Sentence for the word pursuing


- преследующий

The fox fled from the pursuing hounds. — Лиса спаслась бегством от преследующих её гончих.
They listened for the hounds’ pursuing bark. — Они прислушались, в надежде услышать лай преследующих зверя гончих.

- стремящийся (к какой-либо цели)

Мои примеры


an emancipated young woman pursuing her career — раскрепощённая молодая женщина, занимающаяся своей карьерой  
pursuing capture — автомобиль преследования; преследующий автомобиль  
pursuing defensive — выполняющий задачи по обороне; выполнение задачи по обороне  
pursuing effort — продолжающий усилия; продолжение усилий  
pursuing an goal — добивающийся цели  
pursuing the aim — преследование цели; преследующий цель  
pursuing an objective — добивающийся цели; достижение цели  
pursuing the objective — преследование цели; преследующий цель  
pursuing offensive — продолжающий наступление; продолжение наступления  
pursuing vehicle — преследующий ЛА  
pursuing an arms race — ведущий гонку вооружений  

Примеры с переводом

She is ruthless in pursuing her goals.

Она безжалостна в преследовании своих целей.

She was intent on pursuing a career in business.

Она была полна решимости сделать карьеру в бизнесе.

He is an amoral, selfish person pursuing his own goals.

Это аморальный, эгоистичный человек, который преследует свои цели.

The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case.

Полиция в настоящее время рассматривает несколько линий следствия по делу.

The police are pursuing a new line of inquiry.

Полиция проводит новую линию расследования.

He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.

Он обвинил британские СМИ в развязывании против него вендетты.

They are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property.

Они выполняют общую программу капитального ремонта всего имущества.

He admired her dogged persistence in pursuing the job.

Он восхищался её чертовским упорством при выполнении этой работы.

Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.

Бриггс побежал через поле, а вслед за ним побежал один из полицейских.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She has been persistent in pursuing the job.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

pursuer  — преследователь, истец, гонитель

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Relentlessly pursuing what you dream about is dedication.

Неутомимо преследуя то, о чем мечтаете — это и есть самоотверженность.

Its chief executive was in Asia last week pursuing customers, Daughdrill said.

Его главный исполнительный директор был в Азии на прошлой неделе, преследуя клиентов, сказал Догрилл.

He hides from the police who are pursuing him.

Он пытается убежать от полиции, которая преследует его по пятам.

He especially denied he was aggressively pursuing any personal agenda.

Яростнее всего он отрицал то, что агрессивно преследует свои личные цели.

Everyone pursuing their big dreams has days they feel like giving up.

У каждого, кто преследует свои большие мечты, есть дни когда они хотели сдаться.

Got an officer pursuing a suspect towards Bowery and Grand.

Полегче! Офицер преследует подозреваемого, направляются на север к Боуэри и Гранд.

They all have unique qualities worth pursuing.

Все они обладают в этом плане совершенно уникальными качествами, которые стоит использовать.

Ongoing. UNICEF is pursuing this aim vigorously.

Эти меры принимаются на постоянной основе. ЮНИСЕФ предпринимает энергичные усилия для решения этой задачи.

But nothing really stopped me from pursuing my dream.

Besides pursuing music, he is setting up his business.

Ultimately all organizations are, for good or bad, pursuing political agendas.

В конечном итоге все вмешательства властей — как хорошие, так и плохие — результат политических процессов.

And girls not pursuing higher education get married early.

Молодые люди, получив высшее образование, не спешат вступить в брак.

Many countries are undertaking structural adjustment and reform and are pursuing their outward-oriented policies.

Многие страны осуществляют в настоящее время процесс структурной перестройки и реформ и проводят политику, характеризующуюся внешней ориентацией.

They could also assist by actively pursuing bilateral investment treaties and agreements to avoid double taxation.

Они также могли бы оказывать помощь путем активного заключения двусторонних договоров и соглашений об инвестициях, с тем чтобы избегать двойного налогообложения.

We will therefore be pursuing it as constructively as possible.

