Sentence for the word paragraph

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word paragraph, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use paragraph in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «paragraph». In addition, we also show how different variations of paragraph can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are paragraphs. If you click on the variation of paragraph that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Paragraph in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word paragraph in a sentence.

  1. Our Hoodwinked poster has like a paragraph of names on it.

  2. However, the poem is often printed with the first paragraph break omitted.

  3. Part IX, paragraph 536 of the Act covered «Interfering with wrecked vessel or wreck», and stated that:.

  4. However, the concluding paragraph provides description at the end of how the device ultimately functions:.

  5. There were three types of three turns: the standard three, the double three, and the paragraph double three.

  6. References to paragraph (stanza) numbers correspond to the more common, three-paragraph printing of the poem.

  7. Dickens’s hand-written manuscript of the story does not include the sentence in the penultimate paragraph «..

  8. A paragraph in the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania, delivered on 11 March 1990, stated:.

  9. His final paragraph was conciliatory however: «In making these remarks I have no wish to express censure in any form.

  10. In the game’s early development, Riot did not hire writers, and designers wrote character biographies only a paragraph long.

  11. In his jubilee speech, George paid public tribute to his wife, having told his speechwriter, «Put that paragraph at the very end.

  12. A paragraph was quoted in Niedersächsische Tageszeitung [de] the next day, under the heading «The Jew is being exterminated».

  13. Fluoridation costs an estimated $1.12 per person-year on the average (range: $0.26–$11.84; all costs in this paragraph are for the U.S.

  14. A skeptical reading of the second paragraph finds it a condescending tribute to Telemachus and a rejection of his «slow prudence» (36).

  15. As a manifesto, this paragraph became significant for the amalgamation of symphonic and dramatic elements in the same musical composition.

  16. The alleged affair, however, is based on a single paragraph from Pintoin’s chronicles, according to Adams, and is no longer considered proof.

  17. The publisher disliked that and instead alternated the two narrations in a long paragraph, alternating standard Roman type and italicized type.

  18. She accuses Angelou of combining a dozen metaphors in one paragraph and for «obscuring ideas that could be expressed so much more simply and felicitously».

  19. But this agreement was interrupted by a Muslim rebellion that engulfed the northwest in 1646 (see the last paragraph of the «Conquest of China» section above).

  20. United States, he joined the majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito—all except one paragraph of the opinion, in which Alito cited legislative history.

  21. This kid had written a short story, a paragraph really, about a party that took place in another universe, about people and monsters that were partying together.

  22. The titi was included in the paragraph relating to pigeons, which suggests it was well recognised as such, and Raust found it consistent with the spotted green pigeon.

  23. The United States Customs Court ruled that the book did not contain «one word, phrase, sentence or paragraph which could be truthfully pointed out as offensive to modesty».

  24. The paragraph double three, which was executed at the highest levels of competition, was done by tracing «two circles with two turns at each circle, all on one foot from one push-off».

  25. The paragraph contains the opinion and recommendation of the Patriarch Postnicul over «The deceased, which they will learn to be Strigoi, which is called vrykolakas, what needs to be done».

  26. In its first paragraph Luce informed Edward Collins that the lost passengers likely «included your wife, daughter and son, with whom I took a last leave the moment the ship was going down».

  27. Notwithstanding the other provisions of paragraph 10, catch limits for the killing for commercial purposes of whales from all stocks for the 1986 coastal and the 1985/86 pelagic seasons and thereafter shall be zero.

Paragraphs in a sentence

Paragraphs is a variation of paragraph, below you can find example sentences for paragraphs.

  1. I mean they literally could not parse the guy’s paragraphs ..

  2. The lengths of the paragraphs vary with short paragraphs intensifying the action.

  3. Tennyson originally blocked out the poem in four paragraphs, broken before lines 6, 33 and 44.

  4. The American Journal of Science devoted six paragraphs to Cope’s passing, and incorrectly gave his age as 46.

  5. The Council first voted to approve the first part, the first two paragraphs up to the word drauge, of the Act.

  6. In some papers, news of the tragedy was buried in small paragraphs, despite the contemporary tendency to sensationalize stories.

  7. In this structure, the first and third paragraphs are thematically parallel, but may be read as interior and exterior monologues, respectively.

  8. Another narrative on the constellations, three paragraphs long, is from a Latin writer whose brief notes have come down to us under the name of Hyginus.

  9. Godwin published all of the pieces of the manuscript in the Posthumous Works, adding several sentences and paragraphs of his own to link disjunct sections.

  10. In the case of Le Père Goriot, he changed a number of the characters into persons from other novels he had written, and added new paragraphs filled with detail.

