Sentence for the word report

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word report, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use report in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «report».

Report in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word report in a sentence.

  1. Their report read in part:.

  2. A 1902 report by examiner Dr.

  3. In 1962, a report by the U.S.

  4. Louis to report on the riots.

  5. The second report was shorter.

  6. The report was not followed up.

  7. However, in its report, the U.S.

  8. The report was released in 2010.

  9. JINR and GSI endorsed the report.

  10. A report in 2010 by Nekaris et al.

  11. Chinese records also report it as the «broom star».

  12. In 1997, a newspaper report noted that Warner Bros.

  13. A report of the survey was published in April 2018.

  14. Scott received changed orders to report to Edwards.

  15. Climatologists report no fog on that day in London.

  16. The next day, it attained peak winds of 50 mph (85 km/h), based on a ship report.

  17. Two recorded hurricane-force winds, with a peak wind report of 99 mph (159 km/h).

  18. Glicken’s report is titled «Rockslide-debris Avalanche of May 18, 1980, Mount St.

  19. Stanley authored the majority report which condemned alleged price fixing by U.S.

  20. Crash report and photos at John Speller’s web pages — GWR Broad Gauge — B&ER.

  21. On April 25, 1935, at 6:43 pm, a custodial engineer called the Salem Fire Department to report smoke.

  22. The report noted that this additional accuracy did not confer any sort of superiority because the Mk.

  23. The agent’s report explained that a US division based in Liverpool was preparing to head to Bordeaux.

  24. The report noted «The choice even of a label of convenience for this metropolitan area is difficult».

  25. It released its report in May 1970 after gathering data, conducting interviews, and holding hearings.

  26. All neutral ships bound for ports in North America were required to report to Halifax for inspection.

  27. He was to travel along the Scottish coast and report on the warships stationed there; «If or when Mr.

  28. The Senate subcommittee finally issued its report on September 5, 1957, placing no blame on Chotiner.

  29. Hearing this, Morenz relented and agreed to report to the Canadiens’ training camp later in the year.

  30. The inquiry report went into great detail on the purpose and rules surrounding the USN’s DVE program.

  31. The inconclusive report was the subject of bitter and personal debate among Kennedy’s senior advisers.

  32. The report added that «Skye and Raasay attracted 650,000 visitors [in 2018] and supported 2,850 jobs».

  33. The Working Group sent their report to Hungary and Switzerland; it reached the Western Allies in July.

  34. Stanley’s report also recommended a number of changes to strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.

  35. Corke’s report reiterated his earlier view that Darlwyne was presently unfit for work in the open sea.

  36. They labeled him an unqualified marksman and often caught him napping while on duty and failing to report for bed checks.

  37. However, apart from a warmly approving report in The Saturday Review, the book’s initial critical reception was lukewarm.

  38. The second Hudson also failed to report its sighting by radio, but completed its patrol and landed at Milne Bay at 15:00.

  39. During the five-week voyage Amundsen prepared his telegrams and drafted the first report that he would give to the press.

  40. Dr Juan Gómez-Alonso, a neurologist at Xeral Hospital in Vigo, Spain, examined this possibility in a report in Neurology.

  41. House of Representatives investigated Wright since no report had officially been published despite the money paid for it.

  42. Despite efforts by Yarroma to pass on this information, Sydney Naval Headquarters did not receive the report until 21:52.

  43. After the committees completed their work, the members re-assembled to report their findings and to vote on their report.

  44. After Oliphant informed Lawrence of his report on uranium, Lawrence met with NDRC chairman James Bryant Conant, George B.

  45. The report was duly reconsidered, but in 1978, the Army Corps of Engineers confirmed the project no longer was justified.

  46. Banksia aculeata grows slowly, generally taking five to six years to flower from seed, though there is a report of it flowering in three years at Strathmerton in Victoria.

  47. The report of French galleys sinking the Mary Rose as stated by Martin du Bellay has been described as «the account of a courtesan» by naval historian Maurice de Brossard.

  48. Margaret was the eighth-most-googled Polish celebrity while «Margaret» was the fourth-most-googled word in the Polish music category in Google’s 2013 Zeitgeist report.

  49. The final report concluded that these organizations, through financial support, bribes, boycotts, and coercion, sought to control the press, elections, and public opinion.

  50. The language came into decay in the 20th century and by 1993, there were some 4 or 5 elderly speakers of the language left, although other sources report tens of speakers.

Synonyms for report

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word report has the following synonyms: account, composition, paper, theme, news report, story, write up, report card, reputation, study, written report, cover and describe.

General information about «report» example sentences

The example sentences for the word report that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «report» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «report».

