Sentence for the word head

Synonym: administer, brain, command, conclusion, conduct, control, crisis, crown, direct, dominate, go, govern, gravitate, initiate, intelligence, lead, manage, mentality, mind, pate, precede, proceed, rule, run, supervise, top, understanding. Antonym: foot, tail. Similar words: head up, head on, head for, forehead, get ahead, ahead of, go ahead, headline. Meaning: [hed]  n. 1. the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains 2. a single domestic animal 3. that which is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason 4. a person who is in charge 5. the front of a military formation or procession 6. the pressure exerted by a fluid 7. the top of something 8. the source of water from which a stream arises 9. (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent 10. the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates) 11. the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head 12. a dense clusters of flowers or foliage 13. the educator who has executive authority for a school 14. an individual person 15. a user of (usually soft) drugs 16. a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea) 17. a rounded compact mass 18. the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container 19. the part in the front or nearest the viewer 20. a difficult juncture 21. forward movement 22. a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer 23. the subject matter at issue 24. a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about 25. the rounded end of a bone that bits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint 26. that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves 27. (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk 28. (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person’s head 29. the striking part of a tool 30. (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship 31. a projection out from one end 32. a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum 33. oral stimulation of the genitals. v. 1. to go or travel towards 2. be in charge of 3. travel in front of; go in advance of others 4. be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel 5. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling 6. take its rise 7. be in the front of or on top of 8. form a head or come or grow to a head 9. remove the head of. 

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1. The heart sees further than the head

2. Fish begins to stink at the head

3. Better an empty purse than an empty head

4. Fish always stink from the head down. 

5. The head is recognized by the tongue. 

6. A wise head makes a close mouth. 

7. A fish always rots from the head down. 

8. Too much knowledge makes the head bald. 

9. The fox’s wiles will never enter the lion’s head

10. A bald head is soon shaven. 

11. A still tongue makes a wise head

12. A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land. 

13. One good head is better than a hundred strong hands. 

14. Cover your head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you can. 

15. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. 

16. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. 

17. Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 

18. He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 

19. Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. 

20. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 

21. Stewart felt a bottle whizz past his head.

22. The date went sheer out of my head.

23. He hurt his head by running against a

24. Bare your head when the flag is raised.

25. She always has her head in a book .

26. He raised his arms above his head.

27. Don’t let fame/success go to your head.

28. All the wit in the world is not in one head

29. It’s easy to swim if another holds up your head

30. A fool may put somewhat in a wise man’s head

More similar words: head up, head on, head for, forehead, get ahead, ahead of, go ahead, headline, head office, ahead of time, headquarters, ahead of schedule, hear, heal, cheat, cheap, wheat, heart, lead, read, at heart, theater, health, hear of, plead, in the air, northeast, heavily, southeast, by heart. 

голова, руководитель, глава, головной, главный, старший, возглавлять, направлять


- голова

- головной портрет, изображение головы
- жизнь

it will cost him his head — он поплатится за это головой, это будет стоить ему жизни

- ум, рассудок; способности

- (физиологическая) переносимость, способность

he has a good head for heights — он хорошо переносит высоту
he has a good /strong/ head for drink — он может много выпить

ещё 54 вариантов


- верхний; передний; головной
- главный, старший

head nurse — старшая медицинская сестра
head waiter — метрдотель
head electrician — кино бригадир осветителей
the head man of the tribe — старейшина племени

- встречный

head tide — встречное течение
head wind — встречный /противный/ ветер
head sea — встречная волна

- предназначенный для ношения на голове; головной


- возглавлять, стоять во главе; идти, стоять впереди

to head an army [a procession, a parade, an expedition] — возглавлять армию [процессию, парад, экспедицию]
to head the poll — получить большинство голосов

- превосходить; быть первым

he heads all the records — он бьёт все рекорды

- озаглавливать; начинать (какими-л. словами)

to head a section — озаглавить раздел
to head a letter with the date — поставить число в начале письма
the article is headed … — статья озаглавлена …

- начинать, быть началом, открывать (текст и т. п.)

these words head the charge — так /такими словами/ начинается обвинительное заключение
his name heads the list — в списке его имя стоит первым

- направлять

to head a boat towards shore — направить лодку к берегу
to head smb. to the proper door — показать кому-л. нужную дверь, направить кого-л. в нужную комнату
he headed his flock for home — он погнал стадо домой

ещё 16 вариантов

Мои примеры


a quick turn of her head — быстрый поворот её головы  
off the top of my head — первое, что приходит мне в голову  
a full head of greying hair — голова, полная седеющих волос  
a slight tilt of the head — лёгкий наклон головы  
a shapeless hat on his head — бесформенная шляпа на его голове  
a stupefying blow to the head — ошеломляющий удар по голове  
blow on / to the head — удар по голове  
to head a cast — играть главную роль  
twenty head of cattle — двадцать голов рогатого скота  
head for crime — организатор преступления  
heels over head — вверх ногами, вверх тормашками  
to lower one’s head — опустить голову  

Примеры с переводом

My head is spinning.

У меня кружится голова.

Where are you guys headed?

Куда вы, ребята, направляетесь?

He’s a hot head.

Он человек горячий.

His head was in the clouds.

Он витал в облаках.

She bent her head.

Она наклонила голову.

He gave me a head start.

Он дал мне фору.

You are soft in the head.

Ты просто ненормальный. / У тебя не все дома.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Dr Soames jammed his hat squarely on his head.

The implications began to whirl around her head.

