Sentence for the word rebellious

rebellious — перевод на русский


We ride at once to rebellious Stoke, where it is my sworn intent to approach the city walls, bare my broad buttocks, and shout, «Behold, I honour thee most highly!»

Несмотря на то, что нет больше Юнипера, свежей лошади, мы поскачем в мятежный Сток и подъедем к стенам города и прокричим «Мы ценим ваше мужество, выходи все, кто не боится.»

May your rebellious spirit wander the underworld for all time.

Пусть твой мятежный дух вечно бродит по Подземному миру.

He’s a foolish, rebellious kid.

Он глупый, мятежный ребенок.

Well, you’ll never crush my rebellious spirit! Whoa, oh!

Ну, вы никогда не сокрушите мой мятежный дух!

My rebellious anti-bourgeois ex-lover was now a married man.

Мой мятежный анти-буржуазный экс-любовник стал женатым человеком.

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my rebellious spirit

мой бунтарский дух.

I thought she gave you her rebellious spirit.

Я думала она дала тебе свой бунтарский дух.

And I think that rebellious spirit, to be the David against Goliath, as Chiat / TWDA against big agencies in New York, or customers are small against the big

Думаю, бунтарский дух даёт нам стимул быть как Давид, который побеждает Голиафа. Неважно, маленькое ли агентство Day/Chiat борется против крупных агентств Нью-Йорка, или же маленькие клиенты пытаются победить больших.

That’s not true, I think ‘Tween Wave music is complex and awesome and speaks to my youthful rebellious spirit, Sharon.

По-моему, молодежная музыка сложная и шикарная так говорит мой молодой бунтарский дух, Шерон.

I went through a rebellious phase.

Я переживала бунтарский период.

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A proud, rebellious son… who was sold to living death in the mines of Libya… before his thirteenth birthday.

Гордый, непокорный сын, проданный в ад каменоломен Ливии, когда ему не было и тринадцати.

She’s a stupid rebellious kid.

Она глупый непокорный ребёнок.

Listen, from all countries which has conquered Great Caesar, Gallia is the most rebellious.

Послушай, из всех стран, которые завоевал великий Цезарь, Галлия — самая непокорная.

My body is thrown… … time lost in your hair… … my eyes watch the streets… … the reason is rebellious love.

Мое тело брошено время затерялось в волосах мои глаза смотрят на улицы виной всему непокорная любовь.

You’re such a typical rebellious Pisces.

Вы — такие типичные непокорные Рыбы.

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— It would be Georges Guy to be rebellious.

— Чтобы стать великолепным парнем, нужно быть бунтарём.

It turned out that pot didn’t help me escape my troubles too well anymore and I was actually enjoying doing rebellious things like stealing booze and busting store windows.

Трава не успокоила меня, чтобы продолжить дальше, я любил быть бунтарем. Крал спиртное, разбивал витрины и не заботился ни о чём

He has always been somewhat rebellious.

Всегда был бунтарем.

Jay Chiat and Guy Day were rebellious spirit of the pirate

Джей Шиат и Гай Дей были бунтарями, пиратами по духу.

So let’s be rebellious together.

Давайте будем бунтарями вместе.

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You are rebellious and ungrateful of my love.

Ты — бунтарка, не благодарная за мою любовь.

You are a rebellious woman?

Вы бунтарка?

She’s rebellious.

Она бунтарка.

Well, bravo, rebellious Libby.

Что ж, браво, бунтарка Либби.

You have a rebellious streak.

А ты бунтарка.

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I was very rebellious when I was at this age.

Я была очень непослушной в том возрасте.

But then I never thought I’d be evicted from my home or that my daughter would be a so rebellious.

Я не представляла, что меня могут выгнать из собственного дома или что моя дочь станет такой… такой непослушной

She was young, rebellious and gullible.

Она была молодой, непослушной и легковерной.

I thought I’d taught you well how to treat rebellious students:

Я полагал, что я хорошо объяснил вам как успокаивать непослушных студентов:

You should know, miss Lang, how thoroughly Lex and jason have been studying Isabelle Theroux, your… your rebellious ancestor.

Вы должны знать, мисс Лэнг, что Джейсон и Лекс изучили историю Изобел Теро, вашего… вашего непослушного предка.

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Stubborn, ditsy, rebellious, reckless.

Упрямая, бунтующая, безответственная.

Female, 17, ditsy, stubborn, rebellious.

Девушка 17ти лет, упрямая, бунтующая.

And Lucifer… the little brother, Rebellious of daddy’s plan.

И Люцифер, младший брат, бунтующий против отца.

My rebellious brother…

Мой бунтующий брат…

Crowds yet? Any wild gangs of rebellious youth?

Дикие банды бунтующей молодежи?

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Upon the conclusion of the American Civil War… Napoleon withdrew his military support… leaving Maximilian to the mercy of his rebellious subjects.

Которому после окончания гражданской войны в Америке Наполеон перестал оказывать военную поддержку и отдал Максимилиана на растерзание мятежников.

They’re rebellious bunch who want to take over control of this country.

Они кучка мятежников, жаждущих перехватить власть в стране!

Rumor has it The Military Minister’s daughter was also one of those rebellious citizens.

Ходят слухи, что среди мятежников была замечена дочь военного советника.

No, that would mark us rebellious.

Иначе мы будем мятежниками.

I was once rebellious.

Я тоже был мятежником.

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But I have such a rebellious spirit, and my father was always very angry.

Но у меня есть такой мятежный дух, и мой отец был всегда очень сердит.

Realize that your independent and somewhat rebellious nature is a key ingredient in keeping the world in balance.

Поймите, что ваш независимый и несколько мятежный характер является ключевым элементом поддержания равновесия в мире.

It follows the perilous journey of a rebellious young soldier who discovers he’s the unlikely savior of humanity.

История опасного путешествия молодого непокорного солдата, который неожиданно для себя обнаружил, что он — спаситель человечества.

But, ultimately, this rebellious district took the path proposed by the state, and revised its law.

Но, в конечном счете, и этот бунтарский округ встал на путь, предложенный государством, и пересмотрел свой закон.

The rebellious spirit of the girl, despite her early age, demanded a way out.

Бунтарский дух девочки, несмотря на ранний возраст, требовал выхода.

However, you also feel independent and rebellious.

Тем не менее, вы также чувствуете себя независимым и мятежным.

It makes you independent, rebellious and possibly irritable.

Это делает вас независимыми, мятежными и, возможно, раздражительными.

This rebellious nature and documentary-style spirit is what defines his aesthetic.

Мятежный характер и дух документального стиля — это то, что определяет эстетику снимков британца.

You feel independent and even rebellious.

Тем не менее, вы также чувствуете себя независимым и мятежным.

His character mixed rebellious unconventionality with style.

В его характере были смешаны мятежная нетрадиционность и стиль.

Many rebellious and unhealthy behaviors and attitudes are indicators of depression in teens.

Многие мятежные и нездоровые поведения или отношения у подростков могут быть признаками депрессии.

We are fearful that our rebellious children will ruin their lives forever.

Мы опасаемся, что наши мятежные дети сломают себе жизнь навсегда.

If authorities are directing you to stay away from the beach or seek shelter, do not be rebellious.

Если власти направляют вас держаться подальше от пляжа или искать убежища, не будьте мятежны.

Explore our pages and build up your own rebellious style.

Изучите наши страницы и создайте свой собственный мятежный стиль.

Rebellion includes new «loyalist» and «rebellious» subfractions that have exclusive access to new technologies and ship options.

Rebellion включает новые «лоялистские» и «мятежные» подфракции, имеющие эксклюзивный доступ к новым технологиям и вариантам кораблей.

You can never tell, you know — the present government might yet need these rebellious forces to crush the workers’ movement…

Никогда не знаешь, как говорится — нынешнему правительству ещё могут понадобиться эти мятежные силы, чтобы сокрушить рабочее движение…

Panics about young criminals and rebellious behaviour still occur today.

Паники о молодых преступниках и мятежном поведении все еще происходят сегодня.

Then, during your teen years, you went through a rebellious phase that included drinking and getting high.

Затем, в подростковый период, ты прошла через мятежную фазу, которая включала алкоголь и наркотики.

15 inspiring images, which show that even the most rebellious, children remain children.

15 воодушевляющих снимков, которые доказывают, что даже в самое мятежное время дети остаются детьми.

Ukraine’s government is taking successive steps to isolate the rebellious regions.

Украинское правительство делает последовательные шаги по изоляции мятежных регионов.

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Предложения, которые содержат rebellious

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rebellious, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rebellious in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rebellious». In addition, we also show how different variations of rebellious can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are rebelliously and rebelliousness. If you click on the variation of rebellious that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Rebellious in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rebellious in a sentence.

  1. He seems to have had an unruly and rebellious youth.

  2. He used a whip on Emma, the most rebellious of them.

  3. By mid-1922 Tippett had developed a rebellious streak.

  4. Crane was seen as friendly, but also moody and rebellious.

  5. The decades running up to 1381 were a rebellious, troubled period.

  6. The quartet was also marked by rebellious and anti-establishment tendencies.

  7. At this point, he threw in his lot with the rebellious Richard, Duke of York.

  8. By now the Kent and Essex rebels had been joined by many rebellious Londoners.

  9. In September 1980, Lennon commented about his family and his rebellious nature:.

  10. Alfonso was also worried about the destruction of his realm by his rebellious nobles.

  11. The Emperor wanted to secure their alliance against the rebellious Godfrey the Bearded.

  12. Manuel forced the rebellious Serbs, and their leader, Uroš II, to vassalage (1150–1152).

  13. The rebellious petty bourgeois now kisses the slipper of the Pope, the keeper of order.».

  14. Cleopatra’s former rebellious governor of Cyprus was also handed over to her for execution.

  15. Muhammad also tried to form an alliance with the rebellious Castilian nobleman Juan Manuel.

  16. The revamped Todd was unpopular among readers, who disliked his rebellious, impulsive nature.

  17. Liberty wears the American flag, anticipating a rebellious counterculture by half a century».

  18. Lihau traveled to Katanga in November 1960 to negotiate with the rebellious province’s leaders.

  19. Ill Niño drummer Dave Chavarri said he finds early Metallica releases are «heavy, raw, rebellious.

  20. The rebellious leaders were executed at Paso de Quinteros along the Río Negro, sparking renewed conflict.

  21. The rebellious Birju also inspired the «angry young man» stock character that arose in 1970s Hindi cinema.

  22. As a youth, Satin was restless and rebellious, and his behavior did not change after leaving for university.

  23. She played Shalu, an adopted daughter craving love, a role she identified with due to its rebellious nature.

  24. Alongside her husband, she is described as «chief perpetrator and leader of rebellious evildoers from Kent».

  25. Mahler, while sometimes rebellious, avoided the same fate only by writing a penitent letter to Hellmesberger.

  26. The regiment then marched back to Bjelovar, where it joined up with other rebellious units about noon on 8 April.

  27. Disraeli’s politics at the time were influenced both by his rebellious streak and by his desire to make his mark.

  28. Todd became unpopular among readers after 1986, as writers began to characterize him as rebellious and impulsive.

  29. The Polish media took hold of the story and over the following days, vociferously attacked the rebellious players.

  30. James III was defeated in a battle against rebellious Scottish earls in 1488, leading to another boy-king: James IV.

  31. Swift made her TV acting debut in a 2009 episode of CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, playing a rebellious teenager.

  32. Henry III launched punitive expeditions against Bohemia to extort an oath of fealty from the rebellious Duke Bretislav I.

  33. However, she was not prepared to risk losing her parliamentary seat, and thus kept her rebellious behaviour within bounds.

  34. A rebellious ex-Wellington schoolboy and avowed Communist, Romilly fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.

  35. After defeating the rebellious regiments, Peter angrily ordered the torture of those who had incited the Streltsy to rebel.

  36. He went there and confronted the rebellious officers, berating them for acting contrary to the spirit of the Japanese army.

  37. The rebellious members of the crew disembarked and were granted asylum, while the remainder re-hoisted the colors of Brazil.

  38. His relation with the Marinids deteriorated when he provided refuge for the rebellious brothers of Sultan Abu Inan Faris (r.

  39. The film Racing Stripes features a captive zebra ostracised from the horses and ending up being ridden by a rebellious girl.

  40. Lennon was characterised by the rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, writing and drawings, on film, and in interviews.

  41. Following a failed mutiny in late October 1978, Ugandan troops crossed over the Tanzanian border in pursuit of rebellious soldiers.

  42. It was fought near Gonzales, Texas, on October 2, 1835, between rebellious Texian settlers and a detachment of Mexican army soldiers.

  43. She becomes the lioness goddess Sekhmet and massacres the rebellious humans, but Ra decides to prevent her from killing all humanity.

  44. Because of its rebellious nature and Metallica’s street appearance, it appealed to fans who were not into the mainstream of hard rock.

  45. Carthage was fighting a coalition of mutinous soldiers and rebellious African cities in the Mercenary War which had started in 241 BC.

  46. By December 1842, Lavalle had been killed and the rebellious provinces subdued, except for Corrientes, which was only defeated in 1847.

  47. The conflict coincided with the Dutch Revolt, 1568–1648, encouraging the participation of the rebellious Dutch provinces and the Spanish.

  48. As the rebellious and unconventional daughter of one of the wealthiest families in town, she was often mentioned in Washington newspapers.

  49. The plagiarised works are arranged so as to juxtapose with each other as a backdrop for the JAMs’ rebellious messages and social comments.

  50. By 1436 the rebellious chiefs of Kondavidu and the Velama rulers were successfully dealt with and had to accept Vijayanagara overlordship.

Rebelliously in a sentence

Rebelliously is a variation of rebellious, below you can find example sentences for rebelliously.

  1. Lang called the song a «surprising, refreshing risk», while Horner found the track inspiring and «brutally, rebelliously stark».

  2. As for the scene where Andy rebelliously plays music over the prison announcement system, it was Robbins’ idea for Andy to turn the music up and not shut it off.

Rebelliousness in a sentence

Rebelliousness is a variation of rebellious, below you can find example sentences for rebelliousness.

  1. Small sensed a general air of rebelliousness among the prisoners.

  2. In response, the archbishop attempted to quash the nuns’ rebelliousness.

  3. Bart’s most prominent and popular character traits are his mischievousness, rebelliousness and disrespect for authority.

  4. Sobre-Denton and Simonis’ conclusions correlated taboo words with social forms of power, rebelliousness, professionalism and gender roles.

  5. Finally, slaveowners used the Sambo stereotype to alleviate their own fears and anxieties about the potential rebelliousness of their slaves.

  6. While the novel indicates Elizabeth’s independence and energy in her three-mile trek to Netherfield, the adaptation of this scene also shows her rebelliousness and love of nature.

Synonyms for rebellious

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word rebellious has the following synonyms: disaffected, ill-affected, malcontent, discontented, discontent, disloyal and insubordinate.

General information about «rebellious» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rebellious that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rebellious» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rebellious».

мятежный, бунтарский, непослушный, бунтующий, повстанческий, упорный, неизлечимый


- повстанческий; восставший; мятежный

rebellious troops — мятежные /взбунтовавшиеся/ войска
rebellious against lawful authority — восставший против законной власти

- бунтарский

rebellious speeches — бунтарские речи
rebellious temperament — бунтарский нрав

- непокорный, непослушный; недисциплинированный

rebellious child — ребёнок, с которым сладу нет

- бурный, буйный

rebellious meetings — бурные митинги
rebellious locks — непокорные кудри
the accused was drunk and rebellious — обвиняемый был пьян и оказывал сопротивление

- упорный; неподдающийся лечению (о болезни)
- трудно поддающийся обработке (о руде)

Мои примеры


a rebellious speech — бунтарская речь  
rebellious spirit — бунтарский дух  
accused was drunk and rebellious — обвиняемый был пьян и оказывал сопротивление  
neurotic rebellious — невротический негативизм  
rebellious gold — упорное золото  
rebellious ore — трудно поддающаяся обработке руда; трудно обогатимая руда; упорное золото  
rebellious party — восставшая сторона  

Примеры с переводом

The despot gassed the rebellious tribes.