  11. Sharp describes Vonnegut’s linguistic style as straightforward; his sentences concise, his language simple, his paragraphs brief, and his ordinary tone conversational.

  12. In the Norris novel, McTeague’s back story in Placer County and relationships with his father, mother and Potter were remembered as a flashback and took two paragraphs.

  13. Crane dedicates just two paragraphs to the fate of his compatriots and himself on the dinghy, while detailing their inability to save those stranded on the sinking ship:.

  14. Still upset at the loss of his work, Hemingway had not written since the previous December, but he slowly wrote six new paragraphs, submitting them for the March deadline.

  15. As he explains, however, «these sentiments were not always fully explicit, and might be conveyed through the tone and manner of a summary rather than paragraphs of criticism».

  16. She was known for speaking in perfect, precise paragraphs, and was respected for her dedication and knowledge of her subjects; even her critics admitted her authority on the Everglades.

  17. These preliminary Ordinances were concerned, among other things, with royal grants, payment of customs, and the maintenance of Magna Carta, reflected in the later paragraphs 3, 4 and 6; see below.

General information about «paragraph» example sentences

The example sentences for the word paragraph that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «paragraph» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «paragraph».

Similar words: graph, graphic, fragrant, epigraph, graphite, fragrance, biography, homograph. Meaning: [‘pærəgræf /-grɑːf]  n. one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line. v. 1. divide into paragraphs, as of text 2. write about in a paragraph 3. write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher. 

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1) Start each paragraph on a new line.

2) Each paragraph begins on a new line.

3) The first paragraph has to be redone.

4) The author mentioned it in the previous paragraph.

5) We usually indent the first line of a paragraph.

6) Read the second paragraph, please.

7) Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph.

8) The editor omitted the third paragraph from the article.

9) Each new paragraph should be indented about two centimetres from the margin.

10) The paragraph is rendered ambiguous by the writer’s careless use of pronouns.

11) Three lines of the first paragraph were underscored in red ink.

12) The editor deleted the last paragraph .

13) Please indent the first line of each paragraph.

14) You’ll find the last paragraph extremely apropos.

15) Read from book, starting at the second paragraph.

16) Excepting the last paragraph, the book is finished.

17) The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland.

18) The writer expanded one sentence into a paragraph.

19) The first line of each paragraph should be indented.

20) He condensed the paragraph into one line.

21) In your final paragraph, sum up your argument.

22) Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will.

23) See paragraph 15 of the handbook.

24) There’s a paragraph on the matter in the paper.

25) I read through the first paragraph again.

26) I’d like to direct your attention to paragraph four.

27) How would you take this paragraph?

28) He reworked the first paragraph time and again.

29) It will be clearer if you delete the last paragraph.

30) Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph?

More similar words: graph, graphic, fragrant, epigraph, graphite, fragrance, biography, homograph, telegraph, polygraph, autograph, demography, topography, photograph, paragon, photography, demographic, stenographer, photographer, bibliography, choreography, disparage, autobiography, paraplegic, cinematography, disparaging, disparagement, a grand, vagrant, diagram. 

Sentences for paragraph. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use paragraph in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for paragraph.

  • Courtier read a paragraph. (8)
  • We had nothing to do with the paragraph. (8)
  • The paragraph was brief; it had a flavour. (10)
  • And look out for the paragraph in the paper. (13)
  • Only a paragraph or two more: I skip a lot . (10)
  • Gregory took the manuscript and read the paragraph in question. (8)
  • Milray asked as Clementina paused at the end of a certain paragraph. (9)
  • I spoke once of that paragraph purporting to emanate from Prince Ernest. (10)
  • She could not doubt, she dared not indulge a hope, of the paragraph being false. (4)
  • Why, it was the one which had contained the paragraph she had read at breakfast! (8)
  • The paragraph closed by fixing the nuptials to take place before the end of the Season. (10)
  • John read the paragraph, handed it back; and the two brothers stared fixedly at each other. (8)
  • All of this, save the concluding paragraph, was written under the eyes of Countess Anna of Lenkenstein. (10)
  • The paragraph was an excerpt from a gossiping weekly journal, perhaps less malevolent than I thought it. (10)
  • Its fascination, she said, had begun with the first number, the first chapter, almost the first paragraph. (9)
  • I am sorry the house hurried out a paragraph concerning the matter, but it will not be followed by another. (9)
  • When he had read the little paragraph, there followed one of those eternities which last perhaps two minutes. (8)
  • She had seen the paragraph in the Post, and like all other people with plenty of money, fully approved a match like mine. (6)
  • Use the paragraph heads in each chapter with the important sentences in the paragraphs to make an outline of each lesson. (3)
  • I can start you in a paragraph that will travel through all the newspapers, from Maine to Texas and from Alaska to Florida. (9)
  • And if you ask whether a man, sensitive and a lover, can be so blinded, you are condemned to re-peruse the foregoing paragraph. (10)
  • His departure for his chosen field of missionary labor in China formed part of the news communicated by the rather exulting paragraph. (9)
  • Then is she buried, and the village hears languid howls, and there is a paragraph in the newspapers concerning the extraordinary fidelity of an Old Dog. (10)

Also see sentences for: paragraphs.

