Sentence for the word prospects

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Just 18% believe prospects had improved.

И только 18% респондентов полагают, что перспективы в этом направлении улучшились.

However, it remains hopeful on its export prospects.

Тем не менее, он по-прежнему надеется на свои экспортные перспективы.

They held differing opinions of its prospects.

При этом они разошлись во мнениях относительно его перспектив.

In two words; targeted prospects.

Если в двух словах, то обеспечения перспектив.

I was referring primarily to prospects.

Министр говорил, в первую очередь, о перспективах.

Then you probably need to get informed on your employment prospects first.

Тогда вам, вероятно, нужно получить информацию о ваших перспективах трудоустройства в первую очередь.

We see good prospects for deepening energy cooperation.

Было отмечено наличие хороших перспектив для расширения сотрудничества в энергетической сфере.

Nevertheless, he still hopes for his export prospects.

Тем не менее, он по-прежнему надеется на свои экспортные перспективы.

We have very serious prospects that attract potential foreign partners.

«У нас очень серьезные перспективы, которые привлекают потенциальных зарубежных партнеров.

But this is an investment for growth prospects.

Понимаете, здесь речь идет о вложениях в перспективы роста.

However, despite such promising prospects, there are arguments against it.

Однако, несмотря на столь радужные перспективы, существуют и аргументы «против».

They also expressed worry about weakening medium-term prospects.

Они также выразили беспокойство в связи с ослаблением среднесрочных перспектив.

Platforms like podcasts can help find new prospects, partners and fans.

Такие платформы, как подкасты, могут помочь найти новые перспективы, партнеров и поклонников.

By itself, your brochure might cause prospects to call you.

Само собой, ваша брошюра может привести к перспективы для того, чтобы позвонить вам.

Young people are not convinced that this country has future and prospects.

Молодежь не убеждают в том, что у нашей страны есть будущее и перспективы.

Thankfully, it has strong prospects in both areas.

К счастью, у него есть хорошие перспективы в обеих областях.

I was out of work and without job prospects.

Вот так я оказался без работы и без перспектив на трудоустройство.

Brief notes from transition countries concerning energy policies and prospects will also be available.

Участникам будут также представлены краткие записки от стран с переходной экономикой, касающиеся политики и перспектив в области энергетики.

Their medium-term prospects appear somewhat better.

Их среднесрочные перспективы представляются в определенной степени более благоприятными.

Hybrid systems and special applications seem to have good immediate market prospects.

Представляется, что смешанные системы и специальные виды применения имеют хорошие непосредственные перспективы на рынке.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат prospects

Результатов: 46622. Точных совпадений: 46622. Затраченное время: 93 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



- (prospects) перспектива; шансы (на успех); виды, планы на будущее; надежда; перспективы; вид
- вид, панорама, зрелище, картина; перспектива
- потенциальный клиент, подписчик; предполагаемый покупатель; клиент; кандидат и т. п.
- горн., геол. поиски, изыскание, разведка
- марк., амер. потенциальный клиент, предполагаемый клиент


- исследовать; делать изыскания; разведывать
- геол. проводить разведку, искать (полезные ископаемые)
- быть перспективной (о шахте, месторождении)
- горн. производить опытную добычу руды (для определения ценности рудника, шахты или залежи)

Мои примеры


good career prospects — хорошие шансы сделать карьеру  
excellent promotion prospects — отличные шансы получить повышение  
damn smb’s prospects — испортить кому-л. карьеру  
long-run prospects — отдаленные перспективы  
economy growth prospects — перспективы развития экономики  
rosy prospects — радужные перспективы  
prospects of the search for minerals — перспективы поисков полезных ископаемых  
short-term prospects — краткосрочная перспектива  
slippy prospects — обманчивые надежды  
prospects for solar energy — перспективы солнечной энергетики  

Примеры с переводом

I want a job with good prospects for promotion.

Я хочу работу с хорошими перспективами роста.

He was careless about his personal prospects.

Он не заботился о своём будущем.

His prospects as a writer are excellent.

У него отличные перспективы как у писателя.

He’s very bullish about the company’s prospects.

Он очень оптимистично настроен насчёт перспектив компании.

Career prospects within the company are excellent.

В этой компании отличные перспективы карьерного роста.

Business prospects brightened last month.

В прошлом месяце перспективы развития бизнеса прояснились.

He’s very glum about the company’s prospects.

