Sentence for the word reply

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word reply, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use reply in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «reply».

Reply in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word reply in a sentence.

  1. In reply, Satō clarified:.

  2. This prompted a reply from D.C.

  3. He received a perfunctory reply.

  4. Murdoch’s reply was, «Fuck Dacre.

  5. However, he never received a reply.

  6. Australia scored only 10 goals in reply.

  7. The MCC took some time to draft a reply:.

  8. The chronicle relates the prince’s reply:.

  9. I will reply to you seriously and honestly.

  10. Carroll’s reply was published in the local papers:.

  11. Neither Portland nor the Admiralty sent him a reply.

  12. In reply, one of the foremost silverites, Richard P.

  13. British vessels could anchor in those spaces and engage the French without reply.

  14. He waited through most of January and all of February for the Grand Duke’s reply.

  15. England made 292 runs in reply but the second innings saw an Australian fightback.

  16. In her book Lady in the Navy, Joy Bright Hancock quotes his reply: «I advised Mrs.

  17. Not knowing the correct reply, L’Insurgente replaced the American colors with French and fired a gun.

  18. On September 2, Washington received a letter from General Schuyler in reply to his August 20 message.

  19. By the time Valckenier received the reply, van Imhoff was already on his way back to the Netherlands.

  20. He received a formal reply without any reference to his request, and his subsequent letter was ignored.

  21. In reply, England lost regular wickets as the effects of rain made the pitch almost impossible to bat on.

  22. Australia made 282 and had the hosts at 5/73 in reply when rain washed out the match after the first day.

  23. Markham’s reply was a non-committal one-line acknowledgement, after which Bruce heard nothing for a year.

  24. In the first Test, in reply to Australia’s first innings of 450, Hobbs and Sutcliffe opened with 157 runs.

  25. In the second match, Verity took four for 103 out of an Australian total of 422, in reply to England’s 494.

  26. In reply, James Vince remained not out, scoring 66 runs to help his side to victory with one ball remaining.

  27. Kasche had not received a reply to his telegram of 17 March, so he sent a further telegram to von Ribbentrop on 26 March.

  28. Trump then made three consecutive centuries in frames five to seven, totalling 367 points without reply, to go ahead 4–3.

  29. The audience would ask her questions, and a member of the crew would poke the bear with a stick to make it grunt in reply.

  30. Although he did not reply, it seems that he was not offended by the strongly worded letter which he kept in his collection.

  31. In reply, Sir Aylmer, confusing the two meanings of the word «by», asks: «How the devil can you be assaulted by a duck pond?

  32. Miller then bowled ten wicketless overs for 34 and caught Ikin from the leg spin of Bruce Dooland in England’s reply of 351.

  33. British officials did not reply to an August 1941 offer by Bush and Conant to create a combined British and American project.

  34. A patrol going to meet the climbing Korean troops called out and received in reply a blast of gunfire from automatic weapons.

  35. The reply counter-protested that nine Japanese hospital ships had been attacked by the Allies, although these claims were directed against the United States, not Australia.

  36. Foliot’s reply, in a letter that is usually titled Multiplicem nobis, set forth his view of Becket’s abilities as archbishop as well as giving reasons why Becket was wrong.

  37. Kasztner wrote that on 9 June Eichmann told him: «If I do not receive a positive reply within three days, I shall operate the mill at Auschwitz» («die Muehle laufen lasse»).

  38. Leach wrote to Bigelow on January 2, 1909, «I was somewhat amused by their savage attack, and should have liked to have been in a position to reply to this unjust criticism.

Synonyms for reply

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word reply has the following synonyms: answer, response and respond.

General information about «reply» example sentences

The example sentences for the word reply that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «reply» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «reply».

Synonym: acknowledge, answer, react, respond, retort. Antonym: question. Similar words: replace, replacement, deploy, take place, apply, comply, imply, supply. Meaning: [rɪ’plaɪ]  n. 1. a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation 2. the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange. v. reply or respond to. 

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1. He was too racked by sobs to reply.

2. I’m looking forward to a prompt reply.

3. «If you must, » came the gruff reply.

