Sentence for the word disagree

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word disagree, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use disagree in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «disagree».

Disagree in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word disagree in a sentence.

  1. Sources disagree on the translator.

  2. Historians disagree about this number.

  3. Sources disagree over his date of birth.

  4. Serbian sources disagree with this assessment.

  5. Sources disagree regarding the year of his death.

  6. Modern historians also disagree about her status.

  7. Scholars disagree over why he was allowed to do so.

  8. Historians, however, disagree about the circumstances.

  9. Historians disagree on the quality of Zotov’s tutoring.

  10. However, other sources disagree on the rotation period.

  11. Historians disagree over the significance of the battle.

  12. Historians disagree over whether such an event occurred.

  13. Historians disagree on the impact of Ironside on German plans.

  14. Sources also disagree on the number rescued and final death toll.

  15. Sources disagree on whether this happened in 1940, 1942, or 1955.

  16. Sources disagree on the origin of the ships’ propulsion machinery.

  17. Biographers disagree as to the nature of the couple’s relationship.

  18. Historians disagree on which version of Crockett’s death is accurate.

  19. Scholars disagree whether the reconstruction was pirated or authorised.

  20. Sources disagree on the period in which he completed his formal studies.

  21. Critics disagree over who can be thought of as the first heavy metal band.

  22. William’s modern biographers disagree on the veracity of these allegations.

  23. Thonemann had returned by this point and found much to disagree with on ICSE.

  24. Sources disagree when Joehana died; some offer 1930, while others give 1942–45.

  25. A few critics disagree with the speculation over Giraud’s and Byron’s relationship.

  26. Historians disagree over whether the Arawe operation was worthwhile for the Allies.

  27. Authorities disagree as to whether or not it has independent taxonomic significance.

  28. Various abundance estimates have been published; these often disagree to some extent.

  29. Australian naval historians David Stevens and Tom Frame disagree on what happened next.

  30. Other researchers disagree, presenting a case for such lodes being Anglo-Saxon or later.

  31. They often disagree with one another on the best way for Shelly to approach her love life.

  32. Some harvesters disagree with limiting the catch, saying the populations are not dropping.

  33. Sources disagree on whether the ride closed permanently or continued to operate until 1968.

  34. He only agreed to return after receiving a letter, although sources disagree on its sender.

  35. Those who disagree with our holding will likely mark it as the product of an activist judge.

  36. The sources disagree on whether the party adopted a policy of sanctioning the assassination.

  37. Sources disagree on the number and types, possibly indicating changes over the ship’s lifetime.

  38. Æthelwulf compromised to avoid a civil war, but historians disagree how the kingdom was divided.

  39. Sources disagree on the house’s initial construction date, and no records survive of its construction.

  40. For these reasons, scholars disagree about how genuinely most Egyptians believed the king to be a god.

  41. Of course, I can’t prove this, but I doubt that you can find a single strong player who would disagree.

  42. Ancient authors and modern scholars alike disagree about the ethnic identity of the ancient Macedonians.

  43. Looting was officially forbidden, but historians disagree on how rigorously this regulation was enforced.

  44. In the late 1990s, Kagame began to disagree publicly with Bizimungu and the Hutu-led government in Rwanda.

  45. Some scholars suggest that Donatello created the effigy with the aid of a death mask, but others disagree.

  46. Although most experts agree upon phylogeny, many disagree about nearly every level of primate classification.

  47. Scientists disagree on the content of the genus, with some recognizing Gorgosaurus libratus as a second species.

  48. How can we most constructively use nonviolent methods to oppose practices and policies with which we disagree ..

  49. A chronicle describes Trussell as one «who cannot disagree with himself and, [therefore], shall ordain for all».

  50. Other scientists, especially proponents of the rare-Earth hypothesis, disagree that red dwarfs can sustain life.

Synonyms for disagree

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word disagree has the following synonyms: differ, dissent, take issue, disaccord and discord.

General information about «disagree» example sentences

The example sentences for the word disagree that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «disagree» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «disagree».

1, He is tolerant of those who disagree with him.

2, She and I disagree about it .

3, The conclusions disagree with the facts.

4, I didn’t feel able to disagree with him.

5, We disagree to the communique.

6, Scientists disagree about how the universe was created.

7, Even friends sometimes disagree.

8, The reports from Rome disagree with those from Milan.

9, ‘I disagree,’ said Polly stoutly.

