Sentence for the word revise

Synonym: alter, amend, change, correct, improve, rewrite. Similar words: revision, devise, revisionist, review, revive, peevish, brevity, revived. Meaning: [rɪ’vaɪz]  n. the act of rewriting something. v. 1. make revisions in 2. revise or reorganize, especially for the purpose of updating and improving. 

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(1) You must revise for the examination.

(2) The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report.

(3) He soon came to revise his opinion of the profession.

(4) His helpfulness today has made me revise my original opinion/impression of him.

(5) I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now.

(6) I’ll have to revise my ideas about Tom.

(7) I can’t come out tonight. I have to revise.

(8) His publishers made him revise his manuscript three times.

(9) I have to revise for maths.

(10) We may have to revise this figure upwards.

(11) I’ve got to revise my geography.

(12) You should revise your opinion of him.

(13) She undertook to revise my compositions.

(14) You must revise your English for the mid-term examination.

(15) The staff should work together to revise the school curriculum.

(16) If you don’t revise[Sentence dictionary], you run the risk of failing.

(17) Don’t revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others.

(18) In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan.

(19) Revise your roles in marriage where necessary or helpful.

(20) So some economists began to revise their assumptions.

(21) Occasionally you may need to revise your goals.

(22) This discovery made them revise their old ideas.

(23) It urged Mr Dornbusch to revise his opinion.

(24) Putin’s program would revise the antiquated pension system, rewrite the labor code and crack down on money-laundering.

(25) Legislation will be introduced to revise health and safety arrangements for offshore installations.

(26) It is hard to revise that opinion, having seen the early results.

(27) He has roughed out the article,but he has still to revise it.

(28) I’d better skip the party and stay at home to revise.

(29) With exports rising and unemployment falling, the merchants of gloom are having to revise their opinions of the economy.

(30) In the event of substantial revision being necessary to the manuscripts, we reserve the right to revise this royalty figure.

More similar words: revision, devise, revisionist, review, revive, peevish, brevity, revived, previous, peevishly, abbreviate, television, eviscerate, advise, previously, adviser, advised, abbreviation, improvise, judicial review, improvised, vivisection, vis-a-vis, evil, evict, evince, Rev., visa, deviate, deviant.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word revise, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use revise in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «revise».

Revise in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word revise in a sentence.

  1. Urban would then further revise the script during his performance.

  2. He served as a delegate to an assembly to revise the state constitution in 1964.

  3. Stravinsky continued to revise the work, and in 1943 rewrote the «Sacrificial Dance».

  4. Hopwood then helped revise Ladies’ Night in 1920 and Getting Gertie’s Garter in 1921.

  5. The name came from the works of Pierre Louÿs, who helped edit and revise the manuscript.

  6. A lengthier overhaul in mid-1944 provided the opportunity to revise the radar arrangements.

  7. According to early accounts by Warlock, he composed off the cuff and did not revise his work.

  8. After discussion, it was decided to allow Morgan to revise his model under Fraser’s supervision.

  9. He was also to help run the latter theatre and revise one of his earlier works for revival there.

  10. Byrnes conferred while on a boat cruise on the Potomac River, and agreed to revise the Quebec Agreement.

  11. Scott forced Zelda to revise the novel, removing the parts that drew on shared material he wished to use.

  12. Throughout the production, Garland would send his script to Wagner, who would revise some of the dialogue.

  13. He expressed concern in 2009 over re-releasing Radical Dreamers «as-is», citing a need to revise the work.

  14. The proposal was rejected by Mwamba Ilunga and others, who chose instead to revise BALUBAKAT’s organisation.

  15. In the mid-1990s, Knauf met a few Writers Guild TV writers who encouraged him to revise Carnivàle as a TV series.

  16. He submitted it to editor Maxwell Perkins, who persuaded Fitzgerald to revise the work over the following winter.

  17. On 27 September 1552, the Privy Council stopped the printing of the new Prayer Book and told Cranmer to revise it.

  18. He invited Pitt and Norton to help revise the script, and the group drafted five revisions in the course of a year.

  19. Eventually, the military league joined forces with Venizelos in calling for a National Assembly to revise the constitution.