4. Her reply displeased her father.

5. He did not reply to her question right away.

6. He grunted a monosyllabic reply.

7. We would appreciate an early reply.

8. His reply reduced me to silence.

9. Derek’s terse reply ended the conversation.

10. I want an immediate reply.

11. In business, a prompt reply is imperative.

12. His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.

13. My letter received a swift reply.

14. I have just received his reply.

15. I am puzzled by his failure to reply.

16. Owen judged it best to make no reply.

17. MacTavish was characteristically forthright in his reply.

18. She waved her hand in reply.

19. He gave a non-committal grunt in reply.

20. I wrote, but she did not reply.

21. He insinuated his doubt of the reply.

22. Please give me an immediate reply.

23. He made no reply to my request.

24. His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest.

25. Hardly anyone has bothered to reply.

26. Do please forgive this tardy reply.

27. He did not deign to reply.

27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

28. You should receive a reply within seven days.

29. We look forward to your favorable reply.

30. I should like to think about your suggestion before I give a definite reply.

More similar words: replace, replacement, deploy, take place, apply, comply, imply, supply, simply, sharply, apply for, apply to, take the place of, comply with, report, repair, republic, report on, reporter, decrepit, repartee, Republican, represent, reporting, reparation, repeatedly, reportedly, obstreperous, entrepreneur, representative. 

reply — перевод на русский


He tells me that Dr. Jekyll has not replied to any of Miss Muriel’s letters.

Он говорит, что Доктор Джекилл не ответил ни на одно письмо от мисс Мьюриел.

Dummling replied,

Дурачок ответил:

The radar officer replied that it was impossible.

Офицер-радиолокационщик ответил, что этого не может быть.

The first time, she got a cleaning woman who didn’t know anything. The second time, a young man replied that M. Georges couldn’t be awakened before 3 pm!

Во второй раз коридорный ответил, что мсье Жоржа не велено будить раньше трех.

— I replied it.

— Я ответил тебе, нет?

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So you wanted to deliver my reply.

Значит, ты хотел передать ответ?

Friends, I beg your indulgence for just a few final remarks in reply to my old friend and rival for Congress, Hank Allen, who reminds me of a dog I had when I was a boy.

Друзья, прошу снисхождения всего за несколько заключительных слов в ответ моему старому другу и конкуренту по Конгрессу, Хэнку Аллену, который напоминает мне собаку какая у меня была, когда я был мальчиком.

In reply to your letter of the 15th Mrs. Lane will be very pleased to entertain your friend Jefferson Jones.

в ответ на ваше письмо от 15-ого миссис Лейн будет очень рада принять вашего друга Джефферсона Джонса.

In reply, I beg to state, you were engaged for teaching school.

В ответ, хочу заметить, что вас наняли учить.

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Sometimes I talk to it, and it stirs as if in reply.

Иногда я с ним разговариваю. А он шевелится, словно отвечает.

-And there’s no reply from her quarters.

-И ее квартира не отвечает.

She doesn’t reply to my questions.

Она не отвечает на вопросы.

Master Chen has a reply

Господин Чен отвечает.

When I talk to her out loud, I can imagine how she’d reply.

Просто когда я говорю с ней громко, я представляю, что она отвечает.

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I received a reply this morning.

Я получил ответ этим утром.

I did, and I got a reply.

Я сделал, и я получил ответ.

Do you know if Alan got a reply to his report?

Вам известно, Алан получил ответ, на свой доклад?

I answered the ad and, uh, got a reply from this guy…

Я прошел по ссылке… и получил ответ от этого парня…

Finally received a reply from Japan

Наконец-то я получил ответ из Японии.

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Mother Teresa of Calcutta replied, when asked what we can offer a human being at the hour of death,

Знаешь, что сказала мать Тереза из Калькутты, когда её спросили, что можно дать человеку за полчаса перед смертью?

And you replied I was boring the shit out of you ’cause Doc already told you all about it.

Ты ещё сказала мне, что со мной тоска зелёная, так как док уже всё растрепал про новый угол.

«Receive this talisman,» she replied.

Возьми этот талисман, — сказала она.

«Oh husband,» replied his wife.

«О, муж, сказала его жена»

The kangaroo fairy godmother replied, «I have one in my tummy.

Добрая фея-кенгуру сказала: «У меня есть сумка для ребеночка.

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That renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply.