10, With all due respect, I disagree completely.

11, They disagree completely on politics.

12, I disagree strongly with this idea.

13, I’m afraid I have to disagree with you .

14, I disagree with you about this.

15, Experts disagree over the age of the drawings.

16, Why are you nodding if you disagree?

17, I’m not in the mood to disagree with you.

18, I disagree with you on both counts.

19, I disagree with violent protests.

20, There I have to disagree with you.

21, Experts disagree on how much the program will cost.

22, We disagree on this matter.

23, There I have to disagree with you,[] I’m afraid.

24, European farm ministers disagree among themselves.

25, They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.

26, These two reports of the accident disagree.

27, There are so many things we disagree about.

28, I strongly disagree with his views.

29, You must continue to see them no matter how much you may disagree with them.

30, He is prone to lose his temper when people disagree with him.

не соглашаться, противоречить, расходиться во мнениях, не совпадать, ссориться


- расходиться, не соответствовать; противоречить

to disagree with the facts — не соответствовать /противоречить/ фактам
the accounts disagree — счета не сходятся
the reports of the affair disagreed — описания этого события не совпадали

- расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

to disagree with an opinion — не соглашаться с мнением
to disagree with smb. over a matter — расходиться с кем-л. во мнениях по какому-л. вопросу
to disagree with smb. on the issue — быть несогласным с кем-л. в (этом) вопросе
I disagree — я не согласен; я думаю иначе

- спорить, ссориться

we always disagree — мы вечно спорим /ссоримся/

- (to, with) не давать согласия

to disagree to amendment — не соглашаться на поправку, отвергать поправку

- (with) быть противопоказанным, вредным; оказывать плохое действие

to disagree with one’s digestion — плохо действовать на желудок
the climate disagrees with him /with his health/ — этот климат для него вреден /ему противопоказан/

Мои примеры


an unfortunate tendency to call those who disagree with him “brainless goons” — досадная склонность называть всех, кто с ним не согласен, «безмозглыми болванами»  
to disagree completely — совершенно не совпадать  
to disagree sharply — резко не соответствовать, резко противоречить  
disagree with digestion — плохо действовать на желудок  
and some disagree — одни с нами согласны, другие нет  
disagree on an issue — расходиться в мнении по вопросу  
disagree on policy — расходиться во мнениях по поводу политики  
disagree on the principle — не соглашаться с принципом  
disagree on — расходиться во мнениях  
disagree over an issue — расходиться в мнении по вопросу  
disagree to amendment — не соглашаться на поправку; отвергать поправку  

Примеры с переводом

I disagree with you.

Я не согласен с тобой.

I disagree with the last speaker.

Я не согласен с предыдущим оратором.

With all due respect, I disagree.

При всём должном уважении, я не согласен.

I venture to disagree.

Разрешите не согласиться, рискну возразить.

Your story disagrees with his in every detail.

Ваша история расходится с его (рассказом) в каждой детали.

She disagrees with her husband on many questions.

Она по многим вопросам не согласна со своим мужем.

Children of the same family must not disagree.

Дети в семье не должны ссориться.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the leader thought we were still headed north on the trail, but I disagreed…

…that teacher claims not to have any favorite students, although many in the class would disagree…

…there’s a wearisome intemperance in his verbal attacks against any and all who dare to disagree with him…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

disagreeable  — неприятный, противный, с тяжелым характером, сварливый, с дурным характером
disagreement  — разногласие, расхождение во мнениях, ссора, разлад

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: disagree
he/she/it: disagrees
ing ф. (present participle): disagreeing
2-я ф. (past tense): disagreed
3-я ф. (past participle): disagreed

Definition of Disagree

to hold or express a different opinion

Examples of Disagree in a sentence

Kim and Emma disagree about which movie they should see, so they may go bowling instead.


Though we disagree a lot, my wife and I refuse to argue in front of the children.


The couple disagree about which house to buy, but they agree it should be in the city.


I disagree with my boss on the way the studio should be set-up and plan to tell her why she is wrong.


The jury members continue to disagree and were not able to come up with a decision tonight.


Other words in the Reject category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Diam responded, «We can disagree on the specifics of a few issues, but still move forward

embarked upon a policy that some of you disagree with is,

But I would have to disagree

‘I can’t disagree with you there,’ said Jean

to be going to Paris, either, but he had to disagree with

Livingson has assured me that this was purely a miscommunication on his part, and that you are not to be held responsible, I disagree with his protection and defense of you

`No, I’ll look first,’ she said, `and see whether it’s marked «poison» or not’; for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they WOULD not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if your hold it too long; and that if you cut your finger VERY deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked `poison,’ it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later

‘Ah! There’s plenty who’d disagree with you on that!’