  20. Shafer to revise and codify the city’s local ordinances to form the New-York Municipal Code; the last revision was in 1859.

  21. He was meticulous in his writings, and would repeatedly revise and rewrite both pieces for publication and personal letters.

  22. The original plans were rejected by Trafford Council, but the Church stated its intention to revise the proposals and resubmit.

  23. As he grew older, he continued to give concerts and to revise and rearrange his own compositions, while writing little new music.

  24. The Jersey Shore attacks compelled scientists in the United States to revise their assumptions that sharks were timid and powerless.

  25. In 430 BC, the army of Sparta looted Attica for a second time, but Pericles was not daunted and refused to revise his initial strategy.

  26. For five years, from 1928, he worked with Delius, taking down his new compositions from dictation, and helping him revise earlier works.

  27. A law to revise the SFO law is being drafted and it is expected to define more clearly treatment of the proceeds from criminal activities.

  28. Between 1742 and 1754 he continued to revise and recompose individual movements, sometimes to suit the requirements of particular singers.

  29. The score for Halo 3 gave O’Donnell and Salvatori a chance to rework and revise existing themes heard in the games, as well as create new ones.

  30. Mason in 1777 was assigned to a committee to revise Virginia’s laws, with the expectation that he would take on the criminal code and land law.

  31. Since the latter half of the 20th century, historians have tended to revise James’s reputation and treat him as a serious and thoughtful monarch.

  32. However, when Forster had completed a sample chapter, Sandwich was dissatisfied with it and asked Richard Owen Cambridge to revise the manuscript.

  33. Darwin continued to research and extensively revise his theory while focusing on his main work of publishing the scientific results of the Beagle voyage.

  34. Even when in the face of mounting pressure, Pericles did not give in to the demands for immediate action against the enemy or revise his initial strategy.

  35. Neal brought the script with him to London with plans to revise it and have it produced for the stage while he was there, but he never achieved that goal.

  36. The sonata’s completed autograph score bears the date 25 December 1821; Beethoven continued to revise the last movement and did not finish until early 1822.

  37. There was a panel of eight scholars working under the direction of Khayyam to make large-scale astronomical observations and revise the astronomical tables.

  38. Financial concerns again forced him to revise his plans; the final design called for poured concrete walls, up to 20 feet (6.1 m) thick, faced with granite blocks.

  39. Gibson said in a New Yorker magazine article that both Trump’s election and the controversy over Cambridge Analytica had caused him to rethink and revise the text.

  40. With the discovery and observation of planetary systems around stars other than the Sun, it is becoming possible to elaborate, revise or even replace this account.

  41. As a result of the Justice Department report, the city agreed to a consent decree to revise its policies and implement new independent oversight over the police force.

  42. Frisch and Peierls were thus able to revise their initial estimate of critical mass needed for nuclear fission in uranium to be substantially less than previously assumed.

  43. This did not change until 1809 when the Battle of Aspern-Essling and the Battle of Wagram a few weeks later caused Napoleon to revise his opinion of the Austrian military.

  44. Cosima’s had no such basis, and whereas Wagner retained an ability to revise his views on the basis of his experiences, Cosima’s anti-Semitism was visceral and remained unchanged.

  45. The most drastic means of controlling the temple estates was to completely revise the distribution of their property nationwide, which might extend to closing down certain temples.

  46. Though Shatner convinced Bennett and Loughery to revise much of the script, Sha Ka Ree remained; it was changed to a place of ultimate knowledge of which Sybok had received visions.

  47. While he continued to revise and re-score his compositions, he increasingly worked on arrangements of music by other composers, in particular works by Bach, Brahms, Fauré and Delius.

  48. When the Argentine government refused to sell the ship, he agreed to redesigning Salamis, and a committee that included Greek and British naval officers was created to revise the design.

  49. As his confidence increased his bowling improved, and committee members began to revise their initial dismissive judgement; when the session ended, Larwood was offered a playing contract.

  50. Churchill confided that he would have wished for two more years to revise the manuscript; Chamberlain wrote to his sisters that he could have done the job in two hours—with a pair of scissors.

