) He sprang back in alarm.

25) He sprang to the telephone with unwonted eagerness.

26) Flames of fury sprang to my heart.

27) Throwing back the sheet,[] he sprang from the bed.

28) The ball sprang back and hit him.

29) Finally the engine sprang to life.

30) He sprang from peasant stock.

More similar words: spray, sprawl, sprain, sprawling, dyspraxia, urban sprawl, range, ranger, orange, strange, wrangle, arrange, stranger, harangue, estrange, deranged, strangle, rearrange, boomerang, wrangling, quadrangle, disarrange, arrangement, prearranged, estrangement, bitter orange, francisco franco, pray, prate, spry. 

The past tense of “spring” isn’t quite as complicated as it may seem. Whilst two different forms exist, it is fairly simply to separate the two, with a little help. Reading this article should make solving the two different meanings easy.

Sprang or Sprung: Which is Correct?

“Sprang” is the past tense of the verb “to spring”. On the other hand, “sprung” is the past participle of the same verb. Both forms are correct, and as readers and writers we can use either, determined by the sentence. Remember, “Sprung” only makes sense after a verb, like “have”.


  • The grey mouse sprang out of the dark hole in the garden!
  • Our old tap has sprung a leak!

When is “Sprang” Correct?

The word “Sprang” is an example of the past tense. This is the most simple past tense form to use in a sentence.

“Sprang” is correct when discussing the action of “springing” in the past. So, “sprang” is the past tense of the word “spring”. This past tense is useful when we think back to a time when something “sprang”. This works for memories and reflections.

Example sentences using “Sprang”

Here are some examples to show you how to use “Sprang” in your own sentences:

  • She sprang up from the bed to answer the door at the sound of the sharp knock.
  • Touching his cold hand, she sprang back in shock and dismay.
  • The rabbits sprang into the flowering bush to escape from the large dog.
  • During the argument, Harry sprang to Julie’s defence because the situation was unfair.
  • Tears sprang to her eyes at the end of the movie, because it was very sad.
  • She sprang up the stairs at the sound of the shrill, loud alarm.
  • He sprang to life at the sound of her voice; a voice he had missed.
  • The child sprang up the lane to see her grandmother after so many weeks.
  • The kittens sprang from the basket at the sound of milk being poured into the dish.
  • He sprang back, furious at her for being so late after several warnings about the issue of timekeeping.

When is “Sprung” Correct?

“Sprung” is the past tense and past participle of “spring”. This word is a little more tricky to work out than the simple past tense. ‘Sprung” is only correct to use when an auxiliary verb is included in the sentence. An example of an auxiliary verb is “have”.

Why not use a verb like “have” to make the phrase into “have sprung”. This is the present perfect tense.

As you can see, we can use the word “sprung” in the past, present and future:

  • Past perfect: Had sprung
  • Present perfect: Have sprung
  • Future perfect: Will have sprung

Note that the verb form of “sprung” does not change in past, present or future perfect tense.

Example Sentences Using “Sprung”

To make this section more simple, we have included examples for each of the three perfect tenses: past, present and future. This should help you understand how each of them works.

Past Perfect

  • She had sprung from her hiding place before he could catch her.
  • The frog had sprung from the shallow pond to the pebbled path.

“Had sprung” is useful when talking or writing about something or someone “springing” in the past. This is a memory. Usually, this happens before something else happened in the past, and so the past perfect tense can help to make a sequence of events more clear.

Present Perfect

  • Flowers have sprung from the lush green lawn because the sun is shining brightly.
  • A street of new houses have sprung up near the busy town centre.

You should use “have sprung” when talking about someone or something “springing” in the past, as a memory. However, this is not the end of the “springing” movement. The action of springing could continue into now, or end, depending on how the words “have sprung” apply to the relevant sentence.

Future Perfect

  • They will have sprung for their beds before you get home!
  • The long grasses will have sprung up in the park beside the playground soon.

The phrase “will have sprung” makes sense when someone will “spring” in the future. This action has not happened yet, but there is an expectation that it will happen.

How “Sprung” can also be used as an adjective

In case you didn’t already know, as well as being a verb, “Sprung” can also work as an adjective in a sentence. An adjective is a describing word, It is a word that describes a noun.

When describing something as “sprung”, it may be fitted with springs. The word “sprung” could be applied to a sentence involving a mattress. So, a “sprung mattress” is a mattress fitted with springs.

A few common adjective phrases using the word “sprung” are “self-sprung” and “un-sprung”.