Возобновление враждебных действий против кораблей США в открытом море в Тонкинском заливе требует от меня сегодня приказать военным силам США предпринять ответные акции.

International reply coupons.

Международные ответные купоны.

Well, I always looked forward to your replies.

Ну, я всегда с нетерпением ждала ответные письма.

-Our replying affidavit.

— Наши ответные показания.

Our replying affidavit.

Наши ответные показания.

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Examples of how to use the word “reply” in a sentence. How to connect “reply” with other words to make correct English sentences.

reply (n, v): an answer; to answer

Use “reply” in a sentence

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Sentence using the word reply. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use reply in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for reply.

  • She did not reply. (10)
  • Irene made no reply. (8)
  • There was no reply. (22)
  • Kenton made no reply. (9)
  • Soames made no reply. (8)
  • Bosinney made no reply. (8)
  • He withheld his reply. (10)
  • I did not care to reply. (7)
  • Robert nodded in reply. (22)
  • Her mother did not reply. (9)
  • The reply was astounding! (1)
  • She did not reply directly. (9)
  • Still not one faint reply. (10)
  • Emilia panted in her reply. (10)
  • I did not shine in my reply. (10)
  • Algernon was aroused to reply. (10)
  • Algernon was aroused to reply. (22)
  • Mrs. Corey did not reply directly. (9)
  • Pride and anger nerved the reply. (10)
  • She did not make any direct reply. (9)
  • You will reply that I cannot help you. (12)
  • Mechanical nods were given him in reply. (10)
  • What business had this man to reply for him! (8)
  • I would not reply to the cold-blooded question. (10)
  • But he would not send a message in reply to Lena. (10)
  • This is my reply: You told me to marry: I obeyed. (10)
  • I reply, he was at a critical stage of his career. (10)
  • Jeff went on to burlesque a reply in the same spirit. (9)
  • Like so many other thinkers, Felix hesitated to reply. (8)
  • This was the sort of reply to make the lady implacable. (10)
  • Struck with her Manner of speaking I could make no reply. (4)
  • There was no reply, at least none that was audible to me. (1)
  • No one had entered for the last two hours, was the reply. (10)
  • She was compelled to weep again by having no other reply. (10)
  • To this strange outburst, Courtier at first made no reply. (8)
  • He took refuge adroitly in a foolish reply, and it served him. (10)
  • Robert looked at Rhoda, but had no reply for her gaze of despair. (22)
  • It was notable that none of the tired men took the trouble to reply. (2)
  • Barclugh would sign as Gustavus; Andre would reply as John Anderson. (18)
  • Mr. Stone did not reply; it was evident that he was reflecting deeply. (8)
  • The reply informed him that, in all likelihood, Becker was in Geneva. (12)
  • Long faces were drawn, and odd stares were directed toward him, in reply. (10)
  • She felt utterly unworthy of such respect, and knew not how to reply to it. (4)
  • The cruel reply was passed on to the other, and he immediately walked away. (4)
  • Elinor made her a civil reply, and they walked on for a few minutes in silence. (4)
  • Mr. William Moody, boatbuilder, a liver-complexioned citizen, undertook to reply. (10)
  • The readiness and the double-bearing of the reply struck her comic sense with awe. (10)
  • But she had none to reply with, and could only mutely bend upward her gentle wrist. (10)
  • Our hats flew off again, and bareheaded, I seized the reply before Temple could speak. (10)
  • Tribute, they were advised to reply, which caused him to shrug and curse as he jogged on. (10)
  • Miss Sibley was about to reply, but stared, and delight sprang to her lips in a quick cry. (10)
  • And the Serpent gasped in reply: One the kiss to us secures: Give us ours, and we are yours. (10)
  • Another gave us a similar reply, with a monstrous grimace which was beyond our comprehension. (10)
  • Margarita did not reply; but gave her hand to Farina, and took a step closer to the stranger. (10)
  • Their reply was to estimate an immoderate amount of liquor as due to them, with profound composure. (10)
  • Beyond doubt, however, on receiving through Ferrand the following reply, he felt ashamed and pleased. (8)
  • Her son, who thought that he had his own grievances against his uncle, made no reply to this complaint. (13)
  • This done, she told him that he was there to write the reply to the letters of the ladies, in her name. (10)
  • So awkward a reply was not expected by Cecilia; she looked at the floor, forced to search within her soul. (8)
  • This, too, is my reply to what you say of a resemblance to a passage in Rogers (I thought it was Beckford). (14)
  • Aunt Hester made no reply; it was nearly October, but what was the good of arguing; some people were never satisfied. (8)
  • The feeling was irrational; it could give her no reply, or only the multitudinous which are the question violently repeated. (10)
  • She shuffled in her reply, made a gesture to signify that it was in the air, universal, and fell upon the proposed arrangement. (10)
  • The absence of a reply to his double transmission of cards had wounded him; and something in the look of Tinman disgusted his rough taste. (10)
  • His characterization of her motive was so distasteful that she made no reply, and left him to his conjectures, in which he did not appear unhappy. (9)
  • Unfortunately, his soothing speeches fell on hard ground, for Semestre scarcely vouchsafed a reply, and at last distinctly intimated that he interrupted her. (5)