Although, if you asked him he would disagree

«So you disagree with Jason’s assertion that these cities are festering sores that must be cleansed?»

To those who will certainly disagree with my views on suicide, I say this: don’t tell me that life is worth living under any conditions

It was second nature for her to disagree with him, even when there was obviously no other options

shouldn’t we read Isaiah too? Obviously Jesus would not disagree with Isaiah

But she could not wholly disagree with her superior’s assessment


I’m afraid I’d have to disagree about that

Some people may disagree but take it from me there the two aromas are totally different if a patient is just sick you can smell the cloying atmosphere

I wouldn’t disagree with her on that score so I said

That said, I disagree wholeheartedly with Alexander Hamilton»s claim in the Federalist Papers that the judiciary would be the least dangerous branch

I beg to disagree

“I don’t need to know all the details to know that I disagree with the principle

At length she said, “I disagree, Commander

Whilst true I disagree, and think they miss the point entirely

Jack looked as if he might disagree with that statement, but he held his tongue

If you disagree, do it without being disagreeable

If you disagree, do not insist and do not repeat yourself in the face of heavy resistance or else you could end up in an explosion

They are (otherwise) free to choose single or (promiscuous) lifestyles or employ precautionary measures against pregnancy…although conservative theologians would properly disagree

I must respectfully disagree with his parochial viewpoint

It is no longer appropriate, or so it would appear, to properly agree to disagree or to draw-out the essential components vital to any argument

“Your greatest poets would disagree,” he said

How could he disagree?

Where many disagree is how far the plot had gone

That does not mean treason the way some conspiracy minded types use the word to mean “things I disagree with

He had to disagree

evidence is there for and against the thought? Would your colleagues and mentors agree or disagree with it?

disagree with my parents? Should I leave gifts on my parents’ graves? By

Scholars and historians still disagree as to whether the Disruption, ostensibly over the issue of a congregation’s right to call a minister of their own choosing, was necessary

Thomas was quick to disagree

“We all support cleaner air, but here’s where the Obama EPA and I disagree: it shouldn’t come at the

– Still, he and I disagree on certain issues

“We both disagree with its premises and its conclusions

“It is all history,” Professor Huss said, “though many would disagree with me, even call me a fool

I’ve been practicing in the medical field for a very long time now, what made you think it appropriate to disagree with my diagnosis Doctor?”

While the two cultures had seemed to disagree on such matters as the machine vs

(Currants treated in this way will not disagree with the most delicate child

Why? Well, they have the audacity to disagree with policies of the Prophet we have been waiting for, and are expressing their constitutional right to say so

Their recourse seeks to avoid the issues by subjecting those who disagree with them to smears, name-calling, and character assassination

Red state or blue! Now really, can»t we just agree to disagree without the hate?

“Certainly, I’ll have to disagree with Ms

But I disagree with this victim mentality and its ceaseless stream of excuses

Not mincing his words, Roger castigated Castro for his mismanagement of the Cuban economy through hit-and-miss policies, for his relentless persecution of people who dared to disagree with him, and for his ill-advised and damaging adventurism with Cuban soldiers into world conflicts thousands of miles away from Cuban soil

Upon further reflection, a day later, I disagree with my former self and stomp on the spider

It has 500,000 members, many of whom disagree with each other

Many will disagree, but the more

“Of course, I can’t help but disagree

” Asked about why he left Park, Fink responded, “We agreed to disagree

He said my father told him he wanted people to tell him what they thought, and that they had a “free enough environment” to agree or disagree

Following Babcock’s statement, my father said: “As a person who has had more than one career in his lifetime, I could not honestly disagree with Johnnie’s decision

Glup estimates that there is a three in ten chance that you will become a god, and I cannot disagree

“Though I hesitate to disagree with my companions, I would think that the future is still far too malleable to consider such numerical estimates of the probability of your ascension to be in any way reliable

disagree with the priestly class and their interpretations

He could not disagree with Isabella’s judgement, but the fact that she had spoken her scorn aloud made his skin grow hot

disagree, saying there is evidence that at the time he wrote Hamlet

”5 The believers in socialist philosophy in this country subvert moral standards, education, and the Constitution of the United States, all because they disagree with the concept, strength, and success of Capitalism