…an older man who still has a luxuriant head of hair…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

head back — вернуться назад, преграждать путь, преграждать
head in — свернуть на боковой путь, сближаться
head off — препятствовать, мешать, преграждать, отвлекать, отражать
head up — давать заголовок, шапку, возглавлять, завиваться

Возможные однокоренные слова

headed  — снабженный заголовком
header  — коллектор, колонтитул, удар головой, шапка, хедер, сборник, водосборник, насадка
heading  — заголовок, рубрика, курс, направление, ведущий
headless  — безголовый, обезглавленный, безмозглый, бессмысленный, лишенный руководства
headship  — руководство, верховенство, руководящее положение
overhead  — накладной, верхний, накладные расходы, над головой, наверху
headily  — стремительно, бурно, неистово, яростно, опрометчиво
headiness  — вспыльчивость, горячность, пьянящий аромат
headward  — направленный вверх, к голове, вверх, по направлению к голове

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: head
he/she/it: heads
ing ф. (present participle): heading
2-я ф. (past tense): headed
3-я ф. (past participle): headed

ед. ч.(singular): head
мн. ч.(plural): heads

Sentences with the word Head?



  • «my aching head«; «her old achy joints»
  • «afraid even to turn his head«; «suddenly looked afraid»; «afraid for his life»; «afraid of snakes»; «afraid to ask questions»
  • «an agglomerated flower head«
  • «She was anointed the head of the Christian fundamentalist group»
  • «use your head!»; «we only use Spanish at home»; «I can’t use this tool»; «Apply a magnetic field here»; «This thinking was applied to many projects»; «How do you utilize this tool?»; «I apply this rule to get good results»; «use the plastic bags to store the food»; «He doesn’t know how to use a computer»
  • «Let’s avoid a confrontation»; «head off a confrontation»; «avert a strike»
  • «the bandaged wound on the back of his head«; «an injury bound in fresh gauze»
  • «the sudden knock floored him»; «he took a bash right in his face»; «he got a bang on the head«
  • «caught bareheaded by the downpour»; «with bared head«
  • «I never laughed, being bashful; lowering my head, I looked at the wall»- Ezra Pound
  • «She holds her head high»; «He carried himself upright»
  • «too big for his britches»; «had a swelled head«; «he was swelled with pride»
  • «he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep»
  • «a blow on the head«
  • «it happened so fast it was just a blur»; «he tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz»
  • «a bodiless head«
  • «so many head of cattle»; «wait till the cows come home»; «seven thin and ill-favored kine»- Bible; «a team of oxen»
  • «He bowed before the King»; «She bowed her head in shame»
  • «his mind wandered»; «I couldn’t get his words out of my head«
  • «She sank her fingers into the soft sand»; «He buried his head in her lap»
  • «a head of cauliflower»; «a head of lettuce»
  • «there were Turk’s head lilies and patches of iris, islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea»
  • «the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula»
  • «he stuck his head out the window»
  • «I carry her image in my mind’s eye»; «I will carry the secret to my grave»; «I carry these thoughts in the back of my head«; «I carry a lot of life insurance»
  • «the rock caught her in the back of the head«; «The blow got him in the back»; «The punch caught him in the stomach»
  • «the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5″; «if that phone call is for me, chances are it’s my wife»
  • «the head of the whole operation»
  • «a complex problem requiring a clear head«; «not clear about what is expected of us»
  • «his head was in the clouds»
  • «cock one’s head«
  • «he shivered from the cold»; «the cold helped clear his head«
  • «The brick connected on her head, knocking her out»
  • «cover your head
  • «a woman with her head full of curlers is not a pretty sight»
  • «cut flowers»; «a severed head«; «an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm»
  • «His head was severed from his body»; «The soul discerped from the body»
  • «making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting»; «a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting»
  • «had a dizzy spell»; «a dizzy pinnacle»; «had a headache and felt giddy»; «a giddy precipice»; «feeling woozy from the blow on his head«; «a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff»
  • «he stuck his head in the doorway»
  • «Gerald shook his head doubtfully»
  • «she nodded her head dully»
  • «Elizabeth II is the head of state in Great Britain»
  • «even when he is sick, he works»; «even with his head start she caught up with him»
  • «the head of the department serves as an ex officio member of the board»
  • «Stretch your legs!»; «Extend your right arm above your head«
  • «suddenly felt faint from the pain»; «was sick and faint from hunger»; «felt light in the head«; «a swooning fit»; «light-headed with wine»; «light-headed from lack of sleep»
  • «flick a piece of paper across the table»; «jerk his head«
  • «the beer had a thick head of foam»
  • «his bare feet projected from his trousers»; «armored from head to foot»
  • «he was in the forefront»; «he was at the head of the column»
  • «they tracked him back toward the head of the stream»
  • «a frontal attack»; «a head-on collision»
  • «his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed»
  • «whose beard with age is hoar»-Coleridge; «nodded his hoary head«
  • «a Mexican Hairless is about the size of a fox terrier and hairless except for a tufts on the head and tail»
  • «Hang one’s head in shame»
  • «200 head of cattle»
  • «the head of the column advanced boldly»; «they were at the head of the attack»
  • «a head of steam»
  • «the head of the stairs»; «the head of the page»; «the head of the list»
  • «he is two heads taller than his little sister»; «his horse won by a head«
  • «tickets are $5 per head«
  • «the head of a comet»
  • «the beer had a large head of foam»
  • «the head of the humerus»
  • «the head of the hammer»
  • «the head of the nail»; «a pinhead is the head of a pin»
  • «they say he gives good head«
  • «a pretty pass»; «matters came to a head yesterday»
  • «the question of disease merits serious discussion»; «under the head of minor Roman poets»
  • «These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas»
  • «head the fish»
  • «a head-on confrontation»
  • «we must meet the problem head-on»
  • «the cars collided head-on»
  • «he hit his fist on the table»; «she struck her head on the low ceiling»
  • «he hung his head hopelessly»; «`I must die,’ he said hopelessly»
  • «he humbly lowered his head«
  • «golden age of imperial splendor»; «purple tyrant»; «regal attire»; «treated with royal acclaim»; «the royal carriage of a stag’s head«
  • «an inclination of his head indicated his agreement»
  • «She inclined her head to the student»
  • «Your children have infected you with this head cold»
  • «He landed several blows on his opponent’s head«
  • «She was named head of the Committee»; «She was made president of the club»
  • «model a head with clay»
  • «The baby nestled her head in her mother’s elbow»
  • «when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper»
  • «the nominal (or titular) head of his party»
  • «The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission»
  • «he peeped his head through the window»
  • «She perched her hat on her head«
  • «pillow your head«
  • «He popped me on the head«
  • «he felt a throbbing in his head«
  • «the cattle thief has a price on his head«
  • «The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air»
  • «the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name»- Bill Beatty; «came forth a quaint and fearful sight»- Sir Walter Scott; «a quaint sense of humor»
  • «She quirked her head in a peculiar way»
  • «She reclined her head on the pillow»
  • «the head of state in a republic is usually a president»
  • «Rest your head on my shoulder»
  • «the head of security was a former policeman»
  • «the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers»; «his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies»
  • «He served as head of the department for three years»; «She served in Congress for two terms»
  • «shake one’s head«; «She shook her finger at the naughty students»; «The old enemies shook hands»; «Don’t shake your fist at me!»
  • «a shapeless hat on his head«
  • «the idea is so obvious»; «never been so happy»; «I love you so»; «my head aches so!»
  • «a stupefying blow to the head«; «the stupefying effects of hemp»
  • «submerge your head completely»
  • «he took a wild swing at my head«
  • «my head is throbbing»; «Her heart was throbbing»
  • «we ran head over heels toward the shelter»
  • «a toss of his head«
  • «with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room»
  • «twist one’s head«
  • «farmers were uneasy until rain finally came»; «uneasy about his health»; «gave an uneasy laugh»; «uneasy lies the head that wears the crown»; «an uneasy coalition government»; «an uneasy calm»; «an uneasy silence fell on the group»
  • «remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring»; «he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected»; «unsuspected difficulties arose»; «unsuspected turnings in the road»
  • «an unyielding head support»
  • «cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin»; «he examined the child’s head for vermin»; «boys in the village have probably been shooting vermin»
  • «he heard the whiz of bullets near his head«
  • «he stuck his head in the window»