Also see sentences for: answer, rejoin, rejoinder, repartee, respond, response, retort.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for reply. Now that you’ve seen how to use reply in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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), is the


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Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Was denied reprints of his work by his publisher and was not permitted to,


    ,in response to letters of criticism—both extremely unusual policies for their
  2. See a fort as strong as this? «. » Splendid it is,» was the travelers,


    ,» but methinks not it confers much strength. Before thee, did not other kings
  3. Continue his military studies. While there, he issued, on 1 December 1874,in,


    ,to a birthday greeting from his followers, a manifesto proclaiming himself the
  4. Undertaking of the TACAN government, which submitted a 7,000-page report in,


    ,to the questionnaire by the European Commission. Foreign relations were
  5. Roman embassy sought restitution for the damage, the Latins gave a contemptuous,


    , Angus accordingly declared war on the Latins. The declaration is notable since
  6. Prize in Literature. Russell merely smiled, but afterwards claimed that the,


    ,» That’s right, just like your brother» immediately came to mind. In 1952
  7. Of Richard’s family, asked the king for instructions, and receiving a,


    ,three days later sent 80 men to join the king. Simultaneously Northumberland
  8. Is not the trump suit,5♠ asks respondent to bid 5NT. That is useful when the,


    ,to 4NT bypasses the intended trump suit but also shows that slam is likely to
  9. Then, are ordained as Catholic priests upon entry into the Catholic Church. A,


    ,from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York (1896) was issued to counter Pope
  10. Of kings confirms that the partnership holds all four aces, so partner may,


    ,at the seven level with expectation of taking thirteen tricks. (A common
  11. And ΝΕΙΛΟΣ have the same value. The Egyptian author of the book De Mysteries in,


    ,to Porphyry (vii. 4) admits a preference of ‘barbarous’ to vernacular names
  12. To a dispatch he had received from Grouchy six hours earlier, he sent a,


    ,telling Grouchy to» head for Wave to Grouchy’s north in order to draw near
  13. Form to the antiphons, but come at the end of the psalm, being originally the,


    ,of the choir or congregation to the preceptor who recited the psalm. Hymns The
  14. S memoirs,» he gave a conveniently unhelpful though strictly truthful,


    , (‘There is nothing about the matter in my file of correspondence with
  15. And a proposal of a joint attack upon the Islamic powers of Syria. In,


    ,to this the French sovereign dispatched Andrew as his ambassador to Guy Khan;
  16. On him, and Billy counters by asking who actually killed Joe. Moses does not,


    , But there is no answer for the main count against him. Jim gets short
  17. whether this actually took place despite Bouquet’s affirmative,


    ,to Amherst, and the continuing correspondence on the point. Smallpox is highly
  18. One of two or three suits, similar to a lower-level takeout double or cue,


    ,to a double. Standard Blackwood Where standard Blackwood 4NT is in force, a
  19. Of energy in the exclamation» Amazing grace! «, to be followed by a qualifying,


    ,in» how sweet the sound «. In An Annotated Anthology of Hymns,Newton’s use
  20. Is ‘don’t use the convention if there is a possibility you won’t like the,


    , ‘ A further problem occurs when, after hearing his partner’s response, the
  21. Regarding the doctrine would therefore be meaningless. Catholic apologists may,