Он мрачно настроен в отношении перспектив компании.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We haven’t decided which car to buy yet. We’re still looking at a few prospects.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

prospect  — перспектива, разведка, исследовать, разведывать, ожидаемый
prospecting  — поиск, разведка, разведочные работы, старательство
prospection  — разведка, поиск золота, предвидение, взгляд в будущее, поиски
prospectless  — бесперспективный

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word prospects, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use prospects in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «prospects».

Prospects in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word prospects in a sentence.

  1. The prospects if the ship sank were grim.

  2. Johns’ prospects as a Willamette River port.

  3. This did not help the NF’s electoral prospects.

  4. Vidya’s career prospects improved in 2009 when R.

  5. The Sedins were considered top prospects for the 1999 NHL Entry Draft.

  6. He also discussed the prospects for uranium enrichment with Harold Urey.

  7. In May 2002, Obama commissioned a poll to assess his prospects in a 2004 U.S.

  8. With no other immediate commitments, Hoult began to look for other prospects.

  9. After two years of screen absence, Roshan’s career prospects improved in 2019.

  10. Australia’s prospects improved when Sweden was disqualified in the first heat.

  11. Australia’s prospects improved after Sweden was disqualified in the morning heats.

  12. Even with all the conservation efforts, the prospects for their survival are grim.

  13. Although both were satisfied with the song, they doubted its commercial prospects.

  14. He wrote to a friend in April 1884, «My prospects are about as hopeless as ever ..

  15. However, it was clear that Kepler’s future prospects in the court of Matthias were dim.

  16. Early in 1901 he evidently felt sufficiently confident of his prospects to get married.

  17. Australia’s prospects improved after the morning heats in which Sweden was disqualified.

  18. Both Nixon and his wife believed he was limiting his prospects by remaining in Whittier.

  19. Hand had known that ruling against the government might harm his prospects of promotion.

  20. In August 1843 Smetana departed for Prague with twenty gulden, and no immediate prospects.

  21. He felt it disrupted his mother’s friendships and prospects for a more stable relationship.

  22. With the secession’s prospects weakening, Sendwe hoped to obtain control over the province.

  23. However, Grant’s doubts concerning the ongoing series’s prospects eventually proved correct.

  24. The proposal was rejected because the prospects of actually acquiring such guns were minimal.

  25. That same year, the Panic of 1873 hurt business prospects across the nation, including Hayes’s.

  26. Instead they convinced him to choose medicine, a subject thought to have better career prospects.

  27. Fender’s prospects of leading England receded further when he clashed once more with Lord Harris.

  28. A Child of Our Time was finished in 1941 and put aside with no immediate prospects of performance.

  29. Many Democrats, fearing their re-election prospects, joined with Republicans and defeated the bill.

  30. He left Shrewsbury in September 1916 with little money, and no immediate prospects of regular work.

  31. Wilson from MIT, to evaluate the research being carried out there and the prospects for cooperation.

  32. Despite the accolades, the law’s passage had seriously damaged the long-term prospects of the Empire.

  33. The same year, Dubois damaged his prospects for a third term by his opposition to the appointment of H.

  34. A few hunters have found and killed individuals since then, but the subspecies’ prospects remain bleak.

  35. Regular officers, fearing for their career prospects, often resisted postings as territorial adjutants.

  36. The film had low box office returns and further contributed to a decline in Mukerji’s career prospects.

  37. He hoped that by promoting the idea of a grande ethnie bangala he could enhance his political prospects.

  38. Shocked at the sudden loss of their companion, Mawson and Mertz now had to consider their own prospects.

  39. He resumed this position in 1975, although the latter part of the 1970s saw the party’s prospects decline.

  40. In 2000 major direct foreign investment in the oil sector began, boosting the country’s economic prospects.

  41. He initially worked aboard steamships before transferring to sailing ships to enhance his career prospects.

  42. Kenyatta had not taken part in these events, perhaps so as not to disrupt his lucrative employment prospects.

  43. As the Devils’ pre-season came to an end, prospects Nicklas Bergfors and David Clarkson made the final roster.

  44. Baseball America rated Jeter among the top 100 prospects in baseball before the 1993 season, ranking him 44th.

  45. However, their prospects were not completely hopeless, as Garrick was set to inherit a large sum the next year.

  46. George’s prospects were now better than ever as the sole heir to his father’s electorate and his uncle’s duchy.

  47. She thus followed Clinton to Arkansas, rather than staying in Washington, where career prospects were brighter.

  48. Anthony, to give lectures on the prospects for democracy in Europe, and on his years in the Lincoln White House.

  49. Jim Irwin was named backup lunar module pilot (LMP) for Apollo 12, with similar prospects of flying on Apollo 15.

  50. Before the start of the match, much of the attention was placed on the weather forecast and the prospects of rain.

General information about «prospects» example sentences

The example sentences for the word prospects that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «prospects» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «prospects».