Тиран травил мятежные племена газами.

The show is about two couples and the adventures of their rebellious offspring.

Речь в сериале идёт о двух семейных парах и приключениях их непокорных отпрысков.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…their rebellious daughter’s run off because she was disciplined again…

He’s always had a rebellious streak (=a tendency to rebel).

…the rebellious troops fought a pitched battle with divisions still loyal to the government…

…expected her son to grow a little more rebellious as he got older, but she knew he understood when to kick and when to obey…

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Chris Hemsworth (Thor) slips seamlessly into the swashbuckling, rebellious playboy that was Great Britain’s James Hunt.


From the press release: Jean Dubuffet (French, 1901 — 1985) maintained a rebellious attitude toward prevailing notions of high culture, beauty, and good taste, and was a relentless innovator….


The objects are either rebellious or elusive.


The fact Cameron did not feel he had the authority to make his ministers to oppose the Dominic Raab amendment highlighted how volatile and rebellious the Conservative party continues to be, even under the supposedly iron hand of election strategist Lynton Crosby.


A few hardy, rebellious, thirsty souls remain.


Because teens tend to be over rebellious at times you, as a responsible adult that you are, should insist on respecting the proper safety precautions when riding such a vehicle.


Children are more likely to become rebellious, depressed, angry and overweight or become an excellent liar, Our Everyday Life found out.


Of all people to present «The Sound of Music,» Lady Gaga, affectionately nicknamed «Mother Monster» — and best known for her rebellious anthems and provocative attire — is surely one of the most unexpected.


Set over one summer, the film follows precocious 6-year-old Moonee as she courts mischief and adventure with her ragtag playmates and bonds with her rebellious but caring mother, all while Read More →


WHAT: Leonato (Clark Gregg), the governor of Messina, is visited by his good friend Don Pedro (Reed Diamond) after a victorious campaign against the prince’s rebellious brother, Don John (Sean Maher).


Eclectic and rebellious was the nexus of the Arts & Crafts Movement, which emerged in the early 1800s as a throwback to emphasize more hand craftsmanship and design to contrast the technological forces of the Industrial Revolution.


Before skateboarding became mainstream, it had a rebellious attitude.


But make no mistake — it’s more boldly rebellious than the rest.


Cheesemaker is rebellious, lawless and disobedient against Jesus and wants others to follow him to the flames of destruction.


I am sick of rebellious youth and I am sick of Victorian parents and I don’t care if all the little girls in all sections of the United States get ruined or want to get ruined or keep from getting ruined.


Beyond Skyline is the highly-anticipated sequel to the 2010 breakout blockbuster hit Skyline, tough-as-nails detective Mark (The Purge star Frank Grillo) embarks on a relentless pursuit to free his embittered rebellious son Trent (Johnny Weston) from a nightmarish alien warship as the extraterrestrial menace continues its human harvest.


Based on the third novel in the Jumper series by Steven Gould, Impulse features a rebellious 16-year-old girl, Henry (Maddie Hasson) who has always felt different from her peers and has longed to escape from her seemingly quaint small town.


Sudden mood swings, confidence highs and lows, a rebellious nature.


The subject — a disastrous honeymoon on the Dorset coast in 1962 — can only be explained by digging into the backgrounds of Florence (Saoirse Ronan), a bright, rebellious violinist from upper-middle-class parents (Samuel West, Emily Watson), and Edward (Billy Howle), an earnest history graduate snootily regarded by his in-laws as a country bumpkin.


After his death, the Florentine painter Botticelli’s (circa 1445-1510) reputation slowly declined until the 19th century, when the pre-Raphaelites, a group of rebellious young British painters, rediscovered him and, by celebrating his work, restored him to some of his former glory.


Between the corruption, smuggling, underground slaving, mass larceny and a rebellious group attempting to usurp the throne, Guardsman Eirik’s life shows no signs of getting any easier.


Then get rebellious in the 2015/16 Ram 1500 Rebel.


Maybe it’s the rebellious inner child in all of us, getting the chance to play with food without any negative consequences (but delicious ones instead).


Latin, ethnic, U.N., rebellious children = GOOD.


However, both of these types of rebellious behavior are often simply part of the normal individuation process.


The rest of the cast played as usual: despite slightly neutered by having to fill a rebellious and romantic heroic slots, Hugh Jackman was Dah Man as Wolverine, despite having more screen time (as apparently requested by thousands of people whose existence has yet to be satisfactorily proven) Halle Berry was The Weakest Link as Storm.


David (Ryan Gosling) is the rebellious son of a wealthy Manhattan family that owns sleazy 42nd Street real estate.


Jeanine (Kate Winslet), the leader of Erudite, has placed the blame for the killings on the rebellious, nebulous clan of Divergents — those members of society whose personalities are too well-rounded to fit in a single faction.


If you have a more rebellious choose a wide belt with a large metal buckle.


He also makes his intentions known, appealing to online daters with a rebellious side and a raunchy sense of humor.


Its early association in Europe with rebellious political activities led to Charles II outlawing coffeehouses from January 1676 (although the uproar created forced the monarch to back down two days before the ban was due to come into force).


There’s Maggie (Claire Sloma), a rebellious, high school freshman with nose and lip rings.


With the encouragement and enthusiasm of her father-in-law, a well-known Brazilian artist working in photography and film, Solange Farkas decided to create a platform for these seemingly rebellious artists.


The year is 2002, and Christine McPherson («Brooklyn’s» Saoirse Ronan), a rebellious 17-year-old, has decided to change her name to Lady Bird; she is no longer to be referred to by her Christian name.


Josh became clingy and rebellious, and Steve was shocked and dismayed by Donna’s accommodations to Josh’s insecurity.


According to the Positive Psychology Institute’s Paula Robinson, avoiding a food increases the likelihood of giving up because it invites negative emotions such as guilt while focusing on what you can have fosters empowerment and takes the rebellious appeal out of treats.


«We were lucky because UK reggae and punk both emerged from the inner cities as a rebellious musical political backlash against a society which had no place for a whole multi-racial generation.


How a young and rebellious Rupert Murdoch re-wrote the rules of Fleet Street is the subject of a new play by Britain’s most pre-eminent political playwright.


Play as Kyrie and venture through oceans of sand with Morte, a mysterious girl crusading for the World Annihilation Front on a rebellious mission with her troop of recruits.


Things change however when the Capitol sees a revolution brewing thanks to Katniss» rebellious spirit, thus sparking a return for both to another fight to the death for the 75th Annual Hunger Games… Are the odds ever in the audiences favor?


A true loner with a rebellious nature, he is the son of Warden Trump, the leader of CELL.


His boldest, most rebellious moment comes in a takedown of Christian white supremacy on the song «New Portrait.»


Meet Tatouage Couture: It takes the tattoo trend with an ultra-luxe formula made only for rebellious lips.


We start off with Sam Flynn (Hedlund, Death Sentence), the well-to-do (the largest shareholder of mega-corporation Encom) but rebellious orphaned son of big-time video game designer Kevin Flynn (Bridges, The Men Who Stare at Goats).


This is the third time that Nick Brown has held the job of Labour chief whip, a key role if Corbyn is to stamp his authority on his rebellious MPs.


She’s rebellious and resistant to her extended family’s attempts to communicate with her, but begins to soften when she meets the dreamy oldest boy, Edmond (MacKay, Defiance), and develops a bit of an incestuous crush, which seems to be reciprocated.


There is something chilling but also rebellious in using equipment built to make weapons of mass destruction to make fine art instead.


With exhilarating driving dynamics and rebellious styling, we’re predicting that established entries are about to be upset.


This hilariously rebellious how-to memoir will get you building your bravery, starting now.


The daughter that, in contrast to her rebellious older sister, always did the «right» thing so as to not stir up more trouble for her parents.


How to use rebellious in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «rebellious» and check conjugation/comparative form for «rebellious«. Mastering all the usages of «rebellious» from sentence examples published by news publications.

