Sentence for the word dispute

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


This whole dispute seems so unnecessary.

Так что весь этот спор мне кажется совершенно лишним.

It might be a domestic dispute.

Вероятно, это мог быть какой-то бытовой спор.

Guests should first contact the hotel to attempt to resolve the dispute amicably.

Постояльцы должны в первую очередь связаться с администрацией отеля, чтобы попытаться разрешить спор по взаимному согласию.

China has proposed the dispute be settled bilaterally.

Китай считает, что эти споры должны быть урегулированы на двусторонней основе.

The dispute is over civil aircraft subsidies.

Другой пример — спор по поводу субсидий в гражданской авиации.

The sea boundary dispute will have to be settled through an international tribunal.

Спор о морской границе должен быть урегулирован с помощью какого бы то ни было международного трибунала.

The border dispute can then be resolved peacefully through arbitration, if necessary.

После этого пограничный спор можно будет решить мирным путем на основе, в случае необходимости, арбитража.

Bush reiterated that he hoped to resolve the dispute diplomatically.

В заключении Обама добавил, что хотел бы решить спор дипломатическим путем.

The dispute highlights the discord and inefficiency that still plague European arms-export policy.

Этот спор подчёркивает разногласия и неэффективность, от которых по-прежнему страдает европейская политика в области экспорта оружия.

Motorola and Huawei eventually settled their dispute in April 2011.

Motorola и Huawei в конечном итоге урегулировали свои споры в апреле 2011 года.

The most memorable dispute occurred between Pelagius and Augustine.

Возможно, самый значительный исторический спор произошел между Пелагием и Августином. а.

‘Uncertainty’ about the US-China trade dispute.

«Неопределенность» относительно торгового спора между США и Китаем.

The truth that causes a dispute or is born in a dispute is also concrete.

Истина, вызывающая спор или рождающаяся в споре, также является конкретной.

There might be a dispute as to whether a wrongful act was committed, but a settlement of that dispute might take a long time.

Может возникнуть спор относительно того, было ли совершено противоправное деяние, однако урегулирование этого спора может затянуться надолго.

The draft treaty provides for consultations among the parties to a dispute and submission of the dispute to panel procedure.

Проект договора предусматривает проведение консультаций между сторонами в споре и передачу спора для рассмотрения группе специалистов.

No new dispute arose after that date, but only the continuation of an existing dispute.

После этой даты никакого нового спора не возникло, а имело место лишь продолжение существующего спора.

This dispute about culture parallels the much older dispute between insurrectionists and anarchists who believe in building long-term institutions.

Этот спор о культурных параллелях намного старше спора между повстанцами и анархистами, верящими в построение долговременных конструкций.

The term «dispute» means a dispute, claim or controversy.

Слово «конфликт» означает спор, ссору, противоречие.

A discussion is a dispute aimed at the achievement of truth and using only correct methods of conducting dispute.

Дискуссия — это спор, направленный на достижение истины и использующий только корректные приемы ведения спора.

In relation to any legal dispute this is a matter of great significance, which may affect the outcome of the dispute.

В связи с любым юридическим спором данный вопрос имеет огромное значение, способное повлиять на результаты спора.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат dispute

Результатов: 32646. Точных совпадений: 32646. Затраченное время: 164 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

спор, разногласия, диспут, полемика, спорить, оспаривать, дискутировать


- диспут, дискуссия, дебаты

heated dispute — горячая /оживлённая/ дискуссия
bitter dispute — острая /резкая/ полемика

- спор; пререкания, ссора

border [international, legal] dispute — пограничный [международный, правовой] спор
labour dispute — трудовой конфликт /спор/; конфликт между рабочими и предпринимателями
dispute at law — юр. тяжба
matter in dispute — предмет спора
beyond /out of, past, without/ dispute — вне всяких сомнений, бесспорно
to settle a dispute — разрешить спор

- спорный вопрос

the three hour sit-down resolved none of the substantive disputes between them — трёхчасовая встреча не разрешила ни одного из существенных вопросов, по которым они расходятся


- обсуждать, дискутировать; принимать участие в диспуте

to dispute a question — обсуждать вопрос

- спорить, пререкаться

to dispute about /on, upon/ smth. — спорить о чём-л.
to dispute with /against/ smb. — спорить с кем-л., прекословить кому-л.
to dispute with smb. about the education of children — спорить с кем-л. о воспитании детей
some husbands and wives are always disputing — в иных семьях мужья и жёны вечно пререкаются

- ставить под сомнение, оспаривать; сомневаться (в чём-л.)

to dispute a statement [a fact] — ставить под сомнение заявление [факт]
to dispute an election [a right] — оспаривать результаты выборов [право]
that he didn’t dispute — этого он не оспаривал, против этого он не возражал
but it has happened — and there is no disputing its logic

- выступать против, сопротивляться с оружием в руках

to dispute the enemy’s advance — сдерживать наступление противника

- бороться за, добиваться

to dispute a victory [a prize] — добиваться победы [приза]
to dispute in arms every inch of ground — отстаивать с оружием в руках каждую пядь земли

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Her honesty was never disputed.

Её честность никогда не подвергалась сомнению.

He had a dispute with his wife.

У него были разногласия с женой.

Nobody disputed that Davey was clever.

Никто не подвергал сомнению тот факт, что Деви умён.

She acted as peacemaker in the dispute.

Она выступала в качестве миротворца в споре.

She desires to remain neutral in the dispute.

Она не хочет принимать чью-либо сторону в споре.

We found a resolution to the dispute.

Мы нашли решение данного спора.

Some very skilful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.

Нужны очень искусные посредники, чтобы урегулировать этот спор.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The dispute remains unsettled.

Their sister remained a neutral in the dispute.

She will arbitrate the dispute.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disputable  — спорный, сомнительный, находящийся под вопросом
disputant  — спорящий, спорщик, участник диспута
disputer  — спорщик, участник диспута
disputed  — оспоренный, обсуждаемый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dispute
he/she/it: disputes
ing ф. (present participle): disputing
2-я ф. (past tense): disputed
3-я ф. (past participle): disputed

ед. ч.(singular): dispute
мн. ч.(plural): disputes

Synonym: argue, bicker, contest, debate, fight, oppose, quarrel, resist. Antonym: agree. Similar words: display, computer, on display, distribute, whisper, Hispanic, cute, outer. Meaning: [dɪ’spjuːt]  n. 1. a disagreement or argument about something important 2. coming into conflict with. v. 1. take exception to 2. have a disagreement over something. 

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1) A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. 

2) They supported their sisters in the dispute.

3) His theories are open to dispute .

4) I often dispute against my friends.

5) He was asked to adjudicate on the dispute.

6) I reconciled the dispute among the boys.

7) The legal dispute left them penniless.

8) The dispute is going to arbitration .

9) Further dispute would worsen your relations.

10) The dispute was settled honorably.

11) Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate.

12) They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.

13) He had innocently blundered into a private dispute.

14) She handed in her resignation following the dispute over company policy.

15) The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention.

16) The cause of the accident was still in dispute .

17) There is considerable dispute over the precise definition of ‘social class’ as a term.

18) The union is in dispute with management over working hours.

19) This is a serious dispute(,[] and could lead to armed conflict.

20) The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment .

21) Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.

22) They have been unable to settle/resolve the dispute over working conditions.

23) Attempts are being made to settle the dispute by diplomatic means.

24) This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike.

25) They decided to refer the dispute to the United Nations.

26) Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing.

27) Production has halted at all of the company’s factories because of the pay dispute.

28) They’re trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute.

29) Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.

30) He stood four-square behind the Prime Minister in the dispute.

More similar words: display, computer, on display, distribute, whisper, Hispanic, cute, outer, route, minute, put, execute, statute, attribute, put off, put in, output, put on, put up, put out, put to, input, contribute, put down, put away, deputy, constitute, contribute to, put aside, put up with. 

«I told you at the very outset that the ownership is in dispute

The ownership is in dispute and the people involved are not without stain,» he was honest with her, but the only rule I worry about is interfering in tribal affairs, but the Brazilians have never registered as a tribe

Tahlmute had clearly expected his friend at the Kassikan to be working for the other side in this dispute

King Herod had a dispute with the most influential Jews of his time, and so he had them all executed

Jeffery added, that they are strange I do not dispute, Jake, but when this is over; they will be the ones patrolling the coastline out there

Heymon chimed in with, «There’s some dispute about the validity of Darryl’s work

‘Mama, your dispute is with his father,’ I said

The Tournament came and went without incident, dispute, or accidents, and the village gradually settled into the final preparations for Summer Season

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms

But whether it was advantageous to plant a new vineyard, was a matter of dispute among the ancient Italian husbandmen, as we learn from Columella

Had the gain actually made by such plantations been commonly as great as he imagined it might have been, there could have been no dispute about it

It is accounted for, accordingly, in the same manner by every body ; and there never has been any dispute, either about the fact, or about the cause of it

‘I promised to solve the dispute over tithings,’ said

To which of them so important a preference shall be given, must be determined by some general rule, founded not upon the doubtful distinctions of personal merit, but upon some plain and evident difference which can admit of no dispute

The war of 1672 seems to have been in part occasioned by this commercial dispute

He does not, therefore, dispute about wages, but is willing to employ labour at any price

dispute with the Queen, but she knew that it might happen any minute, ‘and

a large crowd collected round it: there was a dispute going on between the

Age is a plain and palpable quality, which admits of no dispute

If we could travel 4,550 years back in time and stop at a point in time, a few years before the supposed worldwide flood occurred (as it is described in the Bible) and set up our equipment and collect relevant data, we would be able to conclusively settle any dispute around the matter

Many scholars today dispute this fact and speculate that the Torah was written by various different people and that it could not have been written by Moses alone

ecclesiastical history, and with the origin and progress of that system of opinions upon which the authority of the church was established ; and they had thereby the advantage in almost every dispute

When the followers of the reformation in one country, therefore, happened to differ from their brethren in another, as they had no common judge to appeal to, the dispute could never be decided; and many such disputes arose among them

When the parish happened to be situated in a great city, it divided all the inhabitants into two parties; and when that city happened, either to constitute itself a little republic, or to be the head and capital of a little republic, as in the case with many of the considerable cities in Switzerland and Holland, every paltry dispute of this kind, over and above exasperating the animosity of all their other factions, threatened to leave behind it, both a new schism in the church, and a new faction in the state

Eric’s dispute with Bradlee back at the

They reduce to both the capital value of the subject in dispute

“Apparently there was some sort of budget dispute

was that Evan had run afoul of the Russian Mafia and was killed in a Mafia dispute, but I believe that the FBI shot him

Another dispute we had was over whether a man could remain upright when shot wearing a bullet proof vest, and that question was settled by shooting a volunteer

I don’t think anyone can dispute that the SAP COIN Course was not thorough

Some of you may not want to hear this and when/if there is a dispute you insist that the other person is wrong

In Africa any dispute may turn violent

Most of the time, it’s a single person involved in a domestic dispute

Most who dispute Lincoln’s success fall into two camps, white racists or Black racists

That was not in dispute

It was traced to a murder in a suspected dispute over cocaine – and from his car was recovered a vial

She was willing to go where Brendan went, through thick and thin, and what could be better than that? He wasn’t prepared to dispute her logic

Eventually, by a time somewhat before Abraham, a de-Marché had settled over this dispute wherein, when shepherding nomads wished to approach villages and towns (for purposes of necessary trade), according to Bible sources, they would send, ahead of that approach, an ambassador to assure of their peaceful intent

While we are on the subject of Temples I see that the dispute about the land surrounding the Preah Vihear site on the Thailand/Cambodia border is still unresolved

After its unsuccessful bid to put the issue for regional discussion among ASEAN members, Cambodia is now seeking a multilateral solution to this longstanding bilateral territorial dispute, threatening to put the United Nations Security Council on the spot

Therefore, new economic and monetary systematics puts an end to commercial retaliations among countries in consequence of the dispute of markets, as well as with the largest world problems of traffic of drugs, contraband, wash of money and terrorism

) The point is: It sounds like a lot of money and the fact that it is used to buy a piece of land for the purpose of burying the dead means that one cannot dispute, disregard nor deny the absolute importance of the last resting place of Abrahams loved ones

There was this Afrikaans TV pastor who basically stated the following: “If a church brother of yours wants to dispute what you believe by using the bible as evidence, he is not from God, but from Satan” I actually ordered the DVD just to have his statement on record

Are you aware that even Satan had a dispute with the angel Michael regarding a dead body?

If it is true that a dead body is simply remains, worthless and may be dealt with however we choose, how can it be that Satan and the angel Michael were in a dispute regarding a dead body, the body of Moses?

