Sentence for the word insist

1. In a complex world,to insist upon simplicity is foolish. 

2. Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal.

3. Please go first — I insist!

4. Stay and have lunch. I insist!

5. We insist on / upon self-reliance.

6. I insist on paying for the damage.

7. I insist on his innocence.

8. I will have another glass if you insist.

8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. I insist on your being there.

10. I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right.

11. Is not to pursue, but do not insist I don’t care.

12. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius 

13. I insist on quietness.

14. If you insist, we have to declare the meeting off.

15. Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in.

16. We insist upon a definite answer.

17. Oh, very well, if you insist.

18. I insist that you withdraw your offensive remarks immediately.

19. Oh, very well, then, if you insist.

20. The tourists insist on keeping to their plan.

21. Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.

22. Stay for supper — I insist!

23. I insist that he is innocent.

24. People rightly insist on being treated as individuals.

25. They insist on playing their music late at night.

26. I’m paying for this?no, I absolutely insist.

27. Some people we clearly know to think he is wrong, but still insist to think, because it’s not alive.

28. The fact is that the world is out of everyone’s expectation. But some learn to forget, but others insist.

29. ‘Please come with us’ ‘Very well then, if you insist.’

30. The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.

настаивать, настоять, утверждать, настойчиво утверждать


- настойчиво утверждать, настаивать

to insist on the importance of smth. — подчёркивать необходимость чего-л.
to insist on one’s innocence /that one is innocent/ — настаивать на своей невиновности

- настаивать, настоятельно требовать, добиваться (чего-л.)

to insist on smb.’s coming — настаивать на чьём-л. приходе
he insists on her being there /that she should be there/ — он настаивает на том, чтобы она была там

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Stay for supper — I insist!

Оставайтесь на ужин, — я настаиваю!

Mike insisted that he was right.

Майк настоял на том, что он был прав.

She kept insisting on her innocence.

Она продолжала настаивать на своей невиновности.

I must insist!

Я настаиваю!

She insists the money is hers.

Она утверждает, что это её деньги.

His friends insisted he had no connection with drugs.

Его друзья утверждали, что он не имел дел с наркотиками.

I’m afraid I have to insist on the return of my book at once.

Пожалуй, я должен потребовать немедленного возвращения моей книги.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We insist on the highest standards of cleanliness in the hotel.

She will insist on washing her hair just when I want to have a bath.

… to insist on its being either symbol or fact is to dwell needlessly on a false dichotomy.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insistence  — настояние, настойчивость, упорство, настойчивое требование
insistency  — настойчивость, упорство, настойчивое требование
insistent  — настойчивый, настоятельный, упорный, требующий внимания, привлекающий внимание

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: insist
he/she/it: insists
ing ф. (present participle): insisting
2-я ф. (past tense): insisted
3-я ф. (past participle): insisted

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Nevertheless, you can also insist for the same.

Тем не менее, вы также можете настаивать на том же.

The paragraph could therefore be deleted, although he would not insist.

Таким образом, данный пункт может быть исключен, хотя он на этом не будет настаивать.

I probably misunderstood something, so I won’t insist.

Возможно, я что-то не так понял, поэтому настаивать не буду.

Well, if you insist, but please do it quickly.

Ну, если вы настаиваете, но, пожалуйста, сделайте это быстро.

Well, if you guys insist.

I must insist, sir, security.

Я вынужден настаивать, сэр, в интересах безопасности.

Alright then, if you insist.

Well then, if you insist.

Mom understood and didn’t insist.

We will fight you if you insist.

Мы Вам обязательно дадим слово, если Вы настаиваете.

They still insist though that Assad has to go.

И они продолжают настаивать на том, что Асад должен уйти.

Prosecutors insist their case is strong.

В судебных документах, прокуроры утверждали, что их дела по-прежнему сильны.

But Pakistani officials insist their nuclear personnel reliability program is stringent.

Однако пакистанские официальные лица настаивают, что программа обеспечения надежности их персонала, работающего на чувствительных ядерных объектах, является очень строгой.

Yet many physicians and fibromyalgia patients insist the ailment is real.

Как врачи, так и пациенты утверждают, что фибромиалгия является очень реальным состоянием.

Yet our explanations are vulnerable to error, insist social psychologists.

И все же наши объяснения уязвимы для ошибки, — настаивают социальные психологи.

Yet some scientists insist there are no large health risks.

Тем не менее, некоторые ученые настаивают, что нет больших рисков для здоровья.

Officials in those nations insist independence must only come about through negotiations.

Должностные лица в этих странах настаивают, что независимость должна быть утверждена только путем переговоров.

You must insist the cardinal eats.

Like those girls who insist their best friends are attractive.