The Word, Head of the Church, Provider, Resurrection,

understand the most critical element, I’m going to drill it into your head

Belief keeps you in your head

There was a head that made the booth around the camp’s digester can seem really spacious

Do you see how those four words: can’t, always, never, and try, start out as thoughts in your head and then they become real because you say them, you declare them and you bring them into existence

” Kevin scratches his head and waves me through

A trail of blood from her head mixes in with the gray gutter slush

She whips me with a towel, knocking the brim of my hat halfway off my head

On the day that I die I’m going to take with me what’s in my head

I realized that, God forbid, if that happens sooner rather than later, the information that I have in my head would not be left behind for my children or anyone else

Vera’s face turns red like she wants to grab my head and punt it

A towel thwaps against the back of my head

«I can do the dates in my head now, I helped the geneticist write that

«Even with RNAcid enhancements I barely have the geography of the Highlands in my head

«Yeah, but do you think I am forcing her dead body to twitch using electrical impulses? Do you think if you cut me open you would find some crystal implanted in Tdesi’s head

Zombies inside…” He slaps himself in the head

They sat here above Jorma’s head at my table all the time we lived here

Schulz shook his head

I head through the back door to use the alleyway

» Ennil’s head drew back a few inches, «Ava told me their dimensions, they are miles long

the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed

Luke: 7:46: My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment

” Sam went to shower whilst Tatania arose from the massage table with some relief, shaking her head

Jorma’s head was feeling too heavy already to stretch this out any more, «What then?»

“Yeah, but what if we head up…”

“You’ll probably need to hang your head out,” I frown

Tobias shook his head

He wondered where she was now, playing in the snows of Kugenzglaw? Or did she experience one winter and head right back down to her old place down Sinbara point? What if she’d come up to the Wild Catch last Nightday?

You might have an intuition that says, “I should grab my phone before I head to the store” but you dishonor that intuition and leave it on the counter

It was just the instincts of this body that turned her head when big, broad-shouldered men with cleft chins walked by

Start Cart will have your customers pouring strategic information into your head in no time

They struggled to stand up as fast as they could before she could yank their ears off of their head

“What is that? A fish?” She sat next to Kevin at the bar, almost a head taller than him, sipping the froth off a White Russian

Underling shook his head as he looked at what Henry would have to search through

Maybe he shouldn’t have yelled quite so loud? Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything at all? Maybe he should have come in early to give his computer a head start in booting up? What was he supposed to be doing again? Looking for the sales report!

The head, I mean

Vera and I talked and flirted over its sizzling corpse, head and everything

She said she’d have to make me salmon head soup sometime, and against my better judgment, I stayed the next few nights with her

” He shook his head and kicked the ground

The principal stuck her head out of her office, “Johnny Clunker, I will see you now

Clunker, are you coming or not?” the principal asked again with an irritated voice as she stuck her head back out

So it was going to be that easy, Johnny thought to himself as he turned to head into the principal’s office

He was skinny and tall, easily a head above both of them, and he had even more pimples in person than he had on the view screen

Ackers smiled, it was one of the rare moments in his life when he did, and patted Bread Crumbs on the head

«Here you are,» Herndon’s head said from the companionway

Ackers shook his head

Ackers shook his head as he switched off his database and computer, “If Agent Seventy-Seven has nothing to add to this mission except herself, then perhaps we don’t need any more of her help

The laser blasts sailed harmlessly over his head and both robots ended up shooting each other in the chest

Everyone was focused on the fight except for Ackers, who turned his head and looked at the sword sticking out of the wall

The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?»