With that I disagree

In the event they disagree you will obey Saipele because he’s bigger

You may disagree, but as I said before the very essence of everything that God is would say otherwise

When someone is attempting to correct us from a heart of love, then we should be much more open to hearing what they have to say, even if we disagree with what they’re saying

I disagree with this idea for several reasons:

I disagree and here’s why:

but since the idea is coming from you, I have to disagree with you on principle,» he grinned toothily

Parents may disagree over the treatment options, siblings may feel jealous of the attention the child receives or may tease their sibling over the problem

I disagree with this completely

My parents didn’t disagree with my decision so the doctor released me from the emergency room under the condition I follow up with my normal doctor in a few days

If you disagree with him, you’ll have to kill him to stop him and, he is smart

I’m sure many agree with me though and I’m equally sure many disagree

And who would disagree?

In many cases the claim “I don’t understand” could more properly be express as “I disagree

it, or is it that you disagree with it

If you disagree with it, consider whether there is any way or circumstances in

Many gurus may disagree with me, but I see enlightenment occurring as a result of a person’s rising to challenges of everyday life and overcoming them through efforts of understanding

not realize it or will disagree vehemently with this observation

Not someone too afraid to be seen with me in public in case their brother or cousin or aunt saw us and put two and two together! I wanted someone with whom I could discuss the ‘meaning of life’, disagree and argue about an opera performance or tennis match

will disagree now!) but it is still an act

reasons that they are unsure or disagree with the issue

have discovered that I can easily disagree with

themselves before passing more laws that seek to hide those elements that they disagree with

Do you understand what God is saying? This is how easy it is that if you disagree with

I’d never be able to disagree with you

«I strongly disagree,» broke in Taurus the chancellor, an elderly man in an ermine-fringed robe, whose features were lined with the cares of his long service

Biblical sources disagree as to whether she was his intended or actual wife

1 would not necessarily disagree with this particular meaning of the girls’ perceptions on the Rorschach, but would suggest that

«Now, now Keta I must disagree

Especially things you disagree with

The words were out and she waited for him to disagree with her

Still I can’t totally disagree with what’s listed and they seem to know me better than I know myself

Those who disagreed

That’s all very plausible from her perspective, but the infrared imaging telescope disagreed

My mother hadn’t seen me yet, but she disagreed with him since she used the word psychotic when she was on the phone and describing what could happen with me

Regardless of whose fault it was that we disagreed, she always made a point of being the first to break the ice

I know that my family and neighbors did it for a food source but I still disagreed with them

‘The other woman ate something which disagreed with her – she died

It was unlucky that I disagreed with her

I was one of the few who disagreed,» Brice said, taking a seat opposite Alec, his teeth shining once more

the story for a few moments, his companion disagreed

“I’m sorry, sir, but Father would have disagreed with your appraisal

When it is voted and disagreed upon it is failed

They disagreed on politics, religion and just about everything else

He felt that if they prepared less, there would be more leftover for the servants, though Tobin always disagreed with his logic

Terese disagreed however, always insisting that the bliss of terael could distract her from the forms

Raven disagreed, but he couldn’t respond

It was obvious that the Healer held strong feelings for her companion, and he pondered how she’d managed to accidentally eat something that so violently disagreed with her

From that point on I resolved to never argue with my sons’ mother again and to respect her way of doing things even when I disagreed

MacArthur thought they would not, that the Soviets and China disagreed too much for the Soviets to take a risk for China

But it is also true that Bush and Cheney often disagreed

Most importantly, Cheney disagreed strongly with Bush over Iran

Ruby nodded with some enthusiasm, but she disagreed with his assessment

They had spoken about Enilia several times this morning, but they still disagreed

How he met Elena, how they shared knowledge, how many times they fought and how many times they disagreed on ideas, how she loved blades and how much he disliked them

“She confessed everything to me that night, I told her to tell the police but she disagreed saying it was no use

Neither Brie nor Gabe disagreed with her

” Brie said, Gabe disagreed

Public disagreed in principle with the tax on tea, what penalty did he incur by refusing to pay? Nothing

because she disagreed with him on the proper interpretation of the law

When Nemia called; “There! I am at four! And that’s the last one!”, Hilsith disagreed

I disagreed with her

Since they were still being decelerated, his body and his eyes disagreed on which direction was down