Как и те девушки, которые утверждают что их лучшие друзья — привлекательны.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат insist

Результатов: 2935. Точных совпадений: 2935. Затраченное время: 139 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

About 10308 results found using ‘INSIST’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Otherwise, doctors and patients might insist that the data be kept confidential.  (open, save, copy)

  • Yet both Bristol-Myers and ImClone insist they were stunned by the FDA’s action.  (open, save, copy)

  • If you do, as much as he says he loves you, I’d wager he’ll insist on a pre-nup.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s common to hear fanatical In-N-Out customers insist they’d happily pay more.  (open, save, copy)

  • The Cardinals insist they negotiated freely before a deadline imposed by Lozano.  (open, save, copy)

  • So if you insist on being on the water, a life jacket is essential, Easley said.  (open, save, copy)

  • Instead, they insist that a revolt should trigger talks over investors’concerns.  (open, save, copy)

  • Government officials insist they will not let the utility cut corners on safety.  (open, save, copy)

  • Always proclaiming the necessity of peace, but insist peace only on their terms.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘insist’:

  1. Be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge; «I must insist!» [source]
  2. Importune: beg persistently and urgently; «I importune you to help them» [source]
  3. Assert to be true; «The letter asserts a free society» [source]
  4. (insistence) imperativeness: the state of demanding notice or attention; «the insistence of their hunger»; «the press of business matters» [source]
  5. (insisting) insistence: continual and persistent demands [source]
  6. (Insistence) The Empire ships were a series of ships in the service of the British Government. Their names were all prefixed with «Empire». … [source]
  7. To hold up a claim emphatically; to demand continually that something happen or be done; To stand on; to rest upon; to lean upon. Used especially as a technical term in geometry [source]
  8. (insistence) the state of being insistent; an urgent demand; The forcing of an attack through the parry, using strength [source]
  9. To be emphatic, firm, or resolute on some matter of desire, demand, intention. [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘insist’:

She should be able to talk to you now, if you insist

Insist that they lower the standards to zero levels

to have to insist that we move

i believe in it and insist that i am healed

i insist that all my needs are supplied

in the congregation and insist on having his way

And if you insist that there’s something about yourself you

Whatever the weather, Uncle Pantelis would insist we put up the tent, light a fire and sit inside so he could play his bousouki or read me the myths and legends in the right atmosphere

Do they have sitting tenants in Greece? How could we insist a prospective buyer must let him stay? There was much to find out

Even at that, the Bible says to be moderate with alcohol, but does not insist on total abstinence

Jane casually drops into the conversation that the cake will be delivered on Tuesday morning – I’d completely forgotten about a wedding cake … how could I have forgotten that! Peter and Jane insist that they will foot the bill for the alcohol and although Simon does his best to shout them down, they are adamant and refuse to budge

They will insist: a brand is what is good, not what would be

‘If you insist

Dave doesn’t see why I should bother, but I insist all the same that the books must be dusted before they are packed

would insist on coming along, and he didn’t want to

Guardians – to provoke a reaction so that the Boards would insist that

The panel of judges sitting out in the audience wave the boring little shit away and insist that the show goes on

Actually, more often than not it was some other member, or collection of members of the family who had to insist upon stepping in and shouldering the unexpected burdens whenever necessary

«What is it with you Girl,» there he’d used that name again, why did he insist on calling her Girl

Harold and Jameson were conscripted to arrange their last evening’s entertainment, while Kaitlyn was delighted to insist she remain with Hannah in her rooms

Why did he insist, that the place was going to do things to her? Did he mean change her? After lunch, she got another opportunity to ask, when he brought her a tray

coating that the Flower would insist on

Lindy and Enid insist that they weren’t as good as their

‘Of course I don’t mind waiting, but I insist on paying

’ The monk tried to insist, but Jean

was to insist that he leave – but a small part of her was

‘Fine, but I insist that you stay as our guest for two or three days

To insist on

We discussed this earlier, but it’s important, and it’s a myth that friends may well insist is

I don’t have to insist on exceptions, do I?

I hope I should not to insist on the fact that

It is not useful to insist on the solutions adopted

“You still insist this story’s true in all its details?”

So she’d insist the mortal must be freed

“Ok, I’ll give the man a chance,” he shrugged his shoulders and continued, “but only because you insist

Some interpret these occurrences as retribution or payback time for the sins of the human beings whilst others insist that these are signs of Armageddon as prophesized

I insist on helping you

Just what pathology causes liberals to continue to insist that poverty causes crime, in the face of all the evidence to the contrary? This is simply another twist of the Marxist stance that economic relationships cause behavior

The woman wore a vexed expression as she tried to insist that it was a matter of great importance

If Alex was interested in Lori, Josh had no right to insist he make an honest woman of Carmen

«Brock, why do insist on involving the Council in this?»

He wanted for her to fight for her position at Em’s side, to insist that she should be allowed to leave as well

4 What if I’m a thrill-seeker? If you insist on traveling to war-torn nations or other seriously scary places, there is a free “Smart Traveler”

If you disagree, do not insist and do not repeat yourself in the face of heavy resistance or else you could end up in an explosion

Some of you may not want to hear this and when/if there is a dispute you insist that the other person is wrong

They insist the mythical “free market” is absolute, arguing against all evidence that neither regulation nor government can ever work

All our information gained is checked by analysts before you see it unless you insist of raw intelligence which your own analyst will explain to you

His brother knew that, so why did he insist on doing it?