By the end of June, the war of the border dispute was sweeping west

If there is a dispute on the web that has a uprising

sex therapists, who will not dispute the fact that one can have sex all

The Constitution grants original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court in a few cases, but those do not include the type of dispute at issue in Marbury’s case

The second and more serious front is in crucial areas of dispute and uncertainty at the leading edge of science, most egregiously in bioethics and neuroscience

I was about to dispute, mentioning something about my royal stature, though I didn’t believe a word of it; it seemed the only reprieve when trying to get Ishvara to listen to anything I had to say

Thankfully my bursar did not dispute me changing accommodations as long as I kept it on the same cost as my room in Greenleaf

Neutral to this dispute of greatness and beauty, Roger and Josie enjoyed both cities for their marvelous Arabic art and leisurely way of living

One very delicate matter required the mediation of a dispute between the former Supervisor of Shipbuilding and his replacement

I had to mediate this dispute between Admirals as well as deal with Orkin about the contract

In spite of some ambiguities in Marx’s theory, the only matter of dispute among

Joining the dispute was Donna Brazile, Mr

I handled on my own the dispute between EI and the company on the other side of our shared driveway concerning splitting the costs of repairs to defective water and sewage lines

The disciples resolved their dispute with the mediation of Jesus

dispute among gypsies they burned down a

Though the most tenured of Park’s financial staff, it was obvious that he would not be first choice as chief financial officer (CFO), because he would dispute inaccurate data and statements

That avoids a messy dispute with the IRS like the one that plagues the estate of publisher S

Simon could see the natural inclination in Ralph to dispute the order, but he was in no mood to be conciliatory and neither, it seemed, was the mind-cane, which flashed a brief silver across its frame and danced its way to his hand

6 He shall not dispute nor cry out; And no man shall hear his voice in the marketplace

“What was the dispute about?” I asked

The staff at the hotel in the city has ‘downed tools’ over a wage dispute and as James is in Europe, they insist on speaking to me and nobody else

For example, I don’t think anyone would dare to dispute that Zechariah was very familiar with the words of Jeremiah (cf

Then, in 1844, the dispute was settled peacefully by treaty

I’ll not dispute that

“scientifically,” which meant that his word was above dispute

Most people on the nets think there was some kind of family dispute and they couldn’t keep it together so they sold out while the going was good

watch whatever he wanted (as there’d been more than one dispute downstairs between him

and any other dispute that arises in the

thoughts in his notebook to formally begin the ether dispute

Unfortunately the ban affected The Ether Dispute

I just hope DD and I can resolve an unnecessary dispute

complete view of knowledge, the historical dispute between empiricists and rationalists regarding

But romanticism doesn’t really dispute this — what it

When Gāndhi was invited to South Africa by a Muslim businessman to settle a dispute among the owner’s family, he put his heart in to his job and gave his best shot

In this situation he had the choice of either dragging on the fight among family members and taking the matter to court or settling the dispute amicably

Gāndhi worked very hard to learn the intricacies of the business accounting, explained the situation to both parties, and settled the dispute without going to the court

The king sat at the gate of the city listening to cases of dispute brought before him

not end up with a legal dispute as to who owns the copyright

United States company with whom you later have a dispute and you live out

not required: but with WRITERSWORLD, there is never a dispute

She’d be his without dispute once enchanted by the flower

I have to say that with the presence of the magician, the equestrian manifestation against me diminished notably the intensity of the dispute

after Truth, without fondness for Dispute or desire of

„The police were called to a domestic dispute in the flat next door

The issue that appears to have set off the dispute

Both deputy headmaster and guidance counsellor dispute this

information as a reprisal in some future dispute between them

Well you could make a statement that the potential customer can’t dispute, a

7 The great shock of his fifteenth year came when Jesus went over to Sepphoris to receive the decision of Herod regarding the appeal taken to him in the dispute about the amount of money due Joseph at the time of his accidental death

This may be done for ransom or in furtherance of another crime, or in connection with a child custody dispute

Then I forcibly detained the aggressor a sufficient length of time to enable the weaker party to the dispute to make his escape, after which I withdrew from the affair

I had not seen my uncle, ever, due to a dispute long hitherto forgotten between my mother and he before my birth, though I was told of his death, which occurred at some point during my adolescent years

This problem was disputed by other astronomers who published other equations saying the body’s own gravity would keep them together

Later an unknown source in Moscow reported the theft of specialist video equipment, an added rider to the message disputed the authenticity of the Stefan tapes

That in the actual state of tillage the bounty must necessarily have this tendency, will not, I apprehend, be disputed by any reasonable person

I stared more closely at the disputed object

The qualifications of the mind can alone give very great authority They are however, invisible qualities; always disputable, and generally disputed

In those moments of public distress, their commands cannot he disputed

Civil conflict ensued, considered to result from disputed rights over land ownership between ideologically opposed factions

This figure is disputed as I always thought they were closer to seven tons

What: This may be the most widely known and least disputed argument in this book

But Nixon’s role is unknown, and the evidence is highly disputed

His warning was clear and precise: it could not be disputed

Warrior classes, emerging from them, began to drive the nomads from the disputed prime grazing lands and confine them to the less desirable hill country

So, the larger meaning of the parable story of Cain and Abel might be the friction generated between settled people and nomadic people, as ever-larger populations of each disputed with one another over land usage

One of the most disputed facts about the use of NLP is that some

Then, after Ali’s short disputed reign, Muawiyah used the assassination of Othman as his excuse to usurp the caliphate in AD 659

Adam being Adam, of course, disputed the claims in his usual confrontational manner

Jud 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee

35 And the man cried at the word of the judge, and he said, Not so my Lord, for it was in the day that I gave him the cord and mantle which was on the ass, in order to put them by in his house; and they both disputed before the judge, the one saying, So the matter was, and the other declaring otherwise

“The agency disputed me staying in the country so I went to Ireland

This conferred tremendous power on the three elected commissioners, none of whom was a lawyer during my tenure, making the assigned assistant AG’s duties doubly onerous as both the legal advisor to the Commission on disputed points of law as well as an active participant in essentially tripartite hearings where the staff, usually the Tariff & Rates division, who were civil servants, put in an alternative case to that advanced by the carriers and shippers, respectively

It was not until after I was in Las Cruces, NM, working for NMSU/PSL, that I learned that GEICO, “to quickly settle a disputed matter,” had “confessed liability” on my behalf—without ever consulting me—and paid off the kid’s father for $150 damage to his rear bumper

not have a deed, it could be disputed later

could not be disputed, that even I was not able to ignore the fact that it

35 And the man cried at the word of the judge and he said Not so my Lord for it was in the day that I gave him the cord and mantle which was on the ass in order to put them by in his house; and they both disputed before the judge the one saying So the matter was and the other declaring otherwise

Again he had seen to the arming of all of the reunified able-bodied men to guard the multitude as a whole, as they prepared to pass across the disputed land

34 But they were silent for they had disputed one with another on the way about who was the greatest

7 And when Jesus went out Simon Cephas was standing in the outer court 8 warming himself; And that maid saw him again and began to say to those who stood 9 by This man also was there with Jesus the Nazarene; And those who stood by came forward and said to Cephas Truly you are one of his disciples and he denied it again with an oath I know not the man; And after a little one of the servants of the chief priest the kinsman of him whose ear Simon cut off saw him; and he disputed and said Truly this matt was with him and he also is a Galilaean; and his speech resembles; And he said to Simon Did not I see you with him in the gardene Then began Simon to curse and to swear I know not this man whom you have mentioned; And immediately while he was speaking the cock crowed twice; And in that hour Jesus turned he being without and looked stedfastly at Cephas; And Simon remembered the word of our Lord which he said to him 17 Before the cock crow twice you shall deny me thrice; And Simon went outsideand wept bitterly

as a whole, as they prepared to pass across the disputed land

APPENDIX 10 — THE ANTILEGOMENA or «disputed writings» were widely read in the Early Church 1st and 2nd Century:

1 On account of the sudden and repeated calamities and mischances brethren that have come on us we suppose that we have the more slowly given heed to the things that are disputed among you beloved and to the foul and unholy sedition alien and foreign to the elect of God which a few headstrong and self-willed persons have kindled to such a degree of madness that your venerable and famous name worthy to be loved of all men is greatly blasphemed

of the so-called “convective boundary” between these two regions is disputed

It was somewhat discouraging that no one disputed her assessment of my abilities, however they all agreed we could do with a spruce up

They crowded up around Jesus to ask more questions while others murmured and disputed among themselves

When they disputed

He could’ve disputed me

also disputed the title of the event, with Stallman insisting on

It’s no wonder since it was massive at 342 pages, although that number has been disputed

The reign of King Solomon is much disputed in the histories of time;

disputed amongst the crowd

I described a charge that I disputed in another of my books

casualties, this has been disputed

Another difficulty was the fact that the legitimate authority of the Lebanese soldiers and policemen patrolling the airport was constantly disputed and even overruled at times by the dozens of Hezbollah fighters and officials that were seemingly everywhere around the airport

Scientists have disputed this number as being too low and I tend to agree

and other disputed individuals

That number has been disputed as much too low

This can hardly be disputed when the majority of people say it should never have been invented

letter stating that the company has closed the disputed accounts and has

Your authority over Japan will not be disputed and internal control and public security will be left into the care of local Japanese authorities and government officials

Even with the mask of impassivity worn by the Japanese present, Ingrid could telepathically sense the immediate and profound relief that came to them when she said that the Emperor’s authority would not be disputed and that Japan would not be militarily occupied

While we have affiliate reporters in Tokyo that will be able to cover the political reactions there for us, what we need is somebody that can get close to the disputed area and report from there

Especially as the person at the centre of this controversial and fiercely disputed subject is none other than Sir Arthur Harris the Commander in Chief of RAF Bomber Command from 1942 to 1945

This is what should be attempted to come to terms with, because few issues have remained as disputed as the contribution area bombing made to the Allied victory

Though it may be disputed whether Greek culture was an improvement over Persian culture, the success of the Greek army shaped history by replacing Persian influence with that of Greece

‘’Your Church has been persecuting and punishing for centuries those who refused to follow its doctrine or disputed it, and all this based on blind belief in old books and manuscripts written by men a long time ago

The claims of the Fifinella girls had too often been disputed by male aviators and commanders in the past and she was going to make sure that these male officers would not be able to deny what her girls were going to accomplish tonight

“Have you even considered the possibility that what the Time Patrol is saying was true? Have you even watched the documentary produced by the Time Patrol on the life of Jesus or are you simply going on the simple assumption that everything written in the Bible is sacred and true and can never be disputed? How could you dismiss so easily a woman like Nancy Laplante after all that she has done and with all the powers she demonstrated in the last three years?”

This is not disputed by anybody

Any item on a credit report can be disputed to the credit bureaus

from it’s original language it is not a disputed fact but the first story appared 400

places where the assembly disputed that Adonai really cared for them

hesitation forces equal victory once again – a greatly disputed fact among the forces

First, we are told, he disputed «with the Jews» in the synagogue, and the «devout persons» or proselytes who attended the Jewish worship

I cannot refrain from saying that a sacerdotal ministry, a mediatorial ministry, an infallible ministry, a ministry of men who by virtue of episcopal ordination have any monopoly of knowledge, or any special ability to settle disputed questions of faith or ritual such a ministry, in my judgment, is an innovation of man, and utterly without warrant of Holy Scripture

The king spoke: “I had obtained an empire which nobody disputed with me; I was in conditions of life not troubled by sorrow or sickness

Not surprisingly, the said opinion poll of ‘The India Today’ revealed the Muslim aversion for building the Ram Mandir at the disputed site; what is more, 21% of them, who are aware of the India history, consider Mahmud a hero, notwithstanding his vandalism at the venerated Hindu temples of that time

Cultures have a big role to play, example: the rites of African religion and American Indian tribes which has communication in personal form with demons project enough disputed ideas to make them stupid

We can only confirm discoveries from the Bible as an investigative reporters, checking out facts to win and sometimes are disputed

disputed setting, how has spiritual ignorance come over Arjun? Why

That these others aren’t all white-hatted good guys can’t be disputed given the countless documented cow/deer/cat mutilations and so many abduction horror stories that some of them just have to be true

When you play with the children on these streets, do you teach cooperative play or practice winner-take-all competition? Is the play organized sports policed by adults, spontaneous play created, disputed and resolved by children, or is it a show-and-brag hauling of the latest technological playmates – a my toy can beat up your toy Ultimate Fighting competition? Play resolves conflict without victor, but where the game that ends without loser? Where the game without prize? With every trophy an arms race of accessories to be the best x of the street, team, nation, world

Addiction is all or nothing based on the medical model but this is highly disputed by the Life Process Model for we all indulge in one form or another to the different levels such as in love-hate relationships, food and others

” It wasn’t as if the evidence could be disputed

example, one of our cases involved a disputed liability

remove disputed items it has not investigated within 30 days)

Nobody disputed it

«Even the number of threads to the inch in the ribbon, as shown in the type impression, plainly seen and accurately measured by the microscope or in an enlarged photograph, may show something about the identity of a disputed writing

Not only does that tend to identify a particular machine, but it is sometimes possible, if you have certain admitted standard specimens of writing covering a long period, to tell just when a disputed writing was made

As for death itself he was certain a second writer whose name he could not remember was personally prophetic: “I have a rendezvous with death at some disputed barricade

Their neighbours had always claimed that the Dutch pair’s house was built on disputed land that had been sold to the housing development illegally

Whole clan members would turn up in court to attest to the fact that the disputed land had been in the family for generations

«I find that hard to believe,» she disputed; «I’ve

roommate told me it was Newton that said what I disputed and I remember telling him I don’t care

(Use this letter only after you have disputed it with the credit bureaus and the

your file a disputed item unless the information source verifies its accuracy and

This version of events is disputed but I stand by it

free speaking and bow to the mandates of theological speculations? Shall we decide that investigation of disputed points of the

mandates of theological speculations? Shal we decide that investigation of disputed points of the Bible ought to be

Shall we muzzle out inherited right of free thinking and free speaking and bow to the mandates of theological speculations? Shall we decide that investigation of disputed points of the Bible ought to be suppressed to honor the scholarship back of them? There is no delusion in the name of religion preached among men that has no scholarship back of it

