Sentence for the word satisfied

1. The poor are rich when they are satisfied

2. Wherever he is satisfied with what he does, he has reached his culminating point—he will progress no more. 

3. Be satisfied with it or get nothing.

4. He declared himself satisfied with the results.

5. We are not satisfied with these results.

6. They have plenty of satisfied customers .

7. The horse satisfied its thirst at the river.

8. Are you satisfied with your new car?

9. Just because I don’t complain, people think I’m satisfied.

10. I’m not satisfied with his answer.

11. They were satisfied with the new house.

12. I don’t feel satisfied with my life.

13. This kind of programme always satisfied the public.

14. Whichever side wins, I shall be satisfied.

15. The catalogue is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.

16. I’m not satisfied with what you say.

17. He is satisfied with his disciples’ loyalty.

18. She was not wholly satisfied.

19. If you’re not satisfied with the life you’re living, don’t just complain. Do something about it.

20. Longitudinal are easily satisfied, cross ratio is easy to be lost; meet the person is easy to come to a standstill, the lost is easy to choose to rise.

21. We were perfectly satisfied with the outcome of the experiment.

22. Many people were not satisfied with the pace of change.

23. Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence(, which can be germed as «foolish». 

24. Think about the misforture of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot. 

25. Fashion, is a kind of aesthetic view. Brother is a punk, you satisfied.

26. From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied.

27. thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you i don’t care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you!

28. Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don’t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!

29. Being simple is not settling for less, it is being satisfied with having just enough. Having enough is not longing for more, it is being content with having you by my side.

30. Make a note to yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want . If you do , your life will start appearing much better than before . For perhaps the first time in your life , you’ll know what it means to feel satisfied.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Anyway, you got yourself one satisfied customer.

Customs pass and satisfied rate >99%.

She was talking fast and looking very satisfied about something.

Она быстро о чем-то тараторила, и вид у нее при этом был очень довольный.

Talk to their past clients to see if they were satisfied.

Попробуйте даже связаться с его предыдущими клиентами, чтобы убедиться, что они остались довольны.

Only 3.2% are very satisfied.

Our products and services have satisfied many esteemed customers.

Наши услуги и цены оценили по достоинству уже десятки довольных клиентов.

I and the teachers were satisfied.

В результате, я и мои преподаватели были удовлетворены.

We do not get paid until you are completely satisfied.

Не возьмем с вас полную оплату пока вы не будете полностью довольны.

This can affect the amount of food they eat before they feel satisfied.

Это может повлиять на количество пищи, которую они едят, прежде чем они почувствуют себя удовлетворенными.

Both sides appeared more or less satisfied until 2014, when global energy prices tanked.

Обе стороны казались более или менее удовлетворенными до 2014 года, пока мировые цены на энергоресурсы не стали падать.

He knew this therapy worked because he had many satisfied customers.

Он знал, что эта терапия работает, потому что у него было много довольных клиентов.

Nevertheless, rather paradoxically, this request was automatically satisfied.

Тем не менее, достаточно парадоксальным образом эта просьба была удовлетворена автоматически.

Personal curiosity satisfied, they move on to something else.

Личное любопытство удовлетворено, они переходят к чему — то другому».

Never ever pretend your own satisfied client.

Никогда, никогда не притворяйся своим собственным довольным клиентом.

The majority of citizens complaints were partially or fully satisfied.

Большинство жалоб, поступивших от граждан, были частично или полностью удовлетворены.

You sound more surprised than satisfied.

Everyone that tried it was very satisfied.

Все, кто ее попробовал, остались очень довольны.

Their paradoxical outcome was that both sides were satisfied.

Парадоксальный исход этих мероприятий состоял в том, что были удовлетворены обе стороны.

Just to make them feel that arrived and perhaps satisfied.

Просто чтобы дать им почувствовать, что прибыл и, может быть удовлетворен.

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satisfied — перевод на русский


Now, I hope you’re satisfied.

Теперь ты доволен?

Thank you, I am very well satisfied.

Спасибо, я очень доволен.

You ought to be satisfied.

Ты ведь доволен?

Got to get 10 with every shot before I’m satisfied. Here’s your water.

Клади десятерых одной пулей, тогда я буду доволен.