It’s aggressive music that’s basically rebellious, and I think any generation that younger starts off rebellious.
But that rebellious spirit isn’t unique to Li. A rebellious spirit is deeply rooted In my hometown.
Plus I’ve always had a rebellious streak, and in some ways straight edge is a really rebellious thing.
Jenny Marx is a rebellious Prussian aristocrat; Engels’s wife, Mary Burns (Hannah Steele), is a rebellious Irish factory worker.
We wanted to see how rebellious we could be, and get away with it in whatever way was rebellious at that time.
Founder and CEO, Rebellious PR My company: Rebellious is a full service PR agency working with underrepresented founders to push important social conversations forward.
The Voice was sharp, cool, smart, and mean, which was what you aspired to be as a rebellious-but-not-too-rebellious teen in Manhattan.
However tough it may be for a parent to cope with a rebellious, volatile child, it is infinitely tougher for a child to wrangle with a rebellious, volatile parent.
I was ultimately being rebellious—if being a hippy, smoking dope, and getting high is rebellious, then I was going to be an even bigger rebel by rebelling against the rebels.
» A photographer friend in Minnesota emailed me a question when I told him I had spent New Year’s Day reporting on legalized pot: «Now what will the rebellious set do to feel rebellious?
«There’s something slightly punk about it, slightly rebellious,» he said.
Unexpected fun arrives as the moon connects with rebellious Uranus.
I should stay away, but I am feeling rebellious today.
While Russell’s Santa is the real deal, he’s equally rebellious.
Rebellious Conservative MPs campaigning for a soft Brexit cheered it.
They are rebellious but they also want to be protected.
We’ve seen a lot of Southern states act very rebellious.
Kadyrov has been Putin’s man in rebellious Chechnya since 2007.
Her rebellious subject makes Tabouret’s choice of medium somewhat ironic.
On the one hand, is Vice’s rebellious tone and coverage.
His intellect makes him a rebellious student, bored in school.
Yet with one simple but rebellious move, he changed baseball.
Can the humble selfie embody McGill’s rebellious reclaiming of autonomy?
MR. TRUMP: I was a very rebellious kind of person.
Alinejad, stubborn as well as rebellious, is not terribly bothered.
Now, his boyish face with its rebellious cowlick is ubiquitous.
Suicidal signs can easily be confused with rebellious teenage behavior.
At his most rebellious, he set fires in hotel rooms.
Or his rebellious daughter, Jessica (a very good Michelle Uranowitz).
Well, the witches and one of their rebellious teen boyfriends.
By his own account John was a rebellious young man.
On Freeform’s «The Fosters,» he was the sweetly rebellious boyfriend.
«Plesac is a little on the rebellious side,» Clevinger said.
«The fact of being here is rebellious,» Mr. Joffe said.
Rebellious soldiers from one battalion in the city erected barricades.
Wisdom’s wisdom is neither rebellious nor orthodox; it’s quizzical, playful.
An unexpected change comes as the moon opposes rebellious Uranus.
So Ali called from his grave: Resist, my rebellious people.
I wonder if this will make Serena more or less rebellious.
It was dangerous to be a rebellious woman in the 1960s.
They were rebellious and fighting against the orthodoxy of science fiction.
Alas, the rebellious FCC employees in this case are a myth.
Aquarius energy is free-spirited, experimental, and even a little rebellious.
Mom was rebellious (her own word), was skipping out on church.
I did, however, understand that something rebellious, something transgressive, was happening.
And we all know a popular pastime for rebellious teens, right?
Angelica and Eliza fall neatly into the old conventional/rebellious dichotomy.
Rebellious Conservative MPs have backed Labour-led amendments on trade policy.
Someone who’s naturally rebellious and carefree seldom cares about fashion rules.
I didn’t think pot was cool before, and still… [laughs] Rebellious.
Its heart belongs to the rebellious, agitators such as Elizabeth Warren.
I am completely against blind conformity, and I’m rebellious by nature.
Plus, culturally, men are encouraged to be more rebellious than women.
It has Felicity Jones as a rebellious scoundrel named Jyn Erso.
In an age of rebellion, it might even be considered rebellious.
It’s what’s missing I think from most music — the rebellious part.
A rebellious group Four baboons and a barrel in their enclosure.
«I was pretty rebellious when I was younger,» Ms. McCain conceded.
«Breaking it down, it was almost this rebellious act,» she said.
Scientists have named the new object Niku, meaning «rebellious» in Chinese.
«It started out rebellious, but it has definitely evolved,» she said.
I was a little naïve, but I also felt gleefully rebellious.
His parents, he said, were strict, which stoked his rebellious nature.
But Luella’s rebellious leanings take a toll on the sisters’ bond.
It had survived, while the rebellious, compassionate, lonely princess was dead.
She is submissive and rebellious in ways that defy easy summary.
Mr. O’Neil, a surfer, presents his meditative, breezy, yet rebellious pieces.
Under my mattress like a rebellious farmer during the Great Depression?
Unexpected issues pop up today as the moon opposes rebellious Uranus.
She would be back in Milan in a few days to stage the Versace show, but for Versus, its rebellious little sister (the line that was created for Donatella, Gianni Versace’s rebellious little sister), London felt right.
And the WI still can sometimes flex its rebellious muscles when needed.
He’s curious, rebellious, and trying to fit in — like any typical teen.
It established him as the rebellious truth-teller people came to know.
Put succinctly: it’s the decision of a bad ass, rebellious female artist.
So it’s all very reactionary and rebellious, but I kind of am.
I’ve always been rebellious and just wanting to do my own thing.
There are rebellious teens forced to fend for themselves, betrayal, and angst.
Dear rebellious Pentagon employees: You can stream all the games from here.
Action planet Mars connects with rebellious Uranus, finding you having surprising conversations.
Rebellious Uranus reenters your house of career and reputation on Tuesday afternoon.
During the rebellious 1960s, they became emblems of alienation and social discontent.
The ERG has found itself competing for influence with other rebellious factions.
Few questioned the prerogative of the tsar to banish a rebellious underling.
The court ruling may have been intended to silence rebellious young people.
«I was rebellious at first in school, for about year,» he says.
Hair metal was part of mainstream rock ‘n’ roll’s necessary rebellious adolescence.
My friends and I were predictably rebellious, as teens typically can be.
Rebellious Uranus changes signs on Wednesday, beginning a period of financial transformation.
But, recently we’ve been doing something downright rebellious with our sliced bread.
Rock music, or any other type of music, is no longer rebellious.
As Russia 23’s rebellious spirit started to emerge, though, that changed.
Ultimately, they hoped to repopulate those towns with less rebellious Shiite residents.
Unlike Jubilee, I got good grades and wasn’t really a rebellious tween.
He’s angry, he’s rebellious, he’s certainly not where he wants to be.
» Mr. Trump described the nations as «rebellious children of the same parent.
The generosity of the powerless appeals to some rebellious part of me.
You’re up to something unexpected as the moon connects with rebellious Uranus.
It started bucking like a rebellious horse, and then it suddenly stopped.
His character Rum Tum Tugger is a rebellious cat who craves attention.
«I was rebellious, so I knew I was doing bad,» she explained.
I tried to be like Jo: rebellious, capable, independent, brave and caring.
Perry), a single dad, and his rebellious teenage daughter, Tiffany (Diamond White).
Crosswords were simply her attempt to connect with her rebellious teenage son.
Mr. Young had a mischievous side and something of a rebellious streak.
As Sabrina leaves, Nicholas approaches her and says he likes his witches rebellious.
«There’s nothing particularly rebellious about painting in a completely abandoned house,» Divola said.
McConaughey will play «a rebellious and lovable rogue» named Moondog in the comedy.
Listen up, rebellious teens: even Sasha Obama had to find a summer job.
Drama kicks up in your social life as the sun opposes rebellious Uranus.
Both women are powerful, intelligent, and stubborn to the point of being rebellious.
Is it still rebellious to pursue fame here over the traditional Hollywood route?
When Uber was a clear underdog, many people appreciated the company’s rebellious streak.
And you probably shouldn’t buy too heavily into OnePlus’ rebellious, anti-establishment marketing.
On the other, she is modern and domineering, as rebellious as her daughter.
«Despite their rebellious nature, they’re a very rigid organization internally,» Gartenstein-Ross explains.
Darlene, his sister, is the rebellious spunky girl with a heart of gold.
Smith may also be a Resistance member, perhaps channeling The Doctor’s rebellious spirit.
Film after film where the cool rebellious badass treats women with casual cruelty.
For now they are compliantly rebellious: finding private spheres in which to live.
And we shouldn’t forget that dance is a rebellious act in every culture.
But these magazines still call themselves «rebellious,» even though they’re basically party media.
I don’t disagree for the sake of disagreeing, as the word «rebellious» suggests.
James Franco got his acting start playing the rebellious bad boy Daniel Desorio.
No, this time people took to the streets and confronted the rebellious soldiers.
Reeves portrayed rebellious rich boy, Scott Favor, in «My Own Private Idaho» (1991).
It blooms into riffs and fugitive ideas, rebellious asides and quick conceptual tryouts.
The rebellious Democrats switched on their smartphones and broadcast themselves to the world.
Both are crucial revelations of the 20th century: youthful, mind-altering, and rebellious.
«It’s an independent culture and a rebellious one,» a former Apple manager said.
These include the rebellious preacher’s daughter Ariel Moore, and open-minded dimwit Willard.
They mastered the «goth» look that most rebellious tweens could only dream of.
New York City’s East Village has long enjoyed a gritty and rebellious history.
But I was a very rebellious person and very set in my ways.
He was the only other person in my family with a rebellious streak.
But Ms. Legler’s rebellious nature clashed with the robot-like requirements of competition.
«Sevastopol is once again among the most rebellious cities in Crimea,» he said.
The moon also mingles with rebellious Uranus, inspiring you to take a risk!
State and national unions have taken a similar tack against rebellious local unions.
You have two ruling planets: weird-as-hell, rebellious Uranus, and uptight Saturn.
I think there’s a lot of creativity that comes out of rebellious times.
He was young when he became famous and part of a fun, rebellious crowd.
But is this rebellious Instagram a message to her ex and his new paramour?
The artist’s solo show at James Cohan is a raucous, slightly creepy, rebellious screed.
You can see it has a little more body, a few more rebellious strands.
We’ve always suspected that Drake has a rebellious side to his gentle Canadian exterior.
At 17—partly to curb her rebellious ideas—she was forced to marry anyway.
«I wasn’t trying to be sexy or rebellious,» she told Rolling Stone in 2002.
Corbally was rebellious, immature, and apparently entirely unsuited for the discipline of military life.
That blend of rebellious intent and retro self-fashioning is hardly unique to Washington.
But time is running out, and rebellious MPs could yet blow up any deal.
In his more lucid moments, he comes across as likable and a little rebellious.
Will a woman in her 60s be able to deal with a rebellious teenager?
When young Mulder was spouting his conspiracy theories, those ideas were rebellious and exciting.
The energy is rebellious and impulsive, and you’re ready to make an important change.
Its cars crowd the roads—only here could driving a Volvo be deemed rebellious.
A crazy matriarch and rock and roll, slurring husband trying to parent rebellious teens.
Who does Lil Yachty look like a rebellious extra from a Ricky Martin video?
On the inside, though, its rebellious heart is being gnawed away by big money.
He held a low opinion of Rousseau, the rebellious son of a Genevan watchmaker.
Francis also demanded that the rebellious priests write a letter of apology to Okpaleke.
«The rebellious soul of a Russian person will not tolerate any restrictions,» Degtyareva said.
His rebellious past has unnerved some investors, although he has also courted Wall Street.
You’ll be in an especially inventive mood, not to mention rebellious and freedom seeking.
Yet, for all his rebellious early radicalism, Mr. Boulez learned from Messiaen as well.
Where do you draw the line between rebellious, screaming punk and Carnegie Hall soloist?
I have very strict parents, so I was not a rebellious child at all.
And even if they weren’t actively rebellious, they were drawn to that creative space.
The sun connects with rebellious Uranus, finding you and your partners having unexpected discussions.
In the modern world, we find most of our rebellious clusters of artists online.
«It’s the rebellious nature of myself,» he told The Rocky Mountain News in 2005.
And the rebellious commanders had reasons to hope that the Americans might be sympathetic.
Mukena is from the mineral-rich and sometimes rebellious copper-producing province of Katanga.
Can the rebellious spirit of SoundCloud rap carry the swelling subgenre into the mainstream?
For the rebellious youth, sporting events became another excuse to drink and be disruptive.
Outlets are dealing and sleep is healing, but first, a cartoon about rebellious Roombas.
It remains for his rebellious young daughter, Ea (Pili Groyne), to flout his authority.
Sobriety, and the refusal to partake in alcogenic culture, is subversive, rebellious, and edgy.
When layered with thin silver chains, it feels younger and even a little rebellious.
Private yet performative, generous yet stingy, conservative yet rebellious, Swift was a knotty character.
The outer planet, rebellious Uranus, begins its retrograde at 10:26 PM on Sunday.
To his chagrin, his rebellious open-mindedness became identified with postmodernism and its excesses.
For others, it’s the subtle reminder that graceful, generous acts can be incredibly rebellious.
And I don’t like travelling by myself, so I thought that was pretty rebellious.
The BJP’s stance has traditionally been one of harsh punishment against Kashmir’s rebellious Muslims.
Unexpected drama pops up in your social life as the moon opposes rebellious Uranus.
O.K., the look had some precedent in American culture: the more rebellious of the bobby soxers, those rebellious teenage girls of the early Sinatra years, shocked grown-ups nationwide by rocking untucked shirts along with rolled dungarees, saddle shoes and, obviously, bobby socks.
Lavish welfare (and an iron grip) keep an oft-rebellious people, now numbering 240m, quiescent.
SoCal was a center of rebellious art of all sorts, from the streets to galleries.
She’s flirty, but ultimately chaste, unlike her more rebellious blonde best friend Tatum (Rose McGowan).
On an emotional level, he was happy to see these rebellious American colonies having problems.
The apparent solution isn’t conventional, as the moon will be in contact with rebellious Uranus.
You’re up to some unexpected things this evening as the moon connects with rebellious Uranus.
As in, I thought that guys liked girls who surprised them with large, rebellious appetites.
In a recent interview with Fader, Kali is described as, «not just rebellious — she’s empowered.»
You have some surprising news to share on Friday as Mercury connects with rebellious Uranus.
Hussein later drained the famed marshes of southern Iraq to punish the rebellious Marsh Arabs.
Moments after she released her statement, seven rebellious Democrats said they would now back her.
Or what about when she was going through a rebellious phase and called herself ‘Frizz?
Palin describes the Republican establishment trying to quash the anger of the party’s rebellious base.
Chloe, still grieving the death of her father, is as uncouth and rebellious as ever.
Hamilton recognizes that in the 18th century, both rebellious and conventionally feminine women are trapped.
Adora holds Camille’s rebellious personality against her, and the way Camille’s birth affected her life.
That might spell trouble for the whips, because older MPs tend to be more rebellious.
«She is so young and she also has a very rebellious personality,» says the source.
But it perfectly captures a rebellious fantasy that generations of teens have had since then.
When I transitioned into rebellious adolescence, I would get into tremendous fights with my parents.
He pushes her to be rebellious and violent, to disobey her father, and to drink.
I felt very rebellious going my own way and this song represented that for me.
Second, everyone has both rebellious and deferential tendencies in different measure and in different contexts.
So anyone who dares do so must be a rebellious badass — and that’s a problem.
President: Barack Obama Note: Bo is fine, but pales in comparison to the rebellious Sunny.
Meanwhile the book’s antagonist, Jack, initially just rebellious, finds himself consumed by power and greed.
He is just a rebellious teenager, but he needs guidance and direction from his father.
They make us feel like painting our nails was a really rebellious thing to do.
The zombies fiercely knock on the walls and you hear a lot of rebellious groans.
When rebellious conservatives rejected a short-term deal by GOP leaders, Trump rejected it, too.
Their negotiations across the green room door are nervy and hilarious, the rebellious freegan vs.
Mr. Norman took the side of the rebellious Beatle, not the tuneful and adorable one.
Fear not, the rebellious star will be coming back to TV, reports The Hollywood Reporter.
Saint Laurent introduced the youthful and rebellious edge the fashion house needed to expand globally.
The military’s chief of staff, who opposed the coup, identified the rebellious officers as Gulenists.
The vibe will be fun, but there will be a rebellious energy in the air.
A rebellious son, he left home in 1977 and immersed himself in London night life.
There had been no trouble until Carrie’s teenage years, when she became rebellious — and pregnant.
In March, Wiwek provided THUMP with a mix featuring tracks from The Free and Rebellious.
A political science major who spends her free time protesting, she is rebellious by nature.
Moss is not much interested in giving Silvie and her rebellious tendencies room to breathe.
The message suggested an awareness of the rebellious mood brewing in parts of the institution.
But this season’s wealth of plaid takes on a rebellious, puckish spirit when clashed together.
Amma is soft and sweet at home but cruel and rebellious in the outside world.
And Fox News, that most obedient Spaniel, ran a photograph of rebellious Eagles players kneeling.
Before the shooting [25], Andy hired rebellious heiresses like Edie, Brigid [Berlin] or street kids.
Again, The Testaments doesn’t go down the route of overly feisty, rebellious Handmaids to overcompensate.
It was not the first time this summer that the government had faced rebellious officers.
Neal Mims, a former professional skateboarder, said the rebellious side of skateboarding was always present.
Over two weeks, Weirich called witness after witness to portray Noura as rebellious and angry.
Sweet Venus opposes rebellious Uranus, and you’re ready for a total change in your life.
Tough, emotionally vulnerable, loyal and rebellious all at once, Jackson Vroman reminded Eustachy of himself.
Poles of Jewish origin were accused of having instigated the rebellious calls for democratic reforms.
In other words, we can be a rebellious and stubborn people, individually, nationally or corporately.
A lot of those going through the courts are teenagers, uneducated, very rebellious against society.
Rebellious from the start, Weinraub ran away from home several times as a teen-ager.
And we’re also in some ways such a rebellious brand that we should stay independent.
Children who are spanked are likely to become even more rebellious, according to research studies.
«Quentin has a very similar artistic sensibility to Potter’s; he loves rebellious characters,» Ms. Hanks said.
Considered a rebellious teen in the camp, she was relentlessly made to answer for her demons.
He’s still very rebellious within the fashion world, and he’s been like that his entire career.
You’re learning some pretty impressive lessons on perspective as Mercury meets rebellious and ingenuitive Uranus midweek.
Uranus’s influence this month shows that you will be a rebellious agent of change and innovation.
Aquarius is an Air sign: It’s highly intelligent and inventive, but it has a rebellious streak.
The accessories chain — responsible for the majority of our rebellious piercings — is $2 billion in debt.
One candidate, Azmin Ali, who leads an occasionally rebellious faction, appears to have his tacit support.
«I think the rebellious attitude of most youth cultures are inspiring,» explains the designer Nasir Mazhar.
My rebellious nature, and my inclination for pointing out her caprices may have sharpened her disfavor.
She comes from a stiff-upper-lip middle class family in which she’s the rebellious one.
Since her death, we’ve seen again and again how wonderfully irreverent she was, how innately rebellious.
When a rebellious woman (Lawrence) moves into a retirement community where the men rule, havoc ensues.
But he was in such a rebellious mode that I don’t think she could handle him.