He would insist on examining the patient

Not that I wanted him to, of course, but for all his exaggerated, outmoded propriety, I thought that he would insist

Military dictatorships tend to only give up power by being forced out, and they often still insist on both veto power over what the public decides in elections and immunity from being punished for their atrocities

“No, it won’t bother me, in fact, I insist

Even if the man did insist that the Syclers — as he called them — had been bred by scientists on the island and were not aliens, at least he believed Piers had seen them

I could have walked away and all these people with their silly hats, all they could have done was go all wild-eyed and insist that I thought about it once more, and then perhaps cry alone or en masse for the coming Revelation, Armageddon, Rapture, or whatever they wanted to call the huge bitch-slapping that was about to hit home

“The American authorities will be notified of the arrests in due course, unless you insist that I call them

I insist you make your intentions clear before long

“Very well, if you insist,” said the Patriarch and the chair blinked away in the same logic defying manner that it had manifested in the first place

He even had the nerve to insist that it was a vintage bottle that had could be easily mistaken for vinegar by someone who wasn’t a connoisseur

and geometry, does the wise teacher insist upon the

Somehow ineffective, I know, but I did not design this system: I have to insist on that

[17] The so-called Auchterarder Controversy around the same time focussed on the problem as to whether or not it was sound and orthodox to insist that a man must forsake sin before he can come to Jesus Christ

You do not act it or feel it, but I insist

Tell me why Starbucks employees insist upon filling my cup to the top, unless I make eye contact and insist they leave room

Tradition prescribed that those who saved a life could insist on taking a kind of possession of it

Indeed some people will insist that they don’t

Such as, that the earth represents objective reality as science seems to insist, or that God exists, as theology proclaims, among other useful propositions that might be propounded that seem today to be beyond objective proof

“But I insist love…here, there is a lot where that came from, trust! She

But its obviously similar original configuration places hominid’s and then Man’s physical forms well within the rest of the animal world, contrary to what the objectors to similarity appear to insist upon

As it became practiced in a myriad of near-miraculous discoveries, some began to insist that this ever-so-much larger existence, the all that their many instruments measured, was most certainly this time, all there must be

Were the most aggressive proponents of this new system called science to prevail over its predecessors, would Mankind insist on going its own way one more time, even with historical and theological evidence that these deviations, so many times in the past, have led to destruction?

If it comforts you, some of them insist that it isn’t as bad as it seems

“Sometimes you insist that you are not a little girl, and sometimes you insist that you are

She did not insist on talking to Mr

I would actually insist to view the body at the graveyard, just to make sure it is in fact my loved one in the coffin, stranger things have happened you know

I mentioned before that I would insist on seeing the body when the coffin arrives at the cemetery, just before it goes into the grave

Insist on hands-on testing time with the system where you are free to explore it

Professional training managers might insist on three months to prepare and four weeks to deliver the training

Of course, I must also point out that if the commander happened to blunder into success, I am sure he would insist it was exactly as he planned, while if his carefully laid out plans ended in disaster, it would of course be due to his mislaid trust in some designated advisor

ever possible in an honorable manner, we cannot, unfortunately, always trust others who insist that they are

I decided not to tell her about Carlotta or she would insist that I go find her

Of course, officially the locals would insist that they are merely honoring the ‘first’ kuriltai

They’ll see «the tip of the iceberg» of what you’re doing, and they’ll insist that

“I dunno why you guys insist on

Until this last leg from Zhen He, I had to insist that captains not give up their cabins and that the crew stop bowing to me instead of manning the ship

I urged the couple to teach her their languages and insist that she write home at least once a season

My commanders insist I earned the two promotions, but I wonder

constantly carry, but we must insist that we have given them to the Lord, and refuse

But, we would not know that, if we only insist on

Or do they dread being judged racists, bigots, or homophobes if they insist on objectivity in reporting news that might offend vested interests intolerant of criticism? Or, Seligman wonders, are the top editors simply fearful of standing up to “the new militants in the newsroom?” McGowen’s book, says Seligman, leaves the impression that media managers are

you insist that the world is no good and should be shunned

It is an angry country that will insist on being heard

Nevertheless Americans will insist on knowing the truth

Marilee was more than happy to, and as the clients did not demand or insist on sex, this became a regular night out for her involving a meal, and some company on a Saturday night

The first thing Gretchen did as security chief was to insist that Tom have someone on stage with him at all times, who could protect him

You insist that

have objectified truth and insist on your standard proofs and

M: Who said no? But you insist that you think, you speak, while

M: To insist, to resist, are contained in the will to be

“Left to himself, he probably would have come barefoot, and insisted you do the same

“Would you hurry up!” Ackers insisted through the ear piece

In counseling the close relatives and friends; one is usually spontaneous in giving as well as accepting the advice and to some extent can be insisted upon

The one contractual proviso I insisted on was that we never did

Once things were sorted, Stephen insisted that I moved in with him

«Actually, it was me who insisted on calling this in to Europol and to you in particular

She insisted that she wanted to see you … I tried to talk her out of it, but …’

Ditton was terribly worried about Liz – said that he really needed her to go down to the station with him but that if she wasn’t up to it, he would understand, but she insisted that she was fit

Emma and Liz insisted on clearing away all the dishes before they left so there is nothing to be done in here bar a small amount of tidying up

Burn insisted on charging the capacitors in flight

Seth didn’t protest, he just insisted, to me anyway, that my whole life solely depended on Julia’s well-being

The connoisseurs insisted they could taste the difference in the meat so there was a steep price trade-off for genetically modified karga, but still left a huge advantage for the karga

On hearing this, Iain had insisted that Kara stay inside

hardly improved and she had insisted to get back to her

Despite the fact Kara knew he was anxious to return to his new wife in Banswell, Berndt insisted on staying at Abery, dogging her every footstep as she battled to come to terms with the fact of JJ’s presence in the house