And yet the only recorded references made by their merciful God to this frightful doom in the way of warning are discovered in three disputed texts of two Jewish prophets, living in a late age in comparison with the length of the world’s past history; and these three texts are declared by the most competent critics to have not the least relevancy to the supposed impending destiny

God has fulfilled His promise to you, and you defeated them by His leave; until when you faltered, and disputed the command, and disobeyed after He had shown you what you like

To God is your return, all of you; then He will inform you of what you had disputed

Had He made them appear as many, you would have lost heart, and disputed in the matter

Were it not for a prior decree from your Lord, the matters over which they had disputed would have been settled

That there is a figure in the Scripture use of the term the dead, cannot be disputed

We gave Moses the Scripture, but it was disputed

On the Day of Resurrection, He will make clear to you everything you had disputed about

How do we justify the exploitation of poor, wastage of food, raping women, killing people, settling disputes through war, grabbing land to build temples, churches, mosques in God’s name and minting money on the name of faith and so on

It was, he gave her a long explanation of missing parts and political disputes and lost paperwork and why it was important

14Do all things without murmurings and disputes:

In all such disputes, the masters can hold out much longer

disputes inside of families than real wars

disputes only with strangers, while the Christians, in

We can not remove the disputes in agora

The militia of the cities seems, in those times, not to have been inferior to that of the country ; and as they could be more readily assembled upon any sudden occasion, they frequently had the advantage in their disputes with the neighbouring lords

This was just another court case in a long series of disputes with Jeremos

There are non-combative disputes

Most countries have allowed the UN to monitor and enforce water disputes

Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer no strangers to possess any fortified place within their territory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, minister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen, and, in their disputes with the natives, may by means of his public character, interfere with more authority and afford them a more powerful protection than they could expect from any private man

In all the disputes which their sovereign has had with the pope, they have almost constantly taken part with the former

The authority of the church of Rome was in this state of declension, when the disputes which gave birth to the reformation began in Germany, and soon spread themselves through every part of Europe

Among the followers of the reformation, dispersed in all the different countries of Europe, there was no general tribunal, which, like that of the court of Rome, or an oecumenical council, could settle all disputes among them, and, with irresistible authority, prescribe to all of them the precise limits of orthodoxy

When the followers of the reformation in one country, therefore, happened to differ from their brethren in another, as they had no common judge to appeal to, the dispute could never be decided; and many such disputes arose among them

disputes about the law, for they are unprofitable and

would be involved in later events related to the United States and Mexican disputes, but that would be a few years down the road

Bernie spent a lot of his last years overseas because of his disputes with the SEC and the IRS

disputes over who got what, and there was rough stuff or shootouts just as there was in our Mafia

The liberal press disputes this and still say it was a refugee camp

Many of the wars of early history and in a more complicated sense many even today are, at their root, disputes over territory, or property

There have been many reasons put forth for this animosity, but generally it seemed to have something to do with trade disputes

The Constitution established a court system for our country and it is capable of settling disputes and

Two thirds of the time disputes have

The stability conferred by an agreement to view this Magnificent arbitrator as a final Referee in leadership contests inexorably spread to contests concerning other kinds of behavioral disputes

Indirectly, it eliminates most of the illicit act that involves the anonymity of the money, as well as it eliminates the disputes for heritages or definitive possessions of properties and mainly it disentangles the judiciary sector of the immensity of juridical process that involves the money as villain

Rondon believed that the internecine conflicts with rival groups were based on previous hostilities and territorial disputes

Any disputes can have the potential to grow large

If the disputes are solved, those stories may be

I wondered if there would be any land disputes between the two Khanates

Disputes are to be judged on their merits, according to the facts of the case, and the relevant provisions of the Constitution or statutory law

For example, the unions claim a proposed in-house board to hear labor-management disputes will not be seen as independent

Moses was sitting from morning till night trying to sort out disputes and arguments, large and small, little things were occupying all of his time and the big picture was becoming blurred

No one disputes that sort of practical proof

“Everyone else is here! And I don’t mind telling you that I find it deeply ironic that the wedding of a human and an elf should have such a hugely unifying effect on elvenkind! Things are happening tonight, both here in the chapel and without, as advantage is taken of this unique opportunity to meet and get to know any other elf, to sign trade agreements and settle disputes, to re-acquaint with seldom seen friends and relatives, to experiment with other cultures’ ways of feasting and celebrating, to make new friends, to play with new lovers, to fall in love with someone exotic from far away! You simply must find time tonight to stroll around the valley! Every elven people have brought their own pavilions to showcase their lifestyle and celebrations! Every product in the world can be had here tonight, for sale or barter or for just a smile!

To the burden of responsibility for so many frail souls, there is added the difficulty of our internal administration, our poverty, the disputes over our lack of temporal goods, the meagreness of the produce of our fields, and the never-ending demands for money for the government — demands usually based upon the spiteful accusations of those who envy us

1 When therefore he made the commandment what says he? Who is he that disputes with me? Let him resist me; or who is he that contends with me? Let him draw near to the Son of the Lord (God)

Strikes and disputes renewed in the mines as miners began to be disillusioned, and shortages even led ultimately to bread rationing

They comply with plans and strategy for scheduling meetings, establishing contacts, resolving disputes, and ensuring that all documents are completed on time

theological disputes that went on in times past, when people tried to reconcile

bad historical solutions that were found, starting with these insane disputes

But, twenty years later, with only border disputes and marauding bands of thieves and robbers to test their metal, they had been caught with their breaches down

our disputes) enjoyed the show, but in the end the officers could do nothing

disputes with her closer neighbours so when we moved in she made a move to lure us on her

scriptures in the same light There will be disputes and new rationalizations

settle any disputes, and trading was conducted by

with the power to settle any disputes, and trading

Indians stopped buying government bonds, set up community based arbitration tribunals and stopped going to government run courts for legal disputes

Historically most countries have resolved their political and religious disputes by violence

It is one of the avenues of becoming wealthy and their interest exists in multiplying disputes

He was such a good friend that was not even expressing loudly the disputes or misfortunes he was experiencing

The silence lasted only seconds before erupting into acrimonious disputes between those who trusted the two young men and those who insisted they were planning to take over the city and replace the Mages as overlords

For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you to be not what you wish; that perhaps there will be strife, jealousy, angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances; 21

And if Jesus were on earth today, living his life in the flesh, he would be a great disappointment to the majority of good men and women for the simple reason that he would not take sides in present-day political, social, or economic disputes

Family financial disputes will be resolved

egg disputes and cannot be re- solved from within the confines of an epistemology that

Imagine the amazement of these twelve men, who had so recently refused to wash one another’s feet, and who had engaged in such unseemly disputes about positions of honor at the table, when they saw him make his way around the unoccupied end of the table to the lowest seat of the feast, where Simon Peter reclined, and, kneeling down in the attitude of a servant, make ready to wash Simon’s feet

The country was torn in two by government officials who weren’t concerned with the people who had lived on the borderlines before the political disputes