Example sentences using “Sprung” as an adjective

  • John’s new sprung mattress was the best in the shop.
  • The sprung weight of the car was heavier than expected.
  • The sprung base of the bed made sleeping very comfortable.

“Have Sprang” Vs “Have Sprung”

Using the examples in the sections above, hopefully it is clear that “Have sprung” is correct to say and write. This is a commonly used phrase to use in the present perfect tense. But the phrase “Have sprang” is worth thinking about too.

The words “Have sprang” are incorrect. In contrast to the more simple past tense, the past participle must be “sprung”. Only the words “have sprung” are correct.

Consider these examples to help you to understand and remember this rule:

  • Correct: New weeds have sprung up in the garden.
  • Incorrect: New weeds have sprang up in the garden.

Final Thoughts

“Sprang” and “Sprung” are forms of the past tense of “to spring” that can be used in sentences. We’ve learnt that “Sprang” is the past tense, whilst “Sprung” is the past participle. It’s important to use auxiliary verbs with “Sprung” when using the perfect tense so that sentences make sense.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In the middle of the wood a brown hare with white feet sprang out and, scared by the tramp of the many horses, grew so confused that it leaped along the road in front of them for some time, arousing general attention and laughter, and only when several voices shouted at it did it dart to one side and disappear in the thicket.

In the evening a wind from the northeast sprang up, and the flakes rushed hither and thither in furious melee.

L’AUBESPINE, a French family which sprang from Claude de l’Aubespine, a lawyer of Orleans and bailiff of the abbey of St Euverte in the beginning of the 16th century, and rapidly acquired distinction in offices connected with the law.

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To perform their task adequately required from the critics a wide circle of knowledge; and from this requirement sprang the sciences of grammar, prosody, lexicography, mythology and archaeology.

On the contrary, Carbonarism flourished and spread to other parts of Italy, and countless lodges sprang up, their adherents comprising persons in all ranks of society, including, it is said, some of royal blood, who had patriotic sentiments and desired to see Italy free from foreigners.

It was not what he was saying that pleased her—that did not even interest her, for it seemed to her that was all extremely simple and that she had known it a long time (it seemed so to her because she knew that it sprang from Pierre’s whole soul), but it was his animated and enthusiastic appearance that made her glad.

A man and woman sprang from his armpit, like Athene from the head of Zeus.

Of the cadet branches of the house, the oldest was that of Powyke and Alcester, which obtained a barony in 1447 and became extinct in 1496; from it sprang the Beauchamps, Lords St Amand from 1448, of whom was Richard, bishop of Salisbury, first chancellor of the order of the Garter, and who became extinct in 1508, being the last known male heirs of the race.

From the communion sacrifice sprang the piaculum, which here becomes a subsidiary form and finds its full explanation in the ideas connected with the mystic union of god and worshippers.

The agitation for disestablishment sprang up afresh after the passing of the Church Patronage Act (Scotland); each assembly of the Free Church passed a resolution in favour of it, and the United Free Church continued this testimony.

Sentences for sprang. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use sprang in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for sprang.

