Sentence for the word corresponding

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


And the corresponding law establishing jurisdiction was passed only weeks ago.

И соответствующий закон, устанавливающий юрисдикцию органа, был принят только несколько недель назад.

The corresponding safety survey prepared by an expert .

З. соответствующий анализ вопросов безопасности, подготовленный специалистом».

The corresponding figure for 1995 was 133 convictions.

В 1995 году за аналогичные преступления было осуждено 133 человека.

Memory captures this and subsequently they appear whenever a corresponding intrinsic motivation appears.

Память фиксирует это и в последующем они возникают всякий раз, когда появляется соответствующая внутренняя мотивация.

Although operating profit declined, profitability was higher than the corresponding quarter of last year.

Несмотря на это, судя по операционной прибыли, рентабельность была выше, чем в соответствующем квартале прошлого года.

They should also undertake to conclude corresponding international and legally binding instruments.

Они должны также предпринять усилия для того, чтобы заключить соответствующие международные юридически обязательные документы.

Language is a currency whose value depends on corresponding behaviour.

Конечно, слова — это разменная монета, ценность которой зависит от соответствующего поведения.

Number of refugees provided with repatriation and corresponding transportation grants.

Число беженцев, которым была оказана помощь в репатриации и выданы соответствующие путевые пособия.

Non-governmental organizations with human rights education programmes have corresponding activities and materials.

Неправительственные организации, реализующие просветительские программы в области прав человека, проводят соответствующие мероприятия и располагают необходимыми материалами.

Not surprisingly, territorial borders and their corresponding jurisdictions tended to hamper investigations.

Неудивительно то, что территориальные границы и соответствующие юрисдикции, как правило, мешают проведению расследований.

Separate sector policies are represented in corresponding sections.

Политика, осуществляемая в отдельных сферах, представлена в соответствующих разделах.

After we study those applications we’ll make corresponding decisions.

После того, как мы до конца изучим данные предложения, будут приняты соответствующие решения.

Opposition parties believe that currently there is no corresponding election and political environment for conducting democratic elections.

Оппозиционные партии считают, что на сегодняшний день, в стране не существует соответствующей избирательной и политической среды, для проведения демократических выборов.

Every data that we share online has a corresponding metadata.

Все данные, которыми мы обмениваемся в режиме онлайн, имеют соответствующие метаданные.

This will result in a list of relevant pollutants and corresponding limit values.

Это позволит составить список загрязняющих веществ, от которых необходима защита, с указанием соответствующих предельных величин.

Obligations under these regimes and agreements are implemented domestically under corresponding pieces of legislation.

Обязательства, принятые в соответствии с этими режимами и соглашениями, осуществляются на национальном уровне согласно соответствующим разделам внутреннего законодательства.

The current development agenda comprised policies that promoted market-oriented reform packages and corresponding institutional arrangements.

Повестка дня в области развития охватывает политику, предусматривающую меры в области рыночной реформы, и соответствующие организа-ционные механизмы.

Other resources required to carry out these activities would be redeployed from the corresponding subprogrammes when support needs arise.

Другие ресурсы, требующиеся для осуществления этой деятельности, будут выделяться из средств, предназначенных для соответствующих подпрограмм путем перераспределения, если возникнет необходимость в поддержке.

Establishes that anyone who becomes aware of such devices must inform the corresponding agencies.

Предусматривается, что любое лицо, которому станет известно об их хранении, должно незамедлительно сообщить об этом соответствующим органам.

Capacity-building is needed to apply available scientific knowledge and corresponding know-how.

Для применения имеющихся научных знаний и соответствующих «ноу-хау» необходимо укреплять потенциал.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word corresponding, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use corresponding in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «corresponding». In addition, we also show how different variations of corresponding can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are correspondingly. If you click on the variation of corresponding that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Corresponding in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word corresponding in a sentence.