Lab predates Stallman’s, disputes this memory

Simply put, disputes that had once been settled hacker-

He liked it this way and kept his thoughts to himself, until they got to territory disputes

when there is great confutation, intense disputes and violent

(the Mahdi) will be sent at a time of intense disputes and

He collected and distributed rations among his people, as well as settled large scale disputes among the member of his civilizations

All the activity around the grassy knoll and the disputes as to how many shots were fired certainly can’t be ignored

house share is the certainty of household disputes

experience disputes once in a while whereas others may have trivial arguments on a

household disputes within a shared house are as follows:

everyone understands, and as such there should be very few disputes about property

probably have a few arguments or disputes along the way but these again will help

feathers, screeching and posturing are more common actions in disputes

I would eliminate mal practice and require arbitration to settle service disputes, with AMA oversight for licensing control

Appendix 1 section 1 disputes single bullet and the anatomy drawings that follow show the difference between the neck and the back shots to provide additional substantiation that the magic bullet did not occur

To find and save that little girl is the most important thing for us and for her parents, but we don’t want to see legal disputes concerning our investigation methods to let a potential suspect escape punishment

This will cut for good the many present disputes about budget jurisdictions around the Air Force

Although there were several well-known disputes among the Allied commanders, their main tactics and strategy were essentially agreed on

President Dewey, exasperated by the endless disputes between his military chiefs and his political advisors about what to do following the raid on Beijing, slapped down his hand on the conference table

Unfortunately, he was now pained to see that all their combined experience led only to endless disputes, each service or department only preoccupied with promoting its own vision of things

this study disputes that assumption

“Thinking back on his triumph Ed wondered if this same strategy could be used to solve other disputes

disputes of theology led to numerous schisms over the years that created the major branches of Christianity including Nestorian, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic,

disputes over theology are overshadowed by the ugly Christian institution of inquisition and related witch hunts

Beginning in the 12th century, increased persecution was largely in response to theological disputes with those who were called Cathars and Waldensians in what is now Southern France and Northern Italy

» It was going to be difficult to convince the chieftains that this was the best way to settle disputes

» He paused, «But you know it’s against Federation policy for me to become involved in planetary disputes

6… That Zulimistan should withdraw its support to Zamaril with clear hands and open mind so that Zamaril and Kafelistine should resolve their disputes with each other and peace should be brought in the region

The bureaus have less time and fewer people to investigate disputes and so do the companies that they are inquiring about the disputes! If you fail at first, do what Aliyah said, “pick yourself up and try again

” You can resend the same disputes a month later if the negative information is still on your report

There are many disputes among astrologers as to the

Disputes large or small occur more often with those very few people that are closest to you for the simple reason that in close relationships there is an abundant opportunity for dispute

And then there was the evening-suited staff, who oversaw the tables and settled disputes or simply eased themselves around, trying not to get in the way of the customers throwing their money away

She also understood power and in the dispute with the unions used it pragmatically as the records show she did in other disputes she had elsewhere, notably the EU

The newspapers report significant disputes every day where often the only attempt made to resolve differences has been persuasion

During our constant disputes we, as they say, beat the air, milled the wind, spending our time in vain

This enables the partners to register their separate estates at the time of their union so they can be used as a basis for any legal disputes that might arise

In verse eight, Paul, by inspiration, commands that prayers are to be made: «I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputing

They agreed, therefore, to leave that part of Brazil which they had not conquered to the king of Portugal, who agreed to leave that part which they had conquered to them, as a matter not worth disputing about, with such good allies

‖ There is no disputing the fact that Dickens did indeed possess keen insight into the behavioral aspects and designs of Human Nature; that is to say, the ―Hearts and Minds of Men

Desultory argument ensued, with the pair of them half-heartedly disputing the laurel crown of good-natured invective

Leonardo was in the way with a confused expression, pulled by two women who were disputing his attention and without knowing what to do

As they exchanged greetings, the crowd came up, and Jesus asked, «What were you disputing about as we drew near?» But before the disconcerted and humiliated apostles could reply to the Master’s question, the anxious father of the afflicted lad stepped forward and, kneeling at Jesus’ feet, said: «Master, I have a son, an only child, who is possessed by an evil spirit

Jungir Khan ruled Zamboula, and men whispered that Nafertari, the satrap’s mistress, ruled Jungir Khan; but the people went their way, flaunting their myriad colors in the streets, bargaining, disputing, gambling, swilling, loving, as the people of Zamboula have done for all the centuries its towers and minarets have lifted over the sands of the Kharamun

9 «When I came into this chamber tonight, you were not content proudly to refuse to wash one another’s feet, but you must also fall to disputing among yourselves as to who should have the places of honor at my table

It had nothing to do with Missy’s treatment or Donna disputing his medical expertise

The Terran government is even disputing payments for stocks of structural steel and aluminum and ship machinery parts we had acquired for that contract

Not that I liked being called a fucking whore, but there was no disputing the fact that I stole her boyfriend

are of the opinion that : “The author has no legitimacy in disputing physics: he is merely an amateur trying

form an opinion that disputes what I say but when disputing what I say, do it while confronting me in a

Disputing your ChexSystems report is the first thing you should try

Thus (1) God is not the God of the dead (utterly and eternally perished), which was disputing, but of the living

To say those disputing factions, both of whom had trampled the teachings of Moses beneath their feet, ignored the precepts, perverted the prophets, and traduced the morals of Israel, and descended into a flowing stream of conceited self-righteousness, and yet, from the original simplicity of the word paradise, had gradually developed it into a correct picture of the intermediate state, with no more material than the O

As they were disputing their case among themselves, they said, «Build over them a building

(1) There is ground for disputing, at the outset of this argument, the truth of the popular signification attached to the phrase ‘manifest evidence of regenerate life

Now the crowd was going from the stairs to their rooms, exclaiming, disputing, calling to one another, raising their voices to a shout, dropping them to a whisper

When he thinks that he is reasoning he is really disputing, just because he cannot define and divide, and so know that of which he is speaking; and he will pursue a merely verbal opposition in the spirit of contention and not of fair discussion

She heard the men I sent disputing at the door, and she gathered the sense of Heathcliff’s answer

The disputing parties agree in advance to agree with the decision of the arbitrator

On the whole, I by no means recognized the analysis, but thought it not worth disputing

Without disputing a truth so momentous, we must be allowed to consider this version of Mr

Peter, arriving in the village late that day, saw a large disputing crowd

Levin had come across the magazine articles about which they were disputing, and had read them, interested in them as a development of the first principles of science,

Stepan Arkadyevitch was disputing with Alexey Alexandrovitch’s servant, and insisting on being announced

Squeezed by the crowding noblemen, he drew near the high table where the marshal of the province, Sviazhsky, and the other leaders were hotly disputing about something