Antonym: retrospect. Similar words: introspect, introspection, aspect, suspect, spectrum, inspector, spectacle, inspection. Meaning: [‘prɑspekt /’prɒspekt]  n. 1. the possibility of future success 2. belief about (or mental picture of) the future 3. someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.) 4. the visual percept of a region 5. a prediction of the course of a disease. v. 1. search for something desirable 2. explore for useful or valuable things or substances, such as minerals. 

Random good picture Not show

1. I see no prospect of things improving here.

2. The prospect of war really frightens me.

3. Major developments are in prospect for the company.

4. Is there any prospect of the weather improving?

5. She has a bike in prospect.

6. A place in the semi-finals is in prospect .

7. An abundant harvest is in prospect.

8. There is no immediate prospect of peace.

9. She viewed the prospect of a week alone in the house without much enthusiasm.

10. The prospect of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation.

11. He’s not exactly thrilled at the prospect of working for his old rival.

12. There’s not much prospect of Mr Smith’s being elected as Congressman.

13. He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country.

14. There’s a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid.

15. My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again.

16. I didn’t find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.

17. The prospect of so much work filled him with consternation.

18. I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start(, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.

18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

19. He did not particularly relish the prospect of a meeting with his boss.

20. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.

21. She was not unduly concerned by the prospect of managing on her own.

22. For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.

23. Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect.

24. He was undismayed by the prospect of failure.

25. He relishes the prospect of a fight.

26. The prospect of working full-time fills me with dread.

27. The prospect of failure scares me rigid.

28. The failures and reverses which await men — and one after another sadden the brow of youth — add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.

29. The mere mention of the words «heart failure», can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.

30. From the top of the hill there’s a beautiful prospect over the valley.

More similar words: introspect, introspection, aspect, suspect, spectrum, inspector, spectacle, inspection, perspective, spectacular, respectively, with respect to, irrespective of, to speak of, so to speak, special, species, specify, specific, expect, prosecutor, speculate, specialty, especially, prosecution, specialize, specialist, expected, speculation, specifically. 

Definition of Prospect

an individual who is likely to be selected or targeted

Examples of Prospect in a sentence

Jared improved his computer skills so he would be a good prospect for the job opening in the technology department.


During the meeting, the scholarship committee will work to select the best prospect among the applicants for the award.


The hiring manager was frustrated because after three months she had still not received a good prospect for the open sales position.


Right now, the college football scouts are competing for the best prospect on the high school level.


The gold digger scanned the expensive bar for a financial prospect to pay her bills.


Other words in the People category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

We found 1604 ‘prospects’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use prospects in a sentence.

