Sentence for the word keen

There are formal terms in the English language, and then there are slang terms. However, some words or phrases are neither purely formal nor completely slang – and sit somewhere in the middle. When using the word «keen» in your writing, make sure it conforms to the style of your writing.

To correctly use the word «keen» in a sentence, incorporate the word to describe the intensity, interest, or sharpness (literally) of a subject. Also, the word should be used in tandem with specific prepositions; or words such as «to», «on», «in», «for», etc. should be used right after the word.

Read on to know more about the adjective’s meaning and origin, usage in various writing scenarios, example sentences with the word, etc.

Keen – Definition

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The adjective «keen» is generally used to describe a thing or individual that’s sharp, intense, or focused. People who are «keen» on a certain thing basically are greatly interested in that thing and enjoy doing it. «Keenly (adverb)» and «keenness (noun)» are words derived from the adjective.

A few synonyms for the word include:

  • eager
  • piercing
  • acute
  • penetrating
  • discerning
  • fervent
  • biting
  • caustic

The word and the above synonyms are usually used to describe the:

  • mind
  • intellect
  • eye
  • sense
  • desire

«Keen» could also be used to denote the superlativeness of an event, situation, or something or someone in a cool and fun way. In other words, the adjective could be used as an «intensifier».

Despite the otherwise positive connotation, there could be a tad bit of sarcasm looming over the word when used to effusively praise a certain thing or person.

Brief History

The adjective has been in use since the 900s. It is based on «cene», an Old English word, and is related to «kœnn», an Old Norse term. The word «cene» translates as «bold and brave». The spelling of «keen» and «cene» are different, but they sound pretty much alike.

Old Norse, also called Old Scandinavian or Old Nordic, was a North Germanic language. It was spoken by Scandinavia inhabitants and their settlements overseas from around the 7th century and up to the 15th century.

Besides Old Norse, the word «keen» is used to denote «strong» and «bold» in other languages such as Dutch and German. The word means «sharp», in relation to a blade or an edge, only in English.

The adjective «keen» could be used in multiple ways. It is, however, mostly used to describe intensity, enthusiasm, or sharpness (literally or figuratively). «A keen blade» or «a keen knife», for instance, literally means a sharp blade or a finely sharpened razor that pierces or cuts substances readily. Here is an example sentence using the phrase:

  • She wanted to use my keen knife.

When the term is used to refer to something sharp, it’s usually a knife (literal) or the human mind (figurative). Here are a few examples of using the word figuratively:

  • A keen olfactory sense is one that is extremely strong and perceptive.
  • A keen intellect or mind is one that is mentally strong and sharp.
  • A keen desire or yearning is filled with intensity.
  • A keen wind and keen satire are both biting and piercing.

The word can also be used to elucidate the alacrity with which certain things work. For example, the phrases «keen ears» or «keen eyes» mean the specific organs are particularly responsive or sensitive. «A keen mind» or «keen reasoning» indicates exhibiting or having great mental penetration.

«Keen» as a Slang Term

The phrases «keen on», «be into», and «interested in» are all different sets of words that mean pretty much the same thing. The phrase «interested in» is the most formal of the three and invariably used in academic and business texts. «Be into» is the least formal phrase, or proper slang. «Keen on» lies between the two.

When used in conjunction with another word, however, «keen» may become increasingly slangy. The phrase «peachy keen», for instance, is informal.

keen definition on dictionary

The «peachy keen» phrase is used to refer to a thing as wonderful or excellent in a playful and informal manner. The phrase «peachy keen» could be used with or without the hyphen. The word «peachy» could also be used to denote the same thing.

The phrase «peachy keen» is not exactly recent or commonly used. It, in fact, is viewed as a slightly outdated phrase. The word «peachy» is used instead when the writer intends to mean the same thing as the phrase.

Due to its datedness, the phrase is typically used when the writer intends the sentence or message to come across as a bit cute or silly. And due to the overly cheerful or optimistic sound to it, the phrase could be used in a slightly sarcastic way at times. For example:

  • My meetings ran beyond scheduled timings and I had a flat tire, but my day sure was simply peachy-keen.