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A paragraph is a collection of sentences that support a main

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Paragraph definition: A paragraph is a unit of writing in a larger body of work. A paragraph expresses a particular topic or theme.

A paragraph is a component of fictional prose and non-fiction writings.

When writing essays, research papers, books, etc., new paragraphs are indented to show their beginnings. Each new paragraph begins with a new indentation.

The purpose of a paragraph is to express a speaker’s thoughts on a particular point in a clear way that is unique and specific to that paragraph. In other words, paragraphs shouldn’t be mixing thoughts or ideas. When a new idea is introduced, generally, a writer will introduce a new paragraph.

Basic Paragraph Structure: How to Layout a Paragraph

In non-fiction writing, a body paragraph is any paragraph that comes between the introduction and the conclusion.

A good body paragraph will have the following:

Topic Sentence

define paragraph writing What is a topic sentence? A topic sentence is the first sentence of the body paragraph. Simply put, the topic sentence introduces the topic of the paragraph. A good topic sentence will be broad enough to allow for explication but narrow enough that it does not require a paragraph that is too long.

Supporting Sentences

What is a supporting sentence? The supporting sentences of a paragraph are the sentences between the topic sentence and the concluding sentence. The supporting sentences “support” the topic sentence. That is, they explain and elaborate the point of the paragraph.

Concluding Sentence

what is a conclusion paragraph What is a concluding sentence? The concluding sentence is the last sentence in the paragraph. It should succinctly end the paragraph and transition to the next paragraph, if appropriate.

Other Features of Paragraphs

A good paragraph contains many elements. Here are just a few of them.

Unity, Coherence

what is an introduction paragraph As mentioned above, the ideas in a paragraph should logically fit together. Furthermore, they should flow from one idea to the next.

A paragraph should be organized in a way that it builds appropriately. This could be by sequence of ideas or events. Additionally, transitions should be used from one sentence to the next that connect the ideas and concepts.

Adequate Development

In order for a paragraph to be considered “adequate” or “sufficient,” the paragraph should be well-developed. The reader should not be left wanting more information.

Similarly, the paragraph should include enough evidence to support its topic sentence.


what is the purpose of a conclusion paragraph Good paragraphs have transitions between preceding and proceeding paragraphs. These transitions are logical and verbal.

One paragraph should logically flow to the next. The ideas in a body of work should be organized so each paragraph transitions well to the next. It should not be choppy.

Additionally, verbal transitions within and between paragraphs should help the reader move seamlessly through the piece of writing.

How Long is a Paragraph?

how long should a paragraph be There is no set length to a paragraph. Some paragraphs are only one sentence in length. However, a short paragraph like that should be left only to the expert writer—or a specific style of writing. You wouldn’t find a single-sentence paragraph in a research paper or academic journal.

Paragraphs need to be long enough to express any given idea (long enough to thoroughly explain the topic sentence).

Research papers may call for paragraphs ten sentences or longer.

The overall topic of the writing and content will determine the length of a paragraph. Unfortunately, there is no single number of sentences to a good paragraph.

A general rule of thumb is to begin with a topic sentence; develop that topic well with evidence, examples, and explanations; and conclude the paragraph appropriately.

Summary: What are Paragraphs?

Define paragraph: the definition of paragraph is a group of sentence in which a single topic is developed.

In summary, a paragraph is:

  • a unit of writing
  • used in non-fiction and fictional prose
  • a part of writing that expresses a certain topic


  • 1 What is a Paragraph?
  • 2 Basic Paragraph Structure: How to Layout a Paragraph
  • 3 Topic Sentence
  • 4 Supporting Sentences
  • 5 Concluding Sentence
  • 6 Other Features of Paragraphs
  • 7 Unity, Coherence
  • 8 Adequate Development
  • 9 Transitions
  • 10 How Long is a Paragraph?
  • 11 Summary: What are Paragraphs?