Stumbling with two buckets full of putrescent refuse, the boy tossed the wet feces onto the head of the ballista

As the miles pass I struggle to think … my head in turmoil

Johnny shook his head and followed after her

Big Petey quickly shook his head, and then realized there was no point in hiding it

Scar tried to turn his head to look back at Silence

The pony’s ears flicked against his head

She bent low as Scar fired and the shot passed harmlessly over her head

“You haven’t even been alive for forty years,” Vinnie retorted as he shook his head in frustration

Evan imagines her as the head cheerleader and valedictorian of her high school

Enough room to get to the head, the sink and the bunk

The bear’s head caved in Liam’s grip

His head was turned away from it as he was watching Scar fight Nancy and Silence

She sits almost a head taller than me, sipping froth off a White Russian and staring at the back of the bar, as if the —Jager— on the shelf had insulted her mother

Big Petey found that he was cowering on the ground with his hands over his head

Then, I heard the scream in my head after I woke up

It’s weird but I feel like I should remember more about my dad but it’s only some small things that stay vivid in my head while the rest kind of fades away

After shaking off the cobwebs in her head, Dizzie realizes she had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams

Your brain’s all fired up for the day,” Kira smiles and pats Dizzie’s head

Johnny pulled a shirt on over his head and sighed when he could see Ackers’ angry face again

He didn’t answer, but avoided her by going inside and using the head, doing his teeth, shaving, and crawling forward into the bedroom to load some fuel bags out of there and into the space that was free’d up on the kitchen floor during Dawnsleep

Kitchen scene: Mom gives me a kiss on the head

‘Dreadfully!’ she agreed, shaking her head and pursing her lips

But each morning, when the sun rose in the sky and lit up the Earth, he would feel his father’s penance pounding upon his eyes and in his head

They were locked in a neutral expression, and couldn’t move their mouths or any other part of their head besides their neck and eyes

’ He stares at the wall behind my head as though trying to work something out

One morning while Serpent was praying to God in the morning light with folded wings and head bowed, Adam came to him

» He unraveled himself and flew around her head like a halo

She flew off, over its head, smacking her knee on the hard shell of its big middle eye and then tumbling thru yards of splintery brush before coming to rest

How serious? Consider this scenario: one of your students starts running around the classroom with his pants on his head, yelling profanities about the education system

If your student is wearing his pants on his head, like our problem child above, then you are probably not LEERing at him properly

Herndon had fallen asleep with his head on his pack, only a few minutes after her, she hoped

She had calculators in her head made by the Kassikan’s genetics labs

Ackers tried to steady his nerves and his breathing while he kept his head up high

Eddie’s father scratched his dragon head

«The shuttlecraft!» he came bounding to her and snatched the phone from her head

«What?» he was stretching and scratching his head

He shakes his head, pulls into a parking lot next to a hospital compound

I shake my head, there can’t be anything else inside me now

«‘Cause I said so!» Ma replied and smacked his head with a spoon

Suffice it to say, that this is not the first time I’ve held a woman’s head over the loo while she chucked up the effects of too much booze

He’d always wanted to be a monster since he was little, but Peter had gotten his head beat with the reality stick one too many times (that’s what Ma called her favorite cane) and he knew a panhandler was all he’d ever grow up to be

John shakes his head

They watch him leave, then Zitteraal shakes his head, turns to John

He looked up to see an anvil falling on his head

The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!»

’ Stephen went on, almost as though he is working it all out in his own head

Even more surprising than that, his head wasn’t bleeding or nothing!

” a sultry voice whispered inside his head

John looks back at comatose John lying in bed and the man in bed slowly turns his head, raises up slightly, looks

headed for the rocks, the accompanying Sea Rescue helicopters had to return to base as the waves were now high enough to be sucked

Herndon announced he had some remote work to do in the boat and headed for the dock

Finally at five pm, during the Aoki set, he felt the phone vibrate, and headed for the nearest security guard that bore the Oodle logo, a rune in black and white

” He headed for the door

Out of the corner of her eye, Sasha could see they were headed for the divider

He slipped the computer into his pocket and headed for the stairs leading into the basement

Johnny pushed back his chair and headed for the sink with his bowl

Johnny picked up his backpack and headed for the door

Johnny headed out the door

She keyed in a series of commands into her computer, turning off the beeping, and then headed back to the window

It logically progresses that evolution is headed in that direction

Archimedes threw himself off the ship and onto a whale that was headed for in the direction of a whaling vessel the pirates had passed earlier

I saw the other candidate and, without wanting to sound big headed, there really was no argument! She was built like a brick privy, as the saying goes!

London, got into my re-assigned company Ford Prefect, and headed south

«It’s the asteroid,» Estwig yelled and launched from the seat, «and it’s headed straight at us

She writes down the address as I read it from the sheet of headed paper which Stephen chased after me with as I was reversing round his car

Thin, craggy, shaven headed, a good fifty years of age with a small white goatee dangling under his chin

The low greyness of the sky blotted out the stars, but as Lucy headed up the

«Did you know about the rock headed our way?»

The only thing new is, we now know it’s headed this way

She picked up a training bag and headed to the city’s Southside and Ireland’s only full roller derby rink

«Where are you headed?» she asked

As he left the shade and headed

— She attached the best rendering of the wagon that was headed across the sand toward the shuttlecraft’s old resting site

She shoved it into the central chamber of her brand new carry-on and headed straight for the Phoenix airport

«This time it looks like that shuttlecraft’s headed this way

Turning south, he headed towards the Boston Monitor

The metal storm headed straight for Horcheese and her redsuits, and Jordo ordered her to get the hell out of there, but Burn shouted over him

They headed for one of the new emitter towers where Komora waited

The low greyness of the sky blotted out the stars, but as Lucy headed up the road towards Waitrose and the uphill walk towards Chesterton, past the old hospital and the mouldering bones of the old Roman amphitheatre, she felt sure that some astral guardian would bring the boy to her arms and to her digs soon enough

As he left the shade and headed down the mountain he said to himself, “That is why I cannot die