They’re the pieces to the puzzle that is your personality — and where that rebellious streak lies.
Jobs wanted to add that feature to Macs, which were long marketed to rebellious, artistic consumers.
Finally, we’ve heard about the comparisons of Trump’s candidacy to other to rebellious movements, namely Brexit.
Mr Sirisena was merely a rebellious member of the president’s own Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).
Recently, she returned to TV to play Bette Davis’ rebellious daughter B.D. on Ryan Murphy’s Feud.
He could have lost that if rebellious Nationals there had helped to pass the bill, too.
CHARLEY SEAVEYRockport, Massachusetts Bagehot described Jeremy Corbyn as a «rebellious private-school» drop out (June 1st).
» He adds: «To us doodling a penis is a light-hearted symbol for a rebellious act.
The other major planet news is Uranus, the rebellious planet, moving into grounded Taurus in May.
Sakshi (Swara Bhaskar) is the foul-mouthed, rebellious one who is also struggling with her divorce.
Action planet Mars clashes with rebellious Uranus on Thursday, too, encouraging one to assert their originality.
When there’s one or even a couple rebellious voices out there, it’s almost louder, you know?
For others, it can feel like the world is dramatically crumbling and spark a rebellious phase.
You could surprise yourself, especially as the planet of the mind, Mercury, harmonizes with rebellious Uranus.
Loyal Malay-Muslim areas enjoy a glut of seats; rebellious ethnic-Chinese ones suffer a paucity.
But he was stunned — he found it sexy, and rebellious, and joyful, and he wanted in.
He became an expert skier back in the 1950s when downhill skiing was rebellious and dangerous.
It is loud, it is rebellious — I don’t want shoppers buying both from Versus and Versace.
Zélie gets her chance when she finds herself thrown together with Amari, a rebellious, runaway princess.
The truth is, female culture is more varied and rebellious than «Girls and Sex» lets on.
Of course, skateboarding and smoking have both been traditionally marketed as rebellious, commendably anti-social activities.
You can influence them to get into some mischief today as Mars connects with rebellious Uranus.
But others become rebellious, either while the sibling is sick or after the treatment is done.
Google is extremely unique, and I’m curious how long management will tolerate its rebellious work force.
It’s salutary to watch her corral her rebellious Democratic brood with committee treats and pacifying timeouts.
So they come up with a rebellious idea: Why not start behaving like lawyers before graduation?
When clashed together, this season’s wealth of checks and tartans takes on a rebellious, puckish spirit.
The former Venezuelan commander said that the rebellious officers never asked for an American military intervention.
Rebellious in your spiritual beliefs, you often question the ways in which people organize themselves religiously.
Lovely Venus opposes rebellious Uranus, creating a cosmic boredom-buster and bringing change to your routine.
He, too, was a gifted big man with a shaggy blond mane and a rebellious streak.
» He added, «The spirit of Alan Moore is a punk rock spirit and a rebellious spirit.
«Then I called myself an atheist for a while, just kind of being rebellious,» he said.
«Then I called myself an atheist for a while, just kind of being rebellious,» he admits.
The house of Margiela has become known for a perceived rebellious stance — like that pantyhose belt.
They therefore over-control, overreach and overreact, magnifying the rebellious discontent they were trying to squelch.
They were shocked because Adityanath is a radical, but also because he is ambitious, even rebellious.
So is that of Joe Dixon, as the animalistic Caliban, Prospero’s rebellious slave and id incarnate.
Children’s Books SMOOT, A REBELLIOUS SHADOW By Michelle Cuevas Illustrated by Sydney Smith48 Pp. Dial. $17.99.
«Who made the first move?» she writes, conjuring the rebellious, unapologetically gay painter from West Yorkshire.
Yet I can make this sound rebellious thanks to my status as a bold outsider, a.k.a.
Ariel from The Little Mermaid was curious, rebellious, and always ready to fight for what she wanted.
I wasn’t much of a partier growing up, so this was about as rebellious as I got.
Rebellious Tory MPs could, however, amass the 48 letters that are required to trigger a leadership contest.
They’re instilling order in these rebellious, horrible planets, where the underprivileged or the unfortunate are are forgotten.
As such, seeing a rather conventional sex scene felt downright rebellious, playing into the episode’s overall theme.
Some in the Rif, a northern mountain region with a rebellious history, dream of a new uprising.
Experimental, unconventional, rebellious, and incredibly skillful, the beauty book rule-breaker is a true master of makeup.
Bachchan’s rebellious roles in films like ‘Zanjeer’ and 1975’s ‘Deewar’ encapsulated the frustrations of the time.
I wasn’t very popular with girls, so I’m not sure how much being rebellious would have helped.
Bonham Carter, 51, certainly has the pedigree to play the role of Queen Elizabeth’s younger, rebellious sister.
His party, which had previously shown unease with his candidacy, has grown more rebellious in recent days.
She told Reuters the Linke plans to win young voters over by launching a «very rebellious campaign».
Saturday invites new and unconventional ways of considering your career, as the Sun harmonizes with rebellious Uranus.
Spunky and rebellious, the drum-playing Lane is constantly trying to get around her strictly religious mother.
I don’t think it was ever not cool, it just… it was never even a rebellious thing.
Rick: When I was a rebellious sixteen-year-old, I went to an inter-camp baseball tournament.
On February 2, sweet Venus connects with rebellious Uranus—it will be hard to resist being impulsive!
«I told you my parents were strict, so there’s a rebellious side to me,» he says, laughing.
ORCUTT: Her unapologetic embrace of 6ix13ine feels like a twisted misstep to me, not a rebellious act.
It struck a chord with the rebellious spirit of the times and became an island-wide smash.
As she confesses, the most rebellious thing she did in her youth was to get a job.
I was a good student but rebellious and not particularly interested in doing what my teachers asked.
It’s an exciting day in your social life as the moon in Pisces connects with rebellious Uranus.
These holidays serve as conductors, or safety-valves, to carry off the rebellious spirit of enslaved humanity.
Your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, changes signs on Monday, leaving hard-working Capricorn to enter rebellious Aquarius.
I started listening to punk when I was fifteen, in high school, during my rebellious teenage years.
You shock people with your unconventional ideals about relationships when Venus harmonizes with rebellious Uranus on Saturday.
He makes the best of it, finding unlikely love in a rebellious local played by Victoria Pedretti.
Critic’s pick Erica Schmidt’s raucously exuberant adaptation finds common cause between rebellious teenagers and bloody-minded Shakespeare.
These were women who were persecuted and murdered because they were poor, old, strong-willed and rebellious.
Communication planet Mercury connects with rebellious Uranus, bringing unexpected news your way and surprises to your relationships.
«American Animals» sometimes revels in their rebellious spirit and sometimes mocks their shallowness and lack of discipline.
The crackdown has had a chilling effect on a genre more commonly associated with blasting rebellious opinion.
The thrill of rebellious acts fuels your sense of self, and you love showing off your originality.
That I became a miserable, rebellious valedictorian in New York, and found peace and friends in Michigan.
In June, at least eight people died in confrontations between rebellious teachers and police in southern Mexico.
Thirty Republicans voted against the bill, a group that included the rebellious conservatives and some moderate lawmakers.
Now, these once-rebellious upstarts have become extremely powerful, and they know way too much about us.
It’s 18683, and the film industry is in upheaval as younger, rebellious filmmakers are overtaking the establishment.
They’re less likely to lash out at their families and engage in rebellious, illegal and harmful behaviors.
It is the most complete survey yet staged of this artist’s rebellious, peripatetic, yet profoundly unified achievement.
But the Russian troops who advanced from three directions into the rebellious region of Chechnya on Dec.
Between attending to his rebellious daughter and curious son, he juggles hospital duties and dating-app exchanges.
In just over a year, Dilara Findikoglu has established herself as one of London’s most rebellious designers.
She said she was rebellious as a teenager, and often got into explosive fights with her mother.
«Then I called my self an atheist for a while, just kind of being rebellious,» he admitted.
By the start of «Book Three» he has morphed into the overweight, hence overlooked, thornily rebellious Kim.
The 49ers have been dreadful on the field, and the fan base has grown rebellious with management.
The rebellious moderates ultimately fell two signatures short of what they needed to force votes this month.
Despite the generational difference, Webster and Conner share a rebellious, anarchic spirit melded to a meticulous approach.
In October that year, rebellious Ethiopian soldiers seeking pay raises caused a security incident in the capital.
Lucky planet Jupiter is in your sign, opposing electric, rebellious Uranus, which is in Fire sign Aries.
Who’s to say Ofmatthew wasn’t served a similar fate during a previous, more rebellious period in her life?
The enigmatic style just feels so much more rebellious here, and I can continue to fuck with that.
Lily-Rose Depp never had a chance to be a rebellious kid — because her parents weren’t strict enough.
I’m not sharing this particular opinion to be rebellious or to invent yet another unique aversion to technology.
A rebellious BMX rider in Estonia decided to break the rules and ride in an off-limits area.
Pluto in Scorpio is an inherently rebellious placement, but that doesn’t mean it’s all edge and no heart.
One hit, «Mama Tried,» was an apology of sorts to his hard-working mother for his rebellious youth.
The Amazon CEO likes a rebellious streak in employees — and believes it leads to a more innovative company.
Though she wars with her daughter, she is just as rebellious, seeking freedom to determine her own future.
I’d congratulated myself on cleverly painting Telemachus as a rebellious teen struggling with his absentee father’s heavy shadow.
Moral outrage is a luxury, an indulgence of the intellectual elite or the religious or rebellious college students.
But now, even if it’s only a few years after your rebellious teenage days, you see their point.
Using a traditional evening bag as our daily carryall gives us just the right amount of rebellious spark.
The promised land remains a faraway dream, but reggae’s soul continues to thrive, pure and rebellious as ever.
» (We’re noticing a disturbing trend with the Brawn tribe.) He describes himself as «confident, rebellious and an anomaly.
This leads to some unconventional changes in your mutual understanding, as the sun squares off with rebellious Uranus.
The sun squares rebellious Uranus on July 29, bringing surprises to your schedule, so keep your plans flexible.
Maybe our rebellious streak was too strong, maybe we were too raw, or maybe they thought we sucked.
Rebellious employees would be supported by many of the arguments Apple has made in the case so far.
And her rebellious streak seems to work as more of an asset than a liability to her case.
Convinced her father blames her and resents her, she grows more rebellious and their relationship grows more tense.
When Uranus changes signs on Tuesday, rebellious stints from late April and early May of this year resurface.
His witty doggerel, like the lyrics of Bob Dylan and John Lennon, came to symbolise the rebellious 1960s.
Hadrian’s Wall still stands as a memorial to the failure of the Caesars to subdue the rebellious Picts.
Baseball still has the power to create the sorts of moments that turn rebellious kids into lifelong fans.
The first event was the election for a new regional parliament in the rebellious Spanish region of Catalonia.
Then it met with rebellious, electric Uranus at 2:15 AM— I doubt you went to bed early.
And in today’s age of perpetual self-promotion, being selfless is about as rebellious as you can be.
He was a rebellious, non-British sailor who had left Europe for the Americas in search of opportunity.
Take Lorde, who was this rebellious teenager saying screw you to pop culture while working within pop culture.
The most rebellious thing you can do right now is take care of yourself; they want you sick.
The show is set within the New York drag scene of the 1980s, rebellious and glamorous and raw.
In a country devoted to materialism, Schneeman’s gesture strikes me as radical and rebellious without announcing that fact.
There she befriends a group of mildly rebellious students, developing a crush on one named Andy (Corey Fogelmanis).
Their first single, «No More Dream,» was an ode to teen apathy, a rebellious rejection of Korean traditionalism.
So not just this, you know, «Oh, there was this rebellious vote among the white working class,» that.
Critics said that the rebellious lawmakers were more concerned about positioning themselves with voters for the next elections.
This time, the camera lens is pointed not at the untrustworthy caregiver, but at the potentially rebellious adolescent.
Firester: They’re creative, intuitive, rebellious, they’re great energy readers, and don’t like to tell people what to do.
Dickinson will explore the coming-of-age story of Emily Dickinson (Hailee Steinfeld) as a young, rebellious youth.
Unexpected shake-ups in your relationships will arrive on March 28, when Venus meets rebellious and unpredictable Uranus.
The 70s marks a rebellious time of change and growth in American society, especially in terms of feminism.
Trump makes rare trip to Clinton state, hoping to win back New Hampshire MORE), and rebellious moderates (Sens.
Subtly rebellious and defiantly optimistic, «Speed Sisters» masks the sound of gunshots with the roar of revving engines.
Loud and arresting, the fuzz tone was well suited to expressions of rock’s more disruptive and rebellious impulses.
Polished men’s wear — from spare suiting to colorful trench coats — gets remade with the rebellious spirit of motocross.
In comparison, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has found lawmakers in his Conservative Party to be much more rebellious.
She paused in front of a cast of Michelangelo’s «The Rebellious Slave» and Donatello’s bronze sculpture of David.
But as Abercrombie cultivated its rebellious image with half-naked models, controversies piled up, and its popularity fell.
At the center of the story are police detective Philo (Orlando Bloom) and rebellious faerie Vignette (Cara Delevingne).
The perpetually rebellious Algerian songwriter Rachid Taha left behind an album in progress when he died in 2018.
He often missed class or arrived late and even when in class his teachers perceived him as rebellious.
You might not hear the words «Emily Dickinson» and think «rebellious teen,» but that’s why we have television.
By Wednesday, rebellious lawmakers in Parliament had hemmed her in by demanding a say on the final deal.
Just months ago, Nancy Pelosi’s grip on power was tested again by rebellious Democrats frustrated with her leadership.
Born in Portuguese Goa into an impoverished Roman Catholic family, the rebellious Souza had no time for propriety.
But he was rebellious from an early age, and began mostly living on his own, downtown, at 21928.
Chris is established as Lara Jean’s rebellious (and only) friend on the pair’s first day of 11th grade.
What it’s about: A rebellious child and his uncle (Sam Neill) go missing in the New Zealand wilderness.
And love has just about evaporated from the Waterford household, once again in turmoil thanks to their rebellious handmaid.
Mercury connects with rebellious Uranus, which is currently in your sign, on June 7, finding you saying something unexpected!
«Most of the time it’s people who want to do something rebellious without being blatantly defiant,» Big Steve says.
It always has to be young and new and rebellious, and yet I think that’s an old idea, actually.
On Saturday, Mercury gently harmonizes with rebellious Uranus, creating a hotbed for collaborative ideas to turn into something brilliant.
This leads to inventive ideas and a shift in higher beliefs when Mercury connects with rebellious Uranus on Friday.
Even 500 years ago, the rebellious monk was as well-known for his 35 hymns as his «95 Theses».
In 2011, as secretary of state, she backed intervention in Libya to prevent Muammar Qaddafi from pounding rebellious cities.
After surviving what appears to be a suicide attempt, June seems to be back to her old, rebellious self.
What is enduring is Luther’s rebellious spirit, one that artists would do well to channel for another 500 years.
That today’s result was relatively narrow, and indeed was ever in question, illustrates the rebellious mood in the SPD.
But other MPs, far from feeling more cowed as Brexit day looms, seem to be growing in rebellious confidence.
Mrs May’s supreme sacrifice is designed to persuade her rebellious Tory MPs to vote for her unpopular Brexit deal.
It accounts for his rebellious impulse to awaken the parallel process of thinking in relation to looking at art.
The rebellious attitude and sense that the old rules didn’t matter anymore soon wouldn’t be confined to biker culture.
An attempt to deselect Mr Corbyn when he was a rebellious backbencher was supposedly kiboshed at Tony Blair’s behest.
I became rebellious to prove a point: I wanted to show people that I was normal, in a way.
Suffocated by a childhood and adolescence behind locked doors, she’s both thrilled and terrified by a more rebellious life.
There’s also sort of a rebellious pleasure and relief when you feel like you’re in charge of your plans.
Even the most rebellious, one-of-a-kind iconoclasts likely learned those traits from inspiring figures in their lives.
Leah, who was 16, wrote about the only time she had seen a movie, at an rebellious uncle’s house.
In the face of such difficult fixtures, the rebellious north-east will have to resort to ruthless match tactics.
And people do it because they think it’s rebellious or different, when it reality it’s just another bullshit word.
It’s when that rebellious nature turns into a killing spree that you know it’s definitely time to get out.
There are surprise changes to your appearance on or around Friday morning, as Venus squares off with rebellious Uranus.
If Frieze represents the art-world establishment, then the New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) fair is the rebellious prodigy.
Certainly not the prostitute hinted at in the song, but something independent, strong, rebellious and a little bit dangerous.
And many of the artists were not rebellious against the rise of Nazism or politically motivated in their art.
In 17th-century Virginia, critics of rebellious indentured servants denounced them as society’s «offscourings,» a term for fecal matter.
I witnessed this humor firsthand when tweeting to ask my followers if anyone participated in Acts Of Rebellious Capitalization.
His legacy will be largely defined by his love of food and travel, as well as his rebellious attitude.
Theron shaved her head for the role, which saw her play a rebellious lieutenant in a post-apocalyptic society. 
The culinary star was know for his rebellious attitude, his travels and most of all, his love of food.
The result is that House Republicans — from the establishment wing to the sometimes rebellious Freedom Caucus — are now united.
The culinary star was known for his rebellious attitude, his travels and most of all, his love of food.
Venus connects with rebellious Uranus on Wednesday, piquing your attraction to unusual modes of self-expression, maybe through art.
To form a government, the party will have to extend its hand to smaller, more rebellious groups, he said.
For him, online trolling is a counterculture for the modern age: a fun, rebellious way to fight the power.
Despite his rebellious behavior, the Kirov management decided to take him on tour to Paris and London in 1961.
«Being a teenager at the time and being a bit rebellious, you sort of related to them,» he said.
«Maybe that wasn’t the best choice, but I was a first year and being a little rebellious,» she said.
Maybe it’s to do with Nintendo’s relentless commitment to polish, so watching their games act strangely feels mildly rebellious.
Why it matters: The Hong Kongers’ rebellious demonstrations have entered their 11th week, with no signs of slowing momentum.
Since the 1740s, rabble-rousers — rebellious colonists, abolitionists and suffragists among them — have met in the building’s Great Hall.
Rise & Shine If leather is the grown-up take from FW20’s catwalks, patent is its rebellious little sister.
The play tells the story of Creon, an uncompromising ruler, who forbids Antigone from burying her rebellious dead brother.
SACRAMENTO — The leaders of two perpetually rebellious governments will huddle Wednesday to discuss protecting their cross-border climate deal.
He releases videos with rebellious messages, and he appeared at an opposition rally in July to an adoring crowd.
Aquarius is a rebellious sign, so having natal Mars here also means you don’t care to follow the rules.
Mr. DeLonge: Well, ever since I was in junior high I was really kind of a troubled, rebellious kid.
My mother died and I became a rebellious teen which resulted in me being placed in a group home.