Synonyms for revise

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word revise has the following synonyms: revision, revisal, rescript and retool.

General information about «revise» example sentences

The example sentences for the word revise that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «revise» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «revise».

пересматривать, изменять, исправлять, проверка, сверка, вторая корректура


- проверять, исправлять

to revise a document — проверить /внести исправления в/ документ
the text is revised as appropriate — дип. в текст внесены соответствующие изменения

- просматривать

she’s revising her notes for the exams — к экзамену она просматривает свои записи

- обрабатывать, перерабатывать

to revise a book — вносить правки / корректуру в книгу

- пересматривать, изменять

to revise one’s views — пересмотреть свои взгляды
to revise one’s opinion of smb. — изменить своё мнение о ком-л.

- ревизовать (учение)


- проверка, просмотр, сверка
- редк. просмотренный или выверенный текст
- полигр. сверка, ревизионная корректура

Мои примеры


to revise a dictionary — редактировать словарь  
to revise / rewrite history — перекраивать историю  
to edit / proofread / revise a manuscript — редактировать рукопись  
to revise a model — корректировать модель  
to revise an article — проверять, исправлять статью  
to change / revise a story — переделать, пересмотреть рассказ  
revise a price — пересматривать цену  
revise prices and terms — пересматривать цены и условия платежа  
revise a book — переработать книгу  
revise views — пересмотреть свои взгляды  

Примеры с переводом

She’s revising her notes for the exams.

Она просматривает свои записи, готовясь к экзамену.

We have to revise our plans because of the delays.

Из-за задержек придётся пересмотреть наши планы .

I would like to revise my estimate.

Я бы хотел, внести исправления в свои вычисления/расчёты.

She’s revising for her history exam.

Она просматривает материалы для её экзамена по истории.

The text is revised as appropriate.

В текст внесены соответствующие изменения.

I’ve got to revise my geography.

Мне нужно повторить географию. (перед экзаменом или контрольной, брит.)

We have revised our estimates of population growth.

Мы пересмотрели свои оценки роста численности населения.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I asked my sister for some constructive criticism of my essay before I tried to revise it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

revised  — исправленный
reviser  — ревизионный корректор
revision  — пересмотр, ревизия, доработка, проверка, осмотр
revisor  — эк аудитор, ревизор, полигр корректор

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: revise
he/she/it: revises
ing ф. (present participle): revising
2-я ф. (past tense): revised
3-я ф. (past participle): revised

revise — перевод на русский


Seeing you here causes me to revise my opinion of you.

Видя вас здесь, мне приходится пересмотреть свое мнение о вас.

And perhaps the time has come for you to start revising your opinions, sister.

И, возможно, настало время пересмотреть свое мнение, сестра.

We’ve also received word that the United Nations would like to revise its decision of November 29 granting us independence.

Мы также получили сообщение, что ООН готова пересмотреть… свое решение от двадцать девятого ноября… относительно нашей независимости.

If we wish to enjoy the fruit of our stay within these walls let us revise some of our rules

Если мы желаем наслаждаться плодами … нашего пребывания в пределах этих стен … мы должны пересмотреть некоторые из наших правил

You’re good at geometry, but if you don’t want to fall… you’d do well to revise the laws of gravity.

Ты силён в математике, но если ты не хочешь упасть… ты должен будешь пересмотреть законы гравитации.

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A coding sequence cannot be revised once it’s been established.

Кодирующую последовательность нельзя изменить после ее установки.

I know what it’s like to want to go back and revise history.

Я знаю, что значит хотеть вернуться и изменить прошлое.

Then perhaps we should revise your plan.

Потом можно изменить ваш план.

Do you care to revise your statement?

не хотите ли изменить показания?

Perhaps your client would like to revise his statement.

Полагаю, ваш клиент хотел бы изменить показания.

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Whatever is inconsistent with the facts no matter how fond of it we are must be discarded or revised.

Все, что не согласуется с фактами, как бы оно ни было нам дорого, должно быть отвергнуто или пересмотрено.

In light of new evidence, that may be revised.

В свете новых улик, дело может быть пересмотрено.

They’ve revised the zombie poison chapter.