Доволен? Я в восторге!

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Now, are you satisfied?

Теперь ты удовлетворен?

-That satisfy you?

— Ты удовлетворен этим?

Does that satisfy you?

Ты удовлетворен?

I’ll stay in Brooklyn for a few days just to satisfy Grandfather.

Я поживу в Бруклине пару дней, просто, чтобы дедушка был удовлетворен.

Aren’t you satisfied yet?

И ты еще не удовлетворен?

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You’re willing to jeopardize her life in order to satisfy your own curiosity.

Вы скорее подвергнете ее жизнь опасности, чтобы удовлетворить свое любопытство.

You can’t intrude on people at a time like this — just to satisfy some curiosity.

— Вы не должны беспокоить людей в такой момент, просто, чтобы удовлетворить своё любопытство.

Except that the fellow here has satisfied his desire to be over there everybody’s had fun running after something everybody’s grabbed a handful of stuff they wanted because everybody else wanted them.

Но не для того, кому удаётся удовлетворить свои желания. Всем весело в этот момент. Каждый старается ухватить побольше того, что является объектом его желания, потому что всем этого хочется.

Your father was too weak to satisfy a woman like her.

Он был слишком слаб, чтобы удовлетворить такую женщину.

The £30,000 reward for the capture of the Prince is surely enough to satisfy both of us.

Награды в 30,000 за захват принца ведь достаточно, чтобы удовлетворить нас обоих.

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It’s for you to satisfy them.

Да, но удовлетворять их здесь никто не обязан.

Why should I be the one to satisfy him?

Почему я должна удовлетворять его?

My childhood years were spent in endowing my body with the capacity to satisfy the basest, most outrageous desires

Мои детские годы были потрачены на развитие в моем теле способностей … удовлетворять самые основновные, и наиболее экстравагантные желания

You seem to have satisfied the experts before.

Раньше вам удавалось их удовлетворять.

and therefore is not by any to be enterprised lightly, or wantonly, to satisfy man’s carnal lusts and appetites, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained.

и следует из этого, что не сбудет бесцельно и безрассудно Удовлетворять плотские желания человека и его аппетиты. Нужно жить благоговейно, благоразумно, осмотрительно, умеренно и богобоязненно, ежечасно помня каково назначение супружества.

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To satisfy both a man and a woman, words are important.

Слова имеют значение для удовлетворения и мужчины, и женщины.

Couldn’t you get satisfied?

Ты не можешь получить удовлетворения?

After all we both want to be completely satisfied.

И потом мы оба хотим полного удовлетворения.

Recapturing a genius’s nature… will satisfy me more… than any brushstroke of my own.

Повторение жеста гения принесет мне больше удовлетворения, чем мой собственный мазок кисти.

It could only have come there if Brother Oswin had lain upon her seeking to satisfy carnal thoughts!

Это могло произойти лишь, если брат Освин лежал на ней, ища удовлетворения своих плотских желаний!

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Does this make you satisfied?

Вас это устраивает?

If it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t satisfy me.

Если нет боли, меня это не устраивает.

And Alex is satisfied.

И Алекса это устраивает.

Bones, if you’re satisfied that the mutation theory is applicable, I’ll make a note of it in my report.

Боунс, если вас устраивает теория о мутации, я помечу это в моем рапорте.

Are you satisfied?

Устраивает этo Вас?

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It’s strangely satisfying watching you varnish Aunt Agatha.

Знаешь, это странно, но так приятно сидеть здесь и смотреть,.. как ты покрываешь лаком тетю Агату.

You, of all, would appreciate how much more satisfying it is to see the fear and pain in the eyes of your victim as they die.

Ты бы оценил, как приятно… видеть страх и боль в глазах своей жертвы, когда она умирает.

That was satisfying.

Это было приятно.

Mm,it is satisfying.

М-ммм, это приятно.

It’s quite satisfying.

Это довольно приятно.

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That Bessie, I remember her. Never satisfied.

А Бесси, я помню ее Всегда недовольна.

If the three of us don’t do it together, she won’t be satisfied

Если мы не будем втроем, она останется недовольна.

Yes sir, but he’s never satisfied at all.

Да, сэр. Но она всегда недовольна!