  • chapter
  • clause
  • detail
  • item
  • passage
  • piece
  • provision
  • branch
  • division
  • element
  • head
  • heading
  • matter
  • part
  • point
  • portion
  • article
  • passage
  • provision
  • requirement
  • section
  • specification
  • stipulation
  • catch
  • chapter
  • codicil
  • condition
  • heading
  • item
  • joker
  • kicker
  • limitation
  • part
  • point
  • proviso
  • rider
  • ultimatum
  • fine print
  • small print
  • string attached to something
  • arrangement
  • indention
  • section
  • component
  • element
  • feature
  • information
  • piece
  • thing
  • account
  • aspect
  • bit
  • blurb
  • bulletin
  • column
  • consideration
  • detail
  • dispatch
  • entry
  • incidental
  • matter
  • minutia
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • novelty
  • particular
  • point
  • report
  • scoop
  • scrap
  • specific
  • story
  • conversation piece
  • minor point
  • write-up
  • clause
  • portion
  • quotation
  • reading
  • section
  • sentence
  • text
  • transition
  • verse
  • extract
  • piece
  • content
  • document
  • idea
  • passage
  • quotation
  • theme
  • verse
  • wording
  • argument
  • body
  • consideration
  • contents
  • context
  • extract
  • fundamentals
  • head
  • issue
  • line
  • lines
  • matter
  • motive
  • point
  • sentence
  • stanza
  • subject
  • thesis
  • topic
  • vocabulary
  • words
  • main body
  • motify

On this page you’ll find 142 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to paragraph, such as: chapter, clause, detail, item, passage, and piece.

antonyms for paragraph

  • whole
  • whole
    • whole
    • heedlessness
    • ignorance
    • neglect
    • whole
    • denial
    • idleness
    • inaction
    • refusal
    • veto
    • wait
    • ignorance
    • nothing
    • nothingness

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    How to use paragraph in a sentence

    Digging through the previous paragraph, we just saw that after 48 hours there was a 25 percent chance of having two worms, a 50 percent chance of having three worms and a 25 percent chance of having four worms.


    So they often occured mid-paragraph; here they have been moved to a more appropriate place.


    If we get to the bottom of it, we shall find that the countess inspired the paragraph that the Evening Mercury had to-night.


    I would not have believed it; it came to me quite as a shock—that paragraph in the late Mercury.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • branch
    • chapter
    • clause
    • detail
    • division
    • element
    • head
    • heading
    • item
    • matter
    • paragraph
    • part
    • passage
    • piece
    • point
    • portion
    • provision
    • article
    • catch
    • chapter
    • codicil
    • condition
    • fine print
    • heading
    • item
    • joker
    • kicker
    • limitation
    • paragraph
    • part
    • passage
    • point
    • provision
    • proviso
    • requirement
    • rider
    • section
    • small print
    • specification
    • stipulation
    • string attached to something
    • ultimatum
    • articles
    • catches
    • chapters
    • codicils
    • conditions
    • fine prints
    • headings
    • items
    • jokers
    • kickers
    • limitations
    • paragraphs
    • parts
    • passages
    • points
    • provisions
    • provisos
    • requirements
    • riders
    • sections
    • small prints
    • specifications
    • stipulations
    • string attached to somethings
    • ultimatums
    • arrangement
    • indention
    • paragraph
    • section
    • account
    • aspect
    • bit
    • blurb
    • bulletin
    • column
    • component
    • consideration
    • conversation piece
    • detail
    • dispatch
    • element
    • entry
    • feature
    • incidental
    • information
    • matter
    • minor point
    • minutia
    • news
    • note
    • notice
    • novelty
    • paragraph
    • particular
    • piece
    • point
    • report
    • scoop
    • scrap
    • specific
    • story
    • thing
    • write-up
    • clause
    • extract
    • paragraph
    • piece
    • portion
    • quotation
    • reading
    • section
    • sentence
    • text
    • transition
    • verse

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


    A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a single topic. The topic of a paragraph is one, and only one, idea.

    A paragraph has three main parts:

    1. Topic sentence
    2. Supporting sentence
    3. Concluding sentence

    1.Topic sentence

    The first sentence of a paragraph is a sentence that names the topics and tells what the paragraph will be explained about the topic . This sentence is called the topic sentence .

    2. Supporting sentence

    The middle sentences in a paragraph are called supporting. Supporting sentences give examples or other details about the topic.

    3. Concluding sentences

    The last sentence in a paragraph is called the concluding sentence. A concluding sentence often repeats the topic sentence in different words or summarizes the main points.

    A paragraph is like a cheeseburger sandwich: two pieces of bread ( the topic and concluding sentences ) enclosing the filling ( the supporting sentences )

    A paragraph is like a cheeseburger sandwich

    What makes your paragraph look good?