«The core understanding was that these were defiant, rebellious youth who would rebel in a family,» Dr. McGrath said.
It echoes a line from early in the novel, when an officer admonishes a rebellious protester he has jailed.
They can also become angry or irritable more easily, turning violent or rebellious and even using drugs and alcohol.
Nora’s rebellious teenage niece (Ella Rumpf) is sent to reform school and then, after she runs away, to prison.
But now rebellious authenticity is the familiar corporate success formula, and sincerity, like Chance the Rapper’s, is practically revolutionary.
More to the point, its rebellious look has been inspired by London’s music and fashion scene since the beginning.
Ashton Sanders («Moonlight») stars as Bigger, a rebellious bike messenger in the South Side of Chicago with big ambitions.
Is Katniss going to be violently rebellious, like Gale, or is she going to lean towards peace, like Peeta?
Instead, Christmas Ranch follows a rebellious girl named Lizzie as she fights to save her grandmother’s ranch from foreclosure.
Cynthia Nixon plays the older Dickinson, portraying her as multitudinous, assertive, rebellious, principled, shrill, demure, sensitive, coy, and vain.
Known for her extreme secrecy, she was rebellious, promiscuous, and unconventional, which made her conservative dressing that much more intriguing.
Maxine had a distant relationship with her mother, probably because her closeted mother quietly sensed her rebellious hot queer side.
Despite their undeniable chemistry as rebellious robbers without a cause, Dunaway and her Bonnie and Clyde costar Beatty never dated.
Her resistance is arrested by K-2SO (Alan Tudyk), a rebellious and sassy Imperial droid who is resisting his programming.
Prince Harry — the more rebellious royal child — always had a love of horses (like his grandmother) and polo growing up.
What I found satisfying, liberating even, was this small act of rebellious aggression that made a sound and a mark.
Her new and rebellious self-consciousness is subtly portrayed; her husband’s resentment of her involvement in village politics is palpable.
Cole went straight back to being stanned when he landed the role of the brooding and rebellious Jughead on Riverdale.
Whatever it is, it will be loud, colorful, fast, and filled with the rebellious attitude that has made Trigger’s reputation.
But rebellious pop star Amarna (Eiza González) suspects there’s something sinister afoot, and she agrees to help Uma get out.
We were beaten over the head with Negan’s cruelty, Rick’s helplessness, and the overall dissatisfaction of Alexandria’s more rebellious residents.
They’re drawn to his outsider status, his forceful talk on trade and his rebellious tone against special interests and lobbyists.
Richardson struggling to control and mold Mia as if Mia were a rebellious child, and Mia quietly shaking off Mrs.
Broad City star Abbi Jacobson takes the lead as Bean, a drinking/gambling/cursing princess with a fittingly rebellious streak.
Two women kissing in public has always been rebellious, because too many people still think being gay is a sin.
To me, the cap is rebellious; it’s a reminder that wearing the headscarf doesn’t negate you from wearing anything else.
Rebellious Ghouta felt the force of the president’s anger: the orchards became a battleground, and nothing grew on blasted trees.
In episode two, a rebellious teenager (Shazi Raja) tries to navigate the pressures and expectations of her Pakistani Muslim family.
Since her debut, Lavigne’s music has struggled to reconcile grandiose, clean pop production with a self-consciously messy, rebellious singer.
The Mary River turtle’s punk-like green mohawk might seem like a rebellious fashion choice, but that’s just green algae.
Action planet Mars connects with rebellious Uranus, and you’re ready to cut off what’s no longer working for you, Libra.
Like comic books, video games, and punk rock, the internet meme burst into existence with a rebellious display of creativity.
When I went through my rebellious teen years, it became a hard «no»—like this is not happening, I refuse.
I am tempted to ask the question of this querulous, rebellious, iconoclastic collection of right-wing dunderheads: freedom from what?
Your planetary ruler Venus squares off with rebellious Uranus on Friday morning, creating a compulsive, intellectual shift in your philosophy.
Many chose to remember him nostalgically for his voice and rebellious songs that moulded the cultural identity of a generation.
Your niece is growing up fast into a rebellious Coors Light-slamming, tattoo-inking, «You don’t know me»-yelling rebel.
Lister was a perfect television heroine: brash, cocksure, rebellious, dressed in dandy black dresses that looked almost like men’s suits.
Mr. Higgins is adept at letting Huey’s unconscious hubris show through the decent and moral sides of his rebellious views.
Also, if as a woman you can be really gross and really throw it all out there, it’s very rebellious.
At 113:43 AM, the Sun in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries, which will create a very rebellious, hectic vibe.
This included their life-long passion for boxing on one hand, and their rebellious mistrust of authority on the other.
Before I discovered OutKast and A Tribe Called Quest (and well before my rebellious Wu-Tang years), there was TLC.
«Finally, after a few months, one guy I was living with decided he wanted to do something rebellious,» K grinned.
And yet there was a rebellious whiff of «Why should we even care about this other America» in the air.
May, who played up the drama in her effort to herd the more rebellious elements of her cabinet into line.
Elsa grows up confined by her power and sense of duty, Anna saddened and rebellious in reaction to their estrangement.
Over the years Ms. Goldin’s photographs have captured the rebellious and transgressive realities of a pre-gentrified New York City.
He’s spent a decade as a divorced philanderer with a pill problem and a sex addiction and a rebellious back.
«The trouble with becoming a rebel is that if something’s legal it’s not very rebellious to take it,» said Pearson.
From the vantage point of 2017, it’s pretty hard to imagine anyone seeing Benjamin as some kind of rebellious hero.
She was a sister-wife, and she was stuck in a scenario and she wasn’t this rebellious girl, unlike Ruth.
The production features Narcissus as a rebellious outsider from the South, while Echo, the nymph, is recast as a socialite.
Communication planet Mercury connects with rebellious Uranus, inspiring you to take a risk in love and in your creative endeavors.
Shine departs during a particularly rough patch for a president who is battling multiple scandals, investigating Democrats and rebellious Republicans.
American warplanes in the south did not engage as the Republican Guard wiped out the rebellious Shiites by the thousands.
His mother and father worried, but weathered the rebellious phase, even the time he came home with a purple mohawk.
«The Adversary» stood out for Thandie Newton’s otherworldly performance as Maeve, the rebellious android who turned on her human handlers.
Instead of feting the 91-year-old businessman, Beijing has harangued him for failing to deliver in the rebellious city.
Therefore, the Justice Department this week initiated court proceedings against the rebellious state challenging the constitutionality of the three statutes.
It took oodles of efficient pop-culture manipulation for America to accept cigarettes as the ultimate symbol of rebellious cool.
Rebellious and romantic, August falls for one of the show’s producers, Rachel (Shiri Appleby), instead of the Suitress (Caitlin FitzGerald).
The territory stands in direct contrast with the more rebellious Hong Kong, a former British holding, just 40 miles away.
Puberty ignited in her a rebellious side, which found reflection in punk bands like the Dead Kennedys and Bikini Kill.
Instead of feting the 91-year-old businessman, Beijing has harangued him for failing to deliver in the rebellious city.
He predicted that by the time they came back from their August recess, they would be in a rebellious mood.
Then I discovered the underground comics of the ’60s and ’70s — R. Crumb, Justin Green, rebellious comics, against the man.
Not in terror (as women onscreen so often do), but in rage, frustration and a kind of righteous, rebellious glee.
Despite the undeniably rebellious nature of the women included in the exhibition, each artist confronted a distinct socio-political situation.
A rebellious Broadway revival of the 1943 musical brings hatred into the heartland — a stunning indictment of America’s current woes.
Let’s lean into that feeling of uninhibited power and authority, and embrace the rebellious breakfast-for-dinner (or lunch) concept.
Teens are supposed to be wild and rebellious, experimenting with everything they can get their hands on and making dumb decisions.
«There’s something rebellious about applying mathematics, which is innately elegant, to the crude act of sex or masturbation,» he told me.
This also feels like a bit of a rebellious move from Rob, who has always expressed apathy about his family’s fame.
Death metal itself is a pivotal character in the novella, used to accentuate the bleak setting and heighten Spencer’s rebellious nature.
I’ve now made peace with the fact that I’ll never know the jolt of rebellious electricity Juul’s early adopters must’ve felt.
«Pop It» will be featured on Wiwek’s recently announced OWSLA debut, The Free and Rebellious, which is out on February 26.
The artist’s superimposed works are without boundaries in their jagged and rebellious shapes, injecting the energy of the Italian city throughout.
But next to Göldi’s story, this video shows a different outcome for rebellious bodies — one that can avoid suffering and martyrdom.
Sweet Venus’s connection with rebellious Uranus brings exciting conversations your way and finds you experimenting with things that are unexpectedly delightful!
He was once renowned for his cyberpunk style, his rebellious streak, and a fiery temper that was often compared to Jobs’s.
Her surprise Vegas wedding to a childhood friend in January 22007 seems, now, like a rebellious act against management overworking her.
For Ms. Moreh-Rosenberg, it’s not simply the artists’ themes that are rebellious, but also their determination to smuggle art supplies.
At 14, for example, Wendla doesn’t realize that her love affair with her brilliant, rebellious classmate Melchior could lead to pregnancy.
The elder Getty, having taken a liking to his smart but rebellious grandson, offers him a job at Getty Oil instead.
She had a house party because her parents were away and I was rebellious enough to take my first ecstasy pill.
Ever since the bot grabbed headlines back in June, people have speculated that its rebellious ways are just a publicity stunt.
The characters’ over-the-top hero costumes, an embodiment of their rebellious natures, add to the magic of the game’s world.
Surprises will arrive when the Moon connects with Uranus at 7:02 AM and a rebellious energy is in the air.
«It’s no longer a rebellious thing to do, therefore, the younger teens tend not to do it as much,» Jolley said.
In other places, light helps illuminate other key points: the city’s rebellious youth, as well as the power of the authorities.
Here’s why: All week long, fierce warrior Mars syncs up with rebellious Uranus in Aries, turning up the heat on conflicts.
The rebellious Badlands National Park Twitter account went rogue in January, fighting the president’s climate change denial by sharing environmental facts.
I’m also really resentful and rebellious, and If I have too much routine I just quit everything, so it’s a balance.
In a revealing interview with Newsweek, the Queen’s most rebellious grandson let slip the secret at the heart of his family.
Although both ideologies found themselves in conflict with fascism and shared a certain rebellious appeal, the two currents never quite meshed.
But where there are rules, there are rule-breakers—and a number of rebellious club-goers defiantly take pictures every weekend.
Surprise paychecks and connections occur on or near Friday morning, as love and money planet Venus squares off with rebellious Uranus.
His last studio album, «So Rebellious A Lover» (1987, with Carla Olsen), foreshadowed the alt-country movement then gathering in America.
For roughly three decades, Mr. Ferlinghetti managed his own career without help from a literary agent, which suited his rebellious streak.
The rebellious lawmakers are attempting to force a vote against the House GOP leadership’s wishes on a set of immigration bills.
Aladdin, a «cruel, stubborn, and rebellious» boy given to «wild tendencies,» finds himself the master of a «hideous and gigantic» genie.
But her character is the strongest proof that this movie, for all its rebellious posturing, is nothing but business as usual.
Al Hoceima is part of a mountainous region of Morocco, the Rif, that has had a rebellious history with the monarchy.
The French government has cautioned that the protests will be hijacked by «radicalized and rebellious» crowds, after three weeks of demonstrations.
Scheduling conflicts stirred up from last week’s eclipse resurface on Wednesday when action planet Mars challenges rebellious Uranus again, inspiring impulsivity.
As the sun gently harmonizes with rebellious Uranus, you can be open to new, experimental ideas that help you stand out.
So Dark Rebel Rider has this kind of rebellious spirit, but there’s also this familiarity I had with my grandfather’s bedroom.
Well, today there’s an eclipse in too-cool-for-school Aquarius, a rebellious Air sign that’s not very interested in romance.
I try to express the rebellious, sort of ugly side of this place, while still maintaining it has its own beauty.
As the Russian incursion in Ukraine unfolded, Moscow sent a «humanitarian» convoy of whitewashed military vehicles to the rebellious eastern provinces.
This demonstration of royal favor won him the support of regional military commanders, and the rebellious officers were quickly rounded up.
It was for pictures, photo ops, that kind of stuff, to make us stand out, to look as rebellious as possible.
Through her roommate, she met her first husband Jerry Gerowitz, a rebellious free spirit who was killed in a car accident.
Malaprop’s niece, the rebellious Lydia Languish (Kristen Calgaro), has romantic fantasies of marrying scandalously and sacrificing her fortune in the process.
The rebellious fruit pickers are soon feuding among themselves, and before long organized protest morphs into dissension, chaos, arson and death.
Other areas of Syria have seen drastic population changes, with rebellious Sunni neighborhoods of Homs and Damascus emptied by the fighting.
Other areas of Syria have seen drastic population changes, with rebellious Sunni neighborhoods of Homs and Damascus emptied by the fighting.
For his part, Jimmy had something of a rebellious streak, and was in and out of trouble for a few years.
Banderas’s character, a Spanish filmmaker named Salvador Mallo, was once a rebellious and celebrated cultural figure, very much like Almodóvar himself.
Ms. Atkinson, describing herself as «rebellious,» clashed repeatedly with her mother and elderly aunt, seeking refuge at a local recreation center.
With the current investigation into Russian collusion during the 2016 election, it feels like a rebellious act just to be here.
In «Smoot, a Rebellious Shadow,» the tables are turned, and the story is told from the perspective of Smoot, the shadow.
It was fast, furious, unpredictable and crazy—a seemingly untamed jungle with the rebellious, hedonistic spirit of an almost apocalyptic dimension.
Cynthia Nixon now plays the older, birdlike Dickinson, portraying her as multitudinous, assertive, rebellious, principled, shrill, demure, sensitive, coy, and vain.
Billy (Montgomery) is her older brother, a rebellious, edgy 280-year-old who’s rumored to have killed someone in the past.
He describes himself as having been a tough, rebellious teenager from a working-class district in the capital who liked to box.
The original Kick Kennedy was president John F. Kennedy’s most rebellious sister — as  author Barbara Leaming explains in her biography Kick Kennedy.
After teaming up with Ryuji, the other school delinquent, the two characters are quickly cast as the rebellious outsiders at Shujin Academy.
After the sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday morning, it faces off with rebellious Uranus, inspiring you to find freedom in your relationships.
«It carries the flag of being subversive and possibly rebellious and chaotic and nihilistic,» he says around halfway through the clip above.
The rest of the offerings draw from Khaleesi’s rebellious spirit, according to Clapton, with dragons and shells crafted out of sterling silver.
«I wasn’t much of a partier growing up, so this was about as rebellious as I got,» Kardashian said of the memory.
Tiger Moms and their rebellious American children have been a mainstay in an arena where there aren’t very many Asians at all.
LAST year Saudi Arabia’s young and powerful crown prince, Muhammad bin Salman, pulverised Awamiyah, a rebellious Shia town near the eastern coast.
But this season, stars in Hollywood are looking to the past for styles that feel fresh, exciting, and a little bit rebellious.
It was a rebellious habit, one she stopped shortly after a pair of «bad contacts» severely impaired her vision for a day.
Cockburn also happens to be mom to Olivia Wilde, the actress who once appeared on The O.C. as Mischa Barton’s rebellious lover.
Trump’s people whipped the rebellious states into line and the number prepared to rebel had fallen to six — below the necessary threshold.
As a teenager, I knew that Matthew was rebellious and hung around with the ‘bad kids’ — but they weren’t in a cult.
One estranged relative, Louise’s sister, Teresa Robinette, described some of the couple’s rebellious behavior during an interview with Megyn Kelly in January.
I was also quite mischievous and rebellious as a kid, so I did like sneaking away from conventional and more serious settings.
She was one of my favorite characters because she’s the first main female villain in Star Wars, and she’s rebellious and ruthless.
In Beautiful Boy, Chalamet stars opposite Steve Carrell as his rebellious, intelligent, and complicated son who finds meth and quickly becomes addicted.
All photos courtesy of City on Edge: A Rebellious Century of Vancouver Protests, Riots, and Strikes, published September 2017 by Greystone Books.
One artist in particular stands out, the rebellious son of a sign painter who dabbled as a church muralist, the G.O.A.T. himself.
«Added to this rebellious component of the behavior is the anonymity provided by social media and the disinhibition it enables,» she said.
He expects a good turnout, and he has hired a live cumbia band to provide the background music for tonight’s rebellious festivities.
Brilliant ideas are born and risks are made as Mars squares off with Uranus, and a rebellious mood is in the air.
You’ve never cared about «fitting in,» but that’s exactly that rebellious energy that people are attracted to while Venus travels through Scorpio.
Kyle, Mann says, «wanted to be a cop all of his life» but was stymied by a rebellious streak as a teenager.
He adds that the information the company has gathered leads them to believe this is more politically motivated than a rebellious prank.
You have a great deal of courage to get it done in your own special way as Mars clashes with rebellious Uranus.
«I was a wild girl,» Rist has said of herself as a child, and her radiantly colorful videos honor this rebellious spirit.
The rebellious far right-wing agenda that made Moore a judicial anomaly now seems politically popular, at least in his Dixie state.
The moon enters rebellious air sign Aquarius and squares off with Uranus at 11:35 PM, bringing some surprising events this evening.
A small group of rebellious Democrats who want to block Pelosi’s ascension are watching the behind-the-scenes maneuvering closely (The Hill).
The older girl struggles through her first year of medical school, while the rebellious younger one is embarrassed by her mother’s occupation.
It’s an interracial relationship, and her blasé attitude about what people will think is part of what marks her as socially rebellious.
Coal rollers who use their trucks for harassment, as opposed to celebration, «aren’t being rebellious,» she said, they are just being jerks.
As Petruchio proceeds to woo, marry and subdue (through deprivation and humiliation) the rebellious Katherina, his eyes grow more feverish and uncertain.
He’s a rebellious, one of a kind superhero, who’ll always do what’s right for the people — but he does it his way.
Perhaps we should all be paying attention to the war in Chicago, an American city labeled a rebellious terrorist state by Gilead.
But, that hasn’t stopped a few rebellious celebrities from defying the rules and cracking out their phones for a good old selfie.
Russia’s current Constitution was drafted hastily behind closed doors in 1993, following then-president Boris Yeltsin’s bloody crackdown on a rebellious Parliament.
The employee giggled about it at first, thinking that the boy was just a rebellious little kid who was staying out late.
«He was neither an outlaw, nor dangerous, nor rebellious, he didn’t deserve this, I have no doubt,» Ms. Rahnama wrote in Persian.
This, in turn, also made them an expression of privilege, as wealthy white women could often be called «rebellious» without severe punishment.
Some Christian Democrats have become silently rebellious, while others publicly take a significantly tougher stance than the chancellor on issues like migration.
Fashion, for her, is a way of being rebellious, and it’s a way of asserting her own creative expression into her life.
