Sentence for the word reception

reception — перевод на русский


Wedding at St. Margaret’s, Bishop Manners, reception. Yes, sir, Sir Charles.

Свадьба в церкви Святой Маргариты, Епископ Минорс, прием.

— How’s the reception?


Tomorrow, after lunch there’ll be a little reception on the Burgomaster’s.

Завтра, после ланча, мы пойдем на небольшой прием у бургомистра.

We expect you this afternoon. I’ve arranged a big reception.

Мы же ждем вас сегодня, я устроил большой прием!

Eating? It’s a reception.

Конечно нет, это же прием.

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At an Embassy reception.

В приемной посольства.

More than 2 hours later, after Stirlitz had left Himmler’s reception room, he realized that he was on the verge of failure.

Сейчас, когда прошло 2 часа после того, как он ушел из приемной Гиммлера, он отлично понимал, что был на грани провала.

I’ll have them picked up from your reception.

Я заберу их у вас в приемной.

There’s a call for you in reception.

Тебе звонят, в приемной.

Sorry about the cunt at reception.

— Прости эту дуру в приемной.

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Lima Bravo. Very bad reception.

Лима Браво, очень плохая связь.

Bad reception here.

Плохая связь.

— Yes, Monsieur. The line — the reception was very, very bad

Да, месье, связь была очень некачественной.

Reception’s not so great. — Where are you?

— Да, связь не очень хорошая, а?

Sorry, my reception is bad, I’m in a tunnel.

Да. Простите, плохая связь, я сейчас в туннеле.

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— I can’t. There’s no cell reception.

У него нет сигнала.

There’s no reception here. We’re at the Sumo warehouse.

— Здесь нет сигнала, мы на сумо.

You’re not going to get reception in here.

Здесь нет сигнала.

There’s no reception, love.Payphone in there.

Тут нет сигнала, дорогуша. Телефон-автомат вон там.

These places aren’t exactly built for their reception.

В подобных заведениях хорошего сигнала не жди.

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Parcels are left at reception and collected by personnel.

Все посылки оставляются на ресепшене, их забирает персонал.

The lady at reception says no one asked for you.

Дама на ресепшене сказала, что тебя никто не спрашивал.

Anyway, he’s talking to Mel on Reception.

В общем, он говорил с Мел на ресепшене.

Mr. Shore, there’s a Dr. Gerard waiting in reception.

Мистер Шор, доктор Жерар ждёт на ресепшене.

Right, 20 minutes, we’ll meet out in reception.

Так. Через 20 минут встречаемся на ресепшене.

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I gotta scare away about 5 zillion birds before Shelbys reception. If I dont, lll have to deal with my wife. I make it a point never to deal with my wife.

Я должен разогнать сегодня миллион птиц, успеть до свадьбы, нето буду иметь дело с женой, а мой принцип— не иметь дело с женой.

Elvis and Priscilla’s wedding reception, 1967.

Регистрация свадьбы Элвиса и Присциллы в 1967 году.

There’s a wedding reception going on.

Есть свадьбы происходит.

You came here from the reception, do you not remember?

Ты со свадьбы здесь оказалась, не помнишь?

I haven’t drank out of a red plastic cup Since my wedding reception.

Я не пила из красного пластикового стаканчика со времен своей свадьбы.

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Hotel Royal, reception.

Отель Рояль, ресепшн? .

I know, madam, but you’re through to Reception.

Знаю, мадам, но вы попали на ресепшн.

You’re speaking French to the messengers. You got crossword puzzles spread out all over the conference table. You walk into reception, hijack one of Sally Heep’s clients… actually have a meeting with him in your office.

Ты говоришь с курьерами по-французски, у тебя весь стол в кроссвордах, ты пошёл на ресепшн и стащил одного из клиентов Салли Хип, провёл с ним беседу в своём офисе.

— It’s the reception.

Это ресепшн.

Okay, so if you wanna go down to reception someone can arrange a ride, and then at least one of us can get some sleep.

Хорошо. Можешь спустится вниз, на ресепшн и вызвать машину. Тогда хотя бы один из нас выспится.

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— Just look, awful reception tonight.

— Просто так, сегодня ужасно ловит.

radio reception’s great here!

радио здесь ловит отлично

Don’t bother, there’s no reception in here.

тут не ловит

God damn it, fucking cell phone reception.

Черт возьми, дерьмово ловит.

No cell phone reception.

Здесь сотовый не ловит.