The word «peachy», which means an attractive or especially likable person, could be used earnestly, however. But even the lone adjective might be intertwined with sarcasm on certain occasions.

The adjective «keen» has been around since the 900s, as mentioned earlier. It was, however, used as a slang term only during the 1900s, a millennium later. Similarly, the word «peach» is a slang term that has been used in the US since the 1700s, at least. The first recorded usage of «peachy keen», however, was during the 1950s.

Prepositions to Use After «Keen»

The adjective «keen» could be followed by a noun or a preposition. The prepositions that typically follow the word are (in descending order of usage):

  • on
  • for
  • to
  • in
  • about
  • at
  • of

The preposition «on» is the most commonly used. Here are a few sentences incorporating «keen on»:

  • But she wasn’t too keen on the plan.
  • Are you keen on writing about consumer technology? Keep reading.
  • Our six-year-old daughter wasn’t too keen on swimming as the pool was a bit too deep for her.
  • I was never keen on attending that university, as I wasn’t a fan of the way the courses worked there.
  • After my brief interaction with Jim, I quickly realized he wasn’t very keen on the project.

Here are some sentences using a few other prepositions with the word «keen»:

  • He seemed a bit too keen for the project.
  • The car’s engine is quite keen to rev.
  • She isn’t very keen in certain ways.
  • And I was not feeling very keen about that.

Kindly note, the prepositions in the above sentences are interchangeable, to a certain extent.

There are, of course, some differences between the prepositions. The words «on» and «to», for instance, could denote certain minor, yet important variations.

  • She is extremely keen on cooking.
  • She is extremely keen to cook today.

In the first sentence, the preposition «on» denotes in general terms the subject’s interest in cooking. In the second sentence, however, the word «to» indicates the subject is stoked about cooking on the given day. The person may be keen on cooking in general or she is just feeling like cooking on that particular day alone.

Example Sentences with the Word «Keen»

Here is a wide range of sentences incorporating the word «keen»:

  • She was a self-reliant, silent woman – with thin lips, a keen eye, and a professional demeanor.
  • I ain’t keen either way.
  • He was standing outside all by himself, watching things with keen interest.
  • Mark gave her a keen glance.
  • I’m keen to eat some pizza tonight.
  • She was keen to know how he was doing.
  • He was a keen hunter and a solid horseman.
  • These last articles exhibit a keen analysis and solid interpretation of facts.
  • Despite being extremely close, they wanted their privacy, and distance was particularly needed with that keen hearing ability of theirs.
  • The malls are quite nearby for keen shoppers.
  • Not all agriculturists are keen traders.
  • They still rehearse two times a week and are more than just keen to widen their horizons.
  • He was a good handyman and also a keen musician.
  • I am not very keen on that topic.
  • All the kids were keen to swim.
  • They aren’t very keen on using the term to describe the dominant pair of the pack.
  • That doesn’t bode well for the leader, who is keen on ruling the country indefinitely.
  • They’ve been on a couple of dates together, and Amanda seems really keen.
  • Anna is very keen on Tom.


final period and pencil white background

If you are keen on something, it means you are excited about that thing and you cannot wait. On the other hand, if you are not keen on a thing, it denotes you are not enthusiastic about it or interested in it.

It should not be that difficult to get the meaning of the adjective right. However, as mentioned above, there are instances when the word could be used in the literal sense. Make sure you are able to make that distinction in meaning when framing sentences using the word.

