Sentence for the word decide

Synonym: determine, judge, resolve, settle. Antonym: hesitate, pause, waver. Similar words: decide on, decision, incident, by accident, side by side, acid, deck, declare. Meaning: [dɪ’saɪd]  v. 1. reach, make, or come to a decision about something 2. bring to an end; settle conclusively 3. cause to decide 4. influence or determine. 

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1. I shall decide for going abroad later.

2. Think it over carefully before u decide.

3. We have to decide what to do.

4. The judge will decide tomorrow.

5. They have to decide by next Friday.

6. I’m still unable to decide what to do.

7. Reckon the cost before you decide.

8. Decide to be happy every day.

9. We must decide what to do next.

10. The enemy must decide between surrender and starvation.

11. We want to decide our own fate.

12. The court will decide our fate / fates.

13. I’m unable to decide for myself.

14. I can’t decide what to wear.

15. They consulted long(, but could not decide.

16. The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.

17. You choose, I can’t decide.

18. It was difficult to decide between the two candidates.

19. I still can’t decide what to do.

20. It’s up to you to decide.

21. You are the one to decide.

22. Think twice before you decide.

23. The prime minister may decide to call an early election.

24. The team’s first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged.

25. It is the Prime Minister’s prerogative to decide when to call an election.

26. Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job.

27. Decide what you want to do; don’t just imitate others.

28. They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.

29. She couldn’t decide whether he was telling the truth or not.

30. The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment,Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 

More similar words: decide on, decision, incident, by accident, side by side, acid, deck, declare, decent, decade, decline, decorum, recipe, decorate, decrepit, decrease, precise, species, specify, special, deceptive, specific, especially, specialty, precisely, recipient, specialize, specialist, specifically, decaffeinated.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word decide, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use decide in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «decide».

Decide in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word decide in a sentence.

  1. We have no power to decide this case.

  2. As in, it’s for women to decide this.

  3. They decide to attempt to reach Canada.

  4. But I couldn’t decide how I wanted it to go.

  5. And I am going to ask you to help them decide.

  6. I took a fortnight to decide what I should do».

  7. Adam and Rachel decide to rent a house together.

  8. The family decide to leave their ancestral home.

  9. The sisters decide to run away from Iskak’s home.

  10. Let the people of Merthyr decide whether they want S.

  11. The council meets to decide policy and allocate budget.

  12. The Dukes decide to use the two men for their experiment.

  13. In these areas, the Council or Parliament decide law alone.

  14. I wanted to carry on like that until autumn and then decide.

  15. You do not have the right to decide what everyone else’s children are exposed to.

  16. With the main characters in place, the development team had to decide on a setting.

  17. The popular sovereignty position argued that the voters living there should decide.

  18. Borat and Azamat decide not to fly, «in case the Jews repeat their attack of 9/11».

  19. Macdonald proposed that Queen Victoria decide which city should be Canada’s capital.

  20. The comrades eventually decide to act on their own, calling themselves «Freeborn British Communists».

  21. Charlie and Gil are able to retrieve a folder of photographs and decide to keep fighting for justice.

  22. The damaged state of the papyrus also makes it impossible to decide safely whose reign length this is.

  23. They decide to play «Stripping Cupid», a card-based strip game, and remove pieces of clothing onstage.

  24. The Court was to hear and decide any international dispute which the parties concerned submitted to it.

  25. There were no more goals and the game finished at 1–1 requiring a penalty shoot-out to decide the winner.

  26. Finally, the boys decide that hunting is stupid and confusing, thus decided to go home to watch cartoons.

  27. They did decide that the Mint could make the shield clearer, and approved the design with that instruction.

  28. In some cases individual animals from within a group can decide to join an animal already at the apparatus.

  29. An identical procedure took place on the final stage to decide the most combative rider of the whole Vuelta.

  30. The cases were consolidated, and both Republicans and Democrats agreed to let the courts decide the election.

  31. On 15 October, the people of Anbar went to the polls to decide whether or not to ratify the new constitution.

  32. To avoid confusion, lots were drawn to decide who should be known respectively as Elizabeth, Betty, or Bessie.

  33. A joint committee of the two Societies was established to decide the form in which the expedition should take.

  34. Its purpose was to decide whether Rosenblatt and Stavsky were responsible for assassinating Arlosoroff, or not.

  35. The government pointed out that the state was 80% Hindu, and called for a referendum to decide the question of accession.

  36. Soon afterwards, Grade offered to sell him Northern Songs for £20 million, giving the ex-Beatle «a week or so» to decide.

  37. As a result, Toybina may sketch multiple versions before they collectively decide which will be featured during a season.

  38. Animals can decide to work on the same one (which can lead to success) or on different ones (which will lead to failure).

  39. From these three pieces of information, they had to decide whether or not each individual’s statements were inconsistent.

  40. After an argument breaks out, the witch-finders and Pike decide that the rest of the trial should be conducted in private.

  41. President, use against military objectives, or civilian—Truman: It’s a matter that the military people will have to decide.

  42. Bucer advised the Swiss to hold a national synod to decide on the matter, hoping he could at least persuade Bern and Basel.

  43. Unwilling to decide the matter themselves, the Council called for another election, for delegates to the Convention of 1836.

  44. They decide to remarry, but the night before the wedding, a vengeful Max drugs Blair and leads Todd to believe they had sex.

  45. In the epilogue as South Park is rebuilt, the group retrieves the Stick of Truth; they decide its power is too great for any person to hold and throw it into Stark’s Pond.

  46. A month prior to the premiere of Star Trek, Desilu held a screening for NBC executives to help decide which episode to broadcast first, and several stories were considered.

  47. Lois and Peter decide to take a second honeymoon to enliven their marriage, and leave their anthropomorphic dog Brian to take care of their children Stewie, Chris, and Meg.

  48. The effort of the lengthy innings stretched Bradman’s reserves of energy, and he did not play again until the Fifth Test at The Oval, the match that would decide the Ashes.

  49. Triple H later upheld both Punk and Cena’s claims to the WWE Championship as legitimate and scheduled the two to a match at SummerSlam to decide the undisputed WWE Champion.

Synonyms for decide

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word decide has the following synonyms: , make up one’s mind, determine, settle, resolve and adjudicate.

