Sentence for the word spite

Synonym: bitchiness, bruise, cattiness, hurt, injure, malice, maliciousness, nastiness, offend, spitefulness, venom, wound. Similar words: despite, in spite of, spit, hospital, jupiter, pit, spin, spill. Meaning: [spaɪt]  n. 1. feeling a need to see others suffer 2. malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty. v. hurt the feelings of. 

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1) Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. 

2) She is cheerful in spite of his illness.

3) I like her in spite of her failings.

4) Don’t spite him. He’s only a kid.

5) In spite of my efforts, the boy remained passive.

6) We went out in spite of the rain.

7) In spite of her fears, she always worried through.

8) In spite of my efforts, the boy remained.

9) He took my best toy just out of spite!

10) She was angry and full of spite.

11) She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap.

12) In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.

13) I like people who make me laugh in spite of myself.

14) The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.

15) They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain.

16) In spite of the bad things he’s done I still believe in his essential goodness.

17) They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.

18) English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese.

19) The army were still fighting in spite of heavy casualties.

20) In spite of my son’s disagreement,I sent him to the school.

21) In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.

22) I think that man has a spite against us, he is always trying to disorganize our plans.

23) In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.

24) In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.

25) In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.

26) In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends.

27) I think that man has a spite against us, he is always trying to disorganise our plans.

28) There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget.

29) He’s the sort of man who would let down the tyres on your car just out of/from spite.

30) We’ve received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents.

More similar words: despite, in spite of, spit, hospital, jupiter, pit, spin, spill, spine, pitch, pitcher, capita, inspire, capital, pittance, decrepit, suspicion, suspicious, conspiracy, cite, site, item, suite, unite, write, white, quite, elite, erudite, write off. 

spite — перевод на русский


That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies, and sleep in spite of thunder.

Я страху бледному скажу: «Ты лжёшь» И буду спать назло громам.

But he did that just for spite.

И он делал это назло.

To spite me, that’s why.

Назло мне, вот почему.

You’re not such a mean person, in spite of yourself.

Ты не такой уж трудный человек, назло себе самому.

Acting crazy… out of spite to me?

Ты совершаешь эти безумства назло мне?

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In spite of the fact that most of these rats fork up $50 for the powder room like little dolls…

Не смотря на то, что все эти мерзавцы раскошелились на 50 долларов за дамскую комнату…

Yet, in spite of these careful arrangements she contrived to spend the night with a third party.

И не смотря на эту ситуацию, она ухитрилась провести ночь с третьим лицом.

His head was crushed in in spite of his bicycle helmet.

Ему пробило череп даже не смотря на шлем. Жуть.

I know I said he wasn’t my type… But he wanted me in spite…

Да, я говорила, что он не то, что мне нужно, но… он хотел быть со мной, не смотря на…

He wanted me in spite of my big behind. Even though I’m a controlling house-proud nut.

Он хотел быть со мной, не смотря на мою толстую задницу, мою потребность все контролировать, и манию вечно все убирать.

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«Witnesses to her humiliation. The girls displayed neither irony nor spite.

«Девушки смотрели на неё без малейшей иронии или злобы.

Do you know why there’s so much spite in people?

Вы знаете, почему так злобы много сегодня в людях?

And she burns us in the flames of her spite.

И она обжигает нас пламенем своей злобы.

We still commit murder because of greed, spite,jealousy.

Мы всё ещё совершаем убийства из-за жадности, злобы, ревности.

In my heart, I have killed men again and again, wishing for their deaths with loathsome desire born of malice and spite.

В своем сердце я убивал людей снова и снова, желая им смерти. Это омерзительное желание было порождением злобы.

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Out of spite, is that it?

Со злости, да? !

Just for spite!

От злости!

This man is full of spite!

Этот человек полон злости!

For he endureth without spite, amen.

Долгих ему лет и не ведать злости, аминь.