One of the tasks on her to-do list while in London was to visit the warehouse where the things had been stored and decide if there was anything she wanted to keep for herself – something Berndt insisted she do

’ Kara replied with a smile, casting a glance at the heap of her belongings … her bulging bag and the basket carrying flowers and produce that Issa had insisted she take with her

That was the one building I insisted that we leave the electricity on

However, Fred had insisted on still having the

I stand in my cabin … something comfortable he said … I suppose my pyjamas qualify … and no-one could accuse me of trying to be seductive in those … they must be the most impressive passion-killers I have ever seen! Maybe that is what Gilla had in mind when she insisted they were what I needed

She had also insisted on a screen divider for the two teachers

’ He said insisted gently

Two young men came to investigate and even through my apologies they insisted I join their little group for a drink to celebrate the finishing touches to their new sandwich and wine bar

He explained that he was keeping a record of everything that was taking place; he insisted on accuracy in everything

The dragons are powerful, but come on, not even they could… there is just no way this could be happening; no way at all,” she insisted

Lady Beth started to knit a baby sweater, and the rest of the women insisted she teach them how

Collin insisted the White and Jake flame Lady Maya to the next world

The shepherds insisted I share their raki making me a little unsteady but glad to be with this whole gang of howling musicians

She insisted that she would be fine

Jake insisted that she be brought here to be properly instructed in the care of her egg

She won’t tell me what it’s about, just insisted that we go to Dragons Hill

Kate insisted that you see him first

Ever since then the head chef insisted on ordering fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables for banquets and special occasions through old Ted’s niece, and all the while the unsuspecting Ted had been convinced that his niece was strangely obsessed by fresh fruit and vegetables

They insisted he come alone as they had a matter of extreme importance to discuss with him

We should always win,’ Ish insisted

He was also offered a promotion to the position of Head of Light Entertainment with the BBC, which would have been fabulous had someone on the board of governors not insisted on inserting a clause in his contract forcing him to keep a whole twenty percent of the schedule for factual content

She hasn’t been dependent on me financially for some years – she earns more than I do anyway – and when she pulled the plug on our marriage she insisted on being financially independent, seeing it as some sort of compensation for me if I didn’t have to maintain her

He knew that she insisted he be very careful to make sure nothing could get from his condensate read-out chambers to any of the buses in her systems without going thru the filters she put on

You know I had that bad dose of ‘flu recently? Well, it was stupid of me, but one day when I was running a pretty high temperature, I stubbornly insisted on climbing on the porch roof to fix a slate which had come out of position

Both she and her step-father insisted on turning up the volume on the radio whenever the song was playing, and even shared Lucy’s MP3 player so that they could keep listening when all other services fell silent

these, but the publisher insisted we keep a few copies ‘Ok, so it has happened

But he insisted a detail should accompany her and carry any provisions she needed

After dinner, the kids went off to do their own thing and Gary insisted on helping with the washing up, saying that he was fully domesticated and proceeding to demonstrate that very effectively

fainted away at the end of that dreadful day, she insisted that Karen

“And she insisted you be by her side while on board the Sword?” Alexei nodded, “…hmm, she sees you as her protector?”

Myra insisted that she needed to return to her people and bring about an end to this senseless war

distinguished medical researcher at Yale, insisted that

friend insisted that Lovell should put a pair of magnets

Dane Tevid insisted that the finest room at the Inn be given to Tarak and Lady Rayne that night

Tyu had insisted on helping him accomplish this after he shared his plan with her

‘Do you remember how she insisted on going up to the woods and dancing ‘sky clad’ to celebrate midsummer? When it was pointed out to her that this was more appropriate for the spring or autumn equinoxes, she said it would be too cold then

Still not convinced Kai insisted on having a warrior in the house at all times, (in close proximity to Mistress Sera)

then the head chef insisted on ordering fresh seasonal fruit and

Then she insisted on offering him a plea deal

of governors not insisted on inserting a clause in his contract

Both she and her step-father insisted on

Grinly insisted on reporting the

He insisted that they’d already followed this blind alley and now it was his turn

By the time they got up that Nightday, Ava insisted the dark was too cold for the run back to the central city

“Well, come on then,” Arnie insisted, “Grab your stuff and I’ll

“What about the Ice Box Cabinet?” insisted Belle

The driver, a jobs-worth type, insisted that Tom could not ride in

She had insisted on naming the child after her husband whether it were a girl or boy, so: Jameson

The girls had made all their gifts, well nearly all, and insisted upon directing the holiday’s main event

insisted, “What were they trying to achieve?”

Titania and Hipolyta were dressed up for the send off, they had insisted that since he wore nice new clothes, they definitely would be wearing their best dresses

I mentioned that by happy coincidence ‘I knew that angler’ and they at once insisted upon meeting you, most likely to get a better look at that rod and reel you were employing

“As you can see, Kaitlyn was quite convincing when she insisted that she pursue public performance

I forget which church it was we were in, but I later heard that the vicar insisted that this tune was used at one of his Christmas services — our influence is far reaching indeed!

