Sentence for the word dignified

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уважения достоинства




We waged several struggles demanding the right to dignified work and proper rights.

Мы вели борьбу по нескольким направлениям, добиваясь права на достойный труд и борясь за надлежащие права.

A dignified reserve should be maintained.

Поэтому должен быть сформирован достойный кадровый резерв.

Express yourself through that divine and dignified instrument, which is our body.

Выражайте себя через этот божественный и величественный инструмент, который является нашим телом.

The name’s meaning is August, dignified, holy.

Значение имени Август: Величественный, священный, царственный.

Energetic and dignified struggle among eight teams.

Упорная и достойная борьба развернулась среди представителей восьми команд.

I noticed that they looked very dignified and important.

Я заметила, что они выглядели как весьма достойные и важные персоны.

Someone austere and dignified enough not to offend your starchy neighbours.

Кого-то достаточно строгого и достойного чтобы не опозорить тебя перед твоими чопорными соседями.

Nepal is also doing its best for their dignified and voluntary repatriation.

Непал делает также все от него зависящее для их достойного и добровольного возвращения на родину.

But she was doing her best to look dignified.

Но и она постаралась сделать всё от себя зависящее, чтобы выглядеть достойно.

She has at all times remained dignified throughout.

Как-никак, на протяжении всего времени, они держались достойно.

Furthermore it must be organised in a dignified manner.

В любом случае, она должна быть организована на достойном уровне.

It is an apparently dignified and distinguished place.

И это, как представляется, вполне достойное и почетное её место.

Our profession is as dignified as others.

Данная профессия является не менее достойной, чем какая-то другая.

No work is more dignified than any other.

Никакую работу нельзя преподносить как более достойную, чем любая другая.

Augustine’s mission therefore drew to a dignified but curtailed end.

Миссия Августина, таким образом, подошла к достойному, но слишком скорому завершению.

Currently VSMPO looks dignified against their competitors.

В настоящее время ВСМПО смотрится достойно на фоне своих конкурентов.

We need to provide durable solutions and create dignified circumstances for refugees.

Необходимо заботиться о людях, создать достойные условия жизни ветеранам.

Now we will have a dignified location.

Animals also have a right to live dignified lives.

Животные имеют право на достойную жизнь.

We have no choice but to live like dignified human beings.

У нас нет другого выхода, чтобы старики жили хотя бы достойно.

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1) She maintained a dignified silence.

2) The presence of the mayor dignified the occasion.

3) He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend.

4) Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence.

5) At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man.

6) She made a dignified departure.

7) It’s not very dignified behaviour for a 54-year-old man.

8) He has maintained a dignified silence about the rumours.

9) He remained quietly dignified in defeat.

10) He seemed a very dignified and charming man.

11) He dignified a small collection of books by calling it a library.

12) The defeated candidate gave a dignified speech in which he congratulated his rival.

13) They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.

14) He has so far kept a dignified silence on the subject.

15) They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.

16) His attempt at a dignified resignation had turned into a three-ring circus.

17) Jo listened to their criticisms in dignified silence.

18) She was a quiet, dignified old lady.

19) The dignified thing would be to ignore them.

20) The house appears mildly surprised but always dignified.

21) Chaucer’s Criseyde is a dignified and thoughtful widow, who suffers terribly when she leaves Troy.

22) Reading, to most people, means an as hamed way of killing time disguised under a dignified name.

23) Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.

24) She turned on her heel and made what she hoped was a dignified exit.

25) Running back Emmitt Smith is a class act and quarterback Troy Aikman is cool, tough and dignified.

26) In re-planning the east wing galleries, built in 1928-32,[] great efforts have been made to respect their dignified classical architecture.

27) Under sheltering trees stand three cairns and stone circles, worn yet awesomely dignified after more than 5,000 years.

28) Receiving a pension and medical insurance on the basis of past contributions is more dignified than being dependent on children or charity.

29) I like her new image — it’s a lot more dignified.

30) The promotion of coherent networks of services which assist people to live dignified and independent lives in the community.