Kindly note, «keen» is not very frequently used in the United States. It’s an adjective more popular in the UK and Australia than in America. If you are looking to specifically cater to English speakers of certain geographies, be particularly wary of this aspect.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

острый, сильный, голосить, причитать, плач по покойнику


- острый, остро отточенный, с острым лезвием, краем, концом и т. п.

keen knife /sword, spear/ — острый нож /меч, -ое копьё/
keen edge — а) острый край; б) острое лезвие; в) спец. хорошо режущая кромка
keen as a razor — острый как бритва

- острый (на вкус); пикантный; пряный

dishes with a keen relish — острые /пряные/ блюда

- резкий, пронизывающий

keen wind — резкий /пронизывающий/ ветер
keen cold — пронизывающий холод
keen frost — жестокий /трескучий/ мороз

- сильный, острый

keen pain — острая боль
keen hunger — мучительный голод
keen appetite — хороший аппетит

- острый, тонко, остро воспринимающий; обострённый

keen sight [intelligence] — острое зрение [-ый ум]
keen glance — проницательный взгляд
keen hearing — тонкий слух
keen intellect [interest] — живой ум [интерес]
keen sensibilities [understanding] — тонкая чувствительность /восприимчивость/ [-ое понимание]

- острый, глубокий

keen sorrow [disappointment] — глубокое горе [разочарование]
keen pleasure — огромное удовольствие
keen delight — пылкий восторг
astoundingly [exceedingly] keen — изумительно [исключительно] тонкий /глубокий/

- напряжённый, острый, интенсивный

keen fight /struggle/ — острая борьба
keen intellectual exertion — напряжённое умственное усилие
keen contest [competition] — трудное состязание [соревнование]

- едкий, острый, язвительный; колкий

keen criticism — острая критика
keen satire — едкая сатира
keen wit — острый ум
keen reproaches — горькие упрёки
keen speeches — язвительные речи
with keen sarcasm [retorts] — с едким сарказмом [с колкими репликами]

- хитрый; проницательный

keen reasoning — хитроумное рассуждение
keen bargainers — люди, изощрённые в искусстве торговаться, вести переговоры и т. п.

- соревновательный

keen prices — конкурентоспособные /низкие/ цены

- живо интересующийся, страстно увлекающийся

keen sportsman [dancer, climber] — страстный спортсмен [танцор, альпинист]
keen reader — любознательный читатель
to be keen on smth. — очень любить что-л., увлекаться чем-л.
to be keen on /upon, about/ sport [music, horses, mountaineering] — увлекаться спортом [музыкой, лошадьми, альпинизмом]
so keen about his game as to forget everything — так увлечён игрой, что забывает обо всём
I’m not very keen on jazz — я не очень люблю джаз
to be keen on smb. — разг. быть влюблённым в кого-л., любить кого-л.

- страстно желающий чего-л., стремящийся к чему-л.

keen for gain [money, pleasure, variety] — жаждущий наживы [денег, удовольствий, разнообразия]
to be keen to do smth. /on doing smth./ — сильно желать /стремиться/ сделать что-л.
he is very keen to see his birthplace again — он мечтает снова повидать место, где родился

- разг. чудесный, превосходный

keen as mustard — а) крайне заинтересованный; б) страстно стремящийся; в) горячий, полный энтузиазма


- причитать по покойнику (в Ирландии); вопить; голосить

the women were keening — женщины голосили /причитали/

- оплакивать покойника с причитаниями (по ирландским обычаям)


- причитание по покойнику (в Ирландии)

to set up a keen for smb. — причитать /голосить/ по покойнику

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

She’s keen on music.

Она бредит музыкой.

Dogs have a very keen sense of smell.

У собак очень острое обоняние.

I’m not keen on cabbage.

Я не в восторге от капусты. / Мне не нравится капуста.

What a keen day!

Какой прекрасный день!

He was keen to begin classes.

Ему не терпелось начать занятия.

Eagles have very keen eyesight.

Орлы обладают очень острым зрением.

With her keen mind and good business sense, she soon became noticed.

С ее острым умом и хорошим деловым чутьём, она вскоре стала выделяться.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Booksellers are keen to pitch for school business.

She was new in the job and keen as mustard (=very keen).

American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

keenness  — чуткость, увлеченность
keenly  — остро, сильно, резко

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: keen
he/she/it: keens
ing ф. (present participle): keening
2-я ф. (past tense): keened
3-я ф. (past participle): keened

срав. степ. (comparative): keener
прев. степ. (superlative): keenest

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


It takes a keen intellect to play chess.

Для игры в шахматы нужен острый ум, мистер Пауэрс.