  1. A corresponding post stood on the Kent shore.

  2. The name of the corresponding field is actuarial science.

  3. The corresponding Runge–Lenz vector is more complicated,.

  4. These pages can then be placed in the corresponding books.

  5. The volume numbering initially followed the corresponding U.S.

  6. He was a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome.

  7. The species name imbricata is Latin, corresponding to the English term imbricate.

  8. Cleveland was a formidable policymaker, and he also drew corresponding criticism.

  9. Eno alternated eight bars of each riff with corresponding bars of its counterpart.

  10. If a physical system has energy, it also has the corresponding mass, and vice versa.

  11. Their freestyler Sergey Koplyakov later came fourth in the corresponding 100 m event.

  12. Fuzzy ARTMAP is merely ARTMAP using fuzzy ART units, resulting in a corresponding increase in efficacy.

  13. Route 2 had an alternate branch, Route 2A, corresponding to a split in the Lincoln Highway near Fallon.

  14. There are eight columns in this periodic table fragment, corresponding to at most eight outer electrons.

  15. The list is organized geographically, roughly corresponding to the main principalities of the Kievan Rus.

  16. Diamond has a wide band gap of 5.5 eV corresponding to the deep ultraviolet wavelength of 225 nanometers.

  17. This resulted in a dramatic decrease in their mortality rate and a corresponding rarity of fossil remains.

  18. This spherical problem can be rendered into a corresponding planar problem using stereographic projection.

  19. The canon tables illustrate the unity of the Gospels by organising corresponding passages from the Gospels.

  20. This is reinforced by the use of the tzolkʼin to record dates of birth, and provide corresponding prophecy.

  21. There are depictions of blameworthy activities, from gossip to murder, with their corresponding punishments.

  22. Many of the simple salts are hygroscopic, but less so than the corresponding salts of lighter alkali metals.

  23. Finally, when a character equips a piece of magicite, they may summon the corresponding Esper during battle.

  24. Memory recall and construction of experiences undergo revision in relation to corresponding emotional states.

  25. Hansen and the poor performance of (and corresponding alumni calls to remove) head football coach Bud Carson.

  26. However, no spikes corresponding to known Soviet atomic tests were conclusively found in SOLRAD/GRAB 1’s data.

  27. The normal shape of this area is unknown because the corresponding area of the right side of the frill was not recovered.

  28. The arrival of automobiles, and corresponding decline in demand for carriage horses, coincided with a split in the breed.

  29. The corresponding disulfides, diselenides, sesquisulfides, and sesquiselenides are known, and IrS3 has also been reported.

  30. The surface number density probably lies in the (1.2–7)×10 cm range, corresponding to the surface pressure of 0.2–1.2 µPa.

  31. With Avid Media Composer, Machliss was tasked with syncopating each animatic to the corresponding song from the soundtrack.

  32. The connection is direct, meaning that when a pedal is pressed, its corresponding key on the manual is pulled down with it.

  33. By 1906, he and Olga were corresponding regularly, when Olga’s husband Duke Peter appointed Kulikovsky as his aide-de-camp.

  34. The workers’ initiatives and the corresponding responses of the dominant authorities intensified social conflict in Finland.

  35. This messenger RNA molecule then serves to produce a corresponding amino acid sequence through a process called translation.

  36. In the second case, both roots are identical, corresponding to a solution circle that transforms into itself under inversion.

  37. He competed in his second Olympics in Mexico City in 1968, racing the 100 m and 200 m freestyle and the corresponding relays, having completed his transition to sprinting.

  38. The supraoccipital bone, which formed the hindmost base of the cranial crest, had muscle scars at its upper end (probably corresponding to the attachment of neck muscles).

  39. To show this, Gergonne considered lines through corresponding points of tangency on two of the given circles, e.g., the line defined by A1/A2 and the line defined by B1/B2.

  40. Thus, underneath continents it becomes stable at temperatures of 950 degrees Celsius and pressures of 4.5 gigapascals, corresponding to depths of 150 kilometers or greater.

  41. Neil Brooks, the freestyler, later came 14th overall after having an asthma attack, and Peter Evans was the only individual medallist in the corresponding individual event.

Correspondingly in a sentence

Correspondingly is a variation of corresponding, below you can find example sentences for correspondingly.