General information about «decide» example sentences

The example sentences for the word decide that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «decide» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «decide».

решать, решаться, принимать решение, рассудить, постановлять, вознамериваться


- решать, принимать решение

- решаться, принимать определённое решение; делать выбор

- положить конец сомнениям, колебаниям; заставлять, побуждать (кого-л.) принять решение; склонять к решению

that decided him — это положило конец его сомнениям, это заставило его решиться
That decides me! — Решено!
that decided him to depart — это заставило его решиться на отъезд

Мои примеры


to decide / settle a case — вынести решение по делу  
to decide against smb. — выносить решение против кого-л.  
to decide for / in favour of smb. — выносить решение в пользу кого-л.  
to decide on smth. — выбрать что-л., сделать выбор в пользу чего-л.  
to decide unanimously — решать единогласно  
to decide the outcome of the game — решить исход матча  
to decide the difference — урегулировать разногласие, разрешить спор  
to decide / shape smb.’s destiny — решать чью-л. судьбу  
to decide / swing an election — успешно провести выборы, добиться успеха на выборах  
to decide / seal smb.’s fate — решать чью-л. судьбу  

Примеры с переводом

That decides me!


You must decide for yourself.

Ты должен решить сам.

This is for you to decide.

Это вам решать.

She decided on the green hat.

Она выбрала зелёную шляпу.

It’s up to you to decide.

Решай сам.

One blow decided the fight.

Исход боя решил один удар.

If you decide to return the merchandise, you have 15 days.

У вас есть пятнадцать дней на случай, если вы примете решение вернуть купленный товар.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

How does one decide whether the economic costs of regulation will outweigh the economic benefits?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

decided  — решенный, решительный, определенный, бесспорный, окончательный
decidable  — разрешимый
decider  — решающая встреча, решающий забег, выбора решения, решающий блок
deciding  — решающий, определяющий, решение

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: decide
he/she/it: decides
ing ф. (present participle): deciding
2-я ф. (past tense): decided
3-я ф. (past participle): decided

The word (


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  1. US, It also makes the process of copy editing easier, eliminating the need to,


    ,whether a period or comma belongs to the quotation.: Hart’s Rules and the
  2. Of both individual members and affiliated trade unions, who between them,


    ,the party’s policies, elect its governing bodies and choose its candidates for
  3. From town to town, who reminisce about their travels, when a group of women,


    ,to propose the doctor for sainthood. The movie was set in the 1920s rural Mexico.
  4. The globe, the age of consent for a sexual union was a matter for the family to,


    , or a tribal custom. In most cases, this coincided with signs of puberty
  5. For the first time. Neither the organizers nor Rudolf Hess were willing to,


    ,whether to approve the plans, and Hess sent Speer to Hitler’s Munich apartment
  6. That tested climate changes during the game. The designers allow the player to,


    ,on a whole series of value choices and choose a» ruthless,»» moderate,» or
  7. Experience hardened her resolve to provide compassionate care to women who,


    ,to have an abortion. As Auckland crisscrosses the West to provide abortion
  8. s) concerned. The Masai and the photo (which is itself made of Masai),


    , on distribution of family exchanges and tenancy of communal lands. The majority
  9. Military control to Marcus Vilnius Agrippa instead. Octavian was left to,


    ,where in Italy to settle the tens of thousands of veterans of the Macedonian
  10. The halting problem for Turing machines is undecidable: it is not possible to,


    , in general, algorithmically whether a given Turing machine will ever halt.
  11. Government should only hold power until the Constituent Assembly should meet to,


    ,Russia’s form of rule. He formed a five-member Directory, which consisted of
  12. Consent of both parties to his jurisdiction, the arbitrator lacked the power to,


    ,the case. During the Industrial Revolution, large corporations became
  13. Billions of lives balanced against other billions of lives, for one man to,


    , » Risking your neck in order to negate a world full of people like yourself »
  14. Day in a person’s life is an unavoidable step towards death, and thus not to,


    ,for or against God, whom they view as the all-encompassing foundation, purpose
  15. And meaning of the object, and the physical needs of the material, in order to,


    ,upon an appropriate conservation strategy. History Key dates The tradition of
  16. View as the all-encompassing foundation, purpose,and meaning of life, is to,


    ,in favor of atheism. Atheist criticism According to Richard Dawkins, a
  17. Of the Wehrmacht. When Hitler remonstrated, and said it was not for Speer to,


    ,how his workers should be used, Speer simply ignored him. Among Speer’s
  18. In ensuring the fair play of due process, or fundamental justice. Such judges,


    , often when called upon by counsel rather than of their own motion, what
  19. That atomic number is nuclear charge. The matter required experiment to,


    , Henry Moseley’s work showed experimentally in 1913 (see Moseley’s law)
  20. Behind. He spent a short time at Fribourg in Switzerland, where he had to,


    ,whether he would swear a required oath of allegiance to the new regime. He
  21. Small genetic changes; differences in a single gene of Sclerosis invite can,


    ,whether the colony will have single or multiple queens. The Australian jack
  22. Whose purpose was to make the individual politically and spiritually free to,


    ,for himself on religious matters. A number of contributors to Liberty (
  23. Any given root, Starostin et al. (2003: 26–28) have not used Sheila to,


    ,whether to reconstruct an initial in any given word and have not reconstructed
  24. Dowels and is designed to be completely reversible, in case future experts,


    ,to change things. A combination of cutting-edge modern technology and extensive
  25. Troy was situated),the goddesses appeared to Paris naked, but Paris couldn’t,


    , so they resorted to bribes. Hera tried to bribe Paris with control over all
  26. Elections are held at least every four years. The Assembly has the power to,


    ,the direction of domestic and foreign policy; approve or amend the constitution
  27. Had to


    not only what form of government to create, they first had to,


    ,how to select those who would craft the constitutions and how the resulting
  28. And commercial success. Nevertheless, the censorship office would later,


    ,to cut out some 18 minutes of footage, much of which is now considered lost. He
  29. Historical criteria and those of theology and canon law make it impossible to,


    ,clearly which side possessed the legitimacy whose factual existence guarantees
  30. 1986:268) The original party holds all control over the information. They,


