Sentence for the word previous

1, She has two children by a previous marriage.

2, The teacher examined the students on the previous lesson.

3, We had met on two previous occasions.

4, I’ve met him before on two previous occasions.

5, The furniture had been left by the previous occupants.

6, The car has only had one previous owner.

7, These findings are inconsistent with those of previous studies.

8, He revoked his previous decision.

9, The judge overruled the previous decision.

10, He took over from the previous headmaster in February.

11, The author mentioned it in the previous paragraph.

12, The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.

13, The new report concurs with previous findings.

14, She has three daughters from a previous marriage.

15, No previous experience is necessary for this job.

16, We had met on a previous occasion.

17, His mind kept flashing back to the previous night.

18, She has six previous convictions for theft.

19, She is his daughter from a previous marriage.

20, We dealt with this in a previous chapter.

21, The resolution was carried at the previous plenary session.

22, They have won previous pay disputes with the government.

23, Have you had any previous dealings with this company?

24, This represents an apparent reversal of previous US policy.

25, It may outsell his previous novels.

26, The previous government is, by now,[][] thoroughly discredited.

27, She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage.

28, Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success.

29, His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.

30, Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word previous, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use previous in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «previous».

Previous in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word previous in a sentence.

  1. Cox, earlier the previous year.

  2. White & Sons the previous year.

  3. They had wed the previous December.

  4. He had 14 previous four point games.

  5. Contrasting the game with previous Vs.

  6. Taylor High School had the previous year.

  7. A previous marriage had ended in divorce.

  8. As with previous Beatles albums, the Sgt.

  9. The town regained its previous privileges.

  10. The previous owner, CBS director William S.

  11. The previous question is as to the danger—the evil.

  12. Her design differed from previous aircraft carriers.

  13. The gameplay is similar to the previous installment.

  14. The helpers are male offspring from a previous year.

  15. Harald had received his doctorate the previous year.

  16. Wii sales continued to decline into 2012, falling by half from the previous year.

  17. He had been briefly censored the previous month for the use of the word «diaper».

  18. Nine years after the previous time, she attended the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards.

  19. Unlike previous models, the handheld has two VGA (0.3-megapixel) digital cameras.

  20. This was likely due to poor field conditions caused by the previous night’s rain.

  21. The previous building was constructed in the 1730s, but was widely regarded as plain and featureless.

  22. His previous work with BioWare was as the main composer for Jade Empire and the original Mass Effect.

  23. Only Jack Sparrow is missing, killed and sent to Davy Jones’s Locker at the end of the previous film.

  24. Mowry identified Melanie as the closest match to her personality in comparison to her previous roles.

  25. Solicitor General the previous year and had participated in the government’s preparation of the case.

  26. In 2010, Stylus ranked Is This It at number six in its list of the Top Albums of the previous decade.

  27. He had experienced heart trouble for some time but had completed two paintings only the previous day.

  28. Phil experiences the previous day’s events repeating exactly and believes he is experiencing déjà vu.

  29. They also rendered more ship angles than previous games to support more granular aiming and steering.

  30. The music for the game was composed by Josh Aker, who had written the music for previous Chair games.

  31. Like Angelou’s previous volumes in her series, the title contributes to its plot and thematic impact.

  32. Meeker was living in Seattle while Miller was mayor, having moved from his previous home in Puyallup.

  33. This model of local government was adopted from the previous government structure of the Qin dynasty.

  34. They are the stories that tell about the previous lives of the Buddha, in both human and animal form.

  35. The Empires team began by studying their previous game for features that could be reused or improved.

  36. Two Hornets collided during an air-to-air combat training exercise the previous year, but both managed to return to base.

  37. This was an opportunity for him to direct a video for Eminem without the comedic themes of their previous collaborations.

  38. For that production, she and Nancy Feagin had been filmed the previous May crack climbing in Indian Creek Valley in Utah.