Тут, например пересмотрена глава о яде зомби, которым ты интересовался.

The brochure is being revised.

Брошура была пересмотрена.

A number of internal agency procedures were revised in order to encourage increased implication of NGO in UCDI programs and projects.

Некоторые внутренние процедуры в агентстве были пересмотрены с целью увеличения вовлеченности негосударственных организаций в программы и проекты ЮСДИ.

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I revised it again.

Я исправил ее снова.

I revised that.

Я исправил это.

After Adele died, he revised his directive.

После смерти Адель, он исправил свои указания

Whoever it was revised your core programming so that you could wake yourself up out of sleep mode. See?

Кто бы это ни был, он исправил твое ядро так, чтобы ты могла включаться из спящего режима.

Cashman and Berryhill have to revise the response scenario…

Кэшмен и Бэррихилл должны исправить ответный сценарий—

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Here’s your revised timetable.

Вот ваше исправленное расписание.

— House got a new case. Revised OR schedule.

Исправленное расписание операций.

Revised… will.

Исправленное завещание.

I’ll need the revised brief tomorrow.

Завтра мне понадобится исправленное возражение.

The revised duty roster.

Исправленный график дежурств.

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Maybe I’m revising my theory.

Может, я пересматриваю свою теорию.

if I ask you to be my personal secretary, am I not already revising my own beliefs about homosexuality?

если я прошу тебя стать моим личным секретарем, разве это не значит, что я уже пересматриваю свои убеждения относительно гомосексуализма?

Ah, so you were revising to improve?

Ах, так вы пересматривали для улучшения?

When I revised the guidelines for detectives… it was Don Kent who had the most input.

Когда мы пересматривали инструкции для детективов, то именно Дон Кент внес самый большой вклад.

He never revised it.

С того времени он так его и не пересматривал.

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You came to revise your alphabet?

Ты пришёл повторить алфавит?

Luke’s helping us revise.

Люк помогает нам повторить.

Yes, I do. I’ve got to go revise before college.

Мне нужно кое-что повторить перед колледжем.

Was it English or physics we had to revise for?

Нам надо было английский или физику повторить?

Michel forgot to write his essay. He had to revise geography.

Забыл задание по географии, ему велели все повторить.

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You should be upstairs revising for your A-Levels.

Ты должен сидеть наверху и готовиться к своим экзаменам.

Gotta revise, Cass.

Должна готовиться, Кесс.

I’ve gotta revise, cos it takes my mind off being pregnant.

Я должна готовиться, потому что это отвлекает меня от того, что беременна.

Shit, I’ve gotta revise.

Чёрт, мне нужно готовиться.

I had to revise.

Я должна была готовиться.

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But why wait until now to revise her story?

Но зачем ждать столько для пересмотра своей истории?

Good, because I’ve already got Mike looking for ways to revise the agreement.

Хорошо, потому что я уже велел Майку искать пути для пересмотра соглашения.

Germany is holding firm, so we are stalled on a revised debt deal.

Германия держит марку, так что мы зашли в тупик в вопросе пересмотра долговой расписки.

I don’t think we discussed his revising the document.

Я не думаю, что мы обсуждали такой пересмотр документа.

But funerals are for the living… and revising history… only dilutes the lessons we should learn from it.

Но похороны для живых… А пересмотр истории… лишь разбавляет тот урок, который мы должны были из неё извлечь.

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Well, it wasn’t that difficult, considering I helped you revise the security measures for this building.

Что ж, это было не сложно, особенно учитывая, что я помогал вам проверить меры безопасности этого здания.

Well, we’ll just have to find a way to collapse it faster, revise the calculations.

Нужно просто найти способ побыстрее ее разрушить и проверить расчеты.

They said they wanted to revise the media plan, But I think what they really wanted was a budget To see how much of their money we haven’t spent yet.

Они сказали, что хотели проверить медийный план, но думаю, на самом деле они хотели узнать, сколько из их денег мы ещё не потратили.

Revise these accounts.

Проверьте эти счета.

Please revise count.

Проверьте, пожалуйста.

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European states should revise their legislation to effectively penalise participation in racist extremist groups.