отчет, доклад, сообщение, сообщить, сообщать, отчетный


- доклад; сообщение; отчёт (тж. для прессы)

- сообщение, известие (в печати и т. п.)

a news report — газетное сообщение
first-hand report — сообщение из первых рук; сообщение очевидца
to publish a report of a trial — опубликовать отчёт о судебном процессе

- воен. донесение; рапорт; доклад

to submit a report — представлять донесение

- запись судебных решений
- pl. сборник судебных решений (тж. law reports)

ещё 4 варианта


- сообщать; рассказывать; описывать

to report an accident to the police — сообщить о происшествии в полицию
he reported what he had seen — он сообщил о том, что видел
the doctor reports a marked improvement — доктор говорит, что есть заметное улучшение
it is reported — а) сообщают; it is reported from Paris

- делать официальное сообщение, заключение; докладывать; представлять отчёт

to report to a superior — докладывать начальнику
to report a vessel at the custom house — дать сведения таможне о судне, команде и грузе
the Commission reports tomorrow — комиссия делает доклад завтра
I have the honour to report — имею честь сообщить
nothing to report — никаких происшествий

- воен. докладывать; доносить

to report clear — докладывать об отсутствии противника
to report oneself sick — докладывать о своей болезни

- составлять, помещать отчёт (в газете); давать репортаж

to report a speech [a meeting] — дать репортаж о выступлении [о собрании]

- работать репортёром или корреспондентом

to report for a newspaper — работать репортёром в газете
for two sessions he reported for the Daily Mirror — в течение двух парламентских сессий он давал материалы для газеты «Дейли миррор»

ещё 5 вариантов

Мои примеры


a special report on health — специальный доклад на тему здоровья  
the formal language of the report — официальный стиль данного отчёта  
a report filled with factual errors — доклад, изобилующий фактическими ошибками  
a précis of the report — конспект доклада  
to deliver report — представлять отчет  
to draw up a report — составлять отчёт  
in printed-report format — в форме печатного доклада  
report with keyhole details — репортаж с интимными подробностями  
to miss smb.’s report — прослушать, пропустить мимо ушей чьё-л. выступление  
a one-sided report of a trial — односторонний судебный отчёт  
a pendant to the report — приложение к докладу  
detailed / exhaustive report — подробный отчёт  

Примеры с переводом

She left the report for me.

Она поручила доклад мне.

The report was untrue.

Отчёт был недостоверным.

I reported her to the supervisor.

Я донёс на неё начальнику.

The plane was reported missing.

Самолет был объявлен пропавшим без вести.

The report was endorsed.

Отчёт был одобрен.

All visitors must report to the site office.

Все посетители должны сообщать /докладывать/ о своём приходе в контору строительного участка.

The report is full of howlers.

В докладе полно ляпов.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The photocopier will collate the pages of the report.

The inquiry report doesn’t pull any punches in apportioning blame.

The fact was hidden deep in the report, almost as an afterthought.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

report out — вернуть материал, с неблагоприятным отзывом или рекомендациями по его

Возможные однокоренные слова

reportage  — репортаж, репортерский стиль, сообщить
reported  — сообщенный, переданный
reporter  — репортер, корреспондент, докладчик
reporting  — явочный
misreport  — неверно сообщать, неправильно передавать, неверно передавать
reportable  — подлежащий сообщению, заслуживающий публикации, подлежащий регистрации
underreport  — цифры, данные

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: report
he/she/it: reports
ing ф. (present participle): reporting
2-я ф. (past tense): reported
3-я ф. (past participle): reported

ед. ч.(singular): report
мн. ч.(plural): reports

report — перевод на русский


Briggs, bring in last week’s report.

Ѕриггс, принеси отчет за прошлую неделю.

I read your reports to the Ministry I do not agree.

Я читал ваш отчёт в Министерство.

And you, Monsieur Giron, seem to be persistently disturbing… my examination of your report.

А мне сдается, что Вы упорно мешаете мне… проверять Ваш отчет.

Then you’re not insinuating that I’m evading your questions, and I’m not insinuating that you won’t let me examine your report.

Значит, Вы не намекаете на то, что я избегаю отвечать на Ваши вопросы, а я не намекаю на то, что Вы не даете мне проверить Ваш отчет.

And I was only asking you to let me examine your report without interruption.

А я всего лишь просил не мешать мне проверять Ваш отчет.

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Now that Laughton’s been killed, I should report why he was killed.

Лафтон убит, и я должен доложить, почему.

Get into uniform, ready to report.

Надеть форму, быть готовыми доложить.

Well, as your general sales manager, I beg to report that since we’ve installed a new system of not taking any filthy money in the tabernacle, but giving the saps the high pressure the next day at home,

Ѕудучи вашим главным менеджером, осмелюсь доложить, что с тех пор, как мы ввели новую схему и перестали собирать в храме гр€зные деньги, но начали устраивать разнос нашим олухам,

— I thought I ought to report it, sir.

— Я подумал, что обязан вам доложить, сэр.

What should I report?

— Но что мне доложить?

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I am pleased to report that owing to my tireless efforts. The highest honors that can be bestowed on a teacher are now within your grasp.

Я рад сообщить, что благодаря моим неустанным усилиям вы можете рассчитывать на высочайшую честь.

«I am happy to report that both you and the dog are entirely normal.»

«Я счастлив сообщить вам, что ваши анализы в норме.

Wha… «I am happy to report that both you and the dog are entirely normal.

«Я счастлив сообщить вам, что ваши анализы в норме.