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It was the anual reception of the laboratories Lachaume. I never go out…

Это был ежегодный банкет лаборатории Лашан.

This time I’m gonna get married in a church and have a big reception.

На этот раз свадьба будет в церкви и у нас будет большой банкет.

You have a wedding and a reception to seal the deal.

Мы приходим на церемонию и на банкет.

Oh, I had this great big reception all planned.

А я такой замечательный банкет спланировала.

I know you’re broke and homeless, but you still want a swank wedding reception.

OFF: Блять, в американском сленге broke — без денег, на мели, я не один год там бомжевал. но вам все равно не помешает роскошный свадебный банкет.

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I’ll go and tell reception… and we’ve still got this evening.

Я предупрежу администратора. До вечера еще много времени.

Call reception!

Позови администратора!

Dr Bellew left another of these at the reception desk.

Доктор Белью оставила это у администратора.

-Please, I’ll meet you at reception desk.

Я подожду вас у администратора.

Why don’t you get the hell out of here, drop your key off at the reception.

Почему бы тебе не убраться к черту отсюда, оставить свой ключ у администратора.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word reception, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use reception in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «reception». In addition, we also show how different variations of reception can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are receptionist, receptionist’s and receptions. If you click on the variation of reception that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Reception in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word reception in a sentence.

  1. The plans had a mixed reception.

  2. Meiyappan, on the film’s reception.

  3. The book met with a mixed reception.

  4. Ruma Maida received mixed reception.

  5. Critical reception has been positive.

  6. The PC port received mixed reception.

  7. Initial reception in Nigeria was mixed.

  8. The decision met with a mixed reception.

  9. Critical reception of the film was mixed.

  10. His reception at Athens was extraordinary.

  11. The Thankful Poor did not enjoy a similar reception.

  12. Critical reception for After the Ball has been mixed.

  13. The characters and acting received a mixed reception.

  14. Colbert received a chilly reception from the audience.

  15. The general critical reception was warmly enthusiastic.

  16. Four hundred guests then attended an elaborate reception at the House of Commons.

  17. This feature of the book played a major part in its long-term positive reception.

  18. They met an enthusiastic reception at the Treasury Department, and were approved.

  19. Slayer received a positive reception when performing at the Augusta Civic Center.

  20. Critical reception to Tchaikovsky’s music was varied but also improved over time.

  21. The following year he presented his Second Symphony in London, but was disappointed at its reception.

  22. Twice he tried to remove a public reception from the president’s rescheduled visit to the exposition.

  23. However, the project was canceled owing to the poor reception of the movies Doctor Dolittle and Star!

  24. In Omaha, Nebraska, the King was the guest of honor at a reception held in the home of Judge James M.

  25. The reception of the Arbiter’s elimination as a main playable character in Halo 3 was similarly mixed.

  26. Swed recalled the opera’s reception in 1987 while reviewing the Metropolitan Opera’s 2011 production:.

  27. The positive reception of the public at these events contrasted with his ostracism back in Washington.

  28. Much of the initial critical reception to Slay Tracks was from zines to whom Kannberg had sent the EP.

  29. Despite the marketing attempts, the coin received an overwhelmingly negative reception from the public.

  30. Critical reception to DotA was positive, with it being called one of the most popular mods of any game.

  31. One of the characters introduced in Adventure, Big the Cat, became infamous for his negative reception.

  32. The reissue was critically well received, although reception was mixed about the supplemental material.

  33. At this reception, Foster was told that a new synthetic track was being laid at Gateshead Youth Stadium.

  34. Freedom Planet was first released as a demo for Microsoft Windows in August 2012, to positive reception.

  35. In 1892, several townspeople held a reception for him at the station, giving him «three rousing cheers».

  36. They were welcomed as heroes, given a civic reception, and treated to a banquet at the celebrated Delmonico’s restaurant.

  37. In spite of mixed reception from television critics, the show, and Eve’s performance, received several award nominations.

  38. IFF was a responder that sent out a pulse of radio signal immediately on reception of a radio signal from a radar system.

  39. Robinson’s promotion met a generally positive, although mixed, reception among newspapers and white major league players.

  40. However, apart from a warmly approving report in The Saturday Review, the book’s initial critical reception was lukewarm.

  41. When Dooley reached Britain in 1899, first in pirated editions and then in an official one, the reception was again warm.

  42. Thus the staircase served as an important state procession link between the three principal reception rooms of the house.

  43. It received a particularly enthusiastic reception by occultists such as Dion Fortune, Lewis Spence, Ralph Shirley, and J.