  39. Pink escapes and Wilhem rejoins Christof, hoping to reclaim the humanity he has sacrificed during the previous 800 years.

  40. A new club badge was adopted in 1997, as a result of the previous badge being ineligible for registration as a trademark.

  41. Unlike previous Anonymous attacks, this action was characterized by 4chan memes including rickrolls and Guy Fawkes masks.

  42. That year followed the same pattern as the previous year, but Schwaben did not participate in the autumn fleet maneuvers.

  43. In concurrent House of Delegates elections, Democrats flipped fifteen of the Republicans’ previous sixteen-seat majority.

  44. In fact, it turned out, previous research had seriously underestimated the annual distances travelled by the Arctic tern.

  45. Although the previous season was tame, the 2001–02 season was very active and featured several intense tropical cyclones.

  46. William of Breteuil championed the rights of Robert, who was still abroad, returning from the Crusade, and to whom Henry and the barons had given homage in previous years.

  47. Bakersfield reported a one-day rainfall record on September 4 with 0.23 inches (5.8 mm) of precipitation, breaking the previous record of 0.17 inches (4.3 mm) set in 1963.

  48. Unlike previous evacuation slide designs which are not equipped for water landings, the 757’s main exits feature combination slide rafts similar to those found on the 747.

  49. Strapping Young Lad differed from City because it was less industrial and more reminiscent of death metal; the humor pervading the previous two albums became more subdued.

  50. In 2007, Edge criticized the series for a number of related games that include the phrase «Final Fantasy» in their titles, which are considered inferior to previous games.

Synonyms for previous

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word previous has the following synonyms: former, late, past, old, preceding, premature and early.

General information about «previous» example sentences

The example sentences for the word previous that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «previous» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «previous».

предыдущий, предшествующий, опрометчивый, преждевременный, поспешный


- предыдущий; предшествующий

- разг. преждевременный, поспешный

the statement is a little too previous — заявление несколько преждевременное
you have been a little too previous — вы немного поспешили
I am somewhat previous — я несколько забегаю вперёд
Previous Examination — первый экзамен на степень бакалавра (в Кембриджском университете)
previous question — парл. предложение о прекращении прений по обсуждаемому вопросу без голосования

Мои примеры


the previous owners of the house — прежние владельцы дома  
the previous occupant of the White House — прежний хозяин Белого дома  
a rollback of previous wage concessions — отмена предыдущих уступок по зарплате  
previous conviction — судимость  
previous conviction charged in the indictment — указание в обвинительном акте на судимость  
previous decade — предыдущая декада  
previous experience — предыдущий опыт, опыт предшественников  
to know from previous experience — знать по опыту  
further volumes to the previous edition — дополнительные тома к предыдущему изданию  
previous to smth. — до, прежде, ранее чего-л.  
previous carry — перенос из предыдущего разряда  
previous commitment — прежнее заключение под стражу  

Примеры с переводом

I had met them the previous day.

Я встретил их днём раньше.

How do I upgrade from the previous version?

Как мне обновиться с предыдущей версии?

Life was better under the previous regime.

При прошлом режиме жилось лучше.

The furniture had been left by the previous occupants.

Эту мебель оставили прежние жильцы.

This edition is an improvement over the previous one.

Это улучшенное издание по сравнению с предыдущим.

She has a child from a previous marriage.

У неё есть ребёнок от предыдущего брака.

The desk was left by the previous tenant.

Этот стол остался от прошлого жильца.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Oblivious of any previous decisions not to stand together … , the three stood in a tight group …

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Use Previous in a sentence. How to use the word Previous in a sentence? How is “Previous” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Previous”? Sentence for Previous.

Use Previous in a Sentence - How to use "Previous" in a sentence

Definition of Previous

The word “previous” is an adjective that refers to something that happened or existed before a particular time or event. It can also describe something that comes before in order, rank, or position.

For example, “I read the previous chapter of the book before starting the new one.” Here, “previous” means the chapter that came before the current one.