    ,that these arguments against apostolic succession overstate the Church’s
  22. Renders this as» My dear old Getafe | | How good to see you here «, with the,


    ,» Aha, an Alexandrine «. Accentual-syllabic verse In accentual-syllabic verse
  23. Create a new organization for the goal of a peace and arbitration society, his,


    , was as such: Carnegie believed that it is the effort and will of the people
  24. By Richard Baxter to gain approval for an alternative service book failed. In,


    ,to the Presbyterian Exceptions, some 600 changes were made to the book of 1559
  25. March to join Wellington’s army. In the morning Wellington duly received a,


    ,from Blucher, promising to support him with three corps. From 06:00 Wellington
  26. Husband after his long illness, Mabel whispered,» Don’t leave me. » By way of,


    , Bell traced the sign for no—and then he expired. On learning of Bell’s death
  27. Jurisdictions the mandate is known as the remitting. Generally, an answer is a,


    ,to a question or is a solution, a retaliation, or a response that is relevant
  28. Had also sent messengers to Stanley asking him to declare his allegiance. The,


    ,was evasive—the Stanley’s would» naturally» come, after Henry had given orders
  29. Bellarmine’s answer to these covers more or less the whole controversy. In,


    ,to a posthumous treatise of William Barclay, the Scottish Catholic jurist, he
  30. Not be counted as an ace. Some experts (Kantar for one) recommend the 5NT,


    , to 4NT – the cheapest with no standard assigned meaning – to show a void plus
  31. British vessels could anchor in those spaces and engage the French without,


    , In addition, the deployment of his fleet prevented the rear from effectively
  32. wide-ranging nowadays. In it a female guest will give her views on men and,


    ,to any specific points raised by the previous speaker. Like the previous speech
  33. Him off if he did not acquiesce in his father’s plans. Alexei wrote a pitiful,


    ,to his father, offering to renounce the succession in favor of his baby
  34. Getting off at his floor, I said ‘Charles Foster Kane would have accepted. ‘ No,


    ,», recalled the director. » And Kane would have you know. That was his style. »
  35. Is the agreed trump suit, or the key suit when no trump suit is agreed. The,


    ,to Blackwood could take the partnership past their agreed suit and going to the
  36. Was an excellent way to advertise your precise location to an enemy, inviting a,


    ,by gunfire. Recognition signals by lamp once seen could also easily be copied
  37. Her as precocious, reporting that once, when she was four years old, in,


    , to his question about what a child most wanted, she answered:» age and
  38. someone or something, and thus generally any counter-statement or defense,a,


    ,to a question or response, or objection, or a correct solution of a problem. In
  39. But merely an» accessory. » The president of the Association labeled the,


    ,as» disappointing» since, whether a textbook or an accessory, the book
  40. Asked about the possibility of a further Black adder series, to which the simple,


    ,» No, no chance» was given::» There was a plan for a film set in the Russian
  41. That some invisible matter must exist in Pascal’s empty space, Pascal,in his,


    ,to Étienne Noel, gave one of the seventeenth century’s major statements on
  42. Place with great rejoicing. *4. Letter of the Samaritans to Artaxerxes, and,


    , of Artaxerxes: The» enemies of Judah and Benjamin» offer to help with the
  43. Union in 1941,Kerensky offered his support to Joseph Stalin, but received no,


    , Instead, he made broadcasts in Russian in support of the war effort. Kerensky
  44. Never be offensive, particularly bearing in mind that it will be followed by a,


    ,from the» lassies» concerned. The men drink a toast to the women’s health.
  45. York to the Bull Apostolic Curve of H. H. Leo XIII. It was argued in their,


    ,that if the Anglican orders were invalid, then the Roman orders were as well:
  46. Hearing this wicked taunt, told Muhammad what the local people were saying. In,


    , the prophet said:» They lie, I bade thee remain for the sake of what I had
  47. From the love of God? 5. The second half of the query is asked, to which the,


    ,is always» I do «:: Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Savior?
  48. Vetoed by a tribune. Octavian was not present, but at the next meeting made a,


    ,of such a nature that the consuls both left Rome to join Antony; and Antony
  49. Davis ordered the surrender of the fort. Union Maj. Anderson gave a conditional,


    ,which the Confederate government rejected, and Davis ordered Beauregard to
  50. Will, with God’s help. » 4. A series of questions is then asked, to which the,