If His Grace is not satisfied, he can dismiss me.

Если его светлость недовольна мной, он может меня уволить.

I’m trying to be, but you’re never satisfied.

Я всё время пытаюсь. Но ты всегда недовольна.

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That Vulcan won’t be satisfied till these panels are a puddle of lead.

Этот вулканец не успокоится, пока панели не расплавятся.

They won’t be satisfied, not till we’re all squating… in one of its fucking hatchbacks on a motorway.

И идол этот не успокоится, пока мы все не засядем, скрючившись, за руль малолитражки.

And he won’t be satisfied until every Lycan’s dead.

Он не успокоится, пока не убьет последнего оборотня.

There is a problem between us. He won’t be satisfied until he shuts us down.

Ты напрасно так думаешь, он не успокоится, пока не закроет нас.

I’m saying, if it were to… find him, it may be satisfied and let the rest of us go.

Я имею ввиду, если оно найдет его, оно, возможно, успокоится и отпустит всех нас.

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I thought that beauty alone would satisfy, but the soul is gone…

Я думал, что одной красоты достаточно, но душа пропала…

— Does it satisfy you?

— Вам этого достаточно?

Does that satisfy you?

— Нет, не достаточно.

You start out to tell yourself you’ll be satisfied with $25,000 worth.

Сначала ты говоришь, что тебе достаточно 25 тысяч.

You satisfied?

Или и так достаточно?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word satisfied, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use satisfied in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «satisfied».

Satisfied in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word satisfied in a sentence.

  1. Not everybody was satisfied with the verdict.

  2. Zappa was not satisfied with the LSO recordings.

  3. Krishna satisfied this boon in his female form, Mohini.

  4. I aspired, and though I achieved not, I am satisfied.».

  5. He has declared himself kind as he is very satisfied ..

  6. Yet he is not satisfied with the extent of his knowledge.

  7. He was satisfied and approved the opening for passengers.

  8. Some found Rockwell’s presentation somewhat patronizing, but most were satisfied.

  9. I’m satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin had intentionally killed Lowe.

  10. Or did he not give the work a number at all, because he was not satisfied with it?

  11. Although both were satisfied with the song, they doubted its commercial prospects.

  12. The sexual lust of the brutal white mobbists satisfied, the women were strangled.».

  13. The Brabham team were satisfied with the progress of their new BT50 with the turbocharged BMW engine.

  14. Once satisfied with the department’s structure, he pursued intelligence contacts in Turkey and Spain.

  15. She was so pleased with the result that she declared My Story the first album she felt satisfied with.

  16. By that autumn, Quisling and Mussert in the Netherlands could be satisfied they had at least survived.

  17. Nevertheless, it seems that al-Mu’tasim was not entirely satisfied with the men he had raised to power.

  18. It satisfied intrigue for both American and English audiences regarding the figure of the Native American.

  19. Mustaine and Ellefson were satisfied with Friedman’s style and thought that he understood Megadeth’s music.

  20. Atkinson would later write, «I am satisfied that no other officer of the expedition could have done better».

  21. After he was satisfied, Harrison invited Nona Hendryx to Sigma Sound to record backing vocals for the album.

  22. Despite the director’s approval of the design, he instructed Peale to continue until Patterson was satisfied.

  23. Furthermore, the army’s requirements were temporarily satisfied by the procurement of Panzer IVs in late 1943.

  24. Similarly, only 1% of the world’s helium demands could be satisfied by re-tooling all air distillation plants.

  25. Feeling satisfied at the success she had achieved, Lloyd returned to London once the two-month tour had ended.

  26. Peck and other commission members were not satisfied with the design proposals, and suggested some of their own.

  27. The court’s ruling, rendered in January 1861, was substantially for the company but, not satisfied, it appealed.

  28. People are often as concerned about failing to keep a partner satisfied as they are about meeting their own sexual needs.

  29. After several months Whale was still not satisfied with Balderston’s work and handed the project to playwright William J.

  30. Deal was satisfied with the material recorded up to this point, but realized she would not be able to tour without a band.

  31. They were satisfied by $12 million (equivalent to $22 million in 2019) spent on a new parking ramp and other improvements.