In this role, you should have a keen eye for detail and excellent communication skills.

В этой роли он должны иметь острый взгляд на детали и отличные коммуникативные навыки.

Yes, I was very keen.

Да, я был очень «острым«.

I’m grateful for your expertise and keen eyesight.

Я признательна вам за ваше острое зрение и знание своего дела.

It also revealed his keen awareness that no strategy is perfect.

Однако он показал свое острое понимание того, что ни одна стратегия не является идеальной.

They certainly had the keen eyesight for hunting.

У них, конечно же, было острое зрение для охоты.

Despite that, her mind overall remained keen.

Несмотря на это, ее ум в целом оставался острым.

It has a keen eye, and is active and strong.

Он имеет острое зрение, является активным и сильным.

You’ll need smart strategy and keen eyes to alter flight paths as needed and keep the chaos under control.

Вам понадобится продуманная стратегия и острый глаз, чтоб прокладывать безопасные пути и удерживать этот хаос под контролем.

She had a keen intellect and a passion for reading.

Он отличался острым умом и страстью к чтению.

Anyhow, very keen to run it now.

Впрочем, при большом желании осуществить её можно прямо сейчас.

He was very keen that I learn.

И он очень хотел, чтобы я учился».

To keen regret, lately we have observed motion backwards.

К величайшему сожалению, в последнее время мы стали свидетелями движения в обратном направлении.

I wasn’t too keen anyhow.

В любом случае, мне не очень-то и хотелось

Camptosaurus relies on its keen senses to avoid predators.

Камптозавр опирается на свои развитые органы чувств, чтобы избежать хищников.

You gentlemen aren’t keen to address the schedule I see.

Как я поняла, джентльмены, вы не намерены обратить внимание на расписание.

Hedge-fund managers keen to turn a quick profit should look elsewhere.

Менеджеры хедж-фондов, стремящиеся получить быструю прибыль, должны искать в другом месте.

We settled because I was keen to protect our employees.

Мы пошли на мирное урегулирование, потому что я хотел защитить наших сотрудников.

I am keen to work with your program.

Я бы с радостью начал работать с вашей программой».

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Keen in a Sentence

  1. His keen sense of observation allowed him to notice that his keys were not where he had left them.
  2. The keen wind felt like knives against his skin, causing him to shield his face and he moved forward.
  3. A dog has an extremely keen sense of smell.

Firstly, What is a keen person?

What does keen mean? Keen commonly means eager, interested, or enthusiastic. This sense of the word is often followed by about or on and the particular interest, as in He’s very keen on music. … A keen intellect is one that’s sharp in the sense of being mentally strong. A keen desire is an intense one.

Then What type of word is keen? Keen is an adjective that describes something that is intense, sharp, or focused. The word keen comes from the Old English word cene that translates to “bold and brave” and while the spelling is now really different, the sounds are similar.

Actually What is a good sentence for the word Keen?

(1) He always funked when competition grew too keen. (2) We are keen that Britain should get involved too. (3) She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture. (4) He told Hayling that he was keen to help.

Has been very keen means?

B1. very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much: They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.

What is a keen interest mean?

If you have a keen interest in something, you are really, really into it. Keen is an adjective that describes something that is intense, sharp, or focused.

What does it mean to have keen features?

adjective. having very clearly defined facial features. Her sharp-featured face was just beginning to blur around the jawline. He was a sharp-featured, dark-haired and immaculately cleanshaven man.

What does a keen sound like?

keen (v.) “lament loudly over the dead, bitterly wail,” 1811, from Irish caoinim “I weep, wail, lament,” from Old Irish coinim “I wail.” Hence “to utter in a shrill voice” (1893). Related: Keened; keener; keening. As a noun from 1830.

What is the best meaning for Keen?

2a(1) : showing a quick and ardent responsiveness : enthusiastic a keen swimmer. (2) : eager was keen to begin. b of emotion or feeling : intense the keen delight in the chase— F. W. Maitland. 3 : wonderful, excellent a keen idea. 4a : having a fine edge or point : sharp a knife with a keen blade.

Is keen a British word?