The center of the plaza was full of people looking for streetcars headed their way

headed in the wrong

be headed the wrong way…

It is a group headed by Blinky Bill, the

Once again they collected themselves and headed off into the

both turned and headed back towards the barn

They both turned away from Smythe and headed away from the

Joe picked up his walking stick and headed towards the front

These bright, wide eyes of the empty headed sky

He turned around and headed back to his chambers

Four unidentified items marked as ‘belonging to my mother’ … ‘a small silk bag containing locks of Karentze’s hair as a child’ … JJ must have those things … a section headed ‘For Karalintze’ which only showed numbered containers

She stopped back at the hall and picked up the soup and tea and headed up the mountain

She grabbed her leather coat and headed for the top of the mountain

He walked slowly around the bed and headed towards the doorway

We headed back to the camp, and on the way I saw the caves in the upper part of the mountain

“Say, just where are we headed?” he asked to change the subject

To have this view that we are headed toward a consummation, and that consummation has to do with the rule of God over creation, affects every other aspect of the faith

“Sounds good to me,” she headed off towards her beauty shop, “see you in two hours!”

“You’re just as stubborn as I am,” she told him, and he just grinned at her and headed for the drivers side, “and I suppose you want to drive too?” she said handing him the keys

Lion headed statues stand

He watched as she headed out the back door

” He headed for the doors with his load

Then they headed over to the main center

After about an hour he headed back to the house

” She headed around the building

“I hope they enjoy them,” he said as he headed for the refrigerator, “Whew, I need a coke

…mighty warrior home…dangerous hunt…AARGH!” He was chuckling as he turned and headed for the stairs

She kicked off her shoes and headed up the stairs

He took her hand in his and headed back towards the house

She could see that it got gradually brushier as she headed south

of a bald headed carrion bird, dry and soft, with which I trace

They headed back towards the house planning their course of action in the morning

They lifted off gracefully, banked to the right, and headed for the mountains

Lady Jennie curved to the right and gently glided over the mountaintop and headed for camp

upwards and after circling headed into the direction told

Kate passed thru the camp and headed for the South Ridge

She headed up the pathway that lead to the South Ridge

” He took her hand and they both left the cave and headed down the mountain

They said their good byes and Daniel and Kate headed back up the mountain

He then took off over the mountain and joined Lady Jennie and they headed out west, towards the newfound hatching ground

She stood upright and headed for the opening

He headed down to the Hall

He finished his chore and headed back, he saw Kate and Daniel as he landed

They flew out of the cave and headed southeast at supersonic speed

Queenie had headed straight for the hatching grounds and remained there

Oreo meowed and headed back up the mountain, purring loudly

They finished eating and headed to the top of the mountain

Andrew called the dogs and they all headed towards the trailer

They headed down the mountain and Daniel got him something to eat at the Hall

With a voice hoarse from too many cruel cigarettes, he rasped over the growl of the engine as we headed up the mountain, ‘Please, if there is one thing unique to this particular island and something no other Hellenic island can offer, it is this very village

Daniel and Kate headed to the hatching grounds at a fast pace

With that both she and her husband hurried out of the station and headed towards the bus stop

Almost two hours later Jared called from on high; my liege, there are a great many dragons headed this way

Jake went outside and took to the air; indeed there was a large army headed their way

She calmed as Jake finally headed towards the mountaintop

Jake and the others took to the skies and joined him and they turned and headed back towards Dragons Hill

” They headed down the mountainside to the Hall

Jake headed the second squad of fliers

About a half hour later, as they headed east to catch up with Jake, the sky above was suddenly filled with the lost 300; they had laid a trap and now sprung it

The White suddenly appeared before them and Collin shouted, “The black is headed to Dragons Hill, follow when you can!” They were gone as quickly as they appeared

There were not many of the black abominations left, so Jake took the Blue Dragons and half of his group and headed home

He called ahead and warned Queenie as to what was headed their way

The monsters saw the movement and screeched loudly and headed towards the area

Auntie and I headed out towards the coast and found the strengthening south-easterly in step as we joined the cliff walk

They all headed for the mountaintop, Jake had need of James he was told

She finally caught Kate’s eye and headed over to her

There’s a four mile comet headed straight for New Jerusalem

One person is strong headed and is

At the end of the meal the two men said their goodbyes to the landlord and headed for the car park, the businessman promising to drop his friend a line shortly to confirm the details discussed

So who did he want to share this sunshine with this dawn? That girl heading north, why did her face spring to mind, just because she was so exotically Elvish? It had been years, she was a cartoon in his mind now, it had been two meals and a sleep

“Oh my,” The Operator said as he saw one of the grenades heading straight for him

Johnny, who was still protecting The Operator, realized he was floating off the ground and heading toward the ceiling at an accelerating rate

«The stars,» Herndon said, «I can see exactly where we are by the stars, we are heading due west

towards the south, heading slowly down from the smothered heights of the city

blitz, all of the inventive rationing, the later convoys heading south, and finally the

the back lane, heading for the main road, whistling Greensleeves as he swished the

cards and heading down to the labour exchange I found myself ensconced with that

Leaving the old man and heading off down

agreed to the terms at once, seeing something close to half a million heading his way

The trucks rumble on through the suburban outskirts of Abu Jeba, heading toward the faraway city with it’s plethora of irrigated date palms, ostentatious skyline, it’s tacky, marble festooned buildings

It relaxes her pottering about with the weeding and dead heading, and by the time Stephen gets home, she is almost normal

The size of the rock heading for the planet was six and one half miles, too big for there to be any doubt about the outcome of a collision

Now I guess I’ll be heading home, after I take you wherever you want to go

Heading for home with a great sadness, the young man goes

The half-meter-long, patch of dim over the deck of the bridge changed directions, heading for Tipperary

They were heading away from their target when Tipperary’s ring section crackled with charge

If it’s a secret, then why don’t you just speak to my mind?» Antonia again ignores his attempt and turns around, heading back to her station

I recognised the sound of feet being half-dragged along the hallway, heading for the outer door