  32. The reporters at the meeting were not satisfied with this assessment and continued to press Cockcroft on the neutron issue.

  33. Nishikado, however, was not satisfied with the enemy movements; technical limitations made it difficult to simulate flying.

  34. Filippo satisfied his father with enough academic achievement that he was allowed to take a job with a painter named Mango.

  35. Some 80% of women return to being sexually active,and the numbers who report being sexually satisfied range from 40 to 88%.

  36. Obsidian provided proofs of concept that they could achieve the South Park look; Stone and Parker were satisfied with this.

  37. Although still wary of one another, the Russian and Austrian commanders were satisfied with the result of their cooperation.

  38. A delegation from the Virginia General Assembly travelled to Washington to talk with the Democrats and assess the situation and were satisfied by the reports they received.

  39. This is because we give up the least important of our satisfactions first—which would be the uses satisfied by the last good since we satisfy our more important needs first.

  40. The Times declared itself satisfied with the verdict, although it criticized the rowdy behaviour of medical students during the trial, accusing them of «medical hooliganism».

  41. By an «accident of birth», Ralph is suddenly an appropriate husband for Josephine, and both the social order and the desire for a romantic happy ending are satisfied at once.

  42. After extensive fieldwork throughout Rhodesia, the commission reported, «We are satisfied on our evidence that the proposals are acceptable to the great majority of Europeans.

Synonyms for satisfied

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word satisfied has the following synonyms: contented, content, quenched, slaked and mitigated.

General information about «satisfied» example sentences

The example sentences for the word satisfied that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «satisfied» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «satisfied».

довольный, удовлетворенный


- удовлетворённый, довольный

I have every reason to be satisfied with the result — у меня есть все основания быть довольным полученным результатом
he would be quite satisfied to be left at home — он с удовольствием останется дома, он не возражает против того, что его оставят дома

- возмещённый; оплаченный
- убеждённый

to rest satisfied with an explanation — принять объяснение, удовлетвориться данным объяснением

- хим. предельный, насыщенный

Мои примеры


They were satisfied with the panel’s determination. — Они были удовлетворены решением комиссии.  
an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied — общество потребления, в котором жажду материального, похоже, не утолить никогда  
check is satisfied — контрольное условие выполнено  
satisfied order — исполненный приказ (суда)  
he is completely satisfied — он совершенно удовлетворен; он вполне удовлетворён  
abided and satisfied — полностью выполненный; полностью выполнил  
rest satisfied with an explanation — удовлетвориться данным объяснением; принять объяснение  
satisfied ambition — удовлетворенное честолюбие  
satisfied user — удовлетворённый пользователь  
self satisfied — самоуспокоенный; самодовольный  
self-satisfied — самоуспокоенный; самодовольный  
be satisfied / met — выполняться  

Примеры с переводом

We are satisfied with the results.

Мы удовлетворены результатами

I am not satisfied with your work.

Я не доволен твоей работой.

She is not satisfied to spend her days doing nothing.

Ей не хочется проводить дни в безделье.

She can guarantee that you will be satisfied.

Она дает гарантию, что вы останетесь довольны.

I am satisfied now that you are not my mother.

Я теперь убеждён в том, что ты не моя мать.

He was satisfied that he had done nothing wrong.

Он был уверен в том, что не сделал ничего плохого.

She satisfied herself that all doors were locked.

Она убедилась, что все двери закрыты.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They have plenty of satisfied customers.

‘Were they satisfied?’ ‘I fear not.’

Okay, okay, I’ll ask him this afternoon. Satisfied?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dissatisfied  — недовольный, неудовлетворенный, раздосадованный
unsatisfied  — неудовлетворенный, неуспокоенный
satisfiable  — выполнимый, удовлетворимый, пригодный, приемлемый

«Satisfied» is a song performed by American recording artist Jewel, taken from her second country album, Sweet and Wild. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

So if any of that sounds good to you and you are wanting to live a more satisfied life consider pressing the subscribe button below!


The lawyers at the university’s technology transfer office are satisfied that the process meets conventional standards for rigorous laboratory record-keeping, Ané says.


If your baby seems satisfied, produces about six wet diapers and several stools a day, sleeps well, and is gaining weight regularly, then he or she is probably eating enough.