  1. This correspondingly increased the range to 20,400 m (22,300 yd).

  2. The Rampart Dam’s large size had a correspondingly large price tag.

  3. But, in consequence, their life span on the main sequence is correspondingly shorter.

  4. Often, the larger ants have disproportionately larger heads, and correspondingly stronger mandibles.

  5. This made life easier for the Communist antiaircraft gunners, but correspondingly less so for the aircrew.

  6. Ishii takes care to avoid set conventions, and his influences are correspondingly very wide and non-specific.

  7. Lady Grange’s circumstances were correspondingly more uncomfortable and no-one on the island spoke any English.

  8. Because the Japanese were not expecting an attack, the garrison was weak, and Allied casualties were correspondingly light.

  9. Political Animals and Animal Politics has three key aims, and, correspondingly, its chapters are split into three sections.

  10. The lack of a correspondingly large sternum to anchor their large flight muscles restricts them to being primarily soarers.

  11. Men could travel under their own power, skiing, rather than riding on the sledge, and loads could be correspondingly increased.

  12. As coal output from British collieries reached its peak in 1913 there was a correspondingly large number of accidents around this time.

  13. The lack of a large sternum to anchor its correspondingly large flight muscles physiologically identifies it as primarily being a soarer.

  14. The vocabulary for describing individual garments in the Inuit languages is correspondingly extensive, which Issenman noted in Sinews of Survival:.

  15. They also consumed correspondingly larger numbers of anchovies to maintain their caloric intake as this species has fewer calories than the pilchard.

  16. At solar-cycle minimum, the toroidal field is, correspondingly, at minimum strength, sunspots are relatively rare, and the poloidal field is at its maximum strength.

  17. In this predator-prey pair, an evolutionary arms race has produced high levels of toxin in the newt and correspondingly high levels of toxin resistance in the snake.

  18. This process produces huge quantities of uranium that is depleted of uranium-235 and with a correspondingly increased fraction of uranium-238, called depleted uranium or ‘DU’.

  19. Many of the world’s navies began building their own dreadnought battleships, which were significantly larger—and correspondingly more expensive—than the old pre-dreadnought battleships.

  20. The first issue was titled The Magazine of Fantasy, but the decision was quickly made to include science fiction as well as fantasy, and the title was changed correspondingly with the second issue.

Synonyms for corresponding

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word corresponding has the following synonyms: comparable, like, same, proportionate, in proportion to, commensurate, related, related to and similar.

General information about «corresponding» example sentences

The example sentences for the word corresponding that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «corresponding» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «corresponding».

соответствующий, соответственный, подобный, ведущий переписку


- соответственный; соответствующий
- подобный, аналогичный
- ведущий переписку

Мои примеры


a test question and its corresponding chapter in the textbook — проверочный вопрос и соответствующая ему глава в учебнике  
a number of corresponding diagonal points — ряд соответствующих диагональных точек  
corresponding crest — соответствующий уровень  
corresponding side — соответствующая сторона  
corresponding reductions — соответствующие сокращения  
corresponding speed — скорость буксировки модели, соответствующая скорости натурного корабля при одинаковых числах Фруда  
corresponding stages — гидравлически сопряжённые бьефы  
corresponding state — соответственное состояние  
corresponding states law — закон соответственных состояний  
corresponding states — соответственные состояния  
corresponding surface elements — соответственные поверхности; гомологические поверхности  
corresponding units — условные обозначения  

Примеры с переводом

All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.

Все права несут с собой соответствующие обязанности.

“Robert” is a boy’s name, and the corresponding name for a girl is “Roberta.”

«Роберт» — это мужское имя, а соответствующее ему женское имя — «Роберта».

Sales are up 10% on the corresponding period last year.

По сравнению с соответствующим периодом прошлого года, продажи выросли на десять процентов.

As the cost of steel goes up, expect to see a corresponding increase in building costs.

Поскольку цены на сталь идут вверх, следует ожидать соответствующего увеличения расходов на строительство.