He had insisted that she ride his mare, and he would lead Achilles just to keep him from further injuring his leg

He imagined something like a hologram recording the soul, but the ghost insisted she experienced that half century and spent a lot of time doing research in her field, learning more about it as a ghost than she could have as flesh

“What is the point of all that?” they insisted

Jean had insisted on

“I meant it as a compliment,” Andrew insisted, “let’s face it, you are more, er, conversationally assertive than most of us

» Emma finally replies, when the silence insisted she speak

«Anything» He insisted, piling his mouth full of food

There was but one who insisted to press their intentions even to the extreme of knife-point, but he instantly surrendered his cause and forfeited their case at my gentle but firm insistent refusal

Two small ridges later, his thighs insisted he stop for lunch

you know why I insisted on your wife leaving the room

After pointing them out to Mike, he pointed out a few more, and insisted it couldn’t be a fire, not with four points of origin

The host offered Roman one, but he insisted on water

» he insisted «The house out back

It’s going to be a waste of time-” She insisted, but Alex wasn’t so sure

Hipolyta insisted they take Kaitlyn on an overnight across the lake, and having received Mr

«Where you going» She insisted taking hold of the cold metal knob

» He insisted driving right past the Big House

» She insisted, as they pulled to a stop at the main road

» He insisted starting the truck

«Stop that!» She insisted, feeling a bit insecure

» Jim insisted with a chuckle

All the men, that insisted on living her life for her, where in Salt Lake, two hundred and fifty miles away

» he insisted, but he obviously could her face

«See,» he insisted, brushing her hair back across her shoulders, «It wasn’t that they were super-bodies, you were just splitting up your energies

One of the provisos she had insisted upon in her contract of transfer was that Jameson would no longer be a member of her former restaurant’s staff, which naturally left him with the only avenue available for the pursuit of his chosen vocation—the head chef for the new establishment

Emma recalled, how her Grandmother had always insisted, that was a true sign of a real woman

Perhaps, she’d been playing games with his head, but why had he insisted, she was the one who needed to be watched over

One insisted she should be with him

» Todd insisted, «Are you telling me –” he looked to Emma, «that what Emma said really is the story?» He obviously hadn’t heard it either

«But considering she’s had to put this together by herself, without her Grandmother to tell her, she’s done very well» Emma looked to Jim, had he known the story all along? Was it what, he was referring to when he’d insisted he couldn’t tell her? «He couldn’t tell you Emma

» He insisted pushing her back down

I don’t like to ask Mary but when she finds out, I have a very awkward five minutes with her demanding to be know why she had been left out and insisting that she be allowed to help

«You are still insisting they nudged a six mile asteroid and it is just aimed at the Kassikan?»

insisting that Nandini be taken for better treatment to

This is because many medical experts are now insisting on the

Dave fusses before we go, insisting that I wrap up warmly, despite the fact the sun is shining outside

Lesahr was now insisting that the current tracks had to considered a ‘last practice tape’ and knew they were going to burn at least once more

then tried to give her two dresses as well, insisting there

Insisting that he couldn’t bear to bore her, he kept his answer short

As soon as she entered the inn the Imperial sprinted over and edged his father out of the way, insisting that he be the one to assist her with her accommodations

The trick will be to keep him from insisting that I remove my veil

The queen was happy for the couple, offering them the banqueting hall in the palace and insisting that the royal chef and his staff provide a wedding feast fit for a king, exactly to Helez’s specifications

Scott exhaled in relief; at least Josh was not insisting on going back to the surface

He felt that he had been right in insisting they land in Cumberland because Security was now alerted

On a couple of occasions he had succeeded in making her job harder by insisting that they stick rigidly to procedure

But he hounded her, insisting it would bring quite a price! Tom had left her with a small insurance policy

the stress from his job and insisting on my sharing it

Shelagh shook her head, insisting that she would stay on the ground

Terese disagreed however, always insisting that the bliss of terael could distract her from the forms

There was no point insisting that Terese wait outside; she could just as easily listen in on every word they said

Was God sending her a message? Was she being greedy — insisting on having everything? Without Alex, she might never be truly happy

Back on the steep path Emmy was insisting they go home

It is not Kaye’s fault!’ Mr Langford scolded his wife with a firm tone of voice, insisting that this was the end of the conversation

Schurman’s group came to the same paternalistic racist conclusions as McKinley, insisting Filipinos were incapable of ruling themselves

He’s insisting on talking to a police artist

For one, he had lied to her, insisting that he hardly knew Gene Frazer, but what was it Gene said? ‘We’re old war buddies,’ he’d bragged

As it turned out, his assignment to the division came at a most opportune time: Costa Rica had recently succumbed to US pressure insisting that it expand its efforts against cocaine

I was sipping at some sludge that Steve had made insisting it was coffee, and though a large array of scientific tests could factually prove he might have been telling the truth, I could not think of it as anything other than a cup of swamp water with some mud thrown in for flavor

Hilderich was insisting that Amonas listened to what he had to say, tugging his cloak with a grip that belied his feebleness and injuries

Parents can be very forceful in their methods from a pressurized cajoling to angry insisting and right up to aggression and smacking

Divorce Spells should be used in extreme cases for example if your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his tortures, you need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus your life had become miserable in such cased you may go for these powerful Spells can also be used to prevent a divorce, if there are people who are not happy with your happy family life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are insisting on a divorce then these divorce spells should be used to protect you from all such evil people so that you may have a very happy and secured married life

“All that time you spent insisting that you were too selfish for them, and now, when your life is on the line, you’ve got to be a hero? What’s wrong with you?”