It was enough to leave everyone satisfied and optimistic about the season.


Indulge in a new Dodge Challenger without hassles that allow our customers to move forward with their «old school Pony ride» purchase, and drive away that same day satisfied.


You eat a few handfuls and are full and satisfied instead of eating and eating compulsively likely due to all the unlabeled, purposely addictive chemicals that are added to conventional cereals and snack foods to encourage consumers to overeat.


They were 32 % more committed to the organization and 46 % more satisfied with their jobs.»


On the other hand, if the jury determines based on the evidence that the plaintiff would not likely have been injured without the defendant (s)’s negligence, the test for causation is satisfied and the defendant (s) will be liable for the plaintiff’s injuries.


He bounced back in a minute, a satisfied smile on his face.


You need loyal, satisfied customers if you’re going maintain (let alone increase) revenue.


Avocado: My favorite «snack» on the go, It’s loaded with healthy fats and fiber to keep you feeling satisfied, full and energized.


Of those who reported that energy efficiency was important, 68 percent of those are satisfied with the results.


A brag book will demonstrate how you handled particular situations, since you’ll hopefully include letters or e-mails from satisfied customers or happy managers, successfully completed projects, and lists/charts of how much money you’ve saved or made for the company.


(3) The court must not vary the order so as to increase or decrease any amount ordered to be paid by the order unless it is satisfied:


That’s why ZERO TO THREE, with the support and collaboration of the Bezos Family Foundation, undertook a comprehensive research effort to go directly to parents of young children — largely Millennials and Gen-X mothers and fathers — to gain a clear and in-depth understanding about the challenges they face, the help they seek and how satisfied they are with the support and information they receive.


Here’s why you shouldn’t: People who kiss more often tend to be more satisfied with their relationships — even though couples who have sex more often aren’t necessarily any happier, according to a recent study conducted by Oxford University researchers.


Becoming, satisfied and ended, becomes the object for new becoming.


We had previously stayed at the Ritz-Carlton at Kapalua and were very satisfied.


Additionally, you may want to ask friends, family and neighbors about their insurance provider and how satisfied they are with the coverage and customer service they receive.


The employee’s right to a determination of the appropriate period of reasonable notice has been satisfied and the employer’s right to challenge the employee’s mitigation efforts has been preserved.


Most people are quite satisfied with term life insurance and don’t need or want the life long coverage of a permanent policy.


Women rated themselves 9 % more satisfied on average, whilst men scored a whopping 12 % higher (no surprises there).


Eighty-seven percent of Americans say they are somewhat or very satisfied with the quality of life in their communities.


If you’re not 100 % satisfied, return it to us for free.


We hope you’ll join our happy family of satisfied customers and let us make your «time of the month» easier, more convenient, and more comfortable than ever!


Protein builds your muscles and keeps you satisfied longer and natural carbohydrates help with quick muscle recovery.


The Court of Appeal is free but not bound to depart from the ratio decidendi of its own earlier decision if it is satisfied that the European Patent Office Boards of Appeal has formed a settled view of European patent law inconsistent with that earlier decision; generally, the Court of Appeal will follow such a settled view.


People who are higher in neuroticism tend to be less satisfied in their relationships, and as you’d expect, so are their partners.1 If you are interested in learning your score on a measure of neuroticism, check out this page.


I toss it into their lunch boxes as a snack (win for me because there is zero preparation required) and they come home with smiling mouths and satisfied bellies.


Couples who meet online are more satisfied in their relationships and are less likely to break up than those that get together in bars, the workplace or on blind dates, according to a study.


Mixed in with the true horror stories are lots of tales of confusion, misinformation, or misdirected anger, and they rarely capture any feedback from satisfied customers, or from those in the middle who have good and bad things to say.


Drinking one glass of water right before each meal has been proven to help you eat less and still feel just as satisfied after the meal.


For example, it took a while for me to understand that satisfied was far different and far better than full.


A testimonial, a statement by a satisfied customer on the great service you provided, can be a great way to build credibility.


He seems equally satisfied whether he is being served Vichyssoise, or a badly-made, Cold potato soup.