The war, and the corresponding fall in trade, have had a devastating effect on the country.

Война и соответствующее падение объёмов торговли оказали на страну разрушительное влияние.

Возможные однокоренные слова

correspond  — соответствовать, переписываться, согласовываться, быть аналогичным
correspondingly  — соответственно, таким же образом

A sentence for the word corresponding. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use corresponding in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for corresponding.

  • Corresponding premiums were paid by the English. (19)
  • A corresponding acuteness must exist to welcome him. (10)
  • Has the reader no duties corresponding to his privileges? (1)
  • A merry-go-round of creditors required a corresponding whirligig of receipts. (10)
  • Those were the corresponding two strokes of the pendulum which kept the woman going. (10)
  • Troubled enough to desire the show of a corresponding trouble, Henrietta read at their faces. (10)
  • And her reading of the mind was right, wrong altogether her deduction of the corresponding sentiment. (10)
  • In the fauna of the region that I had traversed I had noted changes corresponding to those in the flora. (7)
  • He could see the one side, with the corresponding eye, at apparently the same angle as the other side with the other eye. (1)
  • We happen to know that he has opened negotiations with the Holy Synod and is corresponding eagerly with the secret cabinet. (12)
  • That is, if his people fail to attach him in legal bonds to a damsel of a corresponding birth on the day when he is breeched. (10)
  • These articles, corresponding, as far as a monthly could parallel a daily, to the leader of a journal, were usually one to a number. (14)
  • A corresponding sentiment of patient compassion, akin to scorn, is provoked by persons having the opportunity for pathos, and declining to use it. (10)
  • First we see the influence of the Gothic in architecture, producing a corresponding unity in music; a unity which was concomitant with Measured or Mensural Music. (3)

Also see sentences for: equal, equivalent, like, resembling, similar, tantamount.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for corresponding. Now that you’ve seen how to use corresponding in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

1 All rights have corresponding responsibilities.

2 All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.

3 The war, and the corresponding fall in trade, have had a devastating effect on the country.

4 It has name corresponding to the facts.

5 I’ve been corresponding with several experts in the field.

6 Fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.

7 Sales are up 10% on the corresponding period last year.

8 The Redskins lost to the Cowboys in the corresponding game last year.

9 What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract.

10 Give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.

11 She stopped corresponding with him after the death of her mother.

12 A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.

13 For women the corresponding figure is 5,(

14 The corresponding figure for modern schools was 15.7 percent.

15 Every debit must have a corresponding credit and vice-versa.

16 But neither do such concepts reduce to the corresponding predicates, nor indeed are such predicates entirely dispensable.

17 A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

18 They have been corresponding with fourth-graders in schools that neighbor missions, up and down the state, via e- mail.

19 The corresponding results for the sentence completion task were sixty-five percent and eighty-three percent.

20 Any change in consciousness is accompanied by a corresponding change in the biophysical system.

21 Such changes in length cause a corresponding oscillation in the fringe pattern.

22 As the course becomes more difficult, there’s usually a corresponding drop in attendance.

23 Imports in the first three months have increased by 10 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.

24 Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.

25 Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.

26 March and April sales this year were up 8 per cent on the corresponding period in 1992.

27 Company losses were 50 per cent worse than in the corresponding period last year.

28 A major change in the infrastructure will therefore produce a corresponding change in the superstructure.

29 The price in column 4 is simply 20 percent on the corresponding average cost from year 2 onwards.

30 However, each social group in Bradford uses the zero variant more than the corresponding group in Norwich.

Table of Contents

  1. How do you use the word corresponding?
  2. What is the meaning of the word correspond?
  3. How do you put correspond in a sentence?
  4. What is another word for corresponding?
  5. Which word does Weary not correspond to?
  6. What is the opposite of corresponding?
  7. What is the opposite of corresponding angles?
  8. What are the corresponding angles?
  9. What is a antonym for correspond?
  10. What is a corresponding sentence?
  11. What is a synonym for communicate?
  12. What is the synonym of compatible?
  13. What is a word that means easy to get along with?
  14. How do you make a compatibility?
  15. Is compatible with sentence?
  16. What means compatible?
  17. How do I know if APK is compatible?
  18. How do I install incompatible apps on Android?
  19. What versions of Android are still supported?
  20. What is API level in Android?
  21. Which Android API level should I use?
  22. What is Android SDK version?
  23. What is API 28 android?
  24. What is the best Android version?
  25. What is the latest Android version name?
  26. What is Android stock version?
  27. Which phones will get Android 10 update?
  28. How do I upgrade to Android 11?