  • The next day in the barber shop, Floyd and Goober have heard of Helen’s trip to Richmond and speculate on her future financial prospects as a well paid authoress.
  • Scarred and with no prospects, Roderick assumes he even lost to his father from the grave.
  • All relationships and dating prospects start with you, your attitude and your level of self esteem.
  • Do your colors say the right message to your clients and prospects.
  • Also, the Smart Calling practices assume that information about your prospects is readily available.
  • Anxious about the prospects of the monarchy.
  • Brandon Funston’s Big Board: Football puts top fantasy football prospects in order and includes a brief factor that will influence each player’s performance in the coming season.
  • Did you know that you can give away valuable FREE information to your prospects and clients.
  • They refer to ways to attract prospects and to build relationships.
  • After all, most of her peers are married, with children, and she has no valid prospects.
  • Building trust with your prospects is an essential component of network marketing success.
  • Amazingly he doesn’t want her for her alpha prospects, he wants her for herself.
  • The Expos want inexpensive young players and prospects in return for either.
  • He is just supremely confident about Science City’s prospects.
  • In any case, the love of an art form that is the critic’s first obligation often expresses itself as a protective grumpiness about the art’s current prospects.
  • Nico, a runaway living in Bar Khos, doesn’t have many prospects beyond starvation.
  • Follow these tips and succeed on your job prospects.
  • At the same time, solar glass manufacturing company also has a very broad market prospects.
  • Whilst buffering their self-esteem level they jeopardise their future socioeconomic prospects.
  • More Latinos were among the pool of prospects Tuesday than Monday.
  • Weariness, complacency or discord, squabbles over petty matters, would mar our prospects.
  • Society and your prospects put value on a job title description.
  • There is just something about one time offers that make prospects head to a buying frenzy.
  • But it then pleased God to alter my prospects in life through my father’s bankruptcy.
  • Since the only shifters she knows of is her family she’s not very hopeful on her prospects.
  • As one of the most important probiotics, bifidobacterium has been widely used in food industry. Its biologic and heathy functions and the application prospects were discussed in this article.
  • The ‘green’ car industry in China is known to have bright prospects.
  • So, she travels from Lancashire to London to improve her prospects of finding the same.
  • Everyone was handsome, kind, understanding and had wonderful prospects.
  • «So ubiquitous is vitamin and mineral deficiency that it debilitates in some significant degree the energies, intellects, and economic prospects of nations, » the report said.
  • The rapid change in printing technology led Kanae to doubt his future prospects in wood engraving.
  • Jane Austen wrote about young society women who are dealing with matrimonial prospects.
  • In New Jersey there is a constant manhunt on for life insurance agent prospects.
  • Collating, the prospects are archiving all types of information and documents, as required, to the monthly summary statements.
  • How do you turn leads into Hot prospects.
  • The prospects of interchange at the research level between deaf and hearing people are very good.
  • Despite setbacks, scientists and people concerned about women’s health issues are more optimistic than ever about prospects for a microbicide.
  • Sealy is a bit more unsure about his film prospects.
  • To appease Fulbert, Abelard proposed a secret marriage so as not to mar his career prospects.
  • Even if you read the sentence with prospects instead of projects, it is still horrific.
  • Poverty and darkness abound and there are no prospects to speak of.
  • If so, prospects to make our sad divisions cease should brighten.
  • You will face precarious job prospects cause hey we don’t know if our boss will be impeached.
  • You will have a story that resonates with your prospects.
  • If your not familiar with interviewed lead mlm phone prospects, then I will explain.
  • In the end of this review, problems existing in and prospects of the application of Collembola in the ecological risk assessment of heavy metal contamination of soils are analyzed and discussed.
  • I love retellings of old stories and was excited at the prospects for a Romeo and Juliet twist.
  • Email marketing is the only way to build up rapport and a relationship with your prospects.
  • You will need to have a marketing funnel that fills your pipeline with prospects.
  • How can your prospects know if they want what your business offers.
  • To all who state that we are overreacting to the prospects of a Trump Presidency.
  • Conservatism of science employers and thought that this might adversely affect disabled students ‘ employment prospects.
  • And once I got past the pages of repetitive back story I was quite excited about the prospects.
  • Once the water receded, Alexandria’s prospects seemed dim.
  • Its only weak spot is not enough help for those who haven’t any prospects or customers.
  • She is pregnant and, now, without any prospects of a future for her baby.
  • No longer can we just throw a hastily written email to our prospects and expect results.
  • People come from various trades and financial institutions and search for the best future prospects.
  • The prospects of success are clouded by the difficulty of readapting Saarinen’s design and by the current glut of aging and abandoned office parks.
  • Like many young Russians, Zolotov was downbeat about his career prospects.
  • Sales were minimal and you got more complaints from prospects than sales.
  • These students often graduate with prohibitive debt, a useless major and no career prospects.
  • «Everybody in hockey knows we’ve got good young prospects, » said Grillo from Regina, Sask ., where he was monitoring the progress of No . 1 pick Jeff Friesen.
  • Meanwhile, prospects for a new party depend on quick action.
  • Conclusion: Syngnathus has promising prospects as an anticancer Chinese medicine.
  • It’s not enough to tell your prospects about features and benefits you must also SHOW them.
  • Meanwhile, Dowless and Mackey said the prospects of overriding Chiles’veto look slim.
  • All three convicted players were football standouts with NFL prospects.
  • Now those people will have to face some bleak prospects without their rose colored shades.
  • Bad breath can badly affect your social life, your career prospects and even your self esteem.
  • Finally, it is difficult to not feel powerless about the prospects for reform.
  • When a list of prospects has been identified the real work starts.
  • The previously mentioned Sante Fe Grade also has good prospects for shorebirds.
  • Neither is satisfied with their prospects for the future.
  • Because of the global reach of the internet, you can easily find thousands of prospects.
  • McCain said Dole badly needs a victory to revive his prospects.
  • The best way to turn your prospects into your clients is to customise your landing page.
  • He said that involvement in Association activities should not interfere with promotional prospects or a proper career path.
  • But then they platooned the prospects.
  • She lost her job, lost most of her prospects for marriage and is financially strapped.
  • There is a mood of pessimism in the company about future job prospects.
  • Everyday gone is a day loss to your prospects of long term success and comfort.
  • How many prospects have you not signed up to your business.
  • Intrigued by the prospects of a little adventure, Jack can’t help but agree to Reese’s proposal.
  • Steyn is pessimistic about Europe’s prospects.
  • All this for the prospects of a better future that California and the West seemed to symbolize.
  • As an environment — protecting water — borne coating, the cathodic electrophoretic coating has wide application prospects.
  • But you aren’t signing up any prospects.
  • You can gain more publicity, prospects and profits from articles.
  • OTB, in an audit report earlier this month, said that its financial prospects had improved.
  • Do you have a strategy to find prospects and turn them into clients and referrals.
  • He has nowhere to go, no money, no prospects really.
  • Current Studies and Future prospects on Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ).
  • Neither of these prospects is easy to do.
  • Yeah, Whiteness and big prospects from tax cuts.
  • I am always excited by the prospects of the interaction between the precision of my designs and the spontaneity of the fire.
  • He is now jobless and without prospects in prosperous post war Germany.
  • A course can increase confidence, career prospects or simply be enjoyable — all of which will never be regretted.
  • Yes, a love triangle ensues but it is such a one that you can’t help but fall for both prospects.
  • It has been private sponsorship lucre, fame and commercial prospects.