Поэтому мы и впредь будем, насколько это возможно, конструктивно развивать ее.

The authorities are pursuing a strategy aimed at silencing the provincial media.

Власти преследуют стратегию, направленную на то, чтобы заставить средства массовой информации провинций замолчать.

The concept was worth pursuing but required further thought.

Рассмотрению этой концепции стоит уделить внимание, однако она требует дополнительных размышлений.

Countries pursuing those policies have experienced an improved domestic policy environment and greater economic stability.

В странах, которые проводят такую политику, наблюдалось улучшение внутренних условий с точки зрения политики и повышение уровня экономической стабильности.

Yet while pursuing that objective, we must act with realism.

Pursue common interests, even if it means pursuing them apart.

Преследуйте общие интересы, даже если это значит, что вы будете преследовать их обособленно друг от друга.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word pursuing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use pursuing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «pursuing».

Pursuing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word pursuing in a sentence.

  1. While pursuing him she bumps her head on a cupboard.

  2. No young persons think of pursuing such an occupation.

  3. Mario ventures through eight worlds pursuing Bowser Jr.

  4. Any pursuing troops were met with a wall of musket fire.

  5. The story begins with Dali selecting and pursuing Betkil.

  6. While her mother encouraged her to go into modeling, she insisted on pursuing acting.

  7. The Mangalore crew, pursuing the stones for themselves, also illegally board the ship.

  8. Hagerstrom fired a short burst at one of the pursuing Japanese planes, a Ki-61 «Hien».

  9. While pursuing the Brierfield litigation, Davis took another business trip to Liverpool.

  10. Escaped slaves would often wade in creeks to hide their scent from pursuing bloodhounds.

  11. The French infantry were unable to outrun the pursuing English cavalry and suffered heavy casualties.

  12. Trigg continued pursuing his livelihood as a merchant at Dunkard Bottom in present-day Pulaski County.

  13. Burgoyne’s troops moved in the next day, with advance guards pursuing the retreating Patriot Americans.

  14. She too was married, but after pursuing her for three years, Solti persuaded her to divorce her husband.

  15. On May 2, 2017, Clinton said Trump’s use of Twitter «doesn’t work» when pursuing important negotiations.

  16. Supporting a family of his own, he found that pursuing an acting career is more financially sustainable.

  17. Spielberg decided against pursuing it, feeling it «would do nothing but rob the original of its virginity.

  18. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris, simultaneously pursuing studies at the University of Paris.

  19. When Scudder felt his pursuing enemy again, he left his family and traveled aimlessly throughout the country.

  20. Baker assailed two Fokkers that had been pursuing another Snipe, and was able to destroy one of the aircraft.

  21. Angry at his treatment by the Byers inquiry, Scott sought other means of pursuing his vendetta against Thorpe.

  22. Mantises are mostly ambush predators, but a few ground-dwelling species are found actively pursuing their prey.

  23. The Carthaginians concentrated on pursuing and cutting down the partially-surrounded balance of the Roman army.

  24. Angered by the message, Mucci sent the lieutenant back to insist that pursuing Japanese forces would be coming.

  25. After the 1990–91 Gulf War, UNSCOM determined that Iraq had been pursuing a calutron program to enrich uranium.

  26. Although he continued to work, his failing health kept him at home often, and he began pursuing more domestic activities.

  27. Union cavalry were pursuing the Confederates, and encountered elements from the 11th and 12th Missouri Cavalry Regiments.

  28. Glicken’s father said in 1991 that his son died pursuing his passion, and that he was «totally absorbed» with volcanology.

  29. The group spent the extra time rewriting lyrics, rearranging and remixing songs, and pursuing different production styles.

  30. It reported that an atomic bomb was technically feasible, and recommended pursuing its development as a matter of urgency.

  31. Tatl prevents Link from pursuing the Skull Kid as he escapes with Tael, resulting in Tatl being separated from her brother.

  32. After escaping with the help of Catwoman, Batman is convinced by Alfred to end Protocol 10 before pursuing Talia and Joker.

