Sentence for the word handsome

Synonym: attractive, big, considerable, generous, good-looking, large, liberal. Antonym: ugly. Similar words: and so, and so on, and so forth, heart and soul, on the grounds of, some, someone, somewhat. Meaning: [‘hænsəm]  adj. 1. pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion 2. given or giving freely. 

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1. Handsome is as handsome does.

2. Every mother’s child is handsome

3. The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.

4. He is a handsome lad.

5. He gave her a handsome present.

6. His handsome profile was turned away from us.

7. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met.

8. Sam was tall, dark and handsome .

9. He looked handsome and healthy.

10. She lost her heart to the handsome guy.

11. He was handsome and nicely dressed.

12. They will make a handsome profit on the property.

13. The waitress received a handsome tip.

14. I would describe her as handsome rather than beautiful.

15. Handsome is he who does handsomely.

16. He looked tall[], handsome and healthy.

17. He was fantastically handsome— I just fell for him right away.

18. He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.

19. Don’t worry about looking handsome,Or being strong and brave.Just as you love me unconditionally,I love you just the same.

20. She dreamed about a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery.

21. I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.

22. The house was so handsome, with a lovely countrified garden.

22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

23. The two of them made a handsome couple.

24. He gave me a handsome present.

25. He was handsome in a raffish kind of way.

26. James was a handsome devil and rich, too.

27. The film centres around the amorous adventures/exploits of its handsome hero.

28. She’s dreaming she’ll be whisked off her feet by a tall, dark handsome stranger.

29. The film centres around the amorous adventures of its handsome hero, Mike Mather.

30. He was a real nerd in high school — I can’t believe he’s so handsome now.

More similar words: and so, and so on, and so forth, heart and soul, on the grounds of, some, someone, somewhat, sometime, something, sometimes, something of, to some extent, something like, something else, hand in hand, come home, diamonds, landscape, behind schedule, make friends with, hand, than, in hand, on hand, by hand, thank, hand out, at hand, hand on. 

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


He is adult, perhaps handsome, mature.

Он взрослый человек, может быть красивый, и вполне зрелый.

He requested we cast a handsome actor.

Он попросил, чтобы этого полицейского играл ваш самый красивый актер.

Too handsome for glasses, no offense.

Без обид, но я слишком симпатичный для очков.

You’re a handsome and powerful man.

Вы не только симпатичный, но и могущественный человек.

Not to mention stylish and charming and incredibly handsome.

Не говоря уже о том, что элегантный, обаятельный и невероятно привлекательный.

I thought you said he was handsome.

Adam was a very handsome prince but this beauty ruined him.

Адам — был очень красивым принцем, но эта красота его и погубила.

He was handsome and only forty-three years old.

Он был красив, и ему было всего сорок три года.

He was handsome, funny, charismatic, confident.

Он был красивым, смешным, обаятельным, уверенным в себе.

He was like rich, successful, handsome.

Он был, типа, богатым, успешным, красивым.

I think I would remember meeting a handsome

Я думаю, что запомнила бы встречу с таким красивым

And not to mention devilishly handsome.

Не говоря уже о том, что дьявольски красив.

My wife wants a handsome son-in-law.

Моя жена хочет, чтобы у нее был красивый зять.

He was very handsome so she loved him.

Он был очень красивый, вот она его и полюбила.

Still so handsome, my king.

Вы всё так же красивы, мой король.

She should also apologize for always telling me how handsome I look.

Она также должна извинится за то что всегда говорила мне как красиво я выгляжу.

Your handsome sons with their lovely wives.

У вас красивые сыновья, и жены у них прелестные.

On the other, a handsome knife-thrower.

А с другой — молодой и красивый метатель ножей.

I never realized how incredibly handsome you are.

До сих пор я не понимала, как ты невероятно красив.

I think he’s very handsome.

В общем, я считаю его очень красивым.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат handsome

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

красивый, щедрый, статный, благообразный, значительный


- красивый (чаще о мужчине); статный

as handsome as a young Greek god — прекрасен, как молодой бог
handsome flower [dress] — изящный цветок [-ое платье]
handsome dog — большая сильная собака
handsome woman — статная /интересная, импозантная/ женщина
to grow handsome — похорошеть

- значительный, большой

to make a handsome fortune — сколотить крупное /изрядное/ состояние

- большой, крупный

handsome building — внушительное здание

- щедрый, благородный

handsome gift — щедрый подарок
handsome gesture — широкий /красивый/ жест
handsome price — хорошая цена
it is very handsome of you — это очень благородно с вашей стороны

- амер. искусный; умелый

a handsome piece of work — тонкая работа

- арх. уместный

handsome is that /as/ handsome does — посл. ≅ судят не по словам, а по делам


- диал. щедро

to come down handsome — расщедриться

Мои примеры


a handsome actor with soulful eyes — красавец-актёр с выразительными глазами  
a handsome man with a clipped moustache — красивый мужчина с аккуратно подстриженными усами  
handsome devil — красавчик  
downright handsome — совершенно очаровательный  
beautiful / handsome — красивое лицо  
handsome man — красавец  
handsome manners — вежливость, любезность  
handsome profit — большая прибыль, большой доход  
handsome donation — щедрое пожертвование  
comfortable / handsome / large / wide margin — большие, широкие поля  
handsome salary — хорошая зарплата  
handsome flower — изящный цветок  

Примеры с переводом

He was tall, dark and handsome.