    1. Unity: A paragraph is unified around this main idea, with the supporting sentences providing detail and discussion. In order to write a good topic sentence, think about your theme and all the points you want to make.

    2. Order: Order refers to the way you organize your supporting sentences. Whether you choose chronological order, order of importance, or another logical presentation of detail, a solid always has a definite organization. In a well-ordered paragraph, the reader follows along easily, aided by the pattern you’ve established. Order helps the reader grasp your meaning and avoid confusion.

    3. Coherence: is the quality that makes your writing understand. One of the best ways to achieve coherency is to use transition words. You can use transition words that show order ( first, second, third ); spatial relationships ( above, below ), or logical ( furthermore, in fact ).

    4. Completeness: means a paragraph is well-developed. If all sentences clearly and adequately support the main idea, then your paragraph is complete.

    Writing a Paragraph Examples

    My best friend, Freddie, has three important qualities. First of all, Freddie is always ready for her fun. Sometimes we play Frisbee in the park. Sometimes we just sit around in my room, listening to music, and talking. Second, he is completely trustworthy. I can tell Freddie my deepest secrets, and he doesn’t share them with anyone else. Third, Freddie understands my moods. When I am angry, he tries to make me feel better. I am sad, he tries to comfort me. When I am happy, he is happy too. To sum up, my best friend is fun to be with, trustworthy, and understanding even if he is just a dog.


    Above is a summary of Writing a Paragraph. Hopefully, we have contributed to help you learn English in general, become more accessible and more interesting. Good luck with your studies and soon!

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    Paragraph writing in English requires knowing how to write a great topic sentence, using supporting details and transitional words as well as finding a strong concluding sentence.Paragraph writing in English

    Also, read for dialogue writing in English

    What is paragraph writing?

    A paragraph is a group of sentences that, in totality, introduces, develops, and suns up an idea.

    As we have already learned, a paragraph consists of a topic sentence, a few supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

    What is paragraph writing in English explain

    A paragraph is a composition designed to assess the creativity and organisational abilities of a student. A paragraph is a group of sentences written on a topic. In writing a paragraph, the writer should first collect his ideas on the given topic and then organise them in a fluent and grammatically correct order. A paragraph must contain a key sentence that introduces the topic in one line. (Paragraph writing in English) One must ensure coherence in the organisation of sentences so that the thoughts and ideas are presented in a united manner, with an eye organisation of sentences so that the thoughts and ideas are presented in a united manner, with an eye for fluency. A simple format can be observed to make the paragraph effective. 

    How to write a paragraph in English?

    It is very important that while writing you do not repeat your ideas. (CBSE) Hence, you haven’t introduced many more points to support the main idea of your paragraph.Paragraph writing, How to write paragraph in english

    However, the basic structure remains the same.

    The Topic Sentence

    It is the first sentence of the paragraph that introduces the topic. In a way, it conveys the overall theme of the paragraph. This sentence is very important as it introduces to the reader the subject matter of the paragraph.

    A top sentence needs to catch readers’ attention in order to make them want to continue to read. The topic sentence should also give readers an idea of what is to follow.

    The Supporting Sentences

    These sentences are used to support the main idea stated in the topic sentence. These sentences are used to elaborate on what the topic sentence says in brief. They give more information about the main idea through examples.

    Without strong and clear supporting details, a strong topic sentence can’t survive. It is the supporting details, in the form of facts, descriptions, and examples, that back up the claim made by the topic sentence.

    1. Transitional words

    Using transitional words between sentences builds the unity and clarity of paragraphs. Transitional words like next, similarly, or for instance make sentences flow together, showing

    2. The Concluding Sentence

    This is usually the last sentence of your paragraph that sums up what the topic sentence and the supporting details talk about. This sentence is used to tie up all the loose ends and give a logical end to your paragraph.

    It is very important for students to know how to write a conclusion. The writing conclusion confirms everything mentioned in a paragraph. A conclusion usually restates the claim in the topic sentence.


    Let us take up a topic, for example, ‘Sending Cards’, and jot down the ideas as they occur, randomly.

    • Especially sent on certain occasions
    • Different kinds of cards are available
    • Most popular occasions
    • Miscellaneous cards
    • E-cards are popular now
    • Hand-painted cards are treasured
    • A card can cheer up

    Now expand the ideas into complete sentences. You can change the order if need be.