  33. The pursuing British battlecruisers were steaming at 27 knots (50 km/h; 31 mph), and quickly caught up to the German ships.

  34. The fairy Navi awakens Link from a nightmare in which he witnesses a man in black armor pursuing a young girl on horseback.

  35. I drew a great ridiculous mosquito, pursuing a sleeping man, peeking through a keyhole and pouncing on him over the transom.

  36. When a doe being chased by Molosian hounds kneels in front of him and is not attacked by the pursuing dogs, Martial says she and the dogs can sense Caesar’s aura of power.

  37. Evidence boards are associated in fiction with both detective activities and obsessional interests, including those of delusional individuals pursuing conspiracy theories.

  38. He decided to work full-time on the antibody response in typhoid, even though he was technically supposed to pursuing pathology as part of his obligations to the hospital.

  39. They encountered 10–15 enemy aircraft, and he and his wingman, John Bodak, dove on a group of Zeros that were pursuing four P-38s; Hagerstrom shot down one of the aircraft.

  40. While pursuing this task in June 1779 he ran across the Spanish battle fleet, comprising 32 ships of the line and two frigates, heading south towards an unknown destination.

Synonyms for pursuing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word pursuing has the following synonyms: following.

General information about «pursuing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word pursuing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «pursuing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «pursuing».

pursuing — перевод на русский

Pursue and exterminate!

Преследовать и уничтожить!

We shall pursue them through eternity.

Мы будем преследовать их сквозь вечность.

The object is still pursuing us, thereby causing us to drain our power reserve at a much greater rate.

Объект продолжает нас преследовать. И мы быстро истощаем запас энергии.

He made me a promise as he faced death that his ghost would pursue me.

Он пообещал мне перед лицом смерти, что дух его будет преследовать меня.

Hanako turned into a snake to pursue her beloved Anchin.

Танако превратился в змею, дабы преследовать возлюбленную Антин.

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But I didn’t have the means to pursue those things, and I developed a kind of complex about it.

Но у меня не было средств для того, чтобы им заниматься, и на этой почве у меня развился своего рода комплекс.

My success allowed me a certain freedom to pursue my own interests.

Успех предоставил мне некоторую свободу действий и позволил заниматься тем, что мне интересно.

But are you the one to pursue this?

Я подозреваю, что вы правы. Но вопрос остается, стоит ли вам заниматься этим?

While Porthropp was in the States, you were free to pursue… other interests.

Пока Портроп был в Штатах, вы могли заниматься… своими делами.

However, the music, if you want to pursue it… The lessons from Mrs. Swan, they’ll only take you so far.

Но если ты хочешь заниматься музыкой, уроки миссис Сван только отдалят тебя от неё.

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And if our peoples continue to pursue the ways of hate… then war upon war will return… until we will become the destroyers of the world.

И если наши народы продолжат следовать путем ненависти то война будет следовать за войной пока мы не разрушим весь мир.

Every mood can be expressed, every need can be fulfilled and every nature can be pursued.

Любое настроение может быть выражено, любая потребность может быть удовлетворена и любой натуре можно следовать.

Yes, we must never be too timid to pursue our heart’s desire.

Да, нельзя допустить, чтобы робость мешала нам следовать желанию сердца.

If they do pursue this line and establish that you and Alex were having an affair, they’re going to start to pay very close attention to me.

Если они продолжат следовать этой линии и узнают, что у вас с Алексом были отношения, они обратят очень пристальное внимание на меня.

— Tell Dog Head to pursue

Следовать за ними.

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I believe the truth will only be found when all scientists are free to pursue it.

Я верю, что истина будет найдена только тогда, когда все учёные свободны добиваться её.

The minute we leave this room, I’ll aggressively pursue her.

Как только мы уйдём отсюда, я активно начну добиваться её.

I also need to pursue my dreams and never give up

Мне тоже нужно добиваться своих мечтаний и никогда не сдаваться

I thought you’d tell me to, like, pursue him boldly.