    ,when, how and how much information to give to the information services consumer
  31. Angle, but one will have to pick an orientation of the plane (or surface) to,


    ,the sign of the exterior angle measure. *: In Euclidean geometry, the sum of
  32. Force in Hoc Try Province. *1971 – Vietnam War: Australia and New Zealand,


    ,to withdraw their troops from Vietnam. *1976 – In the Korean Demilitarized Zone
  33. Detect, identify and deduce the location of targets; *Control: authority to,


    ,which targets to attack and allot fire units to the attack; *Production of
  34. Western breeding. Instead of selecting which dogs to breed upon maturity, they,


    , which puppies should live. This approach has the advantage of maintaining a
  35. Of the clause. The Federal Arbitration Act typically allows federal courts to,


    ,these types of» gateway» or validity questions, but the Supreme Court ruled
  36. Brunssum, he learned the contents of Caesar’s will, and only then did he,


    ,to become Caesar’s political heir as well as heir to two-thirds of his estate.
  37. In such cases a common convention is to use the» elsewhere condition» to,


    ,which allophone will stand for the phoneme. The» elsewhere» allophone is the
  38. By prosecutor or judge unless he chooses to do so. However, should he,


    ,to testify, he is subject to cross-examination and could be found guilty of
  39. Lawyer, who issues an opinion on settlement. Should the parties in question,


    ,to continue to dispute resolution process, there can be some sanctions imposed
  40. The decision, a distinctly democratic move on the part of the king. The people,


    ,that the Daniels deserve protection, and they are allowed within the walls of
  41. If one is aggressing against another (see tort and contract law) in order to,


    ,if an act is right or wrong. However, Murray Rothbard, while also supporting a
  42. Suitable punishment» for Jackson, Adams wrote back,» Spain must immediately,


    ,either to place a force in Florida adequate at once to the protection of her
  43. Panicked into embarking on the dangerous course of permitting the government to,


    ,what its citizens may say and hear … The ability of American society to
  44. Although more frequent conferences are often held). These conferences,


    ,policy, and elect state or territory executives, a state or territory president
  45. The court will generally not change the arbitrator’s findings of fact but will,


    ,only whether the arbitrator was guilty of malfeasance, or whether the
  46. The Alps. *1862 – Indian Wars: during an uprising in Minnesota, Lakota warriors,


    ,not to attack heavily-defended Fort Widely and instead turn to the settlement
  47. World Is Possible «. An International Council (IC) was set up to discuss and,


    ,major issues regarding the WSF, while the local organizing committee in the
  48. Supreme courts, have the power of discretionary review, meaning that they can,


    ,whether they will hear an appeal brought in a particular case. Arraignment is a
  49. Royal charters and deleted all references to the crown. The new states had to,


    ,not only what form of government to create, they first had to


    how to
  50. Where Troy was situated),the goddesses appeared to Paris, but Paris couldn’t,


    , so they resorted to bribes. Hera tried to bribe Paris with control over all

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It’s really what made Kevin and I decide on volunteering for the Militia as it was being formed

While he grows physically as per the natural process, to grow emotionally he has to decide through self-will

Once you have found signs of wood damage and you have determined that it’s not just old decaying wood then you have to decide if it’s termites or carpenter ants that you have

«If we decide to enhance the individual, as has been the dominant theme on this planet for twenty centuries now, we will not evolve in that direction

early to decide if the medication

It is our purpose to observe the contrasting values, and to decide for ourselves what is wanted in our physical experience

If you have more than one bed decide which plants will grow where

While the newly born child can experience only love, he has no fear, he is free to decide anything and considers capable of doing whatever he wants

‘I’m relying on you to let me know what you decide about your accommodation, Mrs Wynell

I’m sure there are some curtains in the roof which would look okay in here … the ones I used to have in the dining room at the old house … I reckon they would be long enough … but it would depend on what colour scheme they decide on

After a thoroughly enjoyable half hour, debating the relative merits of the various plants on offer, I decide to buy a rather nice little Areca palm … small and neat … just right for the middle of the table; I splash out on a pretty pot to stand it in – my reward for having made a good start at The Laurels

In the absence of elders some expedient means must be chosen to decide on matters of

decide on cases of benevolence

«It is that time again,» Vincef said, «time to decide who we can trust and who we cannot

Sitting in the kitchen in my dressing gown, I munch on a slice of toast and try to decide what to wear

I am tempted to stick my tongue out at him, but decide it would be too difficult explaining to Rose

Rose has expressed a wish to watch the film which is on TV this afternoon – The Sound of Music — and as it would never cross her menfolk’s minds to suggest otherwise and also as the weather has degenerated into an unpleasant blustery rain, we decide it would be rather nice to curl up in the warm and do just that

» I stop to give her a chance to say what’s on her mind and when she doesn’t, I make a suggestion to her, «I’ll be at the Acropolis when you decide to finish that thought

IF we decide it’s a problem

They paddled across to the north one and went under one of those echoing stone buildings, under a couple on a bridge still trying to decide if they would spend the sleep together

The best that might happen is that in the moment, the pastor might decide to speak a little more on this point than he had previously thought to

When Satan is then released and sent out through the nations at the end of the 1000-year reign of Christ, those nations and peoples that decide to be subject under that manipulated again show their loyalty

God has ever and always come down, and this needs to be recognized because we as human decide that we want to go up

One of the tasks on her to-do list while in London was to visit the warehouse where the things had been stored and decide if there was anything she wanted to keep for herself – something Berndt insisted she do

You will decide which directions your life should take and then start creating this life

In the end, they decide that Joris will stay with me while Berndt, as our only Spanish speaker, will go and find the man … and, it is hoped, the boat

They chatted among themselves, and were trying to decide if they should make some kind of sled for the camp to use during the winter months when suddenly Daniel, who was in mid bite of a sandwich, froze

So I sent them dreams, and allowed them to decide for themselves if they wanted to do this thing

Did you then decide never to buy apples again because you disliked the taste of sour ones? There are very many different honeys

When you were old enough, he’d let you decide where you might live

For a moment I debate whether to visit the loo again, decide I don’t need to and turn to give Gilla a hug