All citizens are asked to report sight of the car…

Всех граждан, которые могут что-либо сообщить

I take it you don’t intend to report this either to Uncle Sam… or to your husband.

Я возьму это, если вы не намереваетесь сообщить дядюшке Сэму, или вашему мужу.

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Cooper reporting.

Докладывает Купер.

The atomic war has ended, but the prime minister reports… no proof of survival of human life anywhere except here.

Атомная война закончилась, но премьер-министр докладывает что нет свидетельств о выживших где-либо, кроме нашего континента.

Astakhov reporting.

Докладывает Астахов

Sergeant Tibs reporting, sir. — Tibs?

Докладывает Сержант Тибс, сэр.

Rampion Mobile Unit reporting seven miles south of Port Albert.

Докладывает группа Рэмпиона, мы находимся в семи милях к югу от Порта-Альберта.

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In 1963 the CIA produced an internal report so sensitive, only one copy was made.

¬ 1963 году ÷–» выпустило внутренний секретный доклад, только одна копи€ которого была сделана.

The Treasury Department’s report.

Доклад министерства финансов.

Give us your report!

Предоставьте нам Ваш доклад!

Parker, have the Chief Engineer report to me in the Chart Room on the double.

Паркер, главного механика ко мне на доклад в штурманскую рубку, срочно.

‘His report was sharp and concise — facts and figures ‘about turning the Allied zones of Germany into a unified country.

Его доклад был сжатым и отточенным — факты и данные… о преобразовании четырех зон союзников в объединенную Германию.

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Says he’s going to report him.

Сказал, что напишет на него рапорт.

I’m making out the report now.

Я сейчас составляю рапорт.

Send you a full report to Washington.

Отправлю полный рапорт в Вашингтон.

You can’t get to Washington soon enough, can you, to dash off that black Berlin report?

Спешите вернуться в Вашингтон, чтобы подать свой мрачный берлинский рапорт?

— Has the Reeve’s report come in yet?

Рапорт по «Ривзу» ещё не пришёл?

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The New York operator reports the number temporarily out of order.

Оператор в Нью-Йорке сообщает, что номер не отвечает.

High Flight reports Indians on warpath in your territory.

Воздух сообщает — индейцы на тропе войны на вашей территории.

The pursuit ship reports that they have landed on the planet Mira.

Преследующий корабль сообщает, что они высадились на Майре.

Proteus reports all secured, sir.

«Протей» сообщает, что все готово.

A report came from the Minato Group! Umetani’s hiding him!

Группа Минато сообщает, что его укрывает Умэтани.

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I have here a report of the Surgical Committee of this hospital regarding an operation performed by Dr. Weeks.

У меня есть сообщение из Хирургического Комитета этой больницы… относительно операции выполненный доктором Виксом.

You see, we received a report…

Мы получили сообщение…

Look, we got a report to make.

Мы получили сообщение.

At 50 miles per hour. He can’t do 50 miles per hour. Then you put in false reports to the police.

— Тогда вы даёте ложное сообщение в полицию.

I just got a report.

Я только что получил сообщение.

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He told me to report to Father Fitzgibbon.

Он велел явиться к отцу Фитцгиббону.

— You ordered me to report to you, sir.

Мне приказано явиться к вам.

I was ordered to report to you during my relief.

-Мне приказали явиться к вам.

Yes, you must report to him directly he arrives.

Да, вы должны явиться к нему как только он прибудет.

You’ll report to the Captain, Towers.

Вам следует явиться к Тауэрсу, ее капитану.

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I’m reporting on the grandiose SA march in front of the Karl Liebknecht House.

Я веду репортаж с грандиозного марша СА перед домом Карла Либкнехта!

Now, this is Roy Neal reporting to you direct and live from the airport.

Это Рой О’Нил. Я веду прямой репортаж из аэропорта.

Which concludes our report from Washington.

…включает в себя репортаж из Вашингтона.

We continue reporting from the Exhibition of Young Artists.

Продолжаем репортаж с выставки молодых художников.

Got to make a report.

Нужно сделать репортаж…

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • report [rɪˈpɔːt] сущ

    1. докладм, отчетм, рапортм, репортажм

      (paper, statement, official report, reporting)

      • present report – настоящий доклад
      • most recent report – последний доклад
      • report of that committee – доклад комитета
      • preparation of this report – подготовка доклада
      • daily progress reports – ежедневные отчеты
      • financial report – финансовый отчет
      • detailed report – детальный рапорт
    2. сообщениеср, донесениеср


      • ship reporting system – система судовых сообщений
      • police report – полицейское донесение
    3. протоколм


      • test report – протокол испытаний
    4. сводкаж


      • weather report – сводка погоды
    5. отчетный доклад

      (summary report)

    6. репортм

  • report [rɪˈpɔːt] гл

    1. сообщать, сообщить


      • report the truth – сообщать правду
    2. докладывать, доложить, отчитаться

      (tell, account)

      • report regularly – докладывать регулярно
      • report the situation – доложить обстановку
    3. отчитываться