  44. Blyton was delighted with its reception by children in the audience, and attended the theatre three or four times a week.

  45. All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes received a mixed reception from critics, but most of their reviews were positive.

  46. Retrospective reception of the Sega CD is mixed, praising certain games but criticizing its low value for money and limitations on the benefits it provides to the Genesis.

  47. However, its reception was dominated by satirical comments on Mahler’s unconventional percussion effects—the use of a wooden mallet, birch rods and a huge square bass drum.

  48. The film’s reception in several European countries was more favorable, and in the United Kingdom 83% of critics listed by Rotten Tomatoes gave Changeling a positive review.

  49. also described the port as inferior to its original counterpart, adding that its presentation was in turn detrimental to the reception the game received as a whole.

  50. Towards the end of 1894, encouraged by the positive reception of the editing of her husband’s autobiography, Lady Gregory turned her attention to another editorial project.

Receptionist in a sentence

Receptionist is a variation of reception, below you can find example sentences for receptionist.

  1. Klein hired May Pang as a receptionist in 1969.

  2. In 1940, Brown married Barbara Hart, a receptionist.

  3. Jessica Ryan, and the receptionist Gloria in the dark.

  4. When Poppy loses her job, Jodie suggests she work at the Walford beauty salon as a receptionist.

  5. Upon Katie’s encouragement, Glen reconnects with Sara, and spoils her and hires her as a receptionist despite her incompetence.

  6. During the pause in the ceremony, MODE’s receptionist Amanda Tanen (Becki Newton) sings «Milkshake» while accompanied by an organ.

  7. Further critical attention came her way when she played a principled office receptionist opposite Sunny Deol in the action film Narsimha.

  8. A Lucasfilm receptionist, dressed in a long white robe, was suspended in the air in front of a blue screen for the close-up of the ghost.

  9. UTC), Martin asked the inn’s receptionist to switch his room to Room 43, saying that the Damudes had left and that he would pay their bill.

  10. The next day the station manager (Wu Wanlu) sees her at the gate again, through his window, and lets her in, scolding the receptionist for making her wait outside.

  11. In 2010, Hathaway appeared as a receptionist who dates a clerk (played by Topher Grace) in the ensemble romantic comedy Valentine’s Day, directed by Garry Marshall.

  12. Many scenes pit Wei against authority figures such as the village mayor, the announcer in the train station, and the TV station receptionist who also acts as a «gatekeeper».

  13. The bisexual, celibate Ian is frequently questioned about his sexuality, and former stripper Valentina (Cindy Ambuehl) is a receptionist who is knowledgeable about computers.

  14. The next morning, Martin asked a hotel receptionist to delete Lowe’s name from the room registration system, saying that he had kicked Lowe out the previous night for being a homosexual.

Receptionist’s in a sentence

Receptionist’s is a variation of reception, below you can find example sentences for receptionist’s.

  1. When Long visited Louisiana, Allen would relinquish his office for the Senator, working instead at his receptionist’s desk.

  2. Drake delivered the tapes of Pink Moon to Chris Blackwell at Island Records, contrary to a popular legend which claims that he dropped them off at the receptionist’s desk without saying a word.

Receptions in a sentence

Receptions is a variation of reception, below you can find example sentences for receptions.

  1. Garner led the team in rushing and accumulated 72 receptions.

  2. White also recorded 33 receptions for 352 yards and a touchdown.

  3. Tight end Fred Davis made five receptions for 119 yards and a touchdown.

  4. He set California single-game records for receiving yards and receptions.

  5. The new total of nine receptions set a new Lions’ record for a single game.

  6. The voyage south was a triumphal procession, with receptions at every port.

  7. Morgan finished the season with 28 receptions for 471 yards and four touchdowns.

  8. Burl Toler had the most California receptions, catching six passes for 84 yards.

  9. Kalākaua was given celebratory receptions at the Victoria Lodge of Freemasons No.

  10. His 150 receiving yards and 12 receptions were second most among Bills tight ends.

  11. Disraeli and Salisbury returned home to heroes’ receptions at Dover and in London.

  12. His 34 receptions were 10 more than he earned in his first three seasons combined.

  13. Ernest Wilford remains first in the Virginia Tech record book, with 126 receptions.

  14. He met with rapturous receptions in the Far West, which had never seen a president.

  15. Up to this time, receptions of Mahler’s new symphonies had usually been disappointing.

  16. The homeward voyage to Christiania was a series of triumphant receptions at every port.

  17. Tight end Fred Davis led the receivers with seven receptions for 87 yards and a touchdown.

  18. David Thomas’ ten receptions set a UT record for most receptions in a game by a tight end.

  19. As a senior, he posted 108 tackles, 18 sacks, 13 receptions for 220 yards and 2 touchdowns.

  20. Moore had two pass receptions for 26 yards, while Todman caught one pass for a single yard.

Synonyms for reception

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word reception has the following synonyms: receipt and response.