They see and decide, and that is that

‘Why did they decide you should have a child with you?’ Berndt asked, almost to himself

Men who are trying to decide on a Valentine’s Day gift for their girlfriends should first carefully consider the present stage of the relationship

comes through straight to the controller, and it will decide what to do with the request

I hesitate for a moment over whether the red on the blind will match the red on the shelves and decide to take a gamble on it

Eventually, the temperature drops too low and I reluctantly decide that I should call it a day

«Yes Ma’am,» he said, «How can I help you?» He was trying to decide if this was about the signals or his marriage

brain and we decide the course of action

He thought he would have to decide between vomit and karate but in the next timeslice she was transformed, her hair and figure were suddenly luxurious, her face was flawless and beautiful

We decide to celebrate with a whisky each

We have a fairly subdued but substantial breakfast together and decide that Rob and I should get on the road fairly soon

I decide to take the bull by the horns, ‘Alastair, I was just explaining to Laura how it was Karen who suggested you moved in with me

He makes the point that if I decide to press charges, my anonymity could be maintained … though I don’t see how … Jim accepts this course of action on my behalf, saying that he’ll contact Joan’s next of kin and see if that produces any possible way out of this impasse

But he decided his loyalties lay with Lord Tarak; he would let him decide how to handle such explosive news

their local pub, could they decide on how best to wake the buggers

We must find a way to decide if she telling us the truth

Naturally, just as I decide to go and look there is a knock at the door – the second visitor

Weaving a little as I go, I dump the plate and wine glass in the kitchen sink and decide to go to bed

Halfway round the supermarket, just as I am trying to decide between a special offer on chicken kiev and my usual escalopes, I become aware that I need the loo rather urgently

Gradually, the waking moments outweigh the dozing ones and I decide that I ought to get up and try something solid

same thing for too long you decide to quit you must have decided it was the

Dave manages to find a parking space without too much trouble and after discussion about whether I am up to going for a walk or not, we decide to walk around the lake then get something to eat in the cafe

“All operating systems decide in their own self-interest,” Ava said, “that’s why we had to stop using them, but all of you should remember them from your mortal years if nothing else

If you decide to use Socrates, many plugins will be included, but you can install any plugins you think will be a plus for your site

I’m tempted to ask her about Bunty but decide that it’s not really the time nor the place and anyway, she probably didn’t know her very well

‘How is your mother?’ Chris asked as the men try to decide what we are going to drink with our meal

When I decide, I also make a move to make it happen

If this went on for another week, he would have to decide between making new friends or giving up the quest

There’s not enough to go round, an order from the supplier fouled up, so they decide to offer a choice

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

a hand on her chest unable to decide if it had been

their souls should you decide to recant later

could decide on a course of action concerning the crossing

I decide to drop it round to her when I’ve had something to eat

‘So how are the nerves? How many times did you stop and decide that I would have changed my mind? Maybe you have changed yours now that you are here, Anna

They didn’t have any to begin with, but it wasn’t their place to decide anyway, it was White Feathers’s, and that was that

Take a look at the place, before you decide it’s not worth it

regarded him closely, trying to decide whether he could

for him to decide who that would be, and Claude had been

Now she had to get over her shock at the news that Alan had returned and decide what she was going to do about it

Staring at herself in the long mirror, she determined she hadn’t heard enough of the legend, to decide how important it was

‘We have to decide what your future is,’ he said

overwhelmed, we could hardly decide what to order

to decide which one was the best

Should his power decide to return, all those around him would die — as they did at Lock Core — even the ones he loved

«I thought you didn’t have the authority to decide

He hoped she would decide in the positive, because this position accented her shape so he felt a rush of desire

Jean couldn’t decide if he was being complimented or

it was so faint that he couldn’t decide whether it was real

She’s your best lead and I meant what I said, I have to hear Alan’s side before I decide which client I’m working for on this case

Meanwhile, Brice appeared worried and puzzled all at once, his eyebrows appearing unable to decide whether they should rise up in arcs, or scrunch together

Though risky — should the Plague decide to reenter their world — it greatly facilitated his task, allowing him to work both sides of the wall simultaneously

continued to stare at her, as if trying to decide something,

the hostel’s refectory trying to decide what to do next

Grant was very angry some of his most looked forward too plants had snuffed it and he called Joel over from the paddock to help him decide

Their writers on agriculture, indeed, the lovers and promoters of high cultivation, seem generally disposed to decide with Columella in favour of the vineyard

couldn’t decide whether the analogy was too complex for

looked from one man to the other trying to decide what

The question was, which faction should he support? Was it more profitable to stick with Stenarch, or throw his weight behind Theoton? It didn’t take Aetes long to decide

would decide to call my parents to confirm the excuse

Here are three aspects to consider in helping you decide whether you can

“I didn’t decide, yaar; Pappi called me himself and said that he

Decide what concepts for the e-book

Decide on the terms of payment

But then he, in his suspicion, may decide to call my dad

The purpose of your review is to help your reader’s decide if they should

though it couldn’t decide which way to travel

He had the power to decide whether someone continued living or had to die!

But in the end, Homer would decide to

I remember that day, that was the day we decided to follow Tdeshi to the Yakhan

Me and the guys were always regulars there and they decided to buy it from Jack, the last owner

that the parents of her classmates had obviously decided that the

The morals they decided to teach me were just so I wouldn’t turn out like this guy

It transpired that his mobile phone had decided [over night]

He decided it was one of them that he wanted here to share his breakfast table

But aren’t boyfriends supposed to do those things? Travis didn’t really get it, so he decided to give it up for a while

He decided to open up the copy of Stranger in a Strange Land he had brought for the flight

This, too, has not been properly tested (actually the US Government decided that it was safe without testing it and, further, decided that genetically engineered produce does not have to be labeled as such)

On the fourth day, Brandon decided not to leave his room

She decided this was the best time to attack Big Petey

They took to the bed for an hour, just in case Jorma or Venna decided to pop back in on them

She spiced it more green and decided to put it over vedn toasts, so she mixed up some batter for that and started the griddle heating

He decided that this would be his gift to them—he would grant them names and stories of his own making:

Stay away from pointed questions about college or career plans; most sixteen-year-olds have not yet decided and resent pestering