Xeila was insisting on learning to

He took very good care of me, giving me very light duties and insisting that I join him for meals

What followed was at least ten minutes of screaming and insults (which I don’t feel comfortable repeating) directed mostly at each others personal appearances, and Kurumi insisting that Nina was so ugly that there was nothing she could do in the bathroom to fix it

Moses is correct in insisting that he not be blamed for putting the Jews in this place,

Buzun shook his head, insisting that it would never work

could not understand why He was insisting when it

” Justice Stevens softens his citation by insisting that citing foreign opinion does not necessarily mean taking it as guiding precedent

What are the consequences of “bioethecists” insisting that humans are no better than animals? Where would destruction of conventional marriage leave us? What is the effect on the human psyche of obscenity presented as art, or of “music” that reduces women to “ho’s”? What kind of citizens are schools and colleges turning out? What is the probable effect of any of the matters discussed in this book likely to be on the enrichment of the American heritage, or a drift toward oppression? These are elements of the present Civil War, fought with words and ideas, not guns and bombs, but deadly all the same

You keep on insisting that my inner state

Karina was really in her element there, sitting at Marilee’s desk and insisting on constant coffee refreshments

“The fact that we didn’t want to play a role in G-Industries disappointed them, but Jesse stood with us; insisting that they let us do our own thing

Spoils that insisting and suggestive modern thrust

Moreover, he kept insisting that he should take this and that item for such and such a member of his government for permitting him to travel, and to predispose them to allow him to travel in the future

In between insults, she kept angrily insisting that Josie belonged to her and that Roger could never take back Josie’s love from her

Insisting that they were husband and wife, Roger refused to sleep anywhere else but their room

insisting that every employee abides by the

insisting vehemently that he get out of their house,

“Osbald and Jaromer have not said what they learned from their captives, insisting that it is too crucial to entrust to a Speaking

insisting on carrying on with this nonsense would look

son insisting on attention that he would not really care

Lucy did not attend court with him, insisting that

Blacker kept insisting that he could find all the information on the company’s

taking me by the arm and insisting that I go with him instead of continuing on to meet with another aunt and uncle in Seattle

eventually talked me into coming back, insisting that it had been the drink that had invited

An elderly couple confronted me, insisting on knowing what I wanted there

she wouldn’t budge on the subject, insisting that we pay the amount or leave the cat behind

Amanda didn’t show up until the following morning, insisting that she’d spent the

such as Brennan, have been insisting for years that these dark matter bodies

Paul hid any disappointment, merely insisting he wanted a photo to prove he’d once had a manly lover

However, I was not discouraged and kept insisting:

Lida was facing us, thrusting a suitcase at McFife; insisting he force it open

Feminists have successfully knocked sportsmen off the list of heroic role models by insisting they act like sensitive, new-age guys

By insisting there’s an invisible god who knows everything, they easily made everyone fearful of disobeying even the craziest laws

Women then began to imagine they were too good for mere housework, and idiotic males infected with Victorian pseudo medieval crap about the sensitivity, nobility, and mystery of women have allowed them to act like spoiled princesses, demanding their husbands provide more and more luxuries; insisting that a real man would give his wife her every desire

His father too was becoming a nuisance, insisting it was time his son found an after school job and started contributing to the family expenses

It took all my self-restraint not to piss on him when he wittered on about the problems of bringing up a physically and mentally challenged child; sugaring the pill by insisting that god loved me, even if the rest of the world would find it all but impossible to love such a strange little creature

This time Gary was insisting that CN bite the bullet once and for all and put their house in order

“We will be insisting on due process when the time comes

The caller was Sir Peter Stevenson and he was insisting his call was put through

He had loved Unica, but he had been unfair and selfish by insisting on living in two worlds

Spikey insisting he come with Rory

also disputed the title of the event, with Stallman insisting on

step further! Throw down the gauntlet by insisting that even the

Meanwhile, Gertrude was insisting that I return home with

He ordered them to leave him in peace, insisting that he was not a hero of the nation as they said but an artisan without memories whose only dream was to die of fatigue in the oblivion and misery of his little gold fishes

Washington’s speech became known as the “Atlanta Compromise” because he gave in to segregation and emphasized self-help initiatives, vocational training, and accommodation rather than insisting on full black civil rights

In a few cases, witnesses have stepped forward, insisting on the innocence of the accused

You will find a writer or two insisting that Oswald was a sharpshooter, but trials to duplicate the firing of the three shots within the limited timeframe with the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle could not be repeated, even by trained marksmen

The insisting voice of the main computer then made him wake up fully very fast

kept on interrupting, arguing, and confusing us more and more insisting that women were to lead in everything as they did

He still was insisting as late as an hour ago that there was no such program still running

After ordering a pot of coffee from the dining room and quickly arranging an appointment with Bobby Dan Jackson for just after noon, Feltus leaned back and crossed his arms as he faced the difficult task of insisting in a polite manner that the Ashburns and Preacher Cooper attend the inquest and testify as to their loose association with the Underwoods

‘’If I may say so, Admiral, we have asked for such unit transfers many times in the recent past but Admiral Ghormley wouldn’t listen to us, instead insisting on the need to occupy Ndeni with the few reserve forces left to us