В этом контексте государства должны пересмотреть свое законодательство для того, чтобы реально наказывать за участие в расистских экстремистских группах.

Then perhaps you better revise your definition.

В таком случае вам лучше пересмотреть определение этого слова.

According to our findings, we will revise our planning.

Исходя из того, что происходит, мы будем пересматривать свою программу.

But then came Frozen and had to revise all my concepts.

Но потом все это стало тормозиться, и, в общем, пришлось как-то пересматривать свои взгляды.

Additionally, the BLM proposed to revise several existing definitions.

Кроме того, из-за них пришлось изменить определения некоторых уже существующих терминов.

They revise recommendations originally published in 2010.

Они пересматривают рекомендации, первоначально опубликованные в 2010 году.

All bullish traders should revise their strategy under these circumstances.

Все трейдеры, настроенные по-бычьи, при таких обстоятельствах должны пересмотреть свою стратегию.

Country offices revise their organizational charts to reflect the new typology.

Страновые отделения пересматривают схемы своей организационной структуры, с тем чтобы в них нашла отражение новая типология.

First, they will revise their marketing strategy.

В связи с этим компания намерена пересмотреть свою маркетинговую стратегию.

Then I was forced to revise my opinion.

После этого я была вынуждена пересмотреть своё мнение о нем.

Maybe they should revise their pricing policy.

Мне кажется, им нужно пересмотреть свою ценовую политику.

But be able to revise or even abandon your plans.

Возможно также, придется пересмотреть свои планы или даже отказаться от них.

I think we have to revise that.

Parliament in 2013 is expected to revise the constitution.

Парламент в 2013 году, как ожидается, должен пересмотреть существующую конституцию.

He decides to revise the contract.

OCSS should revise its procedures for concurrent auditing of airline reservations to make it risk-based.

УЦВО следует пересмотреть свои процедуры параллельных проверок бронирования авиабилетов, с тем чтобы они проводились исходя из уровня риска.

EPA may revise this guidance in the future, as appropriate.

Но IASB может пересмотреть эти концепции в будущем, если это будет необходимо.

Moreover, Baku should also revise its stand and approaches.

Кроме того, свою позицию и подходы должен пересмотреть и официальный Баку.

3W Power undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement contained herein.

ЗШ Рошёг не берет на себя никаких обязательств обновлять или пересматривать заявления прогнозного характера, содержащиеся в настоящей публикации.

Even they are starting to revise their story, albeit slightly.

Но даже они начали, хотя и понемногу, пересматривать эту версию.

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Picture this scenario; you are responsible for making a budget for a small company. After you’ve created a budget, you realize some new information which will affect your budget, and that forces you to alter your tabulations. The best word to describe the alteration you’ve done is to «revise your budget»; let’s focus now on the «revise definition, meaning, and usage.»

The term revise refers to the act of changing, altering, or modifying something due to or according to the new information received. Use it in your various sentences to also mean «to go through or consider an action or a decision previously made to make it better or suitable.»

The English language may seem tricky at first due to the many rules you need to follow. Nevertheless, using a word such as revise in sentences shouldn’t worry you since most English sentences follow a particular structure. This article will explain «revise definition, meaning, and how to use this word correctly.»

revise word woodWhat Is The Definition Of Revise?

An exciting definition of the word «revise» is «to go through one more time or study again in preparation for an upcoming test.» The reason why this definition is popular is that it is what many students do just before a test or exam; revise! 

It refers to the action of studying relevant material that may appear in the upcoming test to enhance your memory of what you’ve learned. For instance, when students go through a specific chapter because the teacher might test it, which is known as revising.

Here are some sentences with the word revise: 

  • Our lecturer told us that he would set a paper on trigonometry next week, so we ought to revise that topic.
  • You will realize that all those who failed the exam did not take the time to revise their notes.

What Does Revise Mean In Decisions And Opinions?

The term «revise» also means to carefully reconsider a particular opinion or decision previously made due to knowledge of new information. Use the word to describe the altering or adjusting of thoughts or feelings towards something or someone to make better judgment or decision suited to the current situation.

When you revise your thoughts about a specific opinion, for example, you change your view or stand regarding it after learning new information. An example is when someone does an action that makes them revise their opinion.