Herndon got back over there for the service and found the family in an uproar because the disease specialist they called had snatched the body off to the Kassikan for study and Ernesto’s remains were now somewhere in the air over the Gengee arm, heading for the tunnel in the cargo net of a native floater, a lighter-than-air mobile plant

«It was never executed, instead the fusion containment bricks were taken down and stacked, then all its mounting framework and hardware, all four tons of it, was removed and stored away in a shuffle of paperwork under the heading ‘spare parts’ in a warehouse in Gengee

‘We’d better be heading back

This time heading up towards the barn,

Luray was polite enough and seemed friendly enough but then how far out of her way would she go to save him? Maybe they would tell anyone they saw heading this way to keep an eye out for him and point the way home for him, but he didn’t see any reason why they should want to mount a big rescue operation

I kept the heading east northeast

Freedom beckoning, we set off along a track heading south from the city

“Fortunately it was heading east

climbed up and heading westward

Lardyme led the way around the base of the hill heading in an

He circled the house and the surrounding town and ascended gradually heading for the mountains

«I bet it’s heading this way too

heading up the hill

Ethereead the Dragon flew on, heading towards Churchup hill

Before long, we are through the narrow mouth of the harbour and heading out into the open sea

Afternoonday found them heading east into more open country again, they left the marsh miles behind

Down at the Hall, most people had left and were heading to their various chores for the day

We have stuck to the main road so far, trying to give the impression that we will be heading towards the talaiots, but I know we have to turn off somewhere in order to cut across country to the Naveta

still eye lines, heading out and away,

I paid my fare, we shook hands and with a toot of his horn, he pulled away and melted into the traffic heading for Athens

heading out into the deep black,

heading home on the dawn ferry,

Everyone was heading for the sea, drawn by the power and the roar

By mid-afternoon Daniel could see the mountain range Jake was heading towards

«I know it’s time for Nightday so I’m just heading right for a shower,» and started to do that

Miss Jones heard the sound of footsteps following on behind the young man and as she pushed beech leaves out of her face she was able to make out three other young boys heading towards where she lay suspended in the hedge

But the big news was, he was given permission to have Engineering turn the tangler beam on one of the bodies heading toward Sol and found the pulses of state changes were coming from there also

He had served his time and was now heading for London, where they said that money grew on trees

‘Godfrey, do you ever think we spend too much time developing technology when we should be developing our most natural resource?’ I said nothing, unsure where this was heading

James was heading down towards the waterfall when he noticed a woman coming down the side of the mountain

Heading out on the weekend with friends presents some of the best flirting opportunities

Heading towards the sound they came upon two Gatonen firing at what look like a small child

Kai was heading for the large staircase when he quickly turned around, “Roasted Kuyou!

“Not my problem”, answered Danny and he turned away, heading towards the kitchen where Annie could smell beans or spaghetti hoops cooking and toast burning

For a moment I can’t see why, then I realise where she’s heading – Barrie’s in that group

I had a feeling that was where he was heading … but what’s all this about Italy?’

He looked up at the sky and saw the huge band of thick white clouds heading towards the Hold; a storm was on its way, the first storm of the season

heading towards the west, where Granny lived in a little red brick,

Alexei was in his quarters when he spotted the Saber heading their way

The main road goes through Sorrento and then winds up towards the ‘nose’ of the peninsula before turning back on itself, leaving the Bay of Naples, and heading south for the Amalfi coast

It seemed to be a living thing, undulating across the land and heading straight for them

He had served his time and was now heading

She put her skirt back on while heading toward the door

heading towards the kitchen where Annie could smell beans or

Bishop Rendellyn got off and joined the last Pan Solar League starship, Paul’s Lamp, heading out to Alpha Centauri

found themselves heading back towards the guildhall along a wide

Maggie stands stock still for a moment, then turns slowly away from the boy and, without saying another word, she walks parallel with the bar, heading towards the far end of the room

He traced the river as it snaked southward through the trees heading towards the town they had stayed at

Jock and me, well, we’re heading off to sunnier climes

Just as she was leaving the building she spotted Chas heading back towards the barracks

obvious now, that’s where they were heading all

Without a word, Chrissie turned on her heel and walked out of the room, heading along the corridor to her bedroom

He loses sight of them as they collect cups, teaspoons and cartons of milk, which forces him to turn round to see where they are heading

Billy is vaguely aware that he is heading in the wrong direction, but he seems to have no control of his feet

The rest of the body attached to the head appears, followed immediately by another body, of medium height and build, heading for that middle aged paunch induced by a liking for pubs and real ales

Almost tearful with disappointment, he faced again the direction he was heading in and saw the van had come to a halt just up the road

’ She said, collecting up the bowl etc and heading for the door

Shaun is on his feet and heading for the cell door

more pigs of all sizes, heading down the causeway in a seemingly

that’s where he said he was heading

two because all of a sudden I was hurtling through the air heading face first for the

As he walks through the crowd, heading for the lifts and the central stairwell, he reflects on the case of his intended target; Doctor Arbnor Jasari

still walking, heading toward the cemetery

I drove off heading for home

Tearing himself free, he emerges into the clear space of the country lane and turns a full circle before he is able to pinpoint the direction that he should be heading in, towards the target location, the focus of his anger; Jock Cascarino

Allcock and Harry were in a hired hack heading to Chelsea House, where Allcock & Sons Co

the man was heading

Tom set off along the coast, keeping low, and heading towards the

glanced along the coast and could see alert Guardians heading

Jock’s train of thought is heading for the buffers

She lets out a squeal, and then screams as she realises that they are heading straight for the fence

here is finished,’ said Tours, heading for the door

«Vdeksh!» is the last thing Billy hears as Alex sprints up the lane and disappears from view, heading back towards the Mondeo that they parked a little way up the main road

“You’re heading somewhere?” he asked

I don’t know this part of the country very well and although I had a vague feeling that we were heading for the coast, I was lost

of men heading towards him

They were heading across the ocean in response to a distress call a sailor had sent in

heading towards the door

Suddenly, Matt’s leg slipped and he was heading for the edge of the path and towards the jagged rocks below

Hobbes: They’ve all had their heads bashed in! You think they did that to themselves?