” First Mauve disagreed

Although the others disagreed saying

More or less considered a hawk, Rostow was none-the-less known unfavorably in the back rooms of the Pentagon for once having thrown a water pitcher at a colonel he had disagreed with

Although 8 and I sometimes disagreed to the point that he would withdraw in a huff, he was always quick to forgive and we never lost respect for one another

Though you disagreed with me, you couldn’t kill me and

Most other inmates disagreed with me and said that rate of pay

were a few who disagreed with the philosophy of his songs, but applauded the young

“Then I gather that, to put it mildly, you also disagreed with their plan in one way or another?” Again they all agreed

and strongly disagreed with the do not resuscitate order and hospice despite

He looked at me with the hooded eyes he wore when he disagreed with or, worse, disbelieved someone

He was highly critical of the Council and strongly disagreed with how they were running the Church

Your mom disagreed with that

But Gāndhiji disagreed with this interpretation

In public meetings if someone disagreed with him he would have a discussion and try to convince his opponents

Rumble disagreed, because he wanted the process available and credit his dead mentor Rosalind Franklyn as playing a large part of this find, as her original research had started the whole thing off and she deserved the recognition that Rumble had always considered had been stolen from her

Redford? A popular model reported that, more than once, when she had disagreed

This still left many animals in the meeting, those who disagreed with their groups or who hadn’t made up their minds

disagreed and now has her completely under the

He wanted to fire them and demand their retainer back but the rest of the association disagreed

She was always cordial and even friendly a lot of the time, for she would always listen well, wait her turn, signal respect for other opinions, and avoid disdain for someone whose opinions she totally disagreed with

“My wife and I have disagreed about some very important things for a long time and I have always kept quiet about it

“The Swordsmen had attacked other frontier settlements whose policies they disagreed with

Rachel found that when she disagreed with an instructor, discussing the issue in the privacy of their office produced better results than discussing it in class

anybody in the room disagreed with his statement

He said if you disagreed with his order, you were to be terminated—immediately

The other guard disagreed

“No one escapes from that place,” disagreed the bald man

They understood each other perfectly, and never disagreed

If you disagreed with the church you were accused of hear say and treated to excommunication

To her, every time I disagreed with her, which was often, was taken as racially motivated

I wanted us at first to import only vegetarian specimens which would not represent a danger to humans but Miss Laplante strongly disagreed, pointing out that the lack of animal predators would eventually result in a cycle of uncontrolled population explosions and mass famines

However much Peter had disagreed with the tone of the anonymous letter, it had nonetheless provided him with a brand new lead for his quest

It was quite a thought and I was not sure I disagreed

He was my inspiration to see and reject a Civil War type Southern racial attitude passed down to my father and imposed upon me, which I quietly disagreed with, because my father was always ready to back up his position with his fist (against his weaker sons) if they defied him in any way to his face

They did a rubber stamp of Hoover’s Oswald case and ignored or refuted everything that disagreed with this verdict

Shaking his head, Chance vehemently disagreed

Since I kind of disagreed with that, I killed two of my interrogators and fled Israel via the Lebanese border

Rommel disagreed and vehemently argued that Allied air power would disrupt Rundstedt’s plan

But the other eight disagreed, and three times they chanted, «Enter the Gate

We don’t believe you,” they disagreed with her

“Is it true?” he was disagreed

D’Oliya disagreed in a whisper

Mikey disagreed and wouldn’t give her anything over a five

Half an hour after the coach had left the restaurant and we had crossed what mark informed me, was the Euphrates, it became clear that my stomach disagreed with my decision *…violently

“There are those of our kind who have disagreed with our methods,” the old man

His mental Troi disagreed with his evaluation and suggested he not use it any more

And because it’s Monty, nobody disagreed, not even the Warriors

Even those who disagreed with their political views could not but admire the simplicity in the lifestyles of these netas

disagreed with Jane and Joan on the matter

He disagreed with you over the real factors leading to the second stage of the war

“You’ve told us you disagreed with him, you’ve told us you wanted to form a Melioran political party, and you’ve told us, or at least reminded us, that Keller’s popularity has dropped and will never recover

You find that they fulfil what God wanted them to do, but they engage with God and often disagreed and debated or tried to persuade Him to change His mind

But let us say that the Goddesses disagreed among themselves

many times have you disagreed with him?” I thought about it for a

Neither of them would give in, and once they’d started arguing they disagreed about lots of