    4. рассказать


    5. рапортовать, отрапортовать

  • report [rɪˈpɔːt] прил

    1. отчетный


доклад report, lecture, account
отчет report, record, account, return, reply
сообщение message, report, communication, statement, information, notification
рапорт report, return
репортаж reportage, report, running commentary
донесение report, message, information
акт act, certificate, instrument, deed, report, statement
слух hearing, rumor, hearsay, ear, talk, report
молва rumor, fame, hearsay, report, buzz, whisper
ответ answer, reply, response, return, replication, report
выстрел shot, round, discharge, report, pop, snapshot
репутация reputation, standing, repute, rep, image, report
табель успеваемости report card, report
звук взрыва bang, report
звук выстрела bang, bark, report
слава glory, fame, reputation, honor, renown, report
сообщить report, inform, communicate, let know, reportage
сообщать inform, report, communicate, tell, announce, advise
докладывать report, announce, render an account, return, tell
отчитываться report, account
составлять отчет report
представлять отчет report
являться appear, come, arise, report, occur, show up
рапортовать report
доносить inform, report, waft, denounce, tell, snitch
рассказывать narrate, tell, relate, recount, report, recite
жаловаться на report
описывать describe, depict, report, declare, portray, circumscribe
давать отчет give an account, report, render an account, cover
делать официальное сообщение report
высказывать мнение comment, opine, report, speak one’s mind
отзываться respond, speak, react, smack, relish, report
выставлять обвинение report
докладывать о прибытии report
быть подотчетным report
быть под чьим-л. началом report
отчетный report, of account

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • report сущ

    • record · paper · account · log · log report
    • note
    • tell
    • written report · report card · statement · summary · reporting · official report
    • story · talk · news report
    • message · communication · communicating
    • protocol · minutes


  • account, review, record, description, statement, transactions, proceedings, transcripts, minutes
  • news, information, word, intelligence, tidings
  • story, account, article, piece, item, column, feature, bulletin, dispatch
  • assessment, report card, evaluation, appraisal
  • rumor, whisper, buzz, bruit
  • bang, blast, crack, shot, gunshot, explosion, boom
  • write up, account, story, news report
  • account
  • paper, theme, composition
  • report card
  • reputation
  • study, written report


  • announce, describe, give an account of, detail, outline, communicate, divulge, disclose, reveal, make public, publish, broadcast, proclaim, publicize
  • cover, write about, describe, give details of, commentate on, investigate, look into, inquire into
  • inform on, tattle on, tell on, squeal on, rat on
  • present oneself, arrive, turn up, clock in, sign in, punch in, show up
  • cover
  • describe, account

Предложения со словом «report»

However, about a year or so later, a report emerged of an olfactory receptor expressed in a tissue other than the nose.

Однако примерно через год или даже позже всплыл доклад о нахождении обонятельного рецептора на другой ткани, а не в носу.

And then another such report emerged, and another.

А затем появился ещё один такой доклад, и ещё один.

When perceptual predictions are too strong, as they are here, the result looks very much like the kinds of hallucinations people might report in altered states, or perhaps even in psychosis.

Если прогнозирование восприятия слишком сильное, как здесь, результат очень похож на галлюцинации, которые люди якобы видят в состоянии изменённого сознания или даже психоза.

Of course, we have the obligation to report reality as it is, not how we would like it to be.

Безусловно, мы обязаны излагать факты, не додумывая, не приукрашивая.

Are you going to report only what the general and commander want, or will you confront them?

Вы будете сообщать только то, что одобрят генерал и команданте, или будете сопротивляться их приказам?

Will you report only the official version?

Вы озвучите только официальную версию?

We equipped her with modern medical technology, like this $1 malaria rapid test, and put it in a backpack full of medicines like this to treat infections like pneumonia, and crucially, a smartphone, to help her track and report on epidemics.

Мы снабдили её современным медицинским оборудованием, например, вот этим экспресс — тестом на малярию стоимостью в 1 доллар, который положили в рюкзак, наполненный медикаментами для лечения таких инфекций, как пневмония, и что самое важное — смартфон, чтобы помочь ей отслеживать и сообщать об эпидемиях.

Eight hours is kind of like getting a C on your report card.

Восемь часов — это как «тройка» в дневнике.

The police report and subsequent investigation lead them to a house.

Их заявление в полицию и последующее расследование вывели следствие на адрес.

I personally have a lot of issues with political polls because I think the role of journalists is actually to report the facts and not attempt to predict them, especially when those predictions can actually damage democracy by signaling to people: don’t bother to vote for that guy, he doesn’t have a chance.

У меня лично много к ним претензий, потому что я считаю, что роль журналистов — сообщать факты, а не пытаться их предсказывать, особенно когда эти предсказания наносят вред демократии, говоря людям: даже не думайте голосовать за того парня, у него нет шансов.

So when young women report sexual satisfaction levels that are equal to or greater than young men’s — and they do in research — that can be deceptive.

И когда девушки говорили об уровне сексуальной удовлетворённости, что он такой же или выше, чем у юношей, — а так и было в исследовании, — это могло ввести в заблуждение.

Georgetown Law published a report showing that one in two adults in the US — that’s 117 million people — have their faces in facial recognition networks.