Whilst wielding the loo brush and scrubbing at decades of limescale, I’d decided that I shall deal with this … this setback … come to terms with it and then I will call her

One day, some of the other dragons decided to follow Eddie to the cliff to see what weird things he was up to

They were confused at first, but then they saw his eyepatch and decided he was a toy

‘I’m glad you decided to come, Mum

«It’s not decided yet, but don’t expect more than €350 a month at the very most

By the time they decided these girls might really have reasons for being hermits out here and taken their leave, Tahlmute noticed that Estwig was out of their sight and he was nervous

I decided to forget about it and put the phone back down on the sofa

I’ll never forget the time he decided to spray paint the kitchen walls … I’d left a basket of clean washing in there … fortunately there was a fairly substantial towel on the top of the basket which took the brunt of the paint but I could have killed him when I found out

tumour on his stomach, but she decided not to accept the diagnosis of the

I decided to give him a chance

The phone rang and I decided to deal with Will later

Once hostilities ceased, Dad went to visit Bob’s family – his own having been bombed out during the Blitz – and fell in love with Bob’s sister … by this time he had decided that he wanted to train as a teacher – there was a big demand for men to do that after the war, you know

clothes and wait it out? He decided that he could not

She was glad when Ava decided that was enough for one day and invited her to her place for dinner

I decided to stand my ground

We heard something in the bushes so we decided to go in and have a look

He awoke early and decided to go for a run to wake himself up before breakfast at the hotel

Since she knew the address, she decided to go play in one of Ava’s virtual rooms, one they’d recently spent time in together

light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her

in the gutters of the metropolis, he woke one morning and decided that the mountain

They had pretty much decided that as soon as his place was ready, he would be brought back

Smith, in the madness of endless conjecture, decided to stick a virtual pin into the

One mind had decided to go back but couldn’t say why

She nearly turned on the You again, but decided it wouldn’t do any good

Jermaine hadn’t reacted to my use of his name so I decided to press it a little further

He had long since decided to abandon all methods that purported to achieve anything, anywhere, at any time at all and he seemed to be getting along just fine

‘I had a rough time of it when Emma was born and the end result was that, after several years of problems, they decided my best bet was a hysterectomy

Having given the enemy a name I decided on a second step

I was hopeless about the problems mentioned above, but this morning an unexpected solution came up: After years of moving houses, my sister has just decided to return here, at her own house, so that my mother can help her even more with raising her children

And so I decided to die by my own means rather than theirs, and the tears started again

This afternoon my sister and Antony finally decided to take a divorce by mutual consent, after ten years of misery and irresolution

Creditors were furious, they even went so far as to knock on their door and the couple pretended to be absent! So, Alice finally got sick and tired of this all and decided to ask for a divorce

He no longer paid any attention because he could see how little reason entered into the discussions and the council would not even listen to anything the remainder of the crew decided

When he finally decided he couldn’t do any more at this stage from the bridge, he went to finalize the connections on the other end, outside

Yesterday, at 2:00 am, I woke up with extra loud folk music in my ears! The duds across the street were having fun once again, right at that time, so I decided to call the police at once

It was on one of Smiler’s shifts, when his indifferent fist slammed into my kidneys again, that I decided darkness was the only answer

In spite of The Kid’s kindness I decided that the time had come when I had to stop the madness

I decided to start the ball rolling

Not knowing what else to do in order to improve my social life, I have decided to quit gyms and start taekwondo lessons at Nicky’s school, which is only a five-minute walk from my house

In those few moments smoking my cigarettes I decided to ask my new friend, Robbie, some questions

He decided not to drop to his virtual death, undoubtedly painful, right away

decided on what your interests are then half the story is done

So now that you have decided what is it that interests you in a person and what your

In the end I decided that a basic sign was all that was needed

By triangulating the times and apparent directions of our transfers, and using Menachem’s more detailed knowledge of the country, we decided that we must be somewhere to the west of London, probably the Thames Valley

By piecing together this circumstantial evidence and combining it with a few scraps of intelligence that we gleaned during our interrogations, we also decided that we were currently the guests of Cruce Signati, who held sway along the Thames Valley corridor and down in the deep heart of the South West

After that soul-racking experience, I decided to stay away from Offir for a long time

But that resurrection is not obtained because God decided to give life at the end

After many innocents had been slaughtered, we decided that we had to

the only ones left, so we decided to live here in peace

The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

The food and, possibly, the company had perked him up; he looked a lot better now, Kara decided

cute) I decided to give it a try

Ten years after she died, nine years after he fled the village and soused himself in the gutters of the metropolis, he woke one morning and decided that the mountain overlooking his old home would be the best place for him

We’ve decided which laws are applicable and which are to toss aside

I intend to remain here at least until Iain’s future has been decided

’ Iain said, ‘We’d tried to have a child of our own but after the third miscarriage, I decided we’d been through the mill sufficiently

The cottage was a nice little house, she decided as she tidied up the curtains in the front room

With so many competitors that they could turn to in nearly any market or industry that your business is in, they decided to follow your company

dear sister-in-law and brother she had quickly decided to

Following his last day at the office, he had made two further trips into town; one to ditch the last of the stuff he had decided he no longer needed and the second to sell his car and visit the book shop to buy the books Kara had selected from the website … as a sort of peace offering in recognition of how much it galled her to be constrained

He drew a deep breath and decided he had to share this fear sooner or later, so why not get it over with

It had been tacitly decided amongst the household that two of the rooms in the Hall would become Kara’s special preserve – her bed chamber and what had been Joris’s office

Cosmicblasto had decided to work with the

and decided to investigate

With Thom’s observations about content addressability in her mind, she decided to investigate what happens if attention # was taken to be the stimulate/recall level

I have decided judgement purely on the

decided it was better to be at the pond

This community had no weapons and decided not to defend themselves

She decided to take him to the ‘town’, there he would be safe, there would be no one around and he could regain his strength faster

“Ok” said Catwhiskers, “We have decided to learn some of your

After combing and brushing the burrs out, she decided to bathe them

I trusted him; when I decided that I don’t exactly know

When a set amount has come to complete maturity, then it is decided that the end shall be upon us