It was a good time despite it all — my rebellious songs and critical poems spread all the more effectively for being illegal.
All we know is that she’s smart, rebellious and manipulative, and she’s not cut out to be a barmaid for much longer.
Alice Bhatti (named for his old editor) is a ferociously strong young woman: smart, independent, and rebellious to the point of recklessness.
There remained an unanswered question at the heart of Lam’s disappearance: Of all the city’s rebellious publishers, why was Mighty Current targeted?
A notable exception to this rule was James Wilson Morrice (1865–1924), a rebellious, self-taught reveler from a wealthy Montreal family.
Although ostensibly cast as the younger, rebellious, distant heir to the British throne, Prince Harry is, in fact, much more than that.
She became known in the late 2000s for her rebellious, rock ‘n’ roll designs like stackable rings, chokers and studded ear cuffs.
«When there’s a tight leash on you for so many years, when you can be free, at first it’s rebellious,» he said.
In Kurdish areas of Turkey, fear and destruction have returned as facts of life after government offensives leveled parts of rebellious cities.
If Swift really wanted to get into the rebellious spirit here, she probably should have said February — it’s even the same syllables.
In the Netflix show, a band of rebellious kids (plus one with superpowers) do battle against otherworldly monsters to save their hometown.
Which is ironic because it was supposed to be a rebellious book, but now it is a mainstream part of the curriculum.
Last year, Trump administration officials met in secret with rebellious members of the military to discuss their plans to overthrow Mr. Maduro.
The Valley apologists say, look, a little assholery is just the price we pay for letting creative, rebellious geniuses start great companies.
«The first season of Fleabag introduced audiences to the brilliant and rebellious voice of Phoebe Waller-Bridge,» he added in the press release.
This moon is in contact with rebellious Uranus—in order to be satisfied, you’re also going to need to be comfortable being weird.
As the moon connects with rebellious Uranus, this is a time for you to be honest and get things off of your chest.
As the moon contacts rebellious, cord-cutting Uranus, you’re inspired to give things away, since you know you have enough to go around.
Beautiful Disaster is about a straight-laced young girl who, of course, goes to college and meets a rebellious bad boy with tattoos.
China expert Lam said if the rebellious Hong Kong spirit spread to Taiwan, or even further, it would be dire news of Beijing.
Some believe that popular culture has programmed us to think of this style as progressive, rebellious, and ready for anything, even zero gravity.
For the exhibition, Breiding collaborated with artist taisha paggett to reenact other historical moments in which rebellious individuals challenged state power and authority.
Much like her onscreen persona, Bonet is admired for her rebellious, elusive approach to celebrity and, of course, her killer sense of style.
The food chain gave their famous Whopper a Tex-Mex twist, creating the Whopperrito — a rebellious combination of a cheeseburger and a burrito.
This is all to say that she’s a complicated, rebellious personality with a voice that’s undeniably different from others in the food world.
But I would like to kindly direct your attention towards one man in particular: M’Baku (Winston Duke), rebellious ruler of the Jabari tribe.
His turn against his erstwhile patron has something of an Oedipal quality, or perhaps «Paradise Lost», with Mr Orban playing the rebellious angel.
But, if you ask us, she’s a textbook Scorpio: She made the rebellious decision to choose a career path separate from her sisters.
Even so, beset by the ticking clock, rebellious MPs and an intransigent EU, Mrs May will find the next few weeks exceptionally trying.
The original Life is Strange told the story of Max, a teenager with the power to rewind time, and her rebellious friend Chloe.
His Little Red Book was as eagerly read by rebellious students on Western campuses as it was by insurgents in the developing world.
When they rebel, it’s thrilling — but in the end, a rebellious witch must still be brought in line by the men around her.
Ultimately, there is no necessary physiological reason for holding that unruly or rebellious behavior has to accompany endocrine changes in the teen years.
Rebellious Margaret has, of course, directed Tony to send the portrait, in which she gives the impression of being nude, to the Times.
Newcastle is once said to have boasted to an army of rebellious Scots that its citizens were «King George’s men,» hence the name.
The rebellious act of drinking is courtesy of Ilegal Mezcal, which has been pushing a fierce anti-Trump campaign for eight months now.
The city and the province of the same name, the country’s most rebellious, have been under Tuareg control since an uprising in 2012.
Pent up in an old folks’ home, the rebellious Florence has yet to consign herself to eating, sleeping, exercising, and socializing as scheduled.
Laursen’s team found that if one sibling started drinking or doing drugs, the other was more likely to adopt the same rebellious behavior.
His rebellious mood comes at a time when Trump’s critics and even members of his own team are trying to rein him in.
He is a beholder’s dream: Traditionalists see in him a savior; outlaws find him rebellious; country outsiders and newbies find him thrillingly unfluffy.
Watch: HBO’s new show «His Dark Materials» has a more rebellious, questioning outlook — adolescent, in a good way — than some other fantasy sagas.
France’s government has warned that radical groups within the protests are gaining in influence, warning of «radicalized and rebellious» elements within the demonstrators.
She will invite rebellious Conservative MPs for drinks at Downing Street on Monday evening and on Wednesday to try to win them over.
She’s bookish and rebellious and curious while the other Gelflings are complacent, and she leverages her privileged position to get what she wants.
Her daughters said she had been a smart but rebellious girl who threw stones at Israeli soldiers and joined Fatah as a teenager.
All times ET. You’re taking risks as the sun clashes with rebellious Uranus, but be sure to practice safety first to avoid accidents.
«It’s an independent culture and a rebellious one,» said Jean-Louis Gassée, a venture capitalist who was once an engineering manager at Apple.
The moon enters dreamy water sign Pisces and connects with the sun and rebellious Uranus, inspiring you to reorganize your space and routine.
As the sun links with rebellious Uranus on Thursday, you can understand your beliefs concerning romantic connection and partnership, regardless of how unconventional.
Forget the legends of a rebellious young Mark Zuckerberg showing up to meet with venture capitalists sporting a hoodie instead of a suit.
The image was banned almost instantly, but became iconic — it was perceived as rebellious and sexy, which only added to the brand’s allure.
The diets we broadcast to the world, the miles we ran, our ambitions, trying to look heroic, rebellious, our petty grievances with society.
Mr. Muse finds the fiery rebellious streak that emerges as Gaye finds his voice and sometimes finds himself in conflict with his boss.
There will be no pivot Bannon’s hiring is a return to the rebellious origins that launched Trump from political gadfly to GOP nominee.
Created by Alena Smith, Dickinson audaciously explores the constraints of society, gender, and family from the perspective of rebellious young poet Emily Dickinson.
Almost every day, convoys of Toyota trucks crammed with masked paramilitaries rolled into the rebellious towns south of Managua to demolish the barricades.
The Dutch producer Wiwek released his debut LP The Free and Rebellious last month on OWSLA, the label founded by EDM superstar Skrillex.
Wary of a ripple effect among its own rebellious Kurds, Iran would certainly oppose moves that would grant their Syrian cousins greater rights.
Besides writers, their ranks included scientists, engineers, academics, lawyers, even rebellious workers; their unofficial leader was the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Andrei Sakharov.
In its most rebellious form, our community’s celebrations are also protests that challenge the way straight, cisgender allies think about sex and gender.
Even J.K. Simmons, as a commanding officer who reprimands the men while winking at their rebellious instincts, doesn’t look like he’s having fun.
I’m supposed to offer up words like «resist» and «fight» as if rebellious enthusiasm is enough to overcome federally, electorally sanctioned white supremacy.
Teaching during a period of upheaval on college campuses starting in the mid-1960s, Dr. Stade personified the rebellious spirit of the day.
Born in 1917, and a young man during World War II, he depicts war’s effects on a population still capable of rebellious celebration.
Although, rebellious is probably not the right term, it’s more of a self-preservation mechanism, which sometimes take the form of pushing back.
All of these planets are harmonizing with rebellious Uranus, so you’re coming up with new and unusual ways to approach your personal resources.
So when alienated, cynical and rebellious voters chose Trump as the loudest expression of their grievances, they knew exactly what they were getting.
Much like Lincoln in the Emancipation Proclamation: ‘All persons held as slaves in the rebellious states are, and henceforth shall be free. Yowza!
The rebellious Shinza, meanwhile, who won’t accept that a man of his station can’t do whatever he wants, is regularly beaten and harassed.
Like a Disney princess — the resemblance hardly seems accidental — she is free-spirited and rebellious, her loyalties split between two opposed parental figures.
Ms. Otto-Knapp’s first North American exhibition since then, at Mary Boone Gallery in Chelsea, is smaller but, in its way, quietly rebellious.
On Saturday, October 12, Venus faces off with rebellious Uranus, bringing unpredictability in the things people say, as well as in our relationships.
You are a curious and open-minded sign, Virgo, and this week, your ideas take on an even more rebellious and eclectic tone!
Now, with Maison, Atsumi is about to make what might be his most rebellious move yet — with a turn toward traditional fine dining.
Every few weeks, until October, 1761, rebellious prisoners were killed or were captured, tried, and executed—sometimes burned alive, sometimes hanged or gibbeted.
Coal rollers who use their trucks for harassment, as opposed to celebration, «aren’t being rebellious,» said Michelle Minton, who is a fellow there.
The film is based on the mythological character of Ne Zha, a deity well known in China for being a rebellious teen hero.
A high-modernist, Promethean vocabulary — by now its own kind of consensus — is her touchstone of praise: the unsettling, the rebellious, the subversive.
Backstage Beauty Report There was a toughened-up, rebellious vibe to Dior’s fall/winter 2017 collection, which was presented in Paris on Friday.
This required detailed information about each protest, so the cell requested reports from security committees and intelligence agents in the most rebellious provinces.
Now, with Maison, Atsumi is about to make what might be his most rebellious move yet — with a turn toward traditional fine dining.
Rebellious military commanders even held secret meetings with the Trump administration over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow Mr. Maduro.
Was the rock-ribbed conservative, a founding member of the rebellious Freedom Caucus, interested in talking with other presidential hopefuls about an endorsement?
Both were making rebellious hip-hop rooted in the world of Los Angeles gangs and the rage black people felt across the country.
Your rebellious side is invoked this week as Pluto, the planet of conspiracy, stations direct in your house of community and social networks.
A paradox, «thrillingly rebellious and self-assured, yet stoutly institutional», he was a «velvety writer» of savage attacks on government and a «titanic patriot».
This full moon will be in direct contact with rebellious Uranus, amplifying this week’s theme of doing things in unconventional ways for comfort’s sake.
Speaking about her role as the film’s rebellious heroine, Jyn Erso, Jones said she was happy for the opportunity to play the action hero.
In 1970, nine black Syracuse University football players became rebellious outcasts when they quit the team to protest racial injustices and their unequal treatment.
Dora lives with her sexually confused husband and their rebellious daughter, while Adela shares a room with her mother, whom she exploits and abuses.
One focus of the season appears to be Donna and Gordon’s children, now rowdy, rebellious teenagers capable of engaging in their own coding projects.
Though bra sales have been steadily declining — and bralettes and #FreeTheNipple have become more commonplace — going sans bra is still considered a rebellious act.
You are an android 300 years into the future, cleaning up Earth from rebellious robots so the humans stationed on the moon can return.
It starred Cuba Gooding Jr. as a rebellious teen whose single mother sends him to live with his father in South Central Los Angeles.
That would get ugly; EPA workers are already rebellious, as illustrated by a recent protest by dozens against their new boss’s nomination, in Chicago.
A third contention is that, if salafists have become rebellious, that is because they have been infected by the ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Serena seems to be under the impression that a rebellious nature is infectious, and June will somehow transmit her spirit to Holly through touch.
Unbound is a self-described sextech webshop for rebellious women, and its founder, Polly Rodriguez, is a unique and fascinating representative for the site.
In a major season three spoiler, Vanessa Kirby revealed that Helena Bonham Carter would be taking over the role of the rebellious Princess Margaret.
Mrs Aksener, known to her supporters as «Asena» after a mythical she-wolf, has shown a rebellious streak since her earliest days in politics.
And while she says she still has a creative, rebellious spirit, the Academy Award-winning actress has turned into something of a data nerd.
Security concerns continue to grab the media headlines and the public wonders how the rebellious south will react to the passing of the king.
And, until November 16, when Mars moves into Pisces, we’ll all be imbued with a little bit of that rebellious, anti-status quo energy.
Duterte then set off fireworks when he declared the few remaining U.S. special forces advisers based in the rebellious Philippine south would be withdrawn.
Her book is titled iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood.
I’ve no right to spin electronic music by some peoples definition, but I’ve revered electronic music’s rebellious past enough to try and continue despite.
The White House warned rebellious conservative lawmakers that they should support Trump’s agenda, or he may bypass them on future legislative fights, Reuters reported.
One of your partners will say or do something rebellious — and it’s time for you to make some big shifts of your own, too.
It could be for the reaction: «wearing these shirts feels a little rebellious and is intended to provoke surprise by the viewer,» Luft notes.
«Engaging in behaviors that are defiant and rebellious in nature creates greater separation from authority figures and the feeling of being controlled,» Ferretti says.
As the planet of love, Venus, gently harmonizes with rebellious Uranus, you’re down for new ways to communicate with your friends and lovers alike.
Uranus is rebellious and unconventional, and Mars is temperamental—with these two planets creating friction, a no-fucks-given attitude is in the air.
» In Austen’s many references to soldiers, Kelly sees «images of a rebellious populace, of government repression, and, more distant but insistent nevertheless … of mutiny.
Suddenly, you’re thinking in the language of someone else’s mind, that of a rebellious Irish girl scrambling for a sense of her drifting self.
Matthew McConaughey has been set to star in The Beach Bum, described as an «irreverent comedy» about «a rebellious and lovable rogue» named Moondog.
Of course, some of us have reclaimed the word «cripple» as a semi-rebellious term of pride, much like «queer» for the L.G.B.T.Q. community.
If you’re particularly rebellious, you’ll be stripped of your committee assignments, and maybe even be challenged in a primary by a leadership-backed candidate.
Sonia Rykiel, the rebellious fashion designer who found success by aiming to create «clothes for everyday life,» died Thursday from complications of Parkinson’s disease.
We all care about what others think of us and want to be liked (despite what rebellious 15-year-old you might have said).
Jake was designed specifically to appeal to children, with his heart of rebellious gold, and the story similarly evokes animated favorites like 101 Dalmations.
Back in the day, though, it was the kind of neighbourhood used as a spook story for suburban parents to frighten their rebellious kids.
This makes the cyclical rise of the rebellious, queer rock and pop star seem less as an act of cultural radicalism and more methodical.
Your friends and hookups give you inspiration for new, innovative ways to have fun together, when sweet Venus harmonizes with rebellious Uranus on Saturday.
Expressing your affection in a strange but tender way comes easily on or around Saturday as your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with rebellious Uranus.
This weekend, you feel free to live out your subconscious desires with someone you trust as sweet Venus harmonizes with rebellious Uranus on Saturday.
I grew up on those books, and I wouldn’t trade away the memories of their incredible sensory detail and spirited, rebellious Laura for anything.
Faster than light travel «Star Wars» began with a story about the conflict between a rebellious group and an empire that spans a galaxy.
In Calabria an aging don (Adriano Chiaramida) hides out in underground bunkers and abandoned farmhouses while dealing with his rebellious grandson (Giuseppe de Domenico).
In 2016, he paid a similar visit to another Damascus suburb, Daraya, after his forces had starved and bombed its rebellious population into submission.
After college, you go through this weirdly rebellious phase where I wanted to dissociate and carve out an identity aside from the Spelling Bee.
But they’re all generally benign, and the minimal authority they wield hardly interferes with the anarchic, rebellious — but also, ultimately, responsible — energy of youth.
A rebellious energy is in the air; you don’t want to be tied down right now and you certainly don’t care about fitting in.
He was one of the first in fashion to implement technology into his shows and was known for being «rebellious» against fashion’s traditional aesthetic.
It’s a relief, then, to learn that the Trump administration chose not to aid rebellious leaders in Venezuela seeking to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro.
We segue from Winston’s first writing down his inchoately rebellious thoughts to a group of latter-day readers debating his diary’s origins and meanings.
Princess Bean (voiced by «Broad City’s» Abbi Jacobson) is a rebellious 19-year-old princess, who resists her father’s efforts to marry her off.
While diplomacy has failed, the Syrian government has been working to conclude local agreements to pacify rebellious areas, typically after insurgents have been defeated.
Shake-ups take place in your social life and you’re ready to do something unexpected in your love life as Venus opposes rebellious Uranus.
She appeared to be about 15 and was wearing a hoodie, with dyed hair; she generally looked the part of a rebellious, sullen teen.
My parents were working all day and I was a skateboarder and I was heavily into punk rock music, which is rebellious by nature.
In a world so socially plugged in, the new «it» bag tells you to look both ways before you cross the street. Bold. Rebellious.
Theirs was a story of unconventional love in a traditional society, rebellious in an age of conformism, quiet in an age of simmering turmoil.
It was kind of a personally rebellious thing, like, ‘I’m just going to have fun, do my own thing and try to be myself.
Incidentally, all Karens love The Doors, because they were a little rebellious, but not to the extent that they failed to achieve mainstream success.
One surprising example of the prevalence of federal largesse is Apple, the ubiquitous poster child of high design, rebellious entrepreneurial spirit, and individual genius.
It was meant to inspire fear, but how fitting it would be if Cara’s strong rebellious streak was fueled by the destruction of Alderaan.
Most Soundcloud artists were young, usually under 21, and in embracing this aesthetic, they appealed to a crowd of peers who were themselves rebellious.
Or is this the resurrection of his rebellious and artistic spirit, which he sold willingly «in the most American of activities, capitalism and commerce»?
While the conservative mainstream reviled him, we, high on common household products as instructed by the Anarchist Cookbook, loved the rebellious spirit Manson represented.
But, if you buy a sex toy that costs $15,000, you’re obviously prioritizing your sexual pleasure, and there’s something decadent and rebellious about that.
«Poetry exists as a unique tool that can interrogate and communicate issues of inequality and injustice in a manner that is inherently rebellious,» Gorman said.
The book itself, published by Rizzoli, is divided into three parts, each with their own title and penned by Klein himself: Rebellious, Minimal, and Stories.