When you invest in my Executive Resume Writing & Career Marketing VIP services it is at NO RISK whatsoever, because if you follow through with the project and are not fully 100 % satisfied with the quality of the services and deliverables that I provide, within one week of receiving the proof documents you can destroy the electronic copies of the proof files, return any other products or materials sent to you, and can request and receive a full 100 % refund.


If you are not completely satisfied, cancel in the first 30 days for a full refund.


«Then there is a long stretch without food — either because they get busy or they don’t think they «should» eat until dinner — and then after dinner the hunger just doesn’t seem to get satisfied


I also let her know that by combining complex carbs like whole grain pasta with sources of lean protein and healthy fat, she’d have a balanced meal that would fill her up and keep her satisfied long after the meal — an important strategy for weight loss.


It has to do with us associating a thick texture with feeling satisfied.


[69] I am satisfied that the University is not a Charter free zone.


He always takes care of you and makes sure your completely satisfied before you walk out the door.


I am quite satisfied with the results of my treatment and certainly would recommend it to anyone needing to alleviate this type of chronic pain.»


Questions might include: «How satisfied are you with response time from your property manager?»


If it’s a request we may not have heard in the past, we’ll work on a solution to make sure at the end of the day the customer is satisfied


Even if a situation is particularly difficult, if they can make sure the Jacksonville Beach customer is satisfied, they’ll have at least prevented a negative review.


According to Michael Cackovic, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, a mom-to-be of two should focus on eating healthy and feeling satisfied first and foremost, because 600 calories per day feels like more than it is.


They’re much more satisfied — even if adoption rates are still fairly low (less than 1 % of pet owners today are believed to have insurance according to NAPHIA).


«Hoag conducts a whirlwind tour of the high-flying world of the super-rich and its tawdry underbelly that will leave readers breathless and satisfied


There you are, minding your own business and being a perfectly satisfied parent, when your teenager suddenly introduces a bit of pandemonium into your world by saying, «I want a smartphone!


Phrases with «satisfied»:

  • satisfied
  • to be satisfied
  • satisfied customers
  • satisfied clients
  • to feel satisfied
  • to keep someone satisfied
  • to leave someone satisfied
  • to keep someone satisfied for hours
  • to keep someone satisfied until lunch
  • to keep someone satisfied throughout the day
  • (see

Sentences with the word Satisfied?



  • «an acquisitive mind»; «an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied«
  • «he was wholly convinced»; «entirely satisfied with the meal»; «it was completely different from what we expected»; «was completely at fault»; «a totally new situation»; «the directions were all wrong»; «it was not altogether her fault»; «an altogether new approach»; «a whole new idea»; «she felt right at home»; «he fell right into the trap»
  • «he was a regular attender at department meetings»; «the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees»
  • «he had become complacent after years of success»; «his self-satisfied dignity»
  • «a decision unfavorable to the opposition»; «his conclusion took the evidence into account»; «satisfied with the panel’s determination»
  • «Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end»
  • «she satisfied his need for affection»; «God has no need of men to accomplish His work»; «there is a demand for jobs»
  • «an easy job»; «an easy problem»; «an easy victory»; «the house is easy to heat»; «satisfied with easy answers»; «took the easy way out of his dilemma»
  • «he was grimly satisfied«
  • «a satisfied customer»
  • «The problem is well understood»; «she was well informed»; «shake well before using»; «in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked»; «well-done beef»; «well-satisfied customers»; «well-educated»

Definition of Satisfied

content and okay with the way things are

Examples of Satisfied in a sentence

The teacher was not satisfied with her student’s work, so she asked him to redo the inferior essay.


Because Tish was satisfied with her new hairdo, she recommended the stylist to her friends.


The boss called a meeting with his slacking employee to tell him that he was not satisfied with his work or content with the project.


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Examples of how to use the word “satisfied” in a sentence. How to connect “satisfied” with other words to make correct English sentences.

satisfied (adj): pleased because you have got what you wanted, or because something has happened in the way that you wanted

Use “satisfied” in a sentence

I’m satisfied with my current income.
I’m satisfied with everything.
I am not satisfied with my performance today.
I’m satisfied with her progress.
Are you satisfied with the result?
She’s never satisfied with what she’s got.
Are you satisfied with your salary?
He is quite satisfied with his new job.
I’m satisfied with everything here.

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