Школа права университета Джорджтаун опубликовала отчёт, согласно которому в США один из двух взрослых — это 117 миллионов человек — имеют свои лица в сетях распознавания лиц.

Com, you can report bias, request audits, become a tester and join the ongoing conversation, #codedgaze.

Com вы можете сообщить об ошибке, запросить проверку, стать тестировщиком и присоединиться к обсуждению, #codedgaze.

Sometimes that means I’m going undercover in a fringe group which I report on for a podcast that I co-host.

Иногда я под прикрытием проникаю в неформальную группу, о которой я делаю подкаст в качестве соведущей.

There are only two freestanding pediatric hospices in the United States, although I’m happy to report that based on our model, there are 18 others under various stages of development.

В Соединённых Штатах есть только два автономных детских хосписа, хотя я рада вам сообщить, что по подобию нашего сейчас строятся 18 других.

I’m also happy to report that because we caught my wife’s cancer early, her treatment was successful, and she is now, thankfully, cancer-free.

Я также рад сообщить, что поскольку у моей жены рак обнаружили на раннем этапе, её лечение было успешным, и сейчас, слава богу, у неё нет рака.

It’s the second leading cause of death for people age 10 to 34, and 15 percent of American youth report having made a suicide plan in the last year.

Это вторая из основных причин смерти в возрасте от 10 до 34 лет, а 15% американской молодёжи сообщили о готовом плане самоубийства в прошлом году.

In North Lawndale, people are afraid of police and of going anywhere near the police station, even to report a crime.

Жители Северного Лондейла боятся полиции либо просто проходить мимо участка, даже чтобы сообщить о преступлении.

And parents report something astonishing.

Родители свидетельствуют о чём — то поразительном.

A recent report by the Pew Center on trends in America indicates that only 10 percent of young adults under the age of 30 place a lot of trust in the media.

В недавнем докладе Pew Center о тенденциях в Америке говорится, что лишь 10% молодёжи в возрасте до 30 лет доверяют средствам массовой информации.

To immediately orbit the planet, land, take a quick look around for any big, obvious signs of life, and report back to home base.

Захо́дите на орбиту планеты, приземляетесь, осматриваетесь в поисках очевидных признаков жизни и докладываете на базу.

We took a first look at the LHC for any new, big, obvious-to-spot particles, and we can report that there are none.

Мы впервые заглянули в БАК в поисках новых, больших и заметных частиц и теперь можем сообщить, что таких нет.

One medical report actually says they were dancing in the halls.

Даже танцевали в коридорах, согласно одному из отчётов.

Another medical report describes them as being inappropriately happy.

Другой отчёт описывает их неуместно счастливыми.

And then what you may not know because our American media did not report it.

И что вы можете не знать, потому что американские СМИ не освещали эти события.

And the fascinating thing is that both drivers and passengers report that seeing a name and seeing someone’s photo and their rating makes them feel safer, and as you may have experienced, even behave a little more nicely in the taxi cab.

Впечатляет, что и водители, и пассажиры, видя чьи — либо имя, фотографию и рейтинг, чувствуют себя безопаснее, и, что с вами, возможно, случалось даже ведут себя немного любезнее в автомобиле.

All colonists report to the main hall in thirty minutes.

Все колонисты сообщают в главный зал через тридцать минут.

Ibn Sina would like a report on ear infections.

Ибн Сина хотел бы услышать доклад об ушных инфекциях.

The package arrived almost simultaneously with Ivan’s next report.

Посылка прибыла почти одновременно со следующим донесением Ивана.

The congressional report on the convoy attack has been leaked.

Из отчета конгресса по нападению на колонну произошла утечка.

I want a full report of conditions inside that ship.

Мне нужен полный отчет о состоянии внутри этого корабля.

And the pilot would likely just report it as turbulence.

И пилот, скорее всего, доложит о турбулентности.

His fiancee filed a missing persons report that afternoon.

Его невеста заявила об исчезновении в тот же вечер.

The report from the health department said the samples matched.

В отчете из министерства здравоохранения говорится, что ДНК соответствует.

I will not mention the incident in my report.

И я не буду упоминать об инциденте в своём докладе.

I could have excluded his name from the official report.

Я мог бы исключить его имя из официального отчета.

Your contact report said the conversation was casual, friendly?

В отчёте сказано, что беседа была непринужденной, дружной.

The table broke with a report like a rifle shot.

Столешница сломалась с резким треском, похожим на винтовочный выстрел.

Please find attached a copy of the latest sales report from the USA.

Прошу принять прикрепленную копию последнего отчета о продажах из США.

Thanks for the sales report.

Спасибо за отчет о продажах.

It drops out of this mission report quite neatly.

Из рапорта о нашей операции оно весьма аккуратно изымается.

Proceed to exit bays and report to your assigned shuttle.

Проследуйте к отсекам эвакуации и доложите закрепленному к Вам шаттлу.

Just finishing up my stuff for a JPAC’s report.

Заканчиваю мой отчет для Объединенной комиссии учета потерянных лиц.

Preliminary autopsy report shows signs of repeated needle use.

Предварительный отчет о вскрытии выявил признаки неоднократного использования иглы.