Я думал, ты посоветуешь мне, например, отважно добиваться его.

Um, re gonna pursue me, And I’m gonna… Take advantage of that.

Ты будешь меня добиваться, а я… буду этим пользоваться.

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And that unless some constitutional reformation be brought about, we would as well go back to our homes and our farms as pursue this mockery of a government one more day.

Если не перейти к реформе конституции, …то лучше вернуться домой, …чем продолжать создавать видимость правительства.

Logic cannot explain why, but I know I must pursue this.

Логика не может объяснить, почему. Я просто знаю, что должен продолжать.

You don’t think I should pursue this, do you?

Ты думаешь, мне не надо продолжать это, да?

You wanna pursue this?

Вы так и будете продолжать?

If you choose to pursue a relationship, that’s your business.

Если вы собираетесь продолжать отношения, это — ваше дело.

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Do you ever dream of leaving your class… to pursue your own intellectual development on an independent basis?

Ты когда-нибудь мечтал покинуть свой класс… и заняться развитием интеллектуальных способностей по индивидуальной программе?

I really must make Cynthia pursue a course of serious reading.

Немедленно заставлю Синтию всерьез заняться чтением.

I must pursue a cure immediately, all Taelons are at grave risk.

Я должен немедленно заняться поисками исцеления, все тейлоны в смертельной опасности.

If so, we must pursue this.

Если это так, мы должны заняться этим.

I need someone who can look at a crime scene exactly one time, tell us what’s missing, tell us what shouldn’t be there, tell us what we can ignore… and, especially, what we need to pursue.

Нужен человек, способный раз взглянув на место преступления, сказать, что там лишнее и чего там не хватает, сказать, что несущественно, а чем необходимо заняться.

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Leo Kardos is hereby awarded a scholarship which will enable him to pursue the study of music for the next five years.

Поэтому, Лео Кардос награждается стипендией которая позволит ему продолжить изучение музыки в течение следующих 5 лет.

I’d rather would pursue this subject in private.

Я предпочёл бы продолжить эту тему у себя кабинете.

Consign my brain, which is the size of a planet, to death in a blazing sun, so that you can all pursue your futile little lives?

Отправить мой мозг величиной с планету на верную гибель в жерло пылающего солнца, чтобы вы могли продолжить свои бессмысленные короткие жизни?

She convinces the conservative staff at the hospital… to allow her to pursue a study of the new admission.

Она убеждает консервативный штат госпиталя… позволить ей продолжить исследование новичка.

I realize your ordeal affected you, but the holes in your account leave us with no choice but to delete these references until hard evidence becomes available that could cause us to pursue an investigation.

Я понимаю, что вы пережили непростое испытание. Но пробелы в вашем рапорте заставляют нас опустить некоторые детали в отчете Миистерству юстиции, пока не появятся новые доказательства, позволяющие продолжить расследование.

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Mma, you may have to pursue this case alone.

Мма, тебе вероятно придется расследовать это дело в одиночку.

We’re…we’re tasked with pursuing crimes that involve the United States Navy or Marine Corps and their families.

Нам..нам поручено расследовать преступления, связанные с ВМФ США или корпусом морской пехоты, а так же с их семьями.

Perhaps you should be more careful in what stories you pursue in the future.

Может, тебе следует быть осторожнее в делах, которые ты будешь расследовать в будущем

I.Y.S. just won’t pursue the case.

I.Y.S. просто не будет расследовать дело.

I can’t pursue a case based on the rantings

Я не могу расследовать дело основываясь на догадках.

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Kitahara! Pursue it!

Продолжайте преследование!

Correct fault immediately then pursue and recapture.

Восстановиь немедленно, начать преследование и догнать.

Bring me the request to pursue fugitive forms.

ѕринесите мне прошение на преследование беглецов.

I have to be ready to leave the city and pursue Pompey as soon as he refuses truce.

Надо готовиться покинуть город и начать преследование Помпея, когда тот отвергнет перемирие.

You want us to pursue?

Начать преследование?