    Sending cards

    All cover the world, people send cards to one another on special occasions. There are many kinds of cards available in stores for every occasion. However, birthday cards are the most popular ones. Other than occasion cards, there are also miscellaneous, like get well soon cards, thank you cards, congratulation cards, etc. However, these days, e-cards have become very popular with the advent of the Internet. Most e-cards are available free on select sites. These days, very few people take the paints to send hand-painted cards. Nevertheless, a hand-painted card not only brings a smile but is also treasured by the receiver as it shows the effort the sender has taken to cheer him/her up. Any kind of card with beautiful words written inside is a wonderful way of greeting someone.

    Salient features of a paragraphTypes of Paragraph in english

    Before you actually begin to write, you should have a clear understanding of the subject at hand. Remember, just as a sentence deals with one though, a paragraph deals with one topic or idea.

    First, write down the main idea or topic. Paragraph writing in English, It can be a single word, more than one word, or a short phrase. Build on the words or short phrases to come up with additional ideas that support the main idea. You may change the order of the points or supporting ideas according to their occurrence or importance when you actually begin to write your paragraph.

    What are the steps in writing a good paragraph?

    Before you start writing your paragraph, jot down points that are related to the subject matter at hand.

    • The topic sentence is the introductory statement of your paragraph as it introduces the main idea. Keep in mind, that the readers will greatly rely on what it says to decide if the paragraph is worth reading or not.
    • Develop the main idea with the help of relevant details, examples, etc.
    • Do not write unrelated sentences. One idea should lead to the other.
    • Try to come up with a concluding sentence that is thought-provoking or appealing so that it lingers on the reader’s memory.
    • Every sentence in the paragraph must be closely related to the main idea or topic. Do not write sentences which are not in any way  related to the topic
    • Ensure that the structure of your detailed sentences is such that there is no logical gap in the sequence of thoughts or development of the main idea.
    • Remember to write complete sentences.
    • Re-read all that you have written, and if need be, change the order of the sentences.
    • Once you have completed your paragraph, revise for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

    Types of Paragraphs in English

    Here we study three types of paragraph:

    1. Literacy paragraph
    2. Narrative paragraph
    3. Persuasive paragraph

    1. Literacy paragraph

    Topic Sentence: The fairy golden hair did not like rain

    Paragraph writing in English

    Whether it rained, dark clouds would cover the sky and block the sun, making the entire day seem deary and gray. If it rained on a chill day, then the day seemed even colder and more miserable than before. Moreover, regardless of the temperature, rain meant that the fairy’s hair would get frizzy and messed up no matter how much time she spent on it. Even a few raindrops were enough to undo an entire morning’s worth of styling.

    As far as the fairy was concerned, the rain was not certain her friend.

    Note: Moreover is an example of a transitional word.

    2. Narrative paragraph

    Topic sentence: My hometown is known for its several wonderful natural features. First, it is 

    Famous for the Vandana River which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Vandana Hill, which is unique because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the big old Banyan Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old.

    Concluding sentence: These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.

    Note: Also is an example of transitional words.

    3. Persuasive paragraph

    Instead of staying at home during professional activities days, students in grades six and above should be fixed to do some volunteer work in their community. For one thing, there are a number of worthwhile agencies that are in need of extra help. Also, volunteering would get students out of the house and active, which is much better for them than sitting on the couch playing video games. Finally, volunteering would teach students responsibility and commitment to someone/something other than themselves. Paragraph writing in English, Overall, professional activities days spent in this way would be a win-win situation for both students and their communities.

    Format for paragraph writing

    1. Introduce the topic in one or two sentences so that the reader immediately comes to know what the paragraph is about.
    2. Put all your thoughts, ideas, and information about the topic in a logical and organized fashion.
    3. Conclude the paragraph in a suitable manner.

    Points remember: While writing a paragraph

    1. Follow the word limit given in the question paper.
    2. Avoid using irrelevant information.
    3. Be careful about grammatical accuracy.

    Example of a paragraph with a topic sentenceParagraph writing Solved example

    Example 1

    Write a small paragraph on “the importance of books in the Life of a Student’ Paragraph writing in English.


    • A medium that cuts across times by presenting the views of people of yesterday’s times
    • A vista of how the world has been the collection of knowledge and gain of various subjects to date.
    • Undoubtedly the best friend for a person
    • A guiding light
    • Initiates and stimulates thought processing on a subject.


    Books are often mistaken to be a burden by a lot of students. On the contrary, they come to our rescue in our dire need. They are a window to our big world and present it from different times on a whole variety of subjects. They let us see how mankind has progressed over its long journey. And until we go through that, we can’t know how the future world would shape up for us. Books give a jumpstart to a professional in his field, as he can go through all that has been achieved in that field and save his time and effort by avoiding the repetition of the same task. Books, as a guiding light, initiate and stimulate thoughts on various subjects. They are a milestone of the journey mankind has covered and the details of it. 