They called themselves the Fourth Wall because they thought they were all so big that if they had one more member they could hold a roof over their heads

A few other heads popped up from cubicles to stare at Henry

» Without introducing themselves, they just nodded their heads and walked away

They all turned their heads to look at him

Many of us are in a better financial situation that we did not have the luxury of when we had to work and spend so much time away from our children in order to feed, cloth, and keep a roof over their heads

The instructions say that no meat or fish is necessary because of the attractant they sell with it, however I found it preferable to use fish heads, etc

He wanted to be a great explorer or a monster with seven heads that breathed fire and crushed cities

whispered and shook their heads

There are two pillows on the bed, both with the indentations of heads where two people were sleeping

They stare at one another for a moment, scratch their heads, their butts, yawn

They were not tiny flames on their heads

collection of shrunken Jivaroan heads, each one bobbling with every bump and twist

Ricci and Ahmed share a Jacuzzi, their heads sticking up out of a mountain of foam

heads won’t placate the rabble

This castle was a clan home no doubt, everyone related by blood and enterprise, many of these clans had patriarchs older than Christ who still sat at the heads of tables in their great and echoing crystal halls

They popped their heads round the door for a

Her and her sister a out of their heads

It felt slightly greasy, as though other heads had lain upon it

Strangely this thought of foreign heads was comforting

He knew they didn’t have heads or necks the way we did, but there were eyes of some kind behind that visor

Scientists nodded, theologians shook their heads

The rent and burning alien hull spun down on top of their heads and Tig wanted more than anything else to run, but there was nowhere to go

Jordo was the last to get there and when he did, Paladin, Dirty, Holdout and Gush stood in front of the window next to the airlock, shaking their heads

There was always a cloud of blue-grey cheroot smoke wrapped around their heads

next to a quiver full of arrows hanging on the wall under the heads of many

They popped their heads round the door for a quick visit and for a coffee

This beast has ten horns and seven heads – which is the description given to Satan in Revelation 12

We know because the same information about the ten horns and seven heads is mentioned

would fall on innocent heads, easy heads

for the corrugated clatter of ladle heads on bars

in the beams above their heads, some talk in their sleep

the dry tongued creak of empty heads

shot over the heads of the wolves when they were near the pen

he prayed, slamming his back into bulk heads at every shudder

over the heads of slowly spiralling swans

while above the heads of warm blooded men

and the disappointed joined heads,

courtroom, their heads bowed in shame

Saul towered heads and shoulders over everyone else; why did David intimidate him? When we study out the contradictions in Saul and David’s characters, we come to conclusions that the very thing that brings the Sauls to a boil is the foolishness that the authentic is unselfconsciously in God

Holidays, where children held arms up over their heads,

the screw heads welded by rain,

and the early heads, the heavy first heavy heads of foxglove

heavy with dripping seed heads,

for the bright bell heads that hang from foxgloves

and a seventeen-year-old girl floods through their heads

where poppies raise their heads in swathes

but the weight of flower heads upon this earth

a whisper of seeding dandelion heads on hard brick

Oh, and the heads are through that door there

Jake and Lady Jennie reared their heads up and back and roared their approval as flames shot into the air

about heads as restless as the dawn swell

They were moving in slowly and deliberately, heads low, claws high, making the whispered shriek

that falls upon their heads, thrown up

Above their heads, upon the winged stars,

fear and loathing, a film score playing in their heads,

and drooping flower heads that wait to kiss the sun

rooms in our heads for which we lose the keys,

As I leave the cabin, I encounter Berndt just coming out of the heads, bare chested, he’s obviously just got up and thrown on his hosen

smacked and blitzed, hands on heads,

with waste and last year’s rotting, overgrown grass heads

falling away from the rose heads,

the psychosis in their heads,

She went into a killing frenzy; ripping paws, legs, throats, severing heads; her rage allowed her to destroy them all

Grass heads sprout and ear their way

we speculate on the heads

green seas, where poppies raise their heads in swathes

wind makes white noise in the grass heads

Back home I’d often wondered why surfers and swimmers once back on the shore would empty a bottle of water over their heads — and now I knew why

They all shook their heads in agreement

All of their heads shook no in answer to her question

“What’s going on; what’s happened?” She went to the young students and began counting heads

They rolled over, lay their heads on their pillows and both were snoring loudly within a minute

They were suffering from the combined effects of thumping heads, dehydration and the bile churning nerves that accompany deeds such as the one they proposed to execute that morning

The argument ceased abruptly when the adults saw the mess covering every inch of the kitchen and every last hair on their children’s’ heads

All the blue dragons suddenly shifted and lowered their heads

Berndt heads straight for a wayhouse called ‘The Bright Stars’, ducking his head as he rides Adamant under the archway leading into the stable yard, the gg’s hooves clattering on the cobbles of the yard

Both Michael and Steve shook their heads

Sarah and Ichor watched as the strange blue dragons ‘surfed’ over the heads of the black ones flaming as they went

It pulled at our clothes and whipped away our words so we had to keep our heads down, side-stepping anything in our way

Once through the tunnel, we eat, the sound of rain hitting the barge above our heads a musical counterpoint to the chatter of the crew members and the cutlery on the china

Several times during the three-hour service, huge baskets of hot and spicy communion bread were ferried in on the heads of the sturdier women

I wasn’t sure if they knew someone was there but after a few moments of heads bowed and hands joined, one squeaked a giggle and took a cautious peek at the other

Almost a minute went by before someone sniggered, then someone else and it became contagious until, just like in school, the giggling grew to laughter until they were shaking their heads in uncontrollable mirth and wiping their eyes on chaotic squares of cotton