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In light of your close relationship with the Taelons, I decided not to pursue this matter any further. For now.

Учитывая ваши давние связи и отношения с тейлонами, я принял решение приостановить расследование.

I’m pursuing a murder investigation and nobody enters or leaves this island until I say so.

Имеем, сэр. Я веду расследование убийства, и никто не прибудет и не уедет с этого острова без моего разрешения.

Major Carter and Agent Barrett are pursuing a lead that may take them to the real assassin.

Не обязательно. Майор Картер и Агент Баррет ведут расследование это поможет найти им настоящего убийцу.

We’re still pursuing lines of enquiry.

Ведется расследование.

Special agent in charge barkley has determined that the source of his tip regarding you and Boyd crowder is something he’d rather not divulge, and a.U.S.A. Vasquez said that in order for him to pursue an indictment, he would need to do so.

Не ваше дело. Специальный агент Баркли отказался раскрыть свой источник, связывающий тебя и Бойда, и помощник федерального прокурора Васкес заявил, что в таком случае, учитывая правила, он не сможет начать расследование.

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1 A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour’s. 

2 She was intent on pursuing a career in business.

3 He was still doggedly pursuing his studies.

4 The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.

5 He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.

6 A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.

7 He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.

8 He used to play with a group but now he’s going solo/pursuing a solo career.

9 The police are pursuing their inquiries with great diligence.

10 Motherhood won’tstop me from pursuing my acting career.

11 They’re pursuing a strategy of massive retaliation.

12 The government is pursuing a policy of containment.

13 The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.

14 Police are still pursuing their investigations.

15 The police are still pursuing their enquiries.

16 I decided the matter was not worth pursuing further.

17 The government is pursuing a policy of non-intervention.

18 She is pursuing her linguistic researches.

19 Jake has been pursuing her for months.

20 Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.

21 She is ruthless in pursuing her goals.

22 We will not be pursuing this matter any further.

23 The two groups are pursuing a common objective.

24 I don’t think this idea is worth pursuing any further.

25 The police are pursuing a new line of enquiry / inquiry .

26 Smith had expended large sums in pursuing his claim through the court.

27 The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.

28 Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.

29 Dreams don’t abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing(,[] you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.

30 He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms.

More similar words: pursuit, pursue, pursuant, ensuing, purse, queuing, bathing suit, continuing, intriguing, nursing, purring, purchasing, nursing home, labour saving, flying colours, burst out laughing, with flying colours, purchasing department, for sure, versus, persuade, hirsute, suit, marsupial, suite, persuasive, persuasion, suitor, suited, power supply. 

The experience legal team at Altman & Altman LLP has over 40 years of experience pursuing, litigating and emerging victorious in negligence and personal injury cases.


One exercise that I wondered about her pursuing was swimming.


I did most of the pursuing and after 8 months of dating, when he got a job closer to me (we were a 2-hour drive apart) one of us (probably me) suggested moving in together.


There are a paltry three types of sidequest — helping stranded refugees fend off the horde, rescuing people from Obscuris, the inevitable dastardly G-man group you’ll spend most of the story pursuing, and blowing up bits of Obscuris equipment.


Jerrold A. Mayro has over 30 years of experience pursuing and obtaining compensation for victims injured due to the negligence of other vehicle operators in traffic accident cases.


Governments likely would not take on the research due to its speculative nature, he said, yet the technology is promising enough to merit pursuing.


So, the Gunners must be fully ready to capitalize on those dropped points to strengthens their position in the table and enhance their pursuing of the two fellows that are in front of them.


For this reason, the pursuer is often best served by discovering ways to call off the pursuit — and there are ways to reconnect with a distancing partner that don’t involve aggressive pursuing.


A stretch of light Google searching, tweeting, and email pursuing were all it took for our arms to feel like they were about to fall out of his sockets,» and one-handed use is out of the question.


Once Seth halts a pursuing SUV with his breastplate and Sara levitates Jack’s tip change, however, it becomes clear that he is dealing with two strays from outer space who have crash-landed in the desert.