Examples of corresponding in a Sentence As the cost of steel goes up, expect to see a corresponding increase in building costs. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘corresponding.

What is the meaning of the word correspond?

1 : to be alike : agree Her finished sculpture did not correspond to how she had imagined it. 2 : to compare closely The words “give” and “donate” correspond in meaning. 3 : to communicate with a person by exchanging letters.

How do you put correspond in a sentence?

Use “correspond” in a sentence | “correspond” sentence examples

  1. The two halves of the document did not correspond.
  2. Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race.
  3. I assure you my actions will correspond with my words.
  4. Their nursery schools correspond roughly to our infant schools.
  5. His actions do not correspond with his words.

What is another word for corresponding?

In this page you can discover 105 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for corresponding, like: similar, isonomous, like, analogous, counterpart, identical, conterminous, alike, equal, accompanying and reciprocation.

Which word does Weary not correspond to?

Sentimental means being very emotional and full of sentiments. We observe that the meaning of sentimental is not similar or related to that of weary. Hence option ‘c’ is the correct answer. Exhausted means being tired and having no energy to work.

What is the opposite of corresponding?

Antonyms: dissimilar, unrelated, different. Synonyms: similar, same, comparable, like, alike(p)

What is the opposite of corresponding angles?

Angles that are on the opposite sides of the transversal are called alternate angles e.g. 1 + 8. All angles that are either exterior angles, interior angles, alternate angles or corresponding angles are all congruent. The picture above shows two parallel lines with a transversal.

What are the corresponding angles?

: any pair of angles each of which is on the same side of one of two lines cut by a transversal and on the same side of the transversal.

What is a antonym for correspond?

Antonyms: vary, differ, disagree, jar, clash. Synonyms: match, tally, fit, answer, agree, suit, harmonize.

What is a corresponding sentence?

Use “corresponding” in a sentence | “corresponding” sentence examples. corresponding. 1 The war, and the corresponding fall in trade, have had a devastating effect on the country. 2 All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. 3 Fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.

What is a synonym for communicate?

Synonyms. convey transfer pass along pass transmit pass on put across.

What is the synonym of compatible?

SYNONYMS. well suited, suited, well matched, like-minded, of the same mind, in agreement, in tune, in harmony, reconcilable. archaic accordant.

What is a word that means easy to get along with?

A congenial person is easy to get along with.

How do you make a compatibility?

Make compatible synonyms

  1. reconcile. make compatible and reconcile.
  2. harmonize. make compatible and harmonize.
  3. square. make compatible and square.
  4. make congruent. make compatible and make congruent.
  5. balance. make compatible and balance.
  6. syncretize. make compatible and syncretize.
  7. reconciling. make compatible and reconciling.
  8. to reconcile.

Is compatible with sentence?

Maybe he would never find a compatible mate. There’s an anomaly in your blood that makes you compatible with our kind. Obviously his taste was compatible with hers. the sovereignty of God is so exercised as to be compatible with the freedom of man.

What means compatible?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : capable of existing together in harmony compatible theories compatible people. 2 : capable of cross-fertilizing freely or uniting vegetatively. 3 : capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction.

How do I know if APK is compatible?

Re: How to check Android app compatibility. @PoogzleyIf you go to Google App store pick any app there is a section that will say “Requires Android” that is the Android OS .. just match that to any devices you want or thinking of purchasing usually the later ones will work with apps designed for earlier versions YMMV.

How do I install incompatible apps on Android?