Another example could be, “The previous owners of the house left behind a lot of old furniture.” In this sentence, “previous” means the owners who lived in the house before the current owner.

In summary, “previous” refers to something that came before in time, order, rank, or position.

How is “Previous” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Previous”?

The word “previous” is commonly used in English to indicate that something happened or existed before a particular time or event. Here are some examples of how “previous” can be used in English:

  1. Time: “I met him on Friday and then saw him again the following Tuesday, but we didn’t speak in the previous days.” In this sentence, “previous” refers to the time period before the Tuesday mentioned.
  2. Order: “I have to finish the previous task before I start the next one.” Here, “previous” means the task that came before the current one.
  3. Position: “The previous owner of this car took good care of it.” In this sentence, “previous” means the owner who owned the car before the current owner.

When using “previous” in a sentence, it is important to make sure that the context is clear and that the word is being used correctly. Here are some rules to keep in mind:

  1. “Previous” is an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun.
  2. It is often used with a specific time or event to indicate something that happened or existed before it.
  3. “Previous” can also be used to indicate a specific order or position.
  4. It is important to use “previous” in the correct context to avoid confusion.

In summary, “previous” is a useful word in English that is used to describe something that came before in time, order, or position. By following the rules of use, you can use “previous” effectively and accurately in your writing and speaking.

Examples of Previous in a sentence

Here are 20 sample sentences that demonstrate the use of the word “previous“:

  1. I enjoyed the last episode, but the previous one was even better.
  2. Before we begin, let’s review the previous lesson.
  3. The previous owner of the house left behind some furniture.
  4. I need to finish the previous task before moving on to the next one.
  5. My previous job was in sales, but I’m now working in marketing.
  6. I met her at a party last year, but we didn’t talk in the previous months.
  7. The previous year’s budget was more conservative than this year’s.
  8. She was working at the restaurant the previous night, but she’s off tonight.
  9. I have to go back and read the previous chapter before I can continue.
  10. The previous generation of smartphones was less advanced than today’s models.
  11. In the previous election, the incumbent was defeated by a wide margin.
  12. The previous tenants of this apartment were very messy.
  13. I ordered the same dish as the previous time I ate here.
  14. The previous record for the high jump was broken by the new champion.
  15. I was surprised by her behavior, given her previous kindness towards me.
  16. The previous owners of the company retired after running it for 30 years.
  17. The previous version of the software had some bugs that have been fixed now.
  18. She asked me if I had any previous experience in customer service.
  19. The previous owners of the car kept it in excellent condition.
  20. I had to return the previous book I borrowed from the library before checking out a new one.

Post Views: 2,025

Sentences with the word Previous?



  • «This harks back to a previous remark of his»
  • «the former president»; «our late President is still very active»; «the previous occupant of the White House»
  • «the countries agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in hard currency, replacing previous barter arrangements»; «Germany once had a solid economy, good fiscal and monetary policies, and a hard currency»
  • «I understand you have no previous experience?»
  • «The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair»
  • «some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks»; «paw prints were everywhere»
  • «the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president»; «caught in the mire of poverty»
  • «the previous owner»; «my old house was larger»
  • «our condemnation of him was a bit previous«; «a premature judgment»
  • «The country reconquered the territory lost in the previous war»
  • «he tied the Olympic record»; «coffee production last year broke all previous records»; «Chicago set the homicide record»

Definition of Previous

existing or coming before something/someone else

Examples of Previous in a sentence

Daniel’s previous business partner stole money, making it hard for him to trust anyone in the future.


Although it isn’t allowed at this diner, the waitress was allowed to keep all of her tips at her previous job.


Jan was scared to tell her fiancé about her previous marriage out of fear that he might not want to marry a divorcee.


Previous versions of the movie were much funnier than the latest remake.


Although I enjoyed previous events put on by the company, tonight’s party was rather lame.


Other words in the Time category:

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Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1, She has two children by a Previous marriage.