There was a loud clang and all heads turned as the door to the hatch began turning

Just as he’d said, above our heads in the corner, someone had made a chimney by fixing a terra-cotta jar into the corner of the ceiling and breaking away the base so the smoke could find its way outside

The boys shook their heads

Both animals lowered their heads towards her sniffing

They neighed loudly and lowered their heads and nudged her gently, allowing her to pet their heads

Each desperate contestant was made to stand in front of the panel of judges on a spot marked with a silver star, and almost without fail the judges poured torrents of scorn and condescension down upon their heads

And he heads the biggest temple trust

The ‘Taks’ stiffened and raised their heads towards her

The animals cocked their heads to the side and listened

She continued to pat their heads and keen to them as she slowly rose

There was a lot of muttering but more nodding than shaking of heads by the time that was presented

She leaped again and took two heads in one fluid motion

Her great-aunt watched over her throughout the afternoon, revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from her own life story, all of which seemed to consist of too many broken hearts and broken heads, until, with the football results due in and Leonard Cohen starting to become a little bit overbearing, she turned to her young relative and asked, “Do you want to stay for dinner? There’s a DVD I want to watch and we could phone out for a curry”

It’s not by choice, of course, but there is a voice in their heads that tells them they aren’t worthy of greatness and they should pollute their bodies to ease the pain

“He’s right”, said Harry, “We’ll need a roof over our heads

wielding frying pans in frenetic arcs above their heads while

It differs from the true crocodile principally in having the head broader and shorter, and the snout more obtuse; in having the fourth, enlarged tooth of the under jaw received, not into an external notch, but into a pit formed for it within the upper one; in wanting a jagged fringe which appears on the hind legs and feet of the crocodile; and in having the toes of the hind feet webbed not more than half way to the tips.

Pretending to not only political but religious authority, would not allow the pope to share it, still less would he abide any religious dissent; and this gave rise to many conflicts, especially with the pope, at that time a temporal sovereign both at Rome and at Avignon, and as the head of Christendom bound to interfere in the affairs of France.

The oldest known coins are the electrum coins of the earlier Mermnads (Madden, Coins of the Jews, pp. 19-21), stamped on one side with a lion’s head or the figure of a king with bow and quiver; these were replaced by Croesus with a coinage of pure gold and silver.

So her future shaped itself in Mademoiselle Bourienne’s head at the very time she was talking to Anatole about Paris.

On the outer side of the humerus between the head and the crista inferior is a groove lodging one of the coraco-humeral ligaments.

Be this conceit of mine as it may, gentlemen, at all events Steelkilt was a tall and noble animal with a head like a Roman, and a flowing golden beard like the tasseled housings of your last viceroy’s snorting charger; and a brain, and a heart, and a soul in him, gentlemen, which had made Steelkilt Charlemagne, had he been born son to Charlemagne’s father.

In the Catholic Church bishops take rank at the head of the sacerdotal hierarchy, and have certain spiritual powers peculiar to their office, but opinion has long been divided as to whether they constitute a separate order or form merely a higher degree of the order of priests (ordo sacerdotium).

Ed threw up his head and snorted.

In many genera of springtails a curious post-antennal organ, consisting of sensory structures (often complex in form) surrounded by a firm ring, is to be noticed on the cuticle of the head between the eyes and the feelers.

His head lolled back, and his eyes closed.

This base design was discovered by the Hunnish king, but had never been revealed to the head of the embassy or to his secretary.

Summit of spire heterostrophic; a projection, the mentum, between head and foot; operculum present.

At the head of the establishment Johnson had placed an old lady named Williams, whose chief recommendations were her blindness and her poverty.

At the first glance, when Davout had only raised his head from the papers where human affairs and lives were indicated by numbers, Pierre was merely a circumstance, and Davout could have shot him without burdening his conscience with an evil deed, but now he saw in him a human being.

The feathers of the head and neck, except on the crown and nape, where they are dark brown, are dingy white, and those of the body ash-coloured tinged with brown, while on the breast they are brownish-black, and on the belly and thighs white.

You take the bounty off Rhyn’s head and readmit him to whatever weird immortal society you belong to AND I get to leave whenever I want.

The old castle of the Frasers on Kinnaird Head now contains a lighthouse, and close by is the Wine Tower, with a cave below.

The White Mountains of northern New Hampshire may be treated as a complex group of rnonadnocks, all of subdued forms, except for a few cliffs at the head of cirque-like valleys, with Mt Washington, the highest of, the dome-like or low pyramidal summits, reaching 6293 ft., and thirteen other summits over 5000 ft.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He has a bald head.«
(bald, shaved)

«I can see her blond head.«
(blond, dark, fair, gray, graying)

«I can’t get anything done with a throbbing head.«

«I need to keep a level head today.«
(level, cool, clear)

«We have a meeting tomorrow with the assistant head.«
(assistant, department)

Used with verbs:

«He poked his head out the window.«
(poked, stuck, popped, put)

«She lifted her head to see better.«
(lifted, raised, tilted, turned)

«He hung his head in embarrassment.«
(hung, lowered, bowed, dropped)

«They all nodded their heads.«
(nodded, shook)

«He scratched his head in confusion.«

«She hit her head when she fell.«
(hit, banged, bumped)

«He patted the puppy’s head .«

«Ostriches bury their heads in the sand.«

«She laid her head on the arm of the chair.«
(laid, leaned, rested)

«Make sure you cover your head when it is cold.«

«He always shaves his head in the summer.«

«Her head was pounding so she went home early.«
(be + pounding, be + aching, be + throbbing)

«You need to use your head.«

«The thought never entered my head.«

«I just need to clear my head.«

«She called heads to see who would go first.«

Used with nouns:

«He has a head injury.«
(injury, cold)

«We have a new head coach this year.«

Used with prepositions:

«The ball went over his head.«

«They watched the plane circle above their heads.«

«I can figure out the math problem in my head.«

«What is going on inside your head?«

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