Some surprising online gossip rocks your world on Friday, when Mercury connects with rebellious Uranus—but lightning is a fertilizer, making your ideas more brilliant.
«Probably when I put Joe Jonas on blast on your show,» she replied when asked about the most «rebellious» thing she did as a teen.
Senior British government ministers have warned rebellious lawmakers that if May’s deal is voted down then there is a chance that Brexit could be thwarted.
Hartley Clare (William Parry) is a gruff advocate of postmodern literary theory who is accompanied by Edna (Maureen Silliman), his meek though secretly rebellious wife.
The Indian government is fumbling in so far as it is trying to tame a rebellious mood that has swept the valley in recent months.
The narrative focuses on the Richardsons — an upper-middle class family of six — and creates a portrait of idyllic 1990s suburbia with a rebellious twist.
«I just loved the idea of a rebellious gun-toting aristocrat ditching a life of luxury for a life of high-octane adventure,» she said.
If kids see vaping as rebellious, public health needs to take back that narrative and prove not vaping is the true rebellion, according to Siegel.
The Outsiders is tale about social class warfare in high school between two groups: the rich and jocky Socs and the poor but rebellious Greasers.
The problem is that the outcome of last month’s snap election in Spain’s rebellious north-eastern region suggests that 2018 may not be much easier.
Murderbot doesn’t simply come off as a rebellious or dour artificial human, though — like Marvin from Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide books, or Bender from Futurama.
While that bad-girl persona might have painted Harding as an xciting and rebellious star to root for, after the attack, it played against her.
But a cold dose of reality is not far off, as the federal government of Spain decides how harshly to deal with its rebellious citizens.
Miley CyrusImage: ImgurBack in 2010, as with all incurably rebellious teen sensations, Disney had Miley Cyrus killed and dumped her remains in the California desert.
Morocco’s mosques promoted the authority of its king and «Commander of the Faithful» over rebellious Berbers from the Rif, many of whom moved to Europe.
It’s a brilliant idea, and Jade brings both of those adolescent staples into the present in a way that’s modern, relatable, touching, and gleefully rebellious.
Those around for her early days were lucky enough to to witness her rebellious period, but now she’s settling back into her more conservative roots.
Meanwhile, the Aunts contemplate how to maintain control over the increasingly rebellious handmaids and other women who may not be fully loyal to the cause.
She was (briefly) America’s sweetheart, an «It Girl» through and through, and a rebellious provocateur — depending on which part of the decade you rewind to.
«The Theory of Everything» actress Felicity Jones plays feisty lead character Jyn Erso, whose rebellious streak was first shown in a trailer released in April.
Her experience with Kali allows her to discover she can develop her own code to live by, somewhere in between authoritarian rulebook and rebellious chaos.
I’m kind of rebellious, in the sense that anytime someone thinks they understand or thinks they can pigeonhole us into something, I push against that.
A once-in-a-lifetime change happens midweek, when action planet Mars meets rebellious Uranus (a rare connection) on Wednesday, in your house of transformation.
As the weekend draws near, a surprise encounter with your crush rocks your world as sweet Venus squares off with rebellious Uranus on Friday morning.
With the end of his life staring him in the face, his personality drastically changes as he brings a more rebellious attitude into his classroom.
Reyes is on hand to participate in the festivities, but things take a dark turn when the rebellious Settlement Defense Front launches a sneak attack.
On the Verge 8 Photos View Slide Show ‘ In just over a year, Dilara Findikoglu has established herself as one of London’s most rebellious designers.
The theme of the rebellious soiree was free booze for a free press — and the drinks were certainly flowing at the Brixton on U Street.
They are protesting not just with slogans and signs, but also with rifles slung over their shoulders and a rebellious spirit emanating from their throats.
Weisz and I attended the same senior school, North London Collegiate, although she was «asked to leave»—code for expulsion—due to her rebellious behavior.
Astrologers call you stubborn and stuck in your ways, but you can use the energy from today’s moon in rebellious Aquarius to make a change.
Behind closed doors, he complains about Ren by name to fellow town council members, positioning them in opposition, and scheming to squash his rebellious influence.
Having arisen from California around the 1950s, skateboarding became a rebellious response to the mainstream, developing a street culture community so often blackballed by society.
Historically, women with tattoos faced bias and stigma: Women who marked their skin were often labeled as sluts and seen as rebellious or «bad» girls.
The diverse crowd was distinctly against Giuliani’s relentless whitewashing of the city, and the result recaptured rock’s rebellious spirit, until the party ended in 2001.
I just love what she does, I love how rebellious you could say she is, so that felt like a really fun feature to do.
He was almost entirely bald, but what was left of his hair jutted out in front of him like a rebellious quiff or a horn.
Some of the old replicants with rebellious tendencies still exist, though, which is why Blade Runners do, too: to hunt them down and retire them.
From there the route continues through the rebellious territory of Judaea (Israel and Palestine), to the ritual center of Heliopolis-Baalbek in present-day Lebanon.
It’s slightly rebellious to show lots of blood, but the vampire is a combination of very glamorous and yet there’s the nice bodily fluids context.
But last year, at the Women’s March in Trafalgar Square in London, Ms. Starkey found more explicitly rebellious images of female protesters impossible to resist.
The moon enters brooding water sign Scorpio at 12:02 AM and opposes rebellious Uranus at 9:11 AM, finding us sitting with surprising feelings.
These included Trisha Brown and other founders of the rebellious Judson Dance Theater — artists for whom standing, sitting, walking, running, dressing and undressing constituted dance.
A number of rebellious, independent-minded country singers have followed Lambert’s lead, including Eric Church, who conquered Nashville with relatively little help from radio stations.
If Ha-won can whip the rebellious Kang cousins into shape, their CEO grandfather (Yong-geon Kim) will pay her college tuition, and then some.
I wish she had more to do, but seeing her cast as a rebellious young adult raised on ’80s glam rock is a welcome surprise.
Hip-hop is moving in a «rebellious, nihilistic» direction, said Rob Stevenson, Republic’s executive vice president for A&R, who signed Aminé to the label.
In a world of crossbody and saddlebags, to make a strapless bag that one must carry in their hands is as rebellious as it gets.
«Daniel, like in the play, is everybody’s best friend, but he brings a kind of rebellious spirit and an amazing amount of charm,» Gold said.
Kelly points to the «totalitarian» nature of the British state, consumed as it was by hostilities, first with its rebellious colonies and then with France.
It soon became the preferred pejorative for any rebellious slave, as if geographic origin were the only possible explanation for why someone would resist enslavement.
Some of those fantasies were driven by fear, but some of them, strangely, stemmed from a romanticized notion of the figure of the rebellious slave.
The result is a candid behind-the-scenes look at the company’s strategic outlook, often cutting a sharp contrast to the company’s rebellious «uncarrier» image.
Jamal Mahjoub’s «Duende 2077» is the most explicitly rebellious simply for its premise, which posits a futuristic Caliphate after the fall of Christian/Western hegemony.
One day in March, 2012, a doctor asked Hamada if he would smuggle baby formula to a woman in Darayya, a rebellious suburb of Damascus.
So, being the rebellious 5-year-old that I was, I decided to cheer for the New York Jets, one of the Dolphins’ fiercest rivals.
By the end of the month, Spain’s leader had fired the government of the rebellious region, dissolved the regional parliament and ordered new elections. 38.
A rebellious energy takes over when the Moon challenges wild Uranus at 7:39 AM—don’t send any impulse text messages first thing this morning.
In Thiago Rocha Pitta’s The First Green at Marianne Boesky Gallery, nature is not victimized, but rebellious and intent on reclaiming land lost to humanity.
There’s even a particularly rebellious pick in Young Attitude, a blackened teal that would be perfect for scaring the living daylights out of your friends’ moms.
The rebellious young Zukauskas ran away from home as a teenager, making his way back to New York and finding unstable work as a manual laborer.
Many believe Johnson&aposs support for Brexit was motivated more by a desire to make himself leader of the rebellious «leave» movement than by true belief.
Fashion is all about going against the grain and celebrating it, the Chuck II’s are made for creatives and rebellious culture, which is what I represent.
Merkel and her rebellious Bavarian allies reached a last-minute compromise to end a dispute over managing immigration that threatened to bring down her coalition government.
On the other hand, the fact that Multiple Choice is decidedly not a replica of Facsímil is certainly in line with Zambra’s rebellious, non-conformist vision.
Kathryn Newton, who played Madeline Martha Mackenzie’s (Reese Witherspoons) delightfully rebellious daughter Abigail, will star in another addictive-sounding young adult series on the streaming service.
On the contrary: he felt «brave and rebellious» for not handing his phone over to Samsung — the same theme that seems to pervade the Note7 Alliance.
For most of us, that means picking up a trinket in a gift shop, but for the more rebellious, that little keepsake can be downright criminal.
In The Last Song, Cyrus played Ronnie, a talented, rebellious piano player from New York City who is sent to live with her father in Georgia.
A rebellious time: The world’s best player, Norway’s Ada Hegerberg, is boycotting the tournament over frustrations with how the Norwegian soccer federation treats its women’s players.
Rebellious Conservative MPs have condemned May’s plans for Britain to remain in a free trade zone for goods with the EU after it leaves the bloc.
And while Fisher will not appear in Episode IX, her rebellious spirit will live on in the new, strong female characters she paved the way for.
The London Evening Standard newspaper reported last week that Bonham Carter was «all but confirmed» to take on the role of Queen Elizabeth’s younger, rebellious sister.
«I was a little rebellious growing up,» the Imagine Dragons singer, 30, said on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday while promoting his upcoming documentary Believer.
Named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, Eris’ position in your birth chart indicates how and where in life you express your rebellious side.
We’re not just angsty, rebellious teenagers — Gen Z has a loud voice and we’re able to make progressive changes in the political, social, and beauty worlds.
BuzzFeed revealed the sense of paranoia the episode has created: «Never before has taking a shit on company time felt so rebellious,» one reporter told them.
You’d think that by the age of 100, you’d have gotten that rebellious streak out of your system, but that’s not the case for Edie Simms.
Jean-Marie Beguignem, the rebellious horse’s trainer, said the animal escaped while her rider was taking the filly from the stables to the famous Chantilly racecourse.
From cool nail typography for Geminis (when words fail) to rebellious asymmetry for Capricorns (to channel a new spirit), there’s something for every star sign, ahead.
Kara Hayward is best known for playing the rebellious lefty Suzy Bishop — opposite Jared Gilman as Sam Shakusky — in the 2012 Wes Anderson masterpiece ‘Moonrise Kingdom.
Friday evening, you break out of your conventional routine and take the final steps towards claiming your individuality, as the sun squares off with rebellious Uranus.
Dorne is famously rebellious, and it’s hard to imagine there are any strong leaders left who can unite the place in the wake of Ellaria’s coup.
And now the hit Netflix show has released a peek at Helena Bonham Carter as the British monarch’s rebellious and sometimes controversial younger sister Princess Margaret.
The joyful Dumplin’ on Netflix, based on Julie Murphy’s book, shows the kind of rebellious, chubby teenage girl I never saw on screen as a protagonist.
The drapes are rebellious and wear leather and ride motorbikes, and the squares are snarky do-gooders who sing in harmonies and never stay out late.
Olsen sued the State Department for wrongful termination and won, a victory that Samuel believes will be used to defend rebellious servants under the Trump administration.
Last year, he signed to Skrillex’s label OWSLA, and released the Free and Rebellious EP. And what new sound is official without a Skrillex co-sign?
A.J. Langer became a fan favorite as rebellious best friend Rayanne to angsty teen Angela (Claire Danes) on the ’90s cult hit My So-Called Life.
As the planet of values, Venus, gently harmonizes with rebellious Uranus on Monday, there is an opportunity to organize your community for an act of resistance.
Mars clashes with rebellious Uranus, and you’re in the mood to try something different when it comes to your relationships with your roommates or family members.
Grenier’s love for the band showed off his rebellious qualities and made him a brooding bad boy you wanted to whisk you off to a show.
I realized that I was the late Gen X version of a Little Monster, someone looking to radio alt rock to empower my vague rebellious identity.
Perhaps the most excruciating arc is Sam’s mother, who comes off from Episode 1 as a helicopter mom having a rebellious phase, and it lacks subtlety.
Uranus, the planet of invention, entered fellow earth sign Taurus, encouraging you to explore new creative forms and approach friendship and romance with a rebellious edge.
The new filter solves a pain point for parents with young kids (or rebellious teens with «lame parents») in the car that has existed for years.
By momentarily corralling the rebellious Tea Party movement, the Republicans regained control of the House in 2010, thereafter blocking much of the Obama White House’s agenda.
Mr. Lord, who cycled through four marriages, hung around with many of the rebellious, semi-feral writers he represented, but he was always the straight man.
Pattinson told The New York Times last year that his rebellious behavior on the set of the first film, released in 2008, nearly got him fired.
Join the Corita Art Center, in partnership with Second Home and KCRW, for an inspiring and rebellious evening embodying Corita’s ethos of hope, love, and justice.
My signing challenged the rules of social conduct she’d absorbed from adults, and to her I must have seemed ignorant or radically rebellious, or perhaps both.
Too shy to ask for the sale, too bent on enjoying what I do, too rebellious to work for a boss that might make me rich.
Last fall, Trump’s administration «held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from Venezuela to discuss their plans to overthrow President Maduro,» the New York Times reported.
The thing that drew me to being in a punk band is the rebellious nature of it—having a place for freaks and weirdos and outsiders.
You don’t want to be tied down anymore, and this isn’t a great time to plan commitments—you want to be free and you’re feeling rebellious.
«He represents the rebellious lawbreaker that secretly resides in all of us,» Louis Ferrante, a former mobster and host of Inside the Gangsters’ Code, tells VICE.
Unlike other kids that may have felt rebellious getting fucked up, I just felt like, my parents do that and they are in no way cool.
It highlights more than a dozen of the city’s most rebellious women of the Victorian era through biographies, prints and photographs culled from the museum’s collections.
The combination of the obscenity and the sneeringly rebellious vibe of the lyrics hurt Mr. McDonald career-wise, but of that song, he has no regrets.
She also followed many teens flipping and twisting off concrete pillars and ledges in urban landscapes, in the rebellious, freestyle movements of parkour (also called freerunning).
Although it has a reputation for being different just for the sake of being different, rebellious Uranus loves newness, trying stuff out, and being future-thinking.
Songs made famous by Meat Loaf are at the heart of this rebellious rock musical, which is also currently running at the Dominion Theater in London.
» The book had echoes of the writers W.G. Sebald and Milan Kundera, she added, but Ms. Tokarczuk «inhabits a rebellious, playful register very much her own.
Some of Mr. Doctorow’s earlier novels feature rebellious hacker heroes who take on shadowy corporations and tyrannical government agencies and fight the erosion of civil liberties.
George Patton from entering Prague to join the rebellious Czechs; he felt vulnerable to the possibility of Senator McCarthy blaming him for the subsequent Communist takeover.
Rebellious posts on social media became so plentiful from so many obscure sites that the management of the Interior Department appeared powerless to find them all.
Romance is in the air as the moon mingles with Venus, and excitement in your social life takes place as the moon connects with rebellious Uranus.
Mizoguchi made it during the Second World War, under a militaristic regime, and he masks its rebellious spirit with severe formality and respect for samurai tradition.
It is captured by a local saying, «We don’t be druv,» which translates as «We won’t be pushed around and are a bit rebellious,» he said.
Going forward, Pelosi will have to grapple with these new dynamics and with the rebellious young lawmakers, who represent the ascendant left wing of the party.
There’s Chess’s best friend, Kate (Jenny Rose Baker) — you can tell she’s rebellious because she is acerbic and wears a flannel shirt tied around her waist.
These were baby boomers, rebellious in their own minds, who were liberated from the suits that did not speak to who they believed they really were.
Seductive Venus’s meeting with rebellious Uranus will find you tapping into your inner maverick and showing the world how innovative, inspiring, and surprising you can be.
Naturally, it tapped legendary Devo frontman Mark Mothersbaugh, who’s been focusing on his visual art in recent years, to give it some of his rebellious spirit.
That is, like so many other trends, it’s the rebellious, aesthetic cool-factor of Juul that has made it so popular with teenagers — not just fun flavors.
While the government promises training will «continue as normal,» a few silent cues suggest Hanna and her call to escape have awakened the trainees’ more rebellious natures.
And then I gave myself permission to be a woman who comports herself with permission — permission to be sexy, and outspoken, and rebellious, and charming and adorable.
I still think of questioning marriage’s primacy as a contemporary and rebellious act, but women have been doing it for centuries in really bold, funny, resonant ways.
Then, in the mid-1950s, a group of rebellious psychologists, linguists, information theorists, and early artificial-intelligence researchers came up with a different conception of the mind.
Chancellor Angela Merkel and her rebellious Bavarian allies have reached a compromise to end a dispute over managing immigration that threatened to bring down her coalition government.
Upon his return to Pyongyang, the rebellious teen was said to have resented having to live behind palace gates, a lifestyle very much unlike that in Switzerland.
Early Wednesday morning, love and money planet Venus faces off with rebellious Uranus, shaking up your relationships—an echo of what happened on or around September 11.
She’s variously played a Jane Austen heroine («Sense and Sensibility»), rebellious Edwardian («Titanic»), artsy hipster («Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind») and intelligent villain (the «Divergent» series).
In Assam, rebellious younger Congress leaders helped swing voters to the BJP, which they joined after complaints about the ageing local Congress boss fell on deaf ears.
The deal between an unpopular king and rebellious barons marked the beginning of individual English freedoms, personal liberties, and due-process protection of individuals under the law.
The so-called local «reconciliation» agreements are the government’s preferred method for pacifying rebellious areas, and have often been concluded after years of government siege and bombardment.
Meanwhile, Mongeau herself returned to VidCon one year after her rebellious, disastrous effort to call out what she saw as poor treatment of vloggers by VidCon officials.
Towards the end of «Chapter 70,» the rebellious cabinet has amassed in a White House conference room to sign the letter that would begin Claire’s impeachment proceedings.
The conventionally feminine one is too dull or too passive or too boring, maybe, or the rebellious one is too slutty or too shrill or too angry.
A report in the paper said Bonham Carter was «all but confirmed» to take on the part of Queen Elizabeth’s rebellious and at times, controversial younger sister.
The last-ditch agreement with her rebellious Interior Minister Horst Seehofer represents a significant climbdown for Merkel, who had welcomed hundreds of thousands of migrants to Germany.