Он был высоким, темноволосым и красивым.

My teacher is handsome, strictly!

Мой учитель красавчик, это уж точно!

Handsome is as handsome does.

Судят по делам, а не по внешности.

He looked so handsome in his suit.

Он был так красив в своем костюме.

I predict that someone tall, dark, and handsome is going to come into your life.

Я предсказываю, что в вашей жизни появится кто-то высокий, темноволосый и красивый.

He wrote an uncommonly handsome hand.

Он писал удивительно красивым почерком.

Sam was tall, dark and handsome.

Сэм был высокий, темноволосый и красивый.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Because he is brainy as well as handsome, the actor is often referred to as “the thinking woman’s crumpet.”

There are some handsome prizes to be won.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

unhandsome  — грубый, уродливый, нелюбезный, неблагородный, невеликодушный
handsomely  — красиво
handsomeness  — привлекательность, красота

  • Use the word Handsome in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Mister oversmart.. if I couldn’t impress her in all this time.. ..with my drop dead handsome looks ..

Well, the owner at Novena Vida said that Maribel was looking for a tall, handsome man in his 30’s.

If he were rich, how great that would be. Ah, he’s handsome.

I feel like dying when I see your handsome face get dirty.

Once upon a time, a handsome prince was enslaved by three trolls.

He did whatever he could to make the handsome prince miserable.

The third troll was a crazy troll. Trying to drag the handsome prince down with him.

Finally, the handsome prince escaped to his kingdom and took his rightful place as king.

The man is handsome, baby!

We’re just plain handsome, man.

handsome, handsome, handsome.

…as the most handsome boys in the village both wrangled and fought night after night.

A waste of a handsome girl.

Sofren’s two rivals to the post had faith in their handsome clothes and the fine learning that was crammed into them in Copenhagen.

Of nice build, a handsome man.

And my love shall come, my handsome, sweet… I want Vitelozzo ere I die… I want, I want…

«He wants a handsome deserted house…»

«I shall take the house — the handsome deserted house opposite yours…»

She had pledged eternal love to a handsome young samurai,

He is one handsome young samurai,

handsome Adolphe, bookie, small lender, etc. etc…

You’re too young. handsome Adolphe feels sorry for you.

Good. You look so handsome.

«Stay with us, handsome stranger»

«Once there was a plain little girl who dared to love a brave, handsome soldier…

«I see love and marriage with a dark, handsome man who is near you now.»

A handsome man, his eyes burned with the flame of his mission.

A sudden encounter with a handsome stranger.

What’s a fine, handsome woman the like of yourself doing on this scow?

Τhin or fat, small, tall or burly, handsome and chic, shy οr even surly.

You know, you’re quite handsome.

So many handsome guys in one place?

handsome, big, strong baby.

Listen, handsome, open up, or you’ll tell nobody nothing no more.

And he was very handsome, too.

How handsome my Alexis was in his dress uniform.

But what can you expect? He’s so handsome, so self-assured.

I’ll spread the news so high, wide and handsome you don’t dare marry her.

the only handsome devil… among those foreign princes is the Czar.

Every time we meet you look more handsome.

You may find taller, bigger men, but none more handsome.

He’s handsome! Very handsome!

Just ’cause he’s handsome, does he have to marry a Rothschild?

Sentences with the word Handsome?



  • «a fine-looking woman»; «a good-looking man»; «better-looking than her sister»; «very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome«- Thackeray; «our southern women are well-favored»- Lillian Hellman
  • «was a big tipper»; «the bounteous goodness of God»; «bountiful compliments»; «a freehanded host»; «a handsome allowance»; «Saturday’s child is loving and giving»; «a liberal backer of the arts»; «a munificent gift»; «her fond and openhanded grandfather»
  • «looking careworn as she bent over her mending»; «her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness»; «that raddled but still noble face»; «shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face»- Charles Dickens
  • «a handsome man with a clipped moustache»; «clipped hedges»; «close-clipped lawns»; «a clipped poodle»
  • «a gangling teenager»; «a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man»
  • «from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration»-Charles Lee
  • «I met this really handsome guy at a bar last night!»; «we met in Singapore»


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