    Example 2

    Discuss the ‘Negative Aspects of Television in a Child’s Life’ in the form of a paragraph.


    • Excessive strain on eyes.
    • Multiple channels promote surfing endlessly.
    • Wastage of time
    • Academics take a back seat
    • ‘200 channels but nothing on’ is the common complaint of a viewer
    • Promotes violence, aggression, immorality, etc. in young nimble minds
    • Reality shows go beyond the possible limits to gain viewership
    • Kids have often suffered dire consequences due to reality shows
    • Parents, children and the media need to exercise restraint on what is being aired and what needs to be watched


    Television has become one of the most important sources of entertainment in the modern scenario. It occupies a central position in the homes of almost all strata of society with children forming a major part of its spectators. On one hand, if it is one of the greatest sources of knowledge and general awareness, it has, on the other hand, become a medium to show programs that most of the time are not suitable for children. The minds of young children are like raw slates in the deterioration of moral values. With the advent of cable and satellite television available twenty-four hours a day, literally, hundreds of programs cannot be viewed by all the family members sitting together. As a result, television, ultimately, has more negative aspects and thus TV viewing must be limited and selective for children.

    Example 3

    Paragraph writing in English, Most the students usually find writing skills difficult. Write a paragraph describing ‘Ways to Improve Writing Skills in English’.


    • Take notes in class and always complete homework
    • Don’t get discouraged by red-ink marks in your note-book, keep trying 
    • Read as many books, short stories, magazines, and newspapers as you can 
    • Interactive websites provide online practice and correction
    • Always make an outline, listing items/events/paints you need to include
    • Rank these points in order of importance and expand on each
    • Attempt spell-bee, crosswords, word scrambles, etc.
    • Use a dictionary often
    • Practice writing in English on any topic


    Writing expression is a must to score good marks in English. IN order to acquire good writing skills one should always take notes in class and should try to complete homework time maintain a steady always take notes in class and should try to complete their homework on time to maintain a steady pace. One shouldn’t get discouraged with the red-ink marks in the notebooks as they are mere reminders. One shouldn’t lose hope and should keep trying. Developing a reading habit, be it short stories, magazines or newspapers is a must to acquire a vast vocabulary and improve spelling, these days several interactive websites on the internet provide online practice worksheets and correct them too. While writing a piece of information, one should always draft a word sketch or outline of points to be included. After that, these points should be listed in descending order of importance. Some fun ways to keep yourself busy are spell-bees, crosswords, word search puzzles, and scrambles. Using a dictionary also helps in improving vocabulary and the most try writing in English a few lines on any one topic of your choice.

    How to begin your paragraph using words/ideas

    Now, observe the following examples, see how you can begin your paragraph using words/ideas, and then expand or build on these to come up with effective sentences that will form the paragraph. Then write the paragraph.


    Words You Know

    • Done on snow
    • Winter season
    • Famous skiing grounds in India
    • Skiing competitions
    • Skilling instruct instructor


    1. Skiing is an exhilarating sport practiced on snow.
    2. However, skiing can be done only during the winter season when the layer of ice is thick in mountainous regions.
    3. Gulmarg and AUli are the most famous skiing grounds in India.
    4. Skiing competitions are held there during the winter months.
    5. Even if you are a beginner, you can find a skiing instructor who can train you.

    Best Holiday Destination

    Words You know

    • Goa-best place
    • Sunny and warm
    • Blue waters and balmy beaches
    • Water sports
    • Fine restaurants 


    • Goa is the perfect place for a vacation.
    • It is always sunny and warm
    • The deep blue sea and the balmy beaches are beautiful.
    • People can avail themselves of various water sporting activities like speed boats, parasailing, water scooters, etc.
    • It has many fine restaurants where you can gorge on a variety of dishes, the origins of which can be traced to various parts of the world.

    Airplanes and the Modern Day

    Words you know

    • Airplanes changed human lives
    • Traveling is much faster
    • You can travel to distant places 
    • Delivery of goods has improved
    • The world seems smaller


    • Airplanes are a boon to modern man as they have made traveling much faster and easier.
    • Airplanes have made distant places accessible.
    • Now, delivering goods to remote corners of the world is not a problem as cargo planes ensure smooth and hassle-free delivery.
    • Because of airplanes, the world has shrunk and distance no longer matters.