достойный, величественный, величавый, возвышенный


- обладающий чувством собственного достоинства; величественный, горделивый

to have dignified manners — держаться с достоинством
to assume a dignified air — напустить на себя важность

- возвышенный

Мои примеры


a man of dignified appearance — человек благородной наружности  
a school dignified with the name of a college — школа, которой дали громкое название колледжа  
dignified bearing — достойное поведение  
dignified aloofness — полное достоинства равнодушие  
adopt a dignified pose — принять величественную позу  
assume a dignified air — напустить на себя важность; приосаниться  
have dignified manners — держаться с достоинством  
dignified style — выдержанный стиль  
dignified appearance — респектабельность  
in a dignified way — чинно  

Примеры с переводом

He looked very dignified in his new suit.

В новом костюме он выглядел очень достойно.

She made a dignified departure.

Она с достоинством удалилась.

She has a kind but dignified manner.

Она добра, но ведёт себя с достоинством.

His manners were unaffected and graceful rather than dignified.

Его манеры были скорее простыми и изящными, нежели величественными.

They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.

Они культурно и с достоинством подождали рядом с храмом.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The hotel’s lobby is dignified but inviting.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dignified, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dignified in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dignified». In addition, we also show how different variations of dignified can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are dignified’. If you click on the variation of dignified that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Dignified in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dignified in a sentence.

  1. The laosheng is a dignified older role.

  2. Modest, dignified, shy and scholarly ..

  3. He dignified and illuminated the craft».

  4. Greeks, stand firm, proud and dignified.

  5. Their persistence is dignified, their virtues are stoic.

  6. With Greece in your minds you must be proud and dignified.

  7. Gibbs was not a freak, he had no striking ways, he was a kindly dignified gentleman.

  8. In public, Alexandra was dignified and charming; in private, affectionate and jolly.

  9. His dignified demeanor and subtle operations keep him somewhat remote from public perception.

  10. During the season, Woodfull’s physical courage, stoic and dignified leadership won him many admirers.

  11. It was replaced with a statue of Louis Riel designed by Miguel Joyal depicting Riel as a dignified statesman.

  12. The building is described as «a dignified early Georgian house, particularly rare in this part of the country».

  13. Roger Lewis notes that like a number of Sellers’s characters, he is played in a sympathetic and dignified manner.

  14. Child depicts the risen Christ in simple forms, subdued colours and with a strong but dignified facial expression.

  15. He liked Wyngarde’s King («a dignified clown») but thought Howes not formidable enough to stand up to him as Anna.

  16. Henry believed that kings should rule England in a dignified manner, surrounded by ceremony and ecclesiastical ritual.

  17. And she takes the whole thing more seriously and treats his achievement as a more dignified one than America found it.

  18. In contrast to Fenton’s depiction of the dignified aspects of war, Beato and Robertson showed the destruction and death.

  19. Walker calls Momma’s way a «strategy of subtle resistance» and McPherson calls it «the dignified course of silent endurance».

  20. To convey the dignified, unaffected naturalness of his subject, Wordsworth uses simple language, mostly words of one syllable.

  21. He was often accompanied by William McKinley, usually drawn as a shrunken though dignified figure dominated by the giant Hanna.

  22. Arthur’s role in these works is frequently that of a wise, dignified, even-tempered, somewhat bland, and occasionally feeble monarch.

  23. As Shaw grew older, his reputation as a dramatic actor grew stronger, and he became known for a sharp intelligence and dignified style.

  24. Derek Elley of Variety took note of the «quietly dignified perf from Mukerji», and the BBC opined that she «deserves praise for her acting.

  25. Concerning his disposition, Hippocrates was first portrayed as a «kind, dignified, old country doctor» and later as «stern and forbidding».

  26. O’Kelly wrote that his «bearded countenance is calm and dignified and the eyes look out on humanity with a welcoming and understanding sympathy».

  27. Pevsner commented that the panelling, set in three tiers with ovals placed vertically rather than horizontally, «looks both dignified and splendid».

  28. It is time some people got out of it.» Woodfull was usually dignified and quietly spoken, making his reaction surprising to Warner and others present.