Here are some examples:

  • Putin’s actions about Ukraine have made many people revise how they viewed Russia.
  • Ray soon came to revise his opinion about the kidnapping scandal after learning the girls’ stories.

What Is The Meaning Of Revise?

«Revise» also means «to alter or change a particular figure or amount to make it more accurate. You can use this word in financial situations where certain amounts are changed upwards or downwards to reflect a more fair or realistic situation. 

When someone revises a figure or estimate, they alter it, especially after receiving information that would warrant the alteration. For instance, if the price of a phone is higher than those of competitors, most neighboring phone stores will revise the price accordingly.

Here are some more examples:

  • It’s a general practice for Apple to revise the price of previous iPhone models after launching the new model.
  • During the federal budget reading, the County members had to request the committee to revise the allocated money for Agriculture slowly.

What Does Revise Mean In Literature?

The word revise applies in the literary world where an article or book is changed or modified to suit a specific purpose. Have you ever seen a coursebook with «the revised edition»?

That means that the book has undergone some changes to improve it, update it, or make it easy to understand. For instance, certain storybooks that have been around for a while get revised to make them feel modern to children reading them today.

Here are some examples in sentences:

  • My instructor has told me to use coursebooks revised from 2017 going forward.
  • Robert Kiyosaki’s book «Rich Dad Poor Dad» has been revised several times.

How To Use Revise In A Sentence

You can use the word revise as a noun, adverb, or adjective in different situations. Ensure the word form fits correctly in the context you choose.

As a Noun

When used as a noun, the word changes to revision. It describes changing or modifying something, the process of revising something. The terms revisor, reviser, or revisionism are also acceptable noun forms of the word revise but not commonly used.

Read these sentences to understand:

  • There are many music artists whose contracts need revision to allow them to make money from their art.
  • The lawyers said they would make a minor revision to the final draft before we signed it.

As An Adjective

When the word revise appears in sentences as an adjective, it becomes revisional. It describes nouns. The words revisonistic or revisionist are also adjectives of the word revise.

Read these sentences to understand:

  • In England, the parliament is the only body with revisional powers.
  • I went to the library earlier to grab some revisional material, but I had left my library card at home.

As An Adverb

The word revise changes to revisingly when used in its adverb form. The new word describes the manner in which something gets revised. The word revisionistically is also acceptable as an adverb but is not commonly used.

Read these sentences to understand:

  • The man revisingly altered his will in light of the new information from his wife.
  • The school board revisingly looked at the rules after the shooting incident that happened the previous month.

10 Examples Of Revise Usage In A Sentence

When you learn how to use a certain word correctly, you’ll be well on your way to being a master of the English language. However, this level of mastery requires constant practice using sentences that incorporate the word itself. You can start with the following ten sentences below.

  1. The board has invited writers whose articles are long to come back and revise before submitting them.
  2. It took a VAR to revise a goal recently scored, and that completely changed the outcome of the game.
  3.  The senior editor has called in to ask whether our resident columnist would revise the last piece she did because it came off as offensive to men.
  4. After the referee decided to revise Draymond’s last penalty, he received a ban from the game for a flagrant foul.
  5. The teacher told Brian that she would give the class a pop quiz tomorrow, so it would be wise to revise the last chapter.
  6. It’s unfair that the director chose to revise the contract without informing us and then gave us to sign it.
  7. One thing I’ll always give Apple credit for is their tough stand never to revise their privacy policy to favor their clients.
  8. If you don’t revise his contract, he will never make any money from his skill on the court or his endorsements.
  9. After careful consideration, I’ve decided to review the overall budget upward based on the information I received last month.
  10. Donald Trump’s actions while he was president made me revise my stand on business people in politics.

How Do You Spell Revise?

Revise is a six characters’ word spelled as r.e.v.i.s.e.

How Do You Pronounce Revise?

Pronounce the word revise as [ruh.vize].

This word’s pronunciation is not as it looks because the «e» is silent. Words with silent letters require a lot of keenness during pronunciation. The best way to learn how to say the word correctly is to listen to keep practicing from your page or app. Another way is to break the word into syllables and learn how each syllable is stressed.