General information about «reception» example sentences

The example sentences for the word reception that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «reception» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «reception».

Synonym: entertainment, festivity, party, social. Similar words: exception, perception, conception, deceptive, recession, option, adoption, corruption. Meaning: [rɪ’sepʃn]  n. 1. the manner in which something is greeted 2. a formal party of people; as after a wedding 3. quality or fidelity of a received broadcast 4. the act of receiving 5. (American football) the act of catching a pass in football. 

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1 I’ll meet you by the main reception desk.

2 The young lady at reception sent me up here.

3 Reception is in the main building.

4 The team was given a royal reception/welcome.

5 Such views will not have a favorable reception.

6 Leave your keys at reception before departure.

7 All visitors must report to reception.

8 We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30.

9 They squashed into an undersized reception room.

10 The reception was a subdued affair.

11 The wedding reception was held in a marquee.

12 Have him bring a car round to the reception.

13 Please wait for me downstairs in reception.

14 A heartful reception was accorded to him.

15 There’s a public payphone in reception.

16 You can leave a message with reception.

17 She was given a rapturous reception by the crowd.

18 Mr. Marce will host a reception tonight.

19 I got an informal reception.

20 There is a message for Mr.Jones at reception.

21 I spoke to the girl on the reception desk.

22 A formal gown befits the diplomatic reception.

23 The President had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.

24 The play was given a mixed reception by the critics .

25 The bridal suite was prepared for the reception of the honeymooners.

26 She was unsure of her reception after everything that had happened.

27 Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception .

28 The reception desk is not at street level[],[] which is a little disconcerting.

29 The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception.

30 David cocked up the arrangements and we ended up missing the reception.

More similar words: exception, perception, conception, deceptive, recession, option, adoption, corruption, assumption, consumption, description, prescription, recognition, appreciation, recommendation, in all directions, concept, except for, acceptable, acceptance, recent, antiseptic, receive, receiver, recently, unprecedented, bumptious, notion, motion, action. 

прием, получение, восприятие, принятие, встреча, вечеринка, вечер


- приём, принятие; получение

reception of deposits — приём вкладов
reception of evidence by a court of law — принятие доказательств судом
reception test — спец. приёмочные испытания
reception capacity — спец. пропускная способность

- (into) приём в члены

reception into the club — приём в члены клуба

- приём (гостей, официальных представителей и т. п.)

state reception — торжественный приём
the reception of a new ambassador by the President — приём президентом нового посла
to hold a reception — устроить /дать/ приём
there was a reception after the wedding ceremony — после венчания состоялся приём

- встреча, приём

warm reception — а) горячий приём, б) ирон. сильное сопротивление; отпор
to give smb. a kind [a courteous, an unfriendly, a cold] reception — встретить кого-л. приветливо [учтиво, недружелюбно, холодно]
to meet with a hostile reception — быть встреченным враждебно
his reception was frigid [all he could desire] — его приняли крайне холодно [так, что лучше и нельзя]
the play had /met with/ a favourable reception — пьеса была хорошо принята /встречена зрителями/

- восприятие

faculty of reception — способность восприятия
reception of new ideas [of new impressions] — восприятие новых идей [новых впечатлений]

- эллипт. гостиная, общая комната (в объявлениях)
- радио, тлв., тел. приём

reception was poor — слышно /видно/ было плохо

- контора гостиницы (тж. reception office)

reception desk — конторка портье
reception clerk — амер. портье, дежурный гостиницы

- юр. рецензия

reception of Roman law — рецензия римского права

Мои примеры


diplomatic reception — дипломатический приём  
favourable reception — благоприятный приём  
full-dress reception — торжественный, официальный приём  
to give a reception in smb.’s honour — давать приём в чью-л. честь  
official reception — официальный приём  
the reception and funds — получение средств  
chilly / cold / cool reception — холодный приём  
to accord / give (smb.) a reception — встретить кого-л., оказать кому-л. приём  
to meet with a cold reception — встретить холодный приём  
mixed reception — неоднозначный приём  

Примеры с переводом

We met at the reception.