    ,is always» I renounce them «:: Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual

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ответ, отчет, отвечать


- ответ

in reply — в ответ
in reply to your letter — в ответ на ваше письмо
to make a reply — ответить, дать ответ
reply paid — с оплаченным ответом
the letter now under reply — письмо, на которое сейчас готовится ответ

- юр. ответ истца на возражение по иску
- юр. заключительное выступление адвоката в суде
- отзыв (на перекличке)


- отвечать

to reply wittily — остроумно ответить
to reply to a question — ответить на вопрос
to reply for smb. — отвечать за /вместо/ кого-л.
to reply in the negative [positive] — ответить отрицательно [положительно]
to reply to roll-call — отозваться на перекличке
none of my letters have been replied to — ни на одно своё письмо я не получил ответа

- юр. отвечать на возражение по иску
- предпринимать ответные действия

to reply to the enemy’s fire — ответить на огонь противника

Мои примеры


an immediate reply to my letter — немедленный ответ на моё письмо  
a befitting reply to a civil question — подобающий ответ на вежливый вопрос  
crushing reply — уничтожающий ответ  
curt reply — грубый, невежливый ответ  
emollient reply — успокаивающий ответ  
to give a reply, give an answer — ответить, дать ответ  
promptitude of reply — быстрота ответов  
to answer / reply to / respond to a question — отвечать на вопрос  
to draw / elicit a reply — вытягивать ответ  
to give / make a reply — отвечать  
to send a reply — посылать ответ, отвечать  
to reply immediately / promptly — моментально реагировать  

Примеры с переводом

Reply to the question.

Отвечай на вопрос.

He laughed a reply.

Он ответил со смехом.

Her reply astonished me.

Ее ответ удивил меня.

Stephen made no reply.

Стивен ничего не ответил.

I called out to them, but no one replied.

Я окликнул их, но никто не ответил.

I’ll reply by wire.

Я отвечу телеграммой.

She replied to me in a very rude manner.

Она ответила мне очень грубо.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She waited for a reply, but none came.

I tried calling, but there was no reply.

When no reply was forthcoming, she wrote again.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

rep  — репутация, репс, заучивание наизусть, ремонт, репертуарный театр
replant  — пересаживать, снова засаживать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: reply
he/she/it: replies
ing ф. (present participle): replying
2-я ф. (past tense): replied
3-я ф. (past participle): replied

ед. ч.(singular): reply
мн. ч.(plural): replies

A reply is a statement or acknowledgment made in response to an interrogative question, request or comment. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You have NO firsthand knowledge about self publishing, witness your reply to another poster that self publishing is a pyramid scheme.


I have a question about that (ill do more research following your reply, of course), did you place your multi-family under an LLC while you lived there or was it under your name?


Many a national toast was offered and accepted, any speeches were delivered, and many essayed in amicable reply.


The European Commission concluded that there should be no changes to AVMSD for measures on accessibility, the listing of events or the right of reply.


Your email will not be published or shared, but you will receive an automatic email if your comment has a reply.


His reply is a comical stream of evasive tripe:


We are available 24/7 to provide thesis writing help and we guarantee timely reply to your concerns.


Consequently in regard to propositions that belong to Revelation it still remains possible to ask the source whence they were known, how they were revealed, and in what respect, and the reply need not in every case be that God, who knows all things, simply made them known.


I have sent messages to hotel via their own site, but no response / reply.


And the reason guys like it is because they’re so tired of swiping right on basically everyone, it’s a numbers game, and having nobody reply to them.


When it comes to crafting your first reply to an online dating message, nothing’s simple…


Often, my request is met with a puzzled reply: «You realize that we want you to come talk to our teachers, right?


Thank you for the reply I did noticed that you couldn’t help but to throw some bussines advice on the report It’s funny because as you said «slapping our foreheads» the data is just there black on white and yet still we see 18 $ ebooks and Trad published authors making so little out of it


You can check availability through our website and get an instant reply.


Arsenal fans for sure loved the reply from their long berated manager who has for once silenced all critics with the triumph in the North London derby last week.


When he was asked about defenses having seen him and could better prepare for him, his reply was he was also better prepared for those defenses because he seen them, too.