They were disputing, as far as he could make out, as to the interpretation to be put on the act and the exact meaning of the words: ‘liable to be called up for trial

If Men had to bear the Babes, I thought, the entire Race would perish! For what Man would risque his Life for a mere Babe? E’en he, who would so readily risque it disputing some foolish Point of Honour in a Duel with another Man, would balk at the very Thought of enduring Pain or Death for a helpless Lump of shiv’ring pink Flesh that can neither walk nor talk to pay him Homage! For the Curse of the Male Sex is its constant Need of Homage—Homage to its Intellect and Wit, Homage to its Gallantry and petty Prowess betwixt the Bed-Clothes; whilst the Female Sex, said to be so vain, is vain only of mere superficial Beauty

He heard those around him disputing in whispers and one of them insisting that he should be led along a certain carpet

Before supper, Prince Andrew, coming back to his father’s study, found him disputing hotly with his visitor

Prince Andrew, greatly changed and plainly in better health, but with a fresh horizontal wrinkle between his brows, stood in civilian dress facing his father and Prince Meshcherski, warmly disputing and vigorously gesticulating

Whatever question arose, a swarm of these drones, without having finished their buzzing on a previous theme, flew over to the new one and by their hum drowned and obscured the voices of those who were disputing honestly

The servants ran noisily about the house and yard, shouting and disputing

Toward evening- after much disputing and many mistakes made by generals who did not go to their proper places, and after adjutants had been sent about with counterorders- when it had become plain that the enemy was everywhere in flight and that there could and would be no battle, Kutuzov left Krasnoe and went to Dobroe whither his headquarters had that day been transferred

‘Only Ellen and I were disputing concerning your health

She heard the men I sent disputing at the door, and she gathered the sense of Heathcliff’s answer

Alas! in this fight to the death between our egotism and our duty, when we thus retreat step by step before our immutable ideal, bewildered, furious, exasperated at having to yield, disputing the ground, hoping for a possible flight, seeking an escape, what an abrupt and sinister resistance does the foot of the wall offer in our rear!

However, nothing dispirits, and nothing seems worth while disputing

There was never any use disputing with the old man

» Good evening ; still disputing; and is he actually one of the party ? I heard his voice from outside in the passage ; he has been attacking me I suppose ? »

They were discussing or disputing about something, or one voice was persuading, or entreating, while the other was refusing or protesting

But I was soon reconciled to the position, and as one usually does in a dream, accepted the facts without disputing them

” They were both sitting as before at the table, not reading but warmly disputing about something

Finally, towards the close of the day, when it was clear that the Grandmother was about to play her last bank-note, there could be seen standing behind her chair no fewer than six natives of Poland—persons who, as yet, had been neither audible nor visible; and as soon as ever the old lady played the note in question, they took no further notice of her, but pushed their way past her chair to the table; seized the money, and staked it—shouting and disputing the while, and arguing with the «gentleman of honour» (who also had forgotten the Grandmother’s existence), as though he were their equal

He was disputing on the point with a tall convict, as vigorous as an athlete, named Vassili Antonoff, known for his nagging, spiteful disposition

Here two convicts were disputing as to which should treat the other

“Who, in the name of what Law, would think of disputing my full personal right over the fortnight of life left to me? What jurisdiction can be brought to bear upon the case? Who would wish me, not only to be sentenced, but to endure the sentence to the end? Surely there exists no man who would wish such a thing—why should anyone desire it? For the sake of morality? Well, I can understand that if I were to make an attempt upon my own life while in the enjoyment of full health and vigour—my life which might have been ‘useful,’ etc

As every one had seen all they wanted they went out without disputing, though Lyamshin began pestering the police captain about something

You see, gentlemen, reason is an excellent thing, there’s no disputing that, but reason is nothing but reason and satisfies only the rational side of man’s nature, while will is a manifestation of the whole life, that is, of the whole human life including reason and all the impulses

May it not be that he loves chaos and destruction (there can be no disputing that he does sometimes love it) because he is instinctively afraid of attaining his object and completing the edifice he is constructing? Who knows, perhaps he only loves that edifice from a distance, and is by no means in love with it at close quarters; perhaps he only loves building it and does not want to live in it, but will leave it, when completed, for the use of les animaux domestiques—such as the ants, the sheep, and so on

Not because he was overcome with shame at being a Napoleon, and was afraid of taking upon himself such a responsibility—no, he was incapable of disputing further, or saying anything

After much disputing the foreman’s opinion triumphed

But she had to wait long, for the secretary, who should have given the order for her to go, forgot about the prisoners while talking and even disputing with one of the advocates about the article forbidden by the censor

“They are always disputing,” Mary Pavlovna said, when there was a moment’s silence

“Knowing of your relations to Katerina Maslova,” he began seriously and frankly, with his kind eyes looking straight into Nekhludoff’s face, “I consider it my duty”—He was obliged to stop because two voices were heard disputing and shouting, both at once, close to the door

“Shall we first educate the people and then change the forms of life, or first change the forms and then struggle, using peaceful propaganda or terrorism? So we go on disputing while they kill; they do not dispute—they know their business; they don’t care whether dozens, hundreds of men perish—and what men! No; that the best should perish is just what they want

Pahom asked what they were disputing about, and the interpreter told him that some of them thought they ought to ask their Chief about the land and not act in his absence, while others thought there was no need to wait for his return

While the Bashkirs were disputing, a man in a large fox-fur cap appeared on the scene

It proves that while we have been disputing, one about the spontaneous origin of organisms, another as to what else there is in protoplasm, and so on, the common people have been in need of spiritual food; and the unsuccessful and rejected of art and science, in obedience to the mandate of adventurers who have in view the sole aim of profit, have begun to furnish the people with this spiritual food, and still so furnish them

But Milorádovich was at that moment evidently thinking of anything rather than of what the generals were disputing about

Prince Andrew, greatly changed and plainly in better health, but with a fresh horizontal wrinkle between his brows, stood in civilian dress facing his father and Prince Meshchérski, warmly disputing and vigorously gesticulating

Toward evening—after much disputing and many mistakes made by generals who did not go to their proper places, and after adjutants had been sent about with counterorders—when it had become plain that the enemy was everywhere in flight and that there could and would be no battle, Kutúzov left Krásnoe and went to Dóbroe whither his headquarters had that day been transferred

Opening the door into the entry, he heard below noise, talk, disputing and scuffling

Definition of Dispute

to contest or argue about something

Examples of Dispute in a sentence

When I saw unauthorized charges on my credit card, I called the bank to dispute the amounts.


How can you dispute the fact you ate my slice of cake when you have frosting on your face?


Jason will dispute his guilty verdict in the appellate court.


Because I was not speeding, I plan to dispute the ticket I received.


Kelly has requested a meeting to dispute her suspension from the volleyball team.