Мы встретились на приёме.

They gave us a warm reception.

Они оказали нам тёплый приём.

Leave your key at reception.

Оставь ключ у администратора.

He got a cold reception.

Ему оказали холодный приём.

I’ll wait for you in reception.

Я буду ждать вас в приёмной.

My words got a frosty reception.

Мои слова были восприняты холодно. / Мои слова не нашли сочувствия /понимания/.

I asked the man at reception.

Я спросил мужчину у стойки администрации.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I was treated like a VIP at the reception.

He got a great reception from the crowd.

The singer got an enthusiastic reception.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

receptionist  — регистратор, портье, секретарь в приемной
recept  — прием, представление, поступление

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): reception
мн. ч.(plural): receptions


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Sentences with the word Reception?



  • «relations were cool and polite»; «a cool reception«; «cool to the idea of higher taxes»
  • «a frigid greeting»; «got a frosty reception«; «a frozen look on their faces»; «a glacial handshake»; «icy stare»; «wintry smile»
  • «hold a reception«; «have, throw, or make a party»; «give a course»
  • «gave us a cordial reception«; «a hearty welcome»
  • «Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning»
  • «the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line»
  • «she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors»
  • «The two men staff the reception desk»

Examples of how to use the word “reception” in a sentence. How to connect “reception” with other words to make correct English sentences.

reception (n): a formal party at which important people are welcomed

Use “reception” in a sentence

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Definition of Reception

a party thrown for a special occasion

Examples of Reception in a sentence

The menu for the reception included finger foods, punch, and a two-tiered cake.


At the last moment, the wedding reception had to be moved indoors because of rain.


Lack a DJ or any other party entertainment caused everyone to leave the reception early.


The new bride’s biggest fear was that distance would stop potential party guests from coming to her reception.


Directly following the ceremony, a reception will be held with food, drinks, and dancing.


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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Unlike the other mainland provinces, it was at first held and used chiefly for the reception of British convicts.

He quickly entered the small reception room with its still-unplastered wooden walls redolent of pine, and would have gone farther, but Anton ran ahead on tiptoe and knocked at a door.

By the middle of 1905 a very large number of vessels had been equipped with the Marconi short distance and long distance wireless telegraph apparatus for intercommunication and reception of messages from power stations on both sides of the Atlantic, and the chief navies of the world had adopted the apparatus.

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And growth, reception and conduction of stimuli, heredity, variation, sex and reproduction.

In acute poisoning the interval between the reception of the poison and the onset of symptoms ranges from ten minutes, or even less, if a strong solution be taken on an empty stomach, to twelve or more hours if the drug be taken in solid form and the stomach be full of food.

In 366 Liberius gave a favourable reception to a deputation of the Eastern episcopate, and admitted into his communion the more moderate of the old Arian party.

After a cordial reception by their commander Omer or Omar Pasha, Ali was imprisoned; he was shortly afterwards assassinated, lest his lavish bribery of Turkish officials should restore him to favour, and bring disgrace on his captor (March 1851).

But the queen thoroughly distrusted him, and in October 1851 his proposed reception of Kossuth nearly led to a crisis.

After her visit to the Rostovs and her unexpectedly chilly reception by Nicholas, Princess Mary confessed to herself that she had been right in not wishing to be the first to call.

To Napier’s Descriptio in order to describe its reception on the continent, and to mention the other logarithmic tables which were published while Briggs was occupied with his calculations.

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Used with verbs:

«I was invited to her wedding reception.«
(be + invited)

«I had a small reception.«
(had, attended, organized, hosted)

«They got a warm reception from the audience.«
(got, enjoyed, received)

Used with nouns:

«We decorated the reception room.«
(room, area, hall)

Used with adjectives:

«We went to their wedding reception.«

«They threw their daughter a big reception.«
(big, large, lavish, small, formal, informal)

«They were given a warm reception when they arrived.«
(warm, friendly, cold)

«The album received good reception.«
(good, great, mixed, bad, positive, negative, critical)

«The public reception to the movie was not favorable.«

«Our television is getting poor reception.«
(poor, strong, good, weak, bad)

«The radio reception in this area is poor.«
(radio, television, TV)

Used with prepositions:

«We had our wedding reception at a hotel.«

«There was a warm reception for the visitors.«

«The visitors were greeted with a warm reception.«

«We had a good reception from critics.«

«There was positive reception to the book.«

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