Women are told not to initiate contact with men and to let them do the pursuing.


Why not let her do the pursuing and you do the approving while on Indonesian women dating sites?


God’s love is a pursuing and faithful love.


I generally recommend people avoid using them as emails are better but some women prefer to have the man do the pursuing and in those cases I think winks are fine.


From a friend offering to set me up on a blind date to a new acquaintance met through joining a co-ed sports league, I’ve come across some really great guys who have been wonderful about showing interest and pursuing.


We spend a lot of time and energy pursuing and maintaining romantic relationships, but what about our other social ties?


I don’t know if being emission free by 2050 is possible, and certainly we’re taking significant steps back domestically in terms of no longer pursuing regulations — not making CAFE standards more aggressive and not moving forward with the Clean Power Plan.


And developing that symbolic language — what Brenner calls a language of gadgets — to meet the challenge is one of the things he thinks is worthwhile pursuing.


The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction is offering a $ 3,000 Early Childhood Education Scholarship for residents of ND pursuing


«It seems like a much more real and practical approach to the idea of ideas coming and going, the pursuing of a thought.»


Im pursuing as engineering and very hardworking, I love to make good conversation and honest to people


Usually, an ugly result would involve a lender pursuing and attaching liens to other assets in order to collect on a policy loan that has gone into default.


With the group having to not only contend with the horrors of the pursuing, savage Sam, but also the dangers of the remote environment; lack of water, dangerous rocks, and venemous rattlesnkes etc, they are certainly up against it.


Key Accomplishments • Resolved a major billing discrepancy effectively from an external client, saving the client a surcharge worth 50k • Obtained a previous recovery deficit from a commercial client worth 1.2 Million through effective follow up and effectual pursuing


In pursuit of amatory adventure, hope bid me fly and I rose so high, so hig that I closed upon the quarry.To achieve so great a height, divine adventure pursuing, I flew so far that the doing lifted me clear beyond sight.


Should sugar babies do more of the pursuing, or should the sugar patron message us saying they’re interested?


Feel free to contact him, but remember that you shouldn’t be doing all of the pursuing.


I like to be pursued rather than doing the pursuing, which is why I’m on this site.


More options result into a better and specified pursuing of one’s personal choice.


Even if you think your actions may have contributed to your injury, you may still have a claim well-worth pursuing, contact us for a free and confidential consultation — our talented personal injury attorney is ready to review your case.


This benefit is payable up to a maximum of two dependent children up to 23 years of age pursuing studies.


Men don’t like to be pursued; they like to do the pursuing.


Some economists, of course, see every activity as a marketplace transaction — dating and marriage, political behavior and even religious commitment can be viewed as the pursuing of maximal self-interest.


’ I said, pursuing the subject

If she didn’t want out of the marriage she would be pursuing this harder than he was, he knew that already

The house cups were quite decent here, they must be pursuing the transient trade

team of trackers pursuing the escaped men

She didn’t want to let that distract her from the inquiry she was pursuing either

Few still stayed in a dorm when pursuing studies that lofty, but there was still this atrium of three hundred rooms for those who did

This has provided us with leads that we are pursuing, but again, there are no names I want to release at this time because this work is still preliminary

“Actually it is Miss Spelman who is pursuing her education, I am merely a companion, if you will

strategy he was pursuing

Alan was scrambling in a suit over the pods of the ship, Colonel Samrova pursuing in a glittering stainless bot

Alan made her think of this song, for it told of a witch queen luring a guy from a distant star to a dark meeting house on some rain-soaked decaying waterfront, and from there pursuing him thru centuries and lifetimes to finally capture him on a windy hillside

The secret to avoiding these ideas is to always be pursuing

(and he made plenty), he kept pursuing God with all his heart

The average soul actually spends most of his or her life pursuing a higher position of dominance

pursuing his plans – and I suppose if he’d known they

Herold Could continue pursuing art with the confidence that she was Exploring and experimenting and trying to communicate The incredible experiences that she herself could barely believe