Would they report that terrible quick encounter to the police?

Сообщат ли они об этой жуткой стычке в полицию?

Days can not pass after battle without your report.

Дни после сражения не должны проходить без твоего доклада.

Are you saying you sabotaged my report on purpose?

Вы хотите сказать, что намеренно саботировали мой репортаж?

The top report was from Mike Reilly in Moscow.

На самом верху стопки лежало донесение Майка Райли из Москвы.

The report was about the US using chemical weapons.

Отчет был об использовании США химического оружия

His use use of private vehicle report

Его отчет об использовании частного транспортного средства

You forgot to file the weekly Parks Maintenance report.

Ты забыла подать недельный отчёт об уходе за парками.

Not the version I read in the police report.

Не ту версию, что написана в полицейском отчете

They’re to report to you for a full medical examination

Они должны выслать тебе сведения о своём полном медицинском обследовании

You got the original coroner’s report I sent over?

Вы получили настоящий отчет коронера, который я отправляла?

I have a report for you in writing, Sire.

У меня есть для вас письменный отчет, господин.

I’ll need the usual incident report on Jackson.

Мне будет нужен обычный отчёт об инциденте с Джексоном.

Staff will report any further incidents to me

Учителя будут сообщать мне обо всех подобных случаях

Our spies report growing discontent among the northern lords.

Наши лазутчики сообщают, что среди северных лордов нарастает недовольство.

Report, Iron Jacket moved out from our checkpoint yesterday.

Докладываю, Железный Жакет вчера проезжал через наш КПП.

Our scouts report that Stannis Baratheon rides for Winterfell.

Наши разведчики докладывают, что Станнис идет на Винтерфелл.


a special report on health

a report from our correspondent in China

She wrote a report of the meeting.

He gave a detailed report on the project.

She filled out a police report at the scene of the accident.

the government’s report on crime in 2006

Unconfirmed reports state that over 100 people were hurt.

Police have received reports of gang activity in the neighborhood.


The murder was reported in the national news.

Several TV stations are reporting that the police are close to making an arrest.

Their job is to report the news accurately and fairly.

He was asked to report the details of the meeting.

Tomorrow the committee will report its findings on air pollution.

The doctor reported some improvement in her condition.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Days after reports claimed the former One Direction singer was spotted holding and making out with Only Murders in the Building star Selena Gomez, Zayn unveiled a new hairstyle on Instagram.

Jasmine Washington, Seventeen, 7 Apr. 2023

Tech executive Bob Lee, who founded the mobile payment service Cash App, was killed in a stabbing in San Francisco, according to authorities and media reports.

Summer Lin Los Angeles Times (tns), al, 7 Apr. 2023

The interview came out around the same time Us Weekly published a new report today claiming Thompson is still trying to win her back romantically despite Kardashian being closed off to that right now.

Alyssa Bailey, ELLE, 7 Apr. 2023

These admissions were made in a 12-page unclassified summary of a government review of the withdrawal, released on Thursday to accompany the announcement that the Pentagon and State Department will be sharing with Congress their own after-action reports on the 2021 military exit.

Luis Martinez, ABC News, 6 Apr. 2023

Following that report, several government ministers criticized the practice.

Reuters, NBC News, 6 Apr. 2023

An efficient transition Tesla’s report is not the only one warning about the cost of committing to fossil fuels long-term.

Tristan Bove, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

In light of recent reports claiming that the stars are dating, Reese Witherspoon’s and Tom Brady’s reps have both denied the rumors.

Chelsey Sanchez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 6 Apr. 2023

Trump has been angered and annoyed, according to the advisers, by reports he’s received about his lawyers and close aides testifying due to court orders as part of special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the potential mishandling of hundreds of classified national security papers.

Ann E. Marimow, Rosalind S. Helderman And Josh Dawsey, The Washington Post, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Apr. 2023

The death came hours before Portland police reported an alarming spate of 11 overdoses in one night, with most of them occurring near the Washington Center.

oregonlive, 8 Apr. 2023

Lamar High School administrators are investigating a violent encounter between a teacher and student Thursday that allegedly broke out on campus over a commandeered cell phone. KHOU 11 first reported the incident after footage of the attack began circulating social media.

Dan Carson, Chron, 7 Apr. 2023

Even as some indicators point to a cooling — February vacancies fell to the lowest level since May 2021 and layoffs are still swirling — many employers still report difficulty in finding workers.

Catarina Saraiva, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023

The warning is in response to outbreaks of Marburg virus disease, one in Equatorial Guinea and the other in Tanzania — with neither country reporting outbreaks before this year.

Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 7 Apr. 2023

The evening incident, staff told authorities, was caused by an electrical problem that could not be resolved until the next day, The Arizona Republic reported at the time.

Jose R. Gonzalez, The Arizona Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

Investors will be looking to the jobs report this morning for more clues about the health of the economy and path of interest rates.

Wsj Staff, WSJ, 7 Apr. 2023

Celebrity Net Worth reports his most up-to-date net worth is $150 million.