Adam was trying to ruin you just out of spite, and I couldn’t bear it.

Адам хотел сломать тебе жизнь просто из злости. Я не могла этого потерпеть.

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You know, at first I took you just to spite the adjutant.

Знаешь, вначале я связалась с тобой, только чтобы досадить адъютанту.

I tried to spite Margrie’s girl who’d forced a kiss upon me, by writing a song to dishonour her.

Я пыталась досадить дочери Маргри, которую заставил бы поцеловаться, написав песню, обесчестившую ее.

I fell in love with him to spite the people in my school.

Я в него влюбилась, чтобы досадить людям из моего училища искусств.

Or did you seduce her just to spite me?

Или ты просто соблазнил ее, чтобы досадить мне?

I bet she took them just to spite me.

Ќаверн€ка она вз€ла их, просто чтобы мне досадить.

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Because of the circumstances, Not out of spite.

По обстоятельствам, А не со зла.

Out of sheer spite, I never went near him.

Представь себе, что я не желал зла твоему отцу.

You know, sometimes I think you’re so determined not to enjoy anything in life, just out of spite.

Знаешь, иногда мне кажется, ты настроен избегать любых наслаждений, просто со зла.

Don’t destroy my legacy out of spite.

Не уничтожай со зла моё наследство.

Admit that you destroyed me out of spite, out of bitterness and out of jealousy.

Признай, что это ты уничтожил _меня_ со зла, из-за обиды и зависти!

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If you weren’t in love, you did it to spite me

Если ты не был влюблен, ты это сделал, чтобы мне насолить.

He just wants to spite me.

Хочет насолить мне.

She didn’t take this case out of spite.

Она взялась за это дело не для того, чтобы насолить.

So you’re just—you’re going to go to jail to spite her?

И что, ты просто-— ты сядешь в тюрьму, чтобы ей насолить?

I mean, they both wanted the house for Columbus Day weekend, and they fought so much that they decided to just sell it — to spite each other—

В смысле, они оба хотели отпраздновать в домике день Колмуба, и они так много ругались, что просто решили продать его, чтобы насолить друг другу.

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Just to spite me!

Наверное, чтобы меня позлить!

She’s making herself ill just to spite us.

Прикинулась больной, чтобы позлить нас.

You know, he’s doing it just to spite me.

Знаешь, он это делает только чтобы позлить меня.

You don’t think I’d give up on a case like this just to spite my brother, do you?

Неужели ты думаешь, что я махну на такое дело рукой, только чтобы позлить своего брата, а?

Essex insisted it be performed just to spite me in front of court.

Эссекс настоял на представлении. Чтобы позлить меня перед двором.

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I’m holding him out of spite.

Я задерживаю его — из вредности.

I still jizzed, but out of spite, not pleasure.

Я и сейчас кончаю туда, но из вредности, а не ради удовольствия.

She’ll probably write something negative just out of spite.

Наверняка, она напишет какую-нибудь гадость, просто из вредности.

So he’s rejecting the heart out of spite?

Так он отказался от сердца из вредности?

And then it was only out of spite.

И то, только из-за своей вредности.

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in spite of yourself, your foot starts scuffing the sand, you let your eyes wander, you are continually crossing and uncrossing your fingers.

помимо воли, твоя нога начинает рыхлить песок, глаза начинают блуждать, ты беспрерывно сплетаешь и расплетаешь пальцы.

For saving me money in spite of myself.

Зато, что сэкономил мне деньги против моей воли.

I transmit it in spite of myself.

Да, не по моей воле, я всего лишь передатчик.

Destructive in spite of herself.

М: Губительна, не по своей воле.

I may become like that, in spite of myself.

И я могу стать такой помимо своей воли.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word spite, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use spite in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «spite».

Spite in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word spite in a sentence.