  • Barto sprang up. (10)
  • It sprang forward. (8)
  • He sprang to the bank. (10)
  • She sprang up alarmed. (10)
  • The Ambler sprang forward. (8)
  • Her word sprang out of her. (10)
  • Lavender sprang in after her. (8)
  • June sprang up and paced the room. (8)
  • Boddy sprang half up from his seat. (10)
  • Her bosom sprang to descend into abysses. (10)
  • The faces of the dons sprang up before him. (8)
  • He sprang to the ground and seized her hand. (10)
  • I sprang out of bed and rushed to the window. (8)
  • The moment the door clicked to, Gyp sprang up. (8)
  • The effect was prompt: she sprang from her seat. (10)
  • Words sprang to his lips, and kept on dying there. (8)
  • I sprang upon him, and pulled him over on his back. (9)
  • Laetitia swallowed her thoughts as they sprang up. (10)
  • My younger days sprang up beside me like brothers. (10)
  • Vittoria sprang to her feet at the words he uttered. (10)
  • He sprang, and for a long minute remained in her arms. (8)
  • Isabel sprang upon her offspring with a cry of despair. (9)
  • But no sooner was his body seated than his soul sprang up. (8)
  • Christian sprang up; tears were streaming down her cheeks. (8)
  • The moment he had gone she sprang up: Yes, she was a bad wife! (8)
  • Crossjay sprang away and plunged into the arms of Sir Willoughby. (10)
  • Cynthia seemed to stumble on something; he sprang over and caught. (9)
  • Captain DeWitt sprang up the staircase of our hotel to his bedroom. (10)
  • The stress on the question choked him, just as his heart sprang to her. (10)
  • With this spirit she sprang forward, and her confidence did not deceive her. (4)
  • She cried for her master, poor heathen, and I sprang out of the walls to her. (10)
  • How they comforted him, and how quickly he sprang up in answer to the question! (5)
  • As for me, my heart sprang up in me like a colt turned out of stables to graze. (10)
  • He perceived that she wished to get rid of her cup, and he sprang to her relief. (9)
  • That quiet dawn was Reverence; whereof sprang Ethereal Beauty in full morningtide. (10)
  • The blood from those deep gashes sprang out at intervals, mingling with her tears. (10)
  • Carlo sprang from her side to meet Angelo, with whom he exchanged some quick words. (10)
  • In vain was one band beaten and cut to pieces; another sprang up to take its place. (19)
  • The third time he uttered a threat that sprang an answer from her bosom in shrieks. (10)
  • The third time he uttered a threat that sprang an answer from her bosom in shrieks. (22)
  • Jamie sprang to help him, and was hit, but will be about again in ten days or so…. (14)
  • A great ship industry, a splendid carrying trade sprang up between America and France. (19)
  • It sprang, unknown to him, of conjectures he had indulged yesterday and the day before. (10)
  • She sprang to arms, the perfect porcupine, at his opening words, as he had anticipated. (10)
  • With a cheer they sprang forward over the twenty or thirty paces between them and their task. (1)
  • They sprang from my inmost bosom, addressed without forethought to that drawling mouthing poet. (10)
  • The adjutant of the regiment was hit, Willie sprang forward to help him, and was shot instantly. (14)
  • As the West grew, new newspapers sprang up and were kept in the cold by their established rivals. (16)
  • Of her originally sprang the inspired teaching of the doom of men to excruciation in endlessness. (10)
  • And I just sprang up and left him when I heard your voice, without putting anything to keep him in. (9)
  • Hardly had they crossed, when a strange apparition sprang into the middle of the wide woodland path. (19)
  • She was not sorry, however, to have the recital of them interrupted by the lady from whom they sprang. (4)
  • Her meaning seized me at once; we both sprang out of the ditch and ran, dragging our blanket behind us. (10)
  • With a shudder, she sprang up; the ants had got to her, and she had to pick them off her neck and dress. (8)
  • The thought of her indebted lips, half closed, asking him how to repay him, sprang his heart to his throat. (10)
  • She sprang before Aminta to stop her retreat, and stamped and gibbed, for sign that she would not be driven. (10)
  • He sprang back, and after an instant of stupefaction he pulled open the door behind him and ran out into the street. (9)
  • To his surprise Rozsi put her little soft hand down and touched his; then, without a word, sprang up and rushed away. (8)
  • The grave and fearful music sprang straight up into they air, rolled out right and left, and was lost among the hills. (8)
  • At the first touch the squire sprang up, swearing by his Lord Harry he had just dreamed of fire, and muttering of buckets. (10)
  • A silent trio sought Paddington in a taxi-cab, digesting this desperate climax of an affair that sprang from origins so small. (8)
  • Dead silence and stillness hung over the dinner-service, when the outer door below was opened, and a light foot sprang up the stairs. (10)
  • Hereat the ladies of Brookfield, thus miserably indicated, drew upon their self-command that sprang from the high sense of martyrdom. (10)
  • Then, feeling that she could not stay still, must walk, run, get away somehow from this feeling of treachery and betrayal, she sprang up. (8)
  • Thence, perhaps, sprang her respect for him; he was wiry, a little taller than herself, and seemed to talk of things that interested her. (8)
  • Then it sprang weakly, and sought to fly and soar, and fluttered; but a blue film lodged over its eyes, and its panting was quickly ended. (10)
  • He had Farmer Blaize and Mrs. Berry to study, and really excellent Aphorisms sprang from the plain human bases this natural couple presented. (10)
  • Something of the chivalrous restraint he put upon the motions of his heart, sprang from the shadowy awe which overhung that impressible organ. (10)
  • The latter injunction sprang from policy, for at the head of the chief street there was a glitter of the city guard, marching with shouldered spears. (10)

Also see sentences for: sprained, sprawling.

Definition of sprang:

  • sprang, pa.t. of spring_.(0)

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