Other Words: Prospectiveness, Project A, Protoplast, Protruded, Professionnelles, Pro Opera, Proportioning, Product Features, Proclivity Word, Protura, Protopresbyter, Protectories, Profuse, Prostituting, Proximo, Pro Strike, Proctorial, Promulgation, Protyle, Protectionists

In sports, a prospect is any player whose rights are owned by a professional team, but who has yet to play a game for the team, or is not established with the team yet. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

For Couples, life had always been a gim me, a fascinating prospect to the rest of us.


The federal government will begin cutting the age pension in three years, reduce disability and other welfare payments immediately, and slash back family tax payments, while holding out the prospect of income tax cuts within five years, Tony Abbott has pledged.


One of the things I find most interesting about the prospect of the next recession is the question of the Fed’s policy toolkit when it finally does happen.


For everyone who has been feeling that very common feeling of buyer’s remorse over having purchased less advanced but higher priced models in the past, even the prospect of a nickels-to-dollars trade-in transaction has to sweeten the appeal of purchasing a new Kindle Fire or Kindle Touch.


Rempel is now being talked about as a contender for the Conservative leadership, a prospect she addressed in a series of sardonic tweets last year, including, «All your DMs with DO IT aren’t helping.


Assuming it comes in around the $ 400 mark or less, we think it’s a compelling prospect.


Live Transfer Mortgage Leads: These are live leads that connect a prospect with your loan officers directly by phone.


The company explained that the illegal miners sometimes prospect for gold around both high voltage and low voltage poles rendering the poles vulnerable to collapse from the slightest rainstorm.


, however distant the prospect of a return to power seems right now.


Michigan sent out an offer to four-star 2019 WR/CB Julian Barnett, the No. 59 recruit and No. 2 prospect in Michigan, on Friday:


Indeed, this is a much more exciting prospect than those in relationships having the annoyance of compromising their Thanksgiving plans and spending the day with the dreaded in-laws.


These exoplanets may now present a more attractive prospect for the next generation of ground-based and orbital observatories, including the much anticipated James Webb Space Telescope.


If you are looking for a job in operating systems, then you definitely have a good prospect in this field.


A putting green is a complementary leisurely experience, which draws people into the space with the prospect of successfully achieving another activity within the market.


Like bonds, the prospect of the Fed tapering and causing rising interest rates has helped bring the 2013 YTD returns for the S&P U.S. Preferred Stock Index to -1 %.