  1. We’re going on in spite of dogs and fire hoses.

  2. In spite of the modifications, according to R.S.

  3. In spite of that, Nixon sought a commission in the Navy.

  4. In spite of this, he maintained top grades in his classes.

  5. In spite of this, Stanley attended the flag raising ceremony.

  6. In spite of the controversy, neither party had examined the L.

  7. In spite of this, Selena included the song on Entre a Mi Mundo.

  8. In spite of reservations about the hanging, Cleveland executed Morrissey himself.

  9. In spite of the improved prognosis when treated, DPB currently has no known cure.

  10. In spite of this, this fight was the one where the Romans were most hard-pressed.

  11. In spite of United’s promising start, it was Arsenal who scored the opening goal.

  12. In spite of their limitations, the pre-dreadnought squadron played a useful role.

  13. In spite of any hard feelings, Voorhis sent Nixon a letter of congratulations in early December 1946.

  14. He was responsible, apparently through spite, for preventing Powell’s promotion to the rank of major.

  15. In spite of this, fellow Game Informer editor Matthew Kato described the controls as being only so-so.

  16. Samples in other area of distribution have shown no evidence of hybridisation in spite of cohabitation.

  17. In spite of this, Wolters’ wife Erika remained close friends with Margarete Speer, Albert Speer’s wife.

  18. Ostend was captured on 9 September and in spite of extensive demolitions it was opened on 28 September.

  19. In spite of Joyce’s attempts to help Lucia, she remained permanently institutionalised after his death.

  20. In spite of this ban, more than 150 unofficial international matches were played in the 1950s and 1960s.

  21. In spite of these precautions the baggage train was ambushed by a Xinca army soon after leaving Taxisco.

  22. Area residents considered the island and their homes entirely safe in spite of rampant criminal activity.

  23. In a memo, Selznick wrote, «I feel, in spite of his enormous ears and bad chin line, that his charm is ..

  24. In spite of heavy production by the two mints, early 1964 saw but a trickle of flowback, alarming the Fed.

  25. In spite of their shared worldview, however, the two men became personally unfriendly as the term went on.

  26. In spite of the film’s limited release outside of Australia, Bana’s performance received positive reviews.

  27. In spite of the large tusks, Heterodontosaurus is thought to have been herbivorous, or at least omnivorous.

  28. In spite of its critical and commercial success, Morrowind did not win any end-of-year press awards for its Xbox release.

  29. In spite of mixed reception from television critics, the show, and Eve’s performance, received several award nominations.

  30. In spite of these important strategic consequences, the 1912 Naval Law had little bearing on the battleship-force ratios.

  31. In spite of a worse-than-expected box office performance, Fight Club became a cult classic after its DVD release in 2000.

  32. In spite of concerted efforts to uphold the statute, it eventually failed due to competition among landowners for labour.

  33. GameSpot’s Greg Kasavin spoke highly of the tight controls and accessible gameplay in spite of a larger learning curve.

  34. In spite of this, Teller once again used LLNL letterhead to write to several politicians telling them of the great advance.

  35. In spite of this, it is classified as a least concern species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

  36. In spite of this, the Republicans gained seats in both the House and the Senate, though they still remained in the minority.

  37. In spite of his immense recuperative capacity, Fox found that by late August he was exhausted before he began his day’s run.

  38. The two brothers continued to build model gliders in spite of this initial disaster, and Stan corresponded with pioneer aviators in France, England, and the United States.

  39. He argues that the fur trade largely determined Canada’s boundaries, and he comes to the conclusion that the country «emerged not in spite of geography but because of it.».

  40. In spite of Harding’s efforts, gossip about Forbes’ activities resulted in the Senate ordering an investigation two weeks later, and in mid-March, Cramer committed suicide.

  41. In spite of his defeat in the battle, Wright was awarded the Navy Cross, one of the highest American military decorations for bravery, for his actions during the engagement.

  42. In spite of best efforts, AI’s maximum range remained fixed at the aircraft’s altitude, which allowed Luftwaffe aircraft to escape interception by flying at lower altitudes.