2, The teacher examined the students on the Previous lesson.

3, We had met on two Previous occasions.

4, I’ve met him before on two Previous occasions.

5, The furniture had been left by the Previous occupants.

6, The car has only had one Previous owner.

7, These findings are inconsistent with those of Previous studies.

8, He revoked his Previous decision.

9, The judge overruled the Previous decision.

10, He took over from the Previous headmaster in February.

11, The author mentioned it in the Previous paragraph.

12, The judge will take into consideration any Previous convictions.

13, The new report concurs with Previous findings.

14, She has three daughters from a Previous marriage.

15, No Previous experience is necessary for this job.


Tips to remember how to use «Previous» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Previous».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Previous», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Previous» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!



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  • Use the word PREVIOUS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

That morning Jeff was trying to recover from the previous night’s excesses.

All the next day, Margaret was haunted by memories of the previous evening.

Having understood the previous day’s incidents, Georgette went to warn Solange and Lily after the canteen closed.

For the previous reasons , we are back in gravity conditions. We turn the rocket in the direction of the route so as to be able to modify the speed at any time and to avoid to crash on the Moon.

The ward attendant is Charles Gerrard, an actor who had appeared the previous year, along with David Manners, in the film of RC Sheriff’s acclaimed Worid War I drama Journey’s End.

The novel Dracula was a departure from previous vampire stories, plays, operas, in that Stoker did not romanticise Dracula, and our 20th-century image of the count is a hybrid of Stoker’s character and vampires from other literary sources.

And the previous night, he was with her.

previous arrest with commitments:

Judging by his incoherent remarks, he had seen, during the previous night, the ghosts of all those he had slain.

They were a little previous on that.

Thanks, but I’ve previous engagements.

I told you I have a previous engagement.


They had to add an extra page for previous offenses.

Every day I love him more than the previous.

But it has been blooded in previous combats, eh?

You’ve come to us direct from Sandhurst, without previous service.

Captain Bligh, in the previous evidence given before this court you failed to make clear one very important point:

Captain Bligh, apart from the conversation you overheard was Mr. Byam’s previous conduct such that you believe him guilty?

You did not tell me you had a previous engagement.

It’s a famous Muramasa blade, bestowed by the previous lord.

That previous guest, he’s a fake!

And yet you’ve been very outspoken against the previous commissions to solve the racket problem. Why is that?

previous examination of costume… disclose no telltale bloodstains.

Twenty-four hours later I found it again in the previous spot, to which I had returned out of necessity.

She has a previous engagement.

Not ifbonds stolen to prevent discovery… of previous theft.

In previous inventions… transmission of the radio control wave was affected by static.

Now, Miss Strauber isn’t it true that a week previous to the night in question you were threatened with dismissal by Mr. Vanning for exceeding your duties as hostess?

Your previous record shows you to be an incorrigible criminal a low and brutal character an unprincipled and aggressive egotist.

He remembered a previous engagement.

«Retired Indian Army officer with no previous business experience «seeks important position of trust.

Uh…»no previous business experience… finest social references…»

To return to our previous discussion, I like to buy a piece of that boy.

I have the great honor to propose, the previous resolution be stricken from minutes of this meeting And that we accept Mr. Stanley’s report.

Despite his personal attacks, I’m grateful to the previous speaker… that he too agrees with the ultimate goal I have formulated.


The previous violinist was nice too, but you’re much more, much more!

Just this evening I found out that my father had already made a previous commitment.

Well, goodbye. It seems that I’ve strayed into a den of thieves. However, it’s a wise man that profits by his previous mistakes… and from herein, gentlemen…

Perhaps she had some previous engagement. — No, she should have at least let us know…

-Why did you lie about that previous conviction?

He told me that I looked as if I had been a horse in a previous life.

When you consider his actions for several weeks previous… giving away his money, planning on entering prizefighting.

Little previous, ain’t you, Jim?

«Cancel the previous order and continue to enjoy the game, please.»

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