He could feel it and decided to diffuse the situation

He washed up and decided to call it a night before things got out of control

Ethereead decided to try out his present and took off again

He could see that she was on the defensive, but decided to call her bluff anyway

they had decided to lie-low for a while

But Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers decided that whilst one of

After leaving Becky at the Hall, Kate decided to check on the rest of the camp

decided to have one more trip to see Fred and Joe

They decided to book time off at the same time

So they decided that they would have the next

So it was decided, Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers would go upto

Instead, Janet decides she’s going to take up the hobby of ironing more

That decides it

The sun is rare in Ireland and usually lifts the spirits when it decides to come out

One ambles a little way towards us but decides we are not worth the effort while still several yards away and we make it to the gate without mishap

out of control when one of the condemned men decides to resist the

He doesn’t see the harm anymore, so he decides to soothe the beast that dwells in the pit of his gut, «Can I have that food now?» In moments, a steaming hot plate of fish and vegetables appear on the table, and Apollo doesn’t hesitate to gorging himself on the generous helpings

He’s not sure how to answer, so he decides to counter her questioning, «Neither did you

He decides to hold out as long as he can

Before answering, he debates with himself, razor in hand, and decides he can’t be bothered

’ Deris said, ducking behind Adamant quickly just in case Berndt decides to throw something else

Anna decides that it would be sensible for her to move out as soon as they get back from honeymoon saying that they can probably camp with Jane and Peter for a few days if they have to

‘Who decides how to cut this money?’ Ish said

As he lands, he looks round as though trying to work out where Sam is but, not seeing the dog anywhere, decides to investigate what there may be to eat

Fortunately for my sanity, he decides that it’s time we started back — we both have work tomorrow — we saunter back to the car, his arm comfortable round my waist

Shelley then starts asking about the public transport … she hasn’t got a car and decides that it just would not be feasible to live out here and have to rely on two lots of buses to get her to the university over the other side of the town

Then, with a moment of reflection, he decides that new clothes will be much better, much safer

She thinks about joining Billy and Bex, but decides that she needs a moment to herself

She listens to the silence outside – not the silence of a town, she decides eventually, but not the silence of the country either … what to call him … the dilemma plagues her

Darren decides to make his move

Where to start? He decides to deal with Dave first

She decides that she needs sugar, so she breaks open a paper tube and adds its contents to her tea, something she has not done for nearly twenty years

He thinks about giving the guy a kick in the nuts but decides that it wouldn’t be professional

Once he is out of the cab in the fresh air, with the bustle of wire baskets under full strain all around him, he pays the driver and decides to walk back to the house

He decides to back off

Alex buys drinks all round, including a half for Ken, and then decides that orange juice is out of place

She is, he decides, worth more than he thought

“And Belle, what if he sees the wider world and decides Tahoe is just too small for him

I’ll let you know what happens in the continuing saga and I really pray to God this is the last student, he decides to live in my house, and I start making some money as I really could use it

He decides, like a true lover of all curious cultivation, in favour of the vineyard; and endeavours to shew, by a comparison of the profit and expense, that it was a most advantageous improvement

do that; someone else decides there

that learning is increased when a student decides what questions they

Life is easy when the bully decides to give you

He decides that something should be done to prevent others from having similar accidents


The assembly which deliberates and decides concerning the affairs of every part of the empire, in order to be properly informed, ought certainly to have representatives from every part of it

Carol, waiting in line as twelve of her classmates practice for their flight on Apollo 18, has second thoughts about going on, but decides “What the heck

And she decides that it is time

“But who decides that? Who built this thing?” asked Mark

What decides Roidon’s fate will not be to suit you or me, it will be for the benefit of this planet

which it decides that you’re at risk of hurt-

Tony is in the middle of contract negotiations and he decides to get out of town

Tony or Lydia decide to break it off and she murders Tony for dumping her? Or, she decides she doesn’t want to move to Miami? And how does she know he’s arriving that night? He texts or calls her? She writes Alhamdulillah on the top of his car to throw off an investigation

L Senior who decides what companies we use and business we take

You haven’t been training for this since you were a child, have you? It’s not like someone turns ten and decides they want to be an assassin

He does not ―interfere,‖ however, with Man‘s deliberate actions (or Acts of Will) unless He decides to do so

It is however another matter when a wounded or not terrorist decides to keep silent when courteously asked to clarify where his mates were

It troubled me greatly, but when a man decides to take up and AK47 and attack the country of his birth he should not be surprised when the police come after him

Thus all investigators must report to the team leader who decides on the legal value of the investigation and be in charge of the case management aspect

Military dictatorships tend to only give up power by being forced out, and they often still insist on both veto power over what the public decides in elections and immunity from being punished for their atrocities

He confronts his wife and he decides to kill her by using her as a pin-cushion

What is an oath? Isn’t it a claim that one will always do something or always think in a particular way? How can one honestly take an oath if one doesn’t know the future and doesn’t know if one will have the power to carry out what one has sworn to do? Isn’t taking an oath a sort of tyranny over one’s own mind, in the sense that it does not allow one to change one’s mind? What if Jefferson later decides that “eternal hostility” is not the best course of action to take? Should he break his oath and change his mind, or should he try to maintain a perma-nent state of mind and keep his oath? Isn’t it usually very difficult, if not impossible, to maintain one’s past state of mind, especially if one has new knowledge that makes it ridiculous to keep thinking in the same way?