The next day we were up and about bright and early, I was dressed in my warrior attire and Coatl made a striking figure, insisting on wearing his ceremonial robes, we made our way to the square and the chairs and canopy set up for us, the village was very quiet, with very few people left, as we entered the square from the south, our Toxon squad came marching into the square from the west, they formed ranks in front of Coatl and I, going down on one knee they waited for orders, I told them to rise and their captain conveyed a message from Wedon stating that all the Toxon squads had arrived at their various settlements, I then deployed our soldiers to vantage points around the square, refreshing the tactics with each warrior, as the last of the villagers left for the stronghold, a deep silence descended on Tollan, in my minds eye I could picture the same situation in all of the Toltec settlements and feel the fear of the people in Bo-elon, with time to think the enormity of the challenge the Toltec had embarked upon couldn’t fail to nurture little doubts, today must be indisputably successful, then all the doubts would wash away, Coatl was totally oblivious of any doubt though, lazing back in his chair he drank another mug of brew, not a care in the world, quite frightening when you knew what he was capable of, late in the afternoon a messenger came running into the square and knelt on one knee in front of us

Given those observations and completely disregarding any possibility that the death had been a suicide, Charles had either willing allowed the individual to enter under false pretenses, perhaps insisting that Feltus had sent them with a message, or else had left the room briefly at which time the killer had sneaked inside to wait for the incriminating witness to return so as to silence him forever

� ��Secretary Stimson already contacted me on this subject, insisting about making the utmost speed in this dossier

On Monday morning, Myles picked me up, insisting the evening before, that he wanted to take

I also failed personally in my responsibilities, by not insisting harder on the need for more substantial budgets for the Army

Unfortunately, everything indicates that he is still unwilling to learn his lesson and is insisting that our soldiers stop the enemy only with their present, inadequate equipment

This infuriated some American military chiefs, particularly General Marshall and Admiral King who had been insisting all along to prosecute the war against Japan first not Germany first

In giving the Red Army free rein to take Berlin, Eisenhower claimed that he was avoiding politics; insisting it was based on «purely military» factors

Despite the fact that it is clearly incapable of militarily winning by itself its conflict with the Vietminh, or to even pay for its war effort without American financial assistance, France is insisting on hanging to power and even made pacts with criminals and drug traffickers in order to maintain its hold on the region

He’d been late to his desk this Monday with Barbara making a fuss and insisting he ate breakfast with her on her first morning back

And by insisting that all gods other than their god were abominations, claiming they were

What a very strange man he was, apparently he insists on wearing hats indoors and would only answer to the name “Famous Author” even though nobody I have met has ever heard of him!

He insists we can’t advance in metaphysics unless we confess our secrets to the others

Yet he insists on flirting her, using me as a point of contact with Mandy

He insists that what is happening in Him and through Him is greater, better, and more progressive than what they had

When Gilla comes back, she insists that I snuggle under the covers and get some rest

He insists on binding my thighs with soft bandages before we move on – a process which is embarrassing and at the same time bond-building

Rob insists on washing up while I go and ring Simon

She insists on looking her best

“That one there isn’t going to make it through the next winter and look how the owner insists it’s such a fine animal, so ideal as a trusty mount for a lady

There is gratitude on both of their faces, but Bex insists, «I know

‘She insists on caution and anonymity

Cassandra, the fortune teller of Troy, insists that the horse would be the downfall of the city and its royal family

He insists a lot on the élan vital, or vital force,

If this dream has some profound meaning, as Nebuchadnezzar insists it does, then the true God will reveal it to His servants, if that be His will

Yet tradition insists that when

But he insists that the tradition of pigmonging needs to be upheld

Above all, Professor Spanners insists that we cannot afford to suffer a single butterfly to live — one careless flap of a wing could mean the end of all life on the planet

Song wasn’t deterred, “I just mean, what’s the point of being one of the most powerful individuals in the cosmos, if she insists on appearing in public as just the Elf?”

She will not suffer her colonies to work in those more refined manufactures, even for their own consumption ; but insists upon their purchasing of her merchants and manufacturers all goods of this kind which they have occasion for

The parliament of Great Britain insists upon taxing the colonies ; and they refuse to be taxed by a parliament in which they are not represented

insists, each one will bear his own load

He will reach inside of that old fridge, grab just one more beer, make his way outside to the swing and chuckle at Grandma when she still insists that this is the only beer that he can have today

I understand there are two doctors among the camp’s inmates who are providing medical care, but the commander, Major Brumerson, insists that we provide Army medics to support his staff and our men from A Company

If their long-held belief concerning the serpent was as a symbol for evil, why would these people feel more secure in the understanding that this representation was produced to protect them? Yet the Bible insists that God told Moses to do it

Phnom Penh insists that the 4

Religion insists that Man has two natures, one that is here, and one that is “there

But today the everyday itinerary of the world seems to rest upon the “broad backs” of the minions of these new ideas, but still the aged patriarch insists that his wisdom of the ages be given the respect that longevity deserves

When Tris encounters her old neighbor Robert after their Choosing Ceremony, he is concerned about her choice and insists, “You should be happy

That Father insists his position —

He insists that either B or C must accompany him otherwise he is not going to

In fact I find myself somewhat reluctant about going out to dinner with him on Friday, although my wife insists that I do so

It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas; satisfies the reason and the heart alike; insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view; embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art; and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny

I think the Khakhan insists on it

The other view insists that the Constitution should be “kept up with the times” by judicial innovation, rather than by amendment as provided for in Article 5

But the opinion insists that this finding was not controlling in the Court’s decision

He adamantly insists, not only as a matter of bioethics, but also as a matter of animal rights, that the subject animal cannot be killed as part of the act of any other animal’s (human presumably) sexual gratification

Budziszewski echoes those core values when he insists there are basic and essential values “we can’t not know

as the force that insists on the spirit’s return to the physical body

altered concept of time and space insists on a four-dimensional reality, Space-Time, where past,

She insists she is looking for the right opportunity for me and one which will utilize my talents to the fullest

M: The catch is in your mind, which insists on seeing duality

I smiled to myself, she know insists on picking her own clothes

The present Communist Regime insists, however, in limiting that opening to a mere commercial fissure or crack

“So, I’ll carry it for you”, he insists

” He eagerly insists

My brother insists he is nothing like my dad – he’s terrified of

“But Silaran has learned that you will both attend, since Equemev’s mother insists your presence is necessary, and that you are each allowed to be accompanied by three personal staff members

“Park insists on local autonomy,” the article reported, quoting Babcock as saying, “That’s more than just a slogan with us

And the subjects he insists they cover don’t necessarily excite

If the pagan says that the universe had a beginning, we ask: What were the pagan gods doing before that time? If the pagan insists that the universe had no beginning, we ask: When was the first pagan god born? Who were its parents? How did pagan gods gain control of a universe that existed before them? Why do pagan gods care about human sacrifices if they already possess and control everything? Why do pagan gods allow Christian men to rule the warm European lands rich in food and wine, while leaving the pagans only the frozen lands of the north? Why is the Christian world dominant, while those clinging to primitive beliefs are a dwindling minority?

The only exception to the strict terms of her excommunication shall be Bishop Higbold’s annual inspection; when, according to the ancient custom here, he insists on interviewing each and every person at the convent

“Michael insists you have the necessary qualifications and are preeminently ready, if only you will accept

I am told that he insists that no Christian should handle weapons of war, it is better to throw ourselves on Christ’s mercy

” The “prochoice” faction insists that each individual woman decides only for her own dependants

he insists that the hope that biochemistry will yield the whole story is naive

«Eh, well… Zeus insists on certain rules

Formal rationalism does not deny the role of sense-data in informing knowledge, but insists that

She won’t last long if she insists on constantly challenging Merula and Syrugia because soon we may have to stop treating her in fear of being marked as their enemies

Everyone insists on knowing where you’ve worked for the past year, but you have nothing to tell them

She doesn’t deny the facts, but insists he should have stopped when she told him to

What is the white light?! Master insists

“It’s on the house,” the man insists with his arms folded across his chest, standing behind an old antique hand-operated cash register like he won’t take no for an answer

Being a bachelor, my mother insists on it

AWeber insists on something called a double opt-in, which means that when

It often insists

He’s hokey but insists that neither the Brossard boy or even the girl next door could have been involved

She insists that others organize the mice, who are really important to the revolt, because if she does it, she will end up starving to death

«How does this man know so much about the gold? The Kantsler insists it is our secret responsibility

The Minister insists one hundred per cent hands off

“The Captain insists this is an exercise!” Hammersmith shouted

With the exception of Jared, who would rather Timothy took the job and Timothy who steadfastly insists that I take it, everyone has said that they would support either brother

phery of society: When RMS insists that we talk about «com-

But, he insists

“I know, and I told her that, too, but she insists you are

‘’I’m sorry to interrupt you like this, sir, but there is a CIA agent here that insists that we are making a mistake with Miss Laplante

“What if he insists that we pursue the Germans all the way to Berlin?” Asked Chernikov anxiously

«If you can’t teach him anymore, and he insists on doing something,

“I am sorry, sir, but she insists and threatens to shut our country out of the Western Pacific and of Europe if you don’t see her now

Granted I can’t say I’ve been a perfect angel, but it only happened once, yet she insists there have been others

‘’Uh, let’s say that my superintendant will not mention the details about their deaths, unless of course the justice minister insists in seeing the whole file

� That is why she insists that German prisoners of war be treated correctly and that German civilians be spared as much as possible

For example, who will take your dogs and cats in and provide for them with the same loving care you have shown them? Who will develop the same kind of close relationship that your animals are used to sharing with you? Your son may not want a cat that insists on sleeping on his head or your daughter may abhor a dog that sheds all over her chic apartment

rational process? Doesn’t science in fact have a philosophy that insists

“Naturally we do, inspector, but my client insists, to use his own words, he is a pawn in the game

also, the card insists, that which is most basic about humans

Then he insists on footing the bill, and it takes me a while to talk him out of it

Where the card of the lovers insists we look within, the

The spirit of education, then, insists that we clear the road ahead of

It is useful here to hearken back to the high priestess, who insists

The spirit of learning, however, insists that

The spirit of education, however, insists that we embrace change,

relevance and meaning and utility; the hanged man insists that we move

of education insists, those individuals will be able to help us find a way through the quandaries that present themselves as we grow and

The warden insists on it

except for the Christian channel which she insists we keep

“You guys really should come with us tonight,” Ellin insists

“I’ll be with you,” she insists

Your future father-in-law insists that you ask for his daughter’s hand before you couple

He insists that I help him

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