Restart your Android device, connect to a VPN located in the appropriate country, and then open the Google Play app. Your device should hopefully now appear to be located in another country, allowing you to download apps available in the VPN’s country.

What versions of Android are still supported?

The current operating system version of Android, Android 10, as well as both Android 9 (‘Android Pie’) and Android 8 (‘Android Oreo’) are all reported still to be receiving Android’s security updates. However, Which? warns, using any version that is older than Android 8 will bring with it increased security risks.

What is API level in Android?

What is API Level? API Level is an integer value that uniquely identifies the framework API revision offered by a version of the Android platform. The Android platform provides a framework API that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system.

Which Android API level should I use?

New apps and app updates must target Android 10 (API level 29) or higher; except for Wear OS apps, which must target API level 28.

What is Android SDK version?

The system version is 4.4. 2. For more information, see the Android 4.4 API Overview. Dependencies: Android SDK Platform-tools r19 or higher is required.

What is API 28 android?

Android 9 (API level 28) introduces great new features and capabilities for users and developers. This document highlights what’s new for developers. Also be sure to check out Android 9 Behavior Changes to learn about areas where platform changes may affect your apps.

What is the best Android version?


What is the latest Android version name?

Android versions, name, and API level

Code name Version numbers Release date
Oreo 8.1 December 5, 2017
Pie 9.0 August 6, 2018
Android 10 10.0 September 3, 2019
Android 11 11 September 8, 2020

What is Android stock version?

Stock Android, also known by some as vanilla or pure Android, is the most basic version of the OS designed and developed by Google. It’s an unmodified version of Android, meaning device manufacturers have installed it as is. Some skins, like Huawei’s EMUI, change the overall Android experience quite a bit.

Which phones will get Android 10 update?

These phones are confirmed by OnePlus to get Android 10:

  • OnePlus 5 – 26 April 2020 (beta)
  • OnePlus 5T – 26 April 2020 (beta)
  • OnePlus 6 – from 2 November 2019.
  • OnePlus 6T – from 2 November 2019.
  • OnePlus 7 – from 23 September 2019.
  • OnePlus 7 Pro – from 23 September 2019.
  • OnePlus 7 Pro 5G – from 7 March 2020.

How do I upgrade to Android 11?

How to get the Android 11 download easily

  1. Back up all your data.
  2. Open your phone’s Settings menu.
  3. Select System, then Advanced, then System Update.
  4. Select Check for Update and download Android 11.


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Initially I went out looking for solutions for myself to improve my own spelling and grammar, which led me to stumble across Linguix. I know from my own personal experience that it’s made a massive difference to my communication patterns. My grammar and spelling and everything has improved dramatically based on what I’ve actually learned from the software. Just get in there and give it a crack. You won’t regret it.

Matt Jones

Director&Business Development @ Tradie Web Guys

This tool has been pivotal in improving our customer responses and online help center articles to look and sound professional. Linguix has done an excellent job not just on grammar and spell checking, but also on making an attractive and modernized UI on all their customer account pages and other tool integration that make it fun and engaging to use.

Caleb Bates

Director of Customer Success @ Worldplay

We have been using Linguix for over a year now, and we have found it an amazing tool to reduce common writing issues. The ability to check work as it is being written, and the added help when editing makes it a vital part of the CGMagazine process.

Brendan Frye

Editor-in-Chief @ CGMagazine

Great tool for grammar checking and writing skill improvement. I type, get my fixes, and then Linguix offers me tailored language training. This is just amazing!

Jane I.


[Linguix is] the Grammarly destroyer you’ve been waiting for. Linguix brings everything to the table that its competitor does, plus some amazing features. The UI is definitely preferable and very clean.

Christopher J.

CEO at Owl SEM

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Definition of Corresponding

comparable or equivalent

Examples of Corresponding in a sentence

The corresponding word for ‘one’ in Spanish is ‘uno,’ and for two the Spanish word is dos.


My brother and I were playing chess, but every time I moved a piece he would move the same corresponding piece on his side.


The two acrobats were in perfect sync, and would make the corresponding movements that allowed them to reflect each others’ performance.


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