He found that those topics on which they disagreed were the topics that had the biggest impact on their relationship

My husband totally disagreed with this strategy

The board disagreed and is now implementing a change in what teachers can

Those that disagreed about him were in doubt concerning his death, for what they knew about it was sheer conjecture; they were not sure that they had slain him

if you study, you will find that he murdered others who disagreed with him

strongly disagreed with that because no matter how far gone I was I

disagreed profusely at first, but half an hour later they were back, saying I was

Legend has it the two gods disagreed about whether humans should live forever

» She could hardly believe she was standing there disagreeing with a Doctor, if she could’ve just done that with Jason’s birth

It was hard to decide who was the most pompous of the three, as they poked at the statues with a finger or a stick, giving orders, suggesting strategies that they assumed would be followed, and disagreeing with one another until it seemed these meetings would outlast the war

Should McClellan win, he faces the problem of his own party disagreeing with him, and Republicans only half agreeing with him too

This would be like disagreeing with

from now on there shall be five in one house three of them disagreeing with two and the two with the three

disagreeing with a loved one and something

Nothing disarms someone you are disagreeing with faster than you

information, arguing, deflecting, discounting, and disagreeing with

disagreeing with something she said

First, be careful about disagreeing with the teacher or speaking negatively about him or the school in

This king was not pleased at finding a group of people of Najran disagreeing with him in religion

But, in fact, whatever age the transgressing evil doer lives in, unless he voluntarily refrains from his error and evil desire, he will never submit to what is right, moreover, he will deny it because it is conflicting with his conduct and disagreeing with the vice which his spirit yearns to and the meanness it is colored with

Additionally, they will also try to secure against all possible emergencies that the implementation of their design might cause, but the brute force of the current money mating money economy is stronger than the disconnected and often disagreeing wisdom cultures of after-the-beast-has-had-its-fill Florence Nightingale charities of bandages for the bitten, Red X rations for the starved, and telethon hope for the perpetually tortured

Whenever they met together to solve this problem, they closed the session disagreeing

Joel laughed, for in the background, he could hear his oldest niece, Karen, declaring that as the oldest she got the honor of holding their baby brother first…and her sisters were verbally disagreeing with her pronouncement

what Bhrigu said, but too terrified of disagreeing

However, whoever goes against the opinions of these experts, should remember that he is disagreeing with real professionals, just one of whom has more experience of guns, optics, ammunition and long-range shooting than the entire Hungarian hunting community

with the murder of a prophet, but disagreeing with them

without disagreeing with the interviewer

Simply because most people are terrified of disagreeing him and being seen as attacking a cripple

What kind of Stalin, or Hitler would publicly strip one of his own generals naked, nail his wrists and ankles to a wooden cross, and crucify that general for disagreeing with him? Imagine Hitler or Stalin nailing one of his generals to a wooden cross and watching him die slowly… in front of the entire army

Keeping quiet on the matter, the others disagreeing, he had already alienated

fulfil my role as agent provocateur by disagreeing with anything and everything that was said

I cannot conceal my conviction that the path of duty and of wisdom in dealing with such documents as the gospels demands this practical Conclusion:—If they offer to us any statements of Christ’s doctrine, by excess or defect conspicuously disagreeing with the facts, or with the plain sense of His teaching as recorded by the same or other historians, resolutely to refuse to allow such exceptional misreports or omissions to interfere with the truth which has been learned by a wider survey of the evidence

He is a sanitary reformer; he maintains that civilized states have a right to the soil of waste countries; he is inclined to the opinion which places happiness in virtuous pleasures, but herein, as he thinks, not disagreeing from those other philosophers who define virtue to be a life according to nature

Her idea of policy was essentially ‘Change Nothing’, so as soon as she died in 1908 the country fell apart, with different revolutionary groups all wanting to Change Everything but disagreeing about how

Everyone’s“Yes,” declaimed Deep Thought, “I said I’d have to think about it, didn’t I? And it occurs to me that running a programme going to have their own theories about what answer I’m eventually to come up with, and who better to capitalize on that media market than you yourself? So long as you can keep disagreeing with each other violently enough and slagging each other off in the popular press, you can keep yourself on the gravy train for life

He’s a true contrarian, to the extent that he sometimes finds himself disagreeing with the findings of his own analysis

The judges disagreeing with him and proceeding with the trial, he concluded not to answer their questions and remained silent