    Paragraph writing examplesParagraph writing Examples

    Paragraph writing 0n ‘Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet’

    Vegetables and fruit are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that help to keep our body functioning smoothly. It gives us the energy and strength to lead a healthy and active life. In addition, they have lost of fiber to help our digestive system work properly. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases. If we take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, we’ll be on the road to better health.

    Paragraph writing 0n, Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet

    Paragraph writing 0n ‘Sense of Humour’

    Laughter is an expression of joy and happiness. Man alone, among countless creatures of God, has the capacity to laugh. Life, indeed, would have been very dreary without humour and laughter. The ability to laugh relieves man of stress and enables him to see the brighter side of life. A man with a good sense of humour is welcomed at every gathering – he often enlivens a dull conversation with his sparkling wit and jokes. Humour in many ways helps people not to lose their temper. It helps to maintain mental equilibrium even, as it helps to attract friends. A man devoid of a sense of humor always remains tense and unhappy. He is unable to see the lighter side of life. Hence, humor has great practical value in an individual’s life.

    Paragraph writing 0n, Sense of Humour

    Paragraph writing 0n ‘The Art of Conversation’

    The manner in which a man speaks and communicates his ideas sets him apart from the rest. The art of conversation is one of the most distinctive features of human personality. It is aptly said that a man reveals himself through his conversation. A man, who has mastered this art, can make a great impact on people. He can enliven a social gathering with his wit and gain popularity among friends and colleagues. We may strive for perfection in the art of dressing well but tend to be rather sloppy when it makes his presence felt. He exudes confidence and poise. The ability to speak well is undoubtedly an art and like all other art forms, it can be acquired with practice.

    Paragraph writing 0n, The Art of Conversation

    Paragraph writing 0n ‘Time is Money’

    Life a journey traveled on the highway of time. Therefore, time is precious. Every moment in life should be properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop should be properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop the hands of time from ticking. Hence right from childhood, one should learn to appreciate the value of time. Just as one should learn to make the best use of money, Should learn to make the best use of time, too. It has been rightly said, ‘Time and tide wait for none.’ People who realize the value of time, believe in action rather than procrastination. They use it to acquire knowledge and various useful skills.Paragraph writing 0n, Time is Money

    Practice questions for paragraph writing

    Write a paragraph on each of the following topics. Pointers have been given for each topic.

    Question 1: Conversation of natural Resources


    • Several ways to conserve natural resources
    • Turn off lights and other appliances when not in use
    • Use lights that consume less power
    • Drive less – adopt carpooling distances
    • Use recycled items
    • Don’t waste-water
    • Don’t waste-water
    • Use waste-water for watering your plants
    • Each of us should do our bit

    Question 2: Knowledge is Power


    • Man is a social animal who can think
    • Despite being physically weak, he rules over all other animals
    • Man has knowledge which makes him powerful
    • Even among men, the ignorant bow before the knowledgeable
    • Philosophers, scientists, religious leaders, etc. have great influence over others
    • Thus, knowledge is power
    • However, knowledge cannot control the natural processes

    Question 3: Our Cultural Heritage


    • A rich and unique cultural heritage
    • Religious tolerance is an important aspect of our cultural heritage
    • Unique works of sculpture, painting, and architecture
    • There are negative aspects of our culture, too
    • Western culture should not be followed blindly
    • Preserve what is good and discard what is bad

    Question 4: Write a paragraph on ‘Friendship – A Beautiful Relation’.


    • Provides comfort and peace
    • True friends help you through tough and testing times
    • A good friend is honest, trustworthy and caring
    • Accepts you unconditionally
    • Not governed by caste, creed, colour, blood or status
    • Always there to give advice and share the best and the worst without hesitation

    Question 5: Write a paragraph describing how you celebrated Diwali without crackers.


    • Distributed sweets and gifts among the needy
    • Helped mother clean the house
    • Organised a cultural festival in locality
    • Learned to cool a sweet dish
    • Initiated a signature campaign requesting everyone to celebrate a ‘cracker-free’ Diwali 
    • Used the money (received for crackers) to purchase Clothes/Shoes/Games/gadgets etc.

    Question 6


    • Describing your aspirations.
    • How do you plan to achieve it?
    • Which individual or incident inspired you?
    • Who is helping you to achieve it?

    Important topics for Paragraph writing

    Write persuasive paragraphs on the following topics: Paragraph writing in English.Paragraph writing Topics

    1. Longer recesses in schools
    2. More holidays during  the year
    3. Online learning
    4. Recycling
    5. School uniform – an evil
    6. E-mail
    7. Population-Free towns

    Also, read for 

    • Notice writing
    • Report writing
    • Dialogue writing
    • Message writing
    • Invitation replies

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