Isa: 50:5: The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back

With time—and patience—you’ll be surprised at how much a rebellious grandchild can change

Does anyone really think this makes look rebellious or cool anymore? I was an insurance salesman before all this happened

Liz looks rebellious, probably because she has sussed that we none of us think it wise for her to be in the house on her own

their heart often start out looking rebellious because they are their heart often start out looki

Moreover, they had two children to take into consideration who had grown into rather rebellious and insubordinate limbs on the family tree, perhaps resulting from the influence of the disjointed and uncomfortable atmosphere that was to be found in their home life

These women were not frustrated, hurt, angry or openly rebellious about their situations

From the end of the first to the beginning of the second Carthaginian war, the armies of Carthage were continually in the field, and employed under three great generals, who succeeded one another in the command; Amilcar, his son-in-law Asdrubal, and his son Annibal: first in chastising their own rebellious slaves, afterwards in subduing the revolted nations of Africa; and lastly, in conquering the great kingdom of Spain

His own strict religious upbringing and his rebellious denial of it

‘Thought I’d given up on my rebellious daughter?’ His gruff voice thinned by the poor quality of the scrambled signal

Therefore, I shall dash the rebellious in pieces upon these rocks, and send the jackals to carry away their carcasses! For they have trusted in false glory and wear shame as a garment, cursing My name without ceasing

In other words, I am offering you a much more civilized way out, because I haven’t got the time to grind your puny rebellious followers into oblivion

He had told him that the Patriarch was in league with a cluster of rebellious religious fanatics that wished for total domination of the Patriarch over the ruling council making the first move against peace and prosperity

Where I was not a lost and half rebellious slave, but a perfect body making love to another perfect body

The temple to Apollo, the “Abomination of Desolation” was built as an additional insult to the rebellious Hebrews of the uprising of AD 135

“You were always a little rebellious Charles, at least in some ways…in other ways, Dave has been more rebellious as a wild-and-crazy single guy out West!” Michelle smiled at me, with only the faintest hint of disapproval on her face

Malicious and unfortunate was the advice of Mummu: «Destroy, My father, the rebellious behavior

In fact, I might even be rebellious

He had grown more rebellious in recent weeks, but his overt nastiness to her was something different

6 God sets the solitary in families: he bring out those which are bound with chains, but the rebellious dwell in a dry land

18 You have ascended on high, you have led captivity captive: you have received gifts for men; yes, for the rebellious also, that the

Your silver has become dross, your wine mixed with water: 23 Your princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: everyone

1 Woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit,

5 The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back

17 As keepers of a field, are they against her round about; because she has been rebellious against me, says the Lord

not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? 23 But these people have a revolting and rebellious heart; they have

Jews which came up from you to us are come to Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls of it,

be made in the book of the records of your fathers, so shall you find in the book of the records, and know that this city is a rebellious

rebellious nation that has rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even to this very day

they will hear, or whether they will forbear, for they are a rebellious house, yet shall know that there has been a prophet among them

looks, though they be a rebellious house

stick to the roof of your mouth, that you shall be dumb, and shall not be to them a reprover, for they are a rebellious house

who forbears, let him forbear, for they are a rebellious house

1 The word of the Lord also came to me, saying, 2 Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see,

and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not, for they are a rebellious house

consider, though they be a rebellious house

11 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 12 Say now to the rebellious house, Know you

3 And utter a parable to the rebellious house, and say to them, So says the Lord God; Set on a pot, set it on, and also pour water into

6 In the congregation of the ungodly shall a fire be kindled; and in a rebellious nation wrath is set on fire

that rebellious and wicked city, do build the marketplaces, and repair the walls of it and do lay the foundation of the temple

Chronicles what is written concerning these things, and shall understand that that city was rebellious, troubling both kings and cities:

23 And that the Jews were rebellious, and raised always wars in it; for the which cause even this city was made desolate

With the King gone and the Blackness growing, the Fairest of Creation, weeping for all that had come to pass, saw that there was one last thing they could do to save the rebellious ones

My aunt was a rebellious teenager when she took me in, it was just her and me and this house

With Levi, it was all wrong, dangerous, completely and utterly complicated, and rebellious

In their rebellious isolation they turn to an ultimate nihilism not unlike that of the BN Steele describes

Adrinius and Zacchaeus had decided to come to where it had all began for them, their rebellious independence from our father

And for our convictions, we, the rebellious men, have suffered a huge price

24 You have been rebellious against the Lord from the day that I knew you

18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not listen to them:

20 And they shall say to the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard

During his lifetime he certainly was no angel, he lied, committed treason, abused the temple, coveted, committed adultery, murdered, procrastinated, contended with his own rebellious family, but through it all, every time his sin was pointed out to him and with each misstep, he listened to wise counsel, accepted responsibility and learnt, continually growing in stature and power

Is that what you really want? Most leaders would answer ‘no’, and that is reason enough to oppose and withstand such rebellious acts

Eze 3:9 As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house

He interpreted attempts at rational discussion as arguing, and any disagreements were treated as rebellious

18 Be it now known to the Lord king that the Jews that are up from you to us being come into Jerusalem that rebellious and wicked city do build the marketplaces and repair the walls of it and do lay the foundation of the temple

20 And forasmuch as the things pertaining to the temple are now in hand we think it meet not to neglect such a matter 21 But to speak to our Lord the king to the intent that if it be your pleasure it may be sought out in the books of your fathers: 22 And you shall find in the Chronicles what is written concerning these things and shall understand that that city was rebellious troubling both kings and cities: 23 And that the Jews were rebellious and raised always wars in it; for the which cause even this city was made desolate

8 Pull you off then the hair of your head and throw all evil on them for they have not been obedient to my law but it is a rebellious people

“Whatever brought you here,” he hissed through the small barred window in the door, “you were wrong to resist my authority! Regardless of what the port master finds, you will still have to answer for that! We have ways of dealing with the rebellious few of your kind who insist on making life more difficult for us than it already is!”

Joyce might have taken our mother’s rebellious ways

It was the Chair Maker, but a flash of crimson from his mouth made the rebellious Gathandrian cry out and stagger away

to answer for that! We have ways of dealing with the rebellious few of your kind who insist on

Most of them were merely cooperating with the flow of power as they saw it and were not intentionally rebellious

Her work in the scriptorium is always a joy to behold: she blends the modern and the classic, the Roman and the Celtic, in ways that I had never before imagined — but you can see for yourself; I have enclosed a copy of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History that Leoba produced, on her own — she made not only the golden script, but the goat-skin pages themselves, and the painted leather cover, and the decorations on the spine — all wonderful, as you can see, though made by a rebellious and insolent Nun!

She is untruthful, inconsistent, impulsive, rebellious and arrogant

Now God’s wrath is at ease, resting on the rebellious nations

Trask chose to enter without knocking, a minor rebellious act of the type habitual with him

He was and still is, therefore, a child of God, though a rebellious one

He was away for centuries and had no contact with the rebellious nation

life of him, he could not seem to put his rebellious feelings aside

Beatrice, Mariana and Salome do not concern her since she had them within reach of the hand and although each had their own peculiarities, their behaviors are framed within what is allowed and expected for three not very rebellious teenagers

“I’m telling you this subject is too damn rebellious; he’ll never just do what you tell him with no questions asked

Wisdom is everything in knowing what is the right thing to do in a given situation; you would know what a Child of God should do, you have the ability to obey God’s Will by knowing the Truth, Having Wisdom you will have an understanding of knowledge, you will know what God’s Will is and that Satan is wrong and rebellious to the Truth of God

In fact there is Eternal punishment in Hell for the rebellious to God’s truth, to know God you have to Love God and do His will

But God will come down in judgment on that rebellious multitude; and Satan will be cast into the lake of fire (which is just a larger version of hell – Revelation 20:7–10)

quite rebellious towards it

Chris sat back digesting this information and trying to get his rebellious stomach under control

Back on the farm Esther had grown ever more rebellious

And then are such evils later exalted into sin by the knowing and deliberate choice of such a willful and rebellious creature

Satan (representing Lucifer) and the rebellious Planetary Prince, Caligastia, were present with Jesus and were made fully visible to him

You have set at naught all my counsel, and you have rejected my reproof, and because of this rebellious attitude it becomes inevitable that you shall call upon me and fail to receive an answer

Children and children figures in your life are apt to be more rebellious

Rumor said Natohk had welded thirty nomadic tribes and fifteen cities into his following, and that a rebellious Stygian prince had joined him

Jesus plainly told his apostles that the stray and rebellious midwayers who had oftentimes impersonated the supposed spirits of the dead would soon be brought under control so that they could no more do these strange things

2 «Nathaniel, you and many others are thus perplexed because you do not comprehend how the natural order of this world has been so many times upset by the sinful adventures of certain rebellious traitors to the Father’s will

1 In the midst of the discussions of this after meeting, one of the Pharisees from Jerusalem brought to Jesus a distraught youth who was possessed of an unruly and rebellious spirit

Siblings and sibling figures in your life are restless and rebellious

Was it arrogance or a rebellious stance?

In addition to this nervous malady this lad had become possessed by one of those wandering, mischievous, and rebellious midwayers who were then present on earth and uncontrolled, so that the youth was both epileptic and demon-possessed

And then this insulted king ordered out his armies and the armies of his allies and instructed them to destroy these rebellious murderers and to burn down their city

«He had thought her a bit too rebellious before that

For a long time, she became even more rebellious and compulsively sought out sex with

Of this Kothian wizard dark tales were told; tousle-headed women in northern and western villages frightened children with his name, and rebellious slaves were brought to abased submission quicker than by the lash, with threat of being sold to him

‘He bids me say that if you soften your proud, rebellious spirit, he will still open his arms to you

They wished to meet and crush Conan before he could be joined by the rebellious forces of the kingdom

Wise beyond his years, young Bloodtooth was aware of his mentor‘s hatred for his daughter‘s husband, Joe Billie‘s father and his rejection of Mary‘s rebellious marriage

yet alive with you, you have been rebellious against the LORD, then

Sometimes he would react to suggestions in a rebellious

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