PS: FYI it was a 4-part reply… but the 3rd one is «awaiting moderation», for some weird reason.


I brought this to Mikes attention… Mikes reply was that the lights went on so he didn’t see it being an issue.


He was ready with a concise, jargon-free reply.


Once an email comes in, responsibility for a reply can be assigned to the appropriate team member.


She stopped responding to replies after that.


But I guess my favorite reply so far is from S.J M.D. — probably because it matches my current approach.


I’ve posted multiple comments on your website and not once was it left without your kind reply.


With all the deadlines I have on my plate it’s almost impossible to do that, unfortunately, and I generally send a polite «no» form letter reply.


My reply was that the laboratory workers had sabotaged themselves by assuming they could con a bunch of nincompoop dog owners into offering up their dogs» jugular veins to con artists.


So I think that’s why half of the users probably can not sign in and send reply `


With the right communication, you can land yourself more than just a kind reply from that person of interest — you may just find love that will last you a lifetime.


To date I’ve had hundreds of replies from guys who have lost their man boobs using my methods.


I just received a reply from them: The residential or business address is not made public within our online records and are only kept in-house, however, the city and place of publication may be made public.


Good players can come cheap, you saying «let City, United, Chelsea and even Liverpool buy the good players» would seem to indicate that good players MUST cost a fortune as it is in reply to someone saying you don’t have to spend loads, this is not the case as LC have proven.


Sometimes its no reply on dating sites they just have one message or email that they.


You can’t in the second, because you have already been deemed unworthy of a forensic reply.


However, I did see that your reply came in on August 28, in the good year of our Lord, 2012 at 1:49 pm.


They can’t get banned for that but I can sense sarcastic replies from people.


But today when I opened it to check replies to one of my queries, I was surprised to see it all changed.


The more you contact with, the more replies you will get.


Indeed, it reminds me of the time I told a pupil she must remove her feet from a chair only to have her reply that I was ugly.


Hashimoto’s reply: «Armon, ah, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for an email like this.


Only those who are awarded a spot will receive a reply.


once I created and sent a press release to a few places, it was like I was finally taken seriously — soon receiving many replies and requests.


You can upload photos, reply to emails and instant messages, and of course search through member profiles.


On this blog, we have decided to start sharing our exact replies to the questions asked by some of our members because we’re happy to share the knowledge with fellow traders.


As to the rest of your reply, well, your theology appears to be all over the shop, my friend.


I asked the obvious question, of whether this feature will be rolled out to other countries, and while I didn’t get a reply in the affirmative, that certainly would be the plan.


I will surely give you a valuable reply of it.


Then follows an emotionless reply: «Because you were home.»


He’s not quite stunning, but his opponent is so, so poor in his replies it’s not a hard battle to win.


I put the question to Tonry, and am shaken by his reply: «No way, because it came in from the direction of the sun.»


But in TLS, this creates some interesting «triggers»… and (by example) my handing my wife the dog leash for a walk later that day may earn this reply, «Hell no!


9 Steps To The Perfect Online Dating Message classified as a psycho is to message someone more than once without getting a reply.



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English Collocation

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«She always replies truthfully.«
(truthfully, immediately, sarcastically, personally, quickly, slowly)

«He replied briefly to my question.«
(briefly, directly, cheerfully, nervously, angrily, sharply, quietly, softly, politely)

«I simply replied with a smile.«

Used with prepositions:

«I replied to him yesterday.«

«She replied with a smile.«

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«She mumbled a reply.«
(mumbled, posted, wrote, typed)

«I don’t have a reply for you.«

«We expect a reply soon.«

«I read her reply.«

«Did you get a reply?«
(get, make, offer, receive, hear)

Used with nouns:

«I hit the reply button without thinking.«

«Please fill out the reply card and return it as soon as possible.«
(card, form)

Used with adjectives:

«I received her written reply.«
(written, personal)

«He always gives a witty reply.«
(witty, evasive, immediate, thoughtful, satisfactory, polite, sarcastic, positive, negative)

«His reply is correct.«
(correct, simple, short, brief)

«We need an immediate reply.«
(immediate, prompt, quick)

Used with prepositions:

«I got a reply from him yesterday.«

«I am calling in reply to your request.«

«This is my reply to your question.«

Previous Word by Frequency: remind

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