The Senate resumed the resolution of the House of Representatives disagreeing to their amendments to the bill, entitled «An act respecting the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and for other purposes

The ‘bed’ of coal is supposed by the miners to be coextensive with the granite, and I can discover no very good reason for disagreeing with them in this particular; but, on the contrary, many circumstances concur to strengthen the opinion that it is really coextensive with the granite

For disagreeing 61, against it 47

» But Apollo disagrees, «When I asked ARIES what was my purpose

happen with the wicked), yet Jesus disagrees with this

Walvoord expressly disagrees with the conclusions of this book

To me, it is obvious that he has never read the prohibitions of the Founding Fathers, or, in the worst case, that he profoundly disagrees with them

* Something which my American Patriot flatly disagrees with and she should know

No matter how much one disagrees with the reasons given for the war, it was clear that Bush was quite skilled at managing a war, unlike his son

“That was one of the points Big Boy mainly disagrees with, He says he’s resigned to it

disagrees with the labeler often carries a negative connotation akin to “extremist,”

When you are sure that you have found the correct answer? Check if that answer agrees or disagrees with the following words of God

The Court has accumulated over the centuries the illicit authority to wield its own sword of “justice” against the clauses of the Constitution with which it disagrees

of experience states that he “absolutely disagrees completely” that local textbook selection is better than statewide selection, because publishers, teachers unions and other organized interests would block out parental interests “Publishers are advantaged by local adoption because they have more personnel” to overwhelm possible criticism

disagrees with our likes, but in this case we are not overly preoccupied with the accuracy of the critique and appreciate it for other reasons—its ascetics, curious focus, humor, broader philosophical implications, and others

disagrees with beliefs of his individual church, he is free join another congregation

18 And others requested of him a sign from heaven to tempt him; And Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them in parables Every kingdom that withstands itself shall become desolate; and every house or city that disagrees with itself shall not stand and if the devil throw out a devil he withstands himself; neither shall he be able to stand but his end shall be; Then how now shall his kingdom stand? for you said that I throw out devils by Beelzebul; And if I by Beelzebul throw out the devils then your children by what do they throw them oute And for this cause they shall be judges against you; But if I by the Spirit of God throw out devils then the king- dom of God is come near to you

Keep in mind that most science disagrees with migraineurs when it

wrong way or disagrees with you, pray for the blessing of the

Keep in mind that most science disagrees with migraineurs when it comes to food triggers

Admiral Sherman disagrees in that he hopes to keep you around

«OK, so he disagrees with some of our conventions

“Unless she wakes up and disagrees, Sir Richard wants us to treat her

If the user disagrees, you’ll have to implement your own action on this event

however, disagrees with this notion

Aaron disagrees and tells her Rick has friends that share similar feelings and interests

“There’s a law on the books that’ll let us initiate a ballot referendum on any law passed that the public disagrees with

What he disagrees with is the biblical author(s) assertion that each

slapping a fine on you, another school disagrees with it

It disagrees with everything you believe in and stand for

author not only disagrees with another, but each separate

Anyone who disagrees with you can’t

disbelieve all the other versions; therefore, every one that believes in Hell disagrees with

It disagrees with the logical arguments drawn from the Sadducean challenge of the Lord in Matt

It disagrees with Paul’s arguments on the resurrection in 1 Cor

It disagrees with the arguments from reason and nature, as established in chapters one and two

It disagrees with every known fact drawn out by the deductive process of reasoning

That disagrees with men, but in harmony with inspiration

No one disagrees that Fantasy Football has grown by leaps and bounds over the years

This is an oft repeated statement and no one disagrees with it

Another advantage of single parenting on the side of the parent is that crucial decisions can be made without having to deal with a husband or a wife who disagrees for any reason

Clare disagrees, “How can you say that when it was Dani and Ryodan that saved us from the Hoar Frost King?”