  29. Martin Conway describes the portrayal of a dignified man marked by a grave expression and deep «furrows ploughed by seventy years of labour and sorrow».

  30. His other objective was to provide the game with compositions that adopted an elevated and dignified tone to underline the grandiose nature of the colossi.

  31. The writers’ original idea was that the characters should be elderly and dignified Shakespearean actors filling in as domestic cleaners while «resting» (i.e.

  32. With Grant’s limited foreign policy experience, he was in good hands with Secretary of State Hamilton Fish, an able, honest, dignified, and experienced statesman.

  33. Lawry credited his fellow Victorian for being dignified despite the torment and said the bowler was a «pretty fair example of the old expression that good guys run last».

  34. A dignified man, Weiss did not feel that Martin fit the image he wanted for the Yankees, and may have been offended by the player’s outburst on being sent to the minors in 1950.

  35. In the course of Caged Bird, Maya transforms from a victim of racism with an inferiority complex into a self-possessed, dignified young woman capable of responding to prejudice.

  36. According to Eurogamer’s Tom Brawell, Tidus and the other characters «make much more dignified and believable decisions than those made by their predecessors in other Final Fantasy games».

  37. Vidya’s performance received praise from critics; Derek Elley of Variety found her to be an «acting revelation», adding that her «devoted but dignified Lalita is the picture’s heart and soul».

  38. However, members of a San Francisco businessmen’s association called the Pacific Club established a funeral fund that provided for a handsome rosewood casket and arranged a dignified farewell.

  39. He was particularly impressed with his uncle’s approach and demeanour, which were dignified and discreet; he also followed Tom’s advice «if you can’t do it without whisky, don’t do it at all.».

  40. The way contestants are eliminated has garnered praise for being dignified, though those of «vocal legend[s]» such as LaBelle, Dionne Warwick, and Chaka Khan have been criticized for being premature.

  41. You can have the most beautiful city in the world as appearance goes, the streets may be clean and shining, the avenues broad and tree lined, the public buildings dignified, adequate and well kept ..

  42. Previously hardly known dimensions were reached.» Belgrade’s Politika noted that «Czechoslovakia and the Federal Republic left nothing to owe the spectators and played a football dignified of the final.

  43. He wanted the chapel to reflect the earlier period’s influence on Irish culture, while maintaining a relatively simple physical outlay, comprising what Teehan describes as a «peaceful, dignified space».

  44. Because of the conditions, many Continental soldiers agreed to join Loyalist regiments, but Hogun and other officers set up courts martial in the camps and attempted to maintain a dignified military structure.

  45. Following his return to the United States in 1893, Tanner became more racially aware and chose to use artwork including The Thankful Poor as a means of portraying African-American culture in a dignified manner.

  46. Little admired or collected for more than three generations after their appearance [writing in 1971], these essentially conservative but most dignified coins have suddenly become extremely popular with collectors».

  47. Quisling was independent minded, made several key decisions on the spot and, unlike his German counterpart, he liked to follow procedure to ensure that government remained «a dignified and civilised» affair throughout.

Dignified’ in a sentence

Dignified’ is a variation of dignified, below you can find example sentences for dignified’.

  1. But they never sound vague or slovenly, for he had set himself the task of finding words that would be ‘clear and dignified’ and that would ‘lead the listener into another world'».

Synonyms for dignified

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dignified has the following synonyms: courtly, formal, stately, distinguished, grand, imposing, magisterial, composed, elegant, self-respecting, self-respectful and proud.

General information about «dignified» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dignified that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dignified» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dignified».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

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Examples of dignified in a Sentence

She has a kind but dignified manner. He looked very dignified in his new suit. The hotel’s lobby is dignified but inviting.

What does dignified mean example?

The definition of dignified is having or showing worth, nobility or self respect. An example of a dignified person is someone who always acts politely and minds her manners in a difficult situation. adjective.

What does dignified person mean?

Dignified means self-respecting and worthy. … Something that has dignity is honorable and worthy, so something that is dignified acts in an honorable, worthy way, showing great self-respect and respect for others.

What is a sentence with the word dignity?