Milan Polk, Men’s Health, 7 Apr. 2023

Key military units, including fighter pilots, have threatened to stop reporting for duty if the overhaul is passed, drawing a warning from Defense Minister Yoav Gallant that Israel’s national security could be harmed by the divisive plan.

Josef Federman, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘report.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.



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«Go up to the ridge, observe the weather, and report back!»


«Please write a 3 page report about DNA.»

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Q: A sentence with the word report?

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To build a report with a customer What does the word report mean in this sentence?

report means nothing in this sentence. The word you are looking
for is rapport and it means a relationship or bond with the

What is a sentence with the word specifications?

The teacher had many specifications on the report.

How do you use the word catastrophe in a sentence?

His science report on genetics was a near catastrophe.

What is a sentence for the word cite?

Cite the reference carefully. He will cite the professor’s
article in his report.

How do you use the word modification in a sentence?

I made a minor modification to your report when I changed the

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ ri-pawrt, —pohrt ]

/ rɪˈpɔrt, -ˈpoʊrt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.: a report on the peace conference; a medical report on the patient.

a statement or announcement.

a widely circulated statement or item of news; rumor; gossip.

an account of a speech, debate, meeting, etc., especially as taken down for publication.

a loud noise, as from an explosion: the report of a distant cannon.

a statement of a student’s grades, level of achievement, or academic standing for or during a prescribed period of time.

Computers. output, especially printed, containing organized information.

a statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of a case argued and determined in a court of justice.

reports, Law. a collection of adjudications.

repute; reputation; fame: a man of bad report.

verb (used with object)

to carry and repeat, as an answer or message; repeat, as what one has heard.

to relate, as what has been learned by observation or investigation.

to give or render a formal account or statement of: to report a deficit.

to send back (a bill, amendment, etc.) to a legislative body with a formal report outlining findings and recommendations (often followed by out): The committee reported out the bill.

to make a charge against (a person), as to a superior: I intend to report him to the dean for cheating.

to make known the presence, condition, or whereabouts of: to report a ship missing.

to present (oneself) to a person in authority, as in accordance with requirements.

to take down (a speech, lecture, etc.) in writing.

to write an account of (an event, situation, etc.), as for publication in a newspaper.

to relate or tell.

verb (used without object)

to prepare, make, or submit a report of something observed, investigated, or the like.

to serve or work as a reporter, as for a newspaper.

to make one’s condition or whereabouts known, as to a person in authority: to report sick.

to present oneself duly, as at a place: to report to Room 101.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about report

    on report, Military. (of personnel) under restriction pending disciplinary action.

Origin of report

1325–75; (v.) Middle English reporten<Middle French reporter,Old French <Latin reportāre to carry back, equivalent to re-re- + portāre to carry (see port5); (noun) Middle English <Middle French, derivative of reporter


re·port·a·ble, adjectivenon·re·port·a·ble, adjectivenon·re·port·ed, adjectiveo·ver·re·port, verb

pre·re·port, noun, verbqua·si-re·port·ed, adjectivesub·re·port, nounun·re·port·a·ble, adjectiveun·re·port·ed, adjectivewell-re·port·ed, adjective

Words nearby report

repoint, repo man, répondez s’il vous plaît, repone, repopulate, report, reportage, report card, reported clause, reportedly, reported speech Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition of report?

A report is a detailed account of something based on observation and research. Report is also used to mean to relay information or to appear at a destination as ordered. The word report has many other senses as a noun and a verb.

A report is a paper, article, announcement, or similar account that contains detailed information that someone has gathered through observation, study, or other research. Sometimes, another noun is used with report to specify what the report is about. For example, students often write book reports in school in which they analyze books they have read.

  • Real-life examples: Businesses often create budget reports so they can figure out how much money they have to spend. Scientists compile scientific reports in which they present the results of experiments. Sports journalists often compile injury reports that list all of the players who will miss games due to injuries.
  • Used in a sentence: I listened to the weather report on the news to see if I needed to bring an umbrella. 

As a verb, report means to repeat or relay information that a person has heard from another source or has gathered themselves. People who report things (such as at a news agency) are called reporters.

  • Real-life examples: A journalist’s job is to report information to the public. A spy’s job is to gather secret information and report it to their boss. Scientists will report things they have learned to scientific journals or to the news media.
  • Used in a sentence: The tabloid magazine reported sightings of Bigfoot in the woods. 

Report is also used to mean to go to a specific place because you were ordered to.

  • Used in a sentence: General Harris ordered the recruits to report to basic training in the morning.

Where does report come from?

The first records of the verb report come from around 1325. It ultimately comes from the Latin reportāre, meaning to carry. The first records of the noun report come from around 1425. It comes from the Middle French report.

Did you know … ?

How is report used in real life?

Report is a very common word that often means a detailed account or to disclose information.

In a new report, the International Criminal Court confirmed a reasonable basis to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed in the Philippines under President Rodrigo Duterte’s merciless war on drugs

— New York Times World (@nytimesworld) December 15, 2020

Over 500 people have been hospitalized and at least one person killed by an unidentified illness in southern India. People have suddenly started to convulse. Nausea and loss of consciousness have been reported. Experts are still baffled by the cause.