Heart quaking at the thunderous noise pursuing her, she reached the bay

By pursuing his own interest, he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it

If a student sees a goal as worth pursuing, and/or they appreciate the challenge, then they will be motivated to not only try, but to persevere beyond failures

I compensated for my lack of focus on selling by pursuing my love of knowledge

In pursuing their interest their own way, their conduct has upon many occasions been overlooked, either because not known or not understood in Europe; and upon some occasions it has been fairly suffered and submitted to, because their distance rendered it difficult to restrain it

Upon the first dawning of his genius, it was represented to him, that by going into the church he could easily find a much more quiet and comfortable subsistence, as well as a better situation for pursuing his studies; and he immediately followed the advice

The pursuing craft hovered above, sending out an encrypted communication

He hoped the massive wake created prevented the pursuing craft from getting near enough to fire

The Dutch headed straight for the scrolls in one swift movement and out of the corner of his eye Nathan could see Rita and Akbar pursuing them

fundamental to Christian Theology; otherwise, we would all be left with an uncertain notion that everything that is good, decent and worth pursuing is the arbitrary by-product of good intentions rooted in customs and manners rather than inspired by the Word of God

are seldom apparent to those who, in compliance with conventional practices, are exclusively committed to pursuing material things for their own sake

As he lay in the undergrowth Brock’s mind swirled wildly with the memories of what had happened to him over the past few moons– the pain in his back, forcing him to limp along with a shuffling gait; the growth on his head, now weeping a foul smelling pus; the voice constantly pursuing him into the furthest recesses of his mind

‖ In pursuing this line of reasoning, Power, is not absolute but a variation, rather, of proportionate means and ends

He breathed a little easier when he realised that the rats were not pursuing him

Boris, who had been pursuing Andzja, followed her

her, and she would see if the case was worth pursuing

It was 1978 and Gordon Edward was just another fisherman struggling for existence, pursuing the forever dwindling schools off Limon’s shore

With Sylvia so often in the States pursuing other business interests, Caroline’s work with the horses was transacted through Mike

If Teresa chose to return to her life purely as a human woman, pursuing her History degree, and spend her life as a teacher in that discipline, then she would forego all that her destiny promised

the underlying belief that pursuing wealth means rejecting our

The corrupt power structure within the OIJ would also receive its just desserts – or it could all turn bad, and pursuing the case would put him so deeply in trouble that he would never pull himself out

“We are pursuing suspected pirate vessels in this sector

The man he was pursuing was slowed by the pack he was wearing and the rifle in his hands

Was it the offering itself? If so, I mulled, that would present a line of thought worth pursuing for its own sake, but maybe later on

Why did I do it? Was I bent on serving my masters? On pursuing their own interest even when they did not command me? Because I loved them and wanted what was best for them, at my own expense or not? How often do we build motivations around our actions, ideas of who we are, built after the fact? I don’t know why

am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this

pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the

He would have imagined that the patrol boat had a radio, and had sent a message, notifying the shore that they were pursuing the Syrena, and relaying their course and location, but there was no sign that anyone was interested in them

spent the rest of her life pursuing the path of

Pursuing them and persecuting them only seemed to spread their message more rapidly

Pursuing that agenda led to many complaints about the organization

28 Now Saul returned from pursuing after David, and went against the Philistines, therefore they called that place Selahammahlekoth

22 And, note, the servants of David and Joab came from pursuing a troop, and brought in a great spoil with them, but Abner was not

My father fires over his shoulder at the guards pursuing him, but he is not fast enough

27 And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or

It was embarrassingly obvious even to my father that Ernest was spending most of his time pursuing his interests in fishing

suffering losses to the pursuing Greeks

It is up to you to take the time to research any field you are interested in pursuing with the

Instead of pursuing family business any further, I asked Theodore when he thought we would move on the enemy

As Lindsay had pointed out, our life at the moment seemed to consist of planning our next move and staying one step ahead of whoever was pursuing us