We must value human dignity and protect human rights. He thinks it below his dignity to accept this job. She was feeling angry, but behaved with great dignity. He seldom does anything which will tell upon the dignity of his family.

What does it mean when someone says you look dignified?

If you say that someone or something is dignified, you mean they are calm, impressive, and deserve respect.

17 related questions found

What does it mean to be a dignified woman?

controlled, serious, and calm, and therefore deserving respect: a tall, dignified woman.

What type of word is dignified?

characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous: dignified conduct.

What is the example of dignity?

Dignity is defined as the personal quality of being worthy of honor. An example of dignity is the respect paid to an elder member in the family. High repute; honor. Proper pride and self-respect.

What is another word for dignity?

In this page you can discover 103 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dignity, like: honor, nobility, respect, decency, lofty bearing, self-respect, lowliness, pride, prestige, fame and worth.

Can you show dignity?

Having dignity means being treated with respect AND treating others with respect. Are you on Instagram or Snapchat? Think of pictures that show people’s dignity and those that are disrespectful. If someone takes a picture of you that reflects your true self, that shows respect for you and strengthens your dignity.

What is the difference between dignity and respect?

Respect acknowledges the behavior while dignity teaches the importance of civility and humanity. The same concept can be applied to a peer situation.

What does dignified proper behavior mean?

noun. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc. the quality or state of being decorous; orderliness; regularity.

What is a dignified life?

The following is one of the core principles that is promoted by Global Dignity: “A dignified life means an opportunity to fulfill one’s potential, which is based on having a human level of health care, education, income and security.” In Canada, the Connected North program has been dedicated to helping students living …

What activity would you perform in a dignified manner?

Someone with dignity carries herself well. If you lose an election, and you say nasty things about your opponent and try to undermine her, you are acting without dignity. But if you graciously congratulate her and accept the results, then you are behaving in a dignified manner.

What does judicious use mean?

: having, using, or showing good judgment : wise The community deserves praise for its judicious use of water. Other Words from judicious. judiciously adverb.

What part of speech is dignified?

DIGNIFIED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is dignity in simple words?

Dignity is the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically. … The term may also be used to describe personal conduct, as in «behaving with dignity».

What do you call someone with no dignity?

Adjective. Lacking in or damaging to dignity. undignified. unsuitable. ungentlemanly.

What are the four types of dignity?

The model consists of four kinds of dignity: the dignity of merit; the dignity of moral stature; the dignity of identity; and Menschenwürde.

How do you treat someone with dignity?

Treat Him With Dignity.

  1. Listen to his concerns.
  2. Ask for his opinions and let him know they are important to you.
  3. Involve him in as many decisions as possible.
  4. Include him in the conversation. Don’t talk about him as though he’s not there.
  5. Speak to him as an adult, even if you’re not sure how much he understands.

How do you use the word dignified?

1) She maintained a dignified silence. 2) The presence of the mayor dignified the occasion. 3) He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend. 4) Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.

What is the noun of dignified?

dignity. The state of being dignified or worthy of esteem: elevation of mind or character. Decorum, formality, stateliness.

What is the verb of dignity?

transitive verb. 1 : to give distinction to : ennoble. 2 : to confer dignity upon also : to give undue attention or status to won’t dignify that remark with a reply.

How can you tell if a girl is classy?


  • Wears subtle make-up.
  • Ages gracefully.
  • Confidence.
  • Never drinks directly from the bottle.
  • Accepts compliments graciously.
  • Doesn’t wear heels higher than she can walk in.
  • Always smells nice.
  • Doesn’t downplay her intelligence.

With the restoration of its fine historical building and the rejuvenation of its surrounding gardens, the Canada Pavilion will provide Canadian artists with a most dignified exhibition space.»


But if we dismiss from our minds the modern prejudice against pictures with a «purpose», we must admit that Watts clothed his ideas in large and dignified forms, which, impressive in themselves, are an appropriate vehicle for their moral content.


Noonday works with different artisans ALL OVER THE WORLD offering opportunities like no interest loans, scholarship programs, emergency assistance, dignified jobs at living wages, and so much more.