While it may be a more intimidating prospect, it’s just a matter of practice.


A more integrated world economy brings with it the prospect of a more productive and competitive world economy.


We met all the same boulders, rocks and ridges, but now with the prospect of darkness closing in.


While further progress might offer the prospect of an improved reserves/resources statement, I’m not sure this will offset the necessary dilution hit for shareholders when Ormonde tries to come up with a decent level of funding.


Even the prospect of it will dwarf any other energy consideration for the Americans.


To be able to reintroduce this discipline to a country where it has been absent since it was banned in 1955 is an exciting prospect, and the achievement of an important goal for the FIA.


Working in real estate is a lucrative career prospect.


Following announcements at TUC congress earlier this month, the government now faces the prospect of a strike by up to three million public sector workers — the largest in UK history.


Rooms at the four-star complex come with TVs, a kitchenette and comfortable furnishings, making it an attractive prospect.


But they face the prospect of losing Mirko Vucinic, who is a target for Manchester United, in what could be a busy summer in Turin.


McNamara, a 4-star prospect from Reno, Nev., was taking his official visit.


Jimbo has lots of energy and so he’s looking for a household that’s excited about the prospect of a playful kitten.


Ten years ago, these were rarely included in contracts, since the prospect of reading books in this format was still fairly far off on the horizon.


How many real estate practitioner’s have ever turned down a new Buyer prospect, because they realized they already had clients looking for a home that too closely fit, the same criteria?


Billions of people all over the world — and especially in Europe and North America — are hooked on it and would find the prospect of its soaring cost or eventual disappearance very irritating.


I’m also a little giddy about the prospect of playing Doom on it.


Once they were able to return home or find new accommodations, they were faced with the prospect of replacing everything they owned, since most escaped with only the clothes on their backs.


When building out an influencer list for a content marketing program, you have to consider relevance, resonance, reach and audience of the influencer specific to the industry as well as their channels and the prospect audience for the specific program.


Perhaps they are afraid of someone else at the IPCC becoming angry at the prospect of them telling us plebs just how futile the whole thing is.


As if Sony needed to tell you, the prospect of another PlayStation Vita model is… well, unlikely.


Faced with the prospect of a cut in their disposable income, the argument runs, voters had second thoughts about the wisdom of letting Labour in.


As the consequences of that policy have begun to bite, aspiring young scientists say they now have little prospect of advancement and a whole generation of young researchers will either have to leave academic science or pursue a career abroad.


• Driven Sales Representative, seeking at ABC Company utilizing 6 + years» hands-on sales experience to initiate inside sales and ensure conversion of prospect customers into actual customers.


So he was more than a little jazzed about the prospect of pastry program director and chef Nicole Plue handing over her favorite cookie recipe — honed over years of working as a pastry chef — and letting him and his eight classmates run wild with it.


Lords of the Fallen is a weird little prospect.


Listen to gain insight about why a prospect is (or isn’t) interested in your pitch, which can be valuable ammunition for later.


Solving gruesome murder mysteries is the most enticing prospect and when you’re investigating a crime scene, the game really stands out.


The true story-based drama chronicles the 1973 kidnapping in Rome of Paul Getty’s 16-year-old grandson and its resulting turmoil, during which Getty bristled at the prospect of paying a ransom, while the boy’s mother desperately tried to retrieve him and even allied with an ex-CIA agent to do so.


Assuming that was their advice, we also have to assume that the PQ government is prepared for and possibly relishing the prospect of seeing these measures struck down by the courts pursuant to the constitutional amendments of 1982, which the PQ never accepted.


But the best time to prospect is when you don’t need new business.


He’s a Phillies prospect who hasn’t had a plate appearance in the majors but now has a six-year deal with three options that guarantees him $ 24 million.


But as I say, it does not matter if Afobe is a good prospect or not.


Simply put, with its cheery chip-tune serenades, comical gore and dynamic arenas with their own, life-ending hazards, Porcunipine proves to be a frankly horrendously entertaining and effortlessly playable prospect whose every pixel bleeds pure fun and dares you to give yourself and your friends over to its substantial charms.


That’s one of the things that I’m looking forward to the most about moving back to the UK… the prospect of having a little garden!


Through powerful questioning, active listening, and the prioritization techniques you taught me, I was able to coach the prospect to take ownership in evaluating the feasibility of pursuing an MBA.


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