Synonyms for spite

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word spite has the following synonyms: cattiness, bitchiness, spitefulness, nastiness, malice, maliciousness, venom, hurt, wound, injure, bruise and offend.

General information about «spite» example sentences

The example sentences for the word spite that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «spite» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «spite».

злоба, злость, озлобленность, неприязнь, досаждать, насаливать, делать назло


- злоба, злость, озлобленность; враждебность, неприязнь, недоброжелательство

out of /for, from, in/ spite — назло; по злобе
to bear smb. a spite, to have a spite at /against/ smb. — затаить злобу против кого-л., иметь зуб на кого-л.


- делать назло

they are just spiting themselves by not coming — им же хуже, что они не собираются к нам

- досаждать, раздражать; сердить, выводить из себя
- относиться враждебно
- амер. обижать, унижать, срамить

to cut /to bite/ off one’s nose to spite one’s face — себе навредить, чтоб другому досадить

Мои примеры


keep bright in spite of misfortune — не терять бодрости духа несмотря на несчастье  
spite fence — забор, возведённый назло соседу  
in spite of hell — решительно; безоглядно  
have a spite against — иметь зуб против кого-либо  
spite and spurn — приходить в ярость; рвать и метать  
rouse the spite — обозлить  

Примеры с переводом

He only did it to spite me.

Он это сделал, только чтоб мне досадить.

In spite of his fear, he jerked out his request.

Несмотря на страх, он выпалил свою просьбу.

He is jealous and full of spite.

Он завистлив и полон злобы.

The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.

Самолёт благополучно приземлился, несмотря на туман.

We went out in spite of the rain.

Мы вышли на улицу, несмотря на дождь.

She broke it just out of spite.

Она сломала это просто из вредности.

In spite of the people’s opinions, she ended up the winner.

Несмотря на всеобщее мнение, она вышла победительницей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…spread cruel lies out of pure spite…

Let’s give him a show in spite of his background.

…sometimes, I swear, she keeps doing that just to spite me…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

spiteful  — злобный, недоброжелательный, злопамятный, язвительный, ехидный, злорадный
spitefulness  — злобность, недоброжелательность

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: spite
he/she/it: spites
ing ф. (present participle): spiting
2-я ф. (past tense): spited
3-я ф. (past participle): spited

Sentences with the word Spite?



  • «in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume»
  • «the game was played in spite of the 40-degree temperature»
  • «in spite of her love of reading she denied being an egghead»
  • «he made a bad mistake»; «she was quick to point out my errors»; «I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults»
  • «in spite of their weakness the group remains active»
  • «in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope»
  • «his unwillingness to cooperate vetoed every proposal I made»; «in spite of our warnings he plowed ahead with the involuntariness of an automaton»

Word Spite
Meaning to purposefully hurt or offend someone
Example 1 The bitter woman took her children out of the country just to spite her ex-husband for leaving her.
Example 2 Many congress members voted for a bill they had never read simply to spite the other party they hate so much.
Example 3 Convinced that her sister was hiding her clothing just to spite her, the irritated teen placed a lock on her closet door.
Example 4 To spite his teacher, the evil boy placed a tack in her seat and waited for her to sit down.
Example 5 The gossiping gym teacher spread hurtful rumors about a rival coach simply to spite her.
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
Example 10

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Study Vocabulary Words spite
the desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone

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Used with adjectives:

«He spread rumors out of pure spite.«
(pure, sheer)

Used with verbs:

«He is full of spite.«
(be + full of, feels)

Used with prepositions:

«He hurt his brother out of sheer spite.«
(out of)

«He felt pure spite towards them.«
(towards, toward)

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Study Vocabulary Words spite
to bother or hurt someone intentionally

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Example sentences:

«She did it just to spite me.«

«He does things only to spite me.«

«He played loud music at night to spite his neighbors.«

«She gave her ex-husband’s clothes away to spite him.«


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