Known for being both sweet and dignified, these terriers are extremely loyal and intelligent.


When attorneys design websites with their own status needs in mind — showcasing their long and impressive bios, prestigious awards and dignified, formal headshots — they are overlooking a powerful, motivating force: the legal consumer’s desire for status.


Collaborative Divorce is a new approach to divorce, bringing the best that legal, personal and financial wisdom have to offer in a humane, dignified fashion.


The Wii Music segment seems almost dignified by comparison.


Of course it can be difficult to feed in a dignified manner for the first few feeds but how many of us are fit to leave the house during the first couple of days after the birth anyway?


Through this new process, they model for their clients a commitment to honesty, dignified behavior, and mutual respect.


They put a dignified a capella band in the BMW M135i and DTM Champion Martin Tomczyk behind the wheel.


So in my view, he should abdicate his position in a dignified way.


Many of Hoyland’s paintings during the last three years have a clearly «heroic» ring to them; the work as a whole is extraordinarily dignified and measured.


Such contemporary vagaries, you may think, should hardly take so large a place in dignified Gifford lectures.


Sticking an ever so dignified and respectable two fingers up at Amazon, beloved London bookseller Foyles has this week launched an ebook store and accompanying apps.


While some passengers comfortably slot themselves into the correct spot, others seem to forget how to form a dignified and correct numerical line!


Apart from some notes, that’s it for extra features, which leave us with an appropriately dignified DVD recounting the story of Oskar Schindler and the people who insist they wouldn’t have survived the war without him.


And nothing could be dandier than a stiff drink over a game of pool in the dignified lounge with bar!


The gray upholstery with white accents in the test car looked dignified, and both front and rear seats were comfortable.


The word speak in 1 cor 14:34 The word speak in Greek is laleó Definition: (I talk, chatter in classical Greek, but in NT a more dignified word) I speak, say.


Voice talent includes Christian Slater, who imbues Deadshot with a sarcastic delivery and Billy Brown as the honorable, dignified Bronze Tiger.


— Seeking a position as a Caregiver with Care Solutions where I may be able to assist patients in leading a dignified life by helping them with basic needs and medication.


The lighting style is also classic and flattering to my subjects, helping them to look dignified even when they are wearing their fast food uniforms.


But what I love about the whole thing over the last couple of years is he’s behaved in a very dignified way.


White-haired Lafe McKee (real name, Lafayette McKee) was seemingly born old, dignified, and kind.


Together we will ensure your pet’s final days are comfortable, and that the process of letting go is dignified, respectful and accommodating of your wishes.


Fish Hoek Most people get to Peers Cave, above the dunes of Fish Hoek, in a fairly dignified manner, albeit a steep one.


While I’m normally a manual-transmission sort of shoe (or at least favor a dual-clutch setup), this torque-converter gearbox suits the unflustered, dignified character of the A7 so well that I never missed a third pedal, let alone Audi’s S Tronic DCT.


If you want to establish credentials as a serious scientist and not come across as some sort of kook or crackpot, then you need to present yourself in a dignified manner.


Yet the meat, which was destined for the plates and palates of their Norman overlords, is dignified with French-derived names: mutton (from the French mouton), beef (boeuf), and pork (porc).


Denzel Washington subsequently earned an Oscar nomination for his dignified portrayal of Carter in «The Hurricane,» a bio-pic chronicling Rubin’s legal ordeal from being framed through his ultimate vindication.


Term insurance ensures your loved ones maintain a dignified life style even in your absence.Remember, it is not for you, it is for your family.


Mid-century string shelving and clean, angular lines create a masculine scheme — the perfect spot for this dignified fellow to plot his next move.


Wolfe drags the always dignified Perkins to a late night jazz club, and with the help of the band, displays in song how Wolfe’s brain kicks into writing mode.


To be a man, Wolfe and Mansfield agree, is to display one’s own dignified character.


Toby Maguire and Elizabeth Banks star in the black comedy The Details (2011, R) as a suburban Seattle couple who make some very bad choices and Q’orianka Kilcher is Princess Kaiulani (2009, PG) in the dignified but sanitized story of the last princess of Hawaii.