Keen on+gerund or +noun means enjoying that activity or thing, while to be keen on a person means to fancy him or her (in the British sense).

Is keen Australian slang?

In North America, “keen” is hardly even used. In Australia, they are keen on everything. Example of use: “I’m keen to drink some beers tonight.”

How do you use jealous in a sentence?

Jealous sentence example

  1. She doesn’t have any reason to be jealous of me. …
  2. But how could he be jealous , agree to send her away and make out with another woman? …
  3. What made a man act jealous when he had no cause to be? …
  4. The emperor Maximilian failed to make good his hold on Padua, and was jealous of the French.

Which preposition is used with keen?

The preposition “on” is the most commonly used. Here are a few sentences incorporating “keen on”: But she wasn’t too keen on the plan.

How do you use fed up in a sentence?

Fed up sentence example

  1. Gabriel was fed up with everything. …
  2. I’m fed up with moody women today. …
  3. Deidre shook her head and spun away, fed up with deities for the day. …
  4. She strode towards the door, fed up with the vamp toying with her.

What is the meaning of not keen?

It could also mean that “You are not very FOND of something in particular(meaning you don’t really like or enjoy something)” Example : “I am not very keen on watching football”, meaning I don’t really like watching football. And literally one meaning of keen is “sharp”, meaning “sharp” like a knife.

What is another word for keen interest?

What is another word for keen interest?

passion enthusiasm
fascination obsession
interest penchant
predilection infatuation
partiality preoccupation

Are you keen means?

If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it. … If you describe someone as keen, you mean that they have an enthusiastic nature and are interested in everything that they do.

What is the sentence for keen interest?

He took a keen interest in politics and rural affairs, and wrote many articles and papers on conservation and field sports. Brangelina recently took a keen interest in a 25 million duplex apartment here. He also took a keen interest in the gift shops.

Is small forehead lucky?

The forehead signifies luck sent from heaven and is considered the “first prosperity mountain” of the face. A forehead that is smooth, round, prominent and wide indicates good fortune, power and wealth according to feng shui. The forehead should also be clear of lines, blemishes, spots or moles.

How can I get sharp facial features?

Trim face fat and get a more defined look with this face workout:

  1. Tilt your head back until you’re looking at the ceiling.
  2. Move your lower lip over your upper lip as far as you can; you should feel this in the jaw muscles near your ears.
  3. Hold for 10 seconds.
  4. Complete 10-15 sets.

What does strong face mean?

The short answer is that “strong” features are wide and “sharp” “features are narrow. Strong features are usually associated with masculinity while sharp features are usually associated with femininity. Some people find strong-featured women and sharp-featured men to be off-putting.

Is not keen meaning?

Now if someone says exactly the phrase/expression “You are not very keen”, then they usually mean that you are very inaccurate and sloppy with just about everything you do, you do not care how you do things, you don’t take pride in your work/craftsmanship, etc.., you are incompetent of doing most things correctly, etc. …

Does keening mean sharp or stabbing?

keen·er, keen·est. 1. Having a fine, sharp cutting edge or point. 2. Having or marked by intellectual quickness and acuity.

What does the opposite of keen mean?

keen. Antonyms: indifferent, languid, blunt, dull, blind. Synonyms: eager, vehement, sharp, piercing, penetrating, acute, cutting, biting, severe, sarcastic, satirical, ardent, prompt, shrewd.

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Definition of Keen

strong or highly developed

Examples of Keen in a sentence

His keen sense of observation allowed him to notice that his keys were not where he had left them.


The keen wind felt like knives against his skin, causing him to shield his face and he moved forward.


A dog has an extremely keen sense of smell.


You need a keen sense of observation to do well as a private investigator.


Though he did not have the highest grades in the class, his teacher could tell he had a keen mind.


His keen reflexes allowed the black belt to respond before his attacker could even land the first punch.


Her keen wits allowed her to escape from the maze in record time.


The detectives keen senses allowed him obtain the truth from his suspect.


The keen sentry noticed the troops trying to sneak into the city.


Her keen sense of smell detected hints of lilac.


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