— The Associated Press (@AP) December 8, 2020

After today, I’ll be awaiting the call to report to basic training!

— Jake Wetherell (@Wetherell4cast) February 2, 2014

Try using report!

Which of the following is NOT a synonym of report?

A. detail
B. broadcast
C. hide
D. disclose

Words related to report

address, announcement, article, communique, description, detail, dispatch, information, message, news, note, opinion, paper, picture, record, release, statement, summary, word, advice

How to use report in a sentence

  • Developing and manufacturing vaccines, which are significant challenges in their own right, “won’t end the pandemic quickly unless we also deliver them equitably,” the report notes.

  • Separately, Yelp released a new local economic impact report this week.

  • He based his report on information from NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

  • More importantly, notice that more than 70% of my impression volume comes from search terms that are not in the search query performance report.

  • Of the report’s 11 recommendations, the first highlighted safety.

  • Then add in all bored people, as well as people whose job it is to report on celebrities.

  • Despite the strong language, however, the neither the JPO nor Lockheed could dispute a single fact in either Daily Beast report.

  • Did he go to the authorities to file a report against the Guerreros Unidos drug cartel?

  • The Amazon biography for an author named Papa Faal mentions both Gambia and lists a military record that matches the FBI report.

  • Similarly, a recent NPR report covered the challenges many police departments are having recruiting officers of color.

  • Most of my observations are in keeping with Skutch’s detailed report of the species in Central America.

  • Aguinaldo withheld his decision until Paterno could report to him the definite opinions of his generals.

  • William has thus been happily able to report to the society the approaching conversion of M’Bongo and his imminent civilization.

  • At last the report of several rifles from the island of trees gave us a clue to the mystery.

  • Mrs. Charmington hastened to spread the report that his Royal Highness was seriously smitten.

British Dictionary definitions for report


an account prepared for the benefit of others, esp one that provides information obtained through investigation and published in a newspaper or broadcast

a statement made widely known; rumouraccording to report, he is not dead

an account of the deliberations of a committee, body, etca report of parliamentary proceedings

British a statement on the progress, academic achievement, etc, of each child in a school, written by teachers and sent to the parents or guardian annually or each term

a written account of a case decided at law, giving the main points of the argument on each side, the court’s findings, and the decision reached

comment on a person’s character or actions; reputationhe is of good report here

a sharp loud noise, esp one made by a gun

verb (when tr, may take a clause as object; when intr , often foll by on)

to give an account (of); describe

to give an account of the results of an investigation (into)to report on housing conditions

(of a committee, legislative body, etc) to make a formal report on (a bill)

(tr) to complain about (a person), esp to a superiorI’ll report you to the teacher

(tr) to reveal information about (a fugitive, escaped prisoner, etc) esp concerning his whereabouts

(intr) to present oneself or be present at an appointed place or for a specific purposereport to the manager’s office

(intr) to say or show that one is (in a certain state)to report fit

(intr foll by to) to be responsible to and under the authority ofthe plant manager reports to the production controller

(intr) to act as a reporter for a newspaper or for radio or television

law to take down in writing details of (the proceedings of a court of law) as a record or for publication

Derived forms of report

reportable, adjective

Word Origin for report

C14: from Old French, from reporter to carry back, from Latin reportāre, from re- + portāre to carry

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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1. Please give me a report on the theft.

2. The committee will report on its research next month.

3. They asked for a progress report on the project.

4. Please fill out a report on the theft.

5. They’ve sanitized my report on army atrocities.

6. Don’t touch the report on my desk.

6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

7. Martens gave a report on his sales trip to Korea.

8. It’s encouraging to receive a favourable report on one’s work.

9. Their report on the plans for nuclear war is a chilling document.

10. She had to write a report on the project.

11. May I clip out the report on my performance?

12. You can write up your report on the Mac.

13. The report on sexual discrimination at work shows that some of the worst offenders are women.

14. The MPs called for a full report on the nuclear contract.

15. The committee will publish their report on the health service in a few weeks.

16. I’ll keep the original copy of your report on file.

17. The report on the accident exonerates the bus driver from any responsibility.

18. She’s asked me to produce a report on the state of the project.

19. Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don’t you beef it up a bit with some figures?

20. The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.

21. When her ideas were rejected, she slapped her report on the table and stormed out of the meeting.

22. The report on the riot exposed a prison system stretched to breaking point.

23. The company put out a report on commercial spin-offs from its research.

24. Regular programming was preempted by a report on the war.

25. The government commissioned a report on the state of agriculture in the country.

26. The report on the hospital mentions such desiderata as a supply of clean laundry.

27. The Times sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods.

28. I am to be sent to take part in the negotiations with the Japanese government and report on it later.

29. Following an on — site inspection, the surveyor prepared a written report on the property.

30. I’ve asked him to come back next week and report on his progress.

More similar words: report, reporter, reporting, reportedly, in support of, prior to, port, import, support, export, portray, airport, portion, supporter, portrait, portfolio, supportive, transport, important, proportion, importantly, opportunity, of importance, in proportion to, transportation, active transport, near to, cartoon, start off, keep off. 

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