We resolve family disputes in a cost efficient and dignified manner and since we belong to a full service law firm, we’re able to save our clients time and money when issues surrounding real estate, wills and estate planning, commercial litigation and corporate law arise.


Now Holyfield was clearly looking to make a statement of some kind, for although he is a quiet and dignified man, he has never been above subtly reminding people that he has been heavyweight champion of the world.


Then dignified adults for a couple of years.


By offering the options of mediation and collaborative divorce and not only divorce litigation, we make opportunities for couples to select a respectful and dignified divorce process, isolate children from conflict, and prepare for a new beginning.


If «The Spiderwick Chronicles» turns out to be the last of the kiddie fantasy movies to hit the screens, it would be a dignified end to what was ultimately a very hit-and-miss trend.


Clients report choosing mediation for a variety of reasons: They want to save time and money, they wish to preserve a dignified co-parenting relationship — which they recognize is very hard to do with two adversarial lawyers sniping at each other all the time — and they don’t want outsiders interfering in what they believe should be their private business.


And you can see their signatures among plenty more on the tiles of the entrance to this most dignified hotel.


It finishes not by crowning the «last man standing», but in a dignified de-merger of two whole individuals.


146), praying for our leaders so that we would be free to live peaceful, quiet, godly, dignified lives for the earthly and eternal good of our neighbors (1 Tim.


Wakanda’s young king, T’Challa (a dignified Chadwick Boseman, well-seasoned after playing onscreen versions of James Brown, Jackie Robinson and Thurgood Marshall), recognizes that the world outside his peaceful realm is a divisive place.


The right to adequate food is a human right, inherent in all people, to have regular, permanent and unrestricted access, either directly or by means of financial purchases, to quantitatively and qualitatively adequate and sufficient food corresponding to the cultural traditions of people to which the consumer belongs, and which ensures a physical and mental, individual and collective fulfilling and dignified life free of fear.


Planned Parenthood is deeply committed to ensuring a safe, dignified, and private atmosphere for all our health center locations.


They are highly qualified, dignified, certified and experience holders.


Do they stress the importance of a private and dignified process that keeps the focus appropriately on the children?


The worldwide distribution network, with more than 50 selling points around the globe, such as Harrods, Moda Operandi and Harvey Nichols, constitutes the «ambassadors» of the Costarellos dignified presence in the fashion industry.


About 1327 results found using ‘DIGNIFIED’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • A guest cottage can also be a dignified way to provide care for aging relatives.  (open, save, copy)

  • To my mind, they are a less prissy and more dignified alternative to a sundress.  (open, save, copy)

  • My last few footsteps were not very dignified as I hurried to complete the walk.  (open, save, copy)

  • He was also amazed by the dignified manner in which his son handled his illness.  (open, save, copy)

  • It may also have cost him whatever chance he had for a dignified exit from Iraq.  (open, save, copy)

  • A general, dignified, standing as if leaning on his sword, is a majestic figure.  (open, save, copy)

  • Sachin, incidentally, has retained a dignified silence, as he has done so often.  (open, save, copy)

  • At this point though, a dignified silence from the South would be a better move.  (open, save, copy)

  • My wife took it to the vet again, half hoping to be offered a dignified way out.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘dignified’:

  1. Ennoble: confer dignity or honor upon; «He was dignified with a title» [source]
  2. Raise the status of; «I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer» [source]
  3. (dignifying) investing with dignity or honor; «the dignifying effect of his presence»; «the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings» [source]
  4. Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, and political discussions to signify that a being has an innate right to respect and ethical treatment. … [source]
  5. To invest with dignity or honour; to give distinction to; to exalt in rank; to honor [source]
  6. (Dignification) aggrandizement, ascent, canonization, celebration, consecration, dedication, elevation, enshrinement, enthronement, exaltation, glorification, superaltation. [source]
  7. Grant worth or honor upon; exalt; grace; distinguished [source]
  8. To honor, to ennoble; to confer an honorable title. She wouldn’t dignify her brother’s stupid jokes by laughing. [source]

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