The fleeing Inka and the pursuing Mongols had ruined their terraced fields

Why I chose Lisbon, I do not know, although perhaps I am driven by the subconscious desire to put as much distance as possible between myself and those who might be pursuing me

Alexander is presently pursuing Buddhist studies

“I heard a couple of rumors, but it certainly seems Nigel is very actively pursuing two of the top managers in the business

should not make those who are interested in pursuing it deviate from

I toyed with the idea of taking the settlement, but I didn’t want to sacrifice mobility just in case the other tumen were not closely pursuing the fleeing enemy

16 This done, Judas returned again with his host from pursuing them, 17 And said

23 Judas also was very earnest in pursuing them, killing those wicked wretches, of whom he killed about thirty thousand

toward pursuing their own interests

Physicists, he points out, have been pursuing the nature of physical reality for much longer than neuroscientists have been probing the brain, but the nature of reality still eludes them

M: Guided by memory you have been pursuing the pleasant

Whatever such societies are called, pursuing the glowing mirage of the Overman inevitably brings forth new masses of ashen Undermen, kept down by cannonades of propaganda, or brutal enforcement if that fails

if He is pursuing, that means we are running

Jim stopped by her office and was impressed by the manner in which she was pursuing her work

35 And Jacob saw Eliphaz and his men pursuing him, and Jacob stood still in the place in which he was going, in order to know what this was, for he did not know the thing; and Eliphaz drew his sword and he went on advancing, he and his men, toward Jacob; and Jacob said to them, What is to do with you that you have come in here, and what does it mean that you pursue with your swords

pursuing its own aims, you are living merely on the surface and

Q: Is there any danger in pursuing the path of Yoga at all cost?

found that Frizzell was «pursuing legitimate issues» and called the work-

As cited, “it seems to me that Sgt Frizzell was pursuing legitimate issues

For Sci–Coll, despite pursuing the concept of nothingness and trying to force reality to conform to its nihilistic ideology, is pursing something

25 And the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and beheld all the Egyptians pursuing them, and the children of Israel were greatly terrified at them, and the children of Israel cried to the Lord


He was pursuing the CA exam and written thrice or four times and not passed “inter” yet; even one of the exams

“As part of pursuing compensation for all Canadians who have used Avandia, class

who spend their (usually short) lives pursuing speed

4 And Gideon came to Jordan, and passed over, he, and the three hundred men that were with him, faint, yet pursuing them

Exhaust all the possibilities before pursuing this route

are pursuing some form of voluntary simplicity, according to Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute in New York

35 And Jacob saw Eliphaz and his men pursuing him and Jacob stood still in the place in which he was going in order to know what this was for he did not know the thing; and Eliphaz drew his sword and he went on advancing he and his men toward Jacob; and Jacob said to them What is to do with you that you have come in here and what does it mean that you pursue with your swords

Pursuing solid evidence is a risk others would have to take

25 And the children of Israel lifted up their eyes and beheld all the Egyptians pursuing them and the children of Israel were greatly terrified at them and the children of Israel cried to the Lord

Without input from me or my children, it was decided that the solution to pursuing the philanthropic objectives best reflecting the diverse interests of the trustees, was to separate the trustees who followed the conservative philosophy my father held during his lifetime and who were trying to keep the foundation within the bounds of what we felt had been his “donor intent

“You see,” he said, as if finishing a conversation that had been interrupted and that they had both been pursuing

16 This done Judas returned again with his host from pursuing them 17 And said to the people Be not greedy of the spoil in as much as there is a battle before us 18 And Gorgias and his host are here by us in the mountain but stand you now against our enemies and overcome them and after this you may boldly take the spoils

The pursuing taxi nearly hit Connie’s taxi

When the strain of holding the Shields began to tell, Mark, Povon and Equemev turned their flight control over to their mates, and Ria joined those three in turning back to face the way they’d come and unleashing a storm of destruction upon their pursuing enemies

A group of pursuing soldiers spotted them, and

Penn kept his eye on the pursuing soldiers

Besides, I was still half heartedly pursuing

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