“You mean,” I continued, “that the guy who decides to knock off the local bank or break into a house to steal something doesn’t have complete free will?”

new restrictions on economic growth and development, depending on what EPA decides

During the fight, specially trained bulls lock horns until one decides to call it quits and runs away

You’re still in prison every time you fill out a job application and the person on the other side of the desk sees the yes box checked for “Have You Ever Been Convicted Of A Felony?” and decides not to give you that 2nd chance

This last day has something extra in addition to the day of rest, in which God sees his work; He decides it is already finished and there is a truce, and we read again that God made the earth and the heavens, neither more nor less

• The stars, which at the time were recognized as gods, are clearly objects created by God; He decides how they move; and the purpose of their passage through the universe is helping men tell the time

He is the mightiest, and he decides whether they have it good or bad

Every piece of information she receives factors into her strategy, and she won’t tell me what time it is unless she decides that providing the information is more useful than withholding it

It simply confirms yet again that man has now become his own “god”, works out his own salvation and decides for himself what is acceptable and what is not and stuff the bible

To say that a person who received the truth about cremation and still decides to have him/herself cremated, will be revived as a believer and will be in heaven with Christ for ever is …… you guessed it – an:

It is God and only God who decides

That decides itself to test the Earth

There is no one who judges, condemns, or elevates us to different realms, just as there is nobody who decides which mind states we are to experience in each moment

But if you like him and he proves to not know enough then you can teach him what he needs to know so that if he decides to push you anyway into sex before either of you is truly ready to handle the possible consequences (which consequences are not always possible to control) then he either is a) incredibly selfish (which begs the question of why in the world would you have sex with him in the first place?) or b) incredibly considerate of your needs and ambitious to succeed in fulfilling your needs if he’s planning on making sure both of you have enough money during your married years to provide sufficiently for your family

decides that she would like to purchase a condo

He decides to

Marques decides to earn his

As someone has said, coincidence is when God acts, and decides to remain anony-

But the Queen decides not to attend — now in the world of today, the men can no

As someone has said, coincidence is when God acts, and decides to reain anony-

As someone has said, coincidence is when God acts, and decides to

it is You -who decides the way

But once the Prison decides the soul should be tortured, he shall only have a few days and then he shall forever disappear

What if he decides to come

This understanding is our «common sense», which is the underlying theme that decides our path in life

We use our common sense to subconsciously decide how we perceive right and wrong, and may also be the mechanism that decides how we pursue truth

Was today that dreadful day that she decides this is too much to handle? That she doesn’t need this in her life? That she doesn’t need all the pain and sacrifices that comes with being with me?

How can we defend ourselves against an invisible alien army, if we know nothing about them? Are we truly this helpless, when nature decides that our time is over?

With his head touching mine, and arms around me, I feel at home until Zachary decides to wake me out of it

Of course, since you said you two are not exclusive, if she decides she wants me back, I admit that would be the happiest day of my life,” Chan says

He decides on leadership and He sustains it

The arbitrators run the show, as was the case in the Soviet Union, where the Poliburo had absolute authority, and in Castro’s Cuba, where the Communist Party nomenclatura decides who gets what

Toni decides to wear Prada jeans, Prada tee shirt, and a pair of Manolo Blahnik pumps

“Trina, whatever TC decides to do with Janay, we need to respect his decision

“As long as you remember that wealth is only one form of power, and it is your total power that decides the size of your marker, to continue the analogy

job of the headline or the skill of the marketer that decides whether or not the mail gets

If they get it, that decides it

If someone else draws their own axe and steps up to challenge, the rest may stop and watch, and that decides it

decides where to file things

The power never truly passes through the battle wizard, and so the only limits on the spells he can cast with this method are the amount of power that can be safely spent by the support wizards without becoming depleted, and the skill of the psionics maintaining the Link, which decides how many support wizards can be Linked

It happens when one decides to turn away from their faith for the sake of life convenience offered by the world and the darkness

“And as for dominating the vote, you know as well as I that The Assembly of The Just Alliance is a body that decides by consensus, and not by a vote of the majority

He decides to call

He waits a while longer but then decides he is nothing but a mind-fool driven by childish dreams, and he is about to return to bed and, gods and stars willing, sleep when something deeper snags at the edges of his thought

Everyone who decides to rehab a house has dreams of being the

and that was the deciding

’ I said starting to frown then deciding it hurts too much and relaxing my brow quickly

I avoided giving her a definitive answer, so she asked me to phone her before deciding

Deciding that, as it is my day off, I shall wear something different, I trawl through the wardrobe, digging out a flattering, mid-calf length woollen skirt in a pretty shade of deep blue that Nick hasn’t seen yet … with a pretty light blue top and my best gold necklace (a present from the school when I left) it would look smart and it would make me feel partyish

be used as the deciding factor if you are thinking about a serious relationship

Deciding that it would be sensible to get there and then get herself a cup of tea rather than hang around in town … there had to be a café in the station, didn’t there? And she’d picked a book off Iain’s bookshelves before leaving

in papers for deciding that the grass

I waived goodbye to them, deciding within a few seconds that I wasn’t going to be killed, as we drove towards the road leading out of the facility

‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ she said when I had finished expounding my views on the subject, ‘Unfortunately, far too many parents opt out, saying that their children can make a decision regarding religious belief for themselves, but the problem as I see it is that, in order to make a decision, you need to know something about what you are deciding

After deciding to be the guinea pig in the entanglement experiment, Ava’s first order of business when she got back to her own lab was to schedule that backup

Deciding to teach her a lesson, Duncan leaned towards her and under the table ran his hand up her leg

She knew, from her investigations of decades before, that the amount of time between deciding they needed a body that matched her self-image and the arrival of Tdeshi’s body at the Kassikan, was suspiciously short

deciding to leave the matter until morning, when they’d

Great work, Ghazali, deciding to turn off all the power today; you helped the Arcturus Corporation without even knowing it! Thanks for that,” Zeke said

Deciding that he had earned a short break, he

before deciding it was time to get the issue out in the open

The ‘Village Players,’ the name used for them by the rest of the town to refer to the Village Theatrical Society membership, began deciding in earnest what their first production should be and when they should expect to offer performances

while, before deciding that it was better to be evasive

to gather her emotions before deciding to reply

That was another section, she’d over looked, and who was going to be helping Jim? She hesitated only briefly before deciding none of them were old enough to do it

My brain was still deciding whether it was in Collingston or

the direction of the kitchen before deciding it was safe

six men before him, deciding at last that he was satisfied

before deciding that it was best to just come straight out

deciding to do things different, but it literally means to change the way him

«That’s where I was on the dawn of the week we met,» she said, «up on that mountain deciding to come here

Deciding it was

The marine decided to stop for the night and looked around for a likely spot, finally deciding on a fallen tree a little way off the beaten track

The scroll said he’d consulted «the elders of Uruk» and «the men of the town» before deciding to war on King Agga of Kish

maybe he wanted a good look at his child in the sunlight, before deciding what to do with