Anyone who disagrees with my decisions can all too easily undermine me by pointing out that I stand

He disagrees and claims my ear flaps are just weak

Victor disagrees with me about this, mostly because my honesty often ends with me insisting that I’ve just been assaulted by swans

Oh, and the student disagrees with the teacher

28: Many surveys employ a nine-point Likert scale to measure respondent’s attitudes where a value of “1” means the respondent definitely disagrees with a statement and a value of “9” means they definitely agree

However, one possible explanation is that the marketplace disagrees with the assumptions on which the model is based

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«The directors sharply disagree.«
(sharply, strongly, wholeheartedly, completely, entirely, totally)

«My mother will respectfully disagree with me.«

«She and her father simply disagree.«

«The president openly disagrees on the issue.«
(openly, publicly, personally)

«The two men obviously disagree with each other.«
(obviously, clearly)

Used with prepositions:

«They disagree about everything.«
(about, over)

«We disagree on this issue.«

«My grandparents disagree with the church.«

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Disagree | Disagree Sentence

  • Historians disagree in the exact date of the calamity.
  • But I disagree with you.
  • I never heard them disagree the whole time I was there.
  • I still disagree with Judge Kaplan.
  • I disagree with Miss Frere in toto.
  • They disagree largely because there is too much propinquity.
  • Once the split of houses was over we practically did not disagree at all.
  • Wes used sometimes to disagree with him as to what constituted a bad place.
  • He says they don’t disagree right, either.
  • I plead, then, that we should agree or disagree with these men.
  • You may disagree with us in everything else, but there you are at one with us.
  • With this I should venture to disagree with a peculiar ferocity.
  • The point is that Clutton Brock is unwilling to disagree with him violently.
  • I wholly disagree with Dr. B. about many points in his latter chapters.

How To Use Disagree In A Sentence?

  • They will perhaps disagree with me when I say that they had been very well treated.
  • Do not imagine for a moment that I think people who disagree with me are bad people.
  • For the same reason, I entirely disagree with you on any commutation of tithes.
  • So far, then, I am inclined to agree with the traditions and disagree with the ethnologists.
  • The Biblical narratives apparently disagree regarding the duration of the sojourn in Egypt.
  • I agree or disagree with him; I sympathize with his feelings, I estimate his purposes.
  • The economists of the Manchester school who disagree with Socialism take Socialism seriously.
  • Yet it must be acknowledged that the scholars somewhat disagree as to the dignity of the lower mind.
  • The proposition must not be so abstract or vague in terms that you do not know whether you agree or disagree with it.
  • A politician could not prevent journalists who disagree with him from quoting his autobiography in discussing his life.
  • In the long run his taste is no better than theirs, though he may argue as if they were ignorant and uncultivated because they disagree with him.
  • For lizards and frogs they had no appetite, fearing lest such tit-bits might disagree with their stomachs.
  • For it was a common thing for them, whenever they got together, to disagree about this and similar matters.
  • But however we disagree about what these metrical ornaments shall be, that some metre is essentially necessary is universally acknowledged.
  • She had helped him to the little study that he had had, and out of gratitude he had married her, but they were said to disagree very consistently.
  • It should be drunk from the cask; bottled beer being more likely to disagree with the stomach, and to produce flatulency.
  • If you hear the slogan «information wants to be free,» you may agree or disagree with the personification.
  • Now I know you’ve been making pop-overs, and are afraid they will disagree with me.
  • We may disagree with others as much as we please upon the meaning of all passages in the bible, but we must not deny the truth of a single word.
  • We may disagree from him in the conclusions which he draws from Scripture; of his earnest sincerity in enforcing those conclusions we cannot doubt.
  • This may be true, and I tried to be sufficiently deferential to my courtly host, not to disagree with him.
  • The man who understands the Calvinist philosophy enough to agree with it must understand the Catholic philosophy in order to disagree with it.
  • Here is a question on which some parents and teachers at any rate will disagree with most boys, and a question which must be settled one way or the other.
  • Those who happen to agree with the purpose for which a rebellion takes place think the rebels in the right; those who disagree think them in the wrong.
  • Their intellect or reason are intended to be subjected to precisely the same evidence and argument, and yet how many jurors disagree as to their verdict?
  • All very wholesome, pronounced Monsieur Dupuis, with satisfaction; not at all likely to disagree with mademoiselle.

Definition of Disagree

(intransitive) To not agree (harmonize). | (intransitive) To not agree (conform, correspond). | (intransitive) To not agree (suit).

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Disagree in a sentence

Disagree sentence

sentence with Disagree

Disagree used in a sentence

Disagree make sentence

make sentence with Disagree

make sentence of Disagree

Disagree sentence in english

Examples of how to use the word “disagree” in a sentence. How to connect “disagree” with other words to make correct English sentences.

disagree (v): to not have the same opinion, idea, etc.

Use “disagree” in a sentence

They disagreed about the price.
I completely disagree with you.
Does anyone disagree?

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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