Revise Synonyms

  • Review
  • Reexamine
  • Improve
  • Upgrade
  • Alter

Revise Antonyms

  • Set
  • Fix
  • Stabilize
  • Worsen
  • Decrease

How Many Syllables are in Revise?

There are two syllables in the word revise; re.vise.

History & Etymology Of Revise

The word revise traces its roots from the Latin word videre, meaning «to see,» which later became visere, then later revisere. Revise also comes from the French word reviser used in the mid-16th century to mean «to look again.» 

The Latin word revisere, took a center stage in the 13th century to mean «to look again» or «visit again.» Other root words of the latin word videre. The word later morphed its meaning to «to look over again with the intention of improving or modifying» It’s important to note that some of these meanings the Latin words had are no longer in use today.

teacher revise kidsWhen Was Revise First Used?

In 1560, revise first appeared as an English word.


We may sometimes assume that a specific word has only one meaning or gets applied in one particular way. Understanding how to use a word means learning all its definitions and how it came to be. It may look insignificant now, but even the most complex sentences start with a word. So keep on learning and practicing using the word revise in your sentences. It may be the start of your journey to English proficiency.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Definition of Revise

to review, alter and amend, especially of written material

Examples of Revise in a sentence

Encouraging each student to revise his or her essay, the writing coach met with some of the writers individually.


Even if he did not revise his plan completely, the architect knew from that the discovery of termites meant some serious changes would need to take place.


Threatening to revise the treaty, pressure from the other side did not discourage the President from promoting necessary changes.


Not having time to revise her work, the sophomore submitted the rough draft in an email and hoped for the best.


First in line, the eager customer wanted to see if the café shop had made good on their promise to revise the menu.


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Sentence Examples

Once you’re set, you can revise the ramp downward.

What I can do possibly is to clear up a few misapprehensions… that have seems to have crept into the public discussion of this movement… and revise some of the epithets that have been applied to us… by some who have not gone as deeply into the matter as they might.

I’ll have to revise my whole course.

And regularly, once a year, some fool introduces a bill to revise the anglican prayer book.

I must revise that statement.

I’ve got to revise for an exam tonight.

Maybe you’ll feel calmer in the afternoon you can revise your statements with some further details to help us.

I’d urge we revise the organization of the working parties.

To revise his basic directive, he must draw out the cable at the base of my articulating unit and connect himself.

Oh, we might have to revise the system of interrogation a little.

Come around some night when I’m not writin’ your brother’s column… and I’ll revise that delicate outlook of life.

You must revise your diagnosis.

I must revise my idea of you.

This unexpected conclusion led me to seriously revise my thinking.

I’d come here to revise the draft of my novel. And every day, around this time…

We’ve also received word that the United Nations would like to revise its decision of November 29 granting us independence.

That is you should revise after half an hour.

revise after half an hour. — What?

All right, Miss Barrett. — Now that we have the new books I have to have a few minutes to revise my lesson plan for the day.

They spent a long time to revise it.

I suggest you revise the terms of your contract, Mr Bond.

We’ll revise our agreement.

If we wish to enjoy the fruit of our stay within these walls let us revise some of our rules

I’ve only got an hour… to screen my latest testament so I can revise it.

You want to revise your story?

I would like to revise the pilotage if you don’t mind.

And revise your lessons well

They took it in hand and helped me revise it.

-lf l’ve been wrong, revise our plan.

revise and learn pages 25 to 59. You will then be tested.

You’re making me revise my opinion of the fbi.

Mr Data, revise the annexe.

I have to revise for my exams;

At least I can revise on the train I had everything under control

Care to revise your statement, sir?

Uh, let me just revise the list a little.

You and I can grab a bite to eat… and maybe you could revise or amplify your statement.

Perhaps that when this is all over that I will submit a proposal… to revise the program.

They will revise the present and the future of NERV.

You ought to get E-Ray to help you revise your r Ásum Ás.

Care to revise your story, Officer Bishop?

Well, it wasn’t that difficult, considering I helped you revise the security measures for this building.

-Okay, fine, I’ll revise. -Uh-huh.

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