Other words in the Disagreement category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

In a credit card or debit card account, a dispute is a situation in which a customer questions the validity of a transaction that was registered to the account. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

A bit of dispute over the offer they sent to us so we started a search for another provider.


And with the fundamental dispute at the heart of Labour’s woes unresolved by the conclusion of the leadership campaign, disgruntled MPs may continue to outnumber the gruntled ones.


The Great White North Franchisee Association-U.S. is challenging a clause in Restaurant Brands» franchise agreements that requires all disputes to be resolved in Federal Court in Miami, according to an emailed statement from the group.


A creditor may not threaten your credit rating while you’re resolving a billing dispute.


[NYP] • Noticed a rash of nasty labor disputes at big-name restaurants lately?


Nozomu Ohara is the Managing Partner of Ohara Law with years experience in ADR and dispute resolution.


The tax sharing agreement impact on the tax dispute is a fantastic find!


Unforeseen Events If the delivery time is not kept due to force majeure in the factory of Design Hotels ™ or sub-suppliers, labour disputes, lockouts, turmoil or other incidents outside the influence of Design Hotels ™, the delivery time shall be extended adequately.


Nestlé disputes this and says: «The events depicted in the film, which is set in the 1990s, seriously misrepresent the facts about our activities.»


If you notice things on the report that should have been removed, gather your proof and file a dispute with the credit reporting agency.


The FCRA has come up often in media reports because advocacy groups question the accuracy of the information credit reporting agencies gather and consumers» ability to dispute that information and have it removed from their credit report.


The law requires credit bureaus to investigate the items in question, usually within 30 days, unless your dispute is considered «frivolous».


At a deeper theological level, it is worth noting that 11 of the 12 members of the Catholic faculty are priests, and there is a fundamental difference of opinion at the bottom of this dispute over what is called Kirchlichkeit — perhaps best rendered «churchliness.»


George Monbiot [50] and The Guardian columnist James Randerson [51] dispute Plimer’s argument, stating that humans emit 130 times more CO2 than volcanoes based on calculations made by the U.S. Geological Survey.


According to him, a meeting convened on Tuesday, involving all stakeholders, failed to resolve the dispute as the union prevented the management from accessing the office premises on Wednesday.


— The credit bureaus have between 30 and 45 days to investigate and respond to your dispute.


District Attorney David Soares has been urged by activists to take stand, but says Governor Andrew Cuomo’s July executive order giving the state attorney general powers above those of local D.A.’s in civilian police shooting cases has stalled the case, which the administration disputes.


«Let us be crystal-clear; in terms of education, occupational or financial decisions and relations we have no issues of dispute.


As Businessweek writes, «Tech giants and other corporations that have grown by serial acquisition fear the Actelion precedent could expose them — at least in California — to open-ended liability over licensing disputes involving the smaller new-technology companies they are wont to gobble up like so many cocktail nuts.»


And the courts said to the skeptics: Under the principle of deferring to a Federal agency in any dispute, we let the EPA’s analyses stand.


It’s a contract, drafted within the context of the law, that states that any disputes as to its terms must be settled WITHOUT access to a court of law?


And yes it is at times considered a major honour, and regardless its still an honour and whether there is a dispute or not over who has more major titles, United have more trophies overall anyway.


WASHINGTON — Boeing clashed with Canadian jet maker Bombardier in a hearing on Monday over a trade dispute that has pitted the United States against Canada, adding to already heightened trade tensions between the two nations.


Carey Gabay, 43, who is the first deputy council at Empire State Development Corp., was critically injured after being shot in the head by a stray bullet after a gang dispute on Bedford Avenue near Montgomery Street at about 3:41 a.m. on Sept. 7, according to the police.


Keep copies of your initial dispute letter and supporting documents, and communications with the credit reporting bureaus.


Call them up to help you out of any kind of trouble, from lost credit cards to legal disputes!


As the dispute heated up, Chinese consumers began boycotting Japanese products.


Additionally, many credit repair outsourcing companies disregard the importance of client responses, which is truly vital to achieving success in the credit dispute process.


A further possibility would be some form of ad hoc arbitral tribunal to hear disputes as and when they arise.


BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP)— California Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday urged greater cooperation with China to resolve a trade dispute, while taking an…


While Apple Inc in May lost a battle for the use of the «iPhone» trademark on leather goods, Facebook won a dispute against a local beverage manufacturer that had filed in 2011 to label certain foods and beverages «face book».


As The Guardian notes, disputes over who is responsible for certain areas of the church frequently become so heated that for the last eight centuries, leaders from the six denominations have actually allowed a Muslim family to hold the keys.


11.1 ELITESINGLES has the right but has no obligation to monitor disputes between you and other users of the website.


Another cost is title insurance, generally required by your lender to protect against any title disputes or issues not caught during the title search and report.


The Washington Post, yesterday, fanned the flames of a dispute over how much sea level rise the residents of the North Carolina Outer Banks should plan upon for this century.


But considering some of the alternative ways people find to solve disputes, maybe the dance floor isn’t such a bad place to battle it out for supremacy.


Interest in his ties to Russia only intensified in February 2017, when it was revealed that Cohen had hand-delivered a Moscow-friendly plan to settle the dispute in Ukraine to Gen. Michael Flynn, then Trump’s national security adviser.


With some dicta wrongly suggesting that questions of construction are solely matters of law, we have also seen some appellate courts incorrectly treating appeals as an opportunity to rehear the whole construction dispute de novo.


Conran was reportedly motivated by a neighbourly dispute with the woman, who had more than half a dozen people park near the house or come to the door before the ad was removed, with others slowly circling the neighbourhood in their car.


At the same time, the WTO acts as a negotiating forum, bringing together the trading nations of the world to resolve disputes and agree common principles.


If you have a dispute that involves a timeshare operator, see how to complain.


You will get no dispute from me that online book stores are not that great at discovery.


If the situation is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can ask that a «statement of dispute» be added to your credit file.


John Wesley recognized that not all internal disputes within the church could be traced back to bad faith or lack of love.


You have the legal right to dispute debts even if you DO them.


Identifying feelings and recognizing the pain of negative comments are elements of a comprehensive effort at Brooklyn’s PS 15 — also known as Patrick F. Daly School — to give kids the tools they need to become emotionally intelligent individuals able to move away from feelings and responses that prevent them from getting along with others, solving disputes peacefully, and concentrating on schoolwork.


A: Congratulations on working through the alternative dispute resolution system (ADR).


On AGW Theory: Here, you’re making the mistake I allude to above in discussing Sen. Inhofe — lumping «AGW theory» (which even Michael Crichton did not dispute) with the range of views (some supported, some not) on whether the case has been made for dangerous human-driven climate change.


Some point to the release of a paper called «The Hangover» in September 2012, sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute, a libertarian think tank that advocates for broad reform, as one of the first signs of this growing dispute going public.


The agreement contains no consequences for failure by either country, and there is no international court designated to hear disputes about the agreement.


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