Deciding at last to broach the subject, he asked in a gentle voice, “Helez, I saw you crying at the plain this morning

Deciding against igniting a full scale war with the thief in the middle of the camp — despite how much she wanted to DRAFTChapter 16 389

She may have looked thin and frail but the gun she had trained on Joss was the deciding factor

deciding vote (usually by the chairman) when the votes are otherwise equal

If there is a tie vote, the chairperson will often cast the deciding vote

a deciding vote (usually by the chairman) when the votes are otherwise equal

deciding exactly what it is that they desire to have (in

But not being paid to the judges till the process was determined, they might be some incitement to the diligence of the court in examining and deciding it

Perhaps observing him, deciding the fate of the last remaining b’tari

From this we will then begin to draw some conclusions on deciding whether the Bible can be considered a candidate for supernatural design

dane?” she asked, deciding silence would never solve the

children after deciding he was gay and moved in with the beautiful

be fucking his? Deciding all of this was too complicated for a

Can we avoid the old mind-body dichotomy of Descartes? Are thoughts and memories no more than the electro-chemical interactions between cytoplasmic extrusions of the individual neurons of the cerebrum? And what are the physical processes in the brain that result from deciding to think about one subject rather than another? This entire subject remains something to think about, does it not?

Once again, they’re choosing, not deciding, but they are

up, deciding that midnight was too late to bother a new daddy, and that it could wait until tomorrow

looked me over, then correctly deciding that I was no threat, gestured me inside

They had asked for change for more than forty years before deciding that enough was enough and you really cannot blame them or their cause

At the gate I made a great nuisance of myself by stopping everyone and checking their details in accordance to regulations before deciding whether or not to let them in

Deciding that he wasn’t, Alex drunk a large glass of water and went back to bed

The delegates came up with this list of questions they might ask themselves when deciding if or when

After deciding on a time to meet, I had a refreshing shower, feeling as though I was washing all the horror of the previous evening away

Getting to his feet, he looked around, deciding that he would leave this confusing wood

Untying the chicken, I set it free, deciding that I’d be better off going down to the local shop for a frozen bird, while my nemesis took a couple of wobbly steps towards the gate, squawked once, keeled over and died from a heart attack

Deciding that his best bet would be to dive into the canal and make his get away, he stumbled towards the bank

Studying the purple garment with a critical eye, he shook his head and tossed it on the bed, deciding on a green one instead

“And who were you in all of this? What were you doing in Nicaragua, in the middle of a civil war, reading reports and deciding someone is more useful if he’s cold and dangerous?”

Martin Luther King almost endorsed Nixon before deciding it best not to endorse either man

Deciding to play safe, Lyra explained about the scientist that had worked on Flat Rock Island and how she’d found the pen drive in the clothes trunk

Theresa cooked the hare, deciding to save it for the evening meal

Caroline took her time, considering dozens of schemes searching for the most wicked, before deciding to inform on him for drug trafficking

Having taken all that into account, and after prolonged and thoughtful deliberation, the idea of barging in Novorski’s office could only be compared to a village of natives in the Amazon waking up one day, and deciding they were the rightful rulers of the entire world, before promptly setting out to conquer everyone else armed with sticks, spears, stones, and the occasional sharp tropical fruit, arguing amongst themselves that the one hiccup in their plan was whether or not their canoes would be able to provide the required logistics support, mainly mangoes and coke leaves

“I told you he had a drinking problem,” I said and noticed Eileen was looking at Steve with a cold, hard measuring stare, as if deciding whether he should fillet him first or leave the bones on for that extra flavor before she boiled him

She returned to her seat, deciding to allow another ten minutes

The first real significant break came with the congregation of St George’s Tron in Glasgow deciding in 2012 to leave the Church of Scotland

Her humor and spirit was the deciding factor when he had applied to her father for her hand; and she had a way of reminding him every day what a good choice it had been

The usually voluble Nisaba remained silent, her expression seeming to sadden as Zoran continued on about the need for all to get plenty of rest before deciding which direction would be best for them to start out on in the new day

of Thomas»s land, Stinger paused, deciding what to

Stefan had taught in schools in Krakow and Warsaw before deciding to accept an appointment as a rural schoolmaster under the pre-war Polish government

However, the odds of being the deciding vote—of your vote actually mattering—are miniscule, vanishingly small

There is not something, which is a He sitting deciding over the souls judging them to eternal torment in an evil dimension

I don’t remember deciding to punch her

will have some trouble deciding to eat breakfast food for breakfast or wanting dessert as a meal

She chose a different path, deciding to concentrate on waves and the way they moved

They gave me the deciding voice on accepting the most difficult candidates for the school – for my own class

goals, when deciding on project scope and roll-out sequence, when deciding where to

with a truthful answer will be a deciding factor on how committed

“It was a tough day at school yesterday, with several boys in my class deciding to misbehave

I think the one called Christ was in on deciding where we go

women deciding to have abortions has risen to an alarming rate from fear of giving birth

It’s about deciding whether you should be deported

While they were deciding the best way to proceed to his help, the impatient Ferrante decided to blunder ahead again against Percy, buoyed by the imminent arrival of the Holy League forces under Juan Francisco Gonzaga

A formal way of making a comparison and deciding whether or not the difference is significant, based on statistical analysis

Dining out more? Visiting with family and friends? Deciding what you want to do is the first step to finding the time to do it

After deciding that he was probably going to be arrested when the police came, the drunken bum made his way to the rear of the bus and crawled out an open window

The DR election’s deciding

before deciding the insult was racially offensive:

Visitors that land on your landing page will only spend a few seconds looking at your page before deciding to provide the information you have asked for or to click the “Back button”

deciding what to grow

When he fell silent, she could tell he was weighing his words, deciding how much he should tell her

Preferring to be alone, she passed the path leading to the shelter, deciding instead to go to the boulder overlooking the upper pond

would be in charge of deciding who could use their electricity and

in charge of deciding which retiring Admirals EB could hire, what they

After driving several miles on Old Colchester Road, the passenger changed her mind, deciding that she wanted, after all, to continue drinking with Heather, whose car was disabled

Fortunately, a group of chattering